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salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:50 AM

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 - In my desk

I already talked about what was on top of, next to, and underneath my desk in the "To my right" post. So now I will talk about what is inside my desk, i.e. inside the drawers and things. There are two drawers -- the top one is smaller than the bottom one. There is also a little cabinet.

Inside the top drawer are: white-out tape, glue sticks, flashdrives, rubber bands, binder clips in a ziploc bag, one of those semi-circle shaped rulers, an old iphone 5 in a case, a UV bead bracelet, SD cards for the camera, SD card cases, post-it notes of various sizes and colors, a pencil sharpener, tape dispensers with tape, staples, a pencil case, little notepads, facial wipes, foundation, thumbtacks, staplers, scientific calculators, highlighters, bubbles, a staple remover, paper clips, alcohol wipes

Inside the bottom drawer are: glue sticks, stickers, pencils, highlighters, pencil cases, white-out tape, a charger wire, a portable phone battery thingy, pens, post-it notes of various colors and sizes, notepads, a portable address book/calendar, pencil sharpener, a used wallet from several years ago, a composition notebook, eraseable pens, scientific calculators.

Inside the cabinet are: many textbooks that need to be sold, folders, those plastic inserts for binders, and a chemistry molecule set

Last edited by salvete; 12-31-2016 at 06:06 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:50 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 - I’m Up!

I am trying to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, but not everything always goes according to plan. So I end up setting an alarm for the morning, snoozing it a few times, and then finally getting up once my body has shed off some of the drowsiness. Or, like today, I didn't set the alarm so that I would just wake up whenever my body felt like it.

Last edited by salvete; 12-31-2016 at 06:06 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:54 AM

Thursday, January 21, 2016 - Random act

This reminds me of Random Acts of Kindness, also known as RAK, which is the hangout / charity that hummy runs here on Menewsha. She has given away so much stuff to other Menewshans, and we greatly appreciate her help with completing our item quests. Every Festival of Winter Nights, she has her own shrubbie so that RAK members can wish for whatever items they want, and she will try to grant one of our most desired wishes.

Friday, January 22, 2016 - My shirt is

My shirt is light green in color and long-sleeved. Super comfy, a little torn at the sleeves, so I only wear it at home.

UPDATE: I am now wearing a shirt over that. It is the same exact style of shirt except a dirty pink color.

Last edited by salvete; 12-31-2016 at 06:05 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:55 AM

Saturday, January 23, 2016 - Keys

House keys? Piano keys? The keys to one's heart? The key to the city? The key points? A monkey or donkey? What kinds of keys are we talking about here?

Last edited by salvete; 01-18-2016 at 04:41 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:56 AM

Sunday, January 24, 2016 - “C” is for

chrysanthemums, Christmas, cities, Cinderella, caramel, Caramelldansen, cars, cats, cartridges, canoes, camels, candies, caring, calm, cuddling, celebrations, creativity, cherries, cheerfulness, connection, cuties, compliments, companions, courage, courtesy, cleanliness, clarity, charity, comfort, confidence, cockatoos, collaboration, candor, cattails, Caribbean, China, caribou, Comet, cerulean, comics, care, careful, cushions, canopies, candlelight, chicken, corgis, cashmere, colors, colorful, compact, civilization, carry-on, Cyanide & Happiness!

Last edited by salvete; 01-17-2016 at 05:17 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:56 AM

Monday, January 25, 2016 - My room

My room has a bed, a small book shelf behind the door, a closet, a desk with a hutch, and a chest of drawers.

My bed has a wooden headboard, a pillow, a backrest pillow, a comforter, a blanket, two plushies, and a bed liner. Underneath the bed are two long plastic storage boxes with red lids that have plushies and toys in them.

The small book shelf behind my door has some books, plushies, my art supply collection from when I was younger, some clothing items, and some other things.

My closet has a bunch of bags, dresses, feminine products, and clothes inside.

My desk with the hutch has a ton of books on it, some toys and plushies, pencil cups with pencils, pens, markers, rulers, markers, highlighters inside, my lip balms, and some lotions.

