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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-26-2012, 02:42 AM

She'd had no idea what he was planning until Seiri had pulled her into the dance. Priscilla couldn't help but smile back at him, happy that their time together was not yet over. For once she didn't care what anyone else thought or about her overbearing father. Twirling and gliding across the dance floor with such a man, Priscilla didn't know what she would have done that night if he'd not shown up. Seiri had made her smile, and enjoy herself in a way that no one had in years. Let the others whisper. The noble would enjoy herself for this one rare time, and consequences be damned!

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 08:11 PM

Slowly coming to a halt as the music faded from its current song, Seiri had decided not to let go of the young woman's hand. Instead, within full view of every one, he brought her closer as he leaned down, one hand tilting her chin up. "I am almost sorry for bringing you into this mess." He whispered softly as he gently pressed his lips against hers. Pulling away, his whole demeanor seemed to change from open and friendly to cold as ice as he turned her around with one arm twisted up her back and his other hand bringing out a knife to hold against her neck.

Grinning at the now furious old man, he tightened his grip on Priscilla's arm to make sure she didn't try to escape. "Lord Evraim. I must say, this was a most delightful little party, but as it is, that was not why I came here. I am going to take this girl here and you shall have 3 days to release your servants. All of them, including the magical ones, or this little morsel gets hurt. I will be watching." The raven warned loudly. The sound of fabric tearing almost hide the sound of gasping as he unfurled his large black wings, wrapping them around the pair and using the shadows to escape the banquet room, leaving only the shreds of his shirt and a lone ebony feather.

Letting the wings open a little so he could look around, he nodded softly to himself as he settled his wings against his back and pushed the human girl away from him after snapping on a thin choker with a ruby drop pendant. "I suggest you go lie on the cot over there and sleep. You can't escape as long as you wear that collar, and it can only be taken off by me." Seiri spoke, though he sounded guarded, almost like something was troubling him. "There is a screen back there where you can change into different clothes." He added nonchalantly as he took off the mask, hiding the wince at the sound of metal crashing against rock as it bounced on the floor, followed by removing the remaining rags of his shirt.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 08:31 PM

Smiling softly, the brunette's golden eyes widened as she was pulled closer to the dark haired man. Her mouth opened and closed for a moment or two as Priscilla wondered what he might mean with his words. All those thoughts fled from her mind as she felt soft lips against her own for the first time in her life. Eyes fluttering closed without a care for anything in the world, Priscilla's mouth opened wide as a strangled scream escaped her throat.

This couldn't be happening! Anger overwhelmed fear. Such a betrayal had never happened to her before. There was nothing she could do though, dressed as she was with no knowledge of how to struggle. She couldn't even tilt her head to the side in order to see what had made such a ripping sound, though Priscilla soon found out. Wings, so that meant Seiri wasn't human? This was just getting worse and worse! A horrible feeling filled her heart, making Priscilla want to hide away from everyone and everything.

Instead she moved numbly to the back of the screen where she fount a simple white dress. Quickly changing into it with a sigh, Priscilla moved to the cot without looking at Seiri. Instead she settled down upon it with her back to him and curled up into a tight ball. For now she was hurt and sad, but soon enough her anger would return though she felt helpless.

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Old 03-30-2012, 12:14 AM

Seiri sighed, he expected the emotions he could feel emanating from the girl but that didn't mean he liked it. He normally avoided kidnapping except this time, it called for it really. Slipping off the dress pants to slip into his loose cotton pants then pulling on a matching sleeveless top, Seiri moved to sit close to the mouth of the cave. Breathing in the chilly night air, he grinned forlornly as he stared down at the old Lord's home. Honestly, they would never have guessed to look behind his own home into the mountains. Glancing back at the brunette, the raven hoped she didn't try to escape. He'd picked this cave with the idea that he may need a captive, so the entrance was on a cave wall, high up there. The only way out was with wings or if you knew how to propel down. Or if Seiri himself brought them out.

