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Kaiyunei is offline
Old 03-15-2009, 05:49 AM

As Keith answered her many questions, Avalon logged away all his answers and her expression shifted on receiving the new knowledge. She was nodding lightly by the time he reexplained that most ordered alcohol at the bar. It was normal reaction for her and had become habitual when she heard something she understood. Her face lightened as Keith went quiet for a moment, and she turned her head to face his completely forward. This gave the knight his first glimpse of the scared skin on Avalon's left cheek. The burn mark sprawled up just short of her eye and nose and extended back; however, her long brown hair obscured this, and hid whether it included her ear or not. And in following the scar down her face would lead to perhaps his first noticing of the bandages that extended up her neck past her shirt's collar. Despite this deformity there was a small hint of a smile on the woman's face.

Then Keith asked where she was from and her face went pale. The memories...Her amulet started to burn again under the cover of her shirt and cloak (she had tucked it under previously) causing her to lift a hand up to her chest and grasp it. To the man beside her, it appeared like she was holding on to a portion of her shirt. With a forced smile, Avalon lowered her hand. "I'm called Avalon, and I'm from the north...the far north." She answered finally. However, before Keith could respond, Avalon pulled out her payment for the meal--which she left at half eaten--and placed it on the counter top for the bar tender to pick up. The stout man behind the bar noticed the gesture while cleaning a mug. He put aside the dish and obliged himself with going by to pick up the coins. Quickly counting them off, the man noticed she was a pair short. "Uhh, pardon me miss, but you're two silver short." He explained to her, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Avalon peered up at the tender, removing her attention from Keith. Confusion set in. "No I'm not." She replied promptly. The bar tender's face soured.

"But you are. I understand the last place you dined at might have been a smidge cheaper, but things cost more here so I need two silver more."

"Yes, but I only ate half of my meal." Avalon calmly explained.

"Sorry miss. That isn't going to work."

"What's not going to work? I only ate half of the food and only drank half of the milk, so I should only be obligated to pay for that half."

The bar tender looked at her with a mix of disbelief and anger--something that said 'she can't be serious!'--before responding further. "I'm sorry ma'am, but that's not how it works."

Utterly perplexed, Avalon protested on, "Why not? That seems pretty reasonable to me!"

"Lady! That is NOT how it works. No matter how much you protest it's not going to change how it is. I need two more silver." By this point, the tender's anger was growing as was the volume of his voice, and a few of the other patrons who could hear him over the general loudness of the tavern were turning to look at what the commotion was about.

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 03-15-2009, 05:28 PM

Keith watched as her expression changed in turn with his explanations. Again he found himself thinking how odd it was for someone to receive this as new knowledge. At the turning of her head to face him she revealed her scarred skin. The only outward sign of Keith seeing her burn was a simple blink, his face holding the neutral tone with a light smile. He was not disgusted by such scars and knew that these were simply a fact of life. Besides he has a few of his own, just in less noticeable areas.

This brought up more questions about her though. Not many people have a burn mark such as that, the face would be the hardest place to receive a burn. He spotted the hint of a smile on her face and his grew in turn. It was then that Keith asked where she was from and what her name was.

She then clutched her shirt, taking a little time before responding. Then Avalon told him her name and that she was from the far north. That could explain a little bit of it, besides Keith had never been very far up north and did not know if the people were any different up there. When he opened his mouth to ask her what town she put money on the table, Keith thought she was going to get up and leave.

Before he could get out the question of if she was leaving or not the bartender confronted her about the coins she lacked. This time when Avalon offered the answer as to why Keith was not surprised. Glancing over at her plate confirmed that she had only eaten half, sipping very little from her milk.

"I have her two silver.” Keith said to the bartender, retrieving two silver from the coin bag at his side.

Keith turned towards Avalon, "Finish your meal, since it is now fully paid for."

With that Keith placed the two silver into the barkeeper's impatient hand; he could not help feeling a little angry with the man. But he did understand that he had a business to run. The barkeep may have also thought that Avalon had more money about her, but Keith thought otherwise.

Last edited by Isaac Levis; 03-16-2009 at 04:17 AM..

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 03-15-2009, 05:44 PM

As they walked into the town, Claire had to do a double take as her senses were invaded by scents and scenes that she had not experienced for a long time. She had missed civilization, and all the comforts it brought, such as rich food, alcohol, warm beds and warm baths.

"What is the name of this place again, and does it have a tavern? I could use some food and I'll treat you to a drink or two for your help and company." Somewhere in the back of her head she noted some yelling in a building not so far away. But it quickly ceased, which was... odd.

