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N I G H T is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:50 AM

My cat probably ate the rest of it. Poor hamster was decapitated. ;0;

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 03:17 PM

@NIGHT: :gonk:!! Poor thing. :( That would've scarred me for life...

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 03:37 PM

I've had fish get out of my tank, even with a lid on it. One jumped out when I was in the room one night. I just heard the noise of it hitting the condensation tray and went over to the tank to see what was going on, and saw it flapping on the I scooped it up and chucked it back in the water.

When I emptied the tank about a year or more later and moved it so my hamster could live in it, I found a dried fish underneath it. It was quite possibly the one that had jumped out before as it was a scissortail. I did look for it when I couldn't see it in the tank any more, but I was used to the fact that if a fish dies the others will eat it and you'll often not find a body. This one never smelt though, it didn't rot, it just dried up.

Amelia is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 04:34 PM

I feel so sorry for you, that's one of the worst smells. :gonk:

Although, reminds me of a similar story. My cat looooves to try and kill birds, usually not succeeding though. However, a few years ago he did. It was late, and I walked into my living room without turning the light on because I didn't want to wake anyone up, and sat on my couch. Felt something underneath my butt, and unfortunately checked with my hand. When I felt feather I immediately jumped up, and sure enough a poor dead bird, cut in two laying on the couch. Oh, I couldn't scrub my hands enough and I threw those jeans out. My mom cleaned the cushion five times over, but the memory is still there. I sat on it! :gonk:

Kay is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 07:36 PM

I remember once when I was younger, our cat at the time, Raisin, left a dead mouse under my pillow. I don't really think that cat liked me very much.

Keeper of Keeps
Nonsensical is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 11:28 PM

The father was even crazier... He purposely burned their house down while everyone was asleep.

lightkanna is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 12:31 AM

飛段: Ew, public bathrooms. It's why I wait until I go home to do my business. I just can't go into public bathroom, it happen because of how I use to help my parents clean a restaurant up and every time you go in there, something is always f**ken wrong with it. Blood, poop or just something gross/weird pops up. ;--; Be glad you don't clean for public bathrooms or any where with public bathrooms. ><
Anyways, any more fishes trying to get out and decay? Did you put up something on top of the fish tank so they wouldn't get out? ^^

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 02:45 AM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
I've had fish get out of my tank, even with a lid on it. One jumped out when I was in the room one night. I just heard the noise of it hitting the condensation tray and went over to the tank to see what was going on, and saw it flapping on the I scooped it up and chucked it back in the water.

When I emptied the tank about a year or more later and moved it so my hamster could live in it, I found a dried fish underneath it. It was quite possibly the one that had jumped out before as it was a scissortail. I did look for it when I couldn't see it in the tank any more, but I was used to the fact that if a fish dies the others will eat it and you'll often not find a body. This one never smelt though, it didn't rot, it just dried up.
How the hell did they get out even with a lid on...:gonk: That was one lucky save! I wish I could've been there when those two fish flopped out. :stare:;; The first one hadn't started to go bad yet (just slightly damp and sticky), but the second one...*sigh*

I've had a few shrimp that jumped out and dried on me before too, thankfully they didn't stink much. :sweat:
Originally Posted by Amelia View Post
I feel so sorry for you, that's one of the worst smells. :gonk:

Felt something underneath my butt, and unfortunately checked with my hand. When I felt feather I immediately jumped up, and sure enough a poor dead bird, cut in two laying on the couch. Oh, I couldn't scrub my hands enough and I threw those jeans out. My mom cleaned the cushion five times over, but the memory is still there. I sat on it! :gonk:
Eheh, good thing the smell didn't linger too long. I still have to sleep in it every night. :XD;;

Ack, cut in two?! :gonk: Poor bird/your hand/pants/memories. :gonk:
Originally Posted by Kay View Post
I remember once when I was younger, our cat at the time, Raisin, left a dead mouse under my pillow. I don't really think that cat liked me very much.
Actually that's a sign the cat likes you, if it's willing to bring you 'offerings' from its hunts. :XD;
Originally Posted by Nonsensical View Post
The father was even crazier... He purposely burned their house down while everyone was asleep.
....What the effff.
Originally Posted by lightkanna View Post
飛段: Ew, public bathrooms. It's why I wait until I go home to do my business. I just can't go into public bathroom, it happen because of how I use to help my parents clean a restaurant up and every time you go in there, something is always f**ken wrong with it. Blood, poop or just something gross/weird pops up. ;--; Be glad you don't clean for public bathrooms or any where with public bathrooms. ><
Anyways, any more fishes trying to get out and decay? Did you put up something on top of the fish tank so they wouldn't get out? ^^
Ahahaha, actually, I have quite enough experience in cleaning public restrooms. :XD Back in elementary and junior high school and high school, we have 'restroom duties'...we draw lots to determine who goes to clean up the toilets. In elementary, the fifth and sixth graders are in charge of cleaning the toilets specifically, so I spent nearly two years cleaning the toilets every few weeks (switching to someone else every week and then back to us, etc.)...Luckily, I never got the restroom duties in junior high nor high school. I hate going into the girl's bathrooms and finding bloody tampons everywhere! :XD There're sometimes even bloody handprints on the walls...brown handprints for the boys. Egads. :gonk:

