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jo18 is offline
Old 12-19-2009, 04:29 PM

that's cool i think they have something similar here in america though i don't know the name of it

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Suona is offline
Old 12-19-2009, 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by sadrain View Post
Puffer things are good. I thank whioever created them for them. XD Or else I would just faint every now and then ebcause lack of breathe. x.x Its what sometimes keep me moving.

I totally know the feeling, Suona. x.x Sometimes even just laughing or playing a cat bit wilder make me just start sound like unoiled door and run short of breathe. x.x

Anemia is no fun, really, but eczema isn't too... Then again, I suppose that the things everyone has seems pretty much the worst to them if they are serious. D8
I dont have to use them too often, but I think that is because i'm so stubborn. If I remember, though, I'll try to take two puffs each day before I leave. I almost always forget, though. Urk. That reminds me that I forgot to take my iron last night. :/ Crud.

Exactly! Or when i'm at school and have to walk up and down numerous stairs, I get so out of breathe by the time i'm at the top. It doesn't help that I have a giant back pack that ways a ton. lol

Originally Posted by Arikana View Post
Mmmm.. same here. :3
Though, I'm hoping I won't have to wait twenty years for the next Olympics to be in Canada.. cause I'd love to have another torch relay going across Canada. X3;
I still can't believe they took the torch all the way up to Alert, Nunavut.. I wonder who got to take it up there.. :ninja:

One should think that anemia and asthma suck together. Eczema isn't even as bad as both of them separately! Cause the most eczema can do to you is make you itch and then one should ingest more omega-3 to help deal with the eczema.. but with anemia and asthma, your blood circulation isn't as strong and breathing isn't easy (respectively). :3
I've personally never seen it at all, so I wouldn't mind if they came around here either. I'm sure its so amazing to witness.
It sounds like a lot of fun. I hope they go by your area again someday.

They do suck together! I mean, I was doing a bit alright with just my asthma. It wasn't too bad. I had it under control. But now with my anemia hitting me real hard and still having asthma, it just makes it so hard for me to do a lot of the things that I enjoy.

I dont have eczema, but I have this weird stress related thing that is on my left hand. Its like a ton of tiny little blisters that are just under the skin of my fingers. It use to just be on my left ring finger, but when I started to take the stuff for it (my doctor told me what it was and gave me cream to put on it, but I forget), it started to spread the more I stressed out. So now it is on my ring finger, middle finger, on the bottom half of my thumb, and on the knuckle of my pointer finger and knuckle of the middle finger. :/ And they suck so much! They itch like hell all the time, and they look horrible. Its red and blotchy and bumpy, and its so hard to not scratch them. And then because its a bunch of blisters, its like they suck the moister out of the fingers, so that hand is always super super dry and it hurts really bad.

I have so many things wrong with me. T^T

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 12-20-2009, 04:35 AM

Where does Suona live?
Mmmm.. I hope so too! <3
Cause I'm so sad that it's all over now.. D:
But, I'm totally looking up for videos people took on youtube to relive the moment.

Though, I wish I had recharged my camera for the day.. >_> So pissed I didn't.. D:

What'd you do to your hand? D:<
*wishes we were in a fantastical world so that I could just magickally heal your hand* :)

I also have tons of stretch marks that I have no clue as to how I got them.. D:

I also have super dry skin and it itches like crazy, but I started using a moisturizer/cream thingie on parts of my dry skin tonight, and it already feels better. :)

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-20-2009, 06:57 AM

I live a little North of central California.
I'm in a really small town, so something like that wouldn't happen anywhere near us.

I didn't do it. D:
Its from stress. I've had it for years.