Shaking his head, he yawned suddenly, relaxing against the wall. Letting his wings melt into his back, he reclined more comfortably, letting one leg dangle outside the mouth of the cave while the other was bent infront of him. "Sleep well Hime." He murmured softly before drifting off himself.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 01:45 PM

A small yawn escaped Priscilla's slips as she sat up in her bed to stretch her arms out. Golden eyes widening, the brunette suddenly remembered what had happened the night before. Suspiciously she shifted to the furtest edge of the bed til her back hit the hard stone wall. Seiri had been so nice before, so interesting and kind ... So had he had to change? She had wanted to know him better but now it was too late for that. He was just like the other men, always out to use her for something instead of wanting to know her for herself. It was almost enough to make her cry, but a noblewoman did not dissolve in tears.

With a groan the young man opened his eyes. Lifting a hand to rub sleep away he stiffened slightly when he felt another beside him. That was when Casimir remembered everything that had happened. Letting out a soft curse the brown haired man scrambled off the bed to clothe himself quickly in a loose fitting blue shirt and a pair of brown pants. After slipping on a pair of boots, Casimir turned to the white haired woman in his bed and pressed a kiss to her cheek briefly.

Pulling up the blanket to cover her, he brushed the hair from her face but couldn't remain for very long. He had a feeling that something horrible had happened.

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Old 07-01-2012, 09:55 PM

Seiri had risen with the sun, a habit he could not break, no matter how little sleep he managed to get. Glancing back at the young woman as she woke, he let a small smile appear before fading as she curled into a corner against the wall. Groaning softly, he could smell the salt that signaled tears. It was bound to happen though, he had hurt her, maybe not physically, but it was just the same. "Don't cry Hime, it was necessary." He spoke softly, but the cave carried his voice to the girl. He'd have to leave later to bring her food and new clothes.

Rora groaned softly, slowly starting to wake, only to sigh happily at the kiss on her cheek. Wriggling around in the bed a little, she managed to roll onto her side. Pulling the pillow he had been using against her body, squeezing it close, her body curling up around it. She was falling back asleep and would not wake for a while yet.

((PapillonCameo: I figure this way, she can wake while he's gone, and can poke about his room.))

Last edited by AmaniIshtar; 07-02-2012 at 07:54 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-04-2012, 12:35 AM

The young woman lifted her head to glare at the man and sniffed derisively. "Noblewomen do not cry in such situations. Something was ... simply in my eye." Lifting a hand, Priscilla rubbed away her tears and turned her back to the wall. She peered at Seiri with her golden eyes accusingly. How could she have been so trusting? Perhaps she should have listened to her father and simply allowed herself to be thrown into a loveless arranged marriage.

At least then her heart wouldn't have been aching as it was.

Casimir walked right into a tirade thrown by Evraim. "My daughter is missing, and you were no where in sight to stop this from happening! Find her, find her now! And bring that useless slave with you." The man didn't even dare mumble an apology as he rushed off after hearing differing accounts from the servants who had been present during the ball.

He couldn't believe he'd let himself be distracting in that way. A wave of guilt filled Casimir as he smashed the door of his room open and grabbed the pack he always kept ready for travel from his closet. "Wake up Rora, Priscilla was kidnapped and it was my fault." His fault entirely for even letting himself get distracted by anyone.

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Old 07-04-2012, 02:22 AM

Startling awake, Rora shot up into a sitting position, hissing softly at who ever had interrupted her sleep. Blinking a few times to clear the haziness from her eyes she watched Cas pace the room. Not even bothering to cover up, the vampire yawned and stretched her arms above her head. "Huh?" Honestly she hadn't been paying attention, and even with him so agitated didn't seem to impress on her much. Crawling to the edge of the bed, Aurora slipped off the side and began looking for clean clothes she could wear, even if they were Casimir's.

"Indeed" Seiri was willing to humor her for now. If it would help her feel better, who was he to take it away? Sighing as he ran a hand through his hair, he glanced back at her. "Behave and do try not to escape, you won't survive the drop. I will be back in a bit with food and clothes." He spoke lightly, standing and ruffling his wings a little before shifting to his bird form and flying away to the nearby town.

