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Old 09-28-2007, 04:09 AM

"You can't!" Aki yelled to them both. "Just go, please. Please." Akirian begged. She didn't want her friends hurt.

Hatch is offline
Old 09-28-2007, 04:12 AM

The green head lolled to one side as if Rayne had no bones in her neck at all, hair fell into her face and sheilded her one normal eye, allowing the other to burn erieely out of her face.
"I don't care." Came the cold reply.
"Wounds are nothing...pain is my only friend besides lets me know I'm still alive." She smiled, her mouth stretching across her face oddly, pointed teeth poking out just beyond the pale lips.
"Again..I don't care..get in my way She-Wolf and I'll kill you too." She tilted her head again and then smiled, laughing softly.
"On second can have the bastard...he's not really worth my time." She staggered forward and looked up at his face, her gaze shallow and dark.
"But I'll be taking the girl...all rights are now mine." Her hand snapped out over the male's and gripped tightly, her knuckles popping under the stress.

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Old 09-28-2007, 05:05 AM

"Rayne." Aki cried she could feel the increased pressure on her arm. Penisgesicht glared daggers at Rayne. Grabbing Aki's other arm, Penisgesicht threw Rayne's grasp off.
"You will not touch me." he growled.

Hatch is offline
Old 09-28-2007, 02:55 PM

"Who?" Came the confused reply. Rayne's face then took on a knowing smirk and the small frame slid into a very snake-like 'S' shape.
"Oh, her You're talking about my useless other half, sorry kid, but Rayne is indisposed right now. You're speaking...with Lillith."

It was dark where Rayne lay...she'd lost conciousness after hitting the ground like she had, all she could remember was Aki..and Ferreira..and..the man that had struck her friend. She wept in her solitude, unaware that the shadow she'd tried so desperately to keep lcoked away...and already been given a persona.

Lillith hissed as Rayne's hand was grabbed and tossed aside like it was nothing.
"Damn you Rayne.." She cursed looking at her hand.
"The least you could have done was kept this body of yours in shape for me." She turned a painfully bright eye to her opponent.
"That wasn't a suggestion. That was an ulitmatium."

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 09-29-2007, 03:00 AM

Any anger Lumerielle felt towards Raze had been dissipated immediately when she witnessed his concern for his brother as he offered him his shoulder to lean on.

As they rounded the corner and Bray voiced his concerns about something not being right, she spotted Ferreira. Lumerielle had been about to call out when she also saw Aki, Rayne, and the stranger who had hold of Aki's arm.

She lowered her bow from her shoulder and pulled an arrow from her quiver, then strung the arrow to her bow, though she didn't pull back on the bow string. She would see what was going on first.

Rayne looked very oddly contorted and Lumerielle wasn't sure if she was feeling alright. When she saw the man grab Aki's other arm, however, she knew Aki was not safe, and she raised her bow.

Ignoring her own pain, she pulled back on the bow string and called out, "Stranger, release Aki or I shall let this arrow fly. I can promise you, it will be true to it's mark! Aki, are you alright? He hasn't hurt you, has he? Rayne, are you ok, dear? You seem...a bit off! Ferreira?"

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Old 09-29-2007, 05:18 AM

"Rayne? Give back Rayne!" Aki yelled.
"Very demanding wench for one who can't keep her head on straight." Penisgesicht growled drawing his sword he knew it would come to a fight sooner or later and he was glad to see it finally happen. This girl was obviously hot tempered all he had to do was be patient and she would reveal some weakness such as his daughter. He growled when he heard another female voice wondering how many women he would have to deal with. He turned his head to look and found a group. He frowned at first but suddenly smirked as his gaze fell on Bray. "There you are."
"BRAY run go!" Aki yelled catching sight of her brother tears were running down her cheeks.

Bray stopped as they rounded the corner and found Rayne, Ferreira and Aki. "No." Bray breathed. He wasn't supposed to find her but there he was grabbing her arm tossing her around like a doll. He saw the smirk as Penisgesicht caught sight of him. Bray knew what was going to happen, he was going to pay for hidding Aki. Bray didn't do as Aki yelled instead he walked towards Penisgesicht glaring.

"Smart little boy save me the trouble." Penisgesicht laughed.

