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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 05:29 PM

"Always so grumpy..." Dragumand replied to Lielieja's sarcastic remark, his breathing slightly labored due to the heavy weight on his back. "Oh please! My breath is fine." He said rolling his eyes, "I haven't had anything but water since we left Solvaris." Dragumand's stomach growled loudly as if to emphasize his statment. Small tremors were developing in his arms and legs, the weight from the roof weakening his force bolstered muscles. His body started to slowly press harder against his partner. "A simple 'Thank you' would suffice..." He grumbled trying to ignore the beginning fatigue. Unsuccessfully Dragumand attempted to shift his body into a more comfortable position against Lielieja. "I risk my life to save you and what do I get?" He paused for a moment, "Or maybe it's because..." Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice to an intimate whisper, "It's hard for you being so close to a strong handsome Jedi." Dragumand waggled his eyebrows for added effect, trying to put on his most charming look.

((WHOO!! Page 2!!! ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 09:54 PM

Lielieja frowned as Dragumand’s stomach rumbled loudly against her own, proving her wrong. ”Well then SOMEBODY must have forgotten to brush their teeth last night!” Lielieja huffed. She moved her head slightly, ignoring his previous comment about grumpiness. It was sort of true after all so there was no use denying it. Lielieja could feel her partners’s muscles begin to tremble with the strain of the weight above them slowly causing his body to squish her more firmly against the deck. She squirmed slightly as the weight on her rib cage became uncomfortable.

The Jedi raised her own eyebrows at Dragumand’s teasing comment. ”Or perhaps maybe it’s hard for YOU being so close to a woman as positively stunning as myself?” she suggested. It probably would have sounded more serious if the weight on her chest didn’t cause that last part to come out as a wheeze. Lielieja tried to shift her position again slightly to offset the weight on her rib cage. Her brow furrowed as something hard pressed against her hip. ”That better be your light saber mister!” she said through clenched teeth. After shifting once more she complained loudly, ”This is exactly why I haven’t thanked you yet. Already celebrating when I might just die of asphyxiation here! Do you require assistance?” she asked, already gathering the force around her to blast the panel off of them if Dragumand gave the word.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-04-2015 at 09:03 PM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 06:45 PM

"Hah! You might be stunning if you weren't... *huff!* so snarky all the time!" Dragmand just managed to rebuke when Lielieja started to squirm under him. "Of course it's my lightsaber!" he replied averting his eyes, briefly trying to shove against the ground harder to raise the roof up. It didn't budge. A slight flush reddend his face. "Could you please.. Stop squirming so much." He requested breathily, squeezing his eyes shut tightly in concentration. Though he flirted with all the pretty girls when he was out on a mission, this was in fact the first time he had ever gotten into a situation like this. <This might be last situation like this if I don't focus> He thought ruefully to himself as he gathered his force to try and shove the heavy chunk of metal off of them.

"Well if that happens, I hope you go first!" He taunted, coming back to the present. Dragumand was just about ready to move the roof. "Assistance?? Me?? HA! I need no assistance!" He said readying himself for the effort. <I especially don't need assistance from you,> He thought, <You'll never let me hear the end of it...> Dragumand shifted his arms into a better position for pushing. "Time to get out of here!" He said boastfully, unleashing his force to push against the panel. At the same time, with great effort, he began to lift his body off the ground, pushing back against the roof. "S...See??" He gasped shaking with the exertion. "Just a little further and..." But before he could finish his thought, his arms started to give out causing him to lose his focus. Suddenly the whole weight was bearing down on his back "Wha... Whoa..! W-w-w-what was I thinking???" He yelled right before collapsing once again on top of Lielieja, his face smashing into her chest. "Well this is just... Surprisingly comfortable!" He tried to move but was completely pinned this time. "So... Uhm... about that assistance..." Dragumand asked trailing off, face blushing a deeper shade of red.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-04-2015, 10:50 PM

"You finally manage to get a girl right where you want her and then you complain because she's squirming too much?" Lielieja asked incredulously. She did however stop squirming as requested despite the fact that Draguman's lightsaber still dug painfully into her hip.

