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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2015, 01:17 AM

Snow turned her head hearing that Bradley shown interest in the bow. She smiled as she gently placed it on the table in front of Bradley. " Here you can look at it if you wish. Why don't you just ask the creator. " She said as she looked to Frost and smiled at him. He really was a master with metals and fixing things. He could create things that took most men days in hours. It was a talent of his she admired. Her eyes lit up as she stared at the bow again before smiling at Bradley. She smiled softly at Frost as he spoke. She had to admit she was lucky to have a caring brother.

Frost smiled and nodded as he watched Bradley's response to his question. He looked to Kline as he heard the mans reply. He simply nodded as he began enjoying his own food. He was half way though a bite when he looked up. He looked to Snow who had put him on the spot. He took a sip of his drink as he finished his bite and looked to the bow. He felt strange as always explaining his works. He smiled though as he stared at the blue crystal. " The bow I made last night. " He said as he stared at each detail of it. " I have been meaning to make this for a while. The crystals however I found, or more less it found me. It was like the gantlet to be honest. I had been traveling and found it near the border of our lands near a forgotten temple. I had stopped for water at the stream near the old temple. When I put my hand in for water that crystal came up in it instead. It is very mysterious but seems to like Snow. Anytime I passed her it always glowed softly. I figured it was a sign it was meant for her. Besides I don't know any lady who doesn't like beautiful crystals. " He said as he looked to Snow and smiled. He then returned to his dinner. He had is priorities and food right now was at the top of it.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-03-2015, 02:38 AM

"You're kidding?! You made something like that in one night?" Kline asked, amazed, if anything there was childlike wonder in his eyes as he stared at the bow and rubbed his chin, "That's incredible, I've heard of there being weaponsmiths with this level of skill in some of the lands, but I never imagined a-" He froze before he said prince and chuckled, "Well, that a guy like you could be this adept." He fondly watched for a moment as Bradley set what little was left of her food aside and leaned against the table, her chin pressed on the wooden top as she stared at the crystal closer.

After a while she reached her hand forward, hovering it near the crystal, her index finger extended. The girl waved it softly, the crystal reacted in turn, the once solid refractions inside its body swirling as if it truly were made of water, like the river it had been plucked from. However a yellow ring began to form int he air, various inscriptions hanging int he air before it fell over the crystal. It was as if it was being converted, because soon the crystal took on a new, honey-golden sheen, glowing brightly. There was a soft crackling noise as small bolts of lightning danced between her finger and the crystal and Bradley grinned,
"Heey, nice, that's not just any crystal, it must have been blank at one time in its life.. Er.. How to explain.." Kline thought about what he'd said as Bradley turned her fingers, the aquatic blue color returning to it, "Each of the six kingdoms are divided perfectly across six different kinds of land, right? And each land has an element at its core. Kind of like its primary element above all else. Shahal is water, so I'd just as assumed it was a water crystal, but there's a seventh standard type of crystal we call Varia Crystals back home. It can take on other elements, if you learn how to use it. I'm not very good at it, I can barely switch between fire and wind. But Bradley has a knack for it." He wondered about it a little, "Typically they react to crystals of other natures when they're close and change to suit them, so it's hard to find them in the six kingdoms. Hell I doubt most people even know they exist out here. But if you apply the right kind of enchantment you can force them to change."

Bradley was happily shifting the element oft he crystal back and forth, it wasn't long before each of the prominent elements had show themselves in color. The golden-honey yellow that represented lightning crystals. The chartreuse green that represented the wind, a deeper amber, representing the earth, a more verdant green, to represent life, and finally a hot garnet, representing fire, before it turned back to blue again,
"Well, that pretty much confirms it.. There are other elements too, but those are pretty rare, I'd heard of some, like one that's supposedly charged with Holy energy and another with its polar opposite, darkness or evil, but I find that a little farfetched.. I mean whoever heard of crystallized evil, right?" Kline stated with a little skepticism but he was more interested in what the girl was doing, He could see the odd, small look of joy on Bradley's face, though she tried to diminish it as best she could. She probably liked that she'd been able to use it on a different crystal, one that she could actually see all the time. His was hidden within his gun, you couldn't really appreciate the beauty of the crystal, only the power of it being used.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2015, 03:08 AM

Snow watched fascinated by Bradley's ability. She smiled warmly as she enjoyed seeing the crystal change. She looked up to Kline as she took note of what he had said. She looked to Frost who just laughed hearing Kline's commit about his skill. She returned to gazing at the crystal as she wondered what other mysteries it might unfold. "So it can take on other elements besides it's main one?" She said trying to make sure she understood about the crystal. "humm....maybe I should have studied crystals and magic more. I wonder what the lighting would do." She said as she looked at the bow. She was memorialized by Bradly's ability and loved watching the crystal morph.

Frost looked at Kline as he just laughed hearing him. "It's ok not many peg a prince for a skilled craftsman. Or that is what I've been told. Things like this come easy to me. That is why I have been studying the different crystals that many make. I would love to learn from your crafts men in your home. They have great knowledge I hear of the crystals. " He said before turning his attention to Bradley. He smiled as he watched her happy to just see her looking slightly happy for once. He watched as he took note then looked to his arm. He stared down at the red ruby crystal embedded in the gold gantlet. He wondered if if held a secret like Snows crystal did. He watched Bradley for a while before speaking up. " Can Bradley tell if either of my two crystals are special? I doubt I have any that are like Snows. Besides you said they are in the kingdoms, or I would assume they would be. I don't know much about my sword or Gantlet honestly. The seem to act like a set though." He said as he was honestly just curious.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-03-2015, 06:03 AM

"Well in my experience with my gun, the bolts are practically instantaneous, with no kickback, you may as well be firing a lance of light at your target." Kline explained about the lightning element, he'd known bows to be similar, though of course if some-one could dodge a bullet, they could dodge a shot from most things, there weren't many with that kind of speed or skill. Kline wasn't going to ignore the possibility. but there was also the alternative.. That the target wasn't affected at all by the attack and could ignore it.. That was a definite possibility.

He wondered about it a moment as Snow mentioned the crystals he owned, in his sword and in his gauntlet? Bradley had already started looking at them, but he took stared at the items. The gauntlet was probably the most unusual thing, he'd only ever seen one other person wear an entire gauntlet with a dedicated crystal in it,
"You probably couldn't meet our craftsmen even if you tried.." Kline replied in a rather dark tone, not at Frost, but the subject seemed to annoy him, "I'm the best you'll meet without.. Drastic measures..? Or some insane luck." He threw the latter part of the sentence with an odd look on his face, as if he were trying to think of something.

Bradley had been staring intently at the gauntlet during the conversation. Where she normally reached out to touch the crystals, she had kept her hands to herself, as if not wanting to touch the golden item. However, runic lights were beginning to stretch from the crystal in the object. For a brief while it looked almost as if they were spreading across the gauntlet but then she looked away sharply, the runes receded and she sat in silence for a moment, placing her hands on her knees. Kline stared at Bradley a moment before he turned to her,
"Hey, what's the matter, kid?" Bradley shook her head, "So can you-" The girl shook her head again, interrupting him. He stopped there, folding his arms before he looked at Frost, "I don't think she likes that gauntlet.." He suggested, looking at the girl again, he'd not often seen that kind of refusal from her, it usually meant it was something really bad, perhaps even scary,
"Okay, you don't have to, it's alright. How about the sword?"