And yeah, I did. Put a tile onto the tank that covered up most of it, though there're still gaps on the sides which I'll have to figure out something for them later...but so far no more fishies have decided to commit suicide yet. :sweat:

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 07:23 AM

I've heard a story from my boss about a robber falling into the ventilation systems and no one knowing a thing until it started to smell REALLY bad in the stock room, they investigated and found the body about a WEEK after the night the camera's caught a glimpse of the guy on the roof! It took another 3 days to get someone to come get the body, o.O soon after that he transferred to my store in the 'burbs XD

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 11:14 AM

-goes to vomit-

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
I've heard a story from my boss about a robber falling into the ventilation systems and no one knowing a thing until it started to smell REALLY bad in the stock room, they investigated and found the body about a WEEK after the night the camera's caught a glimpse of the guy on the roof! It took another 3 days to get someone to come get the body, o.O soon after that he transferred to my store in the 'burbs XD
lmao!! Oh gods, poor guy. :rofl:
That reminds me of a news I saw on TV...which is even grosser than the guy falling into the vents, so Iku, don't read if you don't want to vomit more! :lol:

Some guy went and committed suicide in the apartment building's water tower where he lived, and no one knew about it...for over a month. Now, that itself wouldn't have been so bad.....BUT, the ENTIRE building had been using the water coming from the water tower during the entire month, including bathing water, water used to wash their food, water they drank, .....and, to quote one of the resident's comments on the incident,

"....And we were wondering why the water had been tasting funny for several weeks."

......:gonk: x 100

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 04:48 PM

Why don't I listen! :gonk:

-proceeds to vomit more- :gonk:

All this reminds me of that actress, Yvette Vickers, that died in her home. Her mummified body was found a year later. :|

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 02:53 AM

Curiosity kills the cat? :rofl:

Mummified? Whoa. :shock:
At least none of her was eaten by unsuspecting people...:lol:;;

lightkanna is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 11:31 PM

飛段: Sounds like you're from an Asian country. Because my mother would talk about how her sister would have to clean after school and such. .-. Plus I watch a lot of drama and so my mind just specifically went there. >>; Also your name kind of gave it away, good god, I don't know what I am saying anymore. ;--; That's good no fishes have tried to do any more suicide attempts. >>; Because one fish did it all for them. ^^;
Also I'm sorry you had to clean in the girls bathroom and see such disgusting things. Bloody tampons, gross. >< I hate it when you see a giant dump on the floor, it's just...really gross.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 01:57 AM

lmao I wasn't trying to hide that or anything. :lol: Yeah, I'm currently living in an Asian country. I'm also Asian myself. :P

Hahahaha I've seen it all. :XD The horrors of both genders' toilets.....and back in elementary when I went to this school that was up in a mountain, sometimes you'll find slugs inside them too. One in particular wedged itself right in the toilet and I spent forever trying to poke it out with one of those large metal tweezers used for picking up trash. In the end a classmate helped me out by splooshing some cleaning acid on it, and it dropped off immediately. :XD;;

show her how you roll drop it dr...
Bookwormness is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 03:31 AM

Oh Lord important eating. I found a very alive litter inmy garage. I've seen the animal hoarders where the lady had a million cats and they found dead cats and poussums. . .

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 07:22 PM

o.O Why did people keep drinking the water? I already drink filtered/bottled water cuse tap tastes bad.
Wow that is a very lonely life that no one noticed you were gone for a whole year o.O No one noticed she stopped answering the phone? Wasn't she like a pin up model in the 60's? I think I remember hearing about that.

O.O That's not on that horders show is it? I'll have to skip that episode. Dead people and such no problem but dead cats? I can't deal with that

Mystic is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 07:35 PM

It's so sad to hear about hoarders. It's even sadder when people that are close to them do NOTHING to help the person or the animals. It is a mental illness and a lot of people don't realize that so the problem just gets out of control. Then again, it's hard to get someone who is a legal adult help if they don't want it.

Yesterday, I found a dead opossum in my basement. It was only down there for about two days. I accidentally left the door open one night and I'm guessing that's when he got in there. I found him when I was trying to find out what was stinking up our basement. I think it was the same opossum that I found inside my kitchen in my trash can. I still have no idea how it got in there though.

Gin Oshira
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Old 08-18-2011, 08:40 PM

I`m certain he had a good little life.
What kind of fishy was he? ;c R.I.P.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 02:41 AM

@Birdie: I don't know. :XD And it may not be exactly for 'drinking', but more like, the gurgling type for when they're brushing their teeth? :lol:

@Mystic: Poor opossum...:o;; A lot of creatures have a knack of getting into places we have no idea how they managed to. :sweat:

@Gin: Uhh...they were the type of fishies that other people often buy as food for other bigger types of fishes...:XD;; So I got them for free. :P They're quite pretty though.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 09:16 PM

on the topic of animals in strange places
my kitty loves to sleep in drawers, not just the sock drawer like the silver wear and such! There always closed and I have no clue how she weasels in there


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