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Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-04-2009, 05:33 AM

[ It's cool. Nice avi. XD ]

Thelchi closed her eyes as she had listened to him go on more. She understood everything he meant, no doubt. She wasn't exactly dumb being as age did determine a lot of brain for anyone. Though she hadn't much care for anything but herself she couldn't help but observe everything else around her. Taking note. For instance, the crab that had been a few yards away, digging in the sand for some food which she had seen right before laying down.

"I honestly can't remember where I come from, darling. It's been far too long. Eventually we all forget if we leave."

Of course there had been sirens around, though not as many as there used to be that was for sure. Though that had a lot to do with her. It really didn't bother her though. Like she had said, she preferred to be alone. Other sirens were just a hassle anyways. She supposed that was just her. And maybe the fact she knew she wasn't the only one kept her from really caring too much about it. As he started to get up and soon walked away she smirked.

"Hey, Zaivis," she waited till he would pause or not but continued anyways, "Whether it is with your own race or not, you're never alone." She had given him a wink before laying back onto her stomach and closing her eyes.

Roslynn Von Nightshade
Welcome, one and all. I, am Rosl...
Roslynn Von Nightshade is offline
Old 10-04-2009, 04:30 PM

(So very sorry!! )

Napea found herself lazily lounging in a tree, blowing hair from her eyes. Of course, the breeze would blow it back after a while. This amused her greatly. "Come to play a game with me, Father Wind?" She chuckled at her 'mature' remark. It was rather good, for her first try at acting her age. Her booted leg swung from the bottom branch, as the other sat firmly on the oak wood.

She looked up appon the sky, admiring the clouds. "Silly little clouds, playing with my mind. Sly little things, shifting all the time. Molding into winds, carried across the skies... Oh, bothersome little clouds, you make me want to fly..." She sang softly. This was an odd day for her... She was actually being more thoughtful than a prankster. She shuddered at the thought. "I need to do something... Hmmm, perhaps I'll go pick on that snotty siren." She chuckled in delight at that thought. Swinging her other leg into mid air, she jumped from the tree, landing on all fours with a 'plop!'. The grass flattening beneath her huge shoes. Many laughed at how utterly odd it was for her to wear human clothing, but she didn't care. She simply made her way to the beach..

Once she was in sight of it, surely enough the beauty queen was there. And... Someone she didn't quite reconize. All well, the more, the merrier. She strolled effortlessly to the water, an obnoxious tune whistling out from her pretty lips.

Last edited by Roslynn Von Nightshade; 10-04-2009 at 04:32 PM..

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-04-2009, 05:44 PM

((Thanks~ And yaay! I'm glad you're posting now, too! :D ))

She didn't remember where she was from, either. That made Zaivis feel bad for what he had said. But, it was true... If you're gone for long enough, then of course you won't remember a place.

Zaivis stopped and turned when he heard Thelchi call his name.

"Whether it is with your own race or not, you're never alone."
This phrase made him smile. That was true, too. He mouthed a "thank you" in her direction, though he was sure she didn't see. She had already rolled over to her stomach.

Zaivis really did enjoy her company and wanted to come and visit her here on her beach again. Something told him that she wouldn't be going to visit his forest anytime soon.... If ever.

He turned back around and saw a new girl whistling something and approaching the Thelchi and himself. Zaivis wasn't really sure who she was or what she was doing here, but he was curious, so he held his ground. But, just for now. He glanced over to Thelchi to see what she was doing with that look of curiosity back on his face.

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-04-2009, 07:05 PM

Thelchi was already relaxed when the annoying footsteps and irritating whistling had rung in her ears. Though she didn't show it, the burden of dealing with this girl already was angering her. Zaivis had paused his own ground for the midget's approach. But she wouldn't be moving an inch either, not even to look at her.

"Silly little Nymph. What is it now? Can you not find someone your own size to pick on? Someone who...cares?"

As she had spoke she lifted one leg so the knee would rise and her hands slowly slid down the sand to be a foot away from her sides. This had created a wing effect in the sand around her, bringing it all towards her skin-sides to comfort her. It had been such a good morning thus far, she hoped the little nit wouldn't bother her to ruin it.

