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ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-25-2018, 02:58 AM

January 24
Prompt: Pretty is power
i am 100% a prettyboy, and proud of it. i don't like the idea that you have to be pretty to be powerful, though. :/ i mean, there's definitely power in taking control of your own appearance (eg. makeup), but you're not inherently any less powerful if you're not pretty.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

La luna y las estrellas me llevan hacia ti
Yo sólo puedo estar feliz si estás aquí.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Swords

Severe and austere, the Queen of Swords personifies an ideal of wisdom, intelligence, and brilliance, matured from delusions, privations, or from problems that were dealt with and overcome. On her shoulders rests the heavy weight of these experiences that have nevertheless served as an enrichment and not as a motive for vendetta or wickedness.
Advice of the Dead: Your experience will enable you to deal with and better manage whatever happens, directing it towards positive and constructive outcomes.

The Wild Unknown: 6 of Pentacles

Prosperity, Growth, Generosity.
The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use.
Note: if the former is my case, then it refers to academic pursuits. i feel prepared for my classes, and i think this card is saying i need to "share the wealth" by working with my other classmates and being generous with my knowledge.

Twin Peaks: 10 of Wands

Overextending, trying to do too much, feeling burdened, never having time to relax. Struggling, fighting uphill, experiencing resistance, laboring.
Note: it feels overwhelming how much i'm planning to try to do this semester, and if i try to push myself to do everything every day, this will be my future.

Homestuck: XIII Death

Bringing something to a close, moving from one phase to another. Trimming excess. Being acted upon by outside forces, the inescapable.

Rider Waite: 2 of Pentacles reversed

Loss of Balance, Disorganized, Overwhelmed.
In your day-to-day life, the reversed Two of Pentacles suggests that you are very busy and at times you struggle to manage your activities and commitments. You may also be struggling to manage your finances and to stay on top of paying bills and keeping abridge of other financial commitments. The stress is getting to you and you are becoming easily overwhelmed by your responsibilities. Therefore, this card encourages you to become more organized and more planned in your approach. You may need to bring a little more structure to your day-to-day affairs, through budgets, ‘to do’ lists, forward planning or diary and effective time management. Life is certainly a juggling act, so make sure you are on top of everything you need to be!
Note: this ties in with the 10 of Wands Twin Peaks gave me. i think this means i'm not doing the best job of balancing my tasks at the moment.

Diary entry:
went to the transfer student meet n greet, and they had chicken strips with honey mustard and pita with spinach-artichoke dip, and i met another autistic person! she's really into working with cross-disabled communities, and studies policy for disabled people. it was really interesting listening to her talk about it. then i hung out at the GSRC for a while and made a couple potential friends (one i even swapped instagrams and phone numbers with :0) so now there'll be familiar faces when i go. and i went again after class and made more potential friends. so many names to try to remember. @_@ class was great! we started on the course material the second half of class, and i really like this teacher. also, i met another trans guy (i think) in class, he said he liked my necklace and that he has a rhodochrosite necklace. i hope i get to work with him in the future. his name is Dorian which is such a fckn cool name.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-26-2018, 02:54 AM

January 25
Prompt: To my right
just my wall and some stuffed animals.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Living beyond your years, acting out all their fears, you feel it in your chest.
Your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Twin Peaks: 4 of Swords

Taking a break, giving your body time to heal, finding peace and quiet, taking life easy. Listening for your Inner Voice, taking time alone to think, examining your motivations. Getting ready for the future, stabilizing, tying up loose ends.
Note: it's saying i need time to rest, contemplate, and prepare. i didn't have any of that today. :/

Homestuck: 7 of Cups

As the suit most closely related to emotions and dreams, this card warns against overindulgence of one’s imagination. It is possible to become lost in endless possibilities, never actually arriving at a decision.
Note: this card again! i didn't know how it applied last time, and i'm still not quite sure what it means for me? i guess just to make sure i'm not overanalyzing everything and playing out endless situations in my head.

Rider Waite: Ace of Cups

Emotional Force, Intuition, Intimacy, Love.
The Ace of Cups shows is a symbol of possibility in the area of deep feelings, intimacy, attunement, compassion and love. In readings, it shows that a seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be an attraction, strong feeling, intuitive knowing, or sympathetic reaction. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its loving energy could work for you. This card often means that love is the essence of the situation. It may or may not be romantic love. Look for ways in which you can begin to connect with others. Do you have someone to forgive, or do you want to ask for forgiveness? Can you set aside your anger and find peace? Would you like to drop your reserve and let your feelings show? The Ace of Cups tells you that your time is coming.

This card also suggests inner attunement and spirituality. Cups are the suit of the heart, and the Ace stands for the direct knowing that comes from the heart. Trust what your feelings are telling you. Seek out ways to explore your consciousness and your connections with Spirit. Allow the power of your emotions to guide you in a new direction. Embrace the love that is the Ace of Cups.
Note: definitely about platonic love and making friendly connections. i agree that the seeds are currently being planted, but it hasn't quite blossomed yet. it will take consistent watering.

Diary entry:
went to the library, printed off stuff for Phonology, read ch.1 and did the first two homeworks even tho they're not due for forever. went to the GSRC which was really nice bc Jae asked if i was coming. :') and there were other people there i'd seen before that i talked to. then i went to stats and i'm still in love with the teacher, someone's phone went off in class and he went on like a 5 minute rant about how that's his worst fear and i was like #mood. then Spanish, which was stressful because the desks are laid out terribly, and they're also tiny so there's no space for both a notebook and a textbook, but i figured out a workaround. and then i felt like i was in over my head, but as we worked on the activities, i found i was able to recall more words than i thought i could. today felt like it was nonstop... it's my fault. i woke up 2 hours later than i should have. really i should've woken up 4 hours earlier than i did, but my goal was 2. so that's why i didn't do my first 2 decks for today's reading. i should be doing my tarot readings every morning so i don't have to do them at night. i'm really grumpy now. at least it's bedtime in like 20 minutes. i wish i was high.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-26-2018 at 02:58 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-27-2018, 06:35 PM

January 26
Prompt: Dream Vacation
i wanna go to Mexico!! specifically Guadalajara sounds really nice.

Avis of the Day:

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

And if you love me, love me, but you never let me go...
When the roof was on fire, you never let me know.
Say you're sorry, honey, but you never really show.
And I could leave the party without ever letting you know.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 10 of Swords

The chrysalis has closed and the moth is now complete, evolved and able to hang from a height and have a total and impartial view. The pain, the problems we have dealth with, the tears we have spilt, have reached their apex and are transformed, ready to overcome the situation by grabbing the opportunities that are presented in front of us and that we are now able to deal with.
Advice of the Dead: Sublimate all the negative events that have passed and make the most of all the possibilities that are manifesting around you as soon as possible.
Note: this card from this deck again! i'm not feeling it as much as i felt it the first time i drew it, but its presence is still active in my life. i still feel that i'm in the process of maturing, but i'm viewing my past much more detached from my emotions about it now. i'm still very emotional about the present and future tho. xD

The Wild Unknown: XX Judgement

The word "judgement" conjures up fear and guilt in many people. This card, however, concerns itself with another aspect of this word-- seeking the truth. No more blaming yourself or others, no more excuses. Now is the time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. Expand your wings and be reborn. What a relief it will be.
Note: hmmm... based on this and the last card, i wonder if i'm going to run into someone who reminds me of my past today...

Twin Peaks: IV The Emperor

Setting direction and tone, protecting and defending, guiding growth. Creating order out of chaos, being systematic, being organized, applying reason. Taking a leadership role, exerting control, setting direction. Establishing rules, regulating, setting standards of behavior, following a regimen.
Note: i actually met my goal of waking up after the first (well... ok, second) alarm and doing yoga. it was SO HARD dragging myself out of bed. and i'm following through with going to an event and then the GSRC for a little while today. so i'm definitely feeling this energy in my life today so far.

Homestuck: Knight of Pentacles

Symbolically, this card refers to travel by foot, or hiking; or it can indicate periods of slow change or slowed progress. As a person, the Knight of Pentacles is serious and quiet; uncomfortable standing out, they prefer to work quietly. They value beautiful things and will defend that which they have decided to cultivate.
Note: Son of Pentacles. That's me. :)

Rider Waite: 4 of Wands Reversed

Lack of Communication, Instability, Home Conflicts.
The Four of Wands reversed suggests there is a lack of harmony or a breakdown in communication in your family or home. There may be tension between family members or loved ones and you are finding yourself getting caught up in other people’s concerns and relationship problems. This may leave you feeling uncertain about your own relationships and what you can and cannot depend on. You may also be going through a period of transition in your family and home life and feeling some tension as a result.

Similarly, you may find your home situation becomes increasingly unstable. There may be an external threat to the peace and happiness you once had in your home. You may be placed into a temporary situation which appeases your immediate concerns but does not yet solve the longer-term issues. Depending on your living arrangements, it may be better to move home for the time being to allow things to settle.

Given the upright Four of Wands reflects stability, the reversal of this card can indicate that you are going through a period of transition where there is little stability and security. You may be experiencing multiple changes in your life, such as changing jobs, moving house and/or leaving a relationship. While you know that this is an important transition that you need to make, it can be quite unsettling, leaving you feeling out of balance and uncertain about your future.
Note: that last paragraph really resonates. i don't feel entirely stable, and i won't until we've finished moving and probably until at soonest next semester, when i've really made friends and really have a feel for what classes and life is like on campus, and what the layouts of all the buildings i'm usually in are.

Diary entry:
woke up after my second alarm, which was SO HARD. but doing yoga as soon as i rolled out of bed really helped to wake me up, even if i did have to pause it halfway through to pee. xD i had time to do my tarot and browse the interwebz a little too, and i wasn't rushed taking my shower or eating breakfast and drinking my coffee. it was really nice. then i went to the tunnel tour, which was kinda pointless since the tunnels are really well-labelled, and there wasn't anyone there i really wanted to talk to, and i had to pee for like half of it ugh. but there were burritos from Moe's (which i've never ate at before) at the end! they even had tofu burritos. then i went to the GSRC for like 3 hours and met more cool people and talked more with other people i met. everyone there is so nice to me and seems to like me so much. ;v;

Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-27-2018 at 06:39 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-28-2018, 01:04 AM

January 27
Prompt: D is for...
Dorian Grey, which is a really good and gay book that i still have never finished. good reminder.