Landing at the outskirts, he walked confidently through the town, no one able to recognize him. His first stop was to a clothing store, where he grabbed a few dresses and other types of clothing for his...hostage was the only word that came to mind anymore. Sighing as he paid for such items, he folded them gently and placed them in the knapsack he had hidden incase of such circumstances. Next was into the market to stock up on foods. On his way back out, he ended up passing the jewelers shop and saw something that caught his eye in the window. Moving closer he saw it was a beautiful trio of necklace, earrings and a ring. The metal was a beautiful silver color and had the look of vines and leaves that seemed to come together and wrap around a mid-sized teardrop shape amethyst in the necklace. The earrings and ring were similar but the gems were much smaller. Walking away from the store, he carried a secret smile even as the owner began running around his store and outside the building yelling and screaming about a theif, an ebony colored feather in his hand.

Walking deeper into the woods, he waited to make sure he hadn't been followed before letting his wings grow from his back and spread, lifting him from the ground. All in all the trip had taken him little over half an hour and he was already heading back towards the cave.

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Old 07-04-2012, 03:06 AM

She watched as he disappeared, remembering how those wings had wrapped around her. With that came the rather haunting memory of how his lips had brushed against hers. For a moment Priscilla allowed herself to wonder what it might be like to know the feeling again, but she shoved it aside. This was not the time to think of her kidnapper as anything but that. Seiri had lied to her, and made her believe that he might actually have been a decent human being.

It made Priscilla laugh as she pushed herself off the bed. The young woman moved trough the cave to peer out, then backed away quickly from the opening. It was up so high, and without any means of stopping her fall! Quickly she went to settled down on the bed again to stare rather blankly at a nearby wall. Priscilla was planning silently, trying to find a way out of this situation.

Casimir shook his head and turned to shoot an exasperated glance Rora's way. "Priscilla was kidnapped because I wasn't there to protect her." repeated the dark haired man doggedly. Seeing what Aurora was trying to do, he grabbed some of his clean clothing from a drawer and threw it in her direction. "Evraim wishes you to accompany me during my search for his daughter." The lord had no intention at all of paying for her return, so it would be up to the duo to rescue Priscilla before the three days were up.

A difficult task when now all he wanted to do was leave Rora behind. She was a distraction he simply couldn't afford. Last night had proved that.

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Old 07-07-2012, 07:25 PM

Rora caught the clothes before they hit her, easily changing into them. Looking down at herself in the baggy clothes, she tsked sofly before letting her nails extend into claws, using them to shred off the sleeves then cutting the pants to just above mid-thigh. Murmuring to herself as she unbuttoned a few of the buttons from the bottom of the shirt, the vampire rolled the loose fabric up and tied it in a knot just under her bust.

Ruby eyes flashed as she tried to find a response to his words, some of them angering her at a base level that she did not like. It did not bode well for her. So instead she just said nothing, mutely pouting to herself as she waited for him to lead. Soon she would need to feed and she'd rather feed on an animal than on a human. Shuddering minutely, she decided to distract herself by grabbing a brush and running it through her long locks before pulling it back into a high ponytail.

Flying up to the cave, Seiri landed softly, black boots not even making a sound. Glancing up at the female, he sighed softly at her blank look. That bothered him a little, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. Settling off to the side, he kneeled and dug through the satchel, pulling out the first layer of clothes first then food; bread, cheese, some milk, a package of meat, and some packs of seasoning. Placing the clothes back into the satchel, he tossed it softly, watching as it landed with a thud on the bed next to Priscilla. "I got you some new clothes." He told her even as he went back to his groceries, spliting the bread and some cheese, passing it to her before moving away to the mouth of the cave with a small pot in his grasp.

Munching on the bread thoughtfully, he set a small metal stand next to an equally small pile of sticks for a fire. Hanging the pot from the stand, he poured in some water as the base. "I hope you don't mind potatoes. Or onions." He commented lightly as he pulled a pack of the ground veggies towards him. Pulling out about 3 medium sized spuds, he diced them up before dropping them into the water, followed by one large onion and a packet of seasonings. Lighting the sticks on fire he covered the pot with a lid so that everything could cook properly.

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Old 07-08-2012, 02:22 PM

Casimir turned to eye the white haired woman after she'd changed. The dark haired man motioned for her to follow him as he began to walk away trough the warren of corridors in the mansion. Soon enough they were emerging outside near the stables where two horses were already saddled with packs nestled snugly upon the leather seats.

