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Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 12:06 AM

Adax stopped near the porch, looking straight past the demon and his undead companion. Taking in the sight of the dsihevelled building. There were ghosts here. Old ghosts. Ghosts of its tenants, ghosts of memories. Even a few wraiths seemed to make this place their home. He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath, sighing between cracked lips quietly.\

His eyes soon snapped open and he turned a cold glare to the wolf demon, the one in the fancy suits. Amadeo seemed to be frightened of him, scared of what this thing could do. "Why are you angry?" he hissed, tilting his head. The anger was palpable, thick in the air. It left a taste on his tongue...a bitter taste. A taste that caused his nose to crinkle and his lips to curl. He could barely feel the vampire, the anger was so strong. But....then again, it wasn't like there was much of a soul to sense there anyway. "Why do you pollute the air with that sickening emotion?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 01:55 AM

Loki sighed softly against Regan, letting the vampire shift and turn to place those kisses on him. "Wolves mate for life, you're mine, bloodsucker. I'd never just abandon you." His ears twitched a bit, and for a moment he hid his face against Regan. Loki was still angry of course, but he did seem to be calming down just a tiny bit. As Amadeo and the stranger approached closer, Loki lifted his head.

That crimson eyed gaze was on the white haired demon until the necromancer spoke. Loki growled softly, in agitation at the man's words and looked at him, pulling away from Regan just the slightest bit. "That pathetic creature bedded my mate. That's why I'm angry, but I don't see how it's any of your business, stranger. Keep your nose clean, stay out of my business." Loki had indicated Amadeo with a nod of his head as he spoke the words 'pathetic creature'. No doubt that would just make Regan mad, but Loki didn't really stop to consider that. He watched the stranger almost warily.

Amadeo stopped half a step behind Adax, and stood so that the man was between him and the two on the porch, but he could easily peer around Adax and warily watch Loki. His grey eyed gaze shifted from Loki to Regan almost constantly though, but his eyes were never long off of the wolf. Amadeo shifted on his feet when Adax spoke, he didn't think it was such a good idea for this man to say anything that might add to the wolf's irritation.

][not sure when I started this post, but I think it's been about an hour and half or two hours lol. It's really hard to concentrate on posting while playing magic the gathering, apparently. lol.][

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 02:24 AM

Even after everything he'd done? Regan was loathe to ask the question, though it hung in his mind so prominently. Tenderly, he brushed a hand trough Loki's hair and tugged playfully at one of his ears. This was he'd missed so much, these times when the wolf showed he cared. It nearly made the vampire sob out in relief, that he'd found this again.

Then the moment shattered as Loki insulted Amadeo. Anger flared in Regan's blue eyes, mingling with his tender emotions to make a heady mix. He was going to regret his next move, but he had to get a point across to the wolf. So he untangled himself from the other man, sending him a pained apologetic look, and walked to Amadeo's side.

Without any warning, or hesitation, the vampire reached out to pull the white haired man close. His lips found the others for a passionate kiss, this ... It flaunted the fact that he wanted the other man, with a desperation he'd thought only reserved for Loki. But he couldn't have him, so he cried as he pulled back and held Amadeo close. He didn't want to say a word, not yet. No, instead he strove to memorize how the other felt in his arms, because he knew that he would choose Loki and always would.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 02:41 AM

Adax snorted at Loki's words, a cruel smile curling his lips. His remark was cut short however as the vampire made his way to Amadeo and kissed him. The singularity's smile soon became a wicked grin. "Pathetic, eh?" he whispered, licking his lips. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, smelling the old wood of the once forgotten building.

His eyes snapped open after that, glaring at the wolf demon with a sharp coldness. "'Pathetic' is when a creature abandons something it cares for, leaving it behind to fend for itself. 'Pathetic' is when that creature then encounters that something, only to find it with another. 'Pathetic' is when that creature then attacks the companion for simply being there...something the creature could not do itself..." Adax's words had grown cold and cruel, fed by the anger coming from the wolf in droves. Fed by the now tumultuous yelling and rallying within the mass. Fed by the many within him that were betrayed by their own lovers.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 03:14 AM

Loki didn't want to let Regan go, but the vampire had pulled away from him before he could even think to stop the man. Lips parted to say something, anything to call Regan back, but the words died in his throat. Regan went to Amadeo, Regan kissed Amadeo. So passionately, and so cruelly. It was one thing to smell the other's scent on Regan, and to smell Regan on the other.