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

You want what you turned off turned on; you call it sunset, now it's dawn.
You can't go around just saying stuff because it's pretty
And I no longer drink enough to think you're witty.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 7 of Swords reversed

We are still in a crisis moment but having reflected and reasoned, we have managed to open the barrier that kept us isolated to see a new hope born. The seven of Swords opens up new roads, new projects, and a renewed trust through which we can overcome debate, gossip, or problems directly connected to fear.
Advice of the Dead: Look around you and realize that nothing can block your road anymore. Therefore persevere and concentrate all your energies without sparing yourself.
Note: the meaning of this card is mostly intact for me, even though it's reversed. where the reversed-ness comes into play is in the matter of trust. even though everything is going well, and i'm out of isolation and working on all these new projects, i still don't trust that things will continue to go well and that the people who are being kind to me are actually kind and will continue to be kind. and i was involved in a debate yesterday, and even though i agreed with most everyone, it made me feel uncomfortable. i never sound very smart in verbal debates that i haven't prepared for. also, i'm a total gossip. i haven't really been gossiping since i don't know anyone well enough yet, but this card could be a warning to avoid badmouthing people like i have in the past. i really don't enjoy speaking ill of others, even if it is sometimes cathartic.

The Wild Unknown: II The High Priestess

Mystery, Psychic Wisdom.
The High Priestess sits in stillness. From there she's able to access realms others pass by without noticing, the vast world of intuition, dreams, and mystery. She uses silence and non-action to harness this power. Sometimes this card appears to remind you to listen more closely to the voice within. Other times it's a sign to look past the obvious, to find what's being kept secret or hidden within a given situation. Acknowledge the shadows.

Twin Peaks: XVIII The Moon

Releasing inner demons, suffering from phobias, being overcome by anxieties. Believing illusions, chasing after a fantasy, deceiving yourself, having unrealistic ideas. Having vivid dreams or visions, opening to the unconscious, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre. Losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly.
Note: oh man, i loooove The Moon in this deck... such an accurate depiction of the dark side of this card. i don't actually feel this too strongly today, but the moon is a card i strongly relate to. i'm definitely an anxious, bizarre, disoriented, and distracted person with some sort of supernatural feel to me. so, not specific to today, but a pretty apt description of part of my personality, lol. this also goes really well with the High Priestess that Wild Unknown gave me.

Homestuck: VIII Justice

Fairness, ethics, impartiality. Taking responsibility, holding each person accountable. Weighing ones options or all sides of an issue. Accepting consequences, karma, understanding coincidence.
Note: hm, not sure how this applies today. i guess just a sign that i need to hold myself accountable?

Rider Waite: 9 of Pentacles

Discipline, Self-Reliance, Refinement.
The woman on the Nine of Pentacles is taking a leisurely stroll through the gardens of her estate. She is clearly a lady of refinement and grace, so it is incongruous to see on her left hand a bird trained to hunt and kill on command. Falconry is an unusual hobby for a gentlewoman, but it is the key to the special nature of this card.

On one hand, the Nine of Pentacles represents all that is most gracious, high-minded and civilized. Art, music and other forms of beauty are very much part of our physical world (Pentacles). Coins are present in this scene, but they are toward the ground. The business of life is important, but we don't have to focus on practical matters all the time. We can also enjoy the finer things of life. In readings, the Nine of Pentacles can imply an interest in these areas. It is also a sign that you may need to reject the coarse or offensive and seek the highest.

The Nine of Pentacles can also be a sign of discipline and self-control. This woman enjoys her cultured life because she has mastered her baser instincts. Her impulses work for her because they do not rule her. The falcon symbolizes all that is dark and unruly in human nature. Our shadow side can serve us well, but only when it is directed. Sometimes the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you must show restraint and self-control if you are to achieve your best efforts. You may have to "sacrifice" for the moment, but the results will be worth it.

This card is also a sign of self-reliance. Sometimes you must trust our own ability to handle a situation. Resist the temptation to let others do for you. You need to take matters into your own hands. Our elegant lady has done just that. She trusted in her own grit and determination, and now she enjoys all the best life has to offer.
Note: ughhhhh, this deck!! it always calls me out like this. i didn't practice self-control today, and that's why i drew The Moon from Twin Peaks. i need to channel my High Priestess and Moon energy into something productive.

Diary entry:
skipped yoga at the Capital Pride center... i didn't want to be the only person in the class again and also i got misgendered last time so i'm like. :/ plus, i'm feeling really socially drained and tired so i don't really wanna do yoga at all. got a haircut today, tho! i'm not in love with it, but it does make me look more masculine. next time i'm gonna get the sides shaved just as short all the way up to the middle, and then i'm gonna start growing the middle out, like how my hair used to be.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-29-2018, 03:41 AM

January 28
Prompt: My current outfit

Song of the Day:

I wanna boy to keep the bed warm while I shower
I wanna boy to keep the bed warm while we're watching tv
I wanna boy to keep the bed warm when the whole house is freezing
I wanna boy who isn't anything like me

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: XVI The Tower

Something that you have been opposed to for probably a long time is about to emerge, explode and open itself to the world. The Tower therefore is a living construction, overcrowded and teeming, exposed due to a sudden change that will alter the balances, and whose orientations and directions therefore could seem to become confused or overturned. It could be difficult to go against the current and against common opinion but this is how illumination will arrive. Otherwise it will be a violent separation that will win, an expulsion that will bring with it a crisis, unbalance and in the worst cases, a true catastrophe.
Advice of the Dead: Destroy old structures and superficial structures without fear, and those that have become over time a prison and liberate the energies that were enclosed within them.
Note: i think this is about me trying to enforce my morning routine and about me being more social. it's difficult and scary right now, but will benefit me overall.

The Wild Unknown: 7 of Wands

Courage, Inner Strength.
A single wand stands up tall, ablaze with light. The others fall away in shadow. Such is the story of the Seven of Wands. You'll not find any strength or support from others, only yourself. It's time to be truly courageous and stand up for your beliefs. You may feel overwhelmed with caution and fear, but your internal fire will guide the way.
Note: this goes nicely with The Tower. i did spend most of my day pushing myself to do the healthy things, the things i need to do, and they were things that only i could do, not things i could be helped with.

Twin Peaks: II The High Priestess

Being passive, waiting patiently, staying nonactive. Using your intuition, trusting your inner voice, seeking guidance from within. Seeing your hidden talents, opening to what could be, letting what is there flower. Looking beyond the obvious, acknowledging the Shadow, opening to the unknown.
Note: interesting that i got this again. i sure didn't feel like doing much today. i think this is also a reminder to listen to my inner voice and continue my higher pursuits even while i'm busy with my earthly pursuits.

Homestuck: 10 of Swords

While at first a seemingly brutal card, the meaning of the Ten of Swords is rather lighthearted. The subject of the card is pinned by ten swords, beset upon all sides by trouble– according to themselves. The Ten of Swords is the card of self-made martyrs. Instead of dwelling on every sword, every problem, this card advises putting aside your worries in favor of action.
Note: i guess this is a reminder not to let myself sink in to my bleh days, to remind myself that things aren't so bad even when i'm not feeling amazing.

Rider Waite: Page of Swords

Use Your Mind, Be Truthful, Be Just, Have Fortitude.
The Page of Swords is a messenger bringing you challenges. He suggests that an opportunity for growth may come your way in the guise of a problem or dilemma. These challenges may not be your favorites. In fact, you probably will want to say "Thanks...but no thanks."

The Page of Swords asks you to embrace these difficult situations. Think of them as trials designed to test your mettle. If you accept and prevail, you will become stronger and more resilient. In meeting these challenges, you are encouraged to use the tools of the Swords suit - honest, reason, integrity and fortitude.

The Page of Swords can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve truthfulness, ethical behavior, discouragement or matters of the mind. This relationship is likely to be troubled or difficult in keeping with the challenges of the Swords suit.

Sometimes the Page of Swords implies that your entire situation is one suffused with the spirit of learning, discovery, and mental activities of all kinds. At such times, use your mind and enjoy the delights of the intellect.
Note: this time i asked the deck a question: "how do i overcome this listless feeling and be more motivated?" basically, it's saying to just keep pushing forward and to not view my schoolwork as an obstacle but as something to be enjoyed, which is what i have been doing. so i guess i'm on the right track.

Diary entry:
practiced spanish and did my phonology reading. the problems in the book were super hard, i wonder if the professor even expected us to do them, they're way above the difficulty level of the homework we haven't been assigned yet that i already did. i did a 20 minute yoga too. but i've been feeling really bleh all day. it's been an uphill battle to do anything. i finished watching The Outs; i wish there was more.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-30-2018, 01:45 AM

January 29
Prompt: In the kitchen
Scout made "American Pad Thai" today. it's super tasty. it's just chicken noodle soup with rice noodles and no broth. also, i found a Kickin' Kitchen CI on the marketplace!! so now i might make some kitchen avis. probably a non-DAC version of my Haunted Bakery.

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Prefiero amores platónicos; consuelo de tontos solitarios.
Prefiero amores imposibles; consuelo de haber perdido demasiado.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Chalices fully represents the favorable energy of which this suit is a part, generous in feelings, capable of spreading affection and spontaneity. She is a maternal and intuitive person and only in certain situations will transform into an attractive dangerous woman, dishonest and capable of creating misunderstandings and scandals.
Advice of the Dead: You can completely trust your intuition or that of a female figure who is near to you and whom you believe to be reputable.
Note: this must refer to my goddesses. probably a reminder to take care of myself.

The Wild Unknown:

Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly… a world of possibility balanced upon your delicate wings.
Note: reminder to keep everything in balance and manage this new situation.

Twin Peaks: Ace of Pentacles

Focusing on concrete results, achieving tangible results, improving the body/health. Enjoying abundance, experiencing growth. Being realistic, using common sense, grounding yourself in the real world. Trusting others, feeling safe and protected, having a support system, knowing the situation is stable.
Note: i think this is what i'm working towards.

Homestuck: Page of Wands

Symbolically, this card may refer to an imminent message regarding the start of a trip or adventure, or to a time of new learning and adventure. This may also represent a person in the reader's life who, like Clubs Deuce [the character on the card], is full of child-like energy and enthusiasm.
Note: gotta channel that energy on this new learning adventure.

Rider Waite: XIX The Sun

Enlightenment, Greatness, Vitality, Assurance.
Brilliant. Radiant. Sparkling. So many of our words reflect (!) the power and glory of light. When we turn on the light in a room, we illuminate it so that all the dark corners are visible. When we turn on the light in our minds, we are enlightened. We see clearly and understand the truth. Both within and without, the energy of light expands our limits and makes us shine.