"I hope you can ride," stated the tall man as he moved forward to heave himself up onto the dappled grey mare who belonged to him. He patted her neck, and bent to murmur a few soft words into the horse's ear. All of this to give Aurora the time to settle upon her own mount before he heeled his horse forward.

She lifted her golden eyes with a start as something thumped onto the bed beside her. The young woman reached out to poke at the clothing inside. The dressed were of good quality, if a little worn. Priscilla accepted the bread and cheese without a word and began to nibble on the food. Once her stomach was filled enough, she put the half finished bread to the side. Quickly grabbing the clothing, the brunette went to change behind the screen.

Once that was done Priscilla moved to sit on the edge of the cave by Seiri. "So are you really planning on killing me if my father doesn't give you what you want?" She'd wanted to asked why the man had lied to her, made her think that he cared ... But that must have been part of the plan to capture her.

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Old 07-09-2012, 09:01 AM

Following after him, bare feet padding the ground softly. She never did care for shoes if she could help it. Barely looking at any of the ostentatious decor that Evraim had in the hallways, though she did sneer at the stuff on occasion. When they reached outside, she inhaled and exhaled heavily, loving the fresh air that filled her lungs. It wasn't like she needed to breath, but it certainly made blending in easier. Ruby colored eyes opened when he spoke, taking in him swinging up onto a grey mare that he treated kindly. Turning to look at the other one, already she could tell it was skittish. It instinctively knew she was the predator and the rust colored mare was very much prey.

Shaking her head, she glanced around before moving into the stables themselves in hopes of finding a more suited creature to ride upon. Ignoring the majority that also fidgeted and whinied in their pens, Rora moved further inside. "What ye be looking fer lassy?" Turning toward the thick accent, the silver-haired female smiled at the Irish Sidhe, a naturally great being to care for such wonderful creatures. "I am so sorry, but it seems the horse picked for me is too skittish. Perhaps something with a bit more daring?" She questioned, smiling softly to show a bit of fang, watching as the elve's eyes widened in understanding. "So ye know how to ride?" Taking in her nod, he too moved to the last stall, the vampire following. She sighed in appreciation at the beauty of the sable colored stallion, an Arabian.

Ignoring the Sidhe, Rora stepped into the stall, hand held up and splayed out to show peace. This was an intelligent animal, and a spirited one if she remembered right. Glad that it wasn't starting, it was just quietly watching her, she moved closer to murmuring to it softly as she pet it. Nodding in satisfaction when it remained calm, she turned to get the blanket, then the saddle, cinching the straps firmly so that it wasn't too loose, but not too tight. She followed up with the bridle, the reins, and the pack that had been on the other horse before she deftly climbed up onto the creature. When the stall door opened, she clicked her tongue and nudged its sides with her heels, getting it to gently walk from the stall then the stables and next to Casimir. "Didn't the other servants know what I was?" She questioned the male softly. If they had known, why did they bring her such a gentle mare to begin with? They were always too skittish around her.

Ruby eyes flickered up as Priscilla sat down, offering her a slight smile. Leaning against the rocky wall, he stared out into the horizon as he contemplated how to answer. After thinking for a few minutes, he decided that honesty truly was best. "I do not think I will." He answered, sighing softly. "I honestly do not like killing. And I've tried my best to refrain from doing so. But sometimes there must be a little death to make things right." He concluded softly, turning to stare at her with a determined gaze. "Tell me, do you honestly believe your father is right in buying up people and magical beings, so he can flaunt his wealth and status as well as use them to make his life better? That it is right of him to take away someone's freedom and free will to do with as he pleases?" He hoped she didn't agree with her father. When they'd been alone, she had reminded him of his late wife and he'd grown to like her.

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Old 08-10-2012, 09:12 PM

The young woman averted her eyes with a sigh. She knew he had good intentions, but she hated being nothing more then the means to an end. "Of course it's wrong. But if I was nothing more then an excuse for freeing all those people, why is it that you kissed me? Why not simple take me away, without such a display!" Anger rose in Priscilla's voice as she turned to whirl around and glare at the raven.