To know they had done things, but to see such a thing. For Regan to just go up and do that, gods it hurt. Loki thought his heart was shattering into a million pieces, and it did feel like it was, still it was easy to push the hurt away and grasp the anger. Crimson eyes burned fiercely, dangerously and he growled deep in his throat. His murderous eyes were on Amadeo. If he killed that demon, Regan would only have Loki here and now to kiss and hold so close.

Why here? Why had Regan caught up to him here, in this place? This place that was so sacred, so special in Loki's heart, this place that already filled him with pain. It shouldn't be here, these things that were happening shouldn't be happening here. They were defiling the place, all of them. Loki with his jealous anger, and Regan flaunting his new lover in Loki's face. All of this was wrong, and it shouldn't have been happening here.

Then that man was speaking again, the stranger and those murderous eyes turned to the necromancer. His words only increased Loki's anger, they hurt, but they were the words of a stranger. A stranger who didn't know anything about what was going on, still those words added to his hurt, which only fueled his anger all the more. "You know nothing. I didn't abandon him, I didn't leave him to fend for himself. I left him in a safe place, surrounded by people I trusted. To protect him for me until I could come back." He was growling the words out. Gods he didn't know whose throat to go for first, the strangers or Amadeo's. But it was true, partly true. Loki couldn't be there for Regan, on so many levels.

He made his decision, lips drawn back to reveal his sharp teeth in a snarl, Loki nearly flew off the porch as he leaped for the stranger. Take out the odd man first, then he'd deal with the white haired demon. Sharp claw like fingernails were reaching out for Adax, to claw and rip and shred any pieces of him he could get those claws into.

When Regan came towards him, Amadeo almost took a step back but then the vampire's arms were around him and their lips were together. Amadeo's heart sped up for several reasons. It felt good, to be kissed like that, felt so good. But it was frightening, because Loki was there, and Loki was going to probably kill him for that. His arms came up and he clung tightly to Regan, his heart beating fast with desire and fright.

He didn't want his heart to beat fast, he clung harder to Regan when Adax spoke, and then he hid his face against the vampire's chest when Loki responded with growling words and action. At least for the moment, Amadeo was safe, at least while Loki was distracted by Adax. His body trembled, and he was starting to get hot. Why though, why had Regan done that? Why had the vampire deliberately made things worse? Amadeo whimpered softly.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 03:38 AM

Adax was not a fast creature by default. There was no denying that. So when the wolf-demon Loki jumped him, claws outstretched to rip him apart, he could not stop it. Claws raked his face and neck, causing him to tumble to the ground, not a sound escaping his lips. But his mind was alight with noise. Screams of hatred flew from the mass, war cries of ancient warriors and kings filling the singularity's ears. And so he merely blinked, the ripped dry flesh flapping lightly in the wind, the only blood that dribbled out foul smelling, old, and clotting.

Adax sat up after that, his once cruel grin spreading into one of excitement and hunger. "So...the mutt wishes to fight..." he whispered, voice taking on a strange tone and noise, as if over one thousand voices were speaking at once. "We...suppose we will humor him...."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 04:15 AM

To say Loki did not enjoy the ripping of flesh beneath his claws would have been an outright lie. Loki did enjoy it, he enjoyed it greatly. Still it did little to ease his anger, little to ease this outburst of violence. When the man stumbled to the ground, Loki stood over him. Growling and snarling. The scent of that man's blood though, was disgusting and unsettling, the wolf hovered over the man. Loki had drawn first blood, and he probably had an advantage with the man on the ground now, Loki didn't strike again.

He took a few steps back and waited. Watched, his body was tense, ready to spring this way or that to avoid an attack and launch a counter attack. Crimson eyes didn't leave Adax's form, studying him, watching carefully. His ears twitched, flattened against his skull. That man's voice was very unsettling now, he spoke as if he were many. Had Loki been thinking clearly, he might have realized exactly what this stranger was, the wolf had lived a very long life and had encountered many people, many creatures. But Loki was near blind with anger, and not really thinking at all. He was going on instinct, instinct fueled by rage.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 04:28 AM

Adax chuckled, standing from his sitting position, lifting one hand and ghosting his fingers over the fresh, drying wounds. He watched his opponent with cold silver eyes, the orbs glowing as if caught by the light. Which would have been the case had the moon not already set beyond the horizon.

