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LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 03:37 AM

Yeah something would have happened to Arya by now, Sansa is really smart about knowing what to say and not say, and when to say it, but shes so nice and Geoffrey is such a jerk to her.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 04:54 AM

That's putting it lightly! Ahha.

Joffery is one sadistic mofo, the shows really bring that out in him. He wasn't quite as twisted in the book.

Last edited by Sansa; 06-06-2013 at 04:56 AM..

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 12:41 PM

I gotta say, Arya probably would have put Joffreys head on a spike before getting her own there.

Vox is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 04:37 PM

That is pretty true of Arya. She certainly lacks self-control. I'm not entirely certain that she would have been killed by now. She'd cause more trouble than Sansa, but if it was enough trouble to warrant her getting killed.

I don't know if I really consider it a strength to freeze up when you're scared and just do what you are told. I think it shows more strength to stand against someone and not fear pain or death. Sometimes that also shows foolishness (see: Ned Stark) and sometimes compliance is the better option. There is a time and a place for both (and lucky for Sansa and Arya, they happen to be in the right time and place for their method of dealing with fear to work toward their benefit), but I don't know that I consider both strengths just because of the fact that they can be helpful in certain situations.

Haha, I can't decide whether to love or hate Joffrey's character. xD It's almost like he is so sick and twisted that it's awesome. Not too dissimilar to how I feel about Arya, really. Since the end of episode three (The Climb) I'm actually starting to like how sadistic Joffrey is, and how there's not much to him besides that. xD

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by Vox View Post
That is pretty true of Arya. She certainly lacks self-control. I'm not entirely certain that she would have been killed by now. She'd cause more trouble than Sansa, but if it was enough trouble to warrant her getting killed.

I don't know if I really consider it a strength to freeze up when you're scared and just do what you are told. I think it shows more strength to stand against someone and not fear pain or death. Sometimes that also shows foolishness (see: Ned Stark) and sometimes compliance is the better option. There is a time and a place for both (and lucky for Sansa and Arya, they happen to be in the right time and place for their method of dealing with fear to work toward their benefit), but I don't know that I consider both strengths just because of the fact that they can be helpful in certain situations.

Haha, I can't decide whether to love or hate Joffrey's character. xD It's almost like he is so sick and twisted that it's awesome. Not too dissimilar to how I feel about Arya, really. Since the end of episode three (The Climb) I'm actually starting to like how sadistic Joffrey is, and how there's not much to him besides that. xD
You can like the character, I know I enjoy it. It adds something to the story. Doesn't make him a good person, and liking him isn't saying that he's a good person...Just saying that he's exciting and unpredictable and gore is always fun. x3

And Sansa doesn't freeze up - she is a bucket of sass "Oh wait, I don't care." "Or maybe he'll bring me yours." "Oh wait, of course you'll be in the van-guard." are just a few that I love. She uses her courtesies like a mask, her strength is in her patience and the fact that she hasn't lost her will in a situation that many would have broken in. She also uses them wisely - when she saved Ser Dontos for example.

Ah, I'm getting defensive again. <3 I just can't stand when people bash her - and it happens a lot. She isn't the typical fantasy heroine so she is immediately labeled as weak and inferior to characters like Arya and Brienne. My favorite is when she is called a bitch - When really, she is actually a really nice person...though, I think that stems from her relationship with fan favorite Arya "When I'm Queen, I'll make them love me." Sticking to her guns in her beliefs takes a lot of courage imo.

Ferra is offline
Old 06-06-2013, 11:12 PM

Originally Posted by Vox View Post
Haha, I can't decide whether to love or hate Joffrey's character. xD It's almost like he is so sick and twisted that it's awesome. Not too dissimilar to how I feel about Arya, really. Since the end of episode three (The Climb) I'm actually starting to like how sadistic Joffrey is, and how there's not much to him besides that. xD
I think the main reason people dislike Joffrey is not because of his cruelty but because of his cowardliness. On top of that, he's also pretty foolish and arrogant, which doesn't help his cause. He's not a complete idiot, or he would be dead by now (in the show... no spoilers please ) but he has no control over his rage and ego which cause him to make stupid decisions.

He's interesting in that way, since I can't think of a lot of antagonists that are that combination and also are given power to carry out their cruelty with impunity. But I don't find him appealing because he's such a one-track mind.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-07-2013, 12:44 AM

Yeah now Ned Lannister the dwarf is really cunning, I love that he told 3 different people a story about marrying off the queens daughter and found out someone blabbed to her. You gotta love him he really is small but does cast a big shadow when it comes down to it.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 12:43 AM

Ned Lannister? Ned Stark.

Tyrion is the imp - and yes, he is a cunning little devil. <3 One of the best characters in the whole series.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 12:58 AM

Oh Tyrion, duh I really gotta pay attention to characters names, I thought Tyrion was someone else.

Vox is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 04:01 AM

@Sansa: Being tactful about your words is very important, and Sansa does a good job of not stepping out of line. And haha, I remember some of the subtle insults she's made. I like how you put it too. She is using polite words but intending them as insults. Sansa's not the only character who excels at being polite though. From what I have seen, I think Margaery Tyrell is just as good at that while also very clever at manipulating people.

@Ferra: That is a good point. Joffrey never had any need for tact because the Lannisters are very rich and powerful and will protect him. And don't be silly, Joffrey is never going to get what's coming to him. After the last episode I saw, I'm just giving up on that hope. If there is any point George R. R. Martin wants to make, it's that life isn't fair and good doesn't always defeat evil.

