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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 08:37 PM

Katie giggled at the interaction between the two male teachers. "Percy- I mean, Percival.. please just let it go and go on with whatever your doing. I don't think the students want to hear your little hissy fit." She said, smirking slightly. She understood little German. She had took it in high school so she only knew basic things, though she was fluent in French and Spanish. She would've offered to be the french teacher as well as Art, but alas she had no degree for French. Just Art and as a side she also could teacher Music, though she didn't think she would want to teach two classes.

Katie's blue eyes looked over all the teachers and sighed, leaning back against the stage that Percival was speaking on. "Whens the head master going to be here? We could've given them the speech by now.." She muttered, recalling that she herself had to read the speech in her teacher handbook so that she would know the rules and such. It had been long.. and utterly boring.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:47 PM

[Omg...I just noticed that Pervical's picture is SEBAS-CHAN!! xD]

Cherie sat down in the front, near the middle. The teachers were having what looked like a fun conversation. "Hmm..." Looking around the auditorium, she scanned the faces to all of the people. There was a girl that looked probably smaller than she really was, and was wearing a ladybug clip. She reminded her of a five year old for some reason. Sitting back in her seat and sighing, she propped her head up on one hand and waited for the headmaster to arrive.

Kole appeared suddenly behind the teachers in his spy-like way. He'd been trained to do that, after all. "Heyy, guys!" He hoped that didn't shock them too much, since he'd tried that on students before and they ended up falling on their faces. "Percy! When are we starting those speeches? The students are getting bored. Already. And they haven't even heard the speech yet." Kole had read the speech many times before, and it was long, dry, and seriously needed some humor.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 01:48 AM

Katie turned, not very surprised at the mans sudden appearance and grinned a little. "If their like me at all they'll end up falling asleep.. their just lucky they didn't have to read it! At least they can tune the headmaster out.." She mumbled, looking at the other teachers. So far she knew none of their names. She just remembered what classes they taught from the headmasters pointing at them and telling her. "Hello, I'm Katie Marquet. I teach Art." She said to the player man that suddenly appeared by the teachers. "And you teach Government mr...?" She asked, not finishing since she had no clue what his name was.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:58 AM

"Van Duelson." Kole replied, an automatic answer. "Or just Mr. Duelson, or Kole, or Van..." He scrunched up his face a bit. "I don't like Van though, it sounds like I'm a automobile or something." Kole remembered the time a few years ago, when he had first started teaching at the boarding school. Some students had asked if they could call him Van. That year was not good. People were constantly going up to him just to say, "Honk." and then run away giggling like little schoolgirls. Just the thought of it made Kole wince. Then, he smiled a bit. "Did you notice yet how most of the teachers are...?" He trailed off, knowing that Katie probably knew what he meant by that. When Kole started teaching, the teachers were actually worse, flirting right in front of students.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 02:08 AM

Katie laughed quietly. "Thanks i'll just call you Kole. Van sounds like i'm talking about a car or shoes." She nodded a little."Yes i've seen how the teachers..act and look." She said, looking towards a few of the female teachers. "At least the German teacher doesn't seem too interested in the students in that sort of way.. but you in the other hand have the girls at your heels." She joked. Her blue eyes glancing over at a few teenage girls glaring in her direction for talking with the Government teacher.

"Though I'm not one to judge.." She said, giving a small smile. "If they or you think its fun to have flings with the students then have fun, I just would rather have someone my own age. I'm not really fond of boys who are either just going through puberty or just got out of it." She said, looking to Kole with a sly smile.
Maybe this man wasn't a player like she thought.. he acted nice, though looks could be deceiving.

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Old 04-01-2011, 03:07 AM

With a blank expression on his face, Percival said, "We start after the headmaster whenever he'll (or she'll) grace us with his presence." And it better be soon. If this went on any longer, the students would start getting rowdy, adn they'd have a real problem on their hands.

Kyoko sighed. She was bored out of her mind. She could have been late, and no one would have cared. It didnt' seem like they were starting anytime soon, and she didn't bring anything with to keep her entertained. She stood up and shouted, "When is this stupid thing going to start? We're bored out of our minds!" Of course, she didn't care if she got in trouble. What was the worse they would do to her? Make the slutty teachers play makeover with her?

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Old 04-01-2011, 03:25 AM

Nerine glanced up as a young sounding voice reached her ears. Seeing what seemed to be a ten year old, she looked a little confused before offering a smile. "Ah, pac-man." she replied, nodding at her introduction. "Nerine Vyers." she muttered, glancing back down just in time to get eaten by a ghost. She frowned softly before shrugging it off. It wasn't like it was the end of the world. She still had two lives left. Her mind drifted to the girl next to her. Was she a super genius? She seemed so small and childish.