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Old 10-01-2007, 01:00 PM

Lillith didn't address the newcomer, obviously the 'Lume' that Rayne had become so attached to, nor the child that screamed for her to 'give Rayne back' they were hers, but she didn't owe any of them an explination nor their request. This was between her and the man. happened..his guard dropped, or as much as it was going to.

"Too SLOW!" She cried making a dive for his knees, with her weight pushing backwards, and Aki pulling him off balance already, he was sure to go down..and when he did...she smiled.

SEG is offline
Old 10-01-2007, 04:24 PM

Where there had once been one Rayne, there were now two, confounding Ferreira to no end. Though, she said nothing, her mind was buzzing in so many different contrasting directions. She had thought that Penis would be her's, assured by the sword-wielding girl that she would be the one to slaughter him by her own hand. However, Ferreira stalled for reasons that baffled her, the suddeness of the adorable green eyes and chocolate hair of her pup swimming in her vision startling her, disenchanting her from this world as that human jumped to take what her's. She shook her head fitfully, dismissing the danger that Lillith presented with her commanding voice, 'That bastard is mine. He has done nothing to you, and nor will he when I'm finished here.' Ferreira, despite being slightly underweight from her years of torture at Penis' hand, was in far greater condition than Lillith, nor was she afraid of the sword the woman wielded like a maniac. That was simply the kind of brazen woman Ferreira was.

Her head snapped backward, still keeping an eye upon both Lillith and Penis, her pointed gaze meeting the quartet containing those she held dear to her. She'd completely forgotten Raze's transgressions, as they were petty in this situation, instead focusing upon her brother-in-law's love interest, Lume. Like every elf she'd come to know, that bloody bow as drawn, pointed directly as the very same target Ferreira laid claim to. Fury boiled at Ferreira's collar, she wanted nothing more than to toy this prey prior to the brutal kill, however, all these trigger and hilt happy women were getting in her way.

Waikar stuttered incoherently as his eyes, one pretty puffy due to an infection festering beneath the lid, fell upon Penis. He had been so sure that he and Ferreira would never have to see this man ever again, that they could go on without ever dealing with his torturous hand ever again. Too hopeful. There was so much anger, and more importantly sadness, registering in Ferreira's face that forced Waikar's stomach to turn. He knew every one of his wife's intentions and none of them settled well with him. The hatred that she directed at him, though it was not meant for him, pained him greatly. 'Go to her, now,' Waikar ordered, his voice uncharacteristically dark, matching the situation that was so quickly escalating.

Raze hadn't the need to be told once, for as soon as his brother had opened his mouth, he'd known the words that would pass. He unhooked Waikar's arm from his shoulder, being sure his brother could stand feebly in place before racing to meet Ferreira. She looked like she was about to pounce on anyone who dared get close enough to her, but, beneath that terror driven facade, Raze knew she was coming undone and that she was about to cry. Her eyes had always been expressive like that.

The one thing he'd always had upon her was speed, so easily garnering the element of surprise and catching her by the arms, pinning them behind her back as he callously said, 'Don't do anything rash.' He allowed a glower to pass between him and Penis, clearly, they'd met, before he continued to breath his warnings into her ear, 'You know damn well the danger that is present, do you really want to leave the husband you so recently joined?'

Ferreira growled so audibly that even Waikar could hear it despite the distance between them, her gaze focused upon Penis so intently that she could've bored holes into him. 'I'm fine!' she screamed irritably in response to Lume's questioning, attempting to throw him off of her, though she never met up with success.

Waikar groaned as Penis wielded a sword, his desperation only intensifying when the dreaded man addressed Bray. Waikar's glance shot directly to the boy, raising a questioning brow as best as he could. How did Bray get mixed up with such a dreadful character? Aki's scream broke his thoughts, a truly heart-wrenching sound that grated upon Waikar's ears like nails on a chalkboard. He hadn't noticed until now that Penis had ahold of the little one, muttering only one word, 'Fuck.'

