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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 11:03 PM

Yin opened his mouth for a moment to speak as the other was moving forward. However, he was sticking his head out, then falling moments later. Yin moved forward, on both instinct, and out of the unspoken contract now forged between the two of them. His arm moved around the man's waist, pulling him up and back into the cave as the monk glanced back to see nothing. Yin held him close to his body, silencing him against his chest as the monk came back to do a once over, before he moved on again. Sighing, a bit of anger rose within him. This man was a complete bafoon, and less than graceful on any level.

He could have gotten himself killed, or harmed the amulet in the process. His eyes closed, and he took a breath to calm himself. It was fine, the man and the amulet were safe. They had not been discovered, so all was alright..for now. This close however, the full warmth of his body against the other's would become apparent. His scent would be warm and intoxicating, nothing at all as one might expect a man to smell after being imprisoned for so long. It was not even on Yin's mind, how he was holding the man still against his body, the armor he had on blocking for the most part at the moment a lot of full on contact, but they were still closer than ever.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 11:25 PM

Hard metal pressed up against Sholtos stomach. It took a few seconds for his mind to process that he was in face being held by the man he'd freed. The scent hit his nose. A spicy kind of smell, like cloves and cinnamon with a hint of pine. Sholto felt his tense muscles go slack. He felt safe, and warm, in the shelter of the dragon's arms.

The realization of that made him stiffen all over again, though there was no need for alarm. "Why do you smell so good?" And after such a long time spent sleeping in a stone coffin too.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 11:37 PM

He had been focusing on what was going on around them, that he had not been expecting to hear the other speak up. He paused, as the question reached him, and for a moment he thought he had not heard the other correctly. Out of all of the questions he had asked, and could have asked, that was the one he was going to ask. Why did he smell so good? He slipped his arm from around the other, taking a step back as he looked at the man before him. He raised an eyebrow slightly, unsure really of what to say in responce to that. " not know" was the only answer he could give. It was just natural on him, he did not really have an answer as to why.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 12:56 AM

The subject dropped easily enough from his mind. The cave was far from furnished. There were a few odd scraps, left over from cloth that had long ago crumbled into dust, but no more then that... At least not that Sholto could see. "We should probably stay here the night. Though that kind of brings up the question, how wil we get food and stay warm?" Now though he had no doubt that Yin would remain warm no matter how cold things got. The dragon was a true blue living heater.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:04 AM

He watched the man let the subject drop, as well as things shift to something else. He listened to his question, once more clasping his hands behind his back as he took in his words. "As I said, I can take care of any of your wills and desires....all you need do is wish it and it will be yours" he says, figuring in part he should elaborate. "It is one of the perks of the dragon, as well as the amulet...I have the ability to grant the wishes and requests of others, mainly the holder of the amulet" he brushed a few strands of hair from his face, "I am forbidden from granting my own desires, a fail safe to this keep me from wishing for the amulet, or something else." He looked towards him once more, waiting to see how he would take this and react to the information.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:16 AM

Sholto nodded. "Alright then." He ocnsidered te quandary for a few moments. "Could you make this place comfortable enough for a night's stay for two people, and that includes food too?" It was more a question then anything else, not an order. Sholto found himself cringing at the thought of actually ordering Yin to do anything, even though that was exactly what he was doing. He comforted himself with the fact that he had included Yin's comfort into the order as well.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:22 AM

He listened to what he said next, before he gave a nod. "If that is what you want, yes" he says, "it would not be a problem for me at all." He could sense the feelings tumbling around in the other, stepping closer to him. "There is no reason to feel so conflicted about using my power" he says, "you have to be one of the few who would feel such things to be honest.." He looked at him, realizing that to most this would be speaking out of turn. The other was a bit more innocent than he appeared to be, less dark and bad as he had started off as. It was actually quite amusing and in part...cute. Yin looked at him, before he wondered what had made that thought surface within his head. He pushed it away, looking at him. "If you desire it, do not hesitate to ask me" a hand moved to his hip, pulling the man closer to look better into his eyes. "I am here to do as you request, since you are the holder of the amulet...I will do what I can to make you happy" honest enough..right?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:30 AM

