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creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 12:52 AM

With a hand raised, Leliana's now black eyes pierced through the bushes and met blonde hair and light eyes. This time she was getting him and nothing was getting in her way. Never again was she going to be 'punished' for her mistakes and her Master was for the first time in her life going to be proud of what she had done.

Black smoke left her fingertips and snaked across the water until it reached the waters edge where it turned solid and formed into a small orb. When her creation had met it's full size, about the size of an apple, she let her hand drop and the darkness left her eyes, only to be replaced by grey irises and with dark rings closer to the pupil.
The orb let the river flow take it towards the male now drinking from the river and formed again into a small creature, all teeth and spikes. Something unrecognisable by the human eye and a creature only few other races had seen. Opening it's mouth it snapped shut onto the shoulder as tendrils struck out from within the creature to drag the man down. Several tendrils found soft areas of flesh and sunk themselves into them, sending blood everywhere, mixing with the fresh water.

Leliana took a step forward, a smile crossing her face. She would finally succeed, finally end what she was born to do, what her Master had failed to finish. She rushed forward, through bushes and trees, her long sleeves and dress flowing behind her, appearing unhindered by the thick growth until she was on the edge of the clearing the river ran and she froze, her eyes landing on the Elven male standing not far from her initial target and her lips curled back and her eyes turned black.

Maybe this was going to be harder then she had first thought.

(I promise my next posts will be longer D:
Im terrible at opening posts)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 12:53 AM

No matter how he struggled, Patrin failed to get free. Something else plunged into the water, the disturbance making the creature squeal and rage, it's appendages suddenly becoming more dangerous. It grew spikes, hard bone, upon the tips of its limbs, and aimed those at the interfering elf.

Patrin finally remembered he had hands. Quick, before air left him, the golden eyed man clawed at the tentacles holding him fast. Some gave without even a tug, and that was when he realized Kurako had probably joined the fray; for the first time he was grateful for the other man's presence for his own sake. Then his head bobbed up, out of the water and blood flowed from the wounds the creature had inflicted on him.

He made a hasty retreat, or tried to. Instead Patrin yelled as his foot was caught, pierced through the bone and skewered so that he couldn't escape. Panic made him freeze. Not his foot. He couldn't lose his foot! He was as good as dead without it.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:11 AM

Kurako hadn't been fully unaware of the other that had stepped out of the bushes as he plunged into the water to free his companion. Not fully unaware, but also not fully aware that another person was there, nor did he know the creature that threatened them had been a creation of this other person. It didn't matter though, all that mattered was one of them coming out of this victorious. The half elf had no doubt that he would win, simply because the situation demanded that he win. He had a job to do, and he would do it.

Patrin was to be protected, while the half-elf hadn't actually given his word or promise of protection, he had accepted payment already. Twice. So he was honor bound, that and his soft heart wouldn't allow him to let the other die and only save himself, or to lose which would also result possibly in Patrin's death. His heart that was still soft, that would eventually become corrupted by the curse in his own veins. Kurako lashed out at the creature, movements slowed only in the way that water can hinder them. Yet he was still very quick.

Once he thought Patrin was free, then it became apparent that the man's foot had been caught. Kurako's lungs were burning already, such exertions were burning up the oxygen in his body quickly. With a burst of speed and kicking at the beast, his head broke the surface of the water to inhale deeply before instantly diving back down. He had to free Patrin.

One dagger lashed out, hacked at the thing that had impaled Patrin's foot, as he attempted to defend himself with his other, smaller dagger. Sharp spikes scraped against him, cut into his thick clothing and his tender flesh beneath it. Kurako hardly registered the pain, focused on the task at hand. He severed a piece of the tentacle that held Patrin, freeing him from the creature's grasp but not freeing him from the bone that had skewered his foot.

Still it should be enough for the other to drag himself to shore. Kurako couldn't stop to watch and see. He dove deeper into the water, fighting off appendages as he went straight for the creature's mouth. Kurako's intention was to stab the creature in the brain either through an eye, or through the roof of his mouth. He wasn't sure his dagger was long enough for the second option, but he would certainly try.

