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Old 05-19-2015, 05:39 PM

Haven't forgotten about our story! I was busy yesterday so I never had a chance to update my post. Will work on that now :D

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-19-2015, 05:44 PM

That's okay! I've been busy myself preparing for my vacation this week so I don't mind! Also, I don't remember if I told you about that or not or if it was another RP OOC so I'm just going to say it again if I have lol! I'm leaving on Thursday out of state on vacation and won't be back until Tuesday or Wednesday I think (sometime mid-week) - I'm bringing my laptop with me but I don't know how much time I'll have to write a response - so it may be pieced together and take a few sit downs to finish a response, but just wanted to forewarn since it's going to be a rather long break! :3

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-19-2015, 05:49 PM

That's fine, I'm never around on weekends and with this being a holiday weekend, I'll likely be gone Friday until Tuesday. So our away dates kinda overlap :) Also, updated my post. Hope that works!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-19-2015, 10:19 PM

Oh funny - it is a holiday this weekend isn't it!! I keep forgetting it's a holiday weekend - I've had tickets to a show and plans to see family for months so I didn't really realize it was during a holiday weekend! Guess that explains why it was hard grabbing a hotel even though we booked in advance LOL!

Perfect - I'll check it out now! :)

---------- Post added 05-19-2015 at 06:48 PM ----------

Wellllll - I've hemmed and hawed and about whether or not to say anything after reading it.. whether or not I can roleplay with the turning into blood thing.. At first I'm like "Wait what? He's a vampire.. what is going on here?" I couldn't relate to the "gift" and I kind of felt like it was going to be hard to roleplay with because he can just turn into blood and flee and there goes the battle - no fighting, no real need for a vampire hunter because she can't really battle with him on a fair playing field, and no matter what he's basically going to get away, etc. I mean, heightened senses are obvious, and the sonar thing I can get where you're going with that analogy because they do have senses like that, but turning into blood whenever they feel like it and slithering away? That's.... new lol Then as I'm writing this out, it kind of dawned on me where you might have been going with it - it's similar to the Red Woman's power on Game of Thrones when she had that demon baby shadow thing, but it's been vampire-ified to fit in with our story.

I'm still really on the fence with it so I'm going to have to sit and really think about how I can work with that as I wasn't expecting that or for the story to turn that much into a fantasy story - going into this I really wanted the Medieval and primitive aspects very apparent, despite adding into the mix a vampire and vampire hunter - I kind of still wanted things to be basic, like utilizing a bow and arrow/wooden stake and armor, versus magic and such - I mean, yeah vampires have their key qualities etc., but to me that's a little different. And we were toying with the idea that Aeltron was really half-elf, but I was kind of imagining powers similar to like, Lord of the Rings and such? Something subdued and really heightened senses, versus something Game of Thrones-esque or Thor-esque.

Anywho - let me see if I can get a response and see if I can work with it and how it'll effect future battles etc, and we'll go from there! :3

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-19-2015 at 10:50 PM..

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-20-2015, 09:33 AM

NOTE: Sorry if this comes across, eh, mean? Not my intention but please know where I'm coming from.

Ah. Well, definitely thought this was more fantasy than medieval. At this point, I think you need to clearly state your wants so I can stop being told I've done something wrong. I can fix my post, again, but if I'm constantly going to be fixing things to appease you, I'm not sure I'll have much interest in it. :/ And also, word of the wise from another roleplayer, it's okay to come up with a reason for a power not to work. They're vampire hunters, right? Why wouldn't they be wearing silver or garlic infused suits? Just because Vierryn might appear to have the upper hand, doesn't mean he truly does. Little creative details, like garlic bombs, silver suits, wooden crosses, and cloaks doused with holy, could easily deter a vampire and make him flee more so than fight. I'm all about facing the odds and finding a unique way to portray a character or species. Just because an idea seems farfetched, outside your desire, etc. doesn't mean it's not workable. Some of the best stories are those that offer unusual approaches to something.

