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Esmereina is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:30 PM

Its a pleasure to meet you Hachi! ^_^

I will do my best to stick around here..I am going to a Con this weekend...I will have my laptop so hopefully the connection is good in the hotel! <3

I ADORE your art! you have major talent there! <3

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:31 PM

A con that falls on V-day? They better have a Valentine's event!

GangsterGlam is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:39 PM

I love your art. Sooo pretty. :3
How are you?

Ugh.. I don't think I'll be doing anything for valentines day. Unless I can get some money, then maybe I'll go see Valentines Day with my sister. lol I'm slightly bummed at being single this year, but even when I wasnt I didnt do anything. Not much difference.

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:42 PM

Go see Valentine's Day? o o Is there a movie called that out? Or am I just reading something stupid? e-e

edit: T-T; There's no one here to chat with

Last edited by Lore; 02-11-2010 at 05:49 PM..

Esmereina is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:49 PM

Yeah the Katsucon has a formal ball on that Saturda night Sunday morning...XD

but I am not a Valentine's type anyway...I am happy with my Canada cosplayer...she's my Valentine as far as I am concerned..XD lol

I will be Ukraine ofcourse! ...from Hetalia..^^

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Old 02-11-2010, 05:50 PM

0: I never did get into Hetalia, which is baffling because I was huge into BL when it was new.

GangsterGlam is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:53 PM

Yes, there is a movie. xD It comes out tomorrow lol

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:57 PM

Never knew! Is it... O: A Vday horror?! I kinda hope so. *skitters off to Google info*

GangsterGlam is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:58 PM

lol no but that would def. be more interesting. xD
Still, it looks interesting, and it would give me something to do on valentines day.

Esmereina is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:59 PM

I am scared of horror

ahhh thats ok..not everyone likes Hetalia..I just fall in love with it because of my favorite country...XD

and well plus I am Italy is just LAWL...XD I enjoy watchin him be an idiots..just like RL..XD <3

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:00 PM

o-o It's basically a Vday dating documentary with hints of anti-consumerism/capitalism. o v o... Neat!

Heihachi hayashida
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:00 PM

Oh jeez, I went to sleep and now there are so many replies. -hides under carpet- o__o

Thanks for all the nice comments on my art owo Yes It's open, and I'll start drawing soon~! but you know school and all that so probably after dinner around 7. ^^;

Disturbed: Candy 8D? This is a good offer thankssss :] -nom- >3>
briannamal: Gift exchanges aww. At first I had planned to sent my girlfriend flowers but then I realised it was on a weekend so I could visit her. 8D So I haven't really thought of what we were going to do yet, I'll still do the flowers of course but I haven't told her I'm comming down to visit yet >>" I like to suprise people~ 8D
Ferra: Oh mai, which one? Or any of them? I don't mind doing OC's though~ : ]
Ling: Chinese new year that's cool~ :0 I haven't had very many valentines days with a significant other so it's not that bad. :]
ToriKat Aw, Sadface for working on holidays- kind of... is v-day considered a holiday? o__o
Esmereina Dido on what Lore said : D Con's are fun~! Are they having a cool valentines event? :0 I'm going to megacon next month becasue it's during my spring break : D
Iroase Delschatten Lol Thanks :0
*Hime* Oh mai, I'll get the mop >3> Thanks xD <3
chihiro My full username is a character from samurai 7 but yeah Hachi does work well as being Hachiko too. : D I've read some Nana too but it was a while back- I'm not sure how much I remember. D:
Hadsvich Me and my sister would do that too. xD <3 but yeah my school is in Sarasota FL- and I'm from florida and born/lived in NY.
Versailles Oooo So many cons around this time : D and thanks : ]
Neva Mmm cozy, I suppose it is. : ]
Tigermirage Aww, that's cute
'Haru Group hang outs are always fun D: Don't be saddd And Thanks : D
Lore Aww, thanks~! I've been on here for about a week, and I'm not sure exactly how things work like pricing and how to transfer money so I don't know ^^; I didn't do much art shop stuff on gaia either- freebies are more fun. :] Sushiii D;; I want some D: That sounds like fun : D Group dates are always fun. :]
Esmereina Bah! I keep hearing about this con, it makes me wonder if secreatly everyone's going to the same one. : D It's a cool time to have one though :0 Thanks~!