Bradley looked over her shoulder at the sword a moment, keeping her eyes form straying towards the gauntlet, praying a little inside that Frost would remove it form her sight for now, though as she reached towards the sword she stopped, withdrew her hand and tilted her head softly, a curious look given to the weapon. Though after a moment she lifted a fork and pointed at it,
"Wait, what?" Kline raised his brow, "Are you still hungry? There's still some food on the plate." Bradley stared at Kline, frowning, she then pointed at the sword then at the fork, "Oh, okay.. It's a fork sword..?"
Bradley glared at Kline a moment, then jabbed the fork into his arm. Kline almost yelped, quickly putting his hand over the area she'd tried to skewer,
"Okay! Okay I was only joking!" He grinned nervously, the girl just puffed out her cheeks and folded her arms again, "Metal, right?" Bradley nodded softly. Kline then looked at Frost and smiled,
"So, metal... That's a tough one.." He started, but then stopped, it seemed almost as if a light went on in his head, "Wait.. No! No, it's not.. It's not! Hah! You're already a trained smithy! You already create weapons..! You have a crystal that summons metal. You can shape the metal you summon and make it bend to your imagination, mind you it's made out of magic and will only last for a short while, but it's metal. You couldn't have a greater tool in your hand."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2015, 07:30 AM

Snow watched with fascinated and gave a nod to Kline. She looked to Frost as she gently touched his shoulder. They locked eyes long enough for her to cut her eyes to the gauntlet. She smiled softly as he quickly put his arm in his lap away from the eyes of others. She couldn't help but laugh softly at Bradley and Kline. She smiled happily as she watched Bradley and arched a brow hearing what Kline had to say about the sword. "It fits I guess the strange man who gave you those two knew you would be...." She went quiet as she felt Frost eyes cut to her. Frost didn't like to speak of the strange man that had appeared to him when he was young and gave him the items. The man had scared the young prince who had saved some strange people in a near by land. The man had spoke many things to the prince. The strange man had known more about the prince than most of his own family had. The man had said Frost would take to crafting as if it was his second nature. He had also said the young prince would be a very powerful guardian one day. That strange had appeared to Snow once when she was in danger. He had saved her as a child from a attack. He had told her that her time was not up and one day she would be needed. However she wasn't sure if the man was really there. She knew the man had believed what he had said to each. He was a strange man that kept to the shadows. He had kept track of them for a while before vanishing all together. The man had taught her about her own magic. As a child she couldn't control her own magic because it was so strong. The man had gave her the bracelet that bound her and Fang together. He was the one that had told her the stories of the Foxes.

Snow looked back to Bradley as she smiled hoping to change subjects before Frost became to upset. " I'm happy that they seem to make you happy. If you want anytime you can hold the bow or use it. I'm sure it would be better in yours hands. " She said as she smiled at the girl. "However if you need ice or some Snow I'm your girl. " She said as she grinned though she thought about her powers. "I guess that really isn't something to brag about. The worst I can do is freeze someone. Though ice can be very powerful and mysterious. However Frost is quiet good with that as well. " She said as she smiled looked back to her brother.

Frost nodded as he watched and looked worried at Bradley's reaction to the gauntlet. He was going to ask when he heard Snow speak of the man. His eyes cut to her faster than even he had expected as he narrowed his eyes quickly. He didn't like talking about the strange man or hearing about the man. The man had gave him the sword and gauntlet. In truth the man both times had set him up to find them. He looked down to his gauntlet as he kept hit hidden from Bradley's view. He wondered what was wrong with it to make her act that way. Was the man a shady as he feared? The man had sad many things he had tried to keep from being true about himself. The man had warned him that darkness would try and take him. It would consume him for a time if he lost his way. If he was wise and wanted to keep the ones he loved save he would never falter from the path of the guardian. The man had used darkness and showed him the monster he could become something that he had kept privet. He had never trusted the strange man and felt like a pawn in some great game.

He remembered how the man had lured Snow out to be attacked then played as her savior. He had manipulated her as he had Frost. The man was the reason Snow was never married off as their father had intended. The young prince had tried to save her only to fall victim to the monsters and men. However the man had somehow managed to whip her mind of the entire event. He had been there because he was playing a game with her at the time. Snow lost the entire day when she woke. Her memories of the young prince had been whipped clean. All she remembered was the strange man saving her. He had done much more to her however that was another story.

Frost looked to Kline as he smiled at the man trying to push back his dark thought. " Thank you, I like Smithy. Your right it comes in handy. Better not go telling the other fellas though. They might think I'm cheating or take it. " He said as he smiled and laughed. His laughter stopped as he had thought about what Kline had said earlier. It sounded like he had a story he wasn't ready to tell yet. "Well if your the best I get. I want to learn from you. Besides it appears I have every smith's dream team before me. I have your knowledge and her power. Or honestly some kings dream team." He said as he looked over at Snow. " I guess your our damsel. Every man needs a pretty woman at his side. All other vital spot are taken by Bradley, Kline, and myself. " He said knowing it would make her attack him in a playful mood. "I mean most kings already have advisers that can talk circles around people. So your out of luck there. Bradley has healing down so you can't have that job. Kline and I just wont look good in dresses. And we both have combat down and knowledge. Oh and Bradley also had take the slot for all powerful one. So there is really no other job for you lef,t for a King's dream team. " He said totally messing with her.

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Old 03-03-2015, 08:40 PM

Bradley continued to stare at the bow, though when Snow offered it to her to use, saying that it would be better in her hands, the girl looked up at the queen and shook her head quickly, holding her hands up in refusal. It wasn't that she wouldn't like something like that, but to begin with alone; it had not been made for her. Though she lamented that she could not say the words out loud, the girl understood that one day she would have to speak, but every attempt ended a miserable failure where she lost her courage and crawled back into her shell.

The story of the Stranger had gotten Kline's attention for a moment as he thought about it. A stranger just happened to help a princess and a prince? Give them valuable objects? Not even reveal himself? Definitely strange, there was no arguing that, but did he have some ulterior motive? You'd think he would have acted upon it by now.. Either he was patient or he really was just a kind stranger. Though as Frost started to toss about jokes, even after saying he wanted to learn from Kline, which alone was weird, Kline began to grin a little, he knew the man was in for a little sisterly punishment.

However he stood up, boldly placing his hands on his hips and declaring;
"I take offense to that! I think I would fill out a dress quite nicely!" He stated proudly, of course the statement stunned the other patrons in the bar, some laughing, others unsure of what to think, but Kline didn't look even the least bit fazed. Bradley stared up at Kline a moment, her face going slightly red before she buried her face in her hand. She was a little embarassed by his behavior, but this was what he was like.
Kline sat down, grinning broadly to himself,
"Anyway I don't know what I can teach you, I have plenty of general knowledge and I'm an okay engineer, I designed that gun of mine after all. It's one of a kind."

"Hey! There's something approaching the town!" Some-one yelled from outside, bursting into the bar suddenly. It was a young man, he looked pretty worn out from running, the other patrons looked over with some curiosity, Kline even looked up, Bradley's face going serious along with his,
"Calm down lad, what did you say?" The barkeeper replied as the young fellow tried to catch his breath,
"There's.. Something big.. Walking towards town.. It's huge..! And there's a bunch of guys.." He huffed, trying to explain between breaths.