"How nice of you! And here I thought Jedi were supposed to put the safety of other before their own..." Lielieja rebuked, "Your masters would be ashamed." Despite the taunts and bragging she was thankful when her partner finally got down to the business of freeing them. The Jedi Knight felt the force gather around Dragumand and she waited impatiently to be able to breathe once again. As he raised the heavy metal panel off of them, Lielieja was able to take a deep breath and sighed in appreciation. Seconds later however Dragumand's arms gave way, crushing him against her chest.

"I'm glad one of us is enjoying this at least..." she grumbled between her teeth. "I'm really getting tired of feeling like a sandwich," she added as she moved her body into a slightly more advantageous position. It took a great deal of contortion on her part but Lielieja was finally able to maneuver her arms so she could place her palms against the slab of durosteel above them. Gathering the force around her once more, she concentrated its power into her hands and arms until her face strained with tension. Suddenly she let loose with a powerful blast that hurled the heavy metal plate down the hallway. Letting her amrs fall back against the deck, Lielieja breathed another sigh of relief. "I don't know what your problem was," she said, "That was a piece of cake."

((Also, whooohoo! Page two! ))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 08-08-2015, 05:32 PM

Dragumand tried his best to ignore Lielieja’s comments throughout the lead up to his embarrassing failure. Later he would just be sure to blame his lack of focus on her and her teasing. He laughed to himself as he pictured the dry humorless expression she would have. At least being crushed against her soft chest was the next best thing that had happened to him since they were assigned each other as partners. He was pretty sure she didn't see it the same way.

“What can I say? You are quite comfy in this area” Dragumand said making no move to try and readjust his position. Instead he snuggled in a bit more. “Hey, we are both sandwiches here!” He yelled up to her, “At least my uh, light saber isn’t digging into your hip anymore.” He said feeling a slight blush return. “Ow... OW! Watch where you are twisting your elbows!” Dragumand couldn’t do much to avoid his partners limbs as she moved into a different position. Finally the barrage of elbow blows and punches stopped. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?” He said grumpily. When he heard no response, Dragumand started to wonder. “What exactly are you doing anyways?” He asked when all at once, the roof panel was sent flying back away from them as though it were nothing more than a pebble. “Oh... Well... Showoff...”

Dragumand was rather disappointed as he there was no reason for him to remain in his current position. Getting up off his companion, he stood stretching out his tense muscles before reaching a hand down to help Lielieja up. “Yeah well, You’re.. not.. a piece of cake!” he retorted failing to come up with an adequate comeback. He was embarrassed at how easily Lielieja had flung the durosteele away compared to his failed attempt. “look you stick to your force stuff and I’ll stick to my tank stuff deal??”

((Did you only just notice it was page 2?? ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-17-2015, 12:21 AM

Leilieja took a deep when Dragumand finally stood up. Ahh, that was so much better. She didn’t doubt that her partner had thoroughly enjoyed that little distraction. To be honest she did too a little though it would definitely kill her to admit as much to Dragumand. It was nice to know that he cared about her, even if he overestimated his own strength sometimes.

When Dragumand offered her a hand up, Lielieja took it. Back on her feet once more, she let go of his hand and smoothed out her Jedi robes. She raised an eyebrow at his attempted comeback but didn’t say anything though she might have secretly called him a loser in her head. ”Yeah, sure…” she said, easily dismissing him before whirling to face the elevator doors at the end of the hallway.

A second later an audible ding resounded through the corridor and a motley crew of droids and pirates spewed forth from the doors. ”Here’s your chance to prove your worth!” Lielieja snickered as she practically melted back into the shadows of the hallway and advanced catlike towards the unsuspecting group. They would see Dragumand alone and think him easy prey. Meanwhile she would sneak up behind them and catch them unawares.

((No, I just forgot to add a comment about it in my last reply. XD))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-23-2015, 05:49 PM

((*Pokes thread*))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-20-2015, 08:18 PM

Dragumand threw a punch at Lielieja for her quip about his worth but she melted into the shadows before he had a chance to hit her, his fist wiffing through the air instead. "GRRR!!" Dragumand was decidedly miffed. <Time to show my worth indeed!!> He thought to himself, bringing his light saber to bare just as a barrage of shots was fired down the hall at him. He spun the vibrating blade of light around himself, deflecting the bolts of energy. Down the hall he heard the pirates yelling into their coms "There are Jedi on board! Watch your backs!" Putting aside his feelings, Dragumand embraced the force. Reaching out, he sensed Lielieja was already moving towards the group of pirates. <Now for the fun part!> He grinned as he released his favorite move.