But like I said, if you're strictly looking for medieval, no fantasy, you need to let me know. I can and will tweak a post, if this no-fantasy route is the one you wish to take.

As far as Game of Thrones references go, never watched it. I got the idea from League of Legends and their character Vladimir. And I'm planning on having Aeltron be strictly human. Not going to tell you everything as I had a plan for his hidden past. And it's not what you're expecting ;)

Last edited by Xavirne; 05-20-2015 at 09:47 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
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Old 05-20-2015, 07:45 PM

I get where you're coming from to a degree, but yeah - this sounds extremely mean and a bit unfair with some of your statements. I'm not really sure why you think I keep asking you to change things to appease me - the only minor thing that was changed in a previous post was the fact that you had people traveling to where the vampire was versus him traveling there. Which was an honest miscommunication between what I was saying and what you were getting from it, and either way it wasn't a huge issue, or at least I didn't feel that way, because it was a change of a few sentences to switch who was going where. When I wrote it the first time I was vague in order to leave room for you to write how you might have wanted it so we could chat about the best way to go about it, and then you said the idea worked for you so we went with it and I assumed you understood what I was suggesting based on what was said because I thought you were thinking the same thing - then I clarified what I was saying and reworded it/elaborated because the first time it wasn't clear what I was suggesting for an initial set up, so I was confused when you wrote people were coming and so I asked who was coming and then it dawned on me what I thought might have happened so I asked if that was the case etc. The other thing that I guess wasn't clear from my thread set up was that they were literally an ocean apart, not metaphorically, and so that was clarified as well. But again, I'm not really sure how you keep changing your posts to appease me, and I'm really taken aback by that. :/

Also, I didn't ask you to fix your post or change your character - I said at first I couldn't relate to the gift etc., as 1 I wasn't expecting such a heavy fantasy feel, and 2 I had never even heard of vampires doing such a thing so it was completely out of left field, and I went on to explain what I was initially feeling about how battles would work etc., and how I initially thought it was difficult and what I was feeling when I initially read it because I wanted to be honest and say what my feelings were so you knew why it would be a little bit before I made a response. If I wanted a story my way, I would have just written it myself ya know? But that's not the case. I wasn't trying to tell you how to roleplay or to change your characters or post, I was being honest with my thoughts when I read it and I had debated whether to do so, or if I should just play it off until I had time to think about it and say that I would respond after my vacation. But I decided against it, and chose to be honest about why I was struggling with the post and let you know that I needed to really think about how it may effect things and how I could work with it as I was unfamiliar and couldn't really think of things right then. At that point, my initial reaction was how in the heck can we battle when he turns into blood and slithers away at the drop of a hat - I had to get creative, and so that's what I was telling you - I needed to really think about how it would effect future battles and how to work with it before I responded.

And I do watch Game of Thrones, and although my brother plays League of Legends I've never been around it, so for me Game of Thrones was a way to relate to what the new power was because although it was new and unexpected, I could at least relate it to something I have seen before and could think about how I could go about working with that power. It was something I had thought about when writing the post. And because I wasn't expecting it, I would have to really sit and think about ways to work with it and what sort of new training techniques I could utilize and what trinkets in Aalis' or Aldus' bag I could throw in, but it would take me a bit to have time to sit and think about it because again, I wasn't expecting it and I'm packing to leave on a trip, so I didn't want to leave you hanging.

One of the things I had briefly thought about was the fact that Aalis is an archer, and perhaps Holy Water could be utilized to dip the arrows into before shooting, and she could aim it at the fleeing blood, and I had wondered if that would make him turn back into a vampire/wound him/etc., and so I was coming back to discuss different methods like that when I saw your post and it just really threw me. I wasn't expecting you to tell me I'm forcing you to change posts to appease me, and that actually was hurtful because that's not the case and I don't know how something like that got across to you because that wasn't what was written in my post at all. I was already going to get creative with how I can work with it because I wasn't expecting a heavy fantasy feel, but more of a subtle one, so I had to rethink what I had planned as training and weapons, and so I had to think about how to go about moving forward. Like I said, I'm still on the fence with it as to whether I know what might work and what won't, because again - I don't know the power and I'm not familiar with that sort of vampire route - but that's why I said I would work on a response and go from there so we can discuss if what I had in mind worked with what his power was, or whether I as misunderstanding how it worked or what could be done while in that state etc. I was anticipating something primitive and traditional, as explained above/before, so this was really different. I didn't say lose the gift and rework your character and post - I didn't suggest that at all and that wasn't the point of my post what so ever.

