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monstahh` is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:56 AM

I met my special someone on a webforum about harvest moon
he was the admin and the pic on his profile was cute so i half-stalked him for like a couple months before i got the balls to talk to him in PMs

got his msn
we talked
i crushed
4 years later we started dating. 83
and now i lives with him :heart:

Estians is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:59 AM

I met mine when I was 14 and was on an online chat site~ He was always funny and mean to lots of people but he would put something kind at the end~ After about a year I gave him an email and asked how he was and after he first told me how he felt...we have been unseperatable since. I havent met him offline yet but next year he's coming here :3 We have talked through phone and webcams and I just love him so much... I feel kinda down alot and he's always there to cheer me up. He was my support when I had an ex bashing me and abused my mental health, but my love told me it wasnt my fault and cheered me up and made my confidence grow enough that I went to the cops and put an abuse report on my ex and now he's in jail. My Michael tells me everyday of my life how much he loves me...And I feel ontop of the world <3

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Old 02-11-2010, 12:01 PM

:heart: I met my love in high school of 06' :hug:
we hung out in different groups so we never got to know each other
just said hi and shyly smiled whenever we crossed paths.
After we graduated we lost touch for awhile,
then he got my number from a friend and we started texting,
in June we started dating,
but after 2 weeks our friends convinced us we werent good for each other
we broke up for about 4 days then he walked to my house
& confessed that we belonged together no matter what anyone said.
in my heart I belived the same thing & we have been together ever since.
We now live together & are going to get married in 2 years

--Lia-- is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:01 PM

Uhm,I believe in love between people and animal,not ppl and ppl!!!
But if I had a boyfriend,I would see him on my class and try my best to get his attention !!!!
Anyway,I like your story White River ^^
Hope I could find my true love someday

Ostara is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 04:39 PM

Well I met my boyfriend at upper secondary school. We were at the same class. The second year we were having a dance show and I asked him to be my dance partner. During practicing for the dance show we became familiar with each other and started to like each other. That was it and upcoming Tuesday we have been together for tree years now. I love him very much ^^

Skullushka is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 04:39 PM

I met mine the first day I attended college. He's a year ahead of me, but he was so friendly... I wouldn't open up to anyone around that time. I lurked around, depressed out of my mind because I'd been single for nearly three years. (My last boyfriend went to Ohio to meet someone he knew for two weeks. e_e) He started hitting on me around the second week of knowing him, and me, of course being painfully lonely, let him take me out on a date. It turned out to be the cutest date I've ever had. A few years later, I've moved in with him, and we're planning on trying to teach at the same school. <3

Rosalie Thorne
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:37 PM

I met my fiance when we were in middle school. We met at our church's youth group...and I instantly despised him. I thought he was weird and creepy. We met again in high school and I became very interested in him when I saw how truly gentleman-like he was...we started dating when I was a sophomore and he was a junior...and have been together ever since. We have been dating for five years and engaged for one and a half years. :hug::kiss:

LittleFiend is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:02 PM

These stories are so cute :) I met my boyfriend at work. He became interested in me when he heard me talking about a camping vacation I went on. Specifically the line about how my friends and I didn't shower for DAYS and we were absolutely DISGUSTING because we had to wait to find rivers in order to clean up in (we only found one). I still laugh about that :)

cashuea is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:08 PM

I have never meet my love, i am not sure if their is one for me. Seems everything i do backfires in my face. Meh, love. It just hurts people. Least, that is what i feel about it.

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Old 02-11-2010, 08:12 PM

I haven't met that special someone yet. I think. I hope to meet that person in the future though ^^

Itsumou is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:38 PM

When we first met, apparently she totally thought I was a douche.
But then we had a drama class together, and she got to know me better and totally loved me. <3
After I got to know her, I loved her too. <3

Sammi is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:41 PM

My boyfriend and I met when he added me on MySpace a year and a half ago. XD He saw me on a mutual friend's top friends and wanted to add me. So, he did! We started talking and really hit it off, so I told our friend to set up a date for us. And we've been together ever since. :D It's crazy because he lives in my hometown but I had never met him before, and he was the type of person I had been looking for all along.

