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Emmery is offline
Old 02-10-2011, 10:52 PM

"So what does your brother look like? Like you?" Alex asked her, feeling slightly guilty for thinking that the crying girl could be a murderer. He smiled at her hesitantly, walking forward. "We'll help you, so don't worry." Alex sighed, then trying to lighten the mood, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPod. He put on Bob Marely's 'Don't Worry.' Shifting from one foot to the other, his eyes shifted from one focus to the other, from looking at the crying girl to the other girl.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:01 AM

Annabella followed the girl and boy to the outside, hold her arms in fear as she walked beside them. Trying to be strong wasn't her strong suit and followed them through the building. Trying to act confident she started to hum a song to herself to calm her nerves from the fear of being killed or being taken from the others. Shaking consumed her whole body as her footsteps tapped the floor while going outside.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:52 AM

Mi'khal smiled at Scarlett as she patted his shoulder. He nodded feeling rather comforting with her support though he knew his best friend was right outside. The dark haired male nodded as he tried to help Scarlett to try and calm the girl down. He tilted his head a bit at her statement. "The others? There's other's outside?" he questioned with a small bit of hope. Mik looked up as she looked back at him and grinned. "Thanks, I just feel awful," he answered gently with a smile. The tattooed scamp followed behind Scarlett as they started to head outside. It was nice to know that his best friend would be standing outside when he got there.
Mey'ghan looked up at the boy when she realized he was speaking to her. She smiled her crooked smile and shook her head. "Actually he's not my brother, you'd think he was by the way we act, but we're just best friends... I feel kinda lost with out him actually... But he's tall, and kinda pale, and has dark hair and blue eyes," she answered softly. He was really nice, and she took back what she said about killing boys. She couldn't kill him he was very nice. "And thanks that's very nice of you guys," she said in her delicate voice. As he put the song on his ipod her eyes lit up. That was one of her favorite songs. It always brightened her mood. Softly she began swaying as she listened closing her eyes slightly.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 02:01 AM

"Yeah, so far there's five people including yourself." She said, leading the girl and boy both outside and into the group of people. "Okay, do any of you have a good idea of where to hide?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at them. She noticed two people on the beach. "Over here!" She called, waving one of her hands to get their attention, though she didn't yell since she didn't want anyone else knowing they were here. She glanced back at Mi'khal. "So why were you sent here? I haven't seen you before in the last week.." She said softly to him. She then noticed another girl she hadn't seen before. "Is that Mey?"

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 02:05 AM

"Cody, we can't keep hiding like this....."Sirus's voice drifted as he heard a girls voice. He recognized her as one of the other campers. "Come on Cody. We may have survived on each other in the past, but we don't know what we're up against this time."
Codette sighed, and took her brothers hand. Together, they got up and slowly walked towards the girl and her companions.
"Hey, I'm Codette, and this is my brother Sirus." She said as they got closer.

"Do you know all who's survived so far?" Sirus asked.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:44 AM

Alice stared at her photo as she studied them both. "Siblings how beautiful. Two for one." She said as she flipped threw the file gathering some notes from the pic and things that where there. She walked away leaving the others there as she heard them talk about who they got. She didn't say word as she pulled out her sunglasses from her hair and put them own as she pulled out a cigar she had got from one of the men on the boat she had killed on the way over and pulled out his lighter as she lite it up then held it out to the file as she watched it catch on fire and burn turning to ash before her eyes. She moved on as the ash fell on the floor the remnants of the file. "You all just make sure you clean up your mess. Do it right or don't come back. I'm not going to jail for this." She said as she grind. "Besides lets give these kids something to fear. I claim crazy party bitch for this game!" She said as she open the door and walked out into the light. She walked deep into the island as she readied herself for their game.

The 'Boy Who Lived' has come to ...
Lightning_Serah is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 03:25 AM

Ariel watched as the girl hugged the red-haired girl. She listened closely to the girl's description of her lost friend. "I'm sure we'll find him!" She said, mustering up the biggest smile possible. She wasn't exactly to sure of things herself, but she refused to give up. "Were should we look first?"

* * *

Sydney was bit taken off guard when she was hugged by Mey'ghan, but she caught on quick enough, "I was terrified after loosing you guys last night. I'm alright, just a bit scared. I haven't seen him around, I didn't think you two got separated...." Sydney said, trying her best to play along with it all. Sydney nodded her head slightly to the beat of the music, as she waited for anything to happen.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:18 PM

The boy was surprised by the numbers of the group they had already collected together. Nodding he followed her outside and began to look around the group. His attention wandered when Scarlett yelled to two people walking near the beach. Then he looked over towards Scarlett and began to answer when she pointed out that she thought Mey'ghan was here. He had been about to answer when he saw her. A wide smile formed on his face as he moved threw the whole group and embraced Mey'ghan in a hug. "Mey'ghan, I'm so happy you're okay," he stated gently hugging her softly.

The brunette had been caught off guard by his hug. She had been just about to answer Sydney and the other girl when she was suddenly hugged. Once she had her wit about her she hugged him back and hid her face. Softly she began crying as she held onto him. "I'm happy you're okay too Mik," she muttered as she cried.