He froze. Sholto's amber eyes widened. Slowly, he glanced down at the hand resting so easily against him. It was ... odd to say the least. The thief swallowed and found his gaze being caught by the dragon's eyes. It took him a few seconds to find his words again. "Yes, that's exactly what I want. The ... things I asked about." He shook his head hard, and then looked at the other man again. "What do you want?" The question hung in the air, something Sholto had never really expected to ask.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:48 AM

The other was acting peculiar once more, causing Yin to raise an eyebrow. Finally he was speaking, confirming that this was what he wanted. Yin raised his free hand, to follow through with the task, when the words that followed stopped him. He looked at the man, for once seeming to be caught off guard himself. What did he want? He had never been asked that, or expected to be asked that before by anyone. What did he want? The words repeated in his mind a few times, as he searched for the right words to answer the other with. "My freedom" he said finally, rather bluntly. "That is what I desire, but it is not free me, would be to doom the world in the eyes of many" he looked at him, "you do not know if I would stay or go...if I would let you live, or kill you where you stand." He let the words hang there for a moment, "would you honestly even let me soon after just obtaining me?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:55 AM

Sholto grinned. Well ... no. But maybe after I got to know you I would at least consider it. I wouldn't want to doom the world after all, or put my skin at risk." He wondered why he hadn't pulled away yet. He didn't usually let strange men put their hands on him. Then again, the dragon was not just any man, and then there was the added fact that because of the amulet, Yin was essentially his. It didn't feel so wrong, and was more of a comfort then anything else under the circumstances. In fact ... Sholto leaned in, and found himself resting his head against the other man's shoulder.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 02:06 AM

In the end, the other responded as he had figured he would. No one was ever so keen to simply let someone go in a situation like this, and could justify it however they liked. He stood there, nodding as the other answered, before the man was acting odd once more. He moved closer, leaning his head against Yin. Typically, he would not have had trouble pushing someone away in this situation either. He was not to much of a touchy feely man himself. However, he still had an order to carry out. He snapped, and the cave transformed. Two pallets appeared, looking soft and ready to be slept in when desired. Pillows and blankets of beautiful and soft fine silk upon them. A table had appeared, adorned with various types of food, since he was unfamiliar with the man's taste. Lighting appeared as well, hanging from the ceiling, draping down in elegant and beautiful lanturn strings. The cave became more of a home away from home, much more fitting for someone to be staying in for the time being, than before.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:05 AM

Sholto gasped when comfort appeared out of thin air. How it worked, he just couldn't understand. Was it because all these things had come from another place? Or had they truly been formed from the energy of the universe, woven into these solid things out of atoms. He didn't know, he didn't care. The thief grinned and pulled away. The curried chicken over fried rice looked delicious. That was the first thing he went for, delighting in the taste of the spices, mingling together sharply. The lanterns, swaying gently in the breeze, finally let him forget about his fear of cave ins.

"This is all just so amazing! You're amazing." He glanced at the dragon. "You know, we could talk about a deal or something. For your freedom. We could work together for as long as it takes to figure out why my client wants you."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:17 AM

He watched the other. For a moment he seemed like a kid who had just been given a present. It made a small smile tug at Yin's lips. He was speaking then once more. A deal for his freedom? The other wanted to know why the employer had wanted him. "Is it not obvious? My power goes far beyond simple food or comfort...I am a danger to the world, and I could hand it or anything to you on a silver platter without a second thought" he moved over to the other. "The world could be yours....everyone bowing at your feet, listening to your every whim... You could have any female or lover you desire" he says, "anything..."

