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The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-16-2010, 01:00 AM

Andre was interested in the drawings on the cave walls. He smiled at her as she showed him her little cave. "It's quite cozy." He said. And it was cozy, a lot more so than he ever thought a cave could be. He had never been in one that was made to look like a home. "I never been in a cave that was so inviting as this." He said as he stepped inside the cave and looked around. He had always been in dark and creepy caves that smelled like death or something else rotton. And there was always something inside trying to kill him.

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Old 10-16-2010, 08:14 AM

"Thank you..." she looked at him with a smile. She looked around. "I will have to set up a place for you sleep..." she walked over to the fire, stirring it to bring it back to life. The fire danced in her eyes, lighting them up. They seemed to almost glow in the light; every flicker casting a deep reflection that seemed for ever forever. Her eyes had no pupils to speak of, but instead shone this bright pink colour. From what she could remember, she got them from her Father. He had the same eyes, and the same colour hair, but it was her Mother's curls that she inherited. Without the wind, her hair laid in long soft beach wave curls around her face and down her back.

Tzipporah turned her attention back to the Drow in front of her. He was still admiring the paintings along the wall. "You know, most of these were done before I came to this place. I did not want to disturb them. The drawings seem so peaceful together..."

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-17-2010, 06:42 AM

Andre smirked at her. "Ah, I can't share a bed with you? It'll be much warmer." He said, joking and wiggling his eyebrows at her. He watched her back, her hair in little curls that ran down her delicate back. They looked so soft and inviting he wanted to touch them. He started to reach out to touch her hair, his breath catching in his throat. When she turned around to face him, he dropped his hand, something lustful and confused flashing in his eyes. His playful face returned, all charming smiles and bright eyes. He turned and extamined the drawings, they were interesting. "I wonder what they are and mean." He pondered as he looked at them, trying not to touch them. "I wouldn't want to disturb them either." He said, giving her a sideways glance and smirk.

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Old 10-18-2010, 07:41 AM

She smiled softly, looking up at him. "Oh sleeping with me? On the first date? You are cute, but not that cute. Nice try though." She gave him a small grin and she stood up, walking over to her bed and flopping over in it. The leaves were comfortable enough, and she had collected moss for a make shift mattress. For her who had never known anything else it was the most comfortable bed ever.

She watched him had he looked over the drawings. The more she looked at him, the more the image of him without clothing on would pop into her head. It made her blush, thinking about the water dripping down his beautifully sculpted body. How his hair ran down and along his back... She zoned out for a minute, blushing harder and harder the longer she thought. Worst part was she was continually staring at Andre.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-18-2010, 08:47 AM

Andre chuckled as she called him cute. He had continued to study the drawings, trying to figure out what they were trying to convey. He hadn't noticed that she was laying on her bed, the drawings had caught his attention. After a few moments, however, his head began to ache. He shook it, his silver hair shaking behind him. He turned and caught her laying there staring at him. He put his hands on his hips and smirked at her, enjoying the way she had a dazed, daydreaming look on her face. He moved towards her, slowly, waiting to see her reaction.

"Now, now, Darling, what are you envisioning?" He asked, leaning over her. His long hair fell forward, the tips barely touching her face. She was adorable the way she lay on her bed, daydreaming.

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Old 10-18-2010, 08:56 AM

Tzipporah hadn't realized he had moved until he was standing right over her. She thought she was red before; it was nothing compared to now. Her first reaction was to sit up and protest. "Nothing! I wasn't picturing --" He sentence stopped dead when she realized sitting up had brought her a mere breath away from his face. She almost felt her breathing come to a complete stop. She gazed for a moment into his eyes. The mystery behind them drew her in to them. She felt like she could get lost in them.

Turning away, she looked back to the fire; a lock of her hair brushing against his face.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-18-2010, 09:18 AM

When she sat up, something turned up inside him. As they looked into each other's eyes, Andre almost reached out to her again. Something about this woman made him feel something that he had never felt before. He couldn't understand it, he hadn't known her all that long. Her eyes were enchanting and spellbinding, he felt himself falling in them as he stared into them. He wanted to kiss her long and hard as their faces were so near to each other. Her lips were pink and damp, looking so inviting. He licked his bottom lip as he studied her face, her lushous lips and bright eyes. It was enough to drive a man wild with passion.

