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Dystopia is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:06 AM

FFS. /knocked over

How ya been? :D

Ferra is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Sarasvati View Post
Ferra: Oh wow, I did not know that. *__* I can't remember if Silver had different coloured Pokemon (that's the 'latest' Pokemon game I actually finished), but those colour changes are neat. I actually like the greyish one, it's almost like it has smoke!fire? xD
It did, but finding "shiny" (so named because you see a small sparkle when they appear) in the wild is very rare. If you recall the red Garados in Silver, then that's an example of a shiny pokemon too. Any pokemon can be shiny, but the odds of encountering one are very low.


Kent is online now
Old 02-19-2011, 10:20 AM

Here you go. ; w; It's not as awesome as your art though. OTL
I hope I drew her correctly. Can you recognize her? o xo

Ferra is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:25 AM

Oh dude, how did I not notice your edit! Thanks so much! <33 Milotic is awesome too. XD

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sarasvati View Post
Hadsvi: I think some of the biggest hurdles for it with most people now are the super out-dated graphics and the fact it's rather long. The graphics do get better as the series goes on, but it definitely retains that 80's flair. xD I still love it, though, although it can be super cruel. ; _;

Oh, oh, let me know what you want a sketch of!
Yeah, I'd understand that~ x'3
But I like watching those old-dated graphics anime~
o uo
It does seem nice~

Oh yeah!~ Hmm~ I was wondering if you'd be up to choosing between one of my couples in the thread I linked to you already, Itsuna & Hadsvich from this thread, or Ian and his first level aeons from this thread maybe?

I'd especially like it if you drew Ian and his aeons, but I'll be content with any of them. o uo

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 05:22 PM

Eff it. I'm on a quest for buying macarons today, and then I'll take a pic and post it for you, Sarasvati. :P

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 07:47 PM

Anna: I have been doing o.k.! Planning a lot of projects and working to get my drawings back up to snuff. ; ^; You?

Ferra: Ah! I remember the red Gyrados (I caught that one xD), but I don't think I ran into any others in Silver. I'll have to keep a sharper eye out when I go back to Platinum.

I admit I'm fond of the more serpentine dragons in Pokemon, too. Now I want to draw them all day. xDD

Kent: OMG, YOU. You drew me Aren. ; ^; I LOVE YOOOOU (in the artist way |D). And yes, yes, I recognized her before I noticed the file name, hahaha. Do you want a rough sketch? ; m;

Hadsvi: I'm really fond of them, too. Old anime just makes me happy, hahaha. That, and Norio Wakamoto's voice acting. :rofl:

I'm in an animal/mythical beasts kinda mood, so I think I will go with Ian and some of his aeons. They're cute~! o 3o

Marguerite: AAA, I would love if you did, macarons are so cute to look at! xD I hope your quest goes well and you find some wonderful tasties!

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 07:53 PM

I am ready for a macaron!
Name: Kiako
Colour preference: Erm, purple is my favourite colour, so purple I think (:

I think I done good. :lol: </end crappy English>

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 07:57 PM

Kiako: Your English isn't crappy. xD I will add you to the list. :>

*works on Ishmael*

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 07:58 PM

Woo! :eager:

So how are you, I don't think I have ever really chatted with you before :lol:

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 08:06 PM

Hee! X3

I'm doing fine! Getting into the drawing frame of mind by hopefully finishing some macarons today. It seems I tend to pop up on Mene during events, otherwise I'm pretty sporadic on when I'm on here (and usually I get lost playing games and don't post :rofl:). How are you? :D

Cute sig art, by the way! *_*

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 08:25 PM

Haha, thank you! Demoscout drew it :eager:

I am alright. Exhausted, so probably going to go take a nap. Going to a tribute concert tonight for Pink Floyd, so I am very excited!

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 02-19-2011, 08:46 PM

I've got them, and I'll gladly take a picture of them. But right now, I'm gonna write a guest blog to my friend's food review site and talk about how the customer service was appalling.

I haven't eaten any of them yet, they're still in the box, but this trip and $11.95 better have been worth it.


Kent is online now
Old 02-19-2011, 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by Sarasvati View Post
Kent: OMG, YOU. You drew me Aren. ; ^; I LOVE YOOOOU (in the artist way |D). And yes, yes, I recognized her before I noticed the file name, hahaha. Do you want a rough sketch? ; m;
Yay! I'm glad you love me~ XD There's still one more thing I need/want to draw for you~ > w> Though I may need to ask you a question about the next character I want to draw, if you don't want it to be a surprise. XD
Oh? Something for me? o wo Hmm, sure~ Please pick from these avis:
[x] [x] [x]

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:00 PM

Picspam and "promoting" the local macarons. All I have to say is, Laduree's stuff better be tastier than this. The stuff I just bought tastes like crap! And I've only eaten one so far (the one I'm holding in my hand in one of the pics).