Mik'hal looked over towards Sydney and smiled when he saw her. "I'm glad you're alright too Sydney. We never should have tried to do that at night," he stated with a small smile. Lightly he rested his head on Mey'ghan's, and the hug lasted until the girl could contain her crying. She looked up at him and wiped her eyes. "Please try never to do that again, thanks," she said softly. The two stopped hugging and she let out a soft giggle. "Well, bright side, no more search party," he said with a small chuckle rubbing the back of his head. Mey'ghan stood next to Mi'khal and smiled over at the boy with the ipod. He had been so nice to her, actually everyone had. They were actually a nice bunch of kids.

{sorry guys I won't be on til late tonight. I'm taking a trip back home =] & have an exam}

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 08:35 PM

(( *Is waiting for Kionaredhawk to catch up until posting.* I kinda have this thing where no ones left behind so until she posts I \'m going to lay off posting > . < ))

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-12-2011, 06:01 AM

{oh that's no trouble for me. I just didn't want to get left behind with out Mey'ghan and Mi'khal being reunited properly.}

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-12-2011, 08:02 PM

Pavel looked with Viktorka around the building and saw the group standing there. They both went back to the side of the building so they could talk about what to do.
They spoke in hushed Russian so no one could hear or understand them.
"It looks like they're survivors as well. I recognize some of them as other kids in camp. Maybe we should go talk to them, Vik. It would be better if we were with others, don't you think?"

Viktorka shakes her head. "I don't know. Tis easier to hide two people then almost a dozen. We might be too obvious with them."

Pavel nods. "I know. I thought about that but I still think we should. We can at least check it out, da? And we can be ready in case they are the murderers."

Vik sighs but nods. "Da."

The two walk side by side from around the building and approach the group of teens standing ther, hands on the hilts of the knives that can be seen on their belts; they stopped a couple feet from the nearest person. Viktorka was obviously the youngest, and shortest one there. She grimaced, not liking that at all.
"Um, you guys alright? Survivors, yes?" Pavel's English wasn't perfect and his accent was thick but he got his point across.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-13-2011, 10:58 PM

Scarlett nodded. "Yes, were survivors. And we happen to be looking for some place to hide... would you know of any on the island? Were guessing we should stay in one of the abandonned homes but I don't know.." She said, sighging softly. "Whats your guy;;s opinion?" She asked, looking at everyone as she brushed her bangs out of her eyes.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 02-14-2011, 01:46 AM

Annabella jumped a little the nodded her head in agreement with the girl's question, "I-I do-don't m-mind." she said looking down at the ground as she hoped that the faery would come soon and get them off this crazy island and back home to the families.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-14-2011, 01:24 PM

Codette and Sirus looked at each other. Each biting the opostie side of their lower lip in though.
"The only places we've seen to shield any kind of safety, is if we stick together back at the camp...." Sirus' voice trailed off.

Codette tired her hair back into a pony tail. "and that doesn't inspire much confidence Seer!"

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-14-2011, 04:36 PM

Pavel thought about it a moment and then nodded. "I do, da. Around island, in forest. Found while исследующий. Isn't much but do til get bearings." He faltered a little with the English, not really sure if he was saying it right. He looked at his sister, a scowl on his face.

Viktorka smiled only slightly at him and looked back at the group. Her English was perfect but accented with her native tongue. "What he's saying is that there's a place that we could hide for a little while in the forest that he found while he was out exploring the island. Breaking the rules, I would assume. Unfortunately, on the other side of the island. Sounds like we'll have to go through the forest to get to it or something to that effect. He means that it'll work while we figure out what it is that we can do." She looked at each of them, her tear streaked face gloomy. "We'll have to be quiet, I think, so we aren't found. And hide our tracks." She runs a hand through her red hair. "I'm Viktorka by the way. But call me Vik. It's easier. This is my broth-"

Pavel pushed her a little. "I make own introductions." She snorted. "I Pavel." He barely manages a smile at them. "We should move, da?"

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-14-2011, 06:36 PM

Mi'khal looked to his right at Mey'ghan wondering what her opinion was. The dark haired boy looked around and noticed the group that they had gotten together. Two pairs of them were certainly siblings while himself and his right hand girl looked as though they were siblings. Lightly he ran a hand threw his dark hair and nodded in agreement. His blue eyes looked to Mey who nodded as well. "We agree that we should find somewhere to hide out... We have to be really careful though. Myself Mey'ghan and Sydney came from another part of the island and ended up being shot at for most of the time," the dark haired boy replied for the two of them. Then he looked to the one pair of siblings as they introduced themselves. He nodded and smiled. "I'm Mi'khal, but you can call me Mik or whatever you want really. And this is Mey'ghan, and she really just goes by Mey," Mi'khal answered. Mey'ghan waved slightly when her best friend introduced them. She wondered how Ace and Alice were doing, and if there was anyone else left on the island.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 08:12 PM

Scarlett watched the boys lips as he spoke, understanding what Pavel said even though it was kind of hard. "Okay, then let's go? Pavel.. could you lead the way for us since you've been there before?" She asked, eying him before listening to Mi'khal. "It's a shame we have no weapons.." She mumbled, looking around as if one would magically appear. She frowned slightly and started walking towards the woods.