"I was a fool to think, even for a moment, that you were different then any of the other men flocking around me." Flinging the words out, Priscilla moved away from Seiri to flop down on the bed in an undignified manner.

He peered back at the vampire once she returned, letting out a sigh. "They're just used to treating ladies like they're not able to lift a finger." He'd thought that of Priscilla, before seeing why she was like that. Her father never let the girl do what she wanted, and always coddled her to no end to make sure that no ideas not approved by him wriggled their way into her mind.

Prim and proper she was, which was why Casimir worried for her so. Glancing back at the vampire, he motioned for her to follow as he heeled his horse forward. They would go into town to see what might be found about the raven winged man who'd captured the lady from her home.

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Old 09-19-2012, 09:47 PM

"I see." She murmured even as she gently guided the horse to following the other male. Watching the scenery and breathing deeply the clean air, Aurora let her mind wander slightly. During the time she'd been dancing, she'd seen the young lady they were now trying to locate. She had looked like a sad thing, a caged bird that wanted to fly but was also scared to do so in case she became hurt. Glancing ruby eyes to the male, she sighed. It wasn't fair. Twice now she'd had his blood, any more and she would be stuck. Rora had worked so hard not to feed on human blood, she didn't like the effects. Shaking her head softly to clear those thoughts, she patted the horse and whispered softly to it.

Seiri grinned softly at her spunk. Here it was, she was under his control and she was arguing with him. "Hime, you do not yet realise just what your importance is, let alone how much you needed to be taken away from there." He replied gently, not even rising to the bait when she said he was no better than the other males. Frankly he was. At least he was younger for one. Well, younger looking, as a demon he certainly had a long life span. And he cared more about hearing her out, or talking about her dreams and hopes. Possibly anyway right now.

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Old 10-17-2012, 10:37 PM

Soon they were entering the village with all it's bustling people. There seemed to be some kind of commotion at the jeweler's shop. It was the first place Casimir headed for, as he remembered the type of rich clothing the man who'd captured his charge had been wearing. In his pocket was the feather left behind, and a scrap of fabric. They were the only clues he had to go on, apart from the vivid descriptions he'd received from various people present at the ball.

"Rora, I apologize for being rude, especially after what happened yesterday ... But you see, Priscilla is like a sister to me, so I'm worried about her. More so then if she was simply someone paying me to keep watch over her." He hoped the explanation would ease the tension between them as he brought his horse to a pause in the crowded street. The vendor was certainly gathering a crowd now and it would be difficult to reach him. This was perhaps a good opportunity to speak with the vampire as they waited for an opening.

She let an annoyed sound escape her. The brunette sat up to regard her dark haired captor with obvious ire, and a facade of anger. "Did you even think for a moment that perhaps if you'd asked, I would have willingly gone with you? But no, instead you deceived me, and stole me away by force!" She had wanted to run away after all, and Seiri had made such an impression on her. In fact, the demon had dazzled Priscilla with his words and manner. Now that was tainted in her eyes by the fact he'd chosen to spirit her away without thought. Of course he'd not know she wanted to run, but the fact still remained that he had kidnapped her, no matter how kind of a captor he was being.

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Old 01-12-2013, 11:11 PM

When they first rode into the village, Aurora winced lightly, trying to hide it from her travel companion. She had become so used to her subdued senses, that now that she'd been fed human blood, they were heightened once more. Watching as he disappeared to the jewelry store, the young looking vampire stayed on her horse, waiting. Growing a touch bored, she let her eyes fall closed as she looked inside herself, wanting to see just what gifts she did have. It had been so long since she'd used them, she'd forgotten about them.

When Casimir came back, ruby eyes fluttered open. Lifting a hand, she waved it back and forth in a dismissing manner. "Do not worry about it. I am used to such things." She smiled sweetly, eyes slipping closed to mask the fact it was a forced smile. She was not sure if she'd be able to tell him that they were in the first stages of building a bond. She needed to stay away from him and purge her body of human blood, that might be able to prevent it from taking hold. Especially as her mating season was coming up soon. "Where do we go next?"

