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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 09-24-2018, 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Don't forget to factor in shipping costs. Gold is heavy.
Shipping costs? I'm taking it with me. It is gold, you know.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-26-2018, 11:38 AM

Then you'll have to calculate gas costs. And fitting a vehicle to withstand the weight.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 09-26-2018, 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Then you'll have to calculate gas costs. And fitting a vehicle to withstand the weight.
You're killing my profits with all of these shipping cost calculations.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-28-2018, 01:57 AM

That's where they get you ;)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-26-2018, 10:46 PM

Sadly I did not win the 1.5 billion dollar lottery. I wonder if you can multiply by 3 that lottery… my head just exploded

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 04:59 AM

Winning the lottery is probably my biggest dream at the moment.
It would solve pretty much all my problems.

Definitely would be moving to a better house as one of the first things to do after safely storing the money away.

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 01:42 AM

A pleasant dream.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 01:48 AM

I am pretty glad the winner of the 1.537 billion dollar lottery lives in South Carolina which is a place where you do not have to declare your identity upon winning such a lottery. That helps a little with the riff raff that will be crawling out of the wood work. I would be looking forward to dealing with any of my family when they knew that I had even a little bit of money.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 02:12 AM

It always boggles my mind that most lottery winners in the United States are publicly declared. It paints a huge target on their backs which no one needs.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 03:45 AM

I don't really understand why they make you go public either. There are only 8 States out of 50 that let you stay anonymous. And it's your ticket your money your life in the land of freedom go figure

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 03:59 AM

That's weird. They don't even have an option for you to choose to stay anonymous? That's pretty shitty for being the land of the 'free'.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
That's weird. They don't even have an option for you to choose to stay anonymous? That's pretty shitty for being the land of the 'free'.
We aren't "free". We never have been. We live on a tax farm.

---------- Post added 10-27-2018 at 11:04 PM ----------

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 06:23 AM

Well, that's true. I just mean it's pretty ironic given the saying and all.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 06:28 AM

Unfortunately, Stefan, the creator of this video, is an atheist, and this keeps him from either knowing what happened to our minds as brought up early in this video, or denying it by way of omission. The "something special that happened to our minds" can be found in Genesis 3:22. This is when God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden for partaking of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Their partaking of this fruit gave them the knowledge of good and evil. This knowledge has corrupted mankind ever since and is why the world has become the way it is.

The Story of Your Enslavement is, I feel, an accurate telling of the evolution of man's bent toward greed and dominance over his fellow man. I hope you will watch this video with an open mind.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 10:59 AM

I'm not Christian (or any variety of the religion thereof) so I can only take that with a pinch of salt at best.

I didn't watch the video when I made that post, though I did watch a few minutes of it just now, but the topic is a little too heavy so I skipped the rest. The first few minutes that I watched makes sense.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 07:17 PM

I didn't watch the video either.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-29-2018, 02:10 AM

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
I'm not Christian (or any variety of the religion thereof) so I can only take that with a pinch of salt at best.

I didn't watch the video when I made that post, though I did watch a few minutes of it just now, but the topic is a little too heavy so I skipped the rest. The first few minutes that I watched makes sense.
I'll admit the video is not fun to watch because it slaps you in the face and brings reality home in a blunt manner. And it's completely fine that you aren't a Christian as many truthers are non believers themselves, but can still expose the problems they find with the reality we live in. So many clues are hidden in plain sight if you care to look.

This isn't what it seems to be, nor are we guaranteed to live our lives as we see fit with no outside interference. Everyone knows that politicians lie. And they lie for a reason. They mask a hidden reality with these neverending lies, keep us divided, fighting amongst ourselves, and they keep us distracted.

Signs and symbols rule this world while words and laws do not.
I'm going to post some music videos that contain these signs and symbols. Then ask yourself why is black and white designs and checkerboard patterns so prevalent in these videos.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 07:25 PM ----------

Touch and Go by The Cars. Here is the checked flag. Not a terribly imaginative album cover, is it?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-29-2018, 02:41 AM

The cars is badd too?

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-29-2018, 03:54 AM

Tom Petty's Don't Come Around Here No More.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 08:56 PM ----------

Three Strange Days by School of Fish.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:00 PM ----------

Originally Posted by hummy View Post

The cars is badd too?
It's not that I believe that the band itself is bad, but rather I believe this Freemason symbology is forced upon them. However, some are willing participants such as Soft Cell with Tainted Love.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:05 PM ----------

Tainted Love by Soft Cell.

This video goes much further than most with outright pedo scenes and Roman Gods being featured. And this song came out 37 years ago in 1981 so you can imagine things have become much worse since then.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:10 PM ----------

Oddly enough, at least two bands whose music genres are far from 80s pop have covered Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Those two bands are Front 242 and the Scorpions. I believe those two bands were forced to cover Tainted Love.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:14 PM ----------

Murray Head with One Night in Bangkok.

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:26 PM ----------

And this video montage showcases several music videos laden with the checkerboard theme. Notice the single eye that appears throughout this video. This is the all-seeing eye. It's most easily found on the back of any dollar bill.

While you might think I'm a conspiracy theorist nut, I ask you what control do I, or any other conspiracy theorist, have to include strange symbols on American currency?

---------- Post added 10-28-2018 at 09:30 PM ----------

The checkerboard colors mean As Above, So Below. It's an old occultic phrase still in use today. There is even a 2014 film of the same name.

Last edited by Mr. Wrong; 10-29-2018 at 04:11 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-07-2018, 05:06 PM

Quit. My. Job.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 11-08-2018, 12:20 AM

I think that's a dream a lot of people have for after winning the lottery.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 11-08-2018, 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Quit. My. Job.
Was this that stressful job you had where your supervisor had it in for you? 🤔

Melissa is offline
Old 01-09-2019, 07:18 PM

My husband and I won a small lottery a few years ago for 10k. With taxes we received about 8k. It immediately went to help pay down bills. And we bought a chair. That's it. It didn't even pay all our bills TT

IF we won 500k
Pay off all our student loans - about 130k
Pay off our vehicles - around 25k
Purchase or down payment on a home
And some money will be saved towards an overseas disney trip. (we're bucket listing them: have visited tokyo, florida, and cali so far)
We would also help our parents out with some things they need.


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