The spell broke when she turned away from him, her soft hair brushing his cheek slightly. He cleared his throat and straighten up. He moved a few feet away from her bed, trying to give her space. He may be a flirt and a playboy, but he wasn't one to force himself on anyone. "So..I'll sleep over here?" He asked moving to a cleared space on the floor. He looked around for something to make a bed out of.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 10-18-2010, 09:28 AM

Tzipporah's heart almost sank when she heard him say he was sleeping somewhere else. She turned to look at him, a hurt glazing over her eyes before she caught self and changed her expression. "Y-yes... I suppose there is good." Her voice choked in her throat at first and came out as a small squeak. She cleared her throat, looking at him, He had been so close to her. It almost seemed unreal to her. She had barely known him but already she was willing to and wanted to kiss him. Her want was almost powerful enough to be considered a longing.

She had never kissed a man before, so the thought of maybe kissing one frightened yet excited her.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-18-2010, 09:38 AM

Andre thought he saw longing in her face maybe even a little disappointment. He made him grin a little to himself. He was a bit disappointed that she hadn't offered her bed to him. "Are you sure you don't wish for me to share your bed with you?" He asked her as he gathered leaves and such to make himself a bed to lay upon. He wasn't joking as much as he would have been if he hadn't seen what he thought he did. He really didn't want to sleep alone, but he couldn't tell her that, not yet. Once he had gathered enough leaves to make a somehwat comfy looking bed, he removed his shirt and boots, keeping his pants on since he had no undergarments and laid down. He tucked his arms under his head and looked over at her. "Well..good night." he said.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 10-18-2010, 09:46 AM

Tzipporah had no idea how to answer him. She wanted him to sleep next to her, she wanted his heat against he skin, but she could not simply tell him that. It would sound cheesy and make her more embarrassed then she already was. Once her removed his shirt and laid down and she thought he was sleeping, she couldn't help herself. She carefully got up, not wanting to make a sound, and before she knew exactly what she was doing, she was sitting down beside him. Not facing him however, her back was turned to him. She had reacted on instinct. When she figured out where she was she didn't know whether to move or not. Obvious excuse would have been that she couldn't sleep, and it would have passed, but what then?

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-18-2010, 10:29 AM

Andre wasn't sleeping, but had his eyes somewhat closed. He could still see her, probably better than she could see him. His night vision made it easy to see her, her body heat lighting up the darkness like a fire. He watched her get up and move towards him. He almost held his breath as he drew near. As she laid next to him, he pretended to roll over on his side in his sleep, throwing an arm across her. He snuggled closer to her, still pretending to sleep and inhaled her earthly scent. She smelled of fresh air and trees, it was the best scent he had ever smelled on a woman. He then began to fall asleep with her there next to him.

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Old 10-19-2010, 12:59 AM

She let out a small gasp when he moved and his arm was around her, but the warmth he brought to her was unimaginable. She smiled as she drifted off into sleep. That night she dreamt of their meeting. She dreamt what might have happened had she went into the water with him. The blissful feeling she might have experienced. The dream was short lived, but it was one of the best dreams she had ever had.

She woke up with a smile on her face. He was still asleep, however she had clearly shifted in her sleep. She woke up laying almost on top of him. She blushed, looking at him. He was so peaceful when he slept. She smiled when she saw him sleeping. She moved slightly trying not to wake him. She carefully wiggled herself out of him arms and got up. She stretched and yawned, looking out at the morning. It was still heavily raining outside.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-19-2010, 02:12 AM

Andre had wonderful dreams that night, dreams that would make even the loosest woman blush. He felt stirring by his side and he goaned a little in his sleep, not waiting from his sweet dreams. He started to feel a bit cooler than before which caused him to open his eyes. He saw that Tzip was standing at the front of the cave, looking out. He got up, rubbing his face. He went and stood behind her, putting his hands up so that his palms were on the lower part of the cave opening and her head. "Morning, there beautiful." He said.

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Old 10-19-2010, 02:40 AM

She turned around and saw Andre standing close behind her. It gave her a small fright for a moment seeing as she was not completely expecting him to be there. She then grinned. "Good morning sunshine. You seemed to sleep well." He voice was calm; she wasn't sure if he had known she slept beside him that night. She continued to hold her gaze on him, her eye held an almost innocent glint to them.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Kiwi_x_Pop is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 05:35 AM

He grinned at her, knowing that she couldn't keep herself from her. "So you seemed to have slept as well as I did. I hope I didn't snore too loudly for you." He said, needing to move away from her. He was tempted to take her in his arms, to kiss her and hold her close. But they had just met, he couldn't let himself give in to passion, not yet. Not until he knew for sure what was going to happen between them. He trusted her, which was strange, he rarely trusted a female. He wanted to trust her completely, but he knew that was foolish on his part. For all he knew she could be some sort of she-demon who ate travellers who stumbled upon her home. "So what's the plan for today?" He asked her, moving away and leaning against the side wall near the opening of the cave.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
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Old 10-19-2010, 05:40 AM