Dragumand Force Jumped at the pirates. Sailing though the air, he twisted in a slow roll, watching the enemies in front of him get closer. Finishing his twist, Dragumand brought his saber down on the droid he landed in front of. It had time for an "Uh oh" before he cut it cleanly in two halves. The droid went down. "Blast him." The others said turning their blasters on him. Dragumand deflected more bolts noticing as he did the other pirates had holstered their blasters, instead pulling out vibroblades. <Looks like I'm gonna get a work out!> Dragumand thought grinning as he advanced on the pirates.

Putting up his saber ward to deflect any shots from the droids, Dragumand attacked, his saber humming like an angry bee as it flashed though the air, every parry and block sending off sparks and cracking like lightning. The pirate's attacked, hellbent on defeating the Jedi in font of them. Swords clashed. Boots scuffed across the deck plates. Dragumand mounted an aggressive assault on them, taking out one and injuring another in a flurry of lightning fast strikes. His eyes were beginning to glow now as he pressed on. So focused was he on the remaining pirates though, he failed to sense the other group coming up the elevator till it was too late. Whirling as the doors opened, Dragumand realized he was now pinned between two groups of pirates!

((Jeez I can't believe It's been since august since we worked on this >.< SORRY!! Hopefully this isn't too much. I've only done that one other fight scene with you in our old RP so I don't feel like I'm super good at it. Hopefully this is sufficient without going overboard!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-11-2016, 01:20 AM

Getting into position behind the enemy was relatively easy. With the volley of shots being fired down the middle of the hallway rather than to the edges where she was strafing the walls, it didn’t take Lielieja long to slip behind their party. She could feel Dragumand gathering the force around him a moment before he leapt at the group taking out a droid in one fell swing. Similarly drawing on the force, Lielija prepared one of her signature moves. She was about to step into the pirate’s midst and release her Force Wave when they suddenly holstered their blasters and changed forward to engage her partner in close range combat. Sometimes being invisible could be a pain… She took one step forward to get into range when a twinge in the force caused her to change direction. Striding purposefully towards the elevator doors, she was ready when the doors slid open with a happy ding.

Smiling, Lielieja took a breath, then released the energy she had pent up, sending a shockwave out around her that threw the enemies before her against the back wall of the elevator before they knew what hit them. Letting her cloak of shadows fall away, Lielieja ignited her lightsaber and stepped inside the elevator, quickly dispatching the fallen pirates before they could rise. That accomplished, she grabbed the arm of the closest pirate and hauled the lifeless body halfway over the threshold to prevent the elevator door from closing. Stepping back out into the hallway, she turned to see how her partner was faring with his group.

((Now it was my turn to take forever! What you wrote is totally fine! Don’t worry so much. XD))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 01-14-2016, 07:22 AM

Dragumand didn't have time or need to worry though. As the door dinged open with a rather merry chime, the occupents indisde flew backwards hard against the walls of the elevator. Grinning, he whirled back to the remaing pirates knowing that Lielieja had finally joined the fight. With a powerful saber slash, he dispatched 2 more droids infront of him. In a fluid motion, he turned to his next opponet, gathing his force as he went. Jumping straight up in the air, Dragumand twisted before slamming back down to the ground, his saber axing down the man in front of him as his forced unleashed in an area blast, injuring the remaining pirates.

In a whirl of saber slashes, he cut down the last 2 pirates with a few flouishes for style, ending in an agressive poss while he surveyed the area, both visually and energetically, for anymore enimes. Taking a deep calming breath, dragumand turned to face lielieja, retracting his saber and placing it on his belt. "Well... I see you had some fun..." he said as he surveyed the carnage in the elevator. Bodies were scatered inside, the doors opening and closing rythmically against a lifeless forme wedged between them. "Do you ever leave anything alive?" Dragumand asked, "It's prudent to leave someone alive to question!" Bending down, he lifted up a pirate slumpped against the bulkhead. "See?? I only minorly injured this pirate!" Turning to the ashen face of the pirate, Dragumand ruoughly shook him, yelling, "Who sent you to attack us?!" With a great gasp the Pirate siad "You'll never...!" before with dying with a gurgle. "Yes well.. That can sometimes happen..." Dragumand said quitely, dropping the body and moving to block it from Lielieja's view. "So... Shall we continue to the hangerbay?"

