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Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 12:16 AM

In those few seconds, Allen watched the tv screen with Bronwen, then looked back to her. With a short pause, Allen nodded, his chin still resting in the palm of his hand. "I like your smile." The blond hologram man stated with a smile of his own. There wasn't really much right now that could be filed and 'likes' or 'dislikes', so he didn't know what else to say.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 12:36 AM

Bronwen blinked incredulously. Her smile? A blush crept up her cheeks unexpectedly. "Why would you like that of all things?" Snapping out defensively, the dark haired woman stood and began pacing. A hologram liked her smile. That was so strange, and unexpected. It wasn't exactly normal for an AI to do things like that. If they did, they were destroyed, or so she thought. Such things just weren't accepted at all. The geeky girl didn't really care though, no one ever complimented her.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 03:42 AM

Looking up at the woman as she stood and walked back and forth across the floor. "Did I say something wrong, Bronwen?" Allen asked as he straightened up in the holographic comfy chair.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 04:00 AM

Confusion wrote itself clearly across her face as she stopped her pacing. "No, yes ... I just don't understand how my smile could be one of the things you like." In fact it was the only thing he liked, or at least it seemed so. Worries form years past came to the forefront of her mind making Bronwent become even crankier then usual all of a sudden. It didn't matter what he said! Hologram or not, he was still a man and they never said anything that was true. Not to Bronwen at least.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 04:30 AM

Seeing that she didn't understand then became annoyed. . . no, she seemed beyond annoyed, Allen stood from the comfy chair and went over to stand by her. "I'm sorry. Clearly I said something that upset you. I won't say it again." He said, with guilt and felt an electrical urge to reach out and touch her cheek, but his none-see-though hand went through Bronwen's cheek. Retracting his hand away from her he frowned down at his hand. "I don't like . . ." He stopped himself then shook his head. "I'm sorry."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 03:32 PM

Startled out of her mood by his actions more then his words, Bronwen stared at Allen. "You just tried to touch me." It was a truth that shocked the young woman though she stated it as fact. Lowering her emerald eyes to the ground a little nervously she sighed. This was the type of thing people were afraid of, but it wasn't really so bad. An AI with emotions and feelings as real as any person's, it was amazing! If it had been any other AI maybe Bronwen would have shouted to the world about her creation. Now she just wanted to keep him safe from whoever might decide that he was a danger to the human race for being so like them.

"What don't you like?" Easing into an unusual mood, Bronwen allowed herself to wonder what might have happened if he was an actual person instead of an image created to look like one. Now this type of thought was strongly discouraged, but since no one had quite discovered how to create a machine to read minds it was pretty safe. The danger came when speaking such things aloud to the world at large.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 04:48 AM

Allen saw the look on Bronwen's face when she first spoke. The expression shown that he shouldn't have tried touching her, and Allen didn't want to upset her again. Fearing that it would up set her, the hologram of a man shook his head and smile. "I don't know what I don't like." He said with a smile, not saying that he didn't like not being able to touch her as he could the comfy chair that she made appear for him, or how she can touch everything but him. The first lie of an AI . . . but possibly not the last. "What do you like and don't like?" Allen asked, wanting to know more about her, and intending to direct her attention away from him.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:06 PM

Pursing her lips, she let Allen's words slip trough her mind and linger there. What did she like? Certainly not raindrops and kittens, as the song from the musical went. "I like doing a job well, I like mystery and excitement even if I don't get a lot of that. I don't like being alone, even if it might seem like it doesn't bother me."Shrugging a little the dark haired woman fiddled nervously with her hair. She just wasn't used to talking with anyone, not even a hologram.

((Happy Birthday!!!))