In the neutral darkness before the sunrise, the body of Adax lifted it's head and opened its mouth. And the voice of the Collective broke loose. The sound was horrible, a thousand wails molded together as one. Some did not even sound human. As the Collective wailed, lights lit the rafters of the old inn, the wraiths that rested there joining in the call. And they darted out, like moths to the flame that was the Collective's wail. And they fueled him, allowing the old and wretched body of Adax to lean low, hands curling, the tips of old bones poking quietly through the skin, sharp and deadly. Waiting to taste blood. Waiting to feed the tumultuous voices of the mass as the Collective grew silent.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 04:23 PM

Loki was ready to receive an attack, when the man stood. But the man didn't attack, not yet at least. Adax's eyes made Loki shiver, but the wolf wasn't going to back down, and he wasn't afraid. At least, he didn't show any fear at all. Loki's eyes widened as Adax lifted his head and let his voice fill the air. It was a horrible sound, but Loki knew at once what it was, his ears twitched and though he wanted to cover them, to block out that terrible noise, he didn't move his hands. Adax's calling to the dead here, only seemed to increase Loki's anger.

How dare this man call to those that haunted this place, he had no right to the ghosts here. Spirits and whatever else drifted about unseen. Necromancer or something else, didn't matter. This man had no right to call to those spirits here. Not here. Not in this place. Loki launched himself at Adax, he shouldn't have waited. He should have fallen upon the man when he was on the ground. Loki was seething. Crimson eyes bright and blazing like a fire full of anger. This time when Loki came for Adax, his hand was curled into a fist and he wanted to hit the man so very hard in the face. He wanted to pummel the man's face until there was nothing left.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 04:49 PM

Regan's throat tightened horribly as he heard Loki's words. A pain like no other filled his heart, and his arms tightened around Amadeo briefly, then fell away. Tears still fell from his eyes as he spoke. "I have to say goodbye to what we shared during our journey here, though it pains me. I've hurt everyone with how I acted, and it was cruel of me and selfish because I knew how things would end." Mere words didn't seem like enough.

Then the sounds of battle reached his ears, making the vampire whirl around to watch in silent horror. His slow heart beat faster at the sight of what was going on, and a disgusted sound escaped him at the smell of Adax's blood. It was old and dusty, rotten one might say. The man, if he could be called that, sent a cold shiver down Regan's mind. All those voices speaking as one made him want to put his hands over his ears, and it became worse. He would have acted, but a blur of recognizable orange hair flew past to stand between the two combatants with her hands on her hips and a fearless smile upon her face.

Karlin had heard the commotion from within as the battle broke out. Rushing in between these two combatants thirsting for blood might not have been the best of ideas, but the adventurer was impulsive like that. The young woman had made a mad grab for Loki's outstretched arm, to try and stop his attack. Whatever happened, Karlin dusted herself off. She looked from one to the other coolly, and shook her head. "Men! Always resorting to bloodbaths in order to settle things. I can think of something a lot funner, and less deadly, to get this mess figured out." She was rather unflappable in the face of how strange Adax had become. Karlin even went so far as to move seductively in his direction to pass a hand curiously over the protruding bones..

"Well you're an unusual guy, aren't you?" Distraction, well hopefully the tactic worked. If not, things might get messy and she'd put herself right in the middle of everything.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 06:56 PM

Adax's body moved. He was quicker now than before. He moved his head, grabbing the swinging with claw tipped fingers. And he pulled, twisting the demon around him. Adax was behind Loki now, releasing the demon to as he swung around. The Collective had a smile on it's face, similar to one the singularity had worn moments before replacement.