The other seemed to still be a tad slow on grasping the power that he now commanded. He reached a hand over, lifting his face. "I could kill...level cities and nations...give an immortal army to which no one would be able to oppose" he held his eyes for a moment. "My power is both a blessing and a can be very dangerous to mess with...or it can give you everything you have ever wanted" he leans in, so that their mouths were barely an inch apart, "it depends on who holds that amulet around your neck...and how they use it.."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:24 AM

Why did the dragon keep doing that? Diving in close, and then staying there as if he wanted to be there ... Maybe it was because Yin had been so long without any company. Or perhaps it was because he held the amulet. "Well maybe I refuse to use your power unless it's a necessity, and find it absolutely reprehensible that anyone would want to cause as much damage as they could with you at their command." Their breath mingled. He could feel it whispering across his skin. It made him shiver, though the cave was no colder then it had been before.

"I don't really relish the thought of handing you over to anyone else." It was really for the good of the world after all. Not only that, though. Sholto was intrigued by the dragon. He kept wondering what in the world the dark haired man would do next.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:32 AM

So the other planned to keep his power dormant unless it was absolutely needed? He released him, taking a step back. He eyed him for a moment, before he nodded, "if that is your will, then so be it." He had been imprisoned for so long however, his power binded and kept from use. He had been starved of feeding and replinishing himself. Even now, he could feel the hunger knawing at him, wanting him to consume. The man before him would have typically been a meal in any other case. "I suppose asking to step out for a meal of my own is out of the question then..." it was the right of the holder after all to forbid it.

The longer he went without feeding however, the weaker he would get. It would not kill him, he still was able to consume normal human food and drink. Or get energy from the air around him and such, but that would cause the temperature to drop. There was no meal like feeding off the pure energy and chi of others though, that would satisfy his hunger. He picked up an apple from the table. It was nice and red, it had been awhile since he had had an apple indeed. He took a light bite out of the side, before once more turning towards the entrance.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:37 AM

Sholto frowned. "I need you healthy, which means you can do what you need to so you stay healthy." He almost added short of killing anyone, but since he wasn't sure how Yin would interpret that, he left the condition out of his order. It was hard to get use to the fact that whatever he said could be interpreted as one. The dragon was so ... prone to taking things at face value.

"Just don't be too long ... If one of the monks find me here, well more then one, I'm not sure how well I could handle them on my own." Certainly he could hold them off, he was near certain of that, but to make an escape when so many were searching for him ... Well he thought that near impossible.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:48 AM

He looked to the other, seeing the conflict rise in his eyes once more. He smiled slightly, it seemed he was possibly thinking all of this was to stuffy or up tight. Wishes and commands was a dangerous game as he had warned the other though. Leaving room for interpretation or such allowed the granter to do just that. He could twist the words around to make the term 'be careful what you wish for' look like child's play. However, it could be dangerous for him as well. For now, he played along, giving the other a light bow "verywell. I will return shortly." With that, he was gone from the cave, making his way through the darkening woods. The night was his strongest time, he was a man of darkness now after all. One could say he was his most powerful at night because of this.

Already he could feel his power wakening more, as he moved silently through the woods. He came upon one of the monks heading back, the man never heard or saw him coming. A hand around his neck lifted the man from the ground, as his energy and chi was drained. A pale white mist circled up Yin's arm and he smiled. "Not much of a meal, but you will have to do for now...fortunately for you..." he tossed him aside before he killed the man. He had caught the sense the other distested it, so he would not push the boundaries of this bit of freedom he was allowed to have. The night felt nice, the air on his skin, the freedom of not being in that cursed coffin anymore. It was finally like his life was once more becoming his. Save for the man back within the cave who held a huge part of him in his hand. Thankfully the man was to naive to fully grasp what was going on.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 12:20 AM

When Yin Long disappeared, he exhaled, releasing a breath he hadn't even known he 'd been holding back. The dragon unnerved him. The thief knew he held power in his hands, but he was afraid to use it. Thinking of the amulet, Sholto wrapped his hands around it and basked in the warmth of it. He needed to think, now that the warrior was gone. How was he going to deal with the man? Giving Yin orders felt wrong, but it was fast becoming apparent that doing so was necessary, at least in some things.