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PegasusVentrice is offline
Old 10-04-2009, 08:13 PM

Silvermoon was wandering aimlessly through the forest. She sighed as she knew she was coming close to the beach. She liked to go there on occasion but the siren there scared her. She came to the edge of the trees and was watching anyone who might be there without trying to show herself.

She wouldn't go onto the beach unless the siren left or asked her too. She bit her lip as she backed against a tree watching for any movment she might see at all. Her skirt caught on a twig and ripped a little. She gently freed it taking her eyes away from the beach to concentrate on what she was doing.

Roslynn Von Nightshade
Welcome, one and all. I, am Rosl...
Roslynn Von Nightshade is offline
Old 10-05-2009, 04:05 PM

Napea chuckled happily at the remark, one swift move and she was crouching beside the siren. "Oh, pardon me, Queen of Uglies." She jested freely, hitting the seductress in her weak point. "I just thought, since no one bothers to visit you, I'd be a Good Samaritan. After all, looks only go so far, Your Highness." She abruptly and lightly flicked the siren in the nose, before her attention drifted to the other personage. "Oh, I retract my previous statement, you do have a friend. Hello there, brave soul." She nodded at him, hopping back from the nude woman to gain closer access to the newcomer.

(lol... She's so mean.)

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-05-2009, 10:24 PM

Zaivis watched this all curiously until he was addressed. "Uh.. Good morning. I'm.. Zaivis." He said, really not sure if he should be talking much at all. This seemed pretty weird to him. He was confused as to why this new person was calling Thelchi names like 'queen of uglies'. It didn't make much sense. First off, she wasn't a queen. Or, not that Zaivis knew of. Secondly, she wasn't ugly. And then there was the tone of the girl's voice. Zaivis knew that she wasn't being sincere in what she said. Was it... a joke? Zaivis didn't have much experience with jokes. He didn't really know that many other creatures that used a spoken language, so it's no doubt.

((Again, I'm sorry for the short post. D: But, I'm looking at the time and I need to run away and write a paper for one of my classes. ;__; I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't end up happening too often....))

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-05-2009, 10:35 PM

[ It's okay. Come Wednesday I may be gone a few days because I'm getting 5 teeth pulled. ><;; ]

Thelchi continued to lay and bathed in the sun as the nymph went on to insult her. This become a weekly affair she would soon get rid of. The little nit didn't understand that she was on the siren's territory now and that was far more dangerous for her than anything else. As she had moved on to turn her back on her that is when she stroke. With elegant speed she had managed to grab the girl's wrist and throw her down onto her back. Not seconds later she had planted herself atop her. Her knees dug into the nymph's hands so she could not move them. Though frail and thin looking, Thelchi was beyond strong. She was, and always had been, the ocean and it's power.

Now with her arms crossed over her finely traced breast, "Then I guess it is a good thing I have it all. Strength, beauty, and brains. It happens to come with age, which you lack."

A brow quirked slightly as she watched her below. She would give Zaivis this time to escape if he wanted. She may of been arrogant and cocky, but she did manage to gain a heart after her thousands of years with life. It even had been broken a few times, but that was another tale she would keep quiet to everyone who wondered onto her beach. Human's just weren't the time or the kind for love. They'd never love a siren like they should. Not that they ever lived long enough to even try. Evil, spiteful, little beings.

"I am tired of this, little Nymph. If you continue I will kill you like I have many Nymph's older than you before."

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-08-2009, 01:22 AM

((I feel really bad! D: You weren't waiting on me, right..? Please say you weren't.... TT___TT I can try to post an actual reply a little bit later, but we're also waiting on Nightshade, right..? I don't want the rp to die and it be my fault ;__; ))

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 02:04 AM

[ << I'm sorta back. Feeling good today, but still in a bit of pain. Is anyone gonna post? ]

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 03:37 AM

((I don't think there's much I can do with Zaivis right here.... I'm not sure if he wants to leave or not [although I think he will...] but I think we really need Roslynn Von Nightshade to post again.... If you want, though, I could try a post with Zaivis, but I don't think it'd be able to get anything moving again. :/ ))

shaddowkitty is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 03:53 AM

Arina made her way down a path, her dark cloak pulled protectively around her a hood covering most of her face with shadow. Eyes darting in all directions, she had just been thrown out of her own home. She was not good enough for them having not developed any techniques beyond healing in a war driven race. She sighed softly, no more than one talent meant no use to her people and they would not tolerate that. She moved through the trees in search of just somewhere to rest.