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:22 AM

Despite the dark colouring of her eyes, Leliana was seeing red and her lips curled back even further and a slight snarl escaped from between sharpened teeth, much like a Vampires. She lunged forward and almost flew across the clearing but before reaching the pair a pain resonated from her chest and she crumbled to the ground, holding her chest, her fist clutching the brown blouse she wore tightly.

She looked up and her eyes fell on the dagger in the Elf's hand just as it cut through a dark and slimy tendril and another snarl escaped through her teeth. If she didn't stop this Elf he would surly do some damage seeing as he was killing what was essentially her.
She manged to stand to her feet and held up the hand that wasn't clutching her chest, willing the creature to return to her but not before the pair of males managed to somehow get free.

The Elf was still standing in the water, dagger out, as the black creature sunk to the bottom of the river and snaked it's way back to her, turning into faint smoke tendrils once it had escaped the water. Even the chunk still in the blonde man's foot quickly dispersed, leaving a still bleeding hole.

A small trickle of blood escaped the side of her mouth as her eyes turned grey as the last of the smoke faded back into her fingers and her knees buckled underneath her, her energy quickly depleted. She had been going for days, she didn't have the energy to keep going, let alone fight off these men if they decided to attack her.
A tear threatened to escape but she willed it back in and let her hands drop to her sides. She had failed and after so much planning, so much training. She was the strongest of her siblings and she had failed. She couldn't go back to her Master like this and she certainly didn't plan on it. She just hoped He didn't already know.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:38 AM

Patrin dragged himself from the water the moment he felt the pressure from the tentacle leave. He lay by upon the shore like a wet rag, weighed down by his clothing and weakened by his injuries. If he changed, it would only be a matter of minutes before he was healed, but the cost ...

He lifted his eyes, and another was there. A woman. The creature swirled into her. The perversity of that sent him neihing, laughing, despite how serious the situation was.

He shivered, quaked. Patrin had almost forgotten what being hunted felt like. Without Kurako, he would have been dead.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 03-05-2015 at 01:47 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:46 AM

The beast shrank away from him and Kurako felt a pang of disappointment. He wanted to see the battle through, emerge victorious, as he was certain he would have. The threat was gone, and he turned to make his way back to the shore. Hesitation in his steps as his eyes fell upon the woman, the fires of battle returning to his eyes as he saw the blackness go into her. Kurako's hood was down, thrown from his face from the battle so the lines of corruption on his face could easily be seen now, though he didn't seem to notice. He had superficial cuts here and there, oozing blood twinged with the black corruption.

He stood there for a moment, then began moving again. Reaching his traveling pack that he hadn't remembered dropping by the water's edge. But there it was, so he must've done that. He lifted it and moved to Patrin, dropping the pack next to the man. Eyeing him warily as he laughed. "There's some poultice's in there that'll help." His voice was even as he spoke. No amusement there, but the thrill of danger in his eyes and now he advanced towards the woman.

The half elf held his daggers at the ready as he approached her. "What's your purpose here, Lady?" She was on the ground, in a crumpled heap, but that didn't make Kurako any less cautious and he didn't get too close to her.

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:54 AM

Leliana ignored the Elven male's question and turned to the injured blonde, her eyes darkening slightly, "Why not change? Why not run?" She spat the words out while she tried to find her footing and stand, her knees feeling slightly week. If she could get them talking she might have some time to preserve what little energy she had and unleash a full attack on the Unicorn.

She raised a perfectly arched eyebow and turned to the Elf, "My purpose?" Her eyes flashed back to the blond, "My purpose is of no concern to you. Whatever he paid you I will triple if you hand him over to me and walk away without a word." She flashed the Elf a smile that would usually crumble even the most hardest of hearts but she knew this newcomer to her little game would be harder won.

She reached up and readjusted the large brown bow that she wore in her hair, careful not to let her sleeves fall down to far to reveal marks, quite similar to the Elf's, that crept up her wrists. She could feel the power that wrapped around her arms slowly dull in intensity and she didn't need to see them to know they were slowly vanishing until the were not even seem.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 01:57 AM

((I am super rusty so forgive me!!!))

A very quiet person, Sirona watched the group from across the river, hidden int he treetops whose shade made hiding so simple. She was taught to never interfere with another groups little fights- her old mentor taught her that.