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:30 PM

(Thank you very much!!! >w< )

Recording everything Bronwen said, there was something that caught Allen's attention the most. Being alone . . .? Tilting his head slightly, so he looked up at Bronwen as she fiddled with her dark hair. "You're not alone. I'm here, right?" The hologram blond man questioned, not sure if that was correct.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:40 PM

Laughing a little, Bronwen moved to pass a hand trough one of Allen's. "I don't know if I'm alone or not." Because it was hard to decide whether to consider Allen as a person or not. It was so confusing! Thinking about it was nearly giving Bronwen a headache. "Anyway enough with the questions, just let me think! This is making me get a headache." Finishing with a comical expression the young woman flopped down on the couch dramatically.

((Having a nice day I hope?))

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:16 PM

((Yes, I am! :3 Mom had my d-day last Saturday because everyone were too impatient to wait for today to give me my gifts. XD Flowers, jewerly, and money. X3 lol)

The sound of Bronwen's laugh and her behavior made Allen smile and chuckle as well, despite the slight disturbance he felt when her hand passed through his own again. "Questions give you a headache, but thinking doesn't?" He teased.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:30 PM

"No, trying to figure out whether to consider you a person or not is." Being blunt as usual, Bronwen closed her eyes with a sigh. He sounded so real, she was even thinking of him like she would a man. That could lead to devastating problems. A hologram, was she so starved for attention that she turned to something she'd created for companionship? Ah well, she'd figure it out sometime soon. Hopefully before anything went wrong.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:44 PM

Allen fell silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that. A person. . . or not. Looking down at his hands once again, and at the hologram comfy chair that was still placed beside the couch as if waiting for Allen to sit back down. That chair, it's there but not really there, just like how he is. There but not there, not really a person. Eventually, Allen spoke, his voice from the projectors low and quiet. "Then don't." The blond said, still staring at the comfy chair. "If it hurts, if it will be easier on you, then don't. . . I'm not a person. I'm just as that chair. . . I'm not really here."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 06:36 PM

His answer had the young woman sitting up straight and staring at him with wide green eyes. Bronwen couldn't think of him as anything but a person after hearing something like that from his mouth! "Allen ..." Anger, blutness, it disappeared from her demeanor as she slipped from the couch once more. "Allen, you're real. No one who wasn't could talk like that." A twinge of something unknown fluttered in her heart to be quashed down and shattered mercilessly.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 12:51 AM

Looking away from the hologram chair, Allen looked over at Bronwen and felt a electrical surge through him. Slowly. Allen found himself smiling warmly at her. "Thank you, Bronwen." He said with a strong, bright smile, clearly relieved and happy to hear that. Happy? Yes, this woman made him happy.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 03:50 PM

An answering smile tugged up her petal colored lips. Pushing up her glasses, she moved forward and found herself reaching out to try and touch the hologram. This was only the first day they'd known each other and already it was frustrating that her friend was so unreal. Closing her eyes briefly with a sigh, a yawn issued forth. "I'm going to go get some sleep, it's getting pretty late." Waving at him offhandedly the young woman slipped past Allen to go into her room, get changed into comfortable looking pjs, and then let herself clamber up to fall asleep.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 01:07 AM

Nodding in understanding when the woman left to get some rest. "Sleep well, Bronwen." He said to her as she passed him and smiled lightly at how she didn't walk through him but around him like as if he was solid. Solid huh? Not wanting to disturb her any more, the hologram man returned to the first room and looked over the monitors that were left on. He could use this time to try and learn about everything that he could that way when Bronwen wakes up, he could avoid upsetting her and maybe be of use to her.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 01:12 AM

Dreams of wondrous strange things slipped trough her mind, but one image that made no sense really stuck. How could you kiss something that wasn't real? Yawning, the dark haired woman stretched with cat-like grace before sitting up and rubbing her green eyes. Tired as she was, she moved her hand about before finally finding her glasses to correct her bleary vision. Once that was done it was time to slip into a pair of tight fitting jeans and a tank top. Hunger drove Bronwen into the kitchen where she made some food, it was then that the image flitted trough her mind again reminding her of Allen. It wasn't possible, besides he was just a friend. "Allen, you here?"

