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Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 06:10 PM

Widow Harper sniffed disdainfully at Rave. "I reckon I know my rights when it comes to thieves and trespassers. But the net gets put up when the priests come. Takes us most of the winter to check it over for weak spots, but the holy men bless it so we'll know if it gets torn or cut before the season's over..." She made a face, remembering something. "And we know the blessing works, 'cause young Bran was causin' mischief and fell through the net about two moons ago. We had to get it repaired and have it blessed again... cost a fortune! I swear that boy is Jack's own child, as much trouble as he gets into."

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 11:52 PM

Phaelan, still disconnected from the conversation that Widow Harper was having with the rest of his companions remarked "You get some large birds out here. From the color, it seems like it would be..." he trailed off as his machoness managed to kick in before the colossus of a man could utter the word "pretty."

Clearing his throat, Phaelan decided that it would be best (just in case someone had over heard him) to do something physical (ergo manly in his mind). Lacking an axe and wood to chop and no bears present to wrestle, he decided to climb the tree in order to retrieve the feather. Phaelan will take his pack off of his back and set it down on the other side of the tree before attempting to climb.

Phaelan attempts to climb the tree to retrieve the large red feather. Roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 10

Last edited by Ethos; 12-18-2013 at 11:55 PM..


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 12:18 AM

Distracted by their own concerns, no one seemed to notice Phaelan's comment, sparing him from the shame of even an unspoken 'pretty.' The tree was sturdy, and like most orchard trees it had been pruned with an eye toward keeping it climbable. The pruning was fortunate, since orcs-- even half-orcs-- weren't really known for their tree-climbing skills. The climb up to the branch was uneventful, but as he edged out toward the feather it began to creak and sway alarmingly. Just as his fingers closed around the bright scrap of red, the branch gave a distracting wiggle and dumped him to the ground.

With a speed that belied her age, Widow Harper darted across to stand over the fallen bard. She peered intently at the branches, making certain he hadn't done more than dislodge a few leaves as he fell, then glared down at him. "You break so much as a twig, and you'll pay for it, greenboy."


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 12-19-2013, 01:54 AM

Alexis may not have seen the red feather that Phaelan had pulled from the tree due to the fact that she was quite concernidly studying the imprints in the ground. She did let out a soft, "hmmmm....." she looked down at the ground, compared the spots to everyone's footfalls, one of her own feathers caught her eye and just as she was about to say something she was bumped into by the large lizard woman, "Watch were your headed!" pinching her nose for a minute in concentration she turned to the lizard woman, "I think that this thief can fly"

She addressed Widow Harper next, "Get many birds around these parts?"

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 02:02 AM

Zebulon sneezed and his spell shattered. Blast! A broken spell was a wasted spell. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his nose, and murmered a thank you to the lizard woman's odd blessing. He looked around hoping to spot the source of the incense, when he heard Widow Harper describe the blessing of the nets. The blessing is probably the reason for the incense, but I had better check, he thought. Nonetheless, it seems the magic only applies to the net itself, and not the area within.

He walked over to Widow Harper, who was inspecting one of the trees which the large half-orc had apparently just fallen from. "I beg your pardon, Madame, but I have a question," he said politely, bowing slightly. "I smell incense nearby; is that from the blessing of the net which you mentioned? Also, I know a spell which would raise an alarm if any person or creature were to enter within the net. With your permission, I would like to cast it near nightfall."

He looked at the half-orc man, wondering why he'd been climbing the trees, and offered him and hand to help him back on his feet. "Did you see something in the trees," he asked.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 03:12 AM

"Birds? Of course we do." Widow Harper eyed Alexis as if she thought the harpy was a little bit mad. Birds could be found everywhere, of course! "But they couldn't get in through the net 'less they were birdfolk like you, and my boys would've seen 'em then."

The widow smiled when the mage spoke-- finally, someone who showed a little respect! "Incense? I don't smell nothing like that. We get a priest of Takthen in over the winter to fireproof everything, though, and they wave around a lot of smelly smoke... But of course you can cast your spell, young man. 'Specially if it'll help you find what's eatin' the peaches."

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 04:02 AM

She nearly snapped at the bird-folk, but managed to just keep it at a toothy show. "Everything smell like bird here. It even mostly over-cover the incense. You can fly Feather-kin, maybe idea there?" She couldn't pin point the exact location of the smell, but between the harpy smelling like bird and the overwhelming scent of ripening fruit she was about done with her searching and ready for the waiting. The sun was still warm enough to take a glorious basking nap.

Draza was about ready to when she overheard the mage and the widow's exchange. If she had eyebrows one of them would have been quirked up at the comments. "Dark Squishy, you smell incense too? Like temple incense but in tree farm, not soon-past blessings either." Slowly she started to sit on the ground, the earth was warm too.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 09:03 AM

Picking himself off of the ground, he forced down a large swallow of pride. Under the glower of Widow Harper, Phaelan allowed his head to hang and his shoulders to sag. She reminded him every bit of the harsher side of his mother's fiery temper. If he played his cards right, he may not be sent off to clean a latrine or some other horrible chore. "I'm sorry ma'am. I hope your tree is fine. I saw this in the tree and I didn't think it was from a normal bird..." he said softly as he avoided making eye contact.

Phaelan held out the bright red feather so she or any other onlookers could inspect it because the half orc was by no means an ornithologist. Holding the feather out for the Widow probably made the tall, muscly half orc look like a little boy giving his first "love" a fistful of flowers.

