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Old 12-27-2010, 04:50 PM

Dae couldn't believe her eyes. "Don't do what, you stupid girl? Can't you tell I want to be alone, you horrible pest? Get you of my way before I pummel you." She shoved the girl towards the entrance of the school and continued down the road. When the reached the corner she glanced back at the school and then crossed the road.

Halfway down the next block Dae came up with a destination. There was a little park another two blocks away, with a little pond. That's where she went whenever she was upset. It was a place of peace and calm for Dae.

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Old 12-28-2010, 12:18 AM

Rin got pushed a bit but Rin saw her leave the school and saw her going somewhere. Rin followed her without her knowing where she is as well. Rin really didn't think why Dae wanted to be alone but she knew something is wrong with her and she didn't care of getting beaten up by her.

Rin saw her at the pond and Rin looked at her and said to her "Dae!" Rin looked at her and said these words "you might beat me up and hurt me and do stuff to me I might be the only one that is not scared of you or the only friend you have in this world people knew you like girls for a while. Just tell people you love girls and I am not leaving until you tell me what you really feel about us."

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Old 12-28-2010, 02:38 AM

Dae stopped by the water's edge. She had to admit Rin was persistent. It was a trait she was finding increasingly annoying. She threw a small stone into the calm water. "What does in take to get you to leave me alone?" Dae finally turned to face the girl. "Don't you get that I need to be alone right now?"

She took a few steps closer to Rin. "What can I do to get you to GO AWAY." She shouted the last words for emphasis. "Forcing me to say something doesn't make it true. But if it will get me some time alone, fine. I'll say it for you. I like girls, ok? No go away." She pointed back the way they had come. She stayed facing Rin to make sure she left.

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Old 12-28-2010, 02:48 AM

Rin looked at her and did know what was right for her “you think yelling at me and blackmail me to leave is right no Dae I am not leaving you, you got it Dae I might be a shy girl and I might be scared and hate bullies but I can stand up to them when they really hurt mr so you get it now I am not leaving you I want to know about you and for you to understand I am the only one thinks that you are a sweet girl and a good looking one as well I know you and I haven’t meet ever long but I do care for you why can’t you learn about that Dae?”

Rin looked at her close to her face was not backing down at all she strong not like her and if she gets hurt she won’t care and Rin will do anything to help her “you get it Dae I am not leaving and that is final and if you want to hurt me than go ahead I don’t care.”

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Old 12-29-2010, 02:45 AM

Dae let out a long sigh. How was she to handle this girl. There seemed to be no way to be rid of her. You don't seem to be getting it Rin. The very sight of you makes be want to beat you into a pulp. And though I may talk down to people, and abuse them verbally. I have never. Never struck anyone in my life. I really don't want to start now."

She moved away to the edge of the water. "Please bug me tomorrow if you must. But for my sanity and your safety please leave." Dae didn't know if that would work but she hoped it would. The last of her reason was wearing thin and if the girl didn't leave soon Dae just might end up hitting her.

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Old 12-29-2010, 03:11 AM

Rin looked at her and she would leave until one thing it had to be true with him "I will leave until one thing Dae i am not like other girls that don't care for you I do care for you a lot just please tell me if you do care for me after you tell me I will leave and go home but I am your friend if you hate me that much than tell me than i might never come back to the school again and find a girl that could love me that I would love to be with forever."

Rin looked at her and sigh and waited for her to say something Rin might be a shy girl but she is still human and so is Dae she does care for her and she would do anything for her to be safe even leaving her forever.

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Old 12-29-2010, 03:26 AM

Dae sighed. She could feel that one last thread of being pulled to the breaking point. "All I can say is you're growing on me. I haven't had time to sort through everything I've gone through in the past day. I don't want to hurt you." She though that would be good enough for an explanation. "Now please, if you say anything else I will hit you." She looked over her shoulder and her eyes showed a fire that said she spoke the truth.

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Old 12-29-2010, 03:47 AM

Rin looked at her and nodded as well "that is all I wanted to know I will leave you I hope to see you at school tomorrow bye than Dae." Rin looked at her one more time and than said to her softly "I love you." And than she left her alone and Rin walked back to her home and saw her father wasn't home or her step mother. The butler told her they are going out for the night and will be back tomorrow night. Rin nodded and went to her room her room is big and went to put on her night gown and put her hair down and she brushed and looked at the night sky for a while.

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Old 12-31-2010, 04:41 AM

Dae let out the breath she didn't know she was holding when she heard Rin's footsteps fading away. Finally alone. She peeked over her shoulder to make sure she was truly alone and then snuck into the small patch of woods bordering one side of the lake. Near the far end was a large bolder that was Dae's secret place. She climbed up one side and settled in for some quiet time. She had time to think back over the entire day, to figure out how things had gotten so messed up.

She was still in the same spot when the sun started to set. Dae climbed carefully down the side of the rock and headed home she was much calmer and yet still had no clue what to do with Rin. She headed home and had a quiet dinner. The rest of the night was more mundane. Though when Dae tried to fall asleep she found it near impossible.

That was the reason she was so grumpy the next morning when she was woken for school. Besides being tired she nearly missed the bus to school and forgot several books in her room. The other students could tell she was in a foul mood, and steered clear of her for most of the morning.

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Old 01-02-2011, 09:37 PM

Rin was blushing her hair cause her hair is long and pretty as well and than she went to bed and sleeping for her was nice for once her parents was not at home and than Rin wanted to get along with Dae she hopes they can be good friends.

Rin saw it was morning and than she got up this morning and than went to the bathroom and got wash up and than got dressed she brush her hair and her hair had curls in it and she looked pretty. Rin went down to the big dinning room and went to eat something and her parents were not home yet and than she looked at the butler and he told her that it is time for school.

Rin nodded at him and than she got up and was done eating her food and than got her bag and left the room and got her shoes on and than saw the butler bowed and he said have a good day and she nodded and than she left for school and Rin got to school on time and was in the back of the class room and thought Dae would be alright I hope so and than looked at the other girls and saying stuff about her now and really hate it.


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