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The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 10:12 AM

I wear make up on special occasions like weddings, and sometimes also when I go out for an evening/night outing with friends.

I don't like to wear make up normally, even though my skin is not clear, because I find it particular mascara. My eyelashes are so short you can hardly see them, I can't use eyelash curlers because my eyelashes are so short. Maybe it's because I never learnt proper application...

thelettervee is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 06:54 PM

seeing as though i now work in an office i always have to wear make up. nothing too extravigant though- no concealer or foundation or eyeshadow and blush. i just do eyeliner, mascara and sometimes when i want to dress it up for the extra omph i put on lips stain. though i am so comfortable wearing no make up and being out and about :]

in high school i could not leave the house without putting on my goth face. xD
times have changed...

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by Codette View Post
I have oily skin too Cherry, thats why I use Powder or Pressed Powder instead of liquid/cream foundations.
Powder actually felt worse for me than this particular "clean" foundation does. I used one of those mineral powders that are supposed to be amazing for your face and for oily skin, but within a couple of hours the powder would absorb oils and it would start to feel nasty. It also just didn't look very good on me, unfortunately! It clung to every teeny tiny hair and fleck of dead skin on my face.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by Cherry Who? View Post
Right now the eyeliner I use is just black eyeshadow applied with a damp angle brush. I'd go for a liquid, but it's so damn expensive and I don't want to drop money on something unless I'm sure it's good. Anyone have any recommendations for a fairly cheap black liquid eyeliner?
Have you ever used Almay liquid eyeliner?

It costs about $6-7, is pretty easy to use, has a steady little applicator and goes on really smoothly. It rubs off very easily, though, so you might have a little trouble making it last on your skin. Still, if you don't like it, it's cheap enough to just throw out after a couple week.s

Izumi is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 10:58 PM

Ohh my gosh! A subject close to my heart!

I love make-up, and I try to wear it on my days off for sure, and I will also wear it when I'm working. I work from home, so no one really sees me so I could lay about in my PJs all day if I chose to. Sometimes I do, if I'm having a particularly rough day I'll usually work in whatever I wore last night to bed and my slippers. With my step daughter here I have been making more of an attempt to get fully ready, though, in case I have to go up to the bus stop or out to the school or something before work. I also feel more confident with it on.

Do I have to have it? No. I don't feel like I need to cake it on, or that I cannot live without it. I think the way someone said it's like the wrapping paper or bow on a package really summed it up for me. It makes me feel more presented, more polished. I enjoy putting it on, and I like how I look with it.

I also loved the art student and their take on how it's an art. It really is, and watching some of the youtube clips of this one male makeup artist (who I absolutely love watching -- he does a phenomenal job) he really does make it look like an art.

I'm also one of those people who has very pasty pale skin and horrible roscaea. I think this factors into it, and without makeup I feel like my bad complexion takes away from the overall package. I don't feel hideous, but I do feel like it stands out.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 12:06 AM

Knerd - No, I haven't tried that one before! That it goes on well is good to hear - a lot of the liquids I've tried in the past go on weirdly watery and opaque or get kind of gloopy and make a bumpy line as a result. But I suppose that's what I get for trying eyeliners that are <$5. Not sure how I feel about it coming off super easily, though - I have a hard time getting makeup to last on my eyes as it is, so I'm afraid that might end up vanishing in no time for me. But I'll give it a go next time I have some cash, thanks!

Flowery Pit
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Flowery Pit is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 01:58 AM

I wear make up all the time, even when I don't go out, especially when I live away far from home because I feel like there could always be an unexpected visitor.

Plus, I love the way I look with it on. I generally stay with browns, greens and purples, but I bought myself a 144 eye shadow set, so that's exciting.

I've actually just got into eyeliner, but I don't use black and it's considered my "lazy" look when I don't feel like doing the full deal. I just do a touch of eyeshadow, and a colored wing with mascara.

I had to buy a bigger make up pouch, that are made up of four pouches, and it rolls up in this little hand bag formation.

However, if I had to pick a downside, it'd be having to wake up 2 hours earlier beforehand. It takes time and it's infuriating, but make up looks bad if you don't blend well.
Also for girls having trouble for having eye make up last, you might want to try a eyeshadow primer.