((HO HOO!! I'm on time for once!!! Hope you like it ^^!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-14-2016, 03:18 PM

Seeing that her partner has things under control, Lielieja deactivated her lightsaber and watched stoically as Dragumand finished off the last of his group of pirates. The hallway was littered with droid parts and debris along with a scattering of bodies. Usually Dragumand was the more…diplomatic one but this scene perfectly portrayed the flipside of his personality that would not back down from a fight. He made quick work of the remaining few then took a moment to survey the scene before breaking stance and putting away his own saber.

Lielieja smirked, “Well I couldn’t just stand by and let you have all the fun now could I?” she retorted. Her smile disappeared however at her partner’s reprimand. Taking prisoners usually wasn’t her style. From Lielieja’s personal experience, it created unnecessary complications at best and was life threatening in the worst case. She thought to comment on this but her partner continues to drawl on about procedure with perhaps a touch of showing off…

The female jedi raised an eyebrow as he roughly shook the “minorly injured” pirate for information. Clearly his interrogation tactics were as lacking as his assessment of the pirate’s injuries as a moment later the latter gave his last breath. Lielieja rolled her eyes at Dragumand’s weak attempt to brush away his failure. “Clearly your technique needs work,” she quipped. “They are pirates. They are doing what pirates do. Searching for a deeper meaning behind their attack is a futile endeavor. The only thing they care about is looting this ship for all it’s worth.”

Lielieja paused a moment to let that sink in before adding, “And the only thing I care about is showing them just how stupid they were to attack this particularly ship.” Turning her back on Dragumand, Lielieja heaved the pirate she had used as a door stopper out of the way and took its place in the doorway to prevent it from closing. “Come on, let’s go,” she said, holding her hand up to stop the door from trying to close on her as she waited for her partner to join her.

((I got a bit inspired in the train this morning and wrote down a post! It's hard to believe, 3 posts in one week! *gasp*))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 01-20-2016, 06:49 PM

"Someone could have sent them!" Dragumand defended his failed attempt at interrogation, "There's always some new dark Jedi behind things nowadays! And besides! It's more fun when there's an evil mastermind plotting to overthrow the Jedi..." Dragumand trailed off in his attempt at a rebuttal. He did miss the last mission in which they had fought and beat the dark side once again. They were his favorite missions! He always enjoyed bringing the deluded Jedi back to the light side if at all possible. <Though I'm sure Lielieja's favorite part is when they resist to the end and she gets to take them out...> He thought to himself. She could be so borderline Light side sometimes!

Bringing his mind back to the present, he quickly searched the corpses as he carefully stepped over the fallen bodies. Finding several handy stims for the coming fight, he handed some to Lielieja as he stepped into the lift. "Hanger bay," He commanded the computer, then looked over at Lielieja as ever standing stoically in the corner, "You are right though, they picked the wrong ship to board today!" Dragumand grinned, anticipating the next fight as the lift sent them down and towards the stern of the ship. Occasional tremors from explosions rocked the lift but he could tell the fighting outside the ship was basically over now, the transport's turrets having all been destroyed.

"So..." Dragumand started, breaking the silence that had settled over them. It turned out the lift wasn't all that fast, making the trip down to the hanger long and boring. "Did you learn any new techniques lately? At least the right home ended up not being so boring right?" He said attempting to make small talk. <I should probably be meditating, but I'm just too caught up in the excitement!> He thought to himself, adjusting his light saber on his belt and packing the stims away. He left one out to use right before they went into battle. Rocking on the balls of his feet, he waited for a reply from Lielieja and for the doors to open onto the the hanger.

