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Gemini is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:37 AM

still blushing a bit,gemini bowed."a-alright a fair bit taller'n me,so i'll need ya ta sit down while i bandage ya up.that an' with a nasty bump like that one,ye'll need ta sit down anyway,'specially if yer startin' ta feel dizzy." she said,regaining her composure.she did her best not to look directly at him as she found some bandages and brought them over to him,gently pulling him into a sitting position.she knew from a glance that the shirt on him showed some muscle,and if she looked at him directly she would end up blushing again.he's attractive,no doubt...but prob'ly a fair bit older'n' even if not,he'd not want a little spitfire like meself... she thought to herself,getting the bandages ready.blade had stopped laughing,and was now standing there silently,smiling at her in a knowing way,as if encouraging-or daring-her to voice her feelings.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:34 PM

(That works fine, Frog :) And I might end up making another character so that interactions are still even :) I'm thinking about it anyway.)

Si'la was starting to make her way towards her cabin when she noticed her new lookout. Somehow, when she was blowing steam and finding Elliot on her way out, she had picked out the girl and hired her on the spot...She knew that that first impression of her must have been horrible. She was in one of her worst moods and sure she looked...well...mean. Putting on a smile, she approached the new lookout, trying not to look like the nasty person she can be. "Miss Nadia, thank you for having helped alert us to the ship that was chasing. I hope that didn't scare you off of being here with us. Where are you off to now?" She knew the girl couldn't possible know the ships layout yet, so she was curious.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 07:43 PM

Elliot chuckled lightly as he sat down at her request, letting her work on his head. "Alright then." he said, grinning a little. "You didn't have to bow or anything, I'm not a king or anything" he told her, finding it amusing to be bowed to. Sure he had been noble before, but they didn't know that. And he hated that sort of formality anyways. "How old are you Gem? Also, what exactly brings you aboard this ship?" he asked. He'd realized he knew nothing of the new recruit. That wouldn't do. He always wanted to know as much as he could about the crew. Made it easier to be part of the team, and become on good terms with them all.

Gemini is offline
Old 02-22-2011, 04:52 AM

gemini worked carefully,speaking without getting distracted."i bow 'cause it's good manners.mama taught me that much." she said,wrappig the bandaging carefully around his head."me age? i be 16 years,17 come fall.i joined 'cause i 'ad the wanderlust,tha' is,i wanted adventure like in me story books.i 'eard 'bout this ship from...well,a very reliable source,an' i decided ta check it out.i figure i can put me talents ta use 'ere.i'm used ta dealin' with men an' boys,an' takin care o' people.i got plenty o' usefull skills i learned from me mum and th' whole village." she said cheerfully.she wrapped the bandage snugly,but not too tight,and tied it off.she came around to face him,checking that the bandage wasn't in his eyes."i also wanted ta join fer me dad." she said,checking the bandages with skilled fingers."see,me dad was drafted ta th' navy.they killed 'im,an' i hate 'em fer that.i want ta take a few o' them dogs down,just as a fair trade fer me dad's life." she said,her eyes clouding over with grief.she blinked,as if coming out of a trance,and spoke again,her voice professional this time."now,th' bandaging's fair enough,but with a nasty bump like tha' one ya want ta take some precautions.first off,don' go ta sleep for a few hours more,or ya might end up in a coma.if ya start ta feel tired,dizzy,or get a headache,ya tell someone real quick,cause those things mean ya might 'ave a' try not ta stand up to quick,or ye'll feel dizzy an' fall back down again.other'n that ya should be fine ta go 'bout yer buisness." she said,smiling up at him.blade shook his head behind her,sighing so loudly even a regular person could have heard it,though they would have passed it off as the wind.gemini glared over her shoulder at him,and he shrugged."sorry,but i've heard th' story over an' over again,it gets old,no matter how noble it migh'' it's so demmed obvious ya taken a fancy ta th' guy." he said.she sighed and shook her head."jerk." she muttered,forgetting for a moment that elliot was there.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 02-22-2011, 07:52 AM

He smirked a little after she finished telling him everything. She was among some of the others that disliked the navy for what they've done. "I see." It was a pity her father had been killed, but nothing left but to look on and not dwell on it. Revenge didn't solve everything. Of course, he had a different view on things. But it did make sense. "So long as you don't harm yourself in the process, we'll get you your revenge." he commented before patting her head lightly. He did hear the sigh before raising an eyebrow. Elliot frowned at her instructions. That would be hard to keep in mind. Giving his nature on not wanting to bother others with his problems and such. And he was a bit sleepy since he had yet to get a full nights sleep. "So no sleeping? And just take it somewhat easy?" he asked, almost grinning. He should have taken a good sleep before. Hearing her comment, he blinked yet again and gave her a blank look. "What exactly is your power, Gem?" he asked. "Cause, you've talked to seemingly thin air, one would think you crazy."