"I don't see why combat of any sort makes you not useless..." She mumbled to herself, being weary of other creatures. She had no nerve to disturb them. She found a spot that seemed out of the way, but still close enough to observe life going on around her. "These beings only have basic skills like me and they still seem to be doing fine..." she whispered to herself trying to feel better. So she couldn't go back, and she was on her own. It didn't mean she was useless and couldn't survive.

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 03:12 PM

[ If she doesn't post by tonight I'll GodMod her and say she ran away. Why? For I am the owner and I want this thread to keep moving. ]

shaddowkitty is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 11:52 PM

[[ o3o if who doesn't?]]

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 02:54 AM

Zaivis watched whatever scene unfolded in front of him. The nymph teasing Thelchi and then Thelchi threatening the nymph. He did see an oppurtunity to leave, but he wasn't sure if he should. Well, he was going to leave in the first place, so him leaving now wouldn't really be that big of a deal, right...? But, at the same time, he really did want to see what happened. He couldn't make up his mind, so he ended up staying up and just watching whatever it was going on in front of him for a few long seconds. But, then, he said in a small voice, "Thelchi..? I'm... going back to the forest... Come visit me sometime, okay..?"
Zaivis took a few steps backwards before slowly turning and making his way back up the beach and into the forest. He had an urge to go and visit a lake instead of an ocean.

((Sorry, I wanted to post, but didn't really know what to do... I'm sorry it's so short and I'm sorry it's bad. D: I've got a nasty head ache and haven't been feeling well.... ))

Roslynn Von Nightshade
Welcome, one and all. I, am Rosl...
Roslynn Von Nightshade is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 02:32 PM

(Sorry! This site gives my comp problems.)

Napea simply giggled and pointed to the nude woman. "Haha, funny, Nudist Chick. Funny." She cooed happily. She wasn't buying a word of it. She turned as the other announced his leave, and shrugged. "Well, I'll be on my way anyway. All siren and no audience is a dull day indeed. Later, fish-wannabe." She said, turning abruptly on her heels and prancing off into the trees, all the while humming some twisted version of london bridges...

Once she reached her usual clearing, she sighed, bored to tears again. Grabbing her roughly made slingshot, she set forth to see just how many pebbles in the a** it would take for a centaur to become pissed...

shaddowkitty is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 05:22 PM

[[ahhaha, the centaur thing made my day]]

Arina stuck to the trees, jumping from the branches. It was as near to flying as she'd come since she left. She loved to fly, but it simply wasn't going to work. They look for that, they aim to kill. She landed on a branch and slunk down into her cloak pulling it protectively around her. She let her gaze wander to various things before settling on looking up into the leaves. She could see the sun through them. Ah sun, such warmth she had loved. But now she wondered if it was the sun she loved, or the feeling of almost touching it while soaring through the air. An illusion of course but she always knew going up, brought you closer.

"Why.. why did this body bring such uselessness to them..." she mumbled before letting out a few tears. She wanted to be with her people, wanted to prove she was ready for combat, but she could only heal, she couldn't even perform the basic elemental attacks, let alone the complex strings that her kind weaves on the battlefield. She sighed and sat down creating herself a comfortable nook high in the tree to nap in.

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 12:48 AM

[ Sorry got sick again last night. D; Trying not to again tonight. Please forgive my absence. ]

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PegasusVentrice is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 04:48 PM

Silvermoon continued to watch. She sighed as she dared to get closer to the beach. She watched them closely trying to guess at their relationships to each other. She had no idea if these were first meetings or not. She hid behind a tree that was very close to the edge. This beach seemed to be where everyone was. Or everyone that she could find anyways.