((3 in one week was pretty darn good!! AND LOOK! I replied within a week! XD :P))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-24-2016, 09:11 PM

Lielieja rolled her eyes at Dragumand’s attempt to defend himself. Though it was true that they had encountered more dark Jedi than usual recently, she hardly believed that the Sith would have any particular interest in this mediocre transport vehicle. She wasn’t so sure about the second half of his statement however. Though fighting Sith usually presented a challenge more adequate for their skill level, it was often more work than it was worth in Lielieja’s opinion. Those self-centered denizens of the dark side always felt the need to subject anyone interfering with their plans with the most long winded annoying monologues. Listening to them drawl on about their righteous views of the galaxy drove her crazy. All that small talk was Dragumand’s domain. Less talk more action was Lielieja’s way of things. There was nothing better than taking decisive action and executing your decisions (and usually your enemies) immediately.

Drumming her fingers against the elevator door, Lielieja waited impatiently as her partner looted the bodies of the fallen pirates. They would divide the money later. A little extra “bonus” for their work as defenders of the galaxy. Once he was finished, she stepped back from the elevator door to allow Dragumand to enter. She took the stims he offered her though she doubted she would use them. Injections weren’t really her thing. Pocketing them, she crossed her arms as the elevator began its slow descent to the hanger bay. Trapped together in the small metal compartment, the silence seemed heavy after the noise of combat. Apparently her partner could feel it too and did his best to break the silence with small talk. ”Not really,” Lielieja replied, ”And as fun as it is killing these low life pirates, I think I would have preferred a nap…” she added with a yawn. Perhaps the hangar bay would offer a bit more of a challenge…

Feeling the elevator slow even more, Lielieja let her arms drop to her sides and seemed to blend into the back of the elevator so that she would be nearly invisible when they opened. As she waited the briefest second for the doors to open, she did her best to reach her senses out to gauge how many enemies awaited them in the large room beyond but couldn’t get a clear feeling. When the elevator finally came to a half the doors slid open to reveal a large party of pirates who seemed to be arguing over whether or not the elevator was functioning or not. One pirate was particularly happy to be proven right, ”See! I told you it was working!” were the last words he would ever utter as Lielieja stepped forward and flung her arms forward with a powerful force blast that sent all in the area flying, many of them cracking their skulls against the durasteel deck as they fell backwards like rag dolls.

Stepping out of Dragumand’s way to let him past, Lielieja turned her gaze from the fallen pirates to the rest of the room. A number of smaller craft had already boarded which presumably accounted for the group who had been stupidly clustered next to the elevator. Even as she watched however a larger ship passed through port and set down in the middle of the cavernous room. ”Looks like we have company,” Lielieja commented, turning slightly to look over at her partner.

((We’re on a roll!!! ))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 01-26-2016, 10:32 PM

"You always want to take a nap." Dragumand said under his breath shaking his head. Just then the elevator slowed and Lielieja did her dissapearing act. Dragumand pulled out his lightsaber and stood ready for the doors to open, the small compartment filling with the hum of the blade. Using the few moments of calm before the fight to gather his focus and let go of his feelings, feeling the force flowing through himself. The doors dinged open, <That is a rather happy sound> Dragumand thought. "...It was working!" A pirate exclaimed making Dragumand chuckle a bit as he remembered how Lielieja had morbidly sabotaged the elevator earlier. He was about to spring into action when he found his path blocked by his partner and every single enemy blown backwards away from the elevator doors.

"You...! I...! You could save some of them for me you know!!" Dragumand shouted at Lielieja, upset that he hadn't gotten in on the fight. Instead of answering though, she changed the subject, pointing out the large ship that was just landing in the middle of the hanger bay, landing gear locking into position and venting nozzles blasting out clouds of excess vapor and gasses. "Don't try and change the subject!!" Dragumand started before he noticed that this ship was much bigger and much nicer looking than the rest of the ships he had seen so far. Dragumand recognized it right away. An SS-54 assault ship. the long narrow body with two narrow wings coming off the sides had large variable plane engines on the ends allowing it to take of and land vertically. The signature head of the ship jutting out from the body and dropping lower than the rest of the ship. It was clean and pristine, much unlike the slipshod fighters that the pirates had initially attacked with.