The little witch boy was approaching now, Ferreira forcing out of Raze's grasp, taking all of her thinning patience to not wheel upon him and rip his throat out. Instead, Lillith made a dive for Penis, who was apparently unawares, Ferreira, without a thought, hot on her heels. 'OH NO YOU DON'T!' Ferreira screamed wildly, not about to miss this opportunity, especially if the stupid broad missed him. The heat of the moment muddled Ferreira's ability to coherently analyze the situation, all she knew was she was pouncing straight for the man, and landed hard upon what felt like armor. Her elbow shot upward as she drew back her dagger like claws, making a stealthy and deadly dive for what she hoped was his throat. For all the times he'd stolen her breath, she was going to steal his.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 10-02-2007, 02:08 AM

Everything seemed to be happening so fast now, the world was spinning in fast forward as Lumerielle seemed to suddenly realize that nearly everyone here knew this man and harbored anger or hatred towards him

hurt and anger, the hatred that burned in Ferreira's eyes was enough to make Lumerielle shudder. For a fleeting moment, she felt she knew what had driven this hatred into the wolf woman.

What did Aki and Bray have to do with him, though, and why was he holding onto Aki? When Rayne knocked Penis to the ground, Lumerielle sprang into action and ran forward scooping Aki up into her arms and carrying her away to safety.

She didn't know what else there was she could do, there were too many of them too close to him, she certainly couldn't take a shot at him with her bow. Besides, she knew from the look in her eyes, this man's life, or death rather, belonged to Ferreira and no one else.

She may not have agreed with it, but she knew that look, and she would not kill the man, unless one of her friend's lives depended on it.

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Old 10-02-2007, 08:22 PM

Penisgesicht found himself off gaurd for a moment when Lilth brought him down. Desperate to stay on his feet he pulled on Aki bring her small form down with him. Seeing as though it didn't help to have Aki with him, he released her throwing her across the ground harshly. Obviously he could have her dead but he didn't have to worry about her going anywhere considering her brother was here now. Hearing Ferreira's yell and her faling on his arm he brought his sword up to protect his neck knowing far to well that the wolf woman happened to like ripping them apart.

Bray turned to Aki as she rolled across the ground. He watched Lume scoop her up before turning back to the man before them all. Aki lay quietly in Lume's arms slipping between conciousness and not. She also seemed to be between a transformation into some animal, only ears and tail aparent. Bray took one last glance at his sister and gasped at her mid transformation. He knew he would have to keep Penisgesicht distracted until Aki was out of sight. He could not let him see her transform for doing so would create a much bigger mess.

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Old 10-03-2007, 01:37 AM

Lilltih cursed in the crawling span of time that she found herself in.
"DAMNIT!" She cried seeing Ferreira leapt after her.
"IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR KILL AIM FOR HIS FACE!" The sword was already closing between the She-wolf's hands and his neck.

She shot a glance over as she hit the ground and rolled away. Aki seemed safe for the time being..however odd she looked. There was the boy she remembered..ah yes, Lillth as a male..she'd be sure to deal with him later. It wasn't like her to hold such a petty grugde, but really..that was uncalled for.
Need a sword...need one NOW

((Edit: My bad..that's what I get for skimming..ish fixed XDD))

SEG is offline
Old 10-03-2007, 02:40 AM

[ SHE DOESN'T HAVE A DAGGER. I'll be editing this into a post once I'm done with one for another rp.>>;; That'll take me forever && a day. ]

[ Lol, that's ok. We all know I ramble wayyy too much.>>;; ]

Waikar fitfully threaded his claws through his limp auburn hair, desperately wishing for his mobility. He was completely useless, feeling as if his life were flashing before his eyes, rather than the rapid-fire actions of all those around them. He was too busy trying wipe the stupidity from his features, in complete disbelief of Rayne. Never had he seen the well-mannered girl act in such a fashion, so viciously tackling a man nearly double her size, and definitely her strength and current stamina, to the ground. Penisgesicht fell so harshly, and in a mere moment, Ferreira had pinned one of his arms, Lume worming her way out of the woodwork with Aki's small form bundled in her arms. While that little detail put him somewhat at ease, he couldn't hinder the shaking, haggard footsteps that desperately approached Ferreira. It wasn't the issue of killing that bothered him; he'd come to accept that portion of Ferreira's personality long ago. No, he was fretting over the fact it was the Penisgesicht, the very same one that had broken their bones so many times over. The one who'd ordered the slaughter of their boy.