Gemini is offline
Old 02-23-2011, 04:38 AM

gemini nodded."no sleepin',not fer a few hours." she said.when he asked what her power was,she turned bright red."o-oh curse it all! damn blade,makin' me talk like tha'-well,nothin' fer it,i s' power is,weather ya believe it or not,i can see an' talk ta ghosts.i can even touch 'em,when i want ta,or when they want ta.i been talkin' ta no one in yer view cause i got one ghost what follows me 'round all th' time.he's like a gaurdian,an' he was me first friend.his name is blade.he was a pirate age o' seventeen when he died.he likes ta tease me an' make me blush,but at least he keeps most o' the bad ghosts away,stops 'em from harassin' me." she confessed,silently glaring over at blade,who wore a triumphant grin.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 02-23-2011, 04:45 AM

Elliot laughed a little, raising an eyebrow. "Is that it? I thought it might be something like that, but never could be sure." he assured her before tilting his head. His eyes went to where Gemini was glaring at curiously. Of course he couldn't see anything. "Sticks around you and teases along with making you blush? Along with protecting you?" he asked, giving a slightly sly grin. "Sure it's not him crushing on you or something? I mean.. It sure sounds like it or something. And, he's around your age." he teased.

Gemini is offline
Old 02-24-2011, 04:27 AM

gemini blushed."oh,n-no! i though tha' meself some time back,but i figured out it's not,he's like me older brother.he's bin watchin' me an' keepin' me safe since i was just a baby,though i barely remember it.actually,righ' now i'm a bit ticked at 'im.see blade seems ta think i've taken a fancy ta someone,an' he won't stop teasin' me 'bout it." she said,still ignoring blade."i don' think it,i know' so da you,ya stubborn little' he's prob'ly gonna figure it out soon,too!" he chuckled.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 02-24-2011, 05:49 AM

Elliot kept his smirk for a moment longer before shrugging. "If you say so." He stood up from the chair and glanced over at himself in one of Si'la's mirrors she had on the wall. "I look almost fresh out of a battle." he muttered somewhat unhappily. It had to be one of the worst ways to get an injury. In his opinion at least. His eyes turned to her again and raised an eyebrow. "A crush eh? Well, you can try to ignore him, but I always find it amusing to tease someone when they got a crush on someone." It was always fun to see their reactions.

Gemini is offline
Old 02-25-2011, 04:49 AM

gemini fought the blush rising in her cheeks."y-yeah,it is fun,but not when yer th' one bein' teased.a-an' i try ta ignore 'im,but he's persistant.but i guess tha's what it's like ta have a brother.i wouldn't know,seein' i was me mum's only child." she said,now glaring openly at blade,but smiling too.untill blade spoke again."why don' ya tell 'im just who ya got a fancy fer? he'll figure it out soon 'nuff anyway.ya don' hide it too well." he said.gemini's mouth fell open."blade! if ye wasn't dead already i'd kill ya in yer sleep!" she said,shocked at his could he think she would ever admit her feelings? he knew how shy she was! blade fell over laughing,and ghostly laughter filled the room,making it sound haunted."damn ya blade,he can hear ya!" she said,fuming."haha,well if tha' be a problem,i can jus' let 'im see me,too.i can do tha' ya know." "you wouldn't!" she countered,not entirely sure."oh,wouldn' i?" "jerk!"

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 03-05-2011, 10:57 PM

Elliot laughed a little, amused by her little argument with Blade. Maybe they were more like siblings. They fought enough it seemed. He did feel surprised once he heard the laughter. Smirking he raised an eyebrow. "Just what did he ask? For you to wish him alive again to kill him?" he joked a little. He wasn't bothered by the laughter. It was amusing if worst. It was slightly annoying that he didn't know what the other was saying, but it wasn't like he Had to know. Unless he was being somewhat rude.

Gemini is offline
Old 03-10-2011, 05:50 AM

gemini turned bright red,to blade's immense amusement."h-he's jus' teasin' me is all,r-really." she stammered."h-he's threatened ta show 'imself ta ya.they-the ghosts-they can do tha' when they want ta.if i use me power righ' i can even let 'im speak ta ya,but i'm not sure i want ta do tha' unless you want ta talk ta 'im?" she asked,hating herself for suggesting it.surely blade would give her away if he were given the ability to speak! but she had to be polite,it was her nature.

Gemini is offline
Old 03-12-2011, 04:58 AM

((..................what happened?))

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 03-12-2011, 08:33 PM

(Sorry, Gem. I was waiting to see if Frog would reply. I'll just post the captain coming in...:( )

Si'la sighs as she walks into the ship, heading for her cabin. She hoped that Elliot was alright. She actually trusted the girl, Gem, even if she didn't actually know her. She paused when she got to the door, eyebrows raised as she listened that last bit of conversation. She didn't knock or anything polite like that since it was her room. Instead, she just opened the door and walked right in. "Good to know you two get along so well." She walked around to the other side of her desk and sat down. "I imagine your ghosty friend is tormenting you?" She said it with a very straight, no-nonsense face but her voice sounded like she was laughing, the only indication that she was actually teasing.
She is still not in a good mood. In fact, she was downright pissed. But she was keeping it in check as long as Gemini was in the room. And she was tired. Her emotions tended to do that to her. She was especially not happy with Elliot. But she imagined it didn't matter at this point. They just had to keep going, had to keep running until they were ready to turn and fight the Dragon Ditch and Elli's brother.