Dragumand eagerly turned back to Lielieja, "There could be a dark Jedi on that ship!" He said excitedly, not even thinking to use the force to feel on board the ship for such a person. He was cut off from further comment by the hissing sound of the rear ramp lowering followed by the dull thud of boots running across the deck. The group of fighters spreading out in twos and threes, taking up positions behind crates and other deck debris for cover, scanning the areas around them with their x-22 blaster rifles. Nothing else came out from the ship so Dragumand turned his full focus on the enemies in front of him. Noticing that the closest group to their left was sitting unknowingly right next to an exploding canister, he turned back to Lielieja, pointing at the group. "Look at those idiots! You go take to the shadows and blow that canister. Then I'll leap in and finish them off!" Dragumand proposed his plan eagerly as he got into a good position as he waited for his partner to reply.

(( did you catch that double meaning at the end there? ;P hehehe!
This is links to the ship and the rifle if you are curious. It helps me get into it more if I look up real ships and items that they could have, even if they aren't from the right time periods lolXD

SS-54 assault ship - Wookieepedia - Wikia

X-22 blaster rifle - Wookieepedia - Wikia

P.S. I loved that bit about the monologues XD))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-22-2016, 03:49 PM

((Uh oh, looks like I broke the rhythm this time. ^^;;;))

Lielieja eyed the steam billowing out of the assault ship trying to asses the situation. The SS-54 was a cut above the rest of the riff raff parked in the docking bay so either Dragumand was correct, and the ship contained a higher ranking enemy, or the pirates had made a lucky steal. Further introspection on the matter as fighters began quickly filing out of the ship, spreading out to secure the docking bay. Turning to her partner, she listened to the strategy he suggested. Smiling wickedly, she nodded the affirmative before slinking off in the direction of the canister.

As she worked her way into place, she could feel her partner moving behind her, getting ready to force jump into the foray as soon as she set off the explosives. Coming up behind the group just beside her target, she rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the group of fighters. So much for that theory about them being a cut above the rest. Pulling her lightsaber from her belt she simultaneously flicked it on and slashed out at the canister, igniting the contents inside. Using the force to shield herself from the blast, she called on the force to raise a large hunk of rubble from the deck and flung it at the nearest enemy.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-01-2016, 07:31 PM

Dragumand watched Lielieja go as she seem to disappear into thin air. Though his eyes could no longer see her, he could still sense the force emanating from her as she snuck her way towards the unsuspecting fighters. Taking his own cue, Dragumand moved into optimal striking distance to use his force leap ability and waited, gathering his force energy for the jump. It wasn't long before Lielieja was in position. He closed his eyes, waiting, palms itching in anticipation of the moment the canister would flare into a ball of explosive fire.

Dragumand felt Lielieja commit to the strike, his eyes snapping open as he unleashed his force jump and sailed though the air pulling his light saber mid somersault. A large hunk of rubble when whizzing by underneath him just before he landed on an unsuspecting fighter. His surprised was short lived before Dragumand put an end to his pirating days. Whiling to the next opponent, he unleashed a series of quick upwards slashes, separating the pirate from his blaster and sending him stumbling backwards to fall in a heap. Using his force push, Dragumand finished off the last opponet then turned to see Lielieja fighting with a small group of pirates equipped with vibroblads. Running towards them, Dragumand used his taunt power to pull the attention of the the fighters too him, forcing them all to show their backs to Lielieja. "Lielieja! Do your thing!" He called to his partner, then parried the attacks of the pirates.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-09-2016, 09:10 PM

The hunk of rubble she threw unceremoniously toppled the poor bloke who was still reeling from the firey blast that had just reduced a number of his comrades. Lielieja sensed Dragumand join the fight and spun to concentrate on the enemies who were recovering behind her as her partner took on those in front. She spun her blade furiously trying to slash out at the lot of them all at once but having seen the untimely deaths of the other members of their team, weren’t eager to get close. Instead, they surrounded her, vibrobaldes in hand, circling and waiting for an opportunity to come at her from behind.

Steeling herself to blast them backwards so she could regain her advantage, the female jedi was surprised when they turned away, their attention drawn elsewhere. Hearing Dragumand’s shout, she turned and stabbed her lightsaber directly into the back of the nearest opponent. Dragging her blade to the side, she was able to incapacitate the opponent to his left while the third continued to swing at her partner. Deactivating her lightsaber, she waited for him to dispatch the straggler and eyed the open hatch of the SS-54.