'OH, NO, I WILL HAVE HIS THROAT!' Ferreira retorted ferociously as she took the murderous plunge, her hearty blow colliding with a throbbing twang against Penisgesicht's weapon, forcing an irritable growl from her bared fangs as she retracted her deadly claws. 'Damnit!' she roared, swiping the sword directly from his grasp, rebounding onto her feet. She firmly clasped it at each end, ignoring the searing pain slicing at her left palm as she raised a knee, all the while slamming it downward. An eerie metallic clink informed them of the shattering weapon, the halves of which Ferreira callously discarded off to each of her sides.

'Settle this like a man,' she growled, the balls of her feet acting much like springs as she pounced into the air. Her eyes shined ominously from the height she'd managed to garner, her body pelting straight for the target she so maliciously focused upon. Little did she know that Raze had decided it was finally time for intervention. He cared little for Ferreira's feelings in this matter, unable to hinder the protective instincts that urged him forward into a speedy linebacker tackle. If Ferreira was going to act so stupidly, he was going to be there to balance her out, for Waikar’s sake.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 10-06-2007, 06:58 PM

Now that Aki was safe in her arms, Lumerielle spun around to see what was happening. It was all happening so fast, it seemed like a blur to her. Or was it that her head swimming from the blow she had received earlier, and the suddenness of her movements. Feeling quite dizzy, she slumped to the ground and leaned her back up against the foundation of one of the demolished buildings. She mumbled, "Are you alright, Aki?", then darkness enveloped her.

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Old 10-09-2007, 05:26 AM

(i suppose its my turn now.)

Aki slipped into the form of a small wolf and the darkness consumed her.

Penisgesicht rolled away from the women as Ferreira snapped his sword. He decided now would be a good time for a retreat as strong as he was he could not take on the four of them when two had gone absoultely insane. He looked around and found Aki his eyes widening as he saw her tansform. He turned to Bray whos eyes were wide in fear. "You stupid boy, this is why you hid her soo well." He laughed and began to walk towards the unconcious Lume and Aki, knowing full well he would be attcked from behind but it would be one on one now. He could take the she-wolf and the brats until he got his brat then he would be gone. Only to come back later to kill that bastard brother of his brat.

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Old 10-09-2007, 02:21 PM

"DAMNIT!" Lillith was taking no more chances, she'd had enough of this. Ferreira had done her a great dis-service by breaking the weapon..but since it was all she had....
She made a mad dash for the shards of the blade that lay broken on the ground, her body stretched out low as she ran. Grabbing up two peices, one long shard from the blade, and then what was left on the hilt, Lillith skidded around on the balls of her feet and shot after her opponent.
"You're not getting away!" She cried making a leap for his back.

Synns is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 07:56 PM

I hope that its ok that i'm joining now

Name: Syn
eye color: ice blue
hair color: Black with one streek of grey and one of white
gender: Female
breed: Ancients (a human with the ablitly to turn into an anthropomorphic animal. hers is feline)
age: old but looks 20
clothing: black and leather is all she will tell you
personality: sweet but she has her bad side/ mean streek
past: to much to say. her life has been a hard one

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:10 AM

((Hello, Synns, welcome to the RP! You can find the OOC thread here :) ))

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Old 10-10-2007, 09:09 PM

Penisgesicht heard the cry of the female. Ducking down he grabbed a metal rod from the ground that had come from one of the destroyed buildings. Spinning around he turned to face the wench.

Bray deciding Penisgesicht was ditracted well enough with Rayne/Lillith made a run for Aki right past her father. Suddenly he found himself on the ground his left cheek in some serious pain.

"Stay where you are boy." Penisgesicht growled. He obviously had just hit Bray with the pole. "Now where were we wench?" he asked.

(YaY! welcome)

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 10-11-2007, 01:39 AM

Lumerielle's head was spinning as she awoke. From her position on the ground, she had a clear view of Penis's back.

Carefully setting Aki aside on the ground, she sat up, then grasping the foundation behind her, she stood up, feeling quite shaky, so she sat down again, but on the foundation, this time.

Letting her bow drop from her shoulder, she pulled another arrow from her quiver, then shakily strung the arrow into her bowstring, and pulled back, slowly.

Closing her eyes a moment to clear her vision, she finally opened them, and took aim.


The arrow flew from her shaft straight for Penis's back, right for his heart.