My chest of drawers has a lot of clothing in it, plus bed linens and sheets and such. The top drawer has the bedspreads, comforter covers, pillowcases, and other bed items. The second top drawer has my t-shirts and some tanks. The third top and middle drawer has my jeans, shorts, and other bottoms along with some overspill from the tops drawer. The second bottom drawer has my undergarments such as brassieres and underwear. And lastly, the bottom drawer has things like scarves, belts, and other items that don't fit into the other categories.

Last edited by salvete; 01-09-2016 at 06:40 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:57 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - Hidden places

I don't have much to say for this one. There are definitely nice places in the world where you can hide away from society...but only temporarily for me. I like to be out and about at least some of the time!

Last edited by salvete; 01-10-2016 at 05:09 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 06:00 AM

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Pretty faces

I don't have the prettiest face. I know this because people who do have pretty faces are often told that they are pretty. But I have indeed been called pretty by some people. So I guess I'm not the ugliest face?

That being said, it's what's inside that really matters. Especially to me. My eyesight is quite bad. As in, I can't even read things clearly that are a slight distance away from me. So when I look at people's faces, all their wrinkles, pimples, whatever "imperfections" they have are pretty much blurred out. My self esteem right now is also such that I don't care too much about physical appearance. So I have never really thought about people as pretty or ugly.

EDIT: In case you ever wonder what I actually look like...I sort resemble this character:

Just SORT OF, not exactly.

Last edited by salvete; 01-17-2016 at 05:22 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 06:01 AM

Thursday, January 28, 2016 - Snowball

I have a friend whose nickname is Snowball, so that was my first thought when I read the theme of this day's journal entry.

My second thought was Snowball, which is one of the cats in this game called Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector. She looks completely white, and thus Snowball is a fitting name for her! :)

It hasn't snowed yet this year where I am, so I guess I wasn't really thinking of actual snowballs. But I do love snow. Not too much of it! But just enough to make some fluffy snowballs to build snowpeople with is nice. I have never been in a real snowball fight where people build forts and pack their snowballs super tight and hard. I think that is somewhat dangerous if you get hit in close proximity by such a hard ball of snow.

Last edited by salvete; 01-09-2016 at 06:33 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 06:01 AM

Friday, January 29, 2016 - Fluffy

I love fluffy things. They are just so soft and cuddly and make me feel comfortable and at ease.

Fluffy socks are awesome. I have a few pairs, and currently have a blue and white striped fluffy pair of socks on my bed at home for sleepwear. I also have a purple and white striped pair, an orange pair with some Halloween decorations on it, and a pair that is pink and yellow, I believe.

I love fluffy pillows too. So nice to hug and squeeze.

I love fluffy animals. So cute.

I love fluffy plushies for much the same reasons.

Fluffy also reminds me of that Menewsha item called Fluffy Chilly Capelet. It is on my quest list.

Last edited by salvete; 01-11-2016 at 02:03 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 06:06 AM

Saturday, January 30, 2016 - Favorite jeans

I don't have a single favorite pair of jeans.

I love my dark blue denim jeans that flare a little at the bottom. I can wear it over any kind of shoe or boot to look good.

I love my skinny fit dark grey jeans because they make my hips and legs look nice and streamlined. And I have some curves that are then accentuated by the slim fit of the jeans.

I haven't found a pair of jeans that really does justice to how nice my butt is (according to one of my friends, haha), but I'm okay with that..

Last edited by salvete; 01-18-2016 at 04:42 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 06:08 AM

Sunday, January 31, 2016 - “D” is for …

Daddy, Dancing, Dairy, Diaries, Dinner, Delectable, Delicious, Delights, Daytime, Daylight, Danishes, Dory, Duties, David, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Daisies, dandelions, direction, delicacies, delicate, doilies, dazzle, dedication, Disney, darlings, devotion, determination, desire, dreams, Dreamworks, daffodils, dearest, dear, deer, Dole, drums, drumsticks, degrees, dessert, DNA, data, disguise, Dean, Danny

Last edited by salvete; 01-18-2016 at 04:43 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-10-2016, 07:59 PM