Her hair fell around her shoulders, shaking her head to get the few strands from in front of her eyes, her dress hanging silently around her. Sirona was doing her best to stay completely silent- but she was, nonetheless, only a human with a special ability. Even breathing for her was loud.

Sirona was nonetheless, glad everything seemed to not end horribly for the two men in the water. Even if the woman that summoned that hideous creature was still within eyesight.

(Sorry about that, hit submit instead of preview.... oopsie. So I changed it so I don't actually interact for now)

Last edited by Karzienne; 03-05-2015 at 02:10 AM.. Reason: Clicked enter instead of preview :)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:03 AM

Kurako's words and the scent of healing herbs snapped him from his momentary lapse. Patrin wrapped his hands around the pack, and rummaged inside. Bandages, poultice and a bowl soon lay near his ankle. He busied himself cleaning the wound, purifying it with his touch, before applying the poultice and the bandages with a wince. It would heal well, but after more time then he liked.

The woman's words made him go rigid. His eye slid over Kurako's markings, noting them, before falling upon the dark haired stranger. His own platinum locks seemed white compared to her hair. "Poor child." He felt her fear, her anger, pulsing beneath his skin and wriggling there. He didn't know why, of course ... And yet it was enough. "You've led a hard life, haven't you? I don't suppose you would be predisposed to understanding loyalty. " He glanced at Kurako from his seat on the ground. "I couldn't leave my companion behind, certainly not after he risked his life to save mine."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:14 AM

Kurako glanced at Patrin. Change? Into what exactly? The half-elf already had a suspicion that Patrin wasn't human. That suspicion had just been confirmed, but he still had no idea what the other male was. Then the woman's words at him caused a tightness in his chest, his arms twitched slightly as if he might lower his poised daggers. The corruption nibbling at his heart made him consider such a proposition when normally he would've instantly refused it. "It's true, I can be bought for the right price...but it also depends on the situation. I don't often side with villains." His tone was one of amusement, and his expression was an amused one.

When Patrin spoke, Kurako glanced at the other for only a moment. Loyalty. Kurako didn't feel particularly loyal to Patrin, but this woman had attacked them for no reason as far as Kurako could tell. That was reason enough for him not to hand the other over to her. Then again, he didn't really know Patrin. What if the other male really was the villain? Once again he turned his eyes on Patrin, regarding the other carefully. Something told him that Patrin was far more trustworthy than the woman before him, instinct perhaps, and his instinct wasn't often wrong.

"Besides, I doubt you could triple what he's paying me." The words were said with a shrug as his full attention returned to that lady and Kurako moved a bit. Completely blocking her view of Patrin with his body. "Why do you want him? Has he wronged you in some way?" Kurako felt eyes on them, and he glanced around for a moment. Wondering if this woman had a hidden companion that lay in wait. Ready to strike. His stance changed the slightest bit, the grip on his daggers tightening just the slightest bit. Readying his body in case there would be another fight.

][Lol it's alright Karzi][

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:22 AM

"What do you know of loyalty horse?" She raised an eyebrow and took a step closer, ignoring the commenting about her life. He had no idea about the life she lived. It certainly wasn't pleasant but it was hers and she couldn't expect much more when was only conceived to track down his kind.
"As for your last comment, I wasn't referring to you leaving him, but him leaving you." She smiled again, "And I have greased enough palms in my life to know that everybody has a price." Her eyes flashed to the Elf, "Especially those in your line of work thief." Her eyes dropped briefly to the tools hanging on his belt and smiled again, nobody resists her for long, she was bred for this kind of conflict.

After the Elf's short words she turned back to him, "As I said, my purpose, which extends to why I need him, is of no concern to you." She giggled slightly, pulling a large money bag from her right sleeve, "I'm sure I could triple it easily." She opened the bag and let a few small diamonds fall into her right hand before closing the bag back up and placing it back I her sleeve.

Villain? Leliana had never thought of herself as a villain before, she knew she wasn't good but she certainly didn't see herself as evil. Merely following what her Master asked of her because as all children were, they were blindingly loyal to their makers.

(thats okay love, feel free to enter whenever you like ^^)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:38 AM

He couldn't allow her to help the taint upon the half elf grow! Was greed the cause? He didn't know ... Patrin couldn't take that chance. Once his mind was made up, he pushed himself to his feet, and hobbled forward. Torn, he glanced from his companion to the woman. It would be so easy to give himself up, but how would he know if she would keep her word?