Isn't dry skin terrbile
My skin is super duper dry. Drives me bonkers.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-20-2009, 11:26 PM

My hands tend to itch horribly from stress, too, and when I scratch them, they grow big and red and itches even more... If I refuse to scratch them, it even hurts... And then it suddenly goes away, as soon as it started. My skin is overall mixed type but its super sensitive. x.x

My gstritis and other organ problems trouble me. Low blood pressure makes my head hurt and helps anemia and asthma make me slow, tired and headachy... That, I suppose it all, except the times my bones, especially right shoulder bothers me. D8 And cold. x_x I am have chronical cold, I think, and sniffling and on border with serious cold most of the year. Plus dystonia. x.x Dystnoia and asthma is what got me home schooling for the most part... I couldn't walk with that horrible backpack around anymore. D8

... overall, I really wish I could heal both of you... And all my other friends. >: health problems makes the life so much harder sometimes that its unfair. Dx

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-20-2009, 11:33 PM

Yeah, mine get really bad, but its because of the little blister things. I really wish it would just go away. :< It makes me feel really self conscience.

*hugs rainy*
Why're we so broken? D:

I wish I could heal you all, but sadly I do not have magic fingers.

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
I live a little North of central California.
I'm in a really small town, so something like that wouldn't happen anywhere near us.

I didn't do it. D:
Its from stress. I've had it for years.

Isn't dry skin terrbile
My skin is super duper dry. Drives me bonkers.
Aw, you can't be so sure of that! Maybe one day it might! What's your town like?
Cause my town was nicknamed "the celebration community" according to it's profile on the torch relay website.. :3

Then stop stretching yourself?
Would that really be eczema though? Cause I thought eczema stems from dry skin/something else I don't know? O:

I know, right? It's so horrible! D:<
But I've been moisturizing my hands, arms, and face more often since it's more dry in those places and they've been feeling not as dry! :D

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 05:23 PM

lol My town is tiny and surrounded by rice fields.
People right next to us sometimes dont even know we're here. :/

I said it wasn't eczema. ;~;
I was just saying that I have an odd skin condition too, thats somewhat similar. And I can't not scratch it, because like rainy said, it gets unnbearable not to. Its really really horrible today. Blisters all over the fingers and they've swollen up and hurt. :<

I try to moisturize often, but I'd have to put on lotion several times a day just to keep the skin moistoned.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
I dont have eczema, but I have this weird stress related thing that is on my left hand. Its like a ton of tiny little blisters that are just under the skin of my fingers. It use to just be on my left ring finger, but when I started to take the stuff for it (my doctor told me what it was and gave me cream to put on it, but I forget), it started to spread the more I stressed out. So now it is on my ring finger, middle finger, on the bottom half of my thumb, and on the knuckle of my pointer finger and knuckle of the middle finger. :/ And they suck so much! They itch like hell all the time, and they look horrible. Its red and blotchy and bumpy, and its so hard to not scratch them. And then because its a bunch of blisters, its like they suck the moister out of the fingers, so that hand is always super super dry and it hurts really bad.
You have dishydrosis too!? I have seen so few people that have it, but I totally have it too. It started on my feet, and the last few years it's been spreading to my hands, which SUCKS. It was okay when it was just on my feet... but on my hands = T_T. I also only get it in the spring/summertime. It goes away in the fall and winter, but it always comes back. It's a genetic condition though -- my sister has it too.

I've tried all kinds of things that are supposed to halt its progress, so if you're curious, let me know and I can send you some helpful links. From the sound of it, it is dishydrosis/dishydrotic eczema.

One thing though -- be careful about what you use to moisturize it. Adding extra moisture only makes it worse. Your goal should be to dry out the tiny blisters/vesicles, not add extra moisture to them. :yes: I was soaking my hands in hot water and vinegar for awhile to dry out the blisters -- and then once the skin starts peeling, you use hydrogen peroxide (7% -- you can find it at a pool store) to dry up and slough off the dead skin.

My hands never peel, which is nice, but they do get really dry. I use udder balm as a lotion, since it doesn't contain water -- or at least the kind I have doesn't.

Last edited by Sizzla; 12-21-2009 at 05:48 PM..