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 04:31 AM

In the first room with the monitors, the holographic figure huddled up on the platform, arms wrapped around the bent knees and blond hair hide the face. This was the position that was kept for the past couple hours. What is going on?! What happened? Was there something wrong with me? Did I accidentally corrupt up one of my files while I was researching? There were so many questions and no answers could be found because waking up Bronwen wasn't an option that was willingly acceptable.

'Allen, you here?'

Cringing on the platform at the question, the hologram didn't feel quite right in this visual design and didn't know how to return to the original. This much of a change would surely upset Bronwen! But ignoring her, that wouldn't be something the hologram would want to do. "Here," The AI said, the voice being more softer and a slightly higher pitch than before. "I'm in here,"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 02:08 PM

Bronwen put aside her plate of toasts to make her way to the workroom. A worried frown had plastered itself on her face. The sounds coming from the monitor hadn't been the one's she'd chosen for Allen, they were too high pitched. The young woman wouldn't exactly have been surprised to find out that he'd done something to himself while doing whatever it was he'd decided to do while she slept. It was a wonder he hadn't remembered he could simply shut himself off for the night. But that was partially her fault, it was something Bronwen should have mentioned.

"What's wrong?" As she entered the woman couldn't quite see her creation's appearance. Why was he all huddled up like that on the platform? Moving forward, Browen crouched down before him to try and see what was wrong with her vivid green eyes.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 04:46 PM

"I. . . I don't understand what happened, Bronwen. Did I do something wrong? I don't register causing corruption with my files, but . . .I just wanted to know more to be more useful to you. . ." The hologram said softly, head down and the face still hidden. "You'll be upset because of this, won't you? I'm sorry. Please don't be upset."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 04:56 PM

Rolling her eyes, the onyx haired woman moved to sit beside her hologram. "Show me what happened Allen. I won't be able to help you until I know what's wrong." She wished she could reach out to touch the holograms and find out what was wrong that way, but it was impossible. Looking at the files in question without telling Allen first seemed ... wrong somehow. He really was a person, despite the fact that he'd been created trough programs and had no true body. It was a shame in a way that he hadn't been born, but created.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 05:05 PM

There was obvious hesitation from the holographic human, and eventually nodded silently. Unwrapping thin arms from the knees, the hologram stood slowly, then looked down at Bronwen. Allen was now an Alice. The hologram's blond hair was slightly longer than before, just past the shoulders and the masculine features had been smoothed out of the sharp angles into slight curves and had a small chest that was definite under the white t-shirt. The only thing that didn't seem to change with the visual design were the eyes, the same blue as before. Saying nothing, the hologramic woman looked down at the dark haired woman like she was about to cry.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 05:12 PM

Taking in a deep breath, Bronwen found herself hoping that this was something simple she could fix. Of course she could, though as Allen stood she couldn't help but laugh a little. This was such an unexpected turn of events! At least this was something she could deal with, unless ... "I can fix this if you want me to." If he, or should she be thinking of the hologram as a she now, wanted to remain this way Bronwen wouldn't argue. Not much anyway.

"How did you manage to do this anyway?" Turning away, the green eyed woman pushed up her glasses absentmindedly as she shifted trough files on her computer to find Allen's. Looking over them she found the one that had everything to do with his appearance. Clicking it open to find the problem, she turned hir way again with a questioning look.

Nezume Gamakaeru
I am an artistic mouse! =^u^=
Nezume Gamakaeru is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 05:21 PM

When she heard Bronwen laugh, even if it was just a little one, it made her want to cry. "It's not funny! Don't laugh!" She squeaked, then clenched her mouth shut at how her voice sounded. Sinking back to the floor, the hologram ended up sitting in a very girly way, her fists clenched onto the bottom of her shirt. "I . . . I don't know how. I was just reading files and trying to broaden my memory record files and I was being very careful not to corrupt anything. . . suddenly I felt this electrical surge and I . . . blacked out, I guess. When I came back I was. . . I was like this. After that I was too afraid to touch anything to try and fix it, and I didn't want to disturb you. . . Bronwen."


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