In all honesty I was expecting to come back and discuss ideas with you after having a little time to think about it, and instead I come back and feel like I shouldn't have been honest about what my thought process was because it 100% turned into something that I was not anticipating - first and foremost being told that I'm making you change posts to appease me, and secondly I feel like the suggestions and how you worded them at me felt more like a "how can you not have thought of these solutions faster" and like you're saying I'm not creative. I feel that I am creative, and when I'm given something that I wasn't expecting it might take more than 5 minutes to think of how it might work and how to utilize things differently, but I don't think that that means that my way of thinking things through is wrong or uncreative. :/

I honestly kind of feel like I should have just played it off and said I couldn't write a response until after I finished packing etc. because this would have been avoided and I could have thought of things beforehand and just came to you with those instead of explaining why there was a struggle and why it would take a little thinking outside of the box to rework what I had in mind for my own characters, battle, etc. I wasn't expecting a fantasy feel, so my ideas were all primitive and medieval, so I needed to rework that. They're supposed to be elite vampire hunters, not kids playing dress up - so they should know how to handle all kinds of vampires, so I needed to up their game and I wasn't sure how to do that immediately.

I mean, maybe you didn't mean for it to come off as you did - but I still think you need to know where I'm coming from as well. My way of communicating roleplay discussion is going through my thought process and explaining where I'm coming from - 1 it helps me organize my thoughts, but 2 it helps my RP partner see where my thought process went so they are on the same page, but more importantly they can correct me if how I was perceiving something was wrong, or if they liked some idea that I had then we can build off of that even if it wasn't the idea I had finished with. I had hemmed and hawed about it because I wasn't sure if I should be honest and say something after I read it, but I decided to be honest because I'm not familiar with the new element and I thought that I could come back with some ideas and you could explain how it works a little more and we could go from there. I wasn't asking you to change anything though. :/

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-20-2015, 08:38 PM

OH MY GOD, I had no idea this was so long. Wrote it in notepad so it looked short. But nope. ^^; I added a "Too Long, Didn't Read" at the bottom, should you not have time to read this massive thing initially.

Bleh, I think it's safe to state we've just been one miscommunication after another. And I know I've been largely at fault. I don't like it when my personal life flows into my online attitude but I've just been very out of it lately. Long, complex story short, I'm not happy with who I've become. I've been talking with people and I want to get back on my usual track but I've been struggling. Almost to the point of breaking up with my boyfriend, who I'm blaming for my drastic change in behavior.

All that aside, it was wrong of me to come into roleplaying with a very narrow focus. I've pretty much been thinking how I would think and forgetting that sometimes I need to forewarn others. Namely, if I wasn't lazy, I should have finished Vierryn BEFORE my post so you could have seen what was coming.

That being said, let me step-back and explain why I set him up as I did. Honestly, I thought transforming into a bat was a bit much. Like, seriously, how are you going to hit a bat that's twitchy as crap! And that would mean he could only be out at night... unless he's one messed up bat! So rather than making Vierryn a night-only vampire, I wanted someone who could be active in the day.

And thus, the idea of the blood shifter came into mind. Since vampires are all about blood, I figured why not have him transform with blood. He could become just a mess of blood and use that to "swim" away from the enemy. It could be a fast means of escaping. And honestly, one that would catch people off guard. Most assume vampires to be bat-shifters. How would the twins react if they came toe-to-toe with a blood-shifter? Ah, yes! They would actually be taken aback and have to reevaluate their tactics. Since blood-shifting isn't something he does often, it would merely be a last ditch effort to escape and live.