Kline and Bradley looked towards one another quickly before they practically leaped out of their chairs, the wooden furniture falling with a clatter as they quickly reached the door, Kline making a quick glance back to Snow and Frost. He was sure he didn't have to say it, they'd probably follow. Kline and Bradley were already following the footprints of the young man, headed int he direction the boy had come from. However they didn't need to go far to see what was headed their way.

It looked like a small squadron of soldiers, all sporting the Drakon military uniform, no disguises this time, certainly more organized too. But the large thing the young man was talking about was what really stood out. For between them, a giant knight seemed to be trudging through the snow, leaving a thin trail of white smoke in the air behind its shoulders and the large blade in its hand. The thing was easily over ten feet tall, it easily towered high enough that it could be seen coming from quite a distance.
Kline stared at the machine, his face turning rather grim. He hadn't expected this. Were they so desperate to make certain the queen hadn't escaped that they would actually bring one of those things to this kingdom?
"Get ready kid, this isn't going to be easy.."

Lady Chello
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Old 03-03-2015, 10:32 PM

Snow haled off and punched Frost in the arm as she heard him complain about it. However she froze as she watched Kline's outburst. Her face turned bright red as she thought about him from earlier that morning. She then thought about him in a dress as she shuttered at the thought. "Oh, Ewww!!!" She said out loud as her attention was turned from their group. Her eyes landed on the Small lad. She didn't hesitate quickly taking her place just behind Kline on his side. She had noticed his look and quickly followed him. She froze as they made it to the group the lad had spoke of. Her hand gripped tightly on the bow as she stared at the large monstrosity before them. Apparently they weren't going to play around now. Why was it so important to ensure her death. She thought as she stared at the large Knight not sure she could survive this fight.

However her eyes shifted to her brother he seemed to always have her back. She smiled as she stared at him then looked back at the group. " I take it that we are truly wanted dead. I wonder why that is so important? " She said as she looked to Frost gantlet. " Good or bad I hope that things shield wont fail you now. That shield has never failed you. Let's hope it can withstand that monster." She said as looked to Kline and Bradley. She was about to say they would help when she noticed movement from the group. Without thinking Snow quickly took her stance as the bow glowed blue again. It formed the magical arrows again for her. She took aim at the one solider off to the side and released the bow. The man pulled out his own gun and let out a blood curdling scream as her arrow hit it's mark. The man was no more leaving only a crater where the man had been. Her eyes widen as she watched Frost leap in front of Bradley and Kline the King's Shield already out on his arm. He braced himself as a blast hit the shield directly. Frost watched as she saw that the attacks didn't seem to phase her brother at all. The shield if anything looked stronger with each attack. She quickly moved dogging a direct shot at herself. She glared at the man who dared to shoot at her. Without thinking she let another arrow shoot through the air nailing the man. She quickly ducked behind Frost as another attack came right at them again. She could tell from Frost expression he was ready to kill her for attacking first. "The man moved first for his gun! I'm not saying discussing this with you at this moment." She said as she heard another attack hitting the shield. "I don't think that a peace treaty will work with these men. Trust me if I felt talking would solve this I would have tried that first! " She said as her eyes shifted to Bradley and then to Kline. She froze as she heard the sound of the large Knight starting to move. The monster scared her more than anything. How could they stop the thing.

Frost laughed at Kline's outburst, however their happy mood was short lived. He watched as the others all moved rather quickly from the table to the young lad that had came in. He looked to Kline as he gave a simple nod of his head and quickly joined the group. He froze along with his sister at the sight of the group and the giant Knight. He looked to Snow as he smiled at her softly. He could see the fear in her eyes however together they would get through this they always had and did. His attention turned quickly as he saw a attack coming straight at them. He quickly leaped into the air and landed before Bradley and Kline. He threw his left arm forward as he felt the King shield appear almost instantly reading his own mind. He gritted his teeth as he braced himself for the attack. He looked over his shoulder at Kline and Bradley. " If you two have any ideas I'm all ears. But please hurry up I don't know the limit of this shield. " He said as he took another hit. The shady man had told him that the shield was impenetrable by attacks. However he had never tested the man's theory. The man had warned him that the gantlet chose only one master to wield it. And for some reason it had chosen Frost as it's master. Frost mind flashed back as he remembered the man again warning him to use it carefully.

His eyes cut back to Snow as he glared at her. Part of him would have been impressed with her and even proud for shooting first and ask questions later. However at this current moment all he wanted to do was scold her. " You have no experience in battle! First rule lessen to your leader. Right now that is Bradley and Kline. Don't start getting creative and doing what you want! That is how you get killed. " He said as he took another hit. He gritted his teeth as he heard the sound of the giant Knight moving. "Other rule for you Shoot to kill not to injure! If you hit me I swear I'll be the one who kills you Snow. Don't shoot one of your arrows unless you know it's going to hit your mark. The rest of us don't need to be trying to avoid you and them. " He said as slightly dug his feet in the ground taking another hit.

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Old 03-04-2015, 12:57 AM

Kline barely even reacted when Snow fired first, in fact he folded his arms for a moment, whistling as he did before. That soldier made the mistake of moving first. Snow had already proved one thing, she had superior reflexes to any ordinary man. For some-one who had no battle experience, she had greater potential than any normal soldier. Bradley was prepared to fight herself, though before she could start, Frost had placed himself in front of them, guarding off shots from the enemy soldiers. That was fine, though when he practically got close to scolding Snow, Kline only laughed out loud,
"Leader? Dont get creative? Rules?" Kline chuckled, resting his hands on his hips as he did so, "We don't have any of that. There are no rules in a fight, it's either them or us. You only get to choose what you want, given you're strong or smart enough to beat them." Kline put his thumb up to Snow with a grin, "Fire away, it'll make it more fun!"

With that he ran out from behind the shield, though he managed to keep himself low, running in such a way that it made him a shorter, broader target so long as he was running off to the side, however he was soon running forward. He had yet to draw his weapons, but as soon as he got closer he reached back towards his waist, drawing the lengthy revolver. Even as the soldiers fired in his direction, they seemed unable to strike him.
With their attention drawn, Bradley seemed to kneel at first, there were sparks of lightning like before, they centered around her feet and the knee touching the ground. There was a sound like a gunshot, but it didn't originate from the gun Kline was wielding. An arc appeared through the air as it struck a target, a soldier getting hit full force. Bradley appeared in front of the soldier, having jumped through the arc.

The man stumbled from the strike, though he lifted his gun to try and aim at her. She turned in the air, swinging a kick towards him, a great blast of wind followed in the wake of her kick, throwing the man clear off his feet. He flew into one of his comrades, the two falling over. Though clearly it wasn't enough damage to stop them. The girl didn't pay attention to the soldiers, she'd stunned them with her act enough that she had time to punch the ground. Another blast wave of wind sent snow up in the air around them, blinding those soldiers closest to her.
Those soldiers that had been focusing on Kline were getting nervous, after all, he was even closer now, and firing on them, it didn't take long for several of them to burst into flames. They were starting to get the clue that their rifles weren't helping.