So how to formulate it? What boundaries would he set? Sholto didn't know, and that scared him nearly as much as the dragon did.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 12:25 AM

He kept himself busy for a bit, taking in the locations of the monks and the locations of the roads. He looks over in the direction of the cave where the other waited for him. Had it been long enough? He did not wish to rush back, but he had been told not to be gone long. He sighed, brushing a few strands of hair from his face, as he looked up at the sky. Same as in his time, he could see the beautiful stars above him. They had been one of the few things he had sought pleasure in after all of this. The beauty of them outweighed most else. He turned after a bit, moving along towards the cave. He paused by the door, before he slipped back inside. His eyes went back to the man, watching his reaction.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:06 AM

He wandered to settle down on one of the pallets. Sholto had been considering taking a nap, when the dragon walked back into the cave. His back straightened. His face tightened. "What do you eat, anyway?" The young man let his eyes fall to the floor and plucked at the cloth of his makeshift bed.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:11 AM

He had not been expecting to be asked such a thing as he walked back into the cave. What did he eat? His eyes moved to the man. "I feed on the energy and chi of other living things" he says, "essentially their life force and power." Blunt enough, and it was true. He could take a little and the person would heal, or a lot and end up killing them. It depended on how hungry he was, and how he desired to go about this feeding. He moved to the table, picking up a glass of wine to drink. His eyes not on the other for now, he would let him take in that bit of information. "I am able to sustain myself on normal human food as well though, or from drawing from plants instead of animals or human beings..." he adds after a moment.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:18 AM

Sholto's eyes narrowed. "I don't want you killing anyone unless it's strictly necessary. Understand?" There, that was one limit set. And really, what was the limit of the things he could ask of the dragon? Something Yin had mentioned earlier floated back to mind, now that he wasn't so afraid for his life anymore. "You mentioned being able to find the perfect lover for me ..." There was mischief in Sholto's eyes, and challenge. "I really do wonder if you have any idea what love even is, after sleeping so long in that stone bed of yours."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:48 AM

He watched the look cross the other's face, before he spoke forbidding him to take a life unless it was absolutely needed. "Verywell, as you wish.." he said, sitting the glass down. The other then went on to speak about lovers, asking if Yin knew what it meant to be in love after so long. "I have never personally been in love since my transformation no...becoming dark and keeping on the move for your life tends to cut the love life short" he looked over at him, "but I do understand love yes...and my own feelings have little to do with my ability to perform in tasks handed to me. If love is what you seek, then love is what you shall receive.." He folded his arms across his chest, turning to look at the other, "pleasure and love are easier to grant to people than one might think.." He noted the challenge in his eyes, a slightly playful smirk forming upon his lips, "it would not take long to find what makes your body tick."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:53 AM

Sholto laughed. "But I doubt figuring out my heart would be so easy a matter." He tilted his head to the side, and wondered aloud. "Would you be able to find love for yourself, if I wished it? If I ordered you to, someday, somehow, take the time to learn how to love someone and be loved in return?" Oh he was probably playing with fire, ordering something like that, that had so much to do with someone else's heart.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:05 AM

"It might not be as hard as you believe" he teased slightly, returning his cup to his lips to drink once more. He froze though, as the other spoke aloud of love for himself. A slightly cross look adorned his handsome features for a moment, before he sat the glass down again and it vanished. "Love for me?" he found the thought honestly repulsive, perhaps it was the dragon inside him stirring. "I have little need or care for love...especially by a human" he says, "humans are frail and time, they will all age and turn to ash. Why would I place any emotion or heart into something that can so easily be squashed like a bug." It was possibly harsh and cold words, but there was a deeper meaning behind them than he cared to speak to this man about.


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