"I'm guessing that is what you call a bar brawl, and that is the tavern... Shall we go and see what happened?"

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 04:55 AM

Lev watched as towns folk shuffled into taverns or finished some last minute errands as their last hour of light dwindled. He enjoyed seeing the people go about their buisness; Lev thought about just bursting out into song. But it was easy to convince himself to do otherwise, the thought of the luxerys a tavern provided him with excuse enough not to.

"This is the Town of Winter's Creek, and I do belive that is a brawl, or was." Lev thought for a moment before continueing, "Sure why not, maybe I can write a song about it later."

While they walked in that direction Lev added a little more to the conversation, "I think you have it backwards; I am the one who will be buying us drinks. Though it would be out of my character to turn anything like that down. So we can buy each other drinks."

Before stepping inside Lev looked up at the name of the tavern, The Dark Forest.

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lavndrdream is offline
Old 03-17-2009, 01:47 AM

Vaenia headed toward her favorite watering hole, the Dark Forest. It was the only place she didn't have to hide and the regulars knew not to mess with her. Slamming the door open, she pays no more attention to the patrons any more then needed to weave her way directly to the bar. Sliding up to the bar next to a pair of humans, she smiled at the bartender.

"I need a double of the strongest thing you're hiding behind the counter," she said.

The man shook his head at her order. "Not this time," he said.

Vaenia glared at him. "Why not? I'm in a pissy mood and need something to take the edge off!"

The man shook her head. "Last time I let you have a double, you wreaked the place. I was closed for a week!"

"I paid you!" The man glared but said nothing else. "Fine, make it a single and give me an ale."

(Sorry it took so long...I've been busy...just had a thought, the last time this character entered a bar last, it exploded!)

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 03-17-2009, 10:22 AM

[[Sorry guys, I'm a bit sick. Can't really think well. Will post asap.]]

Kaiyunei is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 01:23 PM

((Sorry to hear that Hatake! I haven't been feeling 100% this week, and I had two tests to study for (both being taken today). So, yeah I'm late in the posting back as well. ))

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 03-23-2009, 03:09 PM

((Haha, nice thought. Now time for my excuse. I have had very little internet access during my vacation, now that I am back home it will be much easier to post. I hope you both feel better / are feeling better :[

Unfortuantly I have not been able to be on very much as of late. Also have the unfortunant news of Kaiyunei having to call it quits on the roleplay. Says shes to busy with school and such. Going to revamp the recruitment thread and post again on it so that it refreshes it. A post will come later today, i will probebly just edit this post again in order to post. Hope you are feeling better Hatake. Oh and I will take contorl of Kaiyunei's character for the time being.))

Last edited by Isaac Levis; 03-30-2009 at 03:24 PM..

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 03-30-2009, 08:11 PM

With a gruff responce the barkeeper took his two silver. This whole conflict was over just as the door slammed open. Keith had glanced back behind him to see someone walking straight towards the bar. His eyes immediatly went to her hands, seeing no weapons he turned his attention back to Avalon.

"I am sorry what did you say Avalon?" Keith asked; just as someone, who he assumed was the person who just entered, sat down in the empty seat at his left side.

"I said that I do not want to have intercourse with you." Avalon answered him, "Thank you for the jesture though but I think I should be going."

Keith's face flushed and he spouted out, "Wh- Who said anything about that!?" Though he attempted to keep his voice in check the question came out twice as loud as his previous.

The conversation next to him was just ending, though he had heard very little of it. He was focused on Avalon, also failing to take notice of the few people who turned their heads in response of Keith's raised voice.

Avalon blinked and said, "Well the last person who payed for my meal wanted just that; and you are paying for my meal now. So you do not want to have intercourse with me?"

"I do not want to have intercourse with you. B-But it's not like I don't find you attractive!" Keith's cheeks were burning. Keith put his hand to his head for a moment, before lowering it with a sigh and continueing. "I did not pay for your meal for such reasons. I desire nothing in return."

She sat back down in her seat after that, "Well that is nice of you. When I get more coins I will pay you back."

"No need." Keith insisted, "Just finish the rest of your meal."

She was an interesting one... From her actions to her apperance. The way she acted and the unexplained burn scar that covered part of her face and extended into her shirt. From the way she acted Keith knew she must be from the FAR north. Keith could feel his cheeks dying down in color, but a light pink still lingered.

(( lol I thought i posted this BEFORE I went to class. As in four hours ago. But i never clicked submit xD. I decided to post in another post because it was easier to see what had happened like that. Now my posting schedual should be back to normal. Oh and I do have Kaiyunei consent for this post, we had talked about it already.))


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