January 10th - So I have unfortunately ran out of Monthly Challenge questions to answer. Therefore, I will supplement this memory jar with a little extra about myself and my current to-do list. I just attended a concert yesterday, so I am trying to sort through the photographs from last night as quickly and efficiently as possible so that I can post them on my social media and share with the appropriate people. I need to pack soon because I am leaving home again (I do this every week) for my room that is closer to where I take classes during the week. I have already cooked water to bring to the room and washed clothes that I will pack, including my swimsuit. I have been swimming about once a week as part of my new year's resolution to exercise more and lead a slightly less sedentary life. I have a lot of videos to watch and take notes on. I also have a textbook that I am planning to read from cover to cover. And then there are other resources I am planning to use to learn the material, including the lecture slides. I need to remember to pack my bed liner as well as a new bottle of shampoo, because I am almost out of my hair cleaning supplies over in the room. (I like how I am referring to it as "the room"...I share it with someone else, so I wouldn't call it my room. My room is what I call my bedroom in my house.) And I still haven't been able to clean and declutter as much as I have wanted to. Anyway, my policy is that accomplishing the little things will add up to a larger amount of stuff being accomplished.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-11-2016, 01:54 AM

January 10th continued - I finally edited and posted all of the photos from last night's concert onto social media to share with my friends who either attended the concert with me or would have liked to. It takes a ton of effort -- more than you would think or expect -- to go through photos one by one, delete any blurry ones, edit the ones that are too blurry or too dark, and then make collages out of a bunch that are really too much when posted one after the other on their own. And it seems like every time I have to sort through such a big collection of photos, I think back and wonder if it was all a waste of time. But it is done now, so I don't have to think about that anymore.

So now I am back in "the room," as I am calling it in my journal. Maybe I should even capitalize it to The, reminds me too much of that movie. How about My Other Room / Place? I guess that sounds somewhat better. Anyway, I am back at My Other Place now. I have three grapefruits on the desk next to me for the week. I brought two new bottles of shampoo to replace the old empty one. I have some electronics charging so that I can use them tomorrow without fear of their losing power. My plan for tonight is to strategize how I am going to spend the rest of January in terms of work and studying. There is a lot that I need to get done, but I want to space it all out so that I do not get too burnt out by the end of it and so that I avoid procrastinating to the extent that I will not be able to get through everything I need to.

It is super windy outside. Even though the window is closed, I hear the crackling and whooshing of the wind.

Last edited by salvete; 01-11-2016 at 02:01 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-11-2016, 04:20 AM

January 11th - I am getting ready to go to bed now. I completed some school work and also some work for my volunteership, so that's good. I won't have to worry about getting those done tomorrow. I just drank half a bottle of water in a few gulps, so I guess I was thirsty. I have decided that I will wake up early tomorrow to shower before class. I am so ready to tackle this material that we are learning!!! I am super tired, but I can feel the motivation deep within me. Before I sleep, I am going to make a study schedule to make sure I stay on top of the material.

A few minutes ago, my friend shared a photo with me in it from four years ago. It was from a trip I attended with some of my friends. My goodness, how young we all look in that photo! Stress really takes a toll on your physicality. I wish I still looked so young and sweet and innocent. Now I have much deeper wrinkles, darkness under my eyes, and slightly thinning hair, haha! Maybe once I get my sleep schedule back to normal, the wrinkles and darkness will lessen. I don't know what to do about my hair, though!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-12-2016, 01:41 AM

January 11th continued - David Bowie passed away last night. I only found out this morning when it was brought up at our group discussion. I was rather taken aback by this fact. And actually, when someone said he had passed, I looked up abruptly and was like "what?" I think the thing about my outlook on celebrities and people in general is that I don't think of them ever dying. Even though David Bowie had cancer, it didn't exactly cross my mind that death would follow. I know very well that people are not immortal, but perhaps it is my relatively optimistic personality that believes, until the end, that the cancer will be cured, the fever will defervesce, the infection will go away, people will change, et cetera. I have been very lucky to not have witnessed many deaths in my lifetime, and only one of someone I was relatively close to. I think that might be why I subconsciously tend to look on the bright side of this kind of situation. But I believe that I should start to consciously be more aware and eventually somewhat desensitize myself to illness and death, or someday, I might get a very rude awakening.

Last edited by salvete; 01-18-2016 at 04:43 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 01-12-2016, 10:04 AM

Oh, you finished your prompts ahead of time. I didn't think of doing something like that. :P

My cousin wants me to play that Neko game.