I'm going to stop typing now- gotta go do homework >>

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:03 PM

Group events are faaabulous~ And this is a new sushi place too, so we'll probably be their first huge group!

GangsterGlam is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:03 PM

Yeah it seems interesting to me. Could be good, who knows?
I think my goal is to go to the movies on valentines day now, just for something to do.. not necessarily to see Valentines Day. There has to be something else out too.

Lore is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:05 PM

Might find something fun to do in that general area too. c:


Hadsvich is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:10 PM

@Hachi: lol -gasp- There's actually other people like me! O:
But yeah, I'm definitely going to be doing that on Valentine's Day, just chatting with her~ <3
My boyfriend's over in Korea, so no way I can hangout with him. ; 3;
I'd probably get lots of chocolate from him if he was here. x'3

You live in Florida, but you haven't had a Valentine's Day there before? x'D
What about in New York? x'D

Alexagirlie is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:11 PM

i totally just went and watched you on DA lol (same username btw)
and for V-day im spending the day with my boyfriend, we're going to be eating chocolate and watching Lexx which is a totally awesome Canadian Sci-Fi show we've been watching ANNNND i might be entering the mene V-day art contest so i'll probably work on that on sunday as well if i dont get something done tomorrow on my day off
OH and i want to do something for the chinese new year as well since its the same day and all this year >< lots of things to do.. on top of commissions for my art shop lol

Esmereina is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:41 PM

totally gonna watch you too Hachi...XD <3

and yeah Katsucon is like the more famous of the NorthEastern ones...XD which is why I am going! <3
Ahhh man I can't wait to be there tomorrow...the driving is gonna suck though..all this snow!!! ><! but on the brightside..we can have Hetalia Snow Wars! XD Gonna take down Russia!!!...>D And America too...why not...XD

there are lots to do at this Con..I hope I get to do all that I want to do..i will mostly likely be hanging around the Hetalia crowd though...XD Military Ukraine I am...^_^ only i won't have my pitchfork... T_T Canada forgot to spray paint it for me...XD

*Hime* is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:45 PM

Don't bother dear, I'll clean it up xD
*wipes drool*

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Old 02-11-2010, 06:46 PM

Heihachi hayashida
Candy makes the world go round.. that and the sun

HIII everyones!

*Hime* is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:48 PM

Hey disturbed, what's up?

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A-new-s_tory is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 07:03 PM

I've been doing Valentine's Day for a week with my boyfriend. He lives an hour away from me in New Jersey so the week before Valentine's Day I start sending him random romantic emails. The first year it was a picture a day with a special thing about how were had come to met (which was online btw). This year i sent him all the poems I had written about him since we met with a special little message relating to each one.

He doesn't know it yet but on Valentine's Day I'm calling him up and telling him I'm driving out there and we're have a date that night and I'm making dinner (I guess most people eat out to do something special but his family does that so often that he really enjoys a home cooked meal).

Can't wait for Sunday!

Xandriana is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:03 PM

Hachi you are a much better artist than I am.

I am spending valentines day with my computer and a bunch of sappy movies. I will probably write lots of 'I need someone' poetry, or reading cheep romance novels for a vicarious thrill. If I'm lucky there will be lots of chocolate in the house.

XIntoxicated PenguinX
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:15 PM

your art is pretty cool =3
Id love to be considered. :heart:

ghostPastry is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:34 PM

@Hachi- Haha, I know, right? >w>
Awww, that's so romantic! :'D I bet she'll be thrilled. :heart: Good luck on your homework. D:


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