Not entirely sure how you wanted to off the brother, I was wondering if maybe Vierryn would be forced to blood-shift and knowing the bro off his guard. This would give Vierryn that edge he needed to escape (or kill -- again not sure who's supposed to kill the brother). The siblings could quarrel (or whatever you had in store) and Aalis would come out on top. She would then need to play a cautious game upon knowing what the vampire she hunts is capable of. And knowing little of his power, she would have to con her way into befriending him -- or at least learning his secrets.

(Not sure if we still want the vampire/vampire hunter love thing to go down so I'll leave that up to the story.)

Explanation aside, when I read your comments, I read them in one of those "ugh, now I have to do more work..." kind of tones. Like my unexpected, unique approach was making the story impossible or more of a chore. Since I know what it's like to be in those kind of stories (the ones were you have to tell yourself to post and literally drag yourself into doing it), I was afraid that's how you viewed our story. And I didn't want that. Although reluctant to rework a post, I would rather do that than let an awesome story die -- and I've also heard good reviews about you as a partner so I didn't want to quit our story this early!

Honestly, the only reason I called out examples is because you seemed doubtful that you could work with the blood-shifting. As you put it "you hemmed and hawed" and "were on the fence" with it. Not wanting to make it a painful task of coming up with ways to combat Vierryn, I listed some ideas. Also asked a friend for ideas and she came up with ideas like shooting him with holy water and thus freezing him in a human-shaped blood form that's completely exposed and open for attack. Another suggested finding ways to "freeze" or "burn" the blood, forcing Vierryn not to use that power.

Just because I present something that's seemingly god-like, doesn't mean it is. I'm all for weaknesses. Some obvious, others a little more refined. Now what fun would a story be if I told you ever darn detail? Is not the goal to explore and learn? Allow your character to develop and grow? I like to think I'm not one of those "god-modders" so I will and always have had weaknesses. I write them aside and, should someone get close enough to discovering those hidden weaknesses, I expose them. Why, I have one characters who has a fear of tomatoes. My partner didn't realize these until she spoke of the fruit and he flipped the freak out; pretty much falling submissive and promising to behave so long as they didn't torment him with the evil red balls of toxic juice!

Oh, and for the record, I'm all for being honest and upfront about something. Like when I said the intro/story plot was confusing, that was my way of saying I'm not following the story and it needs to be reworked to make things clear. And like I said, I should have asked for a cleaner definition of the theme. Usually when I hear vampire, I think fantasy/supernatural -- so weird things and magical things. Going into the post, had I known you wanted realism, I likely wouldn't have given Vierryn any powers. And like I said, I still can if that's truly the direction we're going in.

So yeah, hope that explains it some. If not, I can always try again. But for now, I'm heading home to play the Wii U Fit that /hopefully/ arrived. We'll see how far I get in it before I throw the stupid thing across the room.

TLDR; Sorry I misunderstood you and upset you. I was just a bit miffed that you were stressing over a stupid power. Had I been better, I would have finished Vierryn's profile BEFORE posting but I was eager to start so I take that blame. As far as the power goes, it has its weaknesses. Some I'll make clear; others will need to be discovered. Since I wasn't 100% sure if they were going to attack in this post, I didn't write the weaknesses. Besides, I could always write them AFTER he's been attacked. Not like he's going to die immediately. They'll jump him, do some punches/whatever, and then I'll get my post. So I can make things clear there.

Oh and I think we need to clearly define the genre of this roleplay. Are we keeping this Vierryn or do I need to rework and remove all powers (I'll just make him normal; maybe half-immortal so he's harder to kill but that's about it).