Seiri Let out a soft snort, then grinned. This girl was so feisty, how could he have ever compared her to his beloved wife? "Had I thought just asking? Yes. But you have been raised to be spoiled and have no thoughts of your own, only your father's. You would have wanted to speak to him first." He responded, his own annoyance color the words harshly. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, turning hard crimson eyes to the girl. "Your father is not the man you think he is, hime, and while I do not like the fact that I had to kidnap you, I will not apologize for saving you or the slaves that he hurts." He told her, sincerity and conviction added to his tone. Turning to face the outside, he sighed wearily and closed his eyes, falling into a light meditation. Right now he didn't want to deal with her or his warring emotions, he knew the man would send someone after the raven, and he wanted to be prepared.

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Old 01-14-2013, 11:44 PM

He returned from speaking with the vendor with a puzzled frown. "He stole jewelry," mumbled Casimir as he approached Aurora. A kidnapper did not usually steal pretty things for the person he'd stolen away. Could it be that the man had a liking for Priscilla, or was it simply a false trail laid by another thief? There were so many possibilities, and it was also the only lead he had found so far.

"His clothing ... We need to go and speak to the different clothing vendors and see what they have to say." Casimir was so preoccupied that Rora's mask went unnoticed by him. Finding Priscilla was his priority at the moment, while everyone else fell to the wayside.

The brunette spluttered and groaned before falling silent against the bed. Priscilla could find nothing to say, but didn't like the idea of simply doing nothing at all. Carefully trying not to make a sound, the young woman crawled off the bed then slipped across the floor as soundlessly as possible.

She remembered quite suddenly the look of his wings blocking her from sight, and how soft they had seemed. Unable to resist any longer, she reached out to brush a hesitant hand across the black feathers, then snatched back her hand and lay it across her lap with a blush.

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Old 01-15-2013, 03:47 AM

Rora let the smile slowly fade as her eyes opened, watching the young male forlornly. She was not sure what he hoped to learn, or that he would even learn anything of the mysterious kidnapper. Her heightened senses at the ball had, well 'tasted' his aura for lack of a better phrase. While he was dressed rather elegantly and flashy, he would not have gone about this simple town the same way. He would have hidden, and quite possibly, maybe he didn't even buy clothes at the village either. It was something she would have done herself at the height of her power in years gone by.

"As you wish." She murmured, the albino vampire moving to follow the young male. Thoughts tangled else where, she very nearly missed the remnants of the scent of the demon's aura had left behind the day before. While she could follow most of it currently, she would need to tap into herself to truly find the answers. To do so though, would most likely cause problems with the local villagers in ways that would quite possibly frighten them and lead to sudden violence upon her, as well as Casimir for 'consorting with a monster'.

The resulting violent twitch of his wing that mildly slapped the girl was not something Seiri had planned, neither was his hiding is wings in a quick flurry of feathers that drifted about them as he turned and pinned the girl to stoney floor. One hand held both of her wrists above her head, his knees set at an even space next to her hips, while his left hand held a slim dagger an inch away from her throat embedded int he stone. Blinking rapidly, the raven knew his eyes must've widened in horror at just exactly what had occured, scant seconds before he quickly shot up and off the other girl and switched into his avian shape to fly away. Cowardly he knew, but he couldn't stay there at the moment.

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Old 01-15-2013, 04:17 AM

The bodyguard paid not much mind to Rora as he heeled his horse forth. It was rather tedious stepping off and on of the steed at every turn to question each vendor. Casimir had nearly given up hope, until a description of the dark haired man made a shopkeeper remember a man buying women's clothing. It had seemed rather odd to the man at the time, and now he was glad to provide Casimir with the information. More and more, the dark haired man was beginning to have a suspicion that the raven winged man and his captive weren't so far away...

"Rora, is there anything you can do to help?" It was odd to suddenly remember her race, and even odder still for Casimir to have nearly forgotten her presence. Worry consumed him, eating away at his thoughts, making it so that even what once was a worry not be one any longer.