The knight in the meanwhile was watching the fight, however after taking a few steps forward it shifted again. The hulking mass of metal ran forward towards Frost and Snow. Swinging the huge sword rather deftly in the direction of the shield that Frost was using. It's intent was to try and get him out of the way so it could try and go for Snow.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-04-2015, 01:19 AM

Snow gave a nod as she smiled at Kline she peered up from the shield as she watched the pair go to work on the group. She pulled back on her bow as she sent out several shots at the different men more less keeping them from moving where Kline and Bradley wanted them. However her eyes winded as she saw the large knight coming at them. Before she could warn Frost the large knight attacked. Without hesitation Snow leaped from behind Frost as she ran up the large knight arm. In a quick and graceful motion she thrust herself into the air turning quickly as she did so. She pulled back on the bow as she took aim at the large Knights left arm. She released the bow as her arrow found it's mark. The impact sent her flying threw the air even further than she had expected. Snow moved through the air with great speed as she quickly landed on her feet. She let her hand touch the ground as she moved across the ground still from the energy of the impact. She leaped quickly letting herself do what felt natural to her. She landed moments later unsaved and yards from where she had started. Fear showed in her face as she heard her brother's scream. She readied her bow again hoping that Frost wasn't injured as bad as his scream made it seem.

Frost lessen to the others and looked over his shoulder at snow when he felt the impact of something powerful hitting his shield. Frost yelled out in pain as he was sent flying through the air. His shield vanished as he lost control of his thoughts. He closed his eyes as the pain ran through his body. He open his eyes though long enough to see Snow escape and the could of dust form where the Knight had stood. He some how managed to pull out his own sword in time to slam it into the ground using it to help stop himself. Once he stopped he leaned on his sword for support. He calmed his breathing as the pain started to fade. He slowly stood up pulling his sword from the ground. His eyes showed a flash of anger as he waited to see the Knight appear from the cloud of dust.

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Old 03-04-2015, 02:19 AM

The knight took the shot from the bow, however all it seemed to do was shut the monster's arm a little, it stood straight again, having completed that initial attack. The vents behind its shoulders allowed steam to vent form them, the vents in the blade glowed hotly, leaving trails of smoke in the air as it initially shifted to look at Frost, however, it then half-turned, staring in Snow's direction. The machine turned, lifting its sword and striking at Snow quickly, its intent was to cleave her in two with one stroke, however the sword came to a stop.

Bradley had once again jumped swiftly, this time to the point between Snow and the sword. She stomped the ground, a portion of the earth parting and a boulder lifting up, it took the form of a stone wall, catching the blade with a great spark. The girl jumped back, the stone was crumbling, it wouldn't hold that weapon forever, but for the moment; it was stalled. Kline broke from where he was fighting as he stared in the direction of the knight. The more force the machine put into trying to strike things, the more the vents behind its shoulders seemed to flare steam. The slots in the blade were glowing brightly too.

He'd never really considered it before now. He was only somewhat familiar with these machines, but they let out quite a bit of heat through those vents. Vents were important in machines like these. He turned briefly to fire on the soldiers again, once more striking key targets to confuse and block them from firing at him before he yelled out,
"Hey Snow! Maybe next time you'll think about giving me the cold shoulder huh?" He stated with a grin, "I know I can get pretty hot under the collar, but maybe a woman like you can cool me off, am I right?" He questioned, though he was soon on the move again. Bradley couldn't help but wonder what he was saying. Was this really the time to be flirting with a woman? And to think he was trying his luck with the lady he'd been arguing with since yesterday.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-04-2015, 09:31 AM

Snow froze in fear as she saw the Knight appear the arrow hadn't phased the Knight. Before she could react in time the Knight had turned it's attention yet again on her. She was revealed when Bradley appeared stopping the Knight's blade for at least the moment. She shifted her eyes to Kline as he spoke. She wondered what he rambling about. She was sure he wasn't saying it for his health, and he didn't honestly mean it. Snow looked at Bradley and the large wall made from the earth. She wasn't sure she really wanted to try and fight the Knight.

Snow finally gathered up the courage to face the Knight. She moved from Bradley's protection. She kept her eyes locked on Frost and did everything in her power to make it to where he stood. "Under the collar" echoed in her mind as she stopped running towards Frost. She examined the large night as she noticed the vents. She took her stance as she thought of water her arrow changed slightly in color and appearance. She released the string and watched as her arrow hit one of the Knights vents. Before Snow could celebrate she was blind sided with a sudden attack. The blast missed her luckily however it was close enough to send her flying and leave a few scratches on her.

Frost looked at Bradley and let out a sigh of relief seeing her wall. He had tried to run after the Knight however she had appeared first. His eyes shifted to Kline who seemed to be a little to forward with his words. Even if the man was playing he didn't appreciate hearing him talk about his sister in that way. He honestly hadn't pegged Kline for the kind of man he needed to watch out for. He hadn't appeared to show any romantic interest in his sister. He turned from the man as he tried to wrap his head around what Kline said. He stared at the back of the knight as he saw the vents. His attention turned as he heard movement and saw Snow coming at him. He watched as she paused and studied the Knight.

Frost ran at her as he saw some of the men taking aim at her while she stood studding the knight. Frost was quick on his feet however he was to late to protect her fully from the blast. He had managed to block one attack or deflect the attack slightly so it wasn't a critical hit. Frost hit the ground with Snow as his left arm became useless. To his horror he found that he couldn't summon his shield. More importantly his left arm was of no use to him in this battle.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 03-04-2015 at 05:52 PM..

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Old 03-05-2015, 07:45 PM

Bradley had been staying near Snow at first, after all, it seemed like their sights were set on eliminating her. The girl had no clue why it mattered so much, especially to go this far. She'd never witnessed a machine like this, even though Kline had described them once before. Now that she looked at it, she was also seeing those vents that he was subliminally talking about. Was that what the banter had been about? She stayed out of the way as Snow fired at it and sure enough the vent froze over after being struck. After a while, the respective side of the knight that had been frozen seemed to start glowing under the plates before the frozen vent exploded, scattering ice into the air and the machine stumbled back a couple of steps. The place where the vet had blown was now a gaping maw of exposed pipes and steam that rose into the air as a billowing cloud of smoke, however the knight remained functional, raising its shield up, guarding the now exposed area front as it took another swing of its sword for Snow.

Bradley had turned away from the knight when the soldiers tried to flank them, though thankfully Frost had gotten there in time, even if it meant that both siblings had been knocked off their feet. Though her focus went tot hat gauntlet again. The shield was gone, was there something wrong with his arm. She watned ot move forward to hlep but she looked back agian, the knight was swinging its sword at Snow. She didn't know where to go at first, at least until Kline appeared between them, jumping through the air and practically tackling the wrist of the knight. It pushed the sword aside from its attempt at an overhead strike, instead it struck the ground. He clung to the wrist tightly, pulling himself up and locking his legs around the arm for a moment as he fired his gun into the goliath's face. Of course the heated blasts only bounced off the armored faceplate but it was enough to stun the machine and cause it to stumble again.

Bradley turned on the spot immediately, jumping towards Snow and Frost again. She raised both her hands, familiar sea green rings forming in the air above her palms before she thrust them both down on Frost's left arm, filling it with the life-giving energy of healing magic, soothing its pains and mending the damage to it as much as she could. At the very leas this arm would still feel a bit painful but it wouldn't be immobile for long. They needed him fully capable of fighting if they hoped to stand a chance. Though the fight was definitely far from over.