Derik glanced over at the new teacher before shrugging. It would have passed the time to argue a bit with Percival. Of course, she was slightly right. It wouldn't be professional if the two started arguing. He smirked at Kole, nodding. He was more or less used to him popping up at random intervals. "Whenever the headmaster graces us with his presence, it's going to be the next day." he said, almost rolling his eyes. He went to sit down and rest up. Hearing a girl yell, he grinned softly. "And commotion number one starts." he muttered before looking at Percival. "Well, are you going to answer her?" he asked, not feeling in the mood to argue with a student so soon.

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puppetmaster999 is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 08:13 PM

Dimitri looked up when he heard something shouted about when it was starting. He saw a girl-- well he thought it was a girl-- standing up. She must be the source of the yelling. He didn't know if the person was a girl because he didn't interacts with them very much at the hospital all the nurses and doctors at the hospital that interacted with him were men. He started to here more kids yell the same thing, about being bored and when the dean was coming. he just kept his head down.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 09:59 PM

Shizu sort of scrunched her nose up in thought when the girl, Nerine, had said she was playing Pac-man. "Isn't that like, really old?" she asked innocently, being completely serious. "Don't you have anything newer?" Personally, I'd rather draw, but I thought this would be quick, and left my drawing pad in the dorm."

Shizu could tell the girl was a little confused by her size, as she was quite used to the reaction. "I'm fourteen," she said, hoping to ease the girl's confusion, though she couldn't help but wonder when she would find out her lips didn't move.

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Old 04-02-2011, 04:22 AM

Percival sighed, "I guess I have to do everything around here. If I were able to teach multiple classes at once, you'd all be out of jobs." He walked to the front of the stage to get a better look at who had shouted their complaint. He found the girl standing in the back. "Well miss, if you are that bored, we may prolong this some more. How would you enjoy that?"

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 04-03-2011, 06:27 PM

Cherie watched as one of the teachers started talking back to the girl who had shouted out. Wrinkling her nose, she slide down a bit lower in her seat and then sat back up immediately because her short skirt was starting to ride up. There were plenty of questions she had about this place, but the main question was, why are most of the slutty?

"Girls at my heels? Yeah, that's true." Kole scanned the student audience, spotting each female student light up like a lightbulb as he looked at them. "You can blame my parents for that." He looked at some of the female teachers. One of them was sporting boobs obviously fake. "But I'm not so sure about some of the other teachers, most of them look like they've gotten plastic surgery more than once." Kole had never really noticed how...slutty the teachers here were. A couple of girls he'd talked to often were glaring at Katie for talking to him. Chuckling, he waved at them. "It looks like you've got enemies already, Katie."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 06:39 PM

She gave a small laugh. "Enemies on my first day just for talking to their eye candy." She said, smirking at Kole. "Well they won't have to worry about me being with you, I don't date fellow workers, unless their something worth while." She said, glancing around. "And so far.. there's not much of them here showing that their any better than the female teachers." She said, smiling a little. "Well, I'm sure it's nice to have underaged girls at your heels.. if you like that sort of thing, but I prefer people that are my age." She said, thinking it odd for ANY teacher to want to sleep with a student. And a bit on the disgusting side. "So.. do all teachers have to be at this stupid assembly thing? Every teachers heard it before. So what would happen if I were to just walk out?" She asked with a small grin. She looked around at the other teachers, nodding at what Kole said. "Wow, your right." She replied to his remark of the plastic surgery. Fortunately Katie would never need that, nor want it.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 04-03-2011 at 08:29 PM..

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Old 04-04-2011, 07:39 PM

(Since we don't have a headmaster...)

*headmaster walks in, says his half hour speech, leaves*

Percival looked to the other teachers. "Katie, since you're new, you get to go first." His speech was more on the rules of the school, so every year he always went last. Force it into the memories of the students by all means possible. And by possible, ways that wouldn't end up in a lawsuit.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 07:53 PM

Katie bit her lip. "First on what?" She asked, wide eyed. No one had mentioned she had to say anything! She looked towards 'Percy' with a frightened expression. "no one told me that I was supposed to have something prepared.." She started, looking down to her black high heels and blue painted toe nails. She then looked at her hands nervously, thinking of what to say if she was made to go up.

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Old 04-12-2011, 04:22 AM

Percival smirked devillishly. "Make something up then." He always enjoyed others not being prepared, making mistakes, and messing up. He stood where he was with his arms crossed. He was prepared. He always was prepared. One had to be prepared for everything. If they weren't, well, things could go the wrong way.

xMusicNotes is offline
Old 04-12-2011, 04:27 AM

Ryuu sighed and looked at a nearby wall clock, Great he was late..just great. His father had dropped him off an hour after the required time; He had just arrived at his dorm(green dorm), and there was already some luggage in there. Ryuu grinned, He already had a roommate! perfect. He placed his bags softly on one of the beds and quickly headed towards the auditorium. He quietly snuck in as the teacher spoke,"Make something up then." ,. He sneakily made his way near the front and sat down beside a girl playing a video game.
Ryuu glanced at the two girls beside him, He was surprised by the girl who looked like a middle schooler and He was amused by the girl playing...Pac-man? "Uhmm.. Hey, sorry to disturb you but.. My name's Ryuu and I was wondering if i missed anything? I Came a little late." He whispered softly to the girl with light brown hair and blue shirt.