Throughout history, people have honored the Sun as the source of light and warmth. In the myths of many cultures, the Sun is a prominent god - full of vigor and courage. He is the vital energy center that makes life on earth possible. In the tarot the Sun also symbolizes vitality and splendor. The Sun is definitely not a meek and retiring card.

In readings, you will understand Card 19 if you imagine yourself to be a Sun God. How do you think and feel? You have total confidence in yourself. You are not cocky, but profoundly sure of your power. You have unlimited energy and glow with health. You have a greatness about you and stand out brilliantly. Finally, you see and understand all that is happening within your sphere. When you see this card, know that you will be successful at all you undertake. Now is the time to let your light shine.
Note: my facet, ílios. this card is a very good sign. i believe it, and i believe ílios and Bailey have been shining, but it can be exhausting to be "on" all the time. they might have the energy for it, but they forget the body doesn't have endless energy reserves, so they're limited to that.

Diary entry:
went to a transfer student luncheon, mostly for the food. it was just sandwiches, but it was something! the gluten-free bread was pretty good and there were brownies. i didn't really gain anything from the presentations, just an impulse to do more when i am already doing too much and the resulting stress from that. then i hung out at the GSRC for a while, which was nice because i got to talk to people i like, but not nice because i'm socially exhausted apparently. but certain alters want to hang out there all the time as much as we can so we can have friends and because we won't have this office forever so we have to make friends while we can or else we'll never have friends ever again after we graduate. i decided to go home after class instead of hanging out there again, and my alters were mad but i'm just so drained! they agreed to let me leave, i just got depressed because i didn't know what i was gonna do once i got home and they were like "if you had just stayed there you would've had something to do!" ughh. and phonology was mostly review... it wasn't boring per se, i just wish we could get on to stuff i don't already know and analyzing data sets etc. oh! i saw my classmate Dorian in the GSRC so i know now for sure that he's queer. and now we're like kinda classfriends, so now i have someone i can work with when we do groupwork! hopefully he'll be in some of my other linguistics classes too. and i talked to the teacher after class and found out that the reason i pronounce words like "hen" and "gem" as [hɪn] and [gɪm] while other people pronounce them [hɛn] and [gɛn] is because i lived in North Carolina when i was 6-7yo. it's a Southern thing, just like i thought. and then he explained the theory on why different dialects are spoken in different areas of the US, and it has nothing to do with temperature, or elevation, or any of that. the working theory is that a small group of people (or even one person) who were influential started saying words differently, and other people mimicked that because they wanted to be like the influential people. it also happened in one region of Spain where the governor or equivalent started saying [s] as [θ] and then that entire region started saying it like that too. although... if i remember correctly, that might have been because he forced them too? but regardless, similar situation. but it was interesting to find out that there's no real rule to how dialects developed in the US (or in England??), it was just all random. language is so cool.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 12:44 AM

January 30
Prompt: My fav accessories
my black, gold, and silver star rings, a ring that's black and red with silver stars and moons, a moodring, a plain silver band, this silver celtic knot ring

lots of necklaces: opalite, black goldstone, rose quartz, clear quartz with criss-crossing black thread over it, fluorite, shungite, baphomet, this red stone in a silver square i got from my grandmother, two gold chains one with a star on it and one with a moon on it, a blue beaded necklace (tiny beads), a silver () shape with little rainbow crystals on it, a welsh dragon given to my by my friend from middle school Tess

a bolo tie i inherited from my great-grandpa with an arrowhead that seems like it has a bunch of different crystals in it and heavy metal tips on the strings which are brown and tan, a bolo tie that's silver engraved with native-y looking designs with a red stone and black strings

a blue infinity scarf that's really thin fabric, a fancy scarf with red, white, blue, and grey vertical stripes

grey, red, and black beanies

a black bracelet with a silver moon and stars.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

We worked it out, now we are home
Now angels sing for me when I'm alone.

Drawings done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 6 of Swords reversed

The moment has arrived to distance ourselves, to face change, and to move towards new ideas and solutions. The Six of Swords forces us to change even orientation, to find new expedients and new solutions in order to avoid easy and predictable solutions that also bring dissatisfaction, stagnation, or instability.
Advice of the Dead: Continue to row towards the voyage that you have decided to embark upon, bringing with you the weight of all the errors you have made but that have enriched you and made you mature.
Note: since this card is reversed, i'm taking it to mean that i should still use old methods that i've found effective in the past. there's a lot changing, and there's some comfort in routine and the familiar. also, a note that while i need to give myself some rest, that doesn't mean i should disconnect or distance myself entirely.

The Wild Unknown: 7 of Cups

Illusion, Deception
The Seven of Cups is not the most welcome card. It indicates you'll face temptation in many aspects of your life. Whether it's cheating for pleasure or for money, you'll soon realize you've been building a house of cards. You may feel as though you can't see clearly, can't judge right from wrong or up from down. This is the spell of the Seven of Cups. It's best to remove yourself for a while, step back until you can see straight again.
Note: sound advice.

Twin Peaks: XX Judgement

Feeling reborn, awakening to possibilities, seeing everything in a new light. Feeling an impulse to act, knowing what you must do. Feeling cleansed and refreshed, forgiving yourself and others, atoning for past mistakes, releasing guilts and sorrows.
Note: this card from this deck again. still accurate.

Diary entry:
rough day, but everything's ok. classes were nice. lots of homework to do for spanish which i'm excited about. i really need the practice if i'm gonna learn it. very tired tho so i'll do it tomorrow.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-01-2018 at 03:35 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 12:57 AM

January 31
Prompt: I'm reading...
my textbooks! :~D

Outfit of the Day:
same as yesterday.

Song of the Day:

I'm cutting my mind off, feels like my heart is going to burst.
Alone at a table for two and I just wanna be served
And when you think of me am I the best you've ever had?
Share one more drink with me, smile even though you're sad

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 8 of Cups

A new moment of balance that, although connected to emotions and feelings, leaves some doubt as to its duration. This is probably a precarious stability. If not faced in a serene and satisfying manner it may mutate into a difficult situation, through laziness, self-isolation, or fear of possible delusions.
Advice of the Dead: Accept your actual situation and the possible failures, and try to be receptive and disposed towards a change of equilibrium destined in any case to mutate..
Note: WOW. this card is too accurate right now.

The Wild Unknown: 9 of Pentacles

Happy, Healthy Home.
Always a welcome card, the Nine of Pentacles is a time to enjoy the many results of your loyalty and hard work. This may be a promotion at work or newfound stability and happiness at home. It's even possible that you'll find yourself enjoying the finer things in life, as luxury and refinement oftentimes accompany this card.
Note: a good sign! it's nice to have things going well in my relationship while everything else is so turbulent.

Twin Peaks: 8 of Swords

Feeling restricted or persecuted, being trapped by circumstances. Feeling confused or overwhelmed, needing guidance and clarity, being unsure which way to turn. Feeling powerless, doubting anything you do will help, waiting for outside rescue, accepting inaction.
Note: definitely confused and overwhelmed today. and i accepted inaction in one situation today, and felt powerless. i'll fix it tomorrow.

Homestuck: 5 of Swords

The subject has been drawn into a conflict they're not equal to winning. Despite all knowledge and planning, they simply have no chance of success. This card poses the challenge of learning your limits. The subject does have the opportunity to learn from their loss.
Note: what i take from this is mostly that i'm working on learning my limits. if i don't learn my limits, i won't succeed.

Rider Waite: 6 of Wands

Triumph, Acclaim, Pride.
The Six of Wands is the minor arcana counterpart of the Chariot. Both of these cards represent moments of victory and triumph. Sometimes in life, all we want to do is win - to be number one. You can see this dream in the faces of athletes, politicians, and other champions as they step into the winner's circle. It's all been worthwhile. I'm the best. I've won!

In readings, the Six of Wands appears when you have been working hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you have sought so long is yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor and reward that you deserve. If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen. The victory of this card does not have to involve beating someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds.

The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, check that you are not feeling superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual at all. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. How can we indulge in excess pride?
Note: "If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen." i don't need to push myself any harder than i am; success is still within my grasp. also, a reminder to make sure i have a healthy self-esteem and strike that balance between self-deprecation and being completely full of myself. also a reminder to be proud of what i have achieved rather than focusing entirely on what i have yet to achieve.

Diary entry:
phonology was good, and i got a lot of homework done before class and i did pretty well on it, although there were a few stats questions that stumped me, which i wasn't expecting. talked to Dorian after class, we're prolly gonna study together at some point, prolly on Thursdays. and i might join the male a capella group he's in. the end of the day was really frustrating, i don't wanna talk about it. but now i'm stoned and all my homework is done so i feel better and i can relax.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-01-2018 at 01:19 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 03:43 AM






Songs of the DayX

Feb 1: Wine Red - The Hush Sound
Feb 2: The Execution of All Things - Rilo Kiley
Feb 3: Soft and Warm - Voxtrot
Feb 4: Chips Ahoy! - The Hold Steady
Feb 5: Extinction - Screaming Females
Feb 6: New Slang - The Shins
Feb 7: Ring of Fire (cover) - Blondie
Feb 8: Miserabilia - Los Campesinos!
Feb 9: My Leather, My Fur, My Nails - Stepdad
Feb 10: Boa Constrictor - The Magnetic Fields
Feb 11: Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
Feb 12: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Feb 13: Leave a Trace - CHVRCHES
Feb 14: I Can't Help Falling in Love With You - Elvis Presley
Feb 15: Imitosis - Andrew Bird
Feb 16: Don't Let Me Down - Eskimo Joe
Feb 17: Sheep Go To Heaven - Cake
Feb 18: Ghost - Neutral Milk Hotel
Feb 19: Monday Monday Monday - Teagan and Sara
Feb 20: Se Va, Se Va, Se Fue - Jorge Drexler
Feb 21: Do I Ever Cross Your Mind - Dolly Parton
Feb 22: Crane Wife 1, 2 & 3 - The Decemberists
Feb 23: Simple Song - The Shins
Feb 24: Side Effects of Growing Up - Julia Marcell
Feb 25: Beta Love - Ra Ra Riot
Feb 26: I Hate Seagulls - Kate Nash
Feb 27: Lo Que Me Gusta a Mi - Juanes
Feb 28: February Air - Lights


Feb 22: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 0.05, streak: 1
Feb 23: Yes, hard 1 hour. total: 1.25, streak: 2
Feb 24: No. total: 1.25, streak: 0
Feb 25: No. total: 1.25, streak: 0
Feb 26: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 1.30, streak: 1
Feb 27: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 1.35, streak: 2
Feb 28: No. total: 1.35, streak: 0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:58 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 08:11 PM

February 1
Prompt: Heartface Fox is...
AMAZING. i love. here's an avi to prove it:

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Gélido - icy

Outfit of the Day:

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

This chaos, this calamity; this garden once was perfect.
Give your immortality to me, I'll set you up against the stars.