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 06:45 PM

@ Sizzla - My doctor actually is having me take Fluocinonide cream for it. It kind of helps, but I usually forget about it. I've been putting it on it today, though, because its really bad! D:

You are the first person that i've ever met that has it! 8O
My doctor only recognized it because he had it in college, too. But I've had it for years and can't get it to go away. :<

Yeah, I would actually really appreciate some links. I'd love to be able to get it to go away. ;~; I am seriously so horribly self conscience of that hand, because it looks horrible and is always really badly dried out. :/ Putting lotion on it is the only thing that stops the skin from splitting, though.

It does exactly this, but its mainly all on my ring finger, half of my middle finger, the bottom half of my thumb, and then there are some dry spots.

Last edited by Suona; 12-21-2009 at 06:48 PM..

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 06:56 PM

Yep, doctors typically prescribe steroid cream for it, but it doesn't really help from what I've heard. I've never been to a doctor about mine myself, but I know my sister went and he just gave her a cream and sent her on her way. It never cured anything.

Dishydrosis is something that doesn't usually go away -- it's something you'll have to live with. While some people do go into 'remission', I don't think it's very common.

Here's the yahoo group that's got all the great information. You'll have to sign up to be in the group:
dyshidrosis : Possible Relief For Dyshidrosis Sufferer

Reading there will probably make you feel a lot better about it, even if it is a sucky thing to have to live with. The "Files" section has a bunch of great information on different things people have tried to make it go away.

I've tried the H2O2 method and the vingear soaks. H2O2 works best at the cracking/peeling stage, so that's what I'd try first if I were you, since it sounds like things are drying up.

Unfortunately, the page I really liked has been eaten now that Geocities has gone offline. :( The group is probably the most helpful thing out there right now.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 07:02 PM

I am reading about it on Wiki, and it really sounds horrible. T^T
I dont want to live with this forever. It makes me miserable enough as is, and i'm only 18. :<
This just makes me want to cry. I was hoping that this would go away.

Thanks for all the info, though. I'll definently look into joining the group, and hopefully I can do a better job at keeping my finger under check.
Its not too bad (after looking at some of the different cases people have had), so I can be thankful for that and just hope that it stops spreading.

Eroy is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 05:22 AM

*stops by to see what's been going on in here*

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 05:26 AM

Hey there! Any idea when the next drawing is?

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
I am reading about it on Wiki, and it really sounds horrible. T^T
I dont want to live with this forever. It makes me miserable enough as is, and i'm only 18. :<
This just makes me want to cry. I was hoping that this would go away.

Thanks for all the info, though. I'll definently look into joining the group, and hopefully I can do a better job at keeping my finger under check.
Its not too bad (after looking at some of the different cases people have had), so I can be thankful for that and just hope that it stops spreading.
Yeah, it's not something you want to have all your life -- I totally understand that. I've been dealing with it for over 12 years now, so it just becomes something you deal with at some point.

Don't cry! :( You always have to remain positive and look at the bright side -- it could be so much worse! I have a pretty mild case myself, so while it still gets on my nerves, at least my hands don't crack and peel like those who have a more severe case... I just get the little blisters and some dry skin.

Hopefully it doesn't progress any further though. :sweat:

Hang in there! :hug:

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
lol My town is tiny and surrounded by rice fields.
People right next to us sometimes dont even know we're here. :/

I said it wasn't eczema. ;~;
I was just saying that I have an odd skin condition too, thats somewhat similar. And I can't not scratch it, because like rainy said, it gets unnbearable not to. Its really really horrible today. Blisters all over the fingers and they've swollen up and hurt. :<

I try to moisturize often, but I'd have to put on lotion several times a day just to keep the skin moistoned.
That sucks.. maybe you should invent something and make your town famous! ;D

Aw, that sucks! Maybe see a doctor to see if there's anything he/she has anything to give you to make it feel better or if he/she knows how to get rid of it? O:

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 12:55 AM

*hugs Suona and Sizzla* I am so sorry! That sounds pretty bad. >: I wish you both could get rid of it. >_<

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Suona is offline
Old 12-24-2009, 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Sizzla View Post
Yeah, it's not something you want to have all your life -- I totally understand that. I've been dealing with it for over 12 years now, so it just becomes something you deal with at some point.