Perhaps he could help ease her pain if he let himself be taken. It might be worth it. But then the work he'd put into gaining Kurako's trust crumble into dust. "Enough!" He shook his head, and grimaced. "Please, stop. I ... I will go with you, so long as you promise no harm will come to Kurako." He shuddered, imagining what might lay in store for him now. But the possible gains far outweighed the danger.

Patrin had to laugh at himself, mentally. He was most probably the last of his kind, and like all the rest he let the need to protect, to try and heal, become his downfall. "Unicorns are very trustworthy, so surely you believe me when I say I will follow you without struggle, so long as you abide by my request."

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:51 AM

Leliana nodded, "I promise not to harm him but I can't speak for the rest of my kind." She looked to the Elf, "I cannot be held responsible for my actions if he decides to attack while my back was turned." She raised an eyebrow, Kurako? That name was strangely familiar but she couldn't quite remember how.

She looked back to the Unicorn, "You obviously know what the outcome of you coming with me will be?" She turned away and began walking back towards the forest when a stabbing and intense pain shot through Leliana's skull. Holding her head she crumbled again and cried out, "I'm sorry! I was so close!" she opened her eyes and instead of the forest she only saw His face, horns on top of his forehead, black skin slightly wrinkled, a sign of age and experience.
"I have given you all the time in the world Leliana, and still you have failed to produce what I have asked." His voice boomed in her head and sent more shockwaves through her skull and down her neck.

If only He had given her one more day ....

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:51 AM

Sirona stared at the tension between the male elf with curious marks, and the woman who had tried to kill the two companions.

Listening to what she could hear, catching only words- 'loyalty house' being the only phrase that comes to her, a slight shiver . She had heard of them, but only in terror stories told from the drunkards in her old village. All she knew was to be afraid of those who were loyal.

Deciding it was time to either leave quietly or reveal herself, she climbed down to the forest floor, a twig caught underfoot with a resonating snap. She thought to herself that she should go, not wanting to know what truths lay in the twisted stories her inner child remembered.

And then she heard that near extinct word, 'unicorn' and decided that she should reveal herself- appearing behind the self-professed unicorn, using the most advanced thing she could do without hurting herself.

"You're handing yourself over to her, even though she just tried to kill you with her dark magic?" Her eyes seemed distrusting of them all, but she had to know if he was truly that mythical creature she once worshiped.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:55 AM

Horse? Again Kurako's attention turned to Patrin, only for a moment though. The half-elf shrugged slightly at the woman's next words to him. "Everyone does have a price." His chest tightened again as the corruption seemed to grow a bit more inside of him at this choice he was being offered. It was a choice though, and his lavender eyes lingered on the diamonds for a very long moment before he tore his gaze away. "You're mistaken if you think I'm a typical thief. I'm far from typical."

Greed didn't fuel Kurako's lifestyle choice, it was simply the only lifestyle he knew how to live. He supposed that also made it easier for him to decline her offer, though if she offered him something he truly wanted. A cure for his curse perhaps, then he would be hard pressed to turn away from her. Then Patrin was moving towards them and spouting something stupid. Though the word Unicorn caught Kurako's full attention.

The half elf moved quickly, one of his daggers was sheathed in an instant, and that hand shot out. Grabbing Patrin by the arm and pulling him close. "I told you, idiot. I'd put myself between you and danger. That means you can't put yourself between me and danger. Now sit down and let me handle this." A unicorn. If that was true. If that was indeed true, then Kurako had a very good reason to keep Patrin safe and survive this encounter himself.

"I told you earlier, unicorn's are extinct. You've become delusional from your wound. So sit down and rest." He released Patrin's arm then, and his tone had been a warning tone, almost laced with desperation. If it was true. If Patrin was really a unicorn, Kurako couldn't lose him now.

And then the woman before them was collapsing, and another woman had approached them, coming down from the trees. Kurako's body was tense, and his second dagger had once again found it's way to his hand. His eyes blazed with determination now. "He's not handing himself over to anyone, because I will now allow it." There was a protectiveness in his tone that hadn't been there before.