Drawings Done Today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Knight of Wands reversed

We are ready to depart with strength and determination on a trip that will allow us to attain what we desire and what we have planned. The Knight of Wands represents an adventurer, capable of channeling or efficiently moving his energies or his instincts. In a negative version, he could become a symptom of indecision, rupture, and even delays regarding transfers or movements.
Advice of the Dead: This is not the moment to have regrets. Take your will in hand with strength and begin to follow the road that will take you to the realization of your works.
Note: since this is reversed, i’m seeing it as something that’s in its early stages for me. i’m working on efficiently channeling my energies and listening to my gut, but i’m not there yet. i’m on an adventure, but i’m not quite the bold adventurer.

The Wild Unknown: VI The Lovers

Union, Desire, Joy.
Two Canadian geese are mates for life, traveling partners within an expansive sky. The Lovers card is a welcome sight in any reading, as it suggests a beautiful and strong relationship on the horizon. Yes, you’ll experience all the thrills of desire and romance, but meanwhile you’ll be building a solid foundation together. The Lovers honor and respect each other, and with that they can go anywhere. If you’re already in a relationship, it’s time to be grateful and nourish this rare and precious gem.
Note: Scout.

Twin Peaks: IV The Emperor

Setting direction and tone, protecting and defending, guiding growth, bringing security and comfort. Being systematic and organized, creating order out of chaos, applying reason, sticking to a plan. Being in a positon of strength or authority, setting direction, coming in contact with officials. Establishing order and rules, setting standards of behavior, following a regimen.
Note: today is a day for keeping myself safe, sticking within my limitations and feeling strong and secure where i’m at. also a day for being systematic and logical, approaching things in a left brain kinda way.

Homestuck: I The Magician

Making a deliberate decision, taking action. Experiencing a sensation of power or vigor. Deep thought.
Note: Soy un brujo, es verdad.

Rider Waite: Ace of Pentacles

Material Force, Prosperity, Practicality, Trust.
The Ace of Pentacles is a symbol of possibility in the area of prosperity, abundance, trust, security and groundedness. In readings, it shows that a seed of productivity has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a feeling of centeredness, desire for results or need to focus on practical matters. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its solid energy could work for you. Now is not the time for fantasy, drama or daring. It is a time to be real and centered. Seek out comfortable, reliable experiences that make you feel secure. Build a foundation of trust in your life both within and without. Your common sense will tell you what to do. Focus also on the natural world to help you stay grounded. Enjoy your body and all the joys of material existence.

The Ace of Pentacles can be a sign that you will be able to make your dreams real. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something tangible. Figure out what will work and make it a reality. You can now attract all the wealth you need to get your projects going. Tap into the material force of the Ace of Pentacles, and all your enterprises will flourish.
Note: oh good! sounds right. this ties in really well with The Emperor that Twin Peaks gave me.

Diary entry:
woke up early enough to do the part of my tarot cards i can only do at home, but not early enough to finish it before i left, and not early enough to do yoga or really savor my coffee. one of these days i really am gonna get up at the first alarm, i swear. got to campus 4 hours early and i don't have any homework and i don't want to hang out with anyone, so i'm just in the library keeping myself entertained. luckily, i came up with lots of stuff to do. and it's nice to be able to sit at a desk, and there's a charger right here. the only annoying thing is going to the bathroom bc i either have to pack everything up or just hope no one steals my shit in the 2-5 minutes i'm gone.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:25 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-03-2018, 03:20 AM

February 2
Prompt: Candles!!
i really like rain-scented candles, but right now i only have rain-scented incense matches. i also like pumpkin spice candles, but i used my last one a month or so ago. right now, i have vanilla, "stress-free" (idk what's in it), and some flowery one. here's some pictures of my incense matches, they're really cool:

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Nevada - snowfall

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

And lastly, you're all alone with nothing left but sleep,
but sleep never comes to you, it's the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: I The Magician

We are facing a beginning and we can begin with the choices in harmony with our deepest will, letting the primordial fire that illuminates the head of the Magician act as the spark. Potentials, such as his talent, his abilities to persuade or astuteness are at their maximum level in a creative and receptive equilibrium, catalyzed by his instruments such as the wand and the chalice. Where however the will is not clear but clouded, as if covered by a veil, it is then easy to act imprudently, to have prejudices, to hesitate or to remain in a stalled situation, a victim of indecision.
Advice of the Dead: Do not waste time: act. You can trust your own abilities without delay, but carefully evaluate where you aim your potential and the object of your choices.
Note: the magician again today! interesting. this interpretation is much more in-depth, which helps. seems like today will be a good day to get homework done. also seems like a good day for tarot and astrology, maybe for drawing too.

The Wild Unknown: Mother of Cups

Insightful, Psychic.
The mother of cups rivals the High Priestess with their natural psychic abilities. They’re a gentle, tranquil person whose insights bring healing to those around them. They thrive when amidst their family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. Like a true swan, when the Mother of Cups is pushed, they become aggressive and defensive. They’ll commonly see themself as the victim when distressed in a situation.
Note: fitting.

Twin Peaks: XX Judgement

Feeling reborn, awakening to possibilities, seeing everything in a new light. Feeling an impulse to act, knowing what you must do. Feeling cleansed and refreshed, forgiving yourself and others, atoning for past mistakes, releasing guilts and sorrows.
Note: AGAIN with this card from this deck! today it was knowing what i must do and feeling an impulse to act. not so much of the other stuff.

Homestuck: King of Swords

Symbolically, this card can be the spark that jumpstarts people into taking control of the problems in their life and finding solutions. As a person, the King of Swords is the problem solver, the judge, and the advisor all in one.
Note: yep! i got a lot sorted out today, and at least started on solving some of my problems. this ties in well with what Twin Peaks gave me.

Rider Waite: The Hermit reversed

Loneliness, Isolation, Lost Your Way.
The reversed Hermit can go one of two ways. You are either not taking enough time for personal reflection, or you are taking too much. If you are struggling to connect more deeply with your spiritual self, the Hermit reversed encourages you to create more time and space so that you can meditate and reflect on your spiritual self. It is time to go more deeply into your inner being and rediscover your greater meaning and purpose on this earth. You may have been so busy dealing with the day-to-day issues that you have forgotten to reflect inwardly and listen to your inner voice. The Hermit asks you to search deep within your soul to help you find your way again and to focus on rebuilding yourself on a spiritual level.

If you have already been spending a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, then the appearance of the reversed Hermit may suggest that you are spending too much time alone in excessive isolation. You are literally becoming a hermit and cutting yourself off from others. While this period is helping you on a spiritual level, you may be feeling temporarily isolated and alone. Do not underestimate the value of staying connected with others, even while you are going through your own spiritual journey. Be mindful, too, of other people’s needs. You do not want to become so absorbed in yourself and your personal dilemmas that you shut out your family and friends.
Note: i think it's the first of the latter, because i've been pushing myself to do a lot of socializing and taking care of earthly matters, and not a lot of time connecting to my higher self. this has been a theme in my readings. it just feels like i don't have time. at least i'm making time for tarot every day, and plan to do yoga every day. i just need to pay more attention to the spiritual; it'll help carry me through my daily frustrations and tiredness/overwhelmedness. but i also think this card reflects the loneliness i've been feeling. i see others with their close friends, but don't have many close friends of my own, so even in social situations, i feel isolated because i'm not interacting with anyone i'm really close with.

Diary entry:
it was cold and windy as fuck today! almost 30mph winds, and it was like 20ºF. altho it was a little bit sunny and it wasn't snowing, which made it bearable, but i had to walk like 40 minutes and wait for the bus 3 times for 10 minutes each time. i wish i had worn my long underwear. it barely felt like i was wearing pants at all. and i should've worn my scarf too, my nose got really cold. my new jacket is so good though! everything under it was nice and toasty. had to see my psych today to get my meds refilled. the appointment was so short it ended before it was supposed to begin. and now i only have to see him once every 6 weeks instead of 4! then i got a bunch of other boring stuff done that i don't wanna talk about. i'm just glad i got it done. then i did lots of Spanish homework. it's not due till Tuesday, but i feel better getting things done early. plus, i was really itching to practice conjugating for the preterite. i practiced writing out the chart a couple times, so i feel pretty confident. the only thing that gives me pause is the stem-changing verbs. ugh. it just sucks because there's no real rule for which verbs are stem-changing, you just kinda gotta memorize which ones do. i'm starting to get the hang of it.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:25 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 01:18 AM

February 3
Prompt: Purity
is a really gross concept!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Patinar - to skate

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

God shake this sickness, won't this decade ever end?
Oh, it's be going on for years, been happening for years.
Can't face the truth, why can't things always just begin?
Because they always end in tears, they always end in tears.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: King of Wands

Even with an authoritarian and dominating presence, the King of Wands incarnates rectitude, wisdom, ambitions, but also honesty and faithfulness. This arcana pushes us to aim high towards our ambitions, diffusing complete success to our projects and desires.
Advice of the Dead: Follow the advice of a strong person in whom you trust without fear and this will be particularly remunerative and rewarding.
Note: definitely fitting for today! i did a lot of studying.

The Wild Unknown: 5 of Wands

Scattered, Lack of Focus, Lost.
The Five of Wands is a card of conflict. You may find yourself scattered, distracted, tending to everything and nothing. Since Wands deal with our dreams and goals, it usually means this conflict resides within. Your energy moves outward in many directions, yet you are suffering inside. Take this card as a warning: find ways to bring calm and focus to your mind, or these troubles will only increase.
Note: pretty true. i found ways to make focusing easy today, and i didn't have to go anywhere so i was calmer than usual, but this card addresses my general state very well.

Twin Peaks: Knight of Wands

Is physically attractive, sometimes to the point of being entirely focused on style and appearance. Generates glamour and excitement, but avoids deep or serious matters. Totally lacks self-doubt and has a can-do attitude, but can overestimate abilities or boast and brag. Will risk anything without fear, but can be reckless and rash, possibly endangering self and others. Adventurous and restless, seeks novelty and change and can't set down roots or make ties. Makes things happen, but lacks inner peace and serenity. Feels everything powerfully, and is passionate; angers easily and lashes out when riled.
Note: interesting. i can see the restless part, and having a hard time setting down roots and making ties. i can also see feeling things powerfully and lacking inner peace and serenity.

