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emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 03:03 AM

Mai wasn't interested. After having gone with out actual human food ever since she had found herself with Ty and his partner, she was busy concentrating on the food in front of her, though she couldn't help remark silently to herself. "can't remember? more likely wouldn't tell" shrugging she continued to eat, slowly, savoring the myriad of tastes.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 04:24 AM

Virsat had been more than willing to let Derrick go further, he offered no resistance when Derrick leaned further into him. Only soft noises of enjoyment, until Derrick had pulled back. A light whimper escaped Virsat's throat and he clung to Derrick almost fiercely for a few moments. When Derrick dropped his head onto Virsat's shoulder, Virsat reached up and pat the back of Derrick's head lightly. "..It's okay...It really isn't the proper place to do such things as that anyway.." He wriggled slightly, almost a little nervously.

Virsat interlocked his fingers with Derrick's and stepped back just slightly, enough so their bodies were no longer so close. There was a light smile on his lips, and his cheeks were still colored with a blush. He tugged lightly on Derrick's hand, to get him to come along, as he took a few steps towards the RV where the others were already eating.

diamond_archemedes is offline
Old 09-16-2010, 11:20 PM

"Awww... But I was so looking forward to spoon-feeding you." Mekia teased, putting some food onto her own plate as neatly as possible. Her last meal had been that cow, and she'd had to return it shortly after. Even that seemed forever ago... She was starving.

Leaning forward a little, the fire-wolf inconspicuously peeked out the doorway, and a pained smile twisted her lips ever so slightly. She recognized that feeling... love... It had been gone from her heart since her parents died... She stayed there, the serving fork in her hand, slightly raised out of her seat.

She missed that feeling...

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 07:22 PM

"Well golly, now I don't know what to do. Stay furry and get spoon-fed by a pretty girl, or go human and be able to feed myself..." While he was speaking mentally, he was crouching down next to Mekia, his mouth open like a baby bird. "Shall we get started?"

This was the scene that Derrick saw upon entering the RV: Coon and Doggy sharing bits off each others plates, Kyla trying to get information out of the happy couple, Mai shoveling the food into her mouth like there was no tomorrow, and a large furry wolf sitting next to the fire-wolf with his maw open like an infant waiting for it's mother to feed it.

"Virsat, I'm tempted to say we have the wrong RV, if it weren't for the fact that these nuts look familiar..." His hand was still wrapped in Vir's, but he just couldn't tear his eyes from the train wreck in front of them.

Coon's attention was completely diverted by Doggy while Johnny begged for his meal. "Christopher, I seem to remember having put out pickles, did you see them on the table?"

Doggy looks around, not seeing them. "I think your age is getting to you, love. There's not even a jar on the table to indicate that pickles were ever out."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 08:23 PM

Virsat shifted rather uncertainly on his feet at the scene that unfolded before him and Derrick when they entered the RV. Virsat positioned himself behind Derrick, but peered around him. "What...what are they doing?" He asked it almost nervously. He still held tightly to Derrick's hand, biting his bottom lip for a moment. Really the people he had fallen in with were truly strange creatures. He shook his head, as if he had decided better of wanting to know what was going on.

Inhaling deeply Virsat sighed softly. "..It smells good in here." He blinked and glanced this way and that. His voice a whisper that was only loud enough for Derrick to hear as he spoke again. "But..I don't think I can eat any of that stuff.."

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 08:33 PM

"No? What do you normally eat? Aside from blood, I mean." Derrick realized at that moment, he didn't know Vir's normal diet, just that animal blood was acceptable to him. "From what I've learned from other breeds of vampires, if they can smell the food and not be repulsed by it, then they can generally eat the food and not be harmed by it. Every breed is different though..."

Coon looks up at Derrick and Virsat as they enter the kitchen. "We have plenty of blood packs if you can't eat human food. We've had vampires stop by from time to time before, and even our own bodies need a little fresh blood from time to time as well. Please, help yourself to what you can safely eat."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 08:48 PM

Virsat had blinked at that question. "..Just blood.." He mumbled softly with a shrug. "I like the way food smells..but my body can't take it.." He didn't think he would need to mention the fact that even though it smelled good to him once he put it in his mouth, it wouldn't taste good on his tongue either. That voice dropped to a whisper again. "Tidar used to make me cook because he liked the way it smelled." His grip on Derrick's hand tightened a bit.

That head tilted curiously to the side as confusion flickered in those crimson eyes of his. He looked to Coon with a look of uncertainty. ".....Blood pack? Is it..real blood?" Once again that voice dropped to a whisper. "Tidar said Vampires shouldn't drink blood from packages..that it couldn't be trusted..and it might be poisoned..or just not good for us.." He shifted nervously on his feet, chewing his bottom lip and looking down at the floor now.

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 09:19 PM

"Well, if it would make you feel better, I could take a sip of it and let you have the rest if it tastes alright." He looks from Virsat to Coon. "I'm assuming it's human, right? Or did you find a source for cloned blood?"

Doggy answers before Coon can swallow what was in his mouth. "It's cloned from a private source. There's a lab outside of New York City, amongst other major cities, that makes the stuff from pure human DNA, then clones the samples for vampiric/lycanthropic uses. It's perfectly safe. The other shifter had some earlier, she's alright." He hands Derrick one of the pints of blood, the straw taped to the side of the pack.