Wanna roleplay? WTF or Mene

Last edited by Xavirne; 05-20-2015 at 08:42 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-20-2015, 09:41 PM

I'm still in the middle of packing but wanted to give a quick response - will read the whole thing later when I have more time to really read it and respond, but I did skim it! I do want to keep the current plot - I wasn't angry about the twist - I was just a little surprised and had to rework what I was thinking and think of some new ways to handle things because I wasn't going in that direction initially - I actually liked it, it was just different so I have to rethink something because like I said - they're not kids playing dress up, they're elite and were chosen for him for a reason, so they shouldn't come out of the gate and just be like "Oh.. Umm.. Maybe I'll throw a stick at you?" ya know? lol I was just trying to better understand how it worked so I could work with it and try to change my characters accordingly :3

And I do accept your apology and appreciate it - I also apologize for not being clearer in my communication or how I worded things in my posts - I don't need to know everything and I'm glad you have your own creativity and ideas etc - like, I don't want a roleplay where I dictate every move or where I know everything that's being thrown at me - my "issue" or what have you was the emphasis on fantasy that I wasn't expecting - that is what made me take a step back and think "umm.. I need to rework some things before I post and really think about this!" - it wasn't at all a "ugh I have more work" thing at all - it was more of a "crap - I wasn't expecting fantasy, my characters look like kids playing dress up. I need to fix this and rework how I'm looking at the whole vampire concept!" - like I said, I'm not really familiar with that power, so I didn't know how to approach it initially :3 And I think the reason I took your comments as I did was because of what they followed, so I was already in that mindset and upset with that so I didn't take them as nice suggestions, but like I had expressed before - and I was really on the fence about how to approach it and how to work with it because I didn't know anything about it and I didn't want my response to come off as my characters are ill-equipped and easy prey because they shouldn't be lol And what I was hemming and hawing over was whether or not to be honest and say what I said, or if I should just figure it out on my own and play it off because the vacation was a good excuse :3

I'm really glad we're on the same page now and we can move forward! I mean where you were seeing supernatural and fantasy, I was seeing realism and medieval, so completely opposite views of how we set up our characters and such - literally lol I think I've probably skipped around and repeated a few things because I keep leaving and coming back, so I hope the above makes sense for the time being xD; But anyways - short version is yeah I like this new twist, I just have to rework my characters - because I'm leaving out of town it's going to take a bit longer to really get my ideas down until most likely I get back or have some down time at the hotel - but after relating it to Game of Thrones as I was typing my initial post, I kind of got some ideas and I got a better idea of what exactly was going on - because at first I didn't and so that's why I was unsure if I could roleplay with it initially, but then after thinking about it as I was writing out my concerns I got a better idea of it - so yeah we're good lol! When I have more time I'll respond to each part of the post (and probably repeat things from this post xD) and then we can get back on track! :)

---------- Post added 05-20-2015 at 09:40 PM ----------

I completely agree that we've been full of miscommunication - I think it's good we're getting a fresh start and can move forward! Especially now that we're both on the same page. :) And I am sorry you're going through that - it does make it hard to turn on and off and sometimes it does slip into places it shouldn't, and I think that very well may have been what happened here and although you didn't mean it, I got a different vibe from everything because I didn't know what was going on (not that I have to mind you), but I took it more personally than I should have and I took it differently than I should have, and I think a lot of it was you misunderstanding what I was saying and me misunderstanding what you were saying, and although we both thought we knew what each other was saying we really didn't. :3

I agree turning him into a bat is a bit much, and I do like that he is able to be out during the day because that gives a new twist that goes along with what we were wanting even more, so I really like that twist. The blood thing just kind of threw me, as I have no experience with that kind of ability, and I like that it's different and adds a new element - now that I'm more familiar with what's going on with it, I can definitely work with what's happening and I think it'll be really fun in a battle since it's not something normal and it's not something that's gone in and out of all of the time - my initial reaction was "Well, if every time I aim an arrow or stab a knife he turns into blood, how is this going to work? He's going to kill my characters and I won't even get a blow - how is that a fair playing field?" I get how it works now though :3