A shocked yell escaped Priscilla's lips, and before she could react any further she was lying helpless against the rough cavern floor. Frightened eyes stared up at her captor, silently asking if he had returned upon his earlier words. Surely, so simple a thing as touching his wing hadn't made him change his mind? The brunette felt herself whimper slightly just as a strange look crossed her kidnapper's features. No time passed at all before Seiri was suddenly gone, flying away and leaving Priscilla alone with her fears and brewing anger. With a small hump, she moved to lie down upon the bed and fed her anger, if only to avoid the fear fighting to grow in her heart.

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Old 01-16-2013, 11:57 PM

The albino vampire only paid half a mind to what her... Well, for lack of better word- her babysitter- was doing as he seemed to get off his horse, ask a few questions, get back on, trot a step or two and get off again. It seemed woefully asinine to her. If he was going to get off the horse every time he talked to someone, why not just stay on his feet and walk? The other half was filled with worry and dread. She couldn't help him the way he would most likely want her to, and some how she found herself wanting to have his good opinion.

Shaking such thoughts from her head, she brushed a strand of hair back over her shoulder. She had just urged her horse to pass in front of the male when he turned the question upon her. The horse huffed as it felt the vampiress tense tightly in her saddle. He had to ask that kind of question. Aurora was conflicted on what to do at that point, especially now that her hunger was rearing its ugly head. "I... Casimir, Please don't ask me that. Especially not here." She murmured to him, sad red eyes glancing back at him.

Seiri cursed himself as he flew from the cavern. He probably should turn back around and apologize, but he didn't feel like it at the moment. She should've thought better than to try and touch the demon when his back was turned. Sighing mentally, he knew he couldn't leave her alone anyway, there were still other demons out there, and some of them could climb walls. Turning on the breeze he made his way back, gently landing at the edge of the cave but not changing back into his humanoid form. He honestly didn't feel like talking at the moment.

((sorry if its crap, but in a rush to get ready for work and a little writers block when it comes to seiri.))

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Old 01-17-2013, 08:01 PM

The dark haired man frowned at her answer, finding it rather puzzling. Why was Rora so adamant about not utilizing her abilities? The villagers might have a horrible reaction, he knew, but that didn't matter. Without Priscilla they couldn't return to the mansion, and Casimir didn't want to either. Not only was the young woman like a sister to him, but her father could be cruel when he didn't have his way.

"Very well. But if you do notice anything useful, speak up." He still found himself somewhat angry with her for having been such a distraction. If only they hadn't met, then so many problems could have been avoided! Surely when Ephraim knew that his daughter's guard had lain with his newest slave without the lord's say so, things would get even messier... and Rora would most probably be hurt. The thought made Casimir sigh a little helplessly.

Priscilla lifted her head at the sound of wings, wondering if perhaps Seiri had returned. Her golden eyes fell upon the raven, sitting by the edge of the cave almost suspiciously, but it looked pretty harmless to her. It had come at just the right time, when she needed someone, or something, to vent all of her mixed emotions to. Gingerly, she moved a little closer to the bird and leaned against the wall. Of course, the noble was still at a fair distance for fear of scaring it off.

All the while she talked, not stopping even as she sat down. "Hello there, little bird. I don't suppose you'd mind lending an ear? I don't seem to have much luck finding people to talk to. I wonder what kind of predicaments you've gotten yourself into, certainly not anything like this! I really did like the man who kidnapped me ... I even thought maybe there could be something to all that fiddle faddle I hear the servants talking about. I often over hear them speaking of this woman or that having found a beau so kind and wonderful, who treats her like royalty, but it always seemed like nothing more then a silly notion..."

The young woman fell silent for a moment with a loud sigh. "But then he kidnapped me, and even though he has been kind for a little while, the man nearly killed me! I just wanted to know what his feathers felt like... His wings look so majestic and soft, but when he took me away I didn't get the chance to reach out and see how they felt. A funny thought I know, but I can be rather curious and unreasonable sometimes. Seiri told me he didn't intend on killing me, and yet he nearly did... I suppose he only stopped because he still has a use for me." The anger and indignation Priscilla had shown before faded away to sadness at the last, because yet again her worth was measured by what her life could gain and not by who she was. It seemed like she was doomed to being passed from hand to hand, or taken, in such a manner for as long as she lived.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 01-17-2013, 10:55 PM

Rora sighed, grasping her elbows in her hands in a loose hug and her shoulders hunching. Disappointment, anger, confusion. Its smattered with the fear she could already sense from the surrounding villagers. They could remember her from yesterday, the vampire that had to be violently knocked out as she was sold. A bloody tear streaked down a pale cheek before being violently wiped away.