He turned as Karlin approached, eyeing the woman with cold and glowing eyes. He ignored, simply and quickly, lifting a hand to gently, but firmly, push her away. The Collective recognized what she was trying to do. There was just no interest in such advances.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 07:07 PM

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the man. "I was trying to be nice, there's no need to push me like that." Karlin was a little annoyed, true, but not angry. It wasn't the first time someone pushed her away for being flirty. She did it for the fun of it, to make people smile and blush and feel good about themselves. There wasn't necessarily any romantic intent behind any of her advances. She didn't intend on telling Adax that though.

"Why are your eyes glowing like that?" The words slipped out easily as Karlin tilted her had to the side. Usually she'd have leaned forward to give a good view of her chest, only barely held in by a leather corset, but not this time. Nope, right now she was just trying to figure out how to stop a fight.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 07:23 PM

Loki had completely ignored Karlin, it was probably better for her that he had. Normally Loki wasn't one to harm a female, but when he got like this, lost himself in the rage and thirst for violence there was no telling who he might hurt. In fact, Loki seemed to have forgotten about Regan and Amadeo, he was focusing only on his opponent.

Adax had been quicker than Loki expected, and the necromancer had put the wolf off balance, grabbing him and twisting him around like that. Loki stumbled when Adax released him, but he managed to keep his feet under him, the demon turned towards Adax once he had his balance back and charged again. Another frontal assault, but this time as Loki closed the distance, he dropped low and kicked his leg out to sweep Adax's feet out from under him. If that worked, Loki intended to pin the man down and pummel him to death.

Amadeo kept his arms around Regan when the vampire let go of him, he had no intention of letting go of the vampire. At least not anytime soon. Amadeo's grip on Regan tightened and he nuzzled his face against the vampire's neck. When Adax had let out that terrible sound, he thought his ears were going to bleed, and pressed his face harder against Regan's neck. Then the sounds of the fight started.

He didn't want to watch the fight, didn't really want to listen to it either, he only glanced in that direction when he heard the woman talk then he was hiding his face against Regan again. His heart still pounding, he just knew if Loki won that wolf was going to kill him. A soft whimper left his throat, his skin was growing warmer by the seconds. He wanted to say something to the vampire he clung so fiercely to, but the words wouldn't come.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 07:49 PM

The Collective felt Adax's body stumble forward as the wolf swept his legs. Twisting his body, it caught itself, claws tearing into the ground as it found traction. And it moved, scuttling unnaturally on all fours, heading straight for the demon. He lunged, claws outstretched, once smiling mouth opened wide, ready to rip and tear and the tender flesh of the wolf. Just as Loki had prepared to pummel him.

(Forgive the shortness. I'm in a rush D: )

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 08:22 PM

Karlin smacked her forehead once and mumbled about uncanny happenings as she slung her backpack to the ground. The quester was well prepared for most eventualities, and this rampaging ... Whatever he was, would get to see that soon enough. With triumph, the orange haired woman pulled out a long length of rope, not of the ordinary kind either, and created a loop at one end. She sent it twirling around, hopeful that the unicorn hair used to weave the slender cord would be enough to hold back the charging dark haired man. Karlin threw it, and hoped her aim was good enough. His neck seemed to be moving terribly fast at the moment, but she'd caught a few different creatures with this rope, and had practiced quit a bit with calfs. Since she didn't know what he was though ... It wasn't everyday a guy grew bone knives out of his skin.

With a shake of his head, Regan wrapped an arm very loosely around Amadeo. The redhead tilted his head down and murmured a warning before sinking his fangs briefly into the other man's neck. It was so sweet, this blood of Amadeo's. The white haired man was agitated, and felt hot to the touch. After their time together, Regan had an idea of what that might entail for the bat eared demon.

Pulling back, he licked his lips and sighed contentedly, with confusion obvious in his demeanor. "I won't let Loki hurt you. Worse comes to worse, I'll distract him while you make your escape. I ... couldn't bear it if you were harmed because of me." That made him let out a bout of wry laughter. He watched the battle to distract himself, knowing full well that nothing would stop Loki, except perhaps him stepping into the middle of things. For now Regan was content letting Karlin try to stop things, maybe it was a good idea to let these men let out their emotions.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 06-25-2012 at 01:06 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-25-2012, 01:23 AM

Loki was preparing to pounce on Adax once the man stumbled and fell. He hadn't expected the necromancer to right himself so quickly, to come charging at him on all fours. It was a little unsettling, but Loki hardly seemed to notice how unsettling this man was. He was growling, of course, as Adax came towards him. Lunged at him. Loki didn't move, as if he intended to take it. Only Loki's arms had moved, and they came even to his ribs.