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:08 AM

Her eyes dark and her hearing had gone she had not heard the newcomer enter their frey but as far as Leliana was concerned she had worst things to worry about. Another shockwave went through her skull and she scrunched her eyes shut tight and willed the pain to stop. Her Master had not used this technique of punishment on her in years so he must really be mad at her. I had him in my grasp Father! Just stop and I will bring him to you! "Please!" She opened her eyes and her site had been returned to her but the pain banging around her skull was still there and she could feel her nose starting bleed.

Ignoring the pain she pointed to the newcomer and snarled, "You. I know you! You were at the fight in the bar." She wiped her face and stood quickly, "What do you want now? More money? More pity?" She stormed over to the girl, letting all the frustration from the past few months of searching and all the anger and pain get the better of her until she was in the girl's face, teeth bared and eyes black.

She could feel the dark energy on the ends of her fingers and a small part of her mind tried to will herself to calm down, to keep up appearances. These strangers don't need to know how fragile her mind really was and how uncontrolled her power really was.

Her hand was shaking as she lifted it to the girls head and pressed a finger against her temple, letting small tendrils of dark energy spark against her skin slightly. Leliana didn't know what she had planned on doing to the girl, she wasn't even sure she wanted to hurt her or kill her but before she could stop herself she was laughing and turned away only to take a few steps away from the three others and start to cry.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:13 AM

He nodded. "I know what awaits me." Patrin was moving forward again, hobbling forward, when his arm was grabbed. Startled, he whipped around to face Kurako and opened his mouth to answer, before realizing it might be best to keep his thoughts to himself.

Patrin slid to the ground, as he'd been told to do. It was more because of the startling new edge to Kurako's voice, then anything else. The man sounded like he cared what happened. Patrin so wanted to help the man.

Then again, he was sorely tempted to go greet the pink haired girl who had emerged from the woods, but his almost captor called him just as much. The unicorn whined, shook his head and cradled it between his all too human hands.

They were giving him a headache!

"Stop it, all of you! Please?" He let his ears change to the furry appendages of his kind, and felt his skull pop as a nub of a gold and crystal horn sprang from upper center part of his forehead. It was a relief to let even that much of his true self show.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:24 AM

"I mean no harm to anyone, I thought I would just point that out.."
Sirona puts down her only bag and moves a little away from the unicorn, understanding that he thinks she is with that other woman. The 'loyal house' woman.

Before she knew it, the woman was up and coming at her, and she suddenly realized she knew this woman, just as Sirona's face was grazed with the inky black, evil roots of the woman's magic, and as soon as the woman moved away, she let out the breath she had been holding. "I did not take any money or pity, your friend was at fault there."

Her hand subconsciously touched where the woman's power had grazed her, shuddering slightly, and moving back away from her.

"I think its time you found a different house, from the looks of it your 'master' is not very happy with you." Sirona regretted that as soon as the words slipped out, but it could not be helped. Then she noticed the golden spot upon the injured mans head, and the ears...

"Its true then...." Slowly she looked at the hysterical woman, back at the Unicorn, then to the elf and let out a stifled laugh, covering her mouth and saying nothing more.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:31 AM

Kurako had been about to move, to put himself between the two women but that little interaction was over as quickly as it had begun. Leaving one woman in tears and the other laughing. And Patrin. The look that crossed Kurako's face was one of surprise and then an expression that clearly said he thought Patrin's partial transformation had been a very idiotic thing to do. He was glad though, part of him was very glad that it was true. Unicorns apparently were not extinct and Patrin was one of them.

However, their chances of actually lying their way out of this were gone. Playing it off as if the woman had been mistaken in her accusations that Patrin was a unicorn were gone now. Kurako had sheathed his second dagger once again, reaching down and grabbing Patrin's arm and pulling him up to his feet. The half-elf held the unicorn close to his body but somewhat behind him. Keeping himself between Patrin and the females.

"I have questions for you, unicorn." A hint of that desperation in his voice with a dash of hope as he whispered under his breath. There was even the slightest spark of hope in his eyes. Though before he could converse with Patrin, he needed to figure out how to handle this situation at hand.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:41 AM

As soon as Sirona believes she won't laugh, she moves her hand from her mouth. "I am so sorry, uh... Well, I don't really know any of your names. But um.. Your ears just look too big for your head, and that glamour almost had me fooled into thinking you were really a unicorn."