((So sorry about this. I am in the US Navy so we get underway and I can't get on here and post but I'll try to be better about it))

DeeJay Hamster
DeeJay Hamster is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 10:27 PM

(( So, anyone have an idea about how I can jump in a quick starter? My comp is lagging and making it hard to read up on everything so far. ><; ))

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 10:34 PM

[ I'll start a new day for everyone, since I may not be posting for another week or so. ]

New Day.
Now Morning.

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Gwogobo is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 04:32 AM

As the morning sun shone down through the canopy in bright beams, spots, and splatters, a petite figure could be seen slowly working her way through the undergrowth. To any forest onlooker's eye, she would seem quite an odd figure in that she was totally unremarkable: brown hair, hazel eyes, and ruddy pinkish skin with no overtly unusual features, dressed in simple, functional clothing. It was almost as if she was... human. Only by looking closer might anyone notice anything out of the ordinary - a strange half-gesture in the air, a few murmered words that didn't sound quite right, a glassy gleam that nothing on her could have reflected. Only someone truly sensitive to odd workings of energy would notice the permanent hum of power floating around the seemingly innocent girl.

Slowly and painfully, this girl worked her way through the thick plantlife, occasionally pausing to rest - no - to be distracted by whatever little thing next caught her eye, as if she'd never seen a forest and all its various bits and bobs in her life. Eventually, she made it to a small clearing. It was barely more than a hollow between the trees, but being little herself, it fit her quite nicely, and she could hear a brook nearby besides. She stood in the middle and spun, surveying her surroundings, before nodding her head decisively. Setting down the worn pack she carried from one shoulder, she flipped open the top flap to reveal the pieces of a tent. These she cheerfully dumped out on to the ground, humming as she counted and sorted, before beginning to attempt to assemble them.

[[Hope this is alright for a day-start. ^^]]

Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 08:49 PM

[ Hello? owo ]

DeeJay Hamster
DeeJay Hamster is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 12:08 AM

A few shafts of the early morning sunlight break through the dense branches of the weeping willow, heralding the beginning of her morning. No more than two or three dim peeks were within her shelter, just enough to flit across the girl's eyelids, dancing teasingly at her dreams. Closing her eyes tightly she raises both arms and waves them in the air, almost as if to bat at the light. According to her movements a few of the tree's bows move, blocking the rays for only a second or two before they settled back in place and her sight was fiddles with once more. Acknowledging it as useless the girl lets out a sigh and looks around with blurry eyes. Good morning, Lillith. Pleasant day, is it not? So far.. Well, not so good, but there was always the chance of things getting better. Willing herself not to fall back asleep she pushes herself up into a sitting position, most of her weight resting behind her on her hands, as she looks around her shelter. Senses still awakening to the day peer around at the limbs surrounding her place of rest, probing her thoughts for a reason as to why she would have picked this tree yestereve over the others. Within a few seconds she had discovered the answer and forced herself to stand up the whole way, head still far from touching the tree itself as she shook the sleep out of her limbs.

The rot. Poor limbs were about falling off, all the way to the trunk. Letting out a soft sigh she crosses the few feet to the base of the tree, kneeling down to look at the area where the roots entered the ground. A quick look at the area proved that, at least where she stood, nothing keeping the tree alive looked still on the verge of death. Nodding softly she proceeds slowly all around the center of the tree, searching thoroughly for further sign of damage. With a smile flitting on her lips she returns to the nest she had pulled herself into the night before, a conclave among the grasses where she had been accepted and slumbered. Pleased that her work had been well she pulls her knees up to her chest. The day would have to be spent between watching this charge and her others nearby. Only one or two stood close enough for worry, so she felt her job would not be too difficult. Time for some play, perhaps..? Since lately she had devoted herself to ridding her trees of the rot that had been engulfing them this seemed like a great opportunity to just relax. Curious about the day she kicks her feet in the grass a bit and peers out between two branches of the tree, debating whether it would be worth leaving her comfortable hole for or not.

(( I hope this is an okay starter. ^^; ))

Le-Krynn is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 09:44 PM

((Sorry I haven't posted in a while. D: I've had some stuff with school and really need a nap or something. :x .... But, I'll post over the weekend~ I'm sorry. > >;; ))


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