Ace stood up from his desk and slid his knife in his jeans pocket. He glanced around before jogging up the basement steps to get into the main building. He hummed softly as he started to make his way to the exit when he noticed the group of teens outside and starting to head for the woods. He silently watched them from behind the door, making sure none of them could see him as he observed them.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 09:53 PM

Viktorka snorted. "I have a few weapons. I don't go anywhere without them. But knives won't help much if we're up against guns. Which it seems like we might be." She drew the one she had on her belt, the larger of her tiny collection. "I'll take up the rear and pass them out as we walk anyway. It'll make you feel better in any case, da?"

Pavel nodded, waited for his sister to finish; then he drew his own tiny knife his sister had given him and headed towards the forest, leaving building A behind. He moved near bushes and other things, so that they were less of a target out in the open.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-17-2011, 12:19 AM

Mey'ghan looked towards Mi'khal with a nervous look. This could seriously be a bad idea. Gently he patted her on the shoulder trying to be a little reassuring. She nodded then looked towards the boy who had been so nice to her earlier. Her brown eyes looked back to her friend who motioned for her to follow behind Pavel. Nodding she followed behind him hoping that Mi'khal would be close behind. It seemed like Pavel was a tough guy and they would certainly be alright with him in the lead.

Mi'khal looked over towards Scarlett. He nodded in agreement. Weapons would indeed be nice. Once the two started walking he caught up with Scarlett and walked beside her. It was a bit weird thinking that the girl he was supposed to kill was so cute, but he pushed that from his mind not worrying about it. Looks weren't everything. "Mey and I are right behind you Pavel," he stated quietly. He looked over his shoulder to see if the others would follow.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 12:35 AM

Scarlett looked over at Mi'khal as he spoke. She hadn't seen him at camp the first week so she was a little curious about him. She knew that if she had seen him, she deffinetly wouldn't have forgotten somebody with a face like his. She looked away, rolling her eyes at herself for thinking about looks in a time like this. But she couldn't help but want to flirt with the boy.. she pinched her arm slightly to stop herself and then looked back at him. "So. What are you in for?" She asked with a small smirk, pretty much asking why he was on the island. He didn't really look like he was supposed to be here. But then again, neither did anyone in this group.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-17-2011, 02:21 AM

The dark haired boy was surprised when he heard someone talking to her. Looking next to him he saw it was Scarlett. At least she made the first move. It helped take some pressure off of him. When she questioned him he grinned at her. Mey'ghan looked over her shoulder knowing she was going to come up in conversation. Rolling her eyes she continued to walk and sighed. "Mey and I are pretty much in the same boat. We have committed grand theft auto, arson, drugs, alcohol, robbery. Nothing much," he answered with a wink. Really it had been, him who stole the car, then lit the car on fire while on LSD with some rum, and stole a woman's purse. His co-pilot was just another victim on his list. "What about you?" he questioned.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 02:33 AM

Scarlett smiled slightly, bad boy's were the type of guy she was drawn to pretty easily. That was one of the reasons she ended up here. "A little bit of this and that.. But i'm pretty sure I wound up here after taking the neighbors corvet on a joyride into the lake. But nothing as bad ass as Arson." She joked. "I just got caught up with the wrong people at the wrong time, or at least.. that's what I like to tell myself." She said, knowing that she herself couldn't believe a lot of the things she had done. "Nice time to get sent to boot camp eh?" She said slyly. She didn't know what to ask next so she just looked over at him and then towards the woods when she thought she heard something.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 02-17-2011, 03:50 AM

At the sight of her smile Mi'khal couldn't help, but grin. He shrugged a bit as she said nothing as bad as arson. At her statement about being in the wrong place at the wrong time he chuckled. "Mey'ghan could write a book on being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's how come she's here. I'm the mastermind she just gets stuck with me," he answered with a chuckle. Lightly she ran a hand threw his dark hair and looked back towards the woods. "Guess so? I'd rather have not gotten caught," he replied.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 02:11 PM

Codette looked over at Sirus. The twins had decided to follow in the back of everyone.
"Something about Mey'gen and Mi'khal, just doesn't sit right with me." She whispered to her brother.
"No one sits right with you. Codette you don't trust anyone here except me."
"With good reason!"
Sirus rolled his eyes. "You really do have issues sister." he stopped whispering.
Codette glared "Only as many as you."
"Please everyone ignore us. Codette's just being moody."
"Moody! Bite me!" Codette huffed and ran into the brush away from the group.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 08:32 PM

Scarlett listened to what Mi'khal had to say and was about to reply before the girl ran off into the brush. "If you don't get back here to the group then you'll be left behind and the killers will get you, possibly rape you and kill you!" She said, knowing the girl would come back unless she was insane and wanted that to happen. An odd thing about Scarlett that in situations like this she made herself calm down like it was any other day, because she knew if she thought about it too much then she'd be freaking out like some of the others. She didn't want to get too personal with her questions so she looked back at Mi'khal. "So where are you from?"


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