I asked her, "So, what do you do?"

And she said, "There are cats... and they come visit you."

To which I replied, "And then what?"

And she continued, "You give them food."

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-13-2016, 04:56 AM

Hi, Captain Howdy!! :) Welcome to my memory jar!

Yes, they are very good prompts! I almost wanted to finish the alphabet with "E is for ..." et cetera, but I didn't, because I figured they might be used in future monthly challenges. :)

I love Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector (the cat game), haha <3 I think it's super cute.

There actually isn't much to it in terms of gameplay. You just put out some food and playthings (called "goodies"). Then, you exit the app and go back to it whenever you want to.

Later, when you open the app again, you might see some cats eating your food or playing with our toys. Or, if the cats visited you and left before you opened the app again, you will see a record of which cats visited you.

Each time a cat visits, it will leave you some currency, either silver fish or gold fish. These fish can be used mostly just to buy other toys. (So, the cats really do all the work in terms of gaining currency in the game, which is just fine with me! haha) Some cats only play with specific toys. And when a cat "becomes your friend" (i.e. has visited you many times), it will leave you a "memento." As the game's name suggests, it's all just for collection purposes.

You also have a cat album within the game to save photos of the cats who visit you. So, I have also been collecting photos of the different poses each cat makes.

And that's basically all there is to the game, really :) I usually don't play these types of games (it's in fact the only game app I have on my device besides Duolingo), but I got this one because 1) it was free, 2) it's super simple and not at all time consuming to play, 3) I think it's adorable, and 4) a lot of my friends have it.

So, that has been my personal experience with Neko Atsume :) Hope that cleared up any questions you might've had about the game, haha :) although your cousin's description was pretty spot on in its succinctness!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-14-2016, 07:00 PM

January 14th - I think the thing about finishing the monthly challenges early is that I have to come up with my own topic for the day.

So I guess I can talk about my day so far.

My roommate's friend came to sleep over in our room because she was in town for an interview. The interview lasts the entire day, so she is not back yet. But fortunately, she is not sleeping over tonight again, because she has another interview in a different part of town. She will be staying somewhere closer tonight. I say fortunately for various reasons. It's fortunate that she is getting a lot of interview offers in the area, plus they are scheduled closely together so she does not have to travel back and forth too much. And it is fortunate for me because it was kind of hard last night to do things like go to the bathroom. We had a gigantic air mattress on the floor between my roommate and my bed, so there was almost no floor space to walk on. Plus, it is more difficult to fall asleep -- and stay asleep -- with three people when you're not all accustomed to sleep in the same room with them.

I finished all my classes for today, but not all of the work and studying yet. And I have a meeting to attend later that will have free dinner, so that is good. My dinner for today is all covered, which saves time and the thinking needed to come up with what to eat sometimes.

I have been pretty active on Menewsha these last few days even though I usually go on hiatus between events. That is because I am hoping to obtain some of my quest items in between the whole event common and event item collecting. So, while I play games in the Menewsha arcade and type in the forums (including this post), I am also watching the Youtube videos I saved to my Watch Later playlist. So, I am effectively multi-tasking to get more things done at the same time. And then, while I study, I will not have any distractions to make sure I am focused and remember what I read.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-15-2016, 03:26 AM

January 14th continued - the third person is gone after her interview. I was not back at my place to see her leave, but she left super quickly because she wanted to tour the neighborhood and then head up to where she is staying tonight, which is another friend's house before her next interview tomorrow. I will probably find out more about how her interviews went after she has finished and is not under as much stress.

The space where the gigantic air mattress was has been half filled with a new yoga mat ordered by the roommate. It is a beautiful dark green color with a slightly teal-ish tint to it.

It looks very much like this one that I found on the Internet:

I am reminded of the poem -- Now I lay me down to sleep. It is super late, so I will be going to sleep soon.

Last edited by salvete; 01-21-2016 at 04:17 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-16-2016, 01:57 AM

January 15 - Before I talk about my day, can I just say how pleasantly surprised and excited I was to see that Paper Town was still alive?!