Enjoy the pics, though! I didn't know these came wrapped in plastic. Seems like these aren't created fresh daily, not to mention (the reiteration of) the terrible taste.

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:07 PM

I really need to drop in the art forums again. :>

A nap would be a good idea if you're going to a concert! That sounds like it'll be a good one, I hope you have a good time at it! :D

Hadsvich: Pick-up! ♥

Edit: And of course more replies come in when I go make my bed spuriously. xD

Marguerite: That's awful. ;_; The ones I had were really tasty, but they made them fresh. My friend talks about how they'll change flavours depending on the season and so forth. I guess one good thing is.. the packaging is nice? Some of the flavours sound like they could be odd, though. ._o

Kent: If you have a question, I'll be happy to answer it? xD I don't mind things not being surprises, AREN WAS DEFINITELY ONE. (saves avis to draw when she finishes the next macaron).

Last edited by Sarasvati; 02-19-2011 at 09:14 PM..

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:15 PM

Laduree also makes them fresh daily and seasonal. I have no idea what Opera does, but it's pretty much the only place in the city that sells them. At least it wasn't too far from my house, just near a mall I usually go to.

Seriously though, I hope Laduree has better. Whatever I just tasted was cinnamon-y, but it's probably the eggnog one coz I didn't taste any pecan.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Sarasvati View Post
Hadsvi: I'm really fond of them, too. Old anime just makes me happy, hahaha. That, and Norio Wakamoto's voice acting. :rofl:

I'm in an animal/mythical beasts kinda mood, so I think I will go with Ian and some of his aeons. They're cute~! o 3o
lol Yeah, I definitely understand. x'3

Aw, thanks, I'm glad you think so.
> w<

Ah! Love the art of Ishmael! > w< <333

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:23 PM

Yeah, I hope so, too. x_x They might make big batches of them and package them until a determined sell-by date, or they could have a supplier who makes them for the pastry shop? The type of packaging makes me think it's probably one of those cases.

Eek, it's bad if you can't tell which macaron is what. Of course, all of those are blends, so I don't know how dulce de leche + eggnog would compare against cinnamon+caramel pecan. x_x

Hadsvi: I admit I still wish they aired G-Force on CN. ;; Where are my bird-costumed people and their deadly yo-yos?!? :rofl:

I'm so glad you like it! He's a cutie (like most of your charas lol). X3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:24 PM

[ghost of Mene past mode]Suuusshhhii... *haunthaunt*

I sent you my address again, pretty fishfood~.

And it's my birthday in nine days, so I expect a postcard ladyface. D8< /emptythreatthoughreally,ilu.<333

Lol, this place is so foreign. *fades out all ghost-like* (little known fact, Cryses are actually gastlies.) [/ghost of Mene past]

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:31 PM


I will mail it out on Monday, pretty lady. ; ^; If it's late, though, I'm gonna blame Canadian post. |D


Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:34 PM

@Sarasvati: lol I wish they still aired lots of things. x'3

Aw, thanks.

@Crysu: I never knew you were a gastly! D:
Why didn't you tell me this before? >:

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:40 PM

*rolls around Sushi* =@=~ <33

Derp, I keep typing in a Gaia format. XD

Yes, yes! Blame the Canadian postal service for everything! I always get my American mail late. ;0; Except from my in-laws because they priority air-mail birthday cards and stuff, which I just find a little silly. XD

I just double-checked to see if there was any ghost/water types. Apparently there is in fifth gen. @__@ Pururiru (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

I'M WHATEVER POKEMON I WANT TO BE. *turns into a ditto* ]: <33

Hadsie: <333 I always draw myself as different pokemon. xD~ I even made a whole evolution set of Crys' from various types, but I don't know where they went.

Yesterday Matt and I made up a legendary. OO: Getting married didn't cure our nerdliness.

Uh, I-I mean... *ghost sounds* Oooo~.


Kent is online now
Old 02-19-2011, 09:44 PM

@Sarasvati - I'd like to know more about what Sola wears then. X3 All I have is a waistup and headshot of her, so I don't know what her lower half would look like. XD

Cryssu! ; A; I've missed you. Hope you're doing well~ ; w;

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:44 PM

*snuggles Kentu affectionately* <333 ;A; I'm pretty good for a ghost. (OooOOooo~?)


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