Taking a shuddering breath, Aurora sat up slowly, mentally creating walls to block out everything and everyone. She couldn't afford to be open anymore. Glancing over to Casimir, she nodded slightly. "As you wish, m'lord." She murmured, dull, darkened red eyes flicking around the area to see if she could locate anything to help.

Seiri was wary as the girl approached his avian shape, but didn't fly off. Tilting his head, he listened as she spoke, mentally snorting in idignation at her assumptions about him nearly killing her. It was nice to hear that she did hold him in high regard, but killing her was the farthest thing from his mind. Cocking his head the other direction, he let out a sharp 'caw' before hopping closer and climbing up onto her knee. Slowly he reached out with his beak, lightly nudging and nuzzling her cheek. The raven didn't like her being sad.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-19-2013, 05:44 PM

The man twisted around in the saddle to peer at Aurora with a frown. He'd never been called a lord before, and certainly didn't want it to begin then.Casimir might have been angry with Rora, but he did still care for her, or was beginning to at least. Such thoughts were pushed aside for a while as he continued questioning different people, but none could tell him anything more about the raven winged man. It was time to leave the village to search the surrounding areas, then move out from there.

"Come on Rora, it's time to leave the village." The suffocating feeling suddenly plaguing him might disappear then. It had been such a long time since he had an excuse to go traipsing about the forest while hunting something, or someone, down.

The noblewoman sighed softly then smiled. Priscilla lifted a hand to very slowly try and pet the raven. "Was touching his wings really so bad? I yelled at him before, and he just laughed or tried to make me see why he took me..." Shaking her head again, the golden eyed woman moved her hands to try and pick up the little raven gently. She didn't know why the bird had stayed to listen to her, but she was very grateful to it. Perhaps it was hungry? Priscilla glanced to where Seiri had placed the food the day before and wondered silently if there was anything there a bird might like. "You probably stuck around because you're hungry .... There must be something here you could have.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 01-25-2013, 04:31 AM

Rora barely contained the sigh that left her mouth when they moved into the surrounding forest. Now she could really hunt and not be a danger to herself or others. Letting the horse fall a step or two behind Casimir's, the vampire took an unneccessarily deep breath, silently reveling in the quiet and peace of the forest. She wasn't sure what to say to get him to let her leave long enough to feed, though with her speed she could easily run off, feed and come back before he truly became worried about where she'd gotten off to.

Seiri let his eyes slip closed as the female gently pet his feathers. Blinking his eyes open when she stopped, he watched her shake her head before jumping onto her hands when she held them out to move him from her shoulder. While the human couldn't hear it, his stomach did rumble a little bit in hunger when she mentioned food. Chuckling mentally, he disagreed with her sentiment, but it would be fine just the same to let her think food would get him to go away. Talking was still an ability he had as the raven, though in doing so he would reveal himself. That was something he didn't quite want just yet to happen.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-25-2013, 05:04 AM

Casimir had no inkling of his companion's troubles, nor did he seem inclined to pay much attention to her as he hopped off his mount to peer at the ground. He knew the man had wings, so perhaps if he looked for black feathers that might leave a trail ... He was already beginning to get desperate, even though their search hadn't even truly begun. Well it had, but their success had been nearly non existent.

She smiled softly at the bird. Very carefully the woman moved, and reached out one handed to grasp bits of bread. Priscilla broke them up into bite sized pieces as she settled down upon the floor, and slowly began to feed them to the raven. "Now where were you, when I needed someone to talk to? It would have been nice to have a friend like you waiting for me in the garden, growing up." If she'd known it was Seiri, the noblewoman would never have spoken as she had. She spoke as if to a companionable animal that she expected to see leave at any second, and it never crossed her mind that there was something entirely different about this particular bird.


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