I'm not entirely sure how we want to kill of Aldus - I was going to see how the interaction played out - I was initially thinking that Vierryn would do it, but I actually like the darker element of Aalis having to do it. Since Aalis is closer to the castle, Aalis would see things differently than Aldus who was down at the base - so I imagine when Aalis actually speaks with Vierryn, especially after the voyage, they have a repartee that goes back and forth - both kind of scoping each other out, trying to trip them up, etc. - as for the romance aspect, I think leaving it to the story is best! I don't want it to be out of the question, but I don't want it to be immediate or apparent either - rather it's something that we have in our back pocket that we can throw in if we feel it's right. :3

I do apologize for it coming across as that if it did because I honestly wasn't complaining about it being more work - I was just pausing and thinking "Huh - didn't know we were going in this direction.. I'll have to rework what I'm doing and see how I can work with this, if I can work with this, and change things if not." But no I didn't feel like I was dragging to be included at all - I just had to rethink my tactic and think about the entire scope of the RP in a different way because we were on totally separate thought routes, which I wasn't aware of!

Aww - thank you! That makes me feel a little better about how you were viewing me then lol! I honestly was starting to think you were viewing me as an uncreative idiot or something! xD;

I totally get that it wasn't meant the way I read it now - after reading the initial paragraph though it just sounded really mean as well - the whole post just kind of took a mean vibe :( But yeah no - those are all valid suggestions and I appreciate them! I just read them in a mean tone and I took it the wrong way so I didn't know how to take them or react to them. I'm definitely taking them into consideration though!

And I completely agree about not being told every detail about a character - I love learning new things! I just like to be on the same page with the genre and nature of everything etc. so I'm not thrown for a loop and like "Uuhhhhh - what just happened??" Like I've said probably a bunch of times - when I initially read it I didn't feel that there was a weakness, but I also didn't really understand it, so when I related it to Game of Thrones I got a better understanding of it and a better understanding of how to go about working with it. Just took me a little time to think about it (and I haven't had much time recently) because I wasn't expecting that sort of element to the RP because it wasn't what my idea of the genre was - we kind of had two different ideas lol!

However, I do think we're on the same page now (or at least I hope so!) so I think we're good to move forward - I probably won't be able to write a response until I have time at the hotel though as we're leaving really early tomorrow morning - but I'll let you know if I struggle with anything or if I'm unsure of anything - and you can always correct me if I make a mistake about it after I post as well :3

And I do accept your apology and I hope you accept mine as well - I honestly didn't mean it to come off the way that it did, and that's partially my own fault for my wording and not emphasizing that I was okay with the development, but I'm glad we're on the same page with what was meant on both sides and can move forward with it :3

---------- Post added 05-20-2015 at 09:41 PM ----------

And yes, yes I did just get no goldies for my entire winded speech! :P

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-21-2015, 01:53 AM

// totally unrelated to everything post //

WHAT?! WE DONT GET GOLD FOR POSTING BUTTLOADS? I mean I know we do... but there's a cap?! Wait, is there a cap? And how is that fair? What if I wanna write you a 3000 word post? Is it really the same weight (in gold) as a 500 word post?!

But all money aside, I dun write for it. XD For the most part, I bought all I could want, attire-wise. I'm more or less in it for the adventures and relationships with cool people like you!

@_@ omg, it's so late. I dun wanna bed but this work thing tomorrow makes it... required? Necessary? VERY IMPORTANT, assuming I want to not sleep at my desk for 8 hours. So on that note, read your post and totally got sidetracked! And now it's time for bed. Or attempting to bed. ._.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-21-2015, 02:04 AM

Nope! We cap at 50g! I got my 50g with my initial response, and then got nothing for my second response lol But no I just thought it was kind of funny that because it went into one post I didn't get anything - NO APPRECIATION FOR MY THOUGHTS!! xD; But in all honesty it was my way of breaking the tension versus complaining about not getting the goldies. :)