( I guess this is a way to jump in..?)

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Old 04-13-2011, 06:27 PM

She almost smiled, nodding when the girl asked if Pac-man was old. "It is, but I like it.. It came with the phone, and I didn't want to buy any new games." she explained, shrugging lightly. She did prefer the older style games. "Would Snake count as newer than pac-man?" she asked, tilting her head. She didn't know. When the girl said she'd rather draw, it was a surprise. Nerine herself couldn't draw. Unless stick figures counted. "Fourteen? Sorry, you must be thought of as younger all the time." she muttered, chuckling. The clothes didn't help at all. She was about to continue, but the headmaster started to speak. She listened in most of the way, but somewhere into it, she drifted off and grew bored.

Noticning a boy slip in late, she glanced up at the teachers, who didn't seem to notice the late arrival. She nodded in a hello. At least, there weren't more people talking to her. She was trying not to be so damn shy about talking to new people. After a moment to think if he had missed anything important, she shook her head. "You missed an incredibly dull speech, and waiting time. Nothing much." she explained lowly, not wanting to get caught by the teachers.

( xMusicNotes: we replied.:3 )

Last edited by Ascadellia; 04-16-2011 at 01:39 AM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 12:09 AM

Katie sighed and glanced at the other teachers, then made her way to the stage. Once at the top she cleared her throat. "Um.. Hello, I'm the new art teacher here. Mrs Burns, the old teacher hit the dirt- I mean, retired.. so I got her position once I graduated art school." She said, giving a small smile, looking to her black shoes. "My names Mrs. Marquet to those of you I haven't already spoken with.. and I hope that I will be a much better teacher than Mrs. Burns. I also hope you'll all learn to love art as much as I do." She said, smiling and wuickly leaving the stage. She quickly glared at Percival and went back by the other teachers. "I did horrible.." She muttered, yelling at herself mentally for not coming up with something better.

Angelo is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 12:56 AM

"Yeah, I get that a lot. And when you're this small, older kid clothing doesn't fit," Shizu explained, her face taking on the appearance of a pout at the end. She was about to say more when the Headmaster began speaking, and so, obediently turned to listen, despite how boring it was.

"Anything you missed can be found in the assignment book," Shizu said, adding to Nerine's previous statement. "I'm Shizu by the way. It's nice to meet you, Ryuu." Honestly, she was liking having people to talk to, especially ones who didn't judge her without getting to know her and label her a freak. It was sort of refreshing to meet someone who didn't care. Unfortunately, the speech had been long enough that Shizu had peed at least once, though she felt like it had been long enough for her to have had to go more than that. Hopefully, no one would smell the urine, though changing with all the people in her dorm and whatnot would be pretty challenging.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 04-14-2011, 01:40 AM

"Oh, Katie. That was fine. Every teacher does bad their first year on introductions." Kole was waving his arms around to show that all of them had made fools of themselves in front of the school before. "Besides, mine was probably worse. I was wearing tight-in-the-ass skinny jeans." He winced at the mere memory. "Ouch, you have no idea how much they hurt." Looking out at the stage, he saw some students getting restless already. "I'll go next..."

Kole took center stage, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey guys! Welcome to another year here at boarding school if you are a returning student, and if you're new, just make yourself at home!" He winked at a couple of the students just to show off. "As you probably know already, I'm the Government teacher, Mr. van Duelson." Kole crossed his well-muscled arms across his chest. "See ya!" He gave a curt little wave as he walked back to the rest of the teachers.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 01:46 AM

Katie giggled at his remark about tight in the ass skinny jeans and watched his speech. When he returned she smirked. "Well you've definetly learned how to make good speeches. You grabbed all the girl's attentions within seconds." She smiled. At the sight of how he had showed off his muscles she couldn't help but think him attractive, so she looked to her shoes, not wanting her eyes to give away the fact she had been staring. "Do we still have to stick around once were done with our speeches? I still have a few things to unpack for my first art class." She said, looking back up at him.

