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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:02 AM

I spent last night imagining I was sleeping on a waterbed or a tempurpedic mattress instead of at the very foot of my bed because I was afraid a rat would claw through the wall into my room.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:02 AM

But it's a magic cloud, and wouldn't let you fall.

---------- Post added 03-18-2013 at 12:03 AM ----------

Kat you need a cat ... One that actually knows how to hunt mind you. My parent's cat is always after the squirrels ..

Shishunki is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by PapillonCameo View Post
Shi- And very interesting thoughts at that. So I wonder, how do you get to the end of a magical rainbow? A unicorn?
I think the harder thing is finding one.
I know in one story, you could tell it was a supernatural rainbow because the sun and the rainbow were both in front of you (impossible with regular rainbows)

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:04 AM

they're in the walls, not the house though.

anyway, I'm going to shower and finally use conditioner for the first time in a week! and then do my homework for tomorrow and sleep. I miss sleep.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:05 AM

Hmm a new awesome power? Summoning of the Longcat?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:06 AM

What story is this? I want to read it ...

Night Kat! Thanks for stopping in. :P

Apparently Long, apparently. So how are things?

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:06 AM

My parents used to have a waterbed I loved that thing it was amazing.

And I should go let my cat in before he starts another worry spot on himself

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:07 AM

Hmm yes I don't wonder whats at the end of the rainbow... Chocolate would be most welcome. XD

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:08 AM

What are waterbeds like?

Neph, chocolate sounds so good, especially mint chocolate.

Shishunki is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:10 AM

Originally Posted by PapillonCameo View Post
What story is this? I want to read it ...
I think that story was actually in a manga called "Mushishi". But I liked the idea so I remembered it~

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:10 AM

Mmm yes, or Hazelnut.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:12 AM

DJ- Kitty needs out?

Neph- Or dark chocolate with almonds .

Shi- I'll have to try and find it sometime.

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:12 AM

Waterbeds are amazing you are not sleeping on pillow top mattresses or springs. You are sleeping on water so it cushions to your body. But you do have to wipe it down often, your dead skin cells get onto the lining itself and it a little gross if you are squeamish

---------- Post added 03-17-2013 at 11:12 PM ----------

Cameo no kitty wanted in he was outside jumping at my window and my mom's window to let us know he wanted in

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:14 AM

Dj- And does it flub around?

Oh, yeah my bad, lol.

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:15 AM

Flub around?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:16 AM

Yeah, like slush about like in the movies.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:21 AM

Like a blob sort of thing?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:23 AM

Or like Flubber ...

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:27 AM

OH! Yeah he does that all the time! He was doing it earlier today in fact. We couldn't figure out why either

Thank you celly for kicking me out of the internet!! Now I have to play catch up!!

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:29 AM

:Has he knocked himself silly with all the umping around?

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:36 AM

Surprisingly no, he hasn't yet. Then again he hasn't bounced himself off of the sliding glass door really hard yet. He is a smart and devious little cat. The other day I let him in and he positioned himself so I couldn't see his face. So I open the sliding glass door and in he zooms with a bird in his mouth. I was half asleep at the time so it took me a few seconds to realize that he had the bird in his mouth. I ran after him screaming for him to put the bird down. Next thing we know the bird is under the entertainment center. I have to throw him behind the TV so he can get the bird. Once that is done he runs back into my moms room to hid with it under the bed. The whole time he was growling like a dog literally, but he would not lash out at me in any way when I got close to him he would just start purring and try to play with the bird with me. I finally got the bird away from him and in the garbage, my cat decided to give it a heart attack and that was how it died. I still love my cat though XD

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:37 AM

lol Cats tend to want to give their people presents, though usually I think they're dead already.

D.J. Dead
D.J. Dead is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:42 AM

Yeah he loves to bring us things. We don't mind because it is his way of saying that he can take care of the family, besides he has taken care of the rodent problem we had! The other one that had me and my parents boggled was the rabbit that he brought home. It was bigger then he was so we had no clue how he got it, killed it, and brought it to us.

---------- Post added 03-17-2013 at 11:42 PM ----------

Hey! You are almost to 100 replies in the thread!

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:43 AM

A rabbit? Did you guys skin it and eat it? It'd have made a nice stew.

Really? I'd kind of missed that.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 03:44 AM

I'm so tired. I don't want to do my homework.


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