Derrick takes the blood, bites through the sealed straw-tip, and drops it in his hand. He takes a few cautious sips of the red stuff. Cloned blood didn't completely satisfy his tastes, but it did better than foul cattle blood. "It's good, Virsat. It's real blood."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 09:28 PM

Cloned? Virsat blinked, he wasn't sure exactly what that meant. Shaking his head just slightly as he watched Derrick with a slightly worried expression as he tasted the blood. Those crimson eyes had begun to glow some when the scent of the blood reached his nostrils. He hadn't smelled it until after Derrick had taken the first sip. Virsat licked his lips and stepped a bit closer to Derrick. Watching that blood pack almost eagerly now. Derrick said it was good, and it did smell good. "...I'm allowed to have some too?" He asked it a bit hesitantly..reaching up and looping a finger in that collar he still wore around his neck.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 09:42 PM

Mai, seeing virsat's obvious confusion when clone was mentioned, swallows what food she had in her mouth before offering a short explanation to virsat. "to clone, is the same as saying to copy, meaning they made copies of the blood. its the same as the human blood, only a copy"

shrugging she takes another bite before swallowing it and continuing. "and he's right if it hadn't harmed me yet, i don't think it will at all" resumes eating enjoying her food once more

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 09:51 PM

Derrick smiles, his elongated fangs tinged red with blood. "Of course. It's yours. It has a slightly clinical taste, very clean compared to a human, but it's very good." He hands the pack to Virsat with a quick kiss on his cheek. "You don't have to ask if you're allowed to have it, you know." He hugs Vir sideways, not wanting to get in the way of his feeding. "Sit beside me while I eat?"

"We have plenty left for you, assuming the werewolves haven't eaten it all." Coon gives a goodhearted glare to Johnny and Mekia. "Help yourself to what you want."

"Except pickles, since Coon can't seem to find them." Doggy smiles at his mate while motioning the vampires to have a seat next to them. He hands Derrick a plate and points to the steak. "Dig in?"

Derrick sits at the table, and picks up the meat and some of the other offerings on the table, but doesn't start eating till Virsat sits beside him.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 10:14 PM

Virsat just nodded slightly at Mai's explanation of 'cloning'. Though he still eyed her with a bit of distrust. When Derrick handed him the pack, he took it gently and stared at it for a few moments. He wriggled contently from the hug that Derrick gave him nodding when the other asked him to sit beside him. Virsat followed Derrick to the table, rather daintily sipping at that blood as he did so. Sliding lightly into the seat next to Derrick. Derrick had been right, the blood was good and Virsat was savoring it with slow sips.

MintyRey is offline
Old 09-28-2010, 03:13 PM

Kyla nods agreeably after hearing Doggy's apology, not really paying much attention to it's vagueness nor knowing any better about it as Mai did. Mostly because she was already a little more than buzzed. She went back to minding the veggies on her plate, swiftly eliminating each one by one. Soon after, Derrick and Virsat finally joined the dinner party. She watched a little as they discussed the compatibility of the skittish vampire and juice-pack blood.

It was then that she remembered she had yet to ask the red-haired wolf of her origins. "Hey Mekia, wher're ya from?" she cheerfully asked. But Kyla wasn't looking at Mekia while she spoke. Instead, her gaze was aimed at Mai's plate and the food that was on it. Slowly her fork hovered towards a slice of beef on the lady vamp's plate but her aim wasn't so true after only 2 and a half bottles of beer and she ended up stabbing the empty blood pack Mai had consumed earlier.

" beef?", the girl muttered as she lifted her fork in surprise and confusion as to why the piece of 'meat' was so flat. No doubt her thoughts where partially on what Mai had said about everyone having been in a city at least once but had probably gotten muddled with current distractions.

diamond_archemedes is offline
Old 10-04-2010, 12:25 AM

Mekia blushed ever so slightly as Johnny called her beautiful, but quickly hid it with a laugh as he crouched down beside her. She took a steak onto her plate and cut it into bite-sized pieces, then put one on her fork and lowered it toward her mouth. "Now, open wide." She instructed playfully, even though his mouth was already open. Carefully, making sure it wouldn't choke him, she dropped the piece into his waiting maw.

When Derrick and Virsat arrived in the doorway, Mekia was grinning. The site of Johnny waiting for food the way a baby bird would from it's mother was simply hilarious to her, and she was having difficulty holding back her laughter. Every word dripped with hidden chuckles, and every smile revealed the giggles concealed behind her sparkling green eyes.

She barely noticed when the two sat down, occupying herself with feeding Johnny instead, pausing only every couple of bites to feed herself. However at Kyla's question she paused. Although only for the briefest of moments, the moment of shock would have been blatantly evident to anyone paying attention to her. "I... came from a small town. I used to live on a farm." She confessed. The words felt thick in her mouth, and she had trouble pushing them out.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 08:58 PM

"That would be a blood pack" Mai's voice came out dryly as she ate, and despite the slowness of her eating, she was still quickly polishing through her dinner, already having finished about half of it. "hmn my compliments to the cook, this stuff is delicious" this she added on in a slightly more normal tone of voice as she smiled at coon and doggy in her thanks "do you have a culinary degree?" "culinary degree?"


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