Homestuck: 5 of Cups

Like the other fives, this card concerns a substantial personal upset. The Five of Cups is about intense emotional regret, feeling that one did not appreciate what is now gone. This card represents deep regret with a note of encouragement: not all is lost.
Note: not sure how this applies today... i've felt this recently, but not at all today.

Rider Waite: 3 of Cups

Exuberance, Friendship, Community.
There are three cards in the tarot that focus on the group - each from a different point of view. For the Hierophant, it's the formal approach. For the Three of Pentacles it's teamwork, and for the Three of Cups, it's emotions. What does it feel like to join with others? What is friendship and community? These are the questions answered by the Three of Cups.

On this card, we see three women dancing together in a circle. Their arms reach out to each other to connect their feelings (Cups). In many settings, women create and nurture the social glue that bonds people together. These dancing women are a symbol of coming together in love. (Of course, these feelings do not only relate to woman.)

In readings, the Three of Cups can signify a friend or the feelings associated with friendship. This card can represent community - the network of support created when we interact with others. It can be any group in which the members feel a bond. When you see the Three of Cups, examine your attachments to the groups in your life from an emotional point of view. Consider reaching out to give or receive help. This card stands for all forms of support, including formal aid such as counseling and other social services.

The women on the Three of Cups also express joy and high spirits. Such feelings are not limited to groups, but can be especially strong there. Celebrations spontaneously arise when people feel connected, loved and secure. The Three of Cups can stand for a mood or experience that makes you feel like dancing and singing.
Note: uhhh. i was pretty isolated today. maybe this card represents what i'm longing for?

Diary entry:
just did a lot of Spanish studying today. i feel a lot less nervous, the app i'm using really works wonders! you get to make your own flashcards and then it quizzes you on them.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:24 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 01:25 AM

February 4
Prompt: Ice cream for breakfast!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Cariñoso - affectionate

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

I got a girl and she don't have to work
She can tell which horse is gonna finish in first
Some nights the painkillers make the pain even worse

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Page of Wands

An arcana in continual movement, a messenger, a stranger with good news and contacts who come from afar. The Page of Wands brings with him small displacements, reliable new things and subordinate situations that could however be transformed into uncertainty in acting, inconclusiveness or excessive delays.
Advice of the Dead: This is the moment to become more independent and to manage your own affairs by yourself, given that you are more than able. Delaying this will only bring about problems.
Note: this is good to hear! i've noticed the displacements, and today i certainly ran into contacts who came from afar and some good news that came in the form of good food and "my team" winning the Superbowl. :P ("my team" meaning the team i was told to root for lol)

The Wild Unknown: Daughter of Wands

Visionary, Passionate.
The Daughter of Wands is a free spirit, a truly visionary creature. She usually waits until later to settle down or start a family, as she's busy with her career. She can be stubborn and much stronger than she looks. As with all the Wands family, the Daughter makes a dangerous enemy. This card can also represent a woman going through a transformation or spiritual breakthrough.
Note: same card as Santa Muerte. :0 i love how well this shows how different each of my decks are. still true for me, tho! i'm very busy with my schoolwork and not yet ready to settle down and get a cat. ;P it's weird how gendered this deck's interpretations for the court cards are, but regardless of that, i think this card fits me pretty well right now.

Twin Peaks: 7 of Wands

Going after what you want, asserting yourself, making your point forcefully, seizing the advantage. Holding out against pressure, defending your position, refusing to yield, saying no, resisting authority. Standing up for what you believe, demonstrating strong character, knowing you are right.
Note: i guess i sort of did this! i went to a superbowl party and stuck to my decision to only talk to people i know, and it worked out well. i didn't pressure myself to be social, which was hard to do because the expectation at a party is that you're supposed to be social. i had fun just hanging out with Scout, and he said he'd've done the same thing even if i wasn't there.

Homestuck: King of Wands

Great ambition, especially with regards to politics, careers, and personal travel. As a person, this King is a leader of men who fills a room with his presence.
Note: lotsa wands lately. guess i've been super ambitious! i think i've gotten this card from this deck before... i definitely don't fill a room with my presence, but i like to think people usually notice me? i mean. i don't love being noticed, but i feel like i stand out and people tend to remember me.

Rider Waite: 3 of Pentacles

Teamwork, Planning, Competence.
The Three of Pentacles is one of the cards in the Tarot that focuses on the group. (The Three of Cups and the Hierophant are the others.) As Pentacles are grounded and practical, this card represents a task-oriented team - people who are working cooperatively toward a common goal. There are few jobs that can be accomplished alone. We need the help of others to achieve our goals. Sometimes the Three of Pentacles is a sign that you will be more productive if you work with others. You don't have to do it all by yourself.

This card can also show a need for planning and preparation. Now is not the time to rush into something or begin a project with only a vague idea of what it's about. You need to think everything through, go over all the possibilities and make sure you work out the details. Do your homework, and your undertaking will flourish.

Another feature of the Three of Pentacles is competence - the ability to get the job done. How rare this is nowadays! This card tells you that you have the skills and knowledge you need. You can attract capable people and create a successful environment. Know that the situation is (or will be) in good hands, but be sure to concentrate on excellence in your work. Be proud of what you do and how you do it. Then you will accomplish your mission.
Note: i've been doing all my work alone so far, and this tells me that i'm going to need to work with others in the future as my work gets harder. i have been doing a lot of planning and preparing, though, especially with Spanish.

Diary entry:
homework all day, then a superbowl party with some of Scout's friends and a bunch of other people we don't know. i don't know anything about football, but Scout bought some boxes so we had numbers to root for and then i chose my favorite guy on the team we were rooting for (Eagles), #31, who was a cornerback and i think did a couple cool things? i wasn't really able to follow the game at all. i ate a LOT and was high all night, but like a nice, socializing high. just like someone having a couple drinks. oh! and the bathroom of the house we were at was AMAZING. it was all space-themed, the walls had constellation wallpaper, there was a blue star-shaped nightlight, the curtains were sparkly with moons and stars and the shower curtain (which i posed in front of in my selfie of the day) was also space-themed. and to top it all off, there was a little hand-towel with cats on it. my dream bathroom, tbh.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:24 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 02:18 AM

February 5
Prompt: Favorite EI in 2008
THIS IS SUCH A HARD CHOICE!! there were so many good EIs that year. but if i had to pick one...
Orchid Petals
i use it so often! i love flowers so much.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Muñeco de nieve - snowman

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

library selfie!

Song of the Day:

I won't light your candles, and I won't hold your door.
Mystics have seen forever, but I want so much more.
I'm working on nothing, extinction is dead.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 9 of Swords

With the nine of Swords we have the preconditions for a possible crisis due to a period of enclosure and isolation. A seclusion well utilized however will enable new wisdom, new light, and new nourishment, which will enable the rebirth of our conscience and sustain our will, as well as limiting injuries, waste, ambiguity, and diffidence.
Advice of the Dead: Act with strength and prudence, ensuring your ideas are well focused and directing all your strength on these.
Note: no crisis here! i've been needing some seclusion since i've been socially overexerting myself. i still did some light chatting today, but mostly i focused hard on class and making and practicing with flashcards.

The Wild Unknown: III The Empress

Creation, Nature, The Goddess.
The Empress is the mother, or the goddess, of the tarot. Her energy encompasses all that is warm, fertile, creative, and sensual in the world. Her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate, and loving without binding. When this card appears, it's pointing to wither a maternal relationship in your life or the side of yourself that wants to love more. The Empress also suggests it's time for you to reconnect with nature. Go outside tonight and find the moon.
Note: i need to be more in tune with my alters Luna and Rowena, and i need to take care of myself more and do more yoga. i need to be more in tune with my body and the world around me as well. i've been so fixated on my mind and my male/nb alters.

Twin Peaks: 6 of Cups

Acting kindly or charitably, having a noble impulse, being well-intentioned, feeling blessed. Surrounding yourself with goodness, feeling innocent, being acquitted, shunning corruption, appreciating simple joys. Enjoying youthful activities, feeling nostalgic, feeling carefree, being taken care of.
Note: i can see that.

Homestuck: 10 of Cups

Brimming with experience, this is the card of emotional maturity and growth. The building of a close-knit family by overcoming trials and maturing individually. This card encourages the reader to exercise emotional maturity, and to look forward to future get-togethers.
Note: ahhh, this card again. always a welcome sight.

Rider Waite: 9 of Pentacles

Discipline, Self-Reliance, Refinement.
The woman on the Nine of Pentacles is taking a leisurely stroll through the gardens of her estate. She is clearly a lady of refinement and grace, so it is incongruous to see on her left hand a bird trained to hunt and kill on command. Falconry is an unusual hobby for a gentlewoman, but it is the key to the special nature of this card.

On one hand, the Nine of Pentacles represents all that is most gracious, high-minded and civilized. Art, music and other forms of beauty are very much part of our physical world (Pentacles). Coins are present in this scene, but they are toward the ground. The business of life is important, but we don't have to focus on practical matters all the time. We can also enjoy the finer things of life. In readings, the Nine of Pentacles can imply an interest in these areas. It is also a sign that you may need to reject the coarse or offensive and seek the highest.

The Nine of Pentacles can also be a sign of discipline and self-control. This woman enjoys her cultured life because she has mastered her baser instincts. Her impulses work for her because they do not rule her. The falcon symbolizes all that is dark and unruly in human nature. Our shadow side can serve us well, but only when it is directed. Sometimes the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you must show restraint and self-control if you are to achieve your best efforts. You may have to "sacrifice" for the moment, but the results will be worth it.

This card is also a sign of self-reliance. Sometimes you must trust our own ability to handle a situation. Resist the temptation to let others do for you. You need to take matters into your own hands. Our elegant lady has done just that. She trusted in her own grit and determination, and now she enjoys all the best life has to offer.
Note: this card from this deck again! very accurate for today, especially since my focus as i was shuffling the deck was on what my path going forwards with school is going to be.