Haha No biggie! I'm on the road all day tomorrow so I get to sleep in the car - but I still have to get up crazy early to shower and get ready to get INTO the car lol So bed for me as well! Will let you know when I post and how things go with it!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-21-2015, 01:34 PM

Enjoy your vacay! Hopefully it's fun and relaxing :)

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-25-2015, 11:17 PM

It was really fun! So jam packed, but it was so great to spend time with family - so sad to leave 80-90 degree sun and come home to miserable cold downpours though. :( Already want to go back lol! I haven't had time to get onto a computer at all though so I haven't had time to do our RP, but I figure I'll have time tomorrow or the next day after I unpack and get everything back to normal! :)

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-26-2015, 12:55 AM

Awww, that's great! Though I agree leaving that kind of weather would suck. :P

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
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Old 05-26-2015, 05:46 PM

For sure! At least it's warm and sunny today though - hopefully it stays that way!! <3

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? :)

---------- Post added 05-26-2015 at 04:04 PM ----------

Okay! I have a few ideas I'm toying with, depending on how your next post is with his reaction, so I left it opened ended for right now until I see the reaction, then I'll decide how to act from there!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-26-2015, 08:51 PM

It wasn't too bad. Cape Cod was unbelievably cold Friday and Saturday so I stayed in or went shopping. Then Sunday rolled around and it got warmer. The boyfriend's family insisted on grilling a pizza (they cannot cook so I had to do all the work, but it was fun) so that was neat! And then Monday I spent most of the day collecting shells. I'm hoping to make some shell art in the near future :)

SOOOOOO ABOUT DAT POST. I loved it and I was so torn with how to finish mine. A part of me was like - ATTACK! The other part was like - FLEE! And then the rest of me was like - MAKE SOMETHING UP! But since I'm still not sure how you want to kill the bro off, I figured maybe we can go around round of posts before we really start a battle. And maybe we can work out how we want the battle to go down in the OOC, assuming I need to help kill someone off. If not, I'm totally fine letting you take lead and then I can post with whatever I'm given. I'm totally fine with advancing a story or having the story advanced on me (so I have to write based on what you make happen). I know some people are like "moving your character" or "not sharing what's next" is called "god-modding," but I call it learning how to work with prompts and unexpected twists. So if you see an opening and want to run with it, I won't get mad. And if you want to injure my character (like actually hurt him), I'm fine with that too. I can explain why he faltered and took injury. Like I said, I'm not really picky when it comes to that stuff.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-26-2015, 09:10 PM

Grilling a pizza?? How in the world do you do that?? O_O I kinda want to try that now....

Oh wow really? That sucks on the cold weather!! At least it warmed up towards the end but that still stinks. :( Shell art sounds fun too! I love doing things like that - making an art project out of things you've collected on a trip - it's always fun to get creative, but it also gives you a way to make what you found more lasting by turning it into something you can keep and display!

Woot! I was starting to second guess if there was enough to work with but I'm glad there was! :D

I was thinking the same thing - some back and forth posts that are testing each other out before actually battling with the intent to flee and kill :3

I'm actually really considering the idea of Aalis killing Aldus, but not in a murderous way like "I'm going to kill you" or anything - but accidental, heat of the moment, reacting before realizing what she's doing sort of thing - then next thing she knows he's bleeding (either from an arrow or dagger) and it's all her fault - it'll throw off her mindset and add an extra depth into her story that I think will be interesting! So the way you have it set up, with him pitting the twins against each other, is exactly what I was hoping for!!

ME TOO! I was so happy when I read it - we were totally on the same page! So excited to whip out a response but wanted to post here first!!

Sound good! I'm okay with the same things - just as long as it's within my character's personality etc., then I don't mind if you engage a bit like that as well with the movements - just no dialogue added from my characters is my only request! Other than that I'm pretty okay with how things go - I know sometimes it's hard to not add in something that helps the scene flow a little better :3

---------- Post added 05-26-2015 at 05:50 PM ----------

I'm headed for dinner - will be back in a few hours - I did post though! :)

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-26-2015, 11:11 PM

:D I'm glad we're on the same wavelength! Makes it so much easier. I did go a head and include your characters some more in my post (gave Aalis the upper hand too). Wasn't really sure how she would react to a teasing, bold vampire so I left her hanging (literally, xD).