Don't cry! :( You always have to remain positive and look at the bright side -- it could be so much worse! I have a pretty mild case myself, so while it still gets on my nerves, at least my hands don't crack and peel like those who have a more severe case... I just get the little blisters and some dry skin.

Hopefully it doesn't progress any further though. :sweat:

Hang in there! :hug:
So it for sure stays with you for life? My doctor had made it sound like his went away. ;~; I hope it can go away, but I bet that since its stress related, i'll have it as long as i'm stressing out (which is all the time).

Yeah, i'm rather glad that I dont have a really bad case of it. It still gets rather unpleasant, though. I already have really bad skin, so having it dry out even more only causes more pain. My fingers will swell up a bit when I start getting the blisters, and they'll get really hot and ich terribly, and since the skin is really dry, then the skin just tears, I guess. So I usually have slices all on those fingers, so putting on lotion only makes matters worse and it just really sucks. @__@;; Just putting lotion on that hand makes me feel like I just lit my hand on fire. But I know that I have to put lotion on, or the finges get so dry that they ache and crack more.

I'll try.
You hang in there, too! :hug:

Originally Posted by Arikana View Post
That sucks.. maybe you should invent something and make your town famous! ;D

Aw, that sucks! Maybe see a doctor to see if there's anything he/she has anything to give you to make it feel better or if he/she knows how to get rid of it? O:
Haha. But I dont want it to be famous. ><;; Then people would come here, and I rather like a small town. I dont like traffic and bunches of people.

I did see a doctor, and he gave me a cream to put on it. I always forget about it, though. And I dont remember what he told me it was, so I'm not even sure if he diagonsed it right, since I know it is what Sizzla is talking about.

Originally Posted by sadrain View Post
*hugs Suona and Sizzla* I am so sorry! That sounds pretty bad. >: I wish you both could get rid of it. >_<
Thanks, rainy. :hug:
It does really suck, but there are a lot of people that have to put up with way worse things, so I guess we can be thankful that we dont have something really bad.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 12-24-2009, 05:21 PM

I've heard of a few people going into 'remission' from it, but for most people, it's a life-long disease that you just have to come to terms with. :yes: It sucks, but that's the way she goes sometimes. I also have another chronic health issue that I have to deal with, so this seems minor in comparison to the pain in my bladder. :sweat:

I find that my dishydrosis goes in cycles -- in the wintertime, I won't see it anywhere on me. But when it starts getting hot outside, I start getting the blisters on my feet, and then eventually on my hands come mid-summer. And yes, stress will definitely exacerbate it, like many other issues that stress brings. :yes:

I hate the itch! I think that's the worst part, because you know you shouldn't scratch it. When you pop the blisters, they just make it spread more, so try your best not to scratch them! That's integral. Also, like I mentioned, when it gets to the cracking/peeling stage, try to use hydrogen peroxide on it. It kills the dead skin and you can file it off once it dries out and gets hard. It's also supposed to help dry out the blisters, like the vinegar soaks do.

Have you checked out that group much yet? It's kind of hard to wade through everything there, but if you post, people will reply to you and give you ideas on how best to treat yourself.

All I know is the steroid creams your doctor gives you may work for a while, but in the end, the disease will win out. :( I really think the natural remedies are the best thing you can try. That, and udder balm (or another lotion without water in it) to keep your hands moisturized.

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
So it for sure stays with you for life? My doctor had made it sound like his went away. ;~; I hope it can go away, but I bet that since its stress related, i'll have it as long as i'm stressing out (which is all the time).