His palms facing the lunging Adax. Let the necromancer catch him with his own claws, but Loki was already ready, prepared to rip out the man's stomach even as the man was ready to rip and claw at his flesh. Hopefully he could get his claws into Adax's belly quick enough to end this man before Adax could end the wolf. Loki's only focus was Adax, he didn't even see the loop of rope that came sailing in the air towards the necromancer's head.

Amadeo barely heard the words of warning before Regan's fangs pierced his flesh, as soon as they did though the demon moaned softly and melted against the vampire. His body began to relax almost immediately as he clung to Regan, enjoyed the feel of those fangs in him, and still hated himself for enjoying that. Especially now. Especially because of this. Still it helped him relax, helped ease his fear and helped his heart to slow down once again.

He almost whimpered in protest when Regan pulled back, but he bit that noise back with effort. His eyes were closed tightly and his face he hid against Regan. "Just let him kill me." It would make things better, wouldn't it? Loki wouldn't be angry at Regan anymore, and Amadeo would be freed from his curse.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-25-2012, 02:00 AM

"No!" The sharp denial cut trough the air as he pulled Amadeo closer. "No. Your death would tear me apart in a way nearly nothing else could." The sentence was murmured softly as Regan bent his head to brush a soft kiss against Amadeo's head. His heart tightened as he realized for truth that he didn't want to loose either Loki or Amadeo. But, if he didn't choose Amadeo would be in constant danger, and Loki's heart would be torn to shreds constantly.

It was a choice the redhead didn't feel himself prepared to make as he watched Karlin's lassoo fly trough the air. She'd told him about it once or twice, but he'd never seen her use it before.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-25-2012, 04:36 AM

As Adax's claws caught the flesh of the demon, something coiled around his neck, clamping his hood to him and barely touching his skin. And what did touch his skin burned. And the burning hurt. Hurt more-so than the dull and shrieking throb of long-dead nerves shredded by the wolf demon's razor sharp claws. He could even tell from where the throb was coming, from where the wolf had struck, the burning was so intense. What was this accursed rope made from?!

The burning only continued as he began to struggle with it, slicing at his own neck, tearing his own flesh just to get it off. But it wouldn't cut and he continued his frantic slicing, the voices of the mass suddenly panicked and frightened, drowning out any inkling of the anger that had been there before.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-25-2012, 08:14 AM

Loki winced when Adax's claws caught his flesh, the wince the only indication he had even felt the other's claws in his flesh. Loki's claws had struck true, piercing into the necromancer's flesh and ripping, tearing but then Loki was hesitating because something wasn't quite right with his opponent.

The wolf's hands were on Adax's belly, but he had ceased trying to claw the man open enough to rip out his innards, because the necromancer had begun to claw at his own neck. Blazing crimson eyes blinked, as Loki seemed to come back to himself, just a little bit. The wolf believed in fair fights, and this clearly was not fair.

Someone had struck from behind, and though it gave Loki an advantage, the wolf was not going to take it. He snarled, following the trail of rope with his eyes, to the girl. She had no right to interfere anyway, Loki released whatever hold he'd had on Adax's abdomen, those hands reaching up and grasping Adax's wrists. He yanked the necromancer's hands down violently, jerking them out of the way before releasing them.

Loki was angry, angry now at Karlin for doing something so underhanded, still angry at Regan and Amadeo, and he was still angry at the necromancer, but this just was not fair. He grasped the rope tightly, sliding his hands around until he found the knot that made the noose. He gripped the knot in one hand, and the left side of the noose in the other, the wolf yanked hard. Pulled fiercely, growling as he loosened the noose and yanked it up over Adax's head. He wound the rope around his wrist and forearm, held to part of it tightly and jerked hard. His intention was to pull Karlin off her feet and maybe pull the other end of the rope out of her hands.

