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Old 03-19-2010, 09:46 AM

Kira stared at the boy as he told her about that accident when she was 12. She never really told anyone about that, it seemed to weird and supernatural to even be real. ‘How did he know about that.. is he real?’ she was mentally killing herself as she tried to figure this boy out. Looking up at his face she could not help but to blush lightly. The thought of being able to see his face anytime she wanted, just cause her to blush, he was really handsome she had to admit. When he spoke of the last part she nodded softly. “I wont tell. No worries, plus I don’t have rally many friends here, but then again you might have known that.”

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 08:17 AM

"Yes i know alot about you. Well since i dont see its fair ask me anything anything you want."
Avenger sat down next to her. He took out his fav color appl which is green. He started to eat it waiting for her to ask a question. It seemed like she was thinking. Avenger already knew this could take awhile. He started laughing at the tought.

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Old 03-20-2010, 08:32 AM

Kira looked at the boy, what to ask him. “How old are you? Um.. Have you done this with other girls? Protect them I mean.” She was curious about how old he was then the next question was because she wondered if he liked the other, he was with more then her. Also because there was slight jealousy that others had him before her.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 08:38 AM

"I was born around 400AD. You are the first of my charges i have talked to. You are also the first female charge i have had."
Avenger looked into her eyes when he said 400AD. Her eyes became filled with questions. She was his fist female. He tought about it for a few momments. This is why he talked to her. He has a crush on her.

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Old 03-20-2010, 08:51 AM

Kira’s eyes widened as he spoke of when he was born. “Your old!” she then stopped and smiled, happy that he did not have other girls to protect. She looked down at her hand, fiddling with her dress and then looked back up. She thought of something that made her blush. “Ohh you’re a pervy old man!!” he could see her all the time with out her knowing, possible chances while she was dressing or taking a bath or something.


Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 08:57 AM

"Im old." Avenger started to laugh. He got up and started to take off his shirt. He gave her a big smile as her trew it to her. "Want to make it even? I could take off my pants to." Avenger stood infront of her shirtless. His young body shining in the sun. He was old but his body never aged. He did have a scare were his heart was. It was from when he was killed in the Arena.

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Old 03-20-2010, 09:08 AM

Kira stared up at the angel in front of her as his shirt soon landed on her lap. She could not stop looking at him, her eyes wondering and soon stopping at a scar she noticed on his chest. She stood up slowly and walked towards him. She wasn’t even paying close attention to what he said, but she shook her head softly. Stopping right in front of him she looked at the scar, running her fingers softly across it. “What happened?” she spoke softly, slowly.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 09:15 AM

"i could tell you but ill have to kill you." Avenger started to laugh. He was trying to lighten the mood. It had no effect. He took a big breath. "I died in the roman empire. The Arena took my life. I was a slave and forced to play in the last games. The day i died i had a blade were my heart was. They called me the Avenger when they put me 6 feet under. So thats what i liked to be called. Can i have my shirt back?" Avenger took his shirt back and put it on. This was all a first for him but he liked talking to somone about it.

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Old 03-20-2010, 09:26 AM

Kira looked up and into his eyes as he spoke. Soon she started to feel this sad, worried feeling in her stomach. When he put his shirt on she swiftly wrapped her arms around his waist and held onto him. “please don’t leave me.”

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 09:31 AM

"Ill always be by your side."
Avenger held on to her waist. He gave her a big smile. Ash grey wings bursted out of his back. They stayed inches off of the floor.
"Hold on."
He said as they took off into the sky. His beautiful wings took them high over the city. They ducked into the clouds to be unseen by anyone on the floor.

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Old 03-20-2010, 09:41 AM

She smiled softly burying her face in his shirt, “Thank you.” Soon after that, he told her to hold on tight. She did not understand why, until wings came from his back and they started flying in the air. She gasped and clung to him with her dear life. “Please don’t let go.” Sure she knew that he probably wouldn’t but she just automatically spoke it.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 09:49 AM

"Do you want to go down." Avenger looked at Kira. He stoped in a big fluffy cloud. He sat down and put Kira on his lap. Her back was against his chest. His arms wraped around her waist. He never felt this feeling befor. It felt like somthing was flying around in his stomach.

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Old 03-20-2010, 10:00 AM

Kira shook her head. “I’ll be okay.” She closed her eyes and just clung to him. As they sat down and she was put into his lap, her face went hot again. She laid her head softly on his shoulder. Turning her head she looked up at his face, smiling softly she opened her mouth to say something but then stopped, she was at a loss of words. Looking down she soon saw the city in a way she never has seen before. “So pretty from here.”

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 10:07 AM

"i can show you the world" Avenger said in a soft tone. He kissed her on her cheek. He turned a light pink when he did this. This was the first girl he has ever kissed. He has been with Kira a long time ever since that day when she was 12. He sat and held her with a loving feeling in his chest. For the first time in a long time he was happy.