Kline continued to wrestle with the machine as it tried to reach up with its shield hand in an attempt to grab him, however he'd unhooked his legs and changed positions, holstering his gun and jumping onto the knight's shoulder, this time grabbing at its helmet and pulling tightly, in reaction it stumbled even further, turned int he direction of the man on its shoulder, almost pirouetting as he wrenched at the helm with all his might. It certainly wasn't coming off, but it was keeping the damn thing busy,

Lady Chello
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Old 03-05-2015, 11:32 PM

Snow slowly watched and let out a breath as she saw Kline appear. She had honestly thought they where done for. She had noticed the damaged her arrow had done. Her eyes shifted to Frost and Bradley as she slowly rose to her feet. She shifted her eyes to Kline before looking back at the other two. " Frost if you can help Kline. Bradley can you help me with the Knight? If I can get close enough to it and get a few more shots we might be able to get the upper hand. I hope." She said as she watched Kline and the Knight. She didn't like the idea of trying attack the knight with Kline on it. However she didn't like the close encounters with the Knight either.

Snow watched was the knight as she took aim. Kline was doing a great job at making the Knight pirouette. Snow waited till she saw another vent on the Knight. She held her breath as she released her arrow again. She smiled as the arrow found it's target. Her face changed as she saw that it missed dew to turning. It had hit a vent but only scrapped it on it's way to the ground. She looked to Frost as she took aim again.

Frost started breathing easier as Bradley helped healed him. He smiled warmly at the young girl as he slowly moved his arm. It still hurt but not like it had. He could work with this pain. "Thank you very much Bradley." He said as he looked to Snow and nodded at her. His eyes shifted to the knight as he watched Kline. " He gets all the fun doesn't he Bradley." He said in a playing as he looked to his sword at his side. He stared at it as the sword changed into a war hammer. He smiled softly as he shook his head. " This is got to be one of my worst ideas." He said as he rose it and started running at the Knight and Kline.

He swung the large hammer back as he neared the Knight. His aim was the knight's large legs. He moved forward as he cursed nailing one of the Knight's leg. The impact sent him back as his sword shifted back to it's normal from. He stood slowly as his arm still hurt slightly. The impact didn't help his arm any. He looked to where Snow stood. She apparently was having the same luck. This knight was a pain to say the least.

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Old 03-06-2015, 12:40 AM

Kline continued to hold on as tightly as he could, the machine continued to stumble about, a wild swing of its blade catching its own allies and seting them scattering across the ground. Approaching those five was getting too dangerous at this point. The remaining soldiers backed off sharply, with all the snow and smoke flying about, it was hard to keep a track of what was happening in all that mess. unfortunately that misjudgment on their part wouldn't work in their favor.

Kline turned his head as the giant metal hand of the shield arm showed once more, prepared to grab him, however instead a loud clang was heard as the sledgehammer blow of Frost's attack struck its leg. The behemoth fell to one knee, it's balance already thrown off before hitting the ground face first and sending Kline rolling off from the impact, however he practically scrambled in the snow and ran towards it again, though he glanced briefly in Frost's direction, watching as the weapon shifted forms. Though he looked forward again, leaping up onto the fallen knight again. It was beginning to try and push itself back up.

"Oh no you don't, big guy!" He yelled, leaping on to it's other shoulder this time, "I know you're in there, you think you're damn invincible, running around in that big tin can, you bastard?! How's that shoulder? I bet it burns!" He reached behind himself, pulling out his sword once more and this time thrust it down into the exposed portion of the interior. The machine seemed to shake and fall down again, twitching, the blade must have hit its mark,
"That's right, you stay down. Hey Bradley! Frost! Up for a game of throwing knife?" He yelled. Bradley had been preparing to attack as per Snows request, though hearing him call out, she wondered for a moment what he had in mind before she saw the fallen machine and though back to Frost's weapon herself. Though she looked back a moment, the soldiers in the distance were preparing to assist the machine.

She ran infront of Snow, pointing behind her before dashing toward the front of Frost. She knelt down in front of him interlacing her fingers and spreading her palms, it would have looked like a foothold, like she was trying to lift him, however int he space across her fingers, a glowing ring could be seen as energy gather there, she was trying to indicate that she would launch him up through the air, towards the machine, if he was willing to try an attack from above. It would be up to Kline to jump out of the way if the attack fell towards him though.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-06-2015, 01:05 AM

Frost watched as the Knight fell to it's knee. He looked at the small group of men that where left though it was hard to see them clearly. His attention turned back to Kline as he heard the man. He grinned as he watched Kline thrust his own sword into the damaged shoulder and sent the Knight back down to the ground. He watched Bradley as his eyes widen seeing the energy gather. He turned abruptly as he ran off the opposite way. He then turned again abruptly and started running at full speed right at Bradley's interlaced fingers where the glowing ring formed. He ran at it with all his strength as he soon found himself high in the air. He didn't remember being launched or anything for just moments as he flew through the air. There was a short of peace as he flew through the air.

However the peace was short lived as he looked down at his target. He looked to his own sword as he imaged the largest sword he could. It took both hands for him to hold the massive weapon as he managed to hoist it up before slamming it down increasing his own decent. He felt the impact of his weapon and the Knight as it rippled through his own body. He held onto the weapon for dear life not wanting to lose his balance or let the Knight go. He wasn't sure if he had managed to pears the Knight all the way through or not. However he wasn't going to stop trying push his own weapon just yet.

Snow looked up as she heard Kline and watched Bradley. She watched as Frost quickly ran off and then turned suddenly and launched into the air. She watched as a larger than life sword appeared where his sword had once been. She was honestly amazed he managed to some how hoist he sword before slamming it down towards the earth. She knew the sword had hit the knight however she wasn't sure how much damage it did. Her own attention shifted from the Knight as she saw the other men left. She took aim and sent a shot in front of them sending more dirt up making it hard for the group to see. She looked to Frost as she saw him still attached to the larger than life sword trying his best to push it even more. She saw the worry and pain on his face.

For once he looked scared . He had never shown fear before. For once he looked human and fragile. She could tell from his face he couldn't hold the sword much longer it was going to shift back any moment. She took aim at the large Knight just encase she needed to try and defend Kline and Frost from the knight. She prayed that Frost had managed to do enough damage to the Knight, so they wouldn't have to worry about it. However she wasn't going to hold her breath.

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Old 03-06-2015, 02:55 AM

Kline continued to pin the machine as best he could. Anytime it tried to lift itself again he wrenched the blade and twisted it. The metal man stayed down, though once it was time, he looked up, he could see Frost sailing through the air, it was his cue to get ready to move, but he waited, he had to wait, to make sure it would hit its target. As the great sword formed, he stared up at it with some wonder, smiling widely. Incredible. To think he could make a blade that large with that crystal.

For royals, these two weren't normal, it almost made him giddy inside, though once the sword started plummeting, he abandoned his weapon for the time being, jumping off the machine as the screech of metal was heard. The great sword sank into the metal, forcing its way through the armored plating. Kline could see the large machine twitching and moving as it was pinned to the ground with the giant blade. He stood up with a whoop and pointed at the goliath,
"You LOSE!" He swung his arm with a grin.

By his count, that meant there was only a squad of soldiers left. He turned calmly, drawing his gun and staring in the direction of the settling snow. That murderous look was on his face again, the dark appearance of a man willing to kill, enjoying it all the while as he waited for the soldier sot come into sight, though he didn't lift his gun, he didn't even move. Neither did they, they stared, gapemouthed at the fallen machine, impaled, the standing man with the gun glaring int heir direction was almost like a devil looming overhead.
They had four overly capable opponents and only their handful of soldiers. And for once, one of them did something smart,
"Retreat!" One of the soldiers cried. It was enough for the others to be convinced into following suit, for they were all soon scrambling for their lives.