She makes eye contact with the elf, knowing she does not believe it was a glamour, but if he really is a unicorn she doesn't want loyal house to have him, and definitely not this woman who threatened her just moments ago.
"Its actually really amazing how well you do it...." She moves away from the woman a little more, just in case she decides to target her again. "I used to change my hair colour, but I could never get fake horns or a second set of ears."

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 03:59 AM

Leliana forced herself to stop crying and stoof up, she really needed to get back in control of the situation. "It's not a glamour, he is really a Unicorn." She turned to the pink haired girl, "Do you really think your helping the situation?" She turned back to the other pair and raised an eyebrow, "Well I guess we are at a stalemate then." She waved a hand around her head and gestured to the elf, "I'm assuming this marking business is bothersome." She raised her eyebrow again, "I'm sure you could do with some help with that. What if I offered to fix that for you? It's amazing what my Master can do"

(I'll be getting off for a bit, Im hoping to get on again tomorrow though. Feel fre to keep going and talking amongst yourselves if you like)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 04:11 AM

It was admirable, the one girl trying to play along that it was a pretense, but Kurako knew well enough to know that such a lie wouldn't go far at all now. He shook his head slightly at her, his full attention resting on the woman that had attacked them earlier. It was then that he realized the markings on his face were visible, his hood no longer hiding it with it's shadow. When had that happened? During the fight with the monster most likely.

Kurako shook his head slightly, letting go of Patrin so that his gloved hand could reach up and grasp the hood of his sleeved cloak, he pulled it over his head and tugged it down, letting the shadow it cast hide his face. His dagger hand twitched though, and he lowered the blade just slightly. The half-elf didn't think he could believe this woman, her master probably couldn't do anything for him, even if he could, Kurako was almost certain that the unicorn could do far more. "A unicorn, or your master? Do you really think I'd pick your master over a unicorn. Unicorns can purify anything." There was amusement in his voice.

Still, it had been a good ploy. It might've worked, if Patrin hadn't revealed himself to actually be a unicorn.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 04:21 AM

"I am not a great liar, but at least I am not a mindless follower of your Master. He doesn't help people, he just digs his claws in and claims them as his own tools to be used and thrown away. People who have no power seek him and those born with power avoid him. I have never seen any good come from the loyal house."

Shes backed up to the waters edge, well enough away from her, but parallel to the men, looking towards the elf who had once again hidden his face. "I suppose you will not share what your curse is, will you?" Her curiosity had brought her down here, and by now she figured it would not hurt to ask.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 04:33 AM

There really was little point in hiding things now, Kurako's body had tensed though when the other girl asked him about his curse. A slight frown touched his lips, his initial reaction was to try and continue hide his curse. The evidence of it had been seen already though. He glanced at the girl asking about his curse, offering a slight shrug, even as he continued to frown.

"My curse destroys anything and anyone I become overly fond of or love." His hand tightened it's grip around his dagger's hilt and he glanced at Patrin for the briefest of moments. Still most of his focus was on the first woman, just in case she attacked them again. He was ready to react at the moment's notice. "Recently though, it's begun to corrupt my heart. It's growing stronger."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 11:04 AM

His ears twitched back and forth as the others converse. Patrin started to shy away when Kurako plucked him up with surprising ease, but settled down soon enough.

The unicorn had to stifle more laughter at the absurdity of the situation. He wanted to help everyone, and he hadn't felt like that in centuries. What was it about these people? Even the one who wanted him dead called to him. He almost started talking, and then the pink haired girl asked her question. His whole attention swiveled to Kurako again, and his hands swept out before he knew it, working to tug the hood down so he could try and ease some of the pain he could feel oozing from the other man.

He let his horn grow a little longer, and used it to touch the base of the half elf[s neck. A snort escaped him, and he would have stamped his foot if it wasn't already hurting so much. "I can try to help ..." Those words were whispered for Kurako alone, but his next sentence was for everyone.

He backed away, and fought not to cringe or retch. "I am on a journey, and would like to complete it before leaving with anyone." Patrin's voice was firm, assured, now that he had a goal to work towards. Heal them all, somehow, but Kurako most of all. That curse affected not only him, but the whole world around him. It could have devastating effects, Patrin was sure.


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