She watched him move away from her. Her eyes saddened slightly as her lips parted to protest, but she remained silent. When he changed the subject, she was glad. "Well, considering its raining, and I have never fully explored these caves would you maybe like to do that?" She smiled, walking towards the fire. "Accidently", she lightly brushed against him as she walked past him. She was having a bit of fun with him. He seemed like the type who she could tease and would tease her back, and she loved it.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-19-2010, 06:15 AM

Andre thought he caught a flicker of disappointment on her face when he had moved away. When she brushed by him, he smiled at her. She was teasing him with her lushous body, he thougt. He would have to tease her a bit more. He pushed the thought aside and thought about her offer. "Sounds fun. I'm used to expoloring caves and such." He said. It was true, he did explore caves and such most of his life. In fact his kingdom was underground, the city of the drows laid betneath the surface, plotting and scheming in the darkness. "I was an adventurere once, that's how I got myself here." He said, pulling on his shirt. It was a mere leather tunic under a light chainmail shirt. It gave him protection and allowed him to move freely and without making a lot of sound. Andre had turned to mercnary and rogue work when he went to the surface world, the underdark wasn't much of a place for him. He tugged on his leather boots, and made sure his leg dagger was in place. He stood, strapping on his double simictars.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 09:28 AM

She smiled, picking up a random log from the fire and using it as a torch. "Good, then you won't be completely useless after all. I suppose I won't eat you like I did the others..." she said with a wink and grin. She held the torch high up above her head. Looking into the back of the cave, she started walking towards it. On her way, she grabbed her staff. She had no idea how far most of the cave went. To be honest she was actually claustrophobic, and being alone in the caves as the narrowed terrified her. At least with him there if something happened, he could help her get out.

She continued to walk down the winding cave. Stalagmites hung from the ceiling above them, and water dripping down from them. Every once and a while they would pass a narrow hallway, but Tzipporah hurried away from them. Instead she kept moving forwards. It came to a point were they reached a fork. Several bat cave surging from one hallway, giving her a fright. Instinctively, she grabbed on to Andre and held on until they were gone.

She then let him go just as fast as she had grabbed onto him. Her face flushed a bright pink. She didn't want to look up at him since embarrassment was clearly present in her eyes. Instead she stood there, waiting for him to say something.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-19-2010, 10:53 PM

Andre chuckled as she clung to him. He moved past her, brushing her arm softly with his as he did. "So, scared of the dark are you?" He said, his eyes hurt a little for moving back and forth between day and night vision. He took the lead, able to see the way. "Don't worry, little beauty, I'll protect you." He said, glancing back at her. He lead them down the right fork, looking all around the caves. It was cool and damp inside, the gound and rocks slippery with moisture. "Hmm.. I wonder how deep these go and what lies within it." He pondered aloud.

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Old 10-20-2010, 03:06 AM

"I do not know how deep they go," she said as she walked close behind him. When the bat had frightened her, she had dropped the torch, so now stayed very close to Andre. She hated the dark, even if she was a demon. Nothing good ever came out of the darkness. She was a skilled enough fighter, but she had never had any actual training, so she had her weak points, and those scared her. Her eyes had a hard time adjusting to the dark. Normally the needed some form of light to see crystal clearly, but there wasn't even a hope of light down here. She needed to rely on her other senses to get around, and there were not nearly as fine turned as her vision. Every once and a while she would reach out and take hold of Andre's arm, until eventually she just held onto it and did not let go.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-21-2010, 12:30 AM

Andre smiled to the darkness as she finally held onto him. He rather liked it, most women he adventured with were the tough and tumble kinds. It was nice to have a woman who wasn't tough all the time. He kept her close to him, looking up around the passage's walls and ceiling. It seemed to be getting wide the further they go, it would probably open up into a large cavern. "Don't worry, it seems like this way will open up pretty soon." He said as he tugged her along with him.

He was right, the passageway opened up into a large cavern. He could see through the darkness that the walls had about six scones for fires attached. "I'll be right back, don't move." He said as he let go of her. He paused for a moment, not wanting to leave her there. He moved on and went to the first scone, holding his hand over it. He muttered some words in drow, a burst of purple light came from his hand and ignited the scone. He did the same for each of the scones on the walls. Soon the room was lit with purple farie fire which faded from purple to blue to reds. It gave the room an eerie glow it to, casting strange shadows about it. Andre went back to Tzip, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You alright?" He asked, worried more for her than what may be in the room.