Yeah, i'm rather glad that I dont have a really bad case of it. It still gets rather unpleasant, though. I already have really bad skin, so having it dry out even more only causes more pain. My fingers will swell up a bit when I start getting the blisters, and they'll get really hot and ich terribly, and since the skin is really dry, then the skin just tears, I guess. So I usually have slices all on those fingers, so putting on lotion only makes matters worse and it just really sucks. @__@;; Just putting lotion on that hand makes me feel like I just lit my hand on fire. But I know that I have to put lotion on, or the finges get so dry that they ache and crack more.

I'll try.
You hang in there, too! :hug:

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Flink is offline
Old 12-25-2009, 02:59 AM

Flink's doctor thinks she has that whenever she goes in and has a blister on her fingers. So far they haven't itched or anything, so maybe not.

But she will say that it's so weird that people online in a group always know more about something like that than the doctors. It's the same way with PCOS, something Flink has. Doctors have no idea what it is usually. But there are groups out there with loads of information that you'd -think- the doctors would have known and told a person with such a thing.

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 12-25-2009, 05:05 AM

Flink has PCOS? D:
That sucks! D:

Does Flink ever want any children of her own? O:

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 12-25-2009, 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by Sizzla View Post
I've heard of a few people going into 'remission' from it, but for most people, it's a life-long disease that you just have to come to terms with. :yes: It sucks, but that's the way she goes sometimes. I also have another chronic health issue that I have to deal with, so this seems minor in comparison to the pain in my bladder. :sweat:

I find that my dishydrosis goes in cycles -- in the wintertime, I won't see it anywhere on me. But when it starts getting hot outside, I start getting the blisters on my feet, and then eventually on my hands come mid-summer. And yes, stress will definitely exacerbate it, like many other issues that stress brings. :yes:

I hate the itch! I think that's the worst part, because you know you shouldn't scratch it. When you pop the blisters, they just make it spread more, so try your best not to scratch them! That's integral. Also, like I mentioned, when it gets to the cracking/peeling stage, try to use hydrogen peroxide on it. It kills the dead skin and you can file it off once it dries out and gets hard. It's also supposed to help dry out the blisters, like the vinegar soaks do.

Have you checked out that group much yet? It's kind of hard to wade through everything there, but if you post, people will reply to you and give you ideas on how best to treat yourself.

All I know is the steroid creams your doctor gives you may work for a while, but in the end, the disease will win out. :( I really think the natural remedies are the best thing you can try. That, and udder balm (or another lotion without water in it) to keep your hands moisturized.
I haven't looked into the group much yet. I've been pretty busy, so I haven't really had the time. I'll try to remember to look into it once the holidays have died down.

I try really hard not to scratch it. But sometimes i'll even wake up scratching it. :< They itch so horribly bad sometimes. But when they get really dry, they just peel. So I dont think that sanding it would help, most likely just hurt. I will give that method with the peroxide a try, though. I try to not get peroxide on my skin much, though, because it turns it all white and weird. ;~;

Mine dont seem to have any different reaction with weather. They just happen every couple of weeks. My fingers will be slightly ordinary for awhile, sometimes.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 05:02 AM

Yeah, when your skin turns white like that, that's a good sign! That means it's dead skin and needs to be peeled away/removed. The peroxide should help with that. :D And while yes, it'll hurt to get rid of it, it'll help to heal it faster. You just have to be patient. There's no miracle cure...

But yeah, check everything out once you get a chance. It's a good thing.

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Suona is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 07:22 AM

@ Sizzla - No, I mean that it does that with any skin. I haven't put in on my bad fingers before, but I do imagine that it'd have the same affect. I'll still consider all the methods, though. Doesn't hurt to try that at least once. :]

Thanks for all your help. I'll definently look into it.

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Old 12-26-2009, 10:22 PM

Arikana: No, not really. Children make Flink go crazy after over five minutes with them. x.x


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