Izumi is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Flowery Pit View Post
Also for girls having trouble for having eye make up last, you might want to try a eyeshadow primer.
I definitely agree with that statement. I just picked up a tube from Milani at my local grocery store for about $6-7 a couple months back and it is fricken AWESOME. Not only does it help make your eyeshadow more long lasting, it also makes it more vibrant and closer to the color it is in the pan. :3

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 04:58 PM

Make up!!!! I wear it and love it. I stay towards the simple side of things with a pressed powder (I like the L'Oreal
True Match Super Blendable Powder in the lightest shade cause I'm super pale like that) and a concealer if I've got any little bumps or dark circles (MAC). I feel like an all over foundation just isn't my thing, though I've been tempted by the dark side and as soon as I find one that looks right, I'm going to try and get a nice BB cream for the winter.

I like to splurge on things once in a while via MAC or Sephora. I love eyelid primers when I bother to wear eyeshadow. Otherwise, my eyeshadow creases (seriously, no matter what thank you very much oily skin) half way through the day. I use the Urban Decay primer. One tube of that lasts me a year or more, so I think it's a very worthwhile purchase if you've had issues with eyeshadow or eyeliner too. I also love the Bare Minerals eyeliner and mascara.

I say if you feel amazing with it on, great. You're doing it for you and that's it. But if you feel better au natural then, amazing! Just do what you do for your own reasons! Generally the most I roll out the door with is a little powder on.

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 09-17-2013 at 05:04 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 07:21 PM

I use an incredibly cheap Elf eyelid primer. It's wonderful! The tube doesn't have very much primer in it, so it won't last very long, but I really do love the Elf brand. I swear by so many of their products. The average item only costs $1-4 and they're surprisingly good quality. Not top shelf salon cosmetics, of course, but amazing as far as cheap drug store brands go.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 09:59 PM

hey Knerd where do you find Elf? My sister and I are looking everywhere for it. We heard that Target was supposed to carry it, but they dont or at least the one that just arrived this summer doesn't.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 09-18-2013, 01:08 PM

I buy it at Target. So far, that's the only store that I know of.

You can still order it online through the Target website, though. They actually have a huge range of products on there that aren't typically available in stores.

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:25 AM

Woodlandnymph: I've got some samples of Lioele's Triple the Solution BB cream that I can send you, if you'd like to try it? It's a Korean brand, only seems to have one shade, but I tried it and it matched my pale British skin perfectly. It seems to be one of those ones that adjusts to your skin tone.

I like it more than the Missha stuff that I've already got, because it's such a lovely match to my skin, I'll get a tube once the stuff I have is used up

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:31 AM

I've wanted to try more ELF stuff. I like how strongly pigmented some of their shadows seem to be.

Oh yah Jelly? I'd be more than game for that! I think your pale and my pale are pretty on par with each other. I got sunburn last October here...which is pretty unheard of for most people. *sigh* I keep seeing BB cream pop up here, but from what I heard, South Korea has a pretty big market for it there, and so they've really made an art of it.

Izumi is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:47 AM

I really would like to try some elf as I've been hearing really good things about their products.

I saw one youtuber who got an Elf sampler...I'll have to figure out how she got that particular item.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 03:53 AM

I think the problem I was having with my foundation was that I was putting it on much too thick. I had very severe cystic acne, and now I've got scars from it, so I think I was expecting the makeup to make me look completely "normal," and that just wasn't realistic for me. I tried a very light, sparing application and it evened me out a little without feeling so gross. I did have to wash my face halfway through the day, but that's because I was driving through 80+ degree heat in a car with no AC. @_@ So maybe there's hope for me to look nice yet!

Has anyone tried tinted moisturizers? I've been wondering about those.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 04:14 AM

Has a dermatologist recommended anything? Cause my brother in law had the same issue. He thought his skin would be marked forever, but it looks amazing now. It was after talks with a dermatologist, I know that for certain. I can ask him and see what he was given.

And a foundation can be our worst enemy....sliding off half way through the day or settling in all the creases and clogging pores. I haven't worn an all over foundation in a while cause I've not been satisfied with ones I've tried.

I wish I could point you to a moisturizer Cherry. I only use them in the winter, and I use oil free gentle ones. I've got one from my sister's proactive kit that I like made with green tea. But it's not tinted.

Izumi is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 04:22 AM

e.l.f. Cosmetics Beauty Bundle -- elf beauty bundle.