Diary entry:
i did a lot of homework over the weekend, so i got to sleep in then relax and do fun stuff at the library this morning. then i went to phonology and got a shit load of things to memorize dumped on me. xD so i spent a couple hours making flashcards for that, and then practicing with said flashcards. it should actually be pretty easy to memorize this stuff. a lot of it is common sense, and i'm used to this type of memorizing bc a lot of linguistics is like this. and i'm rememorizing some old stuff i had memorized last year. then i caught up on tarot from yesterday and today (tomorrow i'm gonna do it all in the morning i swear!!), then i did some laundry, and now i'm gonna eat. :>

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:23 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-07-2018, 02:44 AM

February 6
Prompt: Met Your Doppelganger?
i saw a semi-doppelganger at the superbowl party on Sunday! he looked like me but with stubble and longer hair in the middle. so, he looks like what i think i'll look like in the future.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Esquiar - to ski

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

And if you took to me like a gull takes to the wind
well, I'd've jumped from my tree and I'd've danced like the king of the eyesores,
and the rest of our lives would've fared well.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Knight of Cups

We have reached a goal and the end of an experience that will leave us richer and independent. The Knight of Chalices therefore represents a conquest, but he is also an intermediary, the messenger of good news or an invitation to challenges and initiatives to be taken on with strength and will.
Advice of the Dead: Abound totally in your emotions and feelings as you are about to reach an important target and no negative sentiment should disturb you.
Note: i wonder what the target is… i still feel like i’m at the beginning of my journey. i see this card more as the invitation to challenges and the good news that i will be able to face those challenges with strength and passion.

The Wild Unknown: Father of Cups

Diplomatic, Open-Minded.
The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He's the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He's a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.
Note: i feel that!

Twin Peaks: II The High Priestess

Withdrawing from involvement, being receptive to influence, becoming calm, waiting patiently. Using your intuition, seeking guidance from within, trusting your inner voice, opening to dreams and the imagination, being aware of a larger reality. Opening to what could be, seeing your hidden talents, letting what is there flower. Looking beyond the obvious, remembering something important, sensing the secret and hidden, acknowledging the Shadow.
Note: something i’ve been working on a bit in therapy (with plans to work on it more), and a recurring theme in what i need to work on in myself. even just taking 5 minutes to do mindful yoga and 45 minutes to do my tarot is a start on the path towards getting more in touch with my higher self.

Homestuck: 7 of Wands

Although it is nice to revel in the accolades of the Six of Wands, nothing that good lasts forever. Eventually the time comes where one must defend what one has gained, at all costs. This card indicates that the subject has the strength to fight for what they think is right, even though it’s difficult.
Note: oh no! i guess this shows that today is kind of the turning point where my classes actually become challenging and i really have to fight to excel. which i will.

Rider Waite: VII The Chariot

Victory, Will, Self-Assertion, Hard Control.
Picture Julius Caesar riding his chariot triumphantly into Rome. He has defeated his enemies and conquered vast, new lands. This is the spirit of the Chariot. Card 7 represents the victories that are possible through willpower and self-mastery. A military image is appropriate for the Chariot because this card stands for the strengths associated with combat – discipline, grit, determination and assertiveness.

The Chariot represents the positive aspects of the ego. A healthy ego is one that is strong and self-assured. It knows what it wants and how to get it. We can get annoyed at someone whose ego is too healthy, but we often turn to that person to lead us through difficult moments. We know he or she won’t be wishy-washy.

In readings, the Chariot often appears when hard control is or could be in evidence. At its best, hard control is not brutal, but firm and direct. It is backed up by a strong will and great confidence. The Chariot can mean self-control or control of the environment. This card also represents victory. There are many types of wins; the Chariot’s is of the win-lose type. Your success comes from beating the competition to become number one. Such moments are glorious in the right circumstances.
Note: this pairs interestingly with the 7 of Wands Homestuck gave me and the Knight of Cups Santa Muerte gave me. i feel triumphant, even at the beginning of the semester, because i feel like i’ve figured out study structures that will keep working throughout the semester and that work really well and efficiently at the moment. i’m excited about learning and feel a little bit like a champion. my ego is in check though, i know learning won’t always be the easiest thing and i know for sure that i’m not the best in the world, but i’m proud of my ability and my progress so far.

Diary entry:
woke up to Bigs cuddling me, did my 5 minute morning yoga and did all of my tarot in the morning! except for my notes on the cards, which i finished after therapy. therapy went well, i mostly talked about how excited i am about school, but we addressed some of my issues too which is always good. prolly gonna work more on system stuff next session? then i went to class which was stressful today because i was thinking about how i'm having issues scheduling tests with the disability center and it was really hard to focus. there might not be school tomorrow because of the snow, and that really bums me out. i love phonology.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:23 PM..

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Old 02-07-2018, 10:45 PM

February 7
Prompt: E is for...

Spanish Word of the Day:
Encantador - charming

Avis of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Taste, my love is sweet when hearts like ours meet.
I fell for you like a child, ohh but the fire went wild.

Drawings done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 5 of Swords

A great inner conflict is afflicting us and makes us feel humiliated. Fleeing or fighting seem to us to be the only ways to deal with the situation. It will only be through acquiring a new point of view and following the flow of the battle that we will manage to undermine this negative destiny, improving ourselves and exiting the crisis strengthened and enriched.
Advice of the Dead: This is not the moment to oppose what seems to be adverse but to follow its movements and its flow, exploiting it to your advantage.
Note: this sounds like a bad card, but it's actually a good one. this is about my struggle to get tests scheduled with the Disability Resource Center, and it sounds like things are going to work out if i just let go and follow the flow, and that in the future i'll know how to handle this issue.

The Wild Unknown: Daughter of Pentacles

Responsible, Kind, Supportive.
You'll usually find the Daughter of Pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. Though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. She handles details and logistics well-- people depend on her. She has vast amounts of inner strength. Like all of the Pentacles family, the Daughter thrives when in nature.
Note: this sounds like it's about Scout.

Twin Peaks: 7 of Wands

Going after what you want, asserting yourself, making your point forcefully, seizing the advantage. Holding out against pressure, defending your position, refusing to yield, saying no, resisting authority. Standing up for what you believe, demonstrating strong character, knowing you are right.
Note: this card again!! i got it yesterday and on the 4th too! i guess it's pretty true since i'm working really hard to get these dang tests scheduled, but otherwise i'm not sure how relevant it is for today.

Homestuck: 10 of Wands

Maintaining the empire you've created, leaving little time to reap the rewards of your hard work. The task at hand has been brought to completion, but requires much upkeep and continuous emotional and mental investment. The subject may need to work on entrusting others with some of their workload.
Note: yup! i got into school, now it's about maintaining good grades and good mental health.

Rider Waite: 10 of Cups

Joy, Peace, Family
On the Ten of Cups we see a loving couple with their carefree children. The family home is in the background, surrounded by trees and water. A rainbow of cups is overhead blessing the scene. A cynic might scoff at this romantic picture, but I see it as a symbol of what our emotional life could be at its best. The feelings represented here are an ideal that is within the reach of each of us.

First, there is joy. Joy goes beyond happiness, contentment, enjoyment. It is the feeling that comes when we know at the deepest level that we are one with all that is, and it is good. Unfortunately, this is not exactly a common feeling! Too often we are blinded by the trials of life and overwhelmed by their challenges. Joy exists, though, and is our birthright.

Peace is another aspect of the Ten of Cups - the serenity that comes when all elements are in harmony. There is inner peace and outer peace which are reflections of each other. When you are in harmony with yourself, you experience harmony in your environment. When you see the Ten of Cups, know that an end to hostility is possible. If there is fighting around you, it may cease. If you are at war with yourself, you may find peace.

In readings, this card often signals a time of abundant blessings. It tells you that you can reach for the fulfillment you deserve, and it will come to you. Look for ways to realize joy and create peace. You may find the key to happiness in your family. Your family is the group of people you are attached to emotionally - for better or worse! If there is trouble in your family right now, work to restore harmony. The time is right for greater closeness.
Note: this card again! always happy to see it. obviously, this describes the state of things at home. most of my cards have been talking about school, but since there's none today it makes sense that two of them would be about my home life.

Diary entry:
snow day. :( that means phonology and zumba are cancelled, and this was a special queer-friendly zumba too. also, i slept through my alarm and woke up right when my cab showed up, and only got the email that campus was closed 10 minutes after i got in the cab, so i had to have Scout call them to get the cab to turn around and take me home. hhh. on the plus side, i figured out the test scheduling system and was able to schedule almost all of my tests. i swear they changed how it worked between now and the last time i used it. and i've got an appointment tomorrow to fix my issues with the test i'm taking next Monday and to schedule the test i can't schedule. i'm so tired. i guess it's good everything got cancelled. :/ at least i've got some phonology reading to do, so that'll make up for not having the class, and i can also do yoga to make up for the zumba later.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:23 PM..

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Old 02-09-2018, 01:53 AM

February 8
Prompt: Violet

stickin' to my Vday theme~

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Bola de nieve - snowball

Song of the Day:

He whispered "oh my god, this really is a joy to behold."
Thought he said "it's a joy to be held," so I held him too close.
It was a grave mistake; he never came back again.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 10 of Swords

The chrysalis has closed and the moth is now complete, evolved and able to hang from a height and have a total and impartial view. The pain, the problems we have dealt with, the tears we have spilt, have reached their apex and are transformed, ready to overcome the situation by grabbing the opportunities that are presented in front of us and that we are now able to deal with.
Advice of the Dead: Sublimate all the negative events that have passed and make the most of all the possibilities that are manifesting around you as soon as possible.
Note: this is the third time i've gotten this card from this deck. today i think it's telling me to let go of the negative and focus on the positive and the future.

The Wild Unknown: 10 of Cups

Radiating Energy
The Ten of Cups overflows with positivity. Your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. You may feel as though light and color radiates outward from you– almost as if you’re shining. Experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. Do not doubt this power.
Note: this card again! i felt it after i completed a really difficult assignment today.

Twin Peaks: XVIII The Moon

Releasing inner demons, suffering from phobias, being overcome by anxieties. Believing illusions, chasing after a fantasy, deceiving yourself, having unrealistic ideas. Having vivid dreams or visions, opening to the unconscious, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre. Losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly.
Note: still love this card in this deck. i definitely had me some anxieties and disorientation today.

Homestuck: V The Hierophant

Knowledge, education, seeking deeper meanings. A system of belief, following rules or identifying with a group.
Note: all about that education.

Rider Waite: 8 of Pentacles

Diligence, Knowledge, Detail.
On the Eight of Pentacles we see a young man who is hammering away at a coin. He has finished six and has another coin to go. It is clear that he is in the middle of a project that absorbs all his attention. He's isolated himself from others (the town in the background) in order to concentrate. In this scene we see the essential elements of the Eight of Pentacles: hard work and attention to detail.

This card often implies a time of great diligence and focus. It advises you to hammer away at the business of the moment, whether a work project, family difficulty, personal goal or unpleasant duty. Sometimes blessings fall into our laps to be enjoyed. Other times we must put out great effort to obtain them. The Eight of Pentacles represents moments when you must give 110%. Just buckle down and do it. Fortunately, this kind of work is invigorating and leads to superb results. The labor of the Eight of Pentacles is deeply satisfying and productive.