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Old 03-20-2010, 10:13 AM

“The world?” Isn’t that what some guys would tell their girls, well some did in the movies. Kira’s mind wondered about, stopping suddenly when he kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes, trying to clam done, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. She looked down at the city, trying to think about other things. She started thinking about what the world really was like. War was all over, destroying cities, towns, people, and families. She sniffled softly at the thoughts. “Please don’t show me the world, there’s too much pain in it.” She rubbed her eyes, if he has been with her, then he knows how she feels about his whole war, this pain. Turning slightly, she wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 10:23 AM

"not that world mine" Avenger held on to her while she turned. "war is around yes. my world is up here and over the ocean" Avenger loved to fly over the ocean. It was the sound and the air of the waves. He looked into her eyes. "I love you." the words fell out of his mouth to fast. He did love her.

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Old 03-20-2010, 10:33 AM

Kira looked up as he spoke about his world, the clouds, the ocean, and no war. She loved the sound of that. Smiling softly, her heart stopped as she heard his next three little words. She did not know exactly what to speak, what to say, it escaped her. ’I love you too.’ Looking down, she hid her face in his shirt, holding him as if she was scared he would leave. Whispering softly, “I don’t even know you name but I feel as if .. I love you too.” Speaking the last words softer.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 10:41 AM

"My name is Angel" The words came out softly. He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. His lips touched hers for the first time. His lips went warm with the touch of hers. His heart started to beat as if it was trying to escape his body. This was his first kiss ever in this long time of existing. He tryed to savor the momment befor pulling away. His eyes met hers after the kiss. A big smile came across his face.

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Old 03-20-2010, 10:59 AM

Kira smiled softly, “Angel.” She spoke softly, as it was a more quiet time between them. As he lifted her chin, she understood what was next, but still did not believe. Her faced blushed as she felt his lips on hers. Her whole body became weak, her chest starting to beat as if she was on a rush. She wanted this to last a life time and longer. Her eyes closed to etch this in her mind, never letting it leave. When he pulled back, she locked eyes with him. She smiled softly and then leaned up, kissing his cheek softly. “Your name is you, you are a perfect angel.” Looking down she closed her eyes and turned so that her back was once again against his chest. ’I don’t deserve him.’ He seemed to perfect to be true.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 11:10 AM

Avenger took her hand in his. He wanted another kiss but didnt want to bomb rush her. Her hand felt nice against his. He didnt want this momment to leave. In this one momment he felt safe, loved and at peace. 'She was to good for him.' Was the only thing negitive that crossed his mind. That and was this against the rules? He never herd it before. As these toughts rushed trew his mind they were gone in a flash when she kissed him on the cheek. His eyes wind wide for a few seconds. The air up here felt so cool against his wings. The smell of the ocean came along with the wind. He noticed they drifted off into the air above the ocean. This made him even more happy. "I have always loved you." Were the words he said befor he locked lips with her again. The second kiss was just as good as the first.

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Old 03-20-2010, 11:25 AM

Kira was reverting back to how she was before all this world happened. Her emotions starting spewing out, her feeling for Angel rushed all over her, her thoughts ran through all the events that led to this. She looked down for a brief second to see the clear blue waters of the ocean, smiling she could not help but to laugh softly. She then looked up as he spoke to her. His voice seemed like heaven, why didn’t he appear sooner. She closed her eyes as they kissed. This was something she could never describe in words. She was so, so high in a way. Her heart felt like it just busted with joy, happiness, love, and truthfully a want. Not pulling out until she had no breath yet, Kira looked into Angel’s eyes. “So pretty.” She was, as one might say, under his spell.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 11:33 AM

Angel looked into her eyes. He gave her a quick peck on the lips and said "Not as beautiful as yours." Angel looked at how far they were from the cost. He took her hand and stood yup in mid air. He chest flushed against his chest. He flew down fast in a nose dive. He stoped a few feet above the water. They started to hover over the water. "Care for a dance?" Angel asked as they started spining in a slow motion. He didnt care if no music was playing. To him her heart beat against his was all he needed.

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Old 03-20-2010, 11:41 AM

Kira blushed and shook her head, “Nuh.” She smiled softly and stood up as to follow Angel. She gasped as they dived to the water; clinging to him, she was scared but knew he would not let anything happen. As he stopped at the water, standing and asking her to dance, she looked down at the water below her and then backs at Angel. Nodding, “I would love too.” She looked up as they started spinning slowly, her mind darted back to when she was a little younger and down pretend dance alone. She wondered if he might have been dancing with her then. Smiling she laid her head softly on his chest. This was nice, sweet, calming, and perfect. “Perfect.” Her voice, softly and calm.

[aww now i wana dance over water]

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 11:51 AM

Angel continued the slow turn when he said "You know this isnt the first time we danced" Angel started to remember all the other times. When she was small and danced he would dance along side her. She was always so good at dancing. How he has wanted this momment for so long. He kissed her while they spun. "Lets get our feet wet." Angel said as the water over came their feet. The water was luke warm. It sent a chill up his spine. He hoverd a little higher over the watter. He rested his head on her shoulder.

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Old 03-20-2010, 12:02 PM

Kira smiled softy and poked his nose, “Perv.” She smiled and then held onto him as they went into the water slightly. The water felt wonderful and then Kira frowned, her shoes where now drenched, but she really did not care. As they went back up, she looked at Angel, wrapping her arms around his, lightly playing with his hair. She kissed his neck as he laid his head on her shoulder. She thought of Angel being how he looked and her when she was younger, giggling softly she shook her head slightly. “You’re a perv you know that right, still even know, you have like what thousands of years over me.”


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