Honestly I think I would go and buy a couple of things to test out as that could be hit or miss. They do have some super cheap products that I would love to try. The problem is I don't think there is a store near me that carries them. The good news is they do free shipping...and also some pretty awesome offers.

I have tried tinted moisturizer before I like it as a light look. That's a lot of times what I'll use on warmer days as it's not quite as thick and also has spf in it. I'm still working through a tube of .mark tinted moisturizer (Avon's department store type brand...) which is pretty decent. I paid like next to nothing for it when I was selling it. Not sure if I would order it again once I use it up. I may have to do some research and find a new one.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 05:45 AM

Have you tried any without spf in them, Izumi? I can't use any facial products with sunscreen in them. No matter how "non-greasy" they claim to be, they're always so oily I can't stand it. @_@

Woody - Yeah, I have a dermatologist. She thinks most of the scarring will go away on its own within a year or two, and anything that's left after that she can recommend me to a laser... person for. And so far she's right - the scarring is greatly reduced from the last time I saw her. Luckily for me I didn't get many "pit" scars, mostly just blotchy discolorations and some lumpiness. But before it's worth having any scarring treated, I have to get this acne to stop completely. I'm on antibiotics for it, which stops the big bad ones (I still get normal pimples though >>), but every time I try to stop taking those, the big quarter-size monsters come back. I don't feel comfortable being on antibiotics for so long (just over a year now...), but the other treatment option is so expensive. It only lasts for a few months and is supposed to help shrivel up some overactive oil glands, but those few months are... I think it was something like $700-$1,000? Plus they also require you to go on BC during it because it can cause severe birth defects if you get preggo during the course. BC can be cheap, but that's just one more additional cost. The good news is this acne is genetic and usually everyone in my family who gets it "grows out of it." The bad news is that usually takes a few years.

Oops, acne rant.

Anyway, I have plenty of good moisturizers. I have combination skin, so I can't survive without them. I was just hoping that throwing a tint into the mix would make me a pretty, pretty princess without adding another step in my routine. Also hoping that since the product's main function isn't makeup, it may not feel so gross and pore clogtastic

Izumi is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 07:07 PM

@Cherry - I don't think I have tried a tinted moisturizer that didn't have some sort of spf in it. Even the BB and CC cream samples seem to have a little bit of spf in them. Some seem to be less greasy or thick than others. If I do run into a youtube review of something that sounds up your alley, or I do come across a sample or try some without the spf I will definitely let you know.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your acne problems. I do get some problematic spots, but nothing on your level. I've been trying to follow up using the wave sonic by neutrogena and it seems to be doing pretty good at keeping me clean. It's 7 bucks for a month supply of pads, and you change them daily. I wanted a clarisonic but they're $150 and then I think the replacement heads are like $30 and you have to replace them every few months? I will warn you on the wave sonic -- it does give a tingly feeling when using them and dry my skin out. I have to moisturize afterwards to counteract that.

My big problem is roscaea...but I don't think there really is a cure. Perhaps laser therapy to help reduce it...That's why I'm pretty pro makeup as I look like I have some sort of drinking problem or something with it. It just doesn't really looks nice...

bork and means

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Old 09-20-2013, 08:00 PM

Hmm, ok, so my BB samples are Triple the Solution, which is SPF 30, and Beyond the Solution, which does NOT contain any SPF.

So I'll send some to you too, Cherry :) In this stash of samples was also SPF 45 sunscreen, I'll send you that too, Woody! It's smells divine.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 08:22 PM

Aww, thank you, Jelly!

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 08:38 PM

BB cream is supposed to fade acne scars with prolonged use

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 10:31 PM

Aw hey-ul yeah.

Though I think just rubbing anything on them helps. I think something about massaging scars helps the scar tissue break up? Or... something? I feel like I read something to that effect once.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-22-2013, 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Hmm, ok, so my BB samples are Triple the Solution, which is SPF 30, and Beyond the Solution, which does NOT contain any SPF.

So I'll send some to you too, Cherry :) In this stash of samples was also SPF 45 sunscreen, I'll send you that too, Woody! It's smells divine.
:D That sounds fantastic! Cherry is our kinda pale too, so that's perfect.

They both have really good reviews on Amazon too. So I'm excited to try them out!


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