The Eight of Pentacles can also symbolize the impulse to learn - to broaden horizons (to use an old-fashioned term). Sometimes we need to develop new skills. We do research, dig out facts or search for expertise. The Hermit is looking for inner knowledge. The man on the Eight of Pentacles seeks external knowledge - the how and why of the material world.

This card can also show the need for meticulous attention. People who are painstaking are often dismissed as nit-pickers, but their extra effort ensures everything is as it should be. It's a matter of caring - taking the time to check the little details. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort. Whatever your task, the Eight of Pentacles tells you to give it your all in every way.
Note: yup.

Diary entry:
ahh, today was frustrating. but i'm glad spanish was cancelled and i got to go home early. stats class was nice, but the homework beforehand was a beast. i don't really wanna talk more about my day. Bigs scratched me in the face.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:22 PM..

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Old 02-10-2018, 06:22 AM

February 9
Prompt: Ammut is...
the star eater! and a friend. there should be an equippable star eater doll, i need more star eater in my life.
here's an avi to prove my love, next to the real deal:

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Admirar - to admire

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Things she wants: not a companion, but some pages in her journal.
Things go wrong... we started equal, but it got way too paternal.
oh man, i used to listen to this song a ton when i was really into Arch... still a good song tho.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: XVIII The Moon

The female and maternal archetype par excellence. The Moon brings with it receptiveness, intuition, the power of the imagination, ideals, but also mysteries and secrets. it is the card of the subconscious and of dreams, capable of revealing and overcoming the illusion of existence. The Moon’s reflection is captured in water, from the tranquility of a lake to the sacred enclosure of a chalice, its essence whole and true. The reverse of this can however bring prejudices, isolation, or the keeping of secrets that are too heavy, leading to confusion and madness.
Advice of the Dead: Trust your intuition but continue to listen and to observe what surrounds you to discern its true nature.
Note: i keep getting this card! i feel it, tho.

The Wild Unknown: 6 of Swords

Hope at last, Travel.
The Six of Swords is a card indicating a recovery from difficult times. Hope is on the horizon; things will get better. It’s important to rest, revitalize, and surround yourself with joyful friends. Plan a trip, short or long. Even getting out of town for the weekend will further lift your spirits.
Note: oh good.

Twin Peaks: Page of Pentacles

Make your plans real, achieve tangible results. Take a realistic approach, work with what you have, stop daydreaming. Grow and expand, enrich yourself, seek abundance, become secure. Have faith, stick by your commitments.
Note: sticking by my commitments! and hopefully achieving tangible results. *fingers crossed*

Homestuck: 9 of Wands

When this card shows up, there’s no going back; the end is in sight, but there’s still work to do. Dig in to find the energy to finish the job right. This card assures the subject that making this final push will pay off.
Note: i don’t really think the end is in sight… lol. but i agree, there’s still work to do!

Rider Waite: Queen of Pentacles

Nurturing, Big-Hearted, Down to Earth
The personality of the Queen of Pentacles combines the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the inward focus of a Queen. If you were to visit the Queen of Pentacles, the first thing she would say is, “Come in, come in. It’s great to see you. Have a bowl of soup!” No one is more welcoming and nurturing than she. Her greatest pleasure is to care for others – making sure they are happy and secure. Her home is always overflowing with children, pets, plants and footloose friends. She is warm and generous to all. In day-to-day matters, she is sensible and practical. She doesn’t have a lot of time for elaborate plans and other craziness. If something needs doing, she just takes care of it without a lot of fuss and bother. If necessary, she makes do with little and always comes through in a pinch. There is a down-to-earth, matter-of-factness about her. She is always loyal and steadfast. Because she is trusting by nature, others trust her completely. When you are hurting or in need, the Queen of Pentacles will calm your fears and share your troubles.

In readings, the Queen of Pentacles asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you feeling warm and caring toward others? Are you being sensible? Have you been true to your word? Do you feel generous? Can you be counted on when times are tough?

This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of warmth, trust and security. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.
Note: interesting contrast to the Moon Santa Muerte gave me.

Diary entry:
the Baldwin readings thing on campus i went to wasn't great. the "readings" were all like one sentence each, and then the scholar who talked about Baldwin didn't really go into any great depth analyzing the pieces, because there wasn't much presented so it ended up just being like a commercial for James Baldwin... it would've been better if i'd stayed home and read Giovanni's Room or watched his documentary or something. :/ but i'm glad i got out of the house. i also did 25 minute yoga today, and even tho it was "gentle" it was hard for me. x_x i really gotta practice more. i did a lot of studying for my phonology test too. i hope i do well. and then i did a rough draft of homework 2, and i'm gonna see how accurate i am when we talk about it in class on monday. and the event started!!! i made so many avis for contests. @_@

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:22 PM..

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Old 02-11-2018, 10:13 PM

February 10
Prompt: Not gonna lie
ok, i found out this weird thing about my phone's predictive text. if you keep clicking the middle option over and over, eventually it just loops "the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that," and that's what this prompt made me think of. not gonna lie, cuz the truth is that the truth is that.

Heart Buddy from Kent!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Encantado - delighted

Avis of the Day:

Song of the Day:

My mother should have murdered me; what jury would convict her, babe?
For love is wrapped around my heart like a boa constrictor, babe.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Twin Peaks: 3 of Cups

Bursting with energy, celebrating, putting yourself out there, feeling on top of the world. Enjoying camaraderie, getting together with people you like, trusting others. Taking part in a group, working together, helping each other.
Note: me during this event.

Homestuck: 9 of Swords

The card of mounting anxieties. It advises taking inventory of your troubles, sorting everything out in order to sleep more easily. This card encourages the reader to take stock of their lives and fears, it may also predict insomnia or restlessness.
Note: yup.

Rider Waite: Knight of Pentacles

Unwavering/Stubborn, Cautious/Unadventurous, Thorough/Obsessive, Realistic/Pessimistic, Hardworking/Grinding.
On the positive side, the Knight of Pentacles is like a bulldog. Once he bites down, you can be sure he won’t let go. He’s dogged in pursuit of his goals. A hard-worker, he has tremendous stamina and dedication. Every job is always completed down to the last detail. He’s careful and prudent, never wasteful. He knows the facts and is immune to false promises. On the negative side, this Knight is a bit stodgy and dull. He’s not known for his playful sense of humor. Work always comes first. He tends to be inflexible and obsessive about little details. Stubborn to a fault, he refuses to give in even when wrong, something he’ll never admit. He doesn’t like change or risk and will always take the gloomiest view.

In readings, a Knight of Pentacles shows that his cautious style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, “Is this Knight’s energy helping or hurting?”

If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Are you working too hard? Do you refuse to listen to reason? Do you have a perfectionist in your life? Is the atmosphere around you one of gloom and doom? It may be time for a change.

If this Knight’s energy is missing, a dose of prudence may be called for. Are you spending too much? Maybe it’s time to slow down. Do you give up too soon? Dig in and refuse to quit. Is your work often careless, late or incomplete? Next time resolve to work up a sweat and get the job done. Let the Knight of Pentacles introduce you to his world of care and persistence.
Note: that's me!

Diary entry:
i stayed up so late last night and i slept in so late today. and i haven't been posting as much as i want to. stats homework had 2 questions that were too hard for me, so i'm gonna come back to them. Scout and i are getting Subway and watching Harry Potter later. we're on the 5th one.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:21 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-12-2018, 03:32 PM

February 11
Prompt: Building a Kingdom

that's all i got for this one.

Color of the Day
(it's hard to see but it's a dark greyish purple.)

Spanish Word of the Day:
Admirador - admirer

Avis of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Songs of desperation, I played them for you.
A moment, a love, a dream aloud.
A kiss, a cry, our rights. our wrongs.

Tarot Card of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Twin Peaks: 2 of Wands
Having personal power, wielding influence, holding the world in your hands. Daring to do what you want, confronting the situation head-on, speaking your mind, seizing the day. Creating your own style, having a different approach, diverging from the crowd.

Diary entry:
just did mene and homework today, nothing much else to say.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:21 PM..

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Old 02-13-2018, 02:47 AM

February 12
Prompt: Log cabins
log cabins always make me think of lincoln logs! i never made anything really cool with them, but they were pretty fun to play with. oh! and they also make me think of Ron Swanson's house.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Enamorar - to get someone to fall in love

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

And I miss the days of a life still permanent; mourn the years before I got carried away
So now I'm staring at the interstate screaming at myself: "Hey! I wanna get better!"

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is an able and influential figure, secure in herself and able to cope in the material world without problems and from which she is abundantly rewarded. She is an abitious woman who desires to always go higher but, for fear of falling and failing, risks remaining a victim to uncertainties, hesitation, or showing avid and capricious behavior.
Advice of the Dead: Do not remain too attached to what you have obtained or earned, but continue climbing without worrying about how much you are risking.
Note: good advice! this sounds like me with regards to school. i have a test today, and it's saying not to stop studying after the test is over.

The Wild Unknown: Daughter of Cups

Creative, Emotional.
Creative Energy abounds from the Daughter of Cups. She's romantic, artistic, and easily inspired by her surroundings. A true dreamer by nature, she struggles to stay "grounded" or to deal with any harsh realities that come her way. Conflict of any kind is very disturbing to this gentle creature.
Note: it's true, i'm very gentle and disturbed by conflict. hopefully this means i'll get some art done today. i didn't bring my sketchbook or tablet with me today tho, so it'll have to be after i get home.

Twin Peaks: XI Justice

Insisting on fairness, acting ethically, seeking equality, being impartial. Being accountable, telling the truth, doing what has to be done. Weighing all sides of an issue, setting a course for the future, choosing with full awareness. Accepting results you created, recognizing karma, knowing that what is makes sense, making connections between events.
Note: not sure what this means for me yet. maybe as the day goes on, it'll become clear.

Homestuck: 3 of Wands

Full of optimism and pride, the Three of Wands is about the hope felt after investing in a decision. This is the card of the newborn leader, someone who sets an example and believes in the soundness of their own decisions. This card implies that the subject may feel assured of a decent pay-off for their investments.
Note: interesting combined with the Justice Twin Peaks gave me. this seems like it directly follows Justice; carefully weighing options and making a decision, then investing in that decision and hoping it goes well. now i just have to figure out what decision this is referring to! lol.

Rider Waite: XII The Hanged Man

Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice.
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.
Note: hm... probably about my difficulty deciding when to walk into class after my quiz, since i have to take it in a different room than everyone else. just gotta let what happens happen and whenever i walk in is when i walk in.