Paper Town :: Index

Oh my goodness!!! I was a moderator back on Paper Town many years back, but the website closed down. I was never notified that it was back up again, but I am so glad! I really hope to see more faces there, and also hopefully find some explanation for the mysterious shutdown and sudden reappearance!

And my old outfit is still there! EDIT: I updated it for Valentine's Day, though :)

Last edited by salvete; 01-16-2016 at 09:13 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-17-2016, 04:35 AM

January 16th - I found these nursing-related memes saved on my desktop and chuckled. Just had to share them! I had originally saved them to show some of my friends who are in nursing school.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-17-2016, 10:00 PM

January 17th - I am making progress, slowly but surely, through this book that I am reading. You can follow my day-by-day progress in my reading journal (see the link in my signature). But is like a snail's pace process because the reading is a bit dense, and I am trying to understand and memorize all the facts presented in this book while I read it. I also highlight as I read so that in case I have time to go back through it, the key details have all been pinpointed.

FYI this is the book I am reading:

I have a funny story about my cousin. So she was walking her dog when she suddenly felt this sensation of someone watching her. Her dog stopped and was sniffing around, she paused as well. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a car was slowly approaching, and then it stopped some short distance behind her. She was afraid but mustered up the courage to yell, "How can I help you?!" to which the driver of the car replied, "You're blocking my driveway." Haha! I thought that was a funny story :)

Last edited by salvete; 01-21-2016 at 04:16 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 04:15 AM

January 20th - I kind of have been forgetting to post in my Memory Jar these past few days. Nothing much is going on, I guess, that is worthy of being talked about. The usual studying and dance rehearsals and eating. And I have been sleeping a lot, more than I would like to, considering that there is so much to be studied. And then I am spending a ton of time here on Menewsha trying to complete the trades I have open so I guess that is part of it too.

Here is what my Neko Atsume game looks like right now:

I have 11 mementos so far. In terms of what cats have visited me so far, and which I have photographed, they are Snowball, Smokey, Spots, Shadow, Sunny, Fred, Pumpkin, Callie, Tabitha, Bandit, Gabriel, Marshmallow, Socks, Lexy, Bolt, Breezy, Pickles, Pepper, Patches, Gozer, Cocoa, Princess, Ginger, Peaches, Spud, Mack, Speckles, Willie, Dottie, Spooky, Joe DiMeowgio, Xerxes IX, Ms. Fortune, Tubbs, and Ramses the Great. In other words, almost all of the normal cats and a few of the rare cats! Hooray!

Misty has visited me, but I have not been able to take her picture yet from the front. I only have a back view of her. And then there are a lot of rare cats that have never visited me, probably because I don't have the proper playthings or food out for them to eat.

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salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 08:20 PM

January 21st -- Ahhh I am so nervous. We are performing our dance today, and this is literally the first time I have ever performed in a dance in my entire life so far, I believe. So yes, my heart rate is up and my body is starting to ache from both nervousness and excitement.

So to take my mind off the upcoming performance, for which we will be rehearsing again in maybe half an hour or so, I have been watching a ton of youtube videos. And so, I wanted to dedicate this post to sharing what youtube channels I am subscribed to.

GiannyL - I was subscribed to her a long time ago on my old email account and just found her again recently. She is fantastic at turning old items into new ones, like big old t-shirts into tight dresses and things like that!

Kurt Hugo Schneider - I love this guy's voice and some of the music he writes and sings.

Chase Holfelder - I first heard about this singer on Kurt Hugo Schneider's channel and immediately subscribed to him afterwards.

Dytto - One of my favorite new singers who was featured on the Ellen show. She is fantastic!

POPSUGAR Food - I love watching baking and cooking videos, and this channel is filled with really good ones because they are short and sweet.

LastWeekTonight - I am a huge fan of John Oliver's show, Last Week Tonight.

Bon Appetit - Another cooking channel. I don't enjoy it as much as POPSUGAR Food, though, and I am actually considering unsubscribing from them, only because I just don't like their videos as much, so I don't really watch some of them.

Zella Day - I love this woman's voice and music!!

Us The Duo - I love these two singers' story. They were both singers, you see, and then they met and fell in love. Now they are married and singing duos for us on Youtube! Isn't that awesome?!


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