Scarlett sat in the back and grimaced when she realized each teacher was going to be giving speeches. She ran her hand through her hair quickly and noticed the new art teacher giggling with the Government teacher and rolled her eyes. She looked over to her friend Ace who sat beside her and stared at the teachers as well. He looked pretty bored in Scarlett's eyes. She nudged him when she saw his eyes droop asleep. "Wake up sleepy head!" She whispered.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 04-17-2011 at 01:11 PM..

xMusicNotes is offline
Old 04-17-2011, 09:29 AM

Ryuu sighed with relief, " Thanks, and nice to meet you two...Shizu and..." Ryuu paused and stared at the girl right next to him. He didn't know her name but he hoped he would tell her soon, but for the meantime Ryuu shifted his body to face the front. He was quite amused at the teachers but kept silent and listened. A question then popped into his head and He once again faced the two girls. " What color dorms are you two in?" He asked with a silly grin.

(Sorry, ;] )

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Old 04-19-2011, 12:38 AM

Nerine tilted her head. "Can't you modify them or something?" she asked curiously. Sometimes her parents made her some clothes, or altered things often. Maybe she could alter or make other clothes fit better on her. She nodded a bit at the male before blinking. It was then she realized that she hadn't even said her name. Giving an apologetic smile, she replied. "Ah. My name is Nerine. As for my dorm, it's the green dorm." Her eyes went back to the stage from time to time as to not try and miss much. Not that it seemed So important. Just introductions.

Derik smirked a bit at their introductions. "He usually does." he stated before he then stepped up next and smiled a bit at the students. "Well, some of you know me as well. I am Derik Strad and I teach a few different classes. The main one being German, followed by Concert Band and English." he said before smirking. Usually half of his classes were taken by girls, and a few of them dropped out during the first week since he didn't mess around. "Hope to see some of you in my class." With that, he stepped back and looked at the Arts teacher. "You have to stay for the rest of the introductions. You'll have time to unpack."
(Angelo: aaand, xMusicNotes: posties when you can? x.x; I feel kinda bad for bothering you two. ^ ^' lol )

Last edited by Ascadellia; 04-27-2011 at 05:01 AM..

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Old 04-19-2011, 08:29 PM

Naomi stepped up to the front of the stage and looked around at the students. "The name's Naomi Watson, but you all may call me Ms. Watson. I teach the glorious class of World History. I also do some after school activities like girls' basketball. Have a fun year, everyone," she said with a wink. She walked over to the other teachers.

Percival smirked when Katie glared at him. He enjoyed seeing others suffer and mess up. Now it was his turn. "You are to call me Mr. Michaels. I teach Academic and Honours Pre-Calculus. Now for the rules that should be followed at all times. Curfew is at 10pm, lights out at 11pm. Students aren't allowed out of their rooms until 6am, so I suggest you use the facilities before curfew. Guards will be checking in on the students throughout the night. Students are prohibited from the teacher's wing. No student is allowed in the basement of the school unless need be. For example, tornadoes. You are to arrive to class on time. Three tardies will result in detention. Six in ISS, and nine in OSS or to you, never leaving your dorms. There is a dress code for a reason. No revealing of cracks, butt or otherwise. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh in length or longer, and all shirts must have sleeves that cover shoulders. Anything with profanity, suggestive meanings, drugs, alcohol, or anything of the like are banned. Bellies are to be covered. You will be expelled with any acts of 'making out' or having intercourse. Weapons will get you expelled. So will possession of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products." He grabbed a stack of papers. "Now we will fill out our schedules." He walked out into the aisle and past smaller stacks of papers across the rows.

HTML Code:
[CENTER]Schedule Form:[/CENTER]
Kyoko took one of the pieces of paper and began filling out the classes she wanted. There were some many of them to choice from that she hoped she could decide on which ones.
Schedule Form:
Day 1
Day 2
Home Ect-1
3-World History
5-Animal Science
Mear and Food Science-5
Small Gas Engines-6
Concert Band-7
8-Honours Calculus

Setsurou looked up when a pile of papers made their way in front of his face. He took one of the top and past it on to the boy sitting next to him. "Here you go." He quickly filled out the form with ease. He knew what classes he wanted and which he didn't.
Schedule Form:
Day 1
Day 2
Psycology of Music-2
3-World History
English V-3
5-Business Math
Small Gas Engines-6
Concert Band-7
8-Music Technologies

Last edited by flamethrower1391; 04-19-2011 at 08:52 PM..

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puppetmaster999 is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 11:34 PM

Dimitri looked at the paper the bboy had passed to him. He had no idea what to pick, so he basically just put things in time slots. He did know that he liked music, and math, so he signed up for those classes. He tried to get as far away from the Mr. Michaels as much as possible, but he taught Honours Pre-calc so he was going to have to take his class.

Schedule Form:
Day 1
Day 2
1- Hnrs Pre-Calculus
2- Reading
World History -2
3- English
4- Japanese
5- Psychology
Physics -5
6- Chemistry
Italian -6
7- Chorus
Concert Band-7
8- Music Tech.
Statistics -8


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