Diary entry:
i think i aced my phonology quiz today! it was awkward walking into class late, but not as bad as i'd anticipated. it did suck having to sit so far in the back tho. usually i sit in the front row cuz i get there 10-15 minutes early. my friend in the class, Dorian, was concerned for me, he thought i missed the test. xD but when i told him i had to take the test in the DRC, he was like "oh, i've had to do that before!" so that was cool. also, he complimented my rose quartz necklace. :D also, i finished my next homework which isn't due for like 9 days. apparently, the second part was supposed to take 3 hours?? but it was pretty easy for me? and the teacher spent most of class today explaining how to do the homework, so there's no way i was that off-track. i'm pretty sure i got everything right, i triple-checked. hopefully tonight i'll have time to do art. i'd start now, but i don't even have my sketchbook and idk i don't wanna waste notebook paper.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:20 PM..

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Old 02-14-2018, 06:00 AM

February 13
Prompt: Workout Music
usually i just listen to CHVRCHES, but i oughta add Screaming Females, Panic! at the Disco, and Fall Out Boy to the mix.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Obsesionado - obsessed

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

I gave up on time, just like you said you would.
There are tiny cracks of light underneath me
And you say I got it wrong, but I tried hard to uncover them.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 7 of Pentacles

Our ideas have entered the world successfully and we can concretely evaluate and count what we have earned, won or generated. The seven of Pentacles brings progress and success with further prospectives of growth. Only the fear of losing what we have attained could obscure our mind and cause us to make mistakes in some investment, generating restlessness or impatience.
Advice of the Dead: Stay calm and reflect before acting. With careful movements your wellbeing and your earnings will continue without problems.
Note: good advice, and a very good summary of where i’m at.

The Wild Unknown: 9 of Wands

Strength, Stamina, Confidence.
As nines usually imply, your journey is near completion. But on this final stretch you find yourself growing weary; doubt and fear are running through your mind. The Nine of Wands asks you to rally your confidence and realize how far you’ve come. Lift your eyes and take a few more steps… soon all your hard work will start to pay off.
Note: i asked the deck how a certain issue was going to play out… looks like it’ll go well! either way, it’ll be over soon.

Twin Peaks: VI The Lovers

Relating to others, establishing bonds, feeling love, getting closer, making a connection. Being intimate, responding with passion, tapping inner energy. Figuring out where you stand, setting your own philosophy, making up your own mind, going by your own standards. Choosing between right and wrong, facing an ethical or moral choice, finding out what you care about.

Homestuck: 6 of Swords

Overcoming obstacles of the mind, such as dealing with the effects of a past trauma or depression.
Note: i had therapy today, so this makes sense.

Rider Waite: I The Magician

Action, Conscious Awareness, Concentration, Power.
The Magician is the archetype of the active, masculine principle – the ultimate achiever. He symbolizes the power to tap universal forces and use them for creative purposes. Note his stance in the picture. He acts as a lightening rod – one arm extended up into the Divine for inspiration, the other pointing toward Earth to ground this potent energy. [note] His abilities appear magical at times because his will helps him achieve what seem to be miracles.

What makes the Magician so powerful? First, he is not afraid to act. He believes in himself and is willing to put that belief on the line. He also knows what he intends to do and why. He doesn’t hesitate because he understands his situation exactly. The Magician can focus with single-minded determination. As long as he remembers the divine source of his power, the Magician remains the perfect conduit for miracles.

In a reading, the Magician implies that the primal forces of creativity are yours if you can claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. This card is a signal to act and act now, provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it.
Note: i asked the deck how to be successful on my tests today, and it says to keep focused and mindful and to believe in myself.

Diary entry:
woke up to some issues with my transportation ugh. x_x but it all got sorted out. had time to do tarot cards this morning, but still didn't do yoga! i gotta start prioritizing it and stop being afraid of it. went to therapy, which was good. we mostly just talked about my anxieties regarding school. i really wanna start working on system stuff, but i gotta learn to be calm first. :/ i think i did well on both of my quizzes, pretty sure i got As. i almost didn't get to use a calculator for my stats test and i was missing a formula i needed, but w/e. i talked to my professor about it and it shouldn't be a problem in the future. the worst part was just walking in to class late and trying to find a seat and ending up with the worst seat in the room. spanish was really fun today! we did a speaking activity in the lab, which was great practice.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:19 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-15-2018, 08:05 PM

February 14
Prompt: Chocolate Hearts

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Día de San Valentín - Valentine's Day

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be.
Take my hand, take my whole life too,
For I can't help falling in love with you.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: XIV Temperance

This card is protection, healing, and circulation. It forces us to mitigate, to find the middle path, and to add something valid that is capable of placating to avoid traumatic cuts. Temperance is an arcana of adaption, reconciliation, and harmony where it is cooperation that determines the birth of something new, ready to spread out into the world. Whenever problems are raised however, it will be disorder and coldness that take the upper hand, unsettle the balance, and close off any kind of circulation of communication.
Advice of the Dead: Evaluate your objectives well and with moderation try to reach a balance that will enable you to make the unstable stable, or move what is fixed.
Note: this is about striking a balance between studying, relaxation, and playing games that involve a lot of work.

The Wild Unknown: 3 of Wands

Envisioning the Future.
The Three of Wands indicates you’ve had continued support from others (perhaps from your parents or two good friends). With their help, you’ve formed a sense of self, of your values and morals. But now it’s time to rely on yourself for guidance. Clarify your goals, and cast others’ needs and opinions aside. The future is infinite, and it is yours. No one else can see through its layers of light and shadow.

Diary entry:
did lots of Spanish homework, had a fun Phonology class, then went to the GSRC and had some nice conversations. then i went home and watched tv with my poor partner who hurt his back really bad. :(

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-17-2018 at 01:57 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-15-2018, 08:11 PM

February 15
Prompt: Caramel or nuts?
nuts! i like the flavor of caramel, but it's not worth all the stickiness.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Coquetar - to flirt

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

He's keeping busy as he's bleeding stones; his machinations and his palindromes.
It was anything but hear the voice, anything but hear the voice,
It was anything but hear the voice that says that we’re all basically alone.

Diary entry:
finished my Spanish homework and reading. the difference between por and para is gonna be really hard to memorize. i also neglected to bring my laptop charger so i'm racing against the clock to post as much on Mene as i can before it dies. @_@ i get my tests back in Stats and Spanish today! i'm excited to see how i did. i got my Phonology test and homework back yesterday. i still haven't looked at the test result, but i did really well on the homework! only missed 1/4 of a point.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-16-2018 at 04:40 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-16-2018, 04:39 PM

February 16
Prompt: Let's bake something!
Scout and i were gonna bake gluten-free brownies for V-day, but since he can't exercise because of his back, he doesn't wanna break his diet. the last thing i baked was chocolate, but idk if that even counts since i put it in the freezer and not the oven.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Comprometido - engaged, committed

Avis of the Day:

Song of the Day:

All I want is you to stay, so tell me why I act this way.
Some little things that make you understand,
Some little things you never give a damn,
Some little things that I can never change,
Some little things will never be the same for me!

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents a person who is very dynamic and energetic, projected towards success and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives. Only an excess of authoritarianism or obstinacy could cause instability, caprice, possessiveness, or the inability to communicate one’s own ideas.
Advice of the Dead: Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
Note: hah, advice i definitely didn't take today. today was all superfluous, baby!

The Wild Unknown: 7 of Cups

Illusion, Deception.
The Seven of Cups is not the most welcome card. It indicates you’ll face temptation in many aspects of your life. Whether it’s cheating for pleasure or for money, you’ll soon realize you’ve been building a house of cards. You may feel as though you can’t see clearly, can’t judge right from wrong or up from down. This is the spell of the Seven of Cups. It’s best to remove yourself for a while, step back until you can see straight again.
Note: i know why i got this card. i deserve it.

Twin Peaks: King of Cups

Gives good advice, has a deep grasp of human nature, knows what others need for growth, sees right to the heart of the matter. Has a quieting influence on others, is emotionally stable and secure, never seems nervous or tense. Can balance the needs of many people, keeps everyone working together happily, says just the right thing at the right time. Responds to emotional needs, is a natural healer and therapist, feels compassion for the less fortunate. Has open and broad-minded views, accepts the limitations of others, allows others their freedom, is comfortable with all types of people.
Note: maybe this is energy i need more of in my life? because i don't feel that it's present, but it is possible.

Homestuck: 6 of Swords

Overcoming obstacles of the mind, such as dealing with the effects of a past trauma or depression.
Note: this card from this deck again. :0

Rider Waite: 7 of Swords

Running Away, Lone Wolf Style, Hidden Dishonor.
The Seven of Swords is tied to the Five of Swords because both cards involve separation from others. On the Seven we see a man tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). He's taken some swords and seems rather pleased with his successful heist. He gives the impression of having secret, solitary plans.

This card sometimes represents the "lone-wolf" style - the desire to run lone and free. In films, the lone-wolf hero always acts totally on his own. He discovers, investigates and solves every problem using only his own wits and resources. He believes he's successful because he ignores the fumbling efforts of ordinary people.

In readings, the Seven of Swords can be a sign that you or someone else wants to be a lone wolf. You feel that you will be more effective and comfortable on your own. This approach is useful when you need to bypass an ineffectual group or assert your independence, but it can also be troubling. We cannot be happy and productive for long without some commitment to others. If you feel inclined to act alone, be sure this isolation is really working for you.

Sometimes the Seven of Swords means that you are running from something - commitment, responsibility, hard work, love. You may be procrastinating, letting problems slip because you don't want to deal with them. Sometimes we just have to face what has to be faced. The Seven of Swords lets you know when you might be making things worse for yourself and others by running away.

The Seven of Swords can also indicate a hidden dishonor - a choice you or another has made that does not do justice to the highest. We all make wrong choices that we want to hide. Some of these are minor, some serious. Your inner voice will tell you when this is happening. When you see the Seven of Swords, take a good look at what you're doing because hidden dishonors will eat away at your happiness and self-respect.

Diary entry:
actually woke up at 9am today! so i could enjoy the end of the event. i finally got to check all of my threads lmao. -_- it's always so sad when the events end, but i do love finding out the results of contests and stuff. :D i've got a lot of art to catch up on this weekend... i'm looking forward to it tho. events are the worst times to actually do art during, but the best time to get orders from people, so i'm ok with my system as long as my customers are. :B other than mene-ing i just chilled and watched Friends or did other things. i'm at the last episode of Friends so i'm avoiding watching it.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-17-2018 at 02:14 AM..


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