She wasn’t terribly surprised when no one else came forth. Either any possible remaining forces were wisely holed up in their ship (not that that would save them), or they had already taken care of everyone except the pilot and onboard crew. Considering the relatively small size of the crew, Lielieja expected the latter. Turning back to her partner she asked, ”So… Should we wait for them to come out or bring the party to them?” Dragumand need not answer however as a single figure decked in weathered armor began to slowly descent the ramp.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-11-2016, 01:45 PM

((*pokes thread* >.>))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 09-13-2016, 11:31 PM

Dragumand was about to answer her when he too noticed the the person walking down the ramp. "Lielieja!! Lielieja!! What did I tell you?! DARK JEDI!!" Dragumand exclaimed eagerly "I knew it!" Dragumand said, watching the figure walk down the ramp and completely ignoring the fact that the worn armor, whether from age or from use he could not tell, looked particularly mandilorian. "lets creep up on his right flank." Dragumand whispered, moving down the right hand side of the bay. He crept stealthily from crate to crate, quickly rolling across the open gaps between them. Finally getting in postion he looked behind to see how Lielieja was fairing. Seeing nothing Dragumand looked around and then realized that Lielieja was invisibly lounging against a crate having already been there for several minutes at least. "Oh... When did you get here?" He said somewhat abashedly.

"Are you ready? I'm gonna go out. Cover me!" Dragumand stepped out from behind a crate, pulling out his lightsaber and yelled "HALT! I am a Knight of the Jedi order! You have unlawfully attacked and boarded a freighter of the Republic! You will be brought to justice! Surrender and Identify yourself!" Unsurprised, the figure turned and looked at Dragumand revealing a dark and ruddy complection, heavily scared with black tribal looking tattoos all over the left half of his face. His eyes were dull with a hint of red, the veins on his muscular neck bulging. He couldn't have looked more evil if he tried. He sized up dragumand looking from his head to his boots, then stared at him as a deep evil laugh came rolling out of his mouth. Reaching his arm out quickly, a nasty looking carbine jumped into his hand, it's exposed power crystal casting a redish glow around his features. "You are no match for me Jedi!" He said in a deep voice. "You will never defeat me!" Dragumand energized his lightsaber and hoped that Lielieja was already creeping up behind the "Dark Jedi" to stab him in the back.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:29 PM

((<.<... *Pokes Thread* >.>...))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:31 PM

((I haven't forgotten about this. It was on my list of things to do this weekend and then I was still pretty sick and it didn't happen. I'm sorry. ))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM

((It's ok XD I was just making sure you didn't forget but clearly you are more on top of it than I am! XD))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 09:01 PM

Lielieja rolled her eyes as Dragumand jumped to conclusions. She was about to point out the fact that Mandalorian armor was hardly the fashion statement of the Sith when her partner cut her off to talk tactics. Shaking her head, she realized it was pointless to point that out now, her partner was too wrapped up in the scenario he had invented in head head. Melting into the shadows, Lielieja put on a quick burst of speed that quickly outpaced her companion. She even had enough time to lay back against a nearby crate. She knew the leisurely pose would annoy Dragumand and it was fun to play with him. Whe he finally appeared she faded from invisibility, a smile on her lips. “Oh you know, probably about the time you left. Sheesh you’re so slow sometimes…”

Dragumand didn’t bite however, too focused on the hunt. Sensing that her partner was about to do something, probably stupid, she got to her feet and faded from sight once again. She had to suppress a snicker as he put on his paladin routine, knight in shining armor, white cape flapping behind him in the wind. It was true he was a knight, and it was true that the intruder had unlawfully attacked and boarded the Republic ship, but the way he carried on about it was just so boring. If it were up to her, she would have simply lopped his head off with her saber and been done with it, no need for monologing or dramatic speeches.

Their foe had quick reflexes and sensing his movement, Lielieja stopped mentally berating her partner and focused on the battle ahead. Dashing for the ramp, Lielieja slipped beneath it. It probably would have been easy enough to force leap directly behind him and take out the Mandalorian but she wanted to have a bit of fun first. Stabbing her saber up into the metal plating, she quickly slashed the blade across, severing the narrow ramp and causing it to come crashing down, dropping the startled the Mandalorian to the ground on his back, his heavy armor hitting the deck with an audible clunk.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-21-2016, 03:13 PM

(( I can't believe you forgot about this! ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-15-2017, 11:52 PM



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