Amadeo let out the softest of sighs as Regan pulled him closer. "...But...It would be better for everyone that way." He sighed the words softly, sounding so very defeated. Honestly, he had been defeated a long time ago, he wasn't even sure why he still held to life. What was the point anyway? He had told himself before it was so he could rid the world of all vampires. How foolish that was, but it had been an excuse to cling to life. Now Amadeo wasn't so sure he really wanted to live anyway.

He would never be free. His condition, or curse or whatever anyone wanted to call it wouldn't allow him to be. He had thought it wouldn't be bad to stay with Regan, he needed the vampire to keep the pain away, and Regan had been kinder to him than any vampire before. Amadeo had actually started to trust Regan, now though, it seemed he was wrong. Regan had Loki, Regan didn't really need him at all.

Amadeo had just been there to fill a hole a temporary replacement. The demon shivered lightly and clung to Regan. He didn't want to leave Regan's side, the only vampire he had ever wanted to belong to, and the man was going to throw him away as soon as he had found his wolf. That's all he was really, just something to be used and tossed out on the curb when someone got bored with him.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-25-2012, 10:08 PM

Another sigh escaped Regan as he hugged Amadeo close. "No, please. I'm begging you not to. How can I change your mind on this?" The battle had faded completely from his mind, save for the worry he felt for Loki. Though he was sure the wolf could take care of himself. Hadn't he been doing so for centuries before the vampire had even been born?

The young woman watched with guilt as the dark haired man, the one without the strange ears, began clawing at his neck. Karlin would have moved forward to release him herself, and put an end to the fighting, but the wolf was suddenly pulling her forward.

She slipped a bit, but dug in her heeled leather boots with a steely expression. Green eyes, flashing, Karlin had wrapped the silver rope around her hands to make sure she wouldn't let go. "You know, this is really beginning to bore me. All this fighting, and arguing. Why not go inside and talk everything over, preferably with a hot plate of grub on the table."

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 05:28 AM

Adax's body jerked as his hands were suddenly torn away from his neck, an obvious snarl on his face. But then the burning was relieved, the accursed rope removed by the same hands that had been ripping him violently seconds earlier. The mass filled his mind with jubilant shouts, but they quieted as Adax's body stood, hand lowering to support a sliced belly.

The stink coming from his wound was astounding. The smell of entrails both rotting and rotted filled the air. He had no fat to cushion between the muscle and the skin, making the initial slice into his belly one that had pierced the cavity housing old organs. It was one of the downsides of walking around in a corpse. Especially one over three thousand years old. He moved to the side, out of the wolf demon's line of sight and ignoring the woman's words. His mind was clear now. No longer fueled mindlessly by anger. He sighed lightly as the bones receded back into his hand. The old corpse no longer wished to fight, a light hum escaping his shredded throat as he attempted to call on the wisps he had seen earlier to help heal his tattered flesh.

Last edited by Hidden Cupcake; 06-26-2012 at 06:51 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 05:58 AM

The rope dug into the flesh of his forearm, wrist and palm as he jerked it and she resisted. It was a little hard to believe that a human could be strong enough to keep their footing against a demon. The unicorn haired rope had burned Loki's hands when he'd been pulling it from Adax's neck, and of course now it burned his flesh were it was wound around his forearm.

Loki didn't really seem to notice, or maybe he just didn't care at all. He tightened his grip on the rope and jerked harder this time, with enough force to actually lift Karlin off the ground a few inches. A warning growl was given, then Loki was unwinding that rope from his arm and dropping it on the ground.

The wolf gave Adax only a passing, disinterested glance, it seemed Loki didn't really want to bother with the necromancer anymore. Mostly it was because of the horrible smell, he really didn't want to rip someone apart that smelled worse than death. The demon stalked right up to Regan and Amadeo, one hand reaching out to grab Regan by the shoulder, and the other hand went for Amadeo's throat. He shoved Regan back rather violently with the hand on his shoulder, and pulled Amadeo closer to himself by the throat.

The anger hadn't completely left Loki, but he wasn't lost in the rage anymore. For now. He squeezed Amadeo's throat tightly, lifting the demon so his feet dangled a few inches from the ground, then he dropped the white haired man. As soon as Amadeo hit the ground, Loki began to kick at his torso. Snarling. "Don't you ever touch my vampire again!"