Bradley watched the fleeing men with only a little curiosity before she looked back at the others. It hadn't taken them too long to take down the machine, but it definitely hadn't been easy. Frost looked worn out, even Snow had a few scrapes. And Kline. She stared at his hands most of all. His gloves had been burnt away along with the sleeves to his jacket, his hands had been scalded. Exposure to the heat of that wide open shoulder forcing out all that steam must have been painful.
He was reckless like this because he believed in her ability to heal him. He didn't do it on purpose, but he knew sometimes he had no choice but to do something crazy and rely on Bradley,
"Hey Bradley." Kline started, speaking out loud, the girl almost stood to attention, staring at him, she figured he was about to ask her to heal him, so she prepared herself and started walking towards the man, "Heal Snow and Frost, would you?" The girl seemed stunned for a moment, staring at him in her surprise, "What? don't give me that look, squirt. You wanted to help them, right? We wouldn't be doing a good job of it if we prioritized ourselves over them," Bradley listened to him silently, hesitant at first, but then nodded quietly as the man holstered his weapon, silently grimacing as he did so and he let out a long sigh, "Now I'm really hungry..."
As ordered, the girl turned her attention to Snow and Frost, though between the two, it seemed like Frost needed the most care, so she quickly jogged in his direction first.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-06-2015, 03:31 AM

Snow watched as the scene unfolded. She watched Kline and Bradley as she smiled softly at them. They had a very strong bond. She slowly walked to where Kline was as she saw his wounds. She wished she had healing power like Bradley however she could only use herbs and time. She gently reached down and picked up some of the fresh snow in her hands. She gently placed the snow on his burns starting with his shoulder. She softly placed the Snow on the buns. " I'm sorry I know this is going to hurt. However cool water will help. This Snow will have to work for now. Till Bradley heals you." She said softly as she grimaced at the burns he had received. "Thank you, I wish you hadn't got hurt so bad. We need to find you better armor if there is any. And I'd be happy to buy you a meal." She said knowing if it wasn't for him and Bradly she would have been cleaved into by now. "Once Bradley is done if she can heal you I think she should. I just have minor scraps and buries I'm going to feel in the morning. Nothing serious like this. Besides a bath can take care of my injuries." She said softly to him.

Frost was so happy to see the Machine wasn't going anywhere. He fell to his knees on top of the large Knight. As he held his arm. He closed his eyes as he felt his sword shift back into it's normal form again. He open his eyes as he smiled at it. The sword had been his best friend and saved him any times. It looked like it had done it again. He smiled faintly as he just rested there looking at the large knight. They would have to get better if this was the kind of thing they where going to be facing. He wished he knew why it only seemed to want Snow. It had a clear shot at him and instead it chose her. What was so important about Snow? He wondered as he twitched a little the pain going through his arm again. He had to many questions and not enough answers. Whatever was going on apparently Snow was a major target. This honestly floored him as he tried to think. Why where they still searching for her with a army with these things they could take any kingdom why? His thoughts started to fade as he felt his strength leaving him. He was growing weaker more from over doing it today. He had a feeling he was going to sleep very well tonight.

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Old 03-06-2015, 06:07 AM

Kline looked at Snow when she approached him, he barely reacted when she picked up the snow to help with his hands, he cracked half a smile but visibly grimaced again whens he started applying it, though he looked away for a moment,
"I've been shot, stabbed, burned, hell even poisoned for the last eight or nine years. Probably doesn't sound like a lot, but I've spent more time fighting than the average soldier will ever see in their lifetime. I've come to a conclusion; there's all sorts of things you can do to hurt my body, but I don't care. I'll heal. Now hit me in my heart? That's when the gloves come off." He looked up at the sky, letting out a soft heave as hot air rose from his lips, the leaned his head either way, though then turned it to look over his shoulder at the dead machine. Red was spreading across the snow, the man inside was certainly not a survivor of that attack,
"I cant believe they have those things up and running.. They were practically a theoretical idea when I left Drakon two years ago.. How did they get those things running so quickly?" He questioned out loud, that dark look returning again. He didn't like it. Something about it just seemed completely off to him. What was happening back in Drakon territory?

Bradley clambered onto the large machination. The steam from its body was becoming less and less as she made her way over to Frost. The girl froze for a second, staring at the gauntlet arm and pulling a slight face before she edged carefully to his other side. She reached her hands close to him. As before, a green ring of energy spread across him again, though Bradley seemed to be losing focus. The girl wasn't trying to show it but she was getting tired again too. To have to fight like that so soon. She closed one eye as the strain wore on her, but she wouldn't stop until Frost could move again.
Once she felt satisfied that she'd done all she could for Frost she clambered down from the machine, though as she ran towards Snow and Kline she tripped over her own feet,, hitting the snow itself for a moment before she got up stubbornly, walking over to them again and wiping her face off.

Villagers were coming out now, having been hiding from the commotion outside. They were stunned at what they'd seen, especially in such a quiet area of Shahal. A giant armored knight, soldiers with rifles, these four strangers with their incredible powers, needless to say, they were probably in awe, perhaps even terrified at this point,
"Oh great.. We might need to explain this little exhibition match to the locals.." Kline stated as Bradley worked on healing his hands, though she was definitely beginning to look shaky, "Careful, squirt, you're going to burn out." Bradley glared up at him with some indignation before she just stubbornly continued. The scalded flesh was certainly healing, though Kline looked at the ruined sleeves of his jacket, "This was my favorite coat.. What a waste.." He lamented and sighed, "Oh well.." He looked forward quickly as Bradley faltered, the girl fell forward and he knelt quickly, catching her. He flexed his hands behind her a moment. Good enough, the rest would heal on its own.

He turned one hand to pat her on the head. She was already out cold. What a terrible way to start the day.. But she was safe, that was good,
"You know for the past two years, all I've had is this kid. If I have a family, this is her. If I have a friend, this is her. But I cant give her a good home. Because Drakon is pulling crap like this.. The gloves are about ready to come off.. "

Lady Chello
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Old 03-06-2015, 06:30 AM

Snow kept quiet as she lessen to him. She followed his gaze as he talked keeping up with him. Her eyes shifted to Bradley and Frost. Her eyes widen as she watched Bradley tripped making a quickly step forwarded. She paused as Bradley quickly got up and started to heal Kline's wounds. She looked to the villagers and then to her own brother. He was healed but it was easy to see Bradley wasn't the only one who wanted some sleep. Her eyes shifted back to Kline as she looked at his wounds. " I can take care of the villagers. But sadly I don't think we are going to get much further. Bradley is out and Frost doesn't look like he is going to stay awake much longer. We could get a horse and cart for those two if you would like. However I'm not sure if that is wise. If we leave and are in the open right now that leaves me and you. I don't know if we could take down another one of these things on our own. Besides if your ok with it I can get some local herbs and strips of cloth for the rest of your wounds. " She said as she kept her place beside him as the villagers eyed them.

She was warm when she spoke to not scare the curious people. " We are by request of her royal highness. The Queen has asked for a meeting and is in need of our skills. Please we mean no harm and are only here to help." She said as the villagers looked them over. Many looked scared though soon they seemed to dissipate. None of them seemed to see their group as a threat and slowly went about their day as if nothing had happen. However it was easy to see in their faces the fear from another attack loomed. Snow smiled softly at Kline and Bradley. " Maybe one day you'll get that home together. It's strange no one recognized Frost. However they might have since not many challenged my statement. Besides let's get back to the inn. I owe you a meal for saving me." She said as she smiled softly.