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Old 10-21-2010, 01:37 AM

As they reached an opening, she started to relax. The was still dark, but at least if wasn't cramped. She nodded when he told her to stay put. She didn't particularly like being alone in the dark, however she also knew Andre would not leave her alone for lone. At the same time, she wondered if he might take advantage of her fear of the dark and jump her there. She still did not full trust him, but so far her had not been untrustworthy, so she pushed the thought aside.

She heard quiet whispers coming from one side of the cave. It was a language she did not recognize. When a purple flame lit the scone, she smiled softly. She had excellent vision in low lighting, so she did not mind. As he light the rest of the scone, it became more and more light. Instantly she was at ease. She looked up at him with a grin. "Of course, I am fine." She smiled. She had to seem a little tough; he had already seen her weaknesses.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-21-2010, 04:28 AM

Andre felt himself smile at her automatically. It was a strange thing, for a woman to make him smile like that. Usually he hid behind a false mask of kindness, his smile fake and forced. When he was around her, it was easy to smile. It was making him a little crazy to think about, so he shrugged the feeling off. He turned from her, looking around the room. It had high walls and ceiling. Across from the where they had entered was what looked to be a large alter of some sorts, all the corners of the room were covered in spiderwebs. Andre didn't like the looks of that, he hated spiders. Always had, he was punished once for saying so as a child. A drow should never hate spiders, it was a crime against the Goddess Lolth. Andre scoffed at that thought. "We should be careful, there may be spiders around here." He said as he explored the room.

Andre went up to the alter to get a better look, it just seemed familiar to him for some reason. As he examined it, there was something hanging from the shadows of the ceiling. He wasn't paying attention when a large spider with black legs and a green body with purple spots dropped down atop of him. "Ahh!" He called out as the spider hissed and tried to bite him. Andre tried to roll away from the beast, but one it's large legs had him pinned to the ground. He pulled out at least one of his scimitars, his arms were free so he tried to hack at the spider. He was able to chop off one leg, freeing himself. As he rolled out from under the spider, it swooped down and bit him. "Fuck!" He cursed as he moved away from the spider. It had gotten him in the arm, he could feel the posion starting to move through him. He would have to work quick in order to kill the spider before the posion spread even further.

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Old 10-21-2010, 05:57 AM

Tzipporah looked around the alter, her eyes wide with excitement. It was gorgeous in here; she would have to bring enough lighting to get back here on her own. When he mentioned spiders was the first time she notice all of the cobwebs. She gave him a nod, looking around the room. She hadn't noticed something in the dark until she heard Andre's cry out. She turned and saw a giant spider. Before she knew what was happening Andre had been bitten.

She held onto her staff and swung it, hitting the spider hard in the side. It turned its attention towards Tzip. She growled at it, her tail flicking wildly behind her. The spider moved to attack her but was only met with another hard blow to the head. Tzipporah was faster then the spider, and before long she had hit it enough times to the stopped moving. When she was sure it was dead, she rushed back to Andre's side.

She examined his wound. It was deep, and the poison would be spreading fast. She needed to get him back to the camp where she could treat it, but she didn't know if there was time for that. "Hold still." Her voice was assertive and much more aggressive than normal. She grabbed a hold of his arm, and put her lips to the wound. She then began to draw the poison from his blood, or at least as much of it as she could get.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 10-22-2010, 03:04 AM

Andre watched as Tzip fought the spider, he had never seen someone who moved faster than one, besides himself. He liked the way she fought, it was assgerive and a little wild, but not like a barbarian would fight. He never really been a fighting style quite like hers. He could feel his arm become numb and heavy as she defeated the spider. "I'm glad you were able to defeat that thing." He said, spitting at the dead body of the spider.

Andre fell to one knee as she came over to him to check his wound. His mind started to get hazy and his vision blurry. He felt a shockingly pleasurable tingle as Tzip bent and put her lips on his arm, covering his wound with her soft and warm mouth. He propped himself up with his scimitar, trying to keep himself focus. He didn't realize that she was trying to suck as much of the posion out as she could. "Heeey... that feels good..." He slurred a little, the posion making him feel a little drunk.

Last edited by Kiwi_x_Pop; 10-22-2010 at 03:06 AM..


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