Amadeo wasn't sure Regan could change his mind about that, but it didn't really matter, did it? He looked up just in time to see the wolf coming towards them, he let out a startled squeak right before that hand closed around his throat and Regan was shoved away. His hands came up, scratching and clawing at Loki's arm as he whimpered and tried to breathe, then the wolf demon was dropping him.

As soon as his feet touched the ground his legs gave out beneath him, he couldn't even catch his breath. Amadeo coughed and sputtered as Loki began to kick him, instinctively he curled up with his arms tight around himself. Trying to shield the targeted area as best he could.

Amadeo was panicking, his heart beat so fast in his chest, he was so hot already, sweating, pain exploded all through out his body. Not just from where the wolf was kicking, and he couldn't think straight at all. His eyes were closed tightly, and he couldn't hold back the pathetic whimpers that left his throat.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 06:54 AM

The night air was cool on his scales, flapping under his membranous wings with a lovely crispness. A loud purr escaped a scaly throat as he moved through the fading night, soaring and weaving through the sky. But all the young wyrm saw was darkness. The young dragon, in the very prime of his life, had never seen a single thing. Blind since whelphood, the gray-scaled Honlogaaf has had to use his other senses to keep himself from falling prey to predators.

Most impressive was his hearing. Hidden just behind a crest of horns were his ears. Now, every dragon had a pair of ears. It would be silly for a top predator not to. But Honlogaaf's were unusually large. Flattened against his neck to reduce drag, the young dragon listened steadily to his heart beat as he flew, blind eyes closed to the wind. Four legs were held snugly against his body, tail out and almost perfectly still behind him as he trudge on.

Soon, though, the dragon's ears twitched, the sound of a faint whimpering reaching him. Soon to follow was the horrid stink of rotting flesh. Stumbling lightly in the air, the dragon stopped, hovering while he contemplated on whether or not to land. But the sad noise made the decision for him and, pity overtaking him, he began to descend, landing with a whump next to...something wooden. Was this a human settlement? Of course it wasn't...not nearly as crowded...though it stank far worse.

Only now, as he stood near the old building, did he hear the growling of a wolf and the steady pounding of leg on flesh. With a deep growl, he reared back, revealing his massive underbelly as he took in air. And then he fell forward, letting out a tremendous and echoing roar that cut through the air like horridly sharp claws, shaking the old building and scattering the wisps that had come to aid the old body of Adax. The poor thing was only partially healed.

(I hope you don't mind I add another character. Honlogaaf hear is new and I would really like to test him out.)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 07:59 AM

][Nope, I don't mind at all. You're welcome to use as many characters as you like.][

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 09:39 PM

The redhead would have spoken, tried to convince Amadeo again that it would be alright, but Loki had shoved him aside. As if that wasn't enough the wolf had begun to kick at the white haired man, causing more pain then he probably had any idea.

The dragon's roar didn't phase Regan, it barely even registered. For his rarely roused anger had reared it's head, and he charged at the wolf with a yell. Blue eyes flashed with anger and hurt as he lashed out to try and halt Loki's attack upon Amadeo. "Leave him be Loki! Do you hear me, for once. Leave Amadeo alone!" With that said, he turned away from the wolf to gather the white haired man close.

It was heaping hurt upon hurt, something that caused Regan to let out a pained sound, but Amadeo needed him. "Loki I love you, but he needs me." The vampire pressed his fangs gently into the bat eared man's neck, and took in the extra blood he knew pained him so.

Karlin hated being ignored. Regan could have attested to that fact if he'd been paying any mind to the young woman. That, added to the fact that she'd just belly slid across the ground, made the orange haired woman want to scream and shout to get people's attention. Instead, Karlin let out a huff of indignation while purposefully ignoring Loki.

She knew Regan was going to take care of things, and he was probably the only one the wolf would listen to. So she sauntered over to the moving corpse while wrinkling her nose a little. That was when the dragon appeared with a tremendous roar. Karlin eyed the dragon with wonder, but managed to take her eyes away to peek at Adax and his wound. "Is there anything I can do to help? I ... apologize for earlier. I didn't know the unicorn rope would actually hurt you." She never knew when it would or not, since it really did depend wholly on the person and what they thought of themselves.


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