Frost was thankful for the healing that Bradley had so kindly preformed on him. He had noticed how she stayed clear of his gauntlet. It worried him the way she acted around it. He slowly rose to his feet as he made his way to where the others where. Before he left the massive knight he retrieved Kline's own knife. He sheathed his own sword as he slowly and steadily made his way to Kline. He looked over Snow making sure she was indeed still ok. The knight had tried it's best to cleave her. He smiled softly as he felt her grab his arm gently and place it around her neck allowing him to lean on her slightly. He just laughed as he looked at her. " When did you become so strong? " He asked as he smiled at her just happy to have her. He was proud of her as he looked at the villagers. " You lie well a little to well. " He said softly as he shifted his eyes back to her. He looked to Kline as he saw his wounds. " What's the plan? Hopefully some rest and healing for those wounds? "

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Old 03-06-2015, 09:00 PM

"They could both use a break." Kline replied simply, even if Drakon had managed to get one of those suits in this deep into Shahal territory without notice, they couldn't possibly have smuggled more than that without garnering too much attention. It had to have been the back-up plan in case the ambush failed. It probably would have succeeded too, had Bradley and Kline not been there to intervene. Well it looks like they were out of luck. Still, Kline had to wonder why they were this obsessed. Yes she was the Queen, but even the Drakon weren't so foolish as this, to attack a ruler of an opposing country so brazenly.

Kline hoisted Bradley up onto her feet at first before he lifted the rag-doll of a girl up into his arms, he'd had a fair bit of practice carrying her like this it seemed.Though as he began walking towards the Inn again, he stared over at one of the citizens. A young woman, fairly pretty enough at least, he mostly noticed the pins in her dress and small pincushion sitting at her hip,
"Hey you, girly." He stated loudly, it caught her attention enough to make her jump, though Kline only grinned, "Come to my room at the inn, I need your services."
"Wh-what?! You brute!" Another of the villagers protested, some were mumbling about the girl he was already carrying but Kline groaned,
"Not like that!" He almost yelled, "My jacket's all torn up, I need some-one to give it some new sleeves. I'll pay you for your time," He grumbled to himself, for once even pouting a little, not so differently to how Bradley did it, "Geez, you people are so weird." He mumbled as the protestor apologized. The girl he'd addressed bowed politely and nodded once, her face a little red though, no surprise there.

Kline sighed out loud again, staring up, the sky was fairly overcast today, though he could see where the sun was by the greater white of the clouds glaring down on them. It was barely even noon. He could feel his stomach growling, though, but he kept quiet about that,
"The problem we have right now is that while we know who they're after, we don't know why it's so important.. I doubt a bunch of foot soldiers with a specific mission will know the answer though.. Sooner or later they're gonna send a big shot after us. I'm gonna have to ask them a few questions.."

Lady Chello
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Old 03-06-2015, 10:10 PM

Snow's face turned bright red as she heard Kline. Her eyes widen as she looked to the girl and then back to him. She felt her temper start to rise as she shifted her gaze to the ground. She cut her eyes to her brother as he teased her. She glared at him shifted her attention back to Kline as she calmed down hearing his response to the other villager who had spoke up. She let out a soft sigh hearing his meaning. Her eyes stayed locked on him for a while as she shifted to Frost. Snow stared at Frost as he kept on making her turn redder and redder. Finally she had enough of his teasing as she elbowed him in the side and quickly left him there. She didn't stop moving right past Kline and Bradley as she quickly vanished into the Inn.

Snow ignored the looks from the patrons as she took her seat. She ordered herself some food and something to drink. She sat there as she thought about the day. The people seemed to be a little curious about her. She figured they where more interested in Kline and Bradley. She closed her eyes as she thought about her life up till now. About now she would be at home in her castle demanding Frost to come to dinner. Her and her court would be enjoying a fine meal. Of course the village children would come running in along with most of the villagers. She honestly missed them.

Frost tried not to laugh as he hear watched Snow reaction to what Kline said. He didn't hide it for once as he felt her eyes cut to him. " Oh, come on do you really think he is like that? " He said though as he saw his sister's face he paused as he stared at her harder. " are angry aren't you? You like him don't you?" He said as he saw the look she was giving. He couldn't believe what he was seeing out of his sister. He saw how she let out a soft sigh happy to see that Kline was not going to partake in the, "Services" that most felt he was speaking of. He arched his brow as he stared at Snow.
" I really can't believe you. Almost cleaved into and you start falling for him. Kings bow to you and you refuse them. However someone that fights with fall for." He said as he held his side from the laughing. He stopped laughing as soon as he felt Snow's elbow meet his side. He let go of her as he grabbed his side. He watched as she ran off quickly vanishing. He slowly rose as he shook his head. "Ever the Lady, that was real classy there my lady!" He said at a whisper. He slowly walked beside Kline inching his way towards the inn. He really didn't see a relationship forming between Kline and Snow. He just smirked as he wrote it off. Kline wasn't into Snow and Snow wouldn't be long even if she was.

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Old 03-07-2015, 02:39 AM

Kline looked back a moment as he heard Snow strike her brother, he hadn't quite been listening to their conversation, though he watched as the queen stormed on by. Naturally he was a little confused at what had just happened, though he looked back towards Frost, mildly curious as to what had just happened,
"What set her off this time..? That was way too quick, I didn't even say anything to her." He pondered to himself, frowning a bit then sighing, "I don't think I'll ever understand her.." He added, shrugging to himself and continuing onward, though his gaze shifted a little, noticing that Frost had picked up his blade, "Huh, I was gonna dig that out of the knight's neck later.." He stated, "That, my friend, was a machine, it's something the Drakon are proud of, in terms of technology they've been improving ahead of other countries and kingdoms, but at the same time; most of it gets turned into war technology, so that they can conquer others. If you want to know why I said you probably wouldn't meet our engineers; it's because the good ones are all recruited to create things like that. The rest just learn how to fix things, or they just aren't that skilled at making anything themselves."

He grit his teeth for a moment, looking ahead of them while they walked, they were nearing the Inn,
"When I was in Drakon. I'd heard they were creating suits, armor for their soldiers, Knight Shells. But at the time I'd heard they weren't ready for testing. They were mostly pieces of theory and blueprints. I didn't expect them to create a fully functioning Shell this quickly. And you can bet if they were willing to send one this far into enemy territory, even with the risk of it being destroyed, they have more out there." The real question was; how many more were there really?

Before they entered the establishment, however, he spotted another person, however this time they seemed to be waiting for him. It was an older man, probably in his mid-forties. He was tall, wearing a white long-coat and dark shirt along with black pants, a doctors bag in hand as he stared at the three entering the establishment,
"I'm a traveling doctor." He informed them simply, "I saw you deal with that thing and those people. you saved this village the pain of them attacking it outright."
"A traveling doc, huh? Lemme guess, you'll heal us for a fee, right?" Kline replied, but the man grinned, albeit with a dark glare in his eyes,
"No. After what you did for this village, you can say it's on the house."