I don't know why, but I kinda picture Vierryn and Aalis as Erik and Christine from the Phantom of the Opera. xD Vierryn needs a mask and a purdy cape ;)

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
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Old 05-27-2015, 01:31 AM

Bwahaha! Omg - YES! If Christine was a fiery red-head and Erik was a ghostly vampire - I read this post before reading the RP and I'm like "Omg.... This is DEFINITELY PotO!!" Love it lol

And that sounded fine to me! They acted within character so yeah - I have no problems with posts like that! Especially if they go back and forth vs my characters always having the lesser hand :3 This will work perfectly! :D Aaaand this shall be interesting.... -rubs hands together maniacally-

---------- Post added 05-26-2015 at 10:36 PM ----------

I made some adjustments after rereading it in the thread, so hopefully this works a little better - I rather like the changes, but hopefully you do too!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-27-2015, 02:04 PM

Vierryn is trying sooooooo hard! He needs a hug when this whole scene is done. xD

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2015, 05:09 PM

Bwahaha! He really is!! I was considering having her snap back and turn snippy and sassy - but then I'm like "Nah, she's not even going to listen to the vamp right now with what Aldus is doing - she's going to just be angry" - so I went back and focused more on that exchange for that particular post - Aldus is pretty susceptible to mind control, which is his hugest flaw as a hunter - but normally Aalis snaps him out of it and he gets back to normal before the fighting begins - this time, however, he's unknowingly changing his opinion of Aalis and forgetting what kind of a hunter she really is, despite his initial defense - the longer he's around Vierryn, the more of a hot head he's becoming and Aalis is just not able to ground him - it's kind of funny because normally this wouldn't happen - then again, this isn't the normal vampire either! It's definitely fun playing out this exchange because it's not how I had expected given the characters I created - it'll be interesting how Aalis is when this whole thing ends!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-27-2015, 05:20 PM

Vierryn is a plan ruiner! But he's doing just what he wanted -- pitting the siblings against one another. Too bad he'll feel like an ass when Aldus eventually dies. I can just picture him contemplating petting her back and reassuring her that all will be okay or just sneaking off. But if he sneaks off, he'll be riddled with guilt for not making sure she's okay. xD He's really shaping up to be a nice guy.

---------- Post added 05-27-2015 at 01:22 PM ----------

xD Updated his profile just a bit. Figured the pretty women part was a must xD

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2015, 05:26 PM

Hahaha! It will DEFINITELY be interesting because she's vulnerable, guilt-ridden, and literally going to be in shock over the whole thing because she killed her twin - her literal other half (they're identical in case I haven't mentioned that before) - her partner in crime will be gone in a heartbeat at her own hands, so this will definitely be an interesting turn of events - even I'm not sure how she's going to get through it!!

---------- Post added 05-27-2015 at 01:27 PM ----------

Hahaha - it's definitely fitting!!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-27-2015, 05:32 PM

D: I'll get my tissues ready. I just feel a lot of feels coming. ._.

Also, I'm really toying with the idea of Vierryn being like "I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. Because of your kind, you hunters, I'm all that's left of my family."


Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2015, 05:41 PM

Omg.... Right in the feels! This is going to be a nightmare - WHY DID WE CREATE THIS!??!?

---------- Post added 05-27-2015 at 01:42 PM ----------

Ugh - and that's really going to kill her because she IS the hunter clan - like, she's the high society hunter family - like royalty - so 90% of the vampires dead were killed by her family and those who married into it!!!

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 05-27-2015, 05:45 PM

Might as well kick her while she's down so it can be done and over with... fast? Right? RIGHT?! Yup, that's the motto I'm sticking with. Would rather get punched ten times in a row than waiting for those 9 other punches :P


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