Gemini is offline
Old 03-13-2011, 04:19 AM

gemini bowed politely as the captain walked in."h-he's jus' bein' a pest,like always,ma'am.i don' rightly know,but i'm guessin' tha's how brothers are." she said,blushing and politely ignoring the comment about getting along.she couldn' know,could she? ain't no way she knows... she thought to herself,trying to convince herself that her feelings weren't obvious."but they are obvious,luv,aint they?" blade said,making her jump."blade! yer gonna give me a heart attack doin' that!" gemini exclaimed,blushing harder and glancing at elliot,hoping he didn't notice her pathetically obvious attraction to him.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 03-13-2011, 09:12 PM

Elliot smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Teasing you huh?" he asked before chuckling. "Then yeah, brotherlike indeed.." he muttered before tilting his head. Now that was an interesting piece of information. "Hm? Well, that would be interesting. I can't imagine it'd be good for you though. I do love to tease people too." he said, smirking softly. his eyes went to the door once it opened and nodded at Si'la. He knew she wasn't very happy about what seemed to have gone down. Bu at least she was somewhat in control of it. "Seems he's fond of teasing her, and now we might see him. but... Maybe it's better for another time. When we're less busy with the current things." he said thoughtfully. His thoughts left him however, when Gemini yelled at Blade yet again. He chuckled, winking a little at her. "Sadly, thing about brothers is.. Well it's best to try and ignore them, or get back at 'em later." he said, not really realizing Blade was teasing Gem about her crush on him. He was usually oblivious to such things.

Gemini is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 03:59 AM

gemini blushed madly."r-righ' then.yer righ' o'course i'll get 'im back later.well,cap'n,mister elliot,ye prob'ly 'ave alot ta talk about,so i'll jus' go an' find somethin' ta do ta make meself usefull." she said,standing up and bowing politely.blade follwed her,still laughing,as she opened the door.and his laughter was still audible for as long as she was around.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 04:37 PM

Si'la raised dark eyebrows as she watched Gemini get up to leave. Of course, being who she is, she was not oblivious to Gem's affections like Elliot was. She called after the girl, "If you find Master Kuu again, I'm sure he'll find you something to do. And try not to let your...friend tease you too much that it gets in the way of your work." She grinned at the last bit, showing Gemini that she was only teasing.

Once the girl had left, Si'la turns back to look at Elliot, the grin not on her face any longer. She got up and walked around the desk towards him. She grabs his head gently and inspects the wound and Gemini's dressing of it without any comment. She releases it and goes back to her chair, the smell of being that close to him still lingering a little. Not that any of that showed her face, of course. She sits back down and looks at the maps still on her desk. Her voice was almost too soft to hear. "Ell, that was too close."

Gemini is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 03:54 AM

((kiona,are you going to join that rp on solia?))

Gemini is offline
Old 04-15-2011, 01:55 AM

((are we dead? i hope not.))

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 05:31 PM

(I was waiting for Scade :( I'll give her a ring, see if she can rp. I think she's on a trip though, and wont be able to for another week or something. I hope we can fire this back up ...I want to)

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Old 05-07-2011, 01:10 AM

He stayed perfectly still at her inspections, allowing her to see what she needed. His eyes were a tad wary, wondering what she was thinking about. At her words, Elliot sighed softly and gave a small nod. "I know.." he muttered. In a way he was disappointed with himself for even getting hurt. He'd grown a bit too lax and paid for it with a head injury. It was a miracle that his friend wasn't blowing up in his face by now. "I'll just have to be more careful."

( Okays, posting. XD;; But, we so need more people. D: )

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 03:54 PM

(We do need more people :( SCADE I'VE MISSED YOU!!! :))

Si'la's eyes flashed their angry color before returning back to normal. Her voice was controlled and calm. "Be sure it doesnt happen again, alright?" She looked up at him, her now almost black eyes starring into his. "Ell, I will kill him if I ever see him again. I hope you understand that. I will not allow him on my ship or to harm my...crew." She hesitated before coming up with the last word. She looks back at the maps. "Elliot, we need a plan. We have to get rid of the Dragon before they do likewise to us. I'm not willing to throw away this life for us."

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 08:10 PM

Elliot nodded lightly. "It won't happen again." he assured the girl. He was going to just have to buckle down and actually do more of his part. Instead of joking around all the time. Si'la would be pleased with that. Maybe not yell or lash out at him so much. Giving another nod at her words, he closed his eyes. "I know.. I'll make sure he won't see you again. And again, I apologize for my lack of attention. I'll do better. As for the plan, we have to head here." he muttered, tracing a path toward what seemed like just empty terrain. "It's safe enough for us, since our ship is not as big as theirs." He was acting a bit different already, less playful.

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kionaredhawk is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 08:47 PM

Si'la studied the map for a few longer seconds. Then she nods, turning silver eyes back to him. "Good. Give the course and make sure this baby gets where we're going." She bites her bottom lip; a gesture very unlike her. Her next question came out before she could stop herself. "Elliot, what do you think about Gemini?"

(Short and to the points :XD)


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