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Algas Soleado
Defender of Green Things
Algas Soleado is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:55 PM

Knerd: you look like Sailor Moon meets Mean Girls. haha
Also, I agree with what you said about Margaret Atwood placing men in a bad light. But I still think she's pretty awesome. She's a great read when I want to escape all the drama I feel as a teenager about "romance." As one incapable of obsessing over boyfriends, and not in a nerdy way (I think), it's nice.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-21-2012, 11:03 PM

You must have caught me while I was fooling around with the new items. :lol:

Ultimately, I guess that I do like Atwood too. I'm going to keep reading her stuff and get excited when she comes out with new novels. :yes:

Algas Soleado
Defender of Green Things
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Old 05-22-2012, 01:58 AM

I think she's a great person. Like in that she's "elderly" but keeps such an open mind.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-22-2012, 02:25 AM

re: Project Gutenberg
I haven't hit up their mythology/fairy tale collections yet. xD The Kobo comes pre-loaded with 100 classics and there were already several such texts on there. And I have a good dozen or so physical copies of fairy tale and mythology books if I get the urge for it before I get my Kobo files down to something more manageable. xD

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-22-2012, 01:31 PM

I know that feeling - It seems like I keep putting more and more onto my Kindle without ever making a dent in my reading list. :lol:

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-23-2012, 02:40 AM

xD Yes. I have actually participated in a few Kickstarter campaigns for books where the reward level I got involves an ebook copy and... I haven't read the one I have yet. D: (I'm not sure when I get the other one, but the project only just ended yesterday, if I recall correctly. So I'm not too worried, but I do want to read it.)

Aerinn is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 03:20 AM

I read the Great Gatsby in school, and I really liked it! (unlike some other required readings, haha)

But eek, I'm busy with school and I can't find time to read all those books... ;_;

Algas Soleado
Defender of Green Things
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:10 PM

I'm reading Stardust. The movie is one of my all time favorites.

M i n u x e
Jiggly Jell-o
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:29 PM

I had to read the great gatsby for my summer english course in high school. I don't remember too much about the book but it was alright. I didn't like or dislike it much. Maybe I read it too fast to really get it.... I don't think I will be re-reading it though.

At the moment I'm reading the echo maker by Richard Powers. It's only 6 years old so it's pretty new. I like it a lot because it's about psychology and I am studying that right now.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-23-2012, 10:13 PM

What's the Echo Maker about? The name Richard Powers feels familiar to me, but I just looked him up and I must be confusing him with someone else. :lol:

---------- Post added 05-23-2012 at 06:15 PM ----------

Tim Powers! :)

Another great science fiction author, if anyone is interested. He wrote one of my all time favorite books: The Anubis Gates. His storytelling actually made me gasp out loud several times.

M i n u x e
Jiggly Jell-o
M i n u x e is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 10:20 PM

It's about a young man who gets into a car accident and develops Capgras syndrome.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-23-2012, 10:43 PM

Oh wow, that does sound like an interesting premise. I think that a lot of sub-par authors try to use disorders like Capras Syndrome as a way of being edgy and shocking, but I bet it would be a really good read if his thought process was written about carefully and accurately. It's the kind of thing that can turn out wonderfully if it's handled right.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
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Old 05-24-2012, 12:15 AM

Its a struggle for me to read The Great Gatsby. I just feel like it's one of those flimsy books that teachers have you read in early high school because it's so popular but it's not really special.

My reading has been terrible this year. So far I think I've only read about six books. I haven't had time for much more so far. I'm currently in the middle of Wicked by Gregory Maguire which I've been meaning to read for years.

And I guess as far as classics go, I love reading Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne and The Time Machine by HG Wells. I just think they're fun to read.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-24-2012, 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by Algas Soleado View Post
I'm reading Stardust. The movie is one of my all time favorites.
How do you like the book?

I adore Neil Gaiman's work, but I admit that everything I've read where he worked solo on the project, I haven't really loved. Some of it I've liked, but not much loved. (I suppose it may have to do with just the subject matter being not quite to my taste.)

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
I'm currently in the middle of Wicked by Gregory Maguire which I've been meaning to read for years.
I have that one and struggled to get through the first few chapters. Does it get better as you go? :x

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-24-2012, 12:35 PM

Everyone who reads Wicked seems to either love it or hate it. From what I remember, it really is an odd book. Very well written with some wonderful characters, but still odd. :lol:

Algas Soleado
Defender of Green Things
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Old 05-24-2012, 12:38 PM

I love Stardust, book and movie. They're different though. I'll tell you when I finish the last twenty pages or so. Haha
Also, Wicked. Love the musical, give weird glances at the book. When I was little, my mom told me I couldn't read it because there was too much sex. With animals or something.
So I've never read it. Also, it's darker than the musical, I think. I like... shiny things.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 05-24-2012, 12:44 PM

Oh yes, it's quite a bit darker. The musical changed a lot of the ending in order to keep audiences upbeat. The story itself just has a whole different tone to it, so you really see the vices of most characters.

Algas Soleado
Defender of Green Things
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Old 05-24-2012, 10:43 PM

And the musical has song. Which makes it so awesome.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-26-2012, 03:18 AM

It's one of those books I'd want to like (Wicked, I mean) - but I didn't get far enough to respond to the characters. I'll try again sometime, but I suppose I'm not in any hurry. xD; I haven't even seen the musical. >_>;

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
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Old 05-27-2012, 04:45 PM

CK, I haven't actually gotten too far into it. I'm really only on the fifth chapter because I've been busy since I started reading it. But I think I know what you mean. The first few chapters are definitely a bit hard to get through. Not enough action I think. But my mom read it and she said that it got kind of political. Or rather Elpheba was a really political character. I have some extra time coming up later this week so I'm hoping to get further along but I'll let you know how I feel about it and if I think it picks up more.

I haven't been able to see the musical for it yet. It came to ASU in February but I didn't have the money to go and see it at the time so I have to wait again.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-27-2012, 10:59 PM

I'm not sure how I'll respond to Elpheba then. :x I love court intrigue/rises to power, but dislike politics. There's somehow a line between the two and when that line becomes crossed, I lose interest. @_@;

re: Classics
Not last night but the night before I read, "Daddy Long Legs" for the first time. It is fabulous. I don't know how it's not more popular than it is. (It makes me cringe that the two main characters identify as "socialists" but even if I don't agree with their professed politics, I do at least agree with what they seemed to actually mean by it, based on their actual actions in the book.)

Oddly enough, I kept hearing about "Daddy Long Legs" by references in Japanese animation/comics. Several different references. So I guess it must be popular there?


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