Wicked is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 10:03 PM

I have my someone.

We met at a gas station. I worked there and he was a "regular."
For the longest time I didn't even know his name.. in my head he was the Winston Guy because he was one of very few people who smoked Winston cigarettes. He always wore black metal T-shirts and I commented on one. Wish I could remember which one but he told me about the group and that conversation led to many, many more. Turned out we had a lot in common. Problem? We were both involved with other relationships.

We ignored how unhappy were were in those relationships.
We ignored any vibe we had going.
We tried to be friends.

I won't get into how bad the relationship I had been in really was but I finally had enough and sent the guy packing. Jason (the Winston Guy) caught me a little misty eyed at work that night. He asked what was wrong and I broke down. Thank goodness it was something like 3am and no one else was coming in the gas station then! I wasn't crying because I was sad.. I was crying because it was finally over.

A few weeks passed and we were still only friends. He was still going through the motions with the girl he was seeing. He gave me a ride home from work one morning and I left a note on the seat of his truck. Trying to be sly.

BUSTED!! He says don't forget your mess. I blurted out "that's your mess" and fled toward my front door.
I won't get into the embarrassing details but it pretty much said in a succinct little paragraph that I wrote and rewrote a hundred times that I found him insanely attractive and if it weren't for certain "loose ends" we could be together. I ended it with a line about if he wasn't into it this letter never happened and I will kill him if he mentions it.

Next day? He didn't mention it. Picked me up from work and invited me to his place because he had the new (new then) Silent Hill game. We got halfway up the steps before he said as casually as you would say "pass the salt" that he had tied up those loose ends. I almost face planted onto the steps above me. He steadied me, and then pulled me in close. We kissed.

Five years later and I'm still swoony at the memory.

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Old 02-11-2010, 10:28 PM

Aw. That's a cute story, Seph Lonehart. x3

&As for me, I like to think I've met the special someone~ actually, I've thought that on many occasions. x D

But, at the moment~ I really think so. [ Ish loves I tell chuu. : D ]
...I just never have the nerve to actually talk to him.
I wouldn't have a clue as to what to actually say, anyway. : P

...Pssh. So, I guess it'll have to stay my secret for a little longer. </3

Lacquer is offline
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:36 PM

I first met my guy in college. At first he was just my friend's friend. So he moves to Georgia and was calling my friend nearly everyday because he hadn't anyone to talk to or anything. So she tells him to call me, that I'd be happy to hear from him and even gives him my number. >_> We'll be getting married eventually.

Le Phantastique
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Old 02-12-2010, 01:47 AM

I loved reading everyone's stories!!! They are so cute! I must say, I am surprised at how many people met through the internet in some way! I've always thought it is a little weird but lately I realized that while it is true that there are creeps out there, a lot of nice poepl are out there too!!! I've met a really good friend of mien the AIM, and he;s super cool.

My special someone I met in high school. I honestly am still surprised over that, because I thought I wouldn't find my someone until much later in life! I met him in 9th grade but we started dating mid-way through tenth. He really wasn't the type of guy I pictured myself with , but as i started to get to know him more and more I realized how well we fit together. I know that while neither of us is perfect, we are perfect for each other. We have taught each other so much and helped each other gro, and last august, after nearly 6 years of dating he asked me to marry him! I said yes, of course!

We've been engaged for nearly 7 months now, and though our wedding is still abit away ( summer 2012) I'm SOO excited! We wish we could be married sooner, but since we met so young, we still have to finish school and be financially stable on our own.

And for those of you who haven't found that someone - don't stress! I know you just will! And I am glad you came here and shared with us! it's surprises me how...hostile...single people can be over Valentine's day! I Mean it must be a little sucky, but there are plenty of loved ones to be with on that day instead of being sad b/c of not having a partner! Chin up, I say!


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