@Otaku: Yep, the dwarf's name is Tyrion. He is a lot of peoples' favorite character, including the author. The only thing I dislike about Tyrion is something I dislike about all the Lannister children, and it's their sense of entitlement and the way they use their name and wealth to get special treatment. Tyrion hadn't exactly had it easy though. He's suffered a lot of ridicule and you can tell that his father and siblings don't respect him. And yes, he is one of the most clever characters. He is easily my favorite of the Lannisters.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 04:16 AM

Oh, all the spoilers I want to give. *Keeps mouth shut*

See, I like show-Margery - they give her some body, she doesn't come across nearly as manipulative in the books, she doesn't even have her own POV in the books. I really actually disliked her in the books because she came across as a power-hungry girl who just happened to be handed some good luck. I'd be interested to see how she'd fair if she was in Sansa's position - because she can play the game of thrones, but we've only ever seen her play from a vantage point.

@Vox - I think Tyrion using his name and wealth is a bit different than say..his father using it. It's one of the only things he has going for him, and I mean - without them, he'd probably have been murdered after his birth due to his dwarfism. I think he's to clever to ever feel entitled to something, other than say - Casterly Rock, which is his by right.
Tywin Lannister is one of my least favorite characters... he is waay to obsessed with blood and honor. He really needs someone to sit him down and force-feed him a big slice of humble pie.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 03:13 PM

Tyrion is definitely the better out of the Lannisters, his sister and brother aren't very smart when it comes to ruling. I am glad Jamie is being held prisoner by the Starks. Tyrion is the most cunning as hand of the king which made his sister made because hes been firing people in the court.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by LonelyOtaku97 View Post
Tyrion is definitely the better out of the Lannisters, his sister and brother aren't very smart when it comes to ruling. I am glad Jamie is being held prisoner by the Starks. Tyrion is the most cunning as hand of the king which made his sister made because hes been firing people in the court.
The thing is though, Jamie doesn't want to rule - if he wanted, he could have been king instead of Robert. He's a knight - he loves to fight, and he sees that as all he's about.

Cersie... now, she isn't half as clever as she thinks she is. Another character who I think probably couldn't play the game without her vantage point. As opposed to say, Littlefinger and Varys who had to make their own way in life.

Vox is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 08:38 PM

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tywin's the only Lannister left to be humbled now. And yes, Tyrion really has to use his Tywin-is-my-daddy card because it's all he's got. >< But Tyrion is also the smartest of the Lannisters (actually, maybe he's only about as smart as his father...). And he's the humblest too, but again, he has to be since he is a dwarf.

Ahh, gotta love Littlefinger and the Spider. xD Varys was one of my favorite characters since the beginning.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-08-2013, 09:30 PM

They made show Varys that much more bad-ass too!

I can't wait to see what the show does with the Widow...but that's so far away! I think she'll be similar to the Queen of Thorns...In fact, I'd love to see them interact, even though it would never happen.

I'm just glad that Talisa is finally dead. She didn't even exist in the book - I found her very unnecessary, and not even in a good way like Ros.

Vox is offline
Old 06-09-2013, 02:51 PM

Yeah, I have heard that.

Don't know who that is because I haven't read the series yet. But I love Olenna Tyrell. She is like that crude old grandma who just says whatever she wants because she's old and no one cares anymore. xD

I didn't like her much either. I think the show wanted her to be relatable so it hurt more when she died, but it didn't really work for me.

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-09-2013, 09:54 PM

Man I am missing alot but then again I was going to watch episode four of season two and didn't get the chance to. I'm glad there are other game of throne fans to discuss this with, although some of this characters I haven't heard of yet.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-10-2013, 04:02 AM

Oh! The latest episode~!! <3

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 06-10-2013, 02:33 PM

I just had a marathon of this show and am finding it pretty enjoyable. 8D

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 06-11-2013, 12:22 AM

I haven't kept up with the show, but judging by all the online reactions this past week, I'm guessing that they aired the Red Wedding?

Did it live up to everyone's expectations?

LonelyOtaku97 is offline
Old 06-11-2013, 01:52 AM

You guys are getting me all kinds of excited, I didn't get a chance to watch game of thrones since I play dnd on mondays.

The Little Bird
Sansa is offline
Old 06-11-2013, 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
I haven't kept up with the show, but judging by all the online reactions this past week, I'm guessing that they aired the Red Wedding?

Did it live up to everyone's expectations?
I was disappointed actually, having read the books. Even the next episode when the showed the wolf head attached to Robb's body was rather lack-luster.

I really wish they would have shown Cat going crazy and laughing hysterically. ;-;

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 06-11-2013, 04:15 PM

I didn't have any expectations so I'm a happy camper. XDD Well, as happy as you can be about what happened...
I agree that the finale wasn't as.. exciting or give that air of being a cliffhanger, but I'm actually kind of satisfied about that. I would rather it end the way it did than end on the atmosphere of the penultimate one.

Vox is offline
Old 06-11-2013, 05:34 PM

My partner who has read the books was really pleased with the Red Wedding scene. He later read me the passage in the books where Cat goes crazy, and I still thought they did a decent job. Her scream sent shivers down my spine both times I watched it.

I was a little disappointed with the finale. I got myself really excited for an epic scene with Daenerys and I did not get what I was hoping for.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 06-12-2013, 08:34 AM

I'm interested to see how things will be once she finally gets over there, if ever!

I was also glad that Jaime(?) finally made it back home, but also thinking "pfft, they don't deserve a reunion!"


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