The two men seemed to stare at each other for the longest while before Kline spoke again,
"You've killed before, haven't you?" He questioned. The doctor's smile faded as he rested his free hand in his pocket,
"Never with my instruments."
"Fine." Kline agreed with a smirk, "You know what I'll say. The sentiment stands."
The doctor nodded simply. He did know what Kline would say, or at leas the got the idea. Kline would have said something along the lines of if he hurt his friends, he would die. The doctor wouldn't doubt that for an instant,
"Good, then you can check my friend here first, then the girl, then me." Kline stated the order firmly, stepping into the Inn with a quick glance at Frost, and a soft nod, in a way he was trying to say the doctor could be trusted to keep his word, he was going to help them, so Frost may as well relax and let the man check him up.,
"Well then, young man, lets get you to your room." The doctor spoke to Frost, offering his hand, "Lean on me, we'll get you there."

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Old 03-07-2015, 03:24 AM

Frost hung his head as he chuckled softly. " Ah, don't worry about her. It was me this time I pushed her buttons. She turned bright red when you made that commit. And it looked like she got slightly angry at the idea of you with another girl. I told her that she liked you and she elbowed me. And as you saw stormed off." He said as he shook his head at the idea of Snow and Kline. "Besides I doubt that would ever work out. I mean you two are so different it isn't funny. Besides I don't think Bradley would share well. I just enjoy teasing her about something." He said as he went quiet hearing Kline. He thought in quiet as he heard what the man had to say. "Do you think maybe later we can explore that one? If I can't learn from the experts maybe we can learn from that one and see what we find? It couldn't hurt to take a look over it so we know what we are facing." He said thoughtful as he looked up in time to see the Doctor man.

Frost froze in place as he locked his eyes on the man. He honestly didn't trust this man. He looked a little Shady even for his liking. Frost watched the exchange between Kline and the strange man. He looked at Kline not trusting this man. He couldn't argue when Kline walked in leaving him there. He eyed the strange man then let out a breath. "As you wish." He finally said as he took the man up on his offer. "Thank you." He said at the man offering to help him. He still wasn't to sure about this.

Snow ordered some water and a cloth from one of the bar maids. She thanked the young women who brought her back the order. Snow gently dipped the cloth in the water and started whipping away some of the dust and blood on her. She smiled as she cleaned up rather nicely. She knew it was a bit rude to clean herself in front of others as they ate, however at the moment she didn't care. She slowly fixed her hair and let the bar maiden take the cloth and water away when she was done. She had to admit it feel nice to get some of the dry blood off and the dirt she had collected. Her attention turned back to her own food as she began to eat. She figured the others would be there soon. Besides she could hold the table for them. She couldn't sleep now even if she wanted to. She was to pumped from the battle. However she had a feeling she needed more practice with her bow before the next battle.

The thought of another battle excited her but sadden her at the same time. If they went as fair to send that thing here how fair would they go to take her kingdom? She worried about the people here and across her land. Apparently they wanted her dead but why focus on her death with those things at their disposal? The questions kept coming as she sat there clearly lost in her own thoughts as she ate now and then out of her meal.

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Old 03-07-2015, 06:05 AM

"You're kidding me..!" Kline was almost gapemouthed at what Frost had said, though he ended up just trying to blank it out for the moment, carrying the girl in his arms back up stairs to their room. It was a little wrong to assume that he and Bradley were that close. This girl was nothing short of a little sister, she was too old be like a daughter to him. But the very idea of being with anyone, it sent Kline back to his own youth. He forced the images out of his mind as best he could, instead just making sure Bradley was comfortable.

A quick look was enough to tell she hadn't injured herself. But she'd used so much magic over such a short space of time, even her body had its limits, especially when she'd only just woken up and had a meal. After traveling for so long with him recently, she was likely too exhausted to be running wild like that.
The doctor helped Frost up the stairs with his one hand, the other still held his bag, though he was inspecting Frost as they walked,
"Hrmm.. Impressive. I barely saw it, but that girl used healing magic.. Your body is beaten, but it looks like she took care of the worst of the damage.. Still, magic is no match for medicine and some good rest." He commented, frowning a little as he glanced at the arm with the gauntlet, "To think, you took such a blow with that arm and it didn't break. You have extraordinary conditioning at your age. You youngsters these days.. I can barely hope to keep up." He sighed, getting Frost settled, though after putting his bag down he interlaced his fingers and cracked them, stretching a little,
"Ah, yes, forgive my manners. Call me Mertens. I am Doctor Mertens. My philosophy is that you can either help good people with your abilities, or kill bad men to save good people.. Either way helps quite profoundly.. That sharp-eyed friend of yours is quite frightening.." The Doctor pulled up a chair and sat in it, staring at Frost, "Well then, tell me where it hurts most,"

Kline had removed his coat by the time he returned down the stairs. It left him in a tanktop, his arms still exposed. It didn't take him long to spot Snow again. The man slowly made his way to her table and sat down opposite her again, though this time he looked straight at her, it felt easier than before, though he smirked after a while,
"So who would've thought..? You're a natural after all.. Your aim still needs a little practice, but watching part of that machine blow up..? Now that was fun."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-07-2015, 06:56 AM

Snow almost chocked on her drink as she heard Kline. She blushed softly as she saw him in his tank top staring at her. She could tell that he was serious as she put her drink down for the mean time. "Thank you, and I agree with the improvement of my aim. However your not a bad teacher yourself. Thank you for your tips this morning. " She said as she smiled softly at him as she pushed some bread his way. " I apparently need to work on my speed as well. If it wasn't for you, Bradly , and Frost I wouldn't be here right now. " She said the thought a very sobering one as she thought about it. Kline and the others had really fought hard today and once again to help save her. "It was really you though, I mean if you hadn't said those things I wouldn't have paid attention to the vents. I think the others thought you where flirting. At first I didn't understand why you said those things. Though I soon understood. I'm glad you noticed the vents honestly. It felt nice to cause some damage for once. I have to admit I'd rather dish out the punishment than be on the receiving end of it. " She said as she looked back to her food debating if she was done with it or not.

She finally pushed it away deciding she was done with it as she smiled at Kline. " So who was the man with Frost? I saw him help Frost come in. " She finally asked as she was honestly just more curious. Her eyes when up and down Kline rather obviously as she sized him up. " You know you would find it hard to find a dress with that build. However stay away from dresses I don't want to fight you over them. And don't think I'm doing your makeup ever. I don't share my makeup with anyone. I draw the line there. However a red dress you look the best on you. " She said in a playful tone, as she grinned softly trying to lighten the mood. After the day they had the group had earned some down time that wasn't full of drama and stress.

Frost just nodded as he watched the man. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to read the man not sure if he trusted the man enough to tell him about Bradley. He wondered how the man knew she had used magic he hadn't told the man about it. He finally just accepted the fact the man had been watching the battle the entire time. He was just being paranoid and not everyone was out to kill him or the others. "Just my left arm really." He said as he held it out for him. The gauntlet was still visible and there where no signs it had seen a battle. "However as you said the girl did a wonderful job already. I think I just need some rest. " He said as he smiled and put his arm down at his side. Frost nodded hearing the man state his name however he wasn't sure if he should give the man his name or not. The people called him Frost maybe he should give him his real name. To many people had forgot his real name and just refereed to him as Prince Frost.

Frost finally spoke up again. " I'm Lugar and it's a pleasure to meet you Doctor Mertens. And you mean Kline right? He can be quiet a force to reckon with. I hope I stay on his good side. " He said to Doctor Mertens meaning it. He did like the doctor's philosophy. "I didn't see you earlier have you been out in the village taking care of people?" He asked wondering why the man just now appeared. If he was the inn doctor it seemed weird that he just now appeared. However he knew Snow would tell him to stop worrying. After the past two days he really didn't feel he could trust people.


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