Not having the strength to shoot another arrow, she let her bow drop to the ground, then bent forward, holding her head in her hands, her elbows propped against her knees.

Lumerielle had no way of knowing if her arrow made it's mark.

Hatch is offline
Old 10-11-2007, 02:23 AM

Lillith fell just beyond him and slowly turned with her weapons.
"We were just to the point where you die." A smirk crossed her thin dark lips, and she quriked an eyebrow as if to say 'well?' She slipped her foot forward, and heard the bowstring. With a whip she jerked her arm down and smiled as the feathered end shot off into the surrounding and the arrowhead spun off in a diffrent direction.
"Now then...I'd hate for you to be shot by that thing...when I prefer the feeling of your face crunching beneath my foot anyway." She turned a shoulder to Bray and Aki.
"Stand up boy...there's no time for weakness. Move your sister away." Her eyes rolled around to Raze and Ferreira.
"I won't take your kill She-Wolf, for it is your right as you have claimed, but I require my own pound of flesh for this man's transgressions upon what is mine."

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Old 10-11-2007, 10:59 PM

doess any one know how to get gold please tell me i cant even see my self o and please pm me if your going to tell me please tell me

Synns is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 05:55 AM

Syn was walking though the forest as she herd a loud camotion. worried she started to run towards it to see if she could help.

Bye the sounds of it, there seemed to be mostly women involed and someone screaming for a person to get ther sisters away. of course she could have been wrong.

Growling in a low inaudible tone she steped forward.

"ok now what's going on here and who's perverbial ass do i get to kick for harming a female?"

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Old 10-12-2007, 06:52 AM

"Oh don't worry woman you'll get your piece of flesh though it won't be mine." Penisgesicht growled again. Bray stood up back away abit before wipping away the blood from his lip with the back of his hand. He moved again to try and get Aki but found himself dogging the pole. "I said stay put boy, unless you want me to deal with you first."

At the sound of the new voice the two men looked in the direction of Syn. Seeing it was only a female Penisgesicht just laughed. "Another woman, are there no men here in this battle?" he taunted.

Hatch is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 02:27 PM

Lillith rubbed her fingers across the bridge of her nose.
"Do you just like to hear yourself talk?" She muttered, turning back to Bray.
"He told you to stay right? Well, I said move.." With venom in her tone, she moved to him and jerked Bray to his feet, shoving him off towards Aki and then to the treelines.
Before ehr opponent could get in another shot at the boy, Lillith rolled a peice of debri onto her foot, and slung it at his head, using the breif distraction to race close enough to him and lash out with her foot, cramming her boot into his gut. She smirked and wound her body like a spring to attack again.
"It doesn't matter if there are only women here, you haven't killed one of us yet." This time, she leapt forward with a low sweep with her legs trying to knock his feet out from under him.

John Bing
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:20 PM

Name: Arkham
Eye color: At the day it's white. But at the night the eyes become blood red
Hair color: Dark gray
Breed: Half human half Monster
Personality: Silent type
Past:Before his birth, his family lived in a small hut next to the woods. At that time there was a legend that said there was a monster, look inhuman and power unable to be measured is hidden in the heart of the forest. According to legend the beast at night leaving behind food because sunlight is overpower her eyes red and weighed their skin. Fortunately, she did not know if the legend was true. Never had heard of a victim of the attack of the human beast, and some said the beast be passive, never attack without reason. Until today. The beast attacked the family of Arkham and kills all leaving only the beautiful Lihiam, mother of Arkham, alive. The monster captured it and kept in captivity in his ring for months. The beast urgently needed an heir because he knew he was dying. After fifteen days of it being found in the ruins of his house by forest guards, was born a boy. He appeared to be normal, but the mother knew he had something special. The blood running in his veins damned gave him the ability to night vision, increased strength and incredible speed. Do not think that made him into a kind of super human. He also had weaknesses as a light so sun (not had much effect on the skin but limited his vision in 65% during the day), lost ten years of her life and have a life full of fear for himself and nights of terrible nightmares . At fourteen years of age the mother was killed by unknown species of animals. Arkham fought there because he knew that she was the only person he remained. Taking the only things that left him, his clothes, left behind their roots paternal ... He spent 5 years is preparing for its demand following three laws
First: Killing the Father
Second: Killing the Father
Third: Survival


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