Last edited by Ethos; 12-19-2013 at 09:10 AM..

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 09:31 AM

Zebulon peered at the bright red feather in the half-orc's hand with interest. He didn't recognize it off the top of his head, but perhaps he had read of something like it? He tucked the thought to the side of his mind, allowing the question to percolate in the background.

Now that was strange, the widow couldn't smell the incense which had disrupted his spell. He turned to the lizard woman instead, saying, "Yes, it was a strong smell of incense that caused me to sneeze and lose my spell. I do not smell it now, and Madame Harper does not either, but it may be involved."

Stepping back from the marked trees a little ways, in hopes of getting away from the incense, Zebulon raised his hands to attempt casting Detect Magic again. It was worth a shot anyway, trying it again before casting the Alarm spell.

Roll to recognize the feather: The 20-sided dice lands on 3
Roll to cast Detect Magic again: The 20-sided dice lands on 15


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 10:50 AM

Aneja was quite content after setting up several snares around the tree base, and branches she could reach. And then went to gathering up a few of the peach stones, and slipping concealing them on her person, while humming to herself "Questing in the country; 'gonna see what's eatin' peaches" well she thought if that old sack is adamant no critters are getting in or out easily, then it's still bloomin here then. She listened to the others remarks, and stalked around the orc and took notice of the feather, that looked impressive she thought, someone would like that for a broach, or for an accessory to their hat, "not one o yours?" She called to, the bird lady, not so much a question as a statement of fact, "that's an idea though my big friend" she said gently to the Orc. If they were going to wait around for something that probably was still here inside the net, she would be up in the tree with the peaches, she made sure she had her grappling hook, and rope secured, she would climb herself without the hook 'wouldn't want to break a twig no would she'! And let then rope down if anyone wanted to join her, hopefully someone big and green, hmm maybe that thought wasn't specific enough. She began to clamber up a good looking tree, that looked like it had the best Hand holds.

Roll for sneaking the peach stones The 20-sided dice lands on 13
Roll for climbing The 20-sided dice lands on 19


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 12-19-2013, 03:16 PM

Alexis heard mention of a feather which made her think that perhaps her theory that the thief could fly held some ground. Being of the bird like family she turned around to examine the feather they had found. "May I look at that?" she said at once to Phaelan and the Widow Harper. She already was looking at the bright feather

Roll for Recognition- The 20-sided dice lands on 8


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 08:01 PM

"Ain't never seen no red birdfolk..." The widow eyed the feather and decided it probably didn't have any value before turning away to watch Aneja's tree-climbing suspiciously. She was too late to notice the swiftly palmed peach stones, and even she had to admit that Aneja could climb better than most of the farm hands.

The feather looked like nothing Zebulon had ever seen or heard of before, but nothing interfered with the spell this time. The monochrome of the spell settled over his vision, draining color from most of the world. The feather didn't lose color, though, remaining vivid scarlet in the orc's hand. Zebulon slowly scanned the rest of the special trees, but saw nothing.

Alexis found the feather to be beautiful, and too large to have come from an ordinary bird, but beyond that there was nothing else she could deduce from it.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 08:12 PM

After a short shock of surprise beacause he wasn't being hollered at or being beaten about the with lady's footware, Phaelan calmly handed the feather to Alexis as she had requested.

It occurred to him that he may have seen or heard something about the creature that it belonged to before... but he knew deep down that was not as well travelled as the others appeared to be.

Roll for recognition. Roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 14


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 05:18 AM

Phaelan racked his memory most of the day over the feather, running through his mind every song or story he'd ever heard about birds, but it wasn't until sunset stained the sky in colors of flame that he finally recalled the story he'd heard from a bard who claimed to be a Northman. That was ridiculous, of course-- everyone knew no one could cross the Dragonbreath Current that separated the barbaric North Isles from the rest of the world-- but it was what he had claimed. Phaelan hadn't heard the full story, but it had been something about a bird made of fire who a king's magic cherries, but had been caught by the king's foolish son. It sounded much like a dozen other stories any bard knew, but the Northman had added a twist by claiming he was the prince who'd caught the bird in her theft, and now he was searching the world for her.

Evening is falling, and scarlet stains the skies, sending red shafts of light through the orchard.

Start this turn off by describing what your character is doing to prepare for the night. Are you planning on sitting up all night? Is the group going to set watches? This is the perfect time to cast spells or set any traps you haven't gotten around to yet.

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 08:18 AM

Zebulon sighed and dismissed his spell. "Nothing seems amiss in the orchard at the moment," he said to the group at large. "The feather is definitely magical, however. Whatever dropped it is itself probably magical and may be what we are after."

Taking his staff in hand, he strode around the twenty marked trees, drawing a circle around them in the dirt. Stepping inside the circle, he took off his pack and set it and his staff against a nearby tree trunk. Once the spell was set, he would keep watch under the trees until it faded. "I am going to cast the alarm spell now," he said, addressing the group again. "If it is successful, it will last for at least four hours. Anyone leaving the spell area will not trigger it, but anyone coming into the area will, so please decide now where you would like to be."

When it seemed everyone had chosen whether to be inside the spell area or outside, he clapped his hands together as if to pray, and began to chant the spell.

Roll to cast Alarm: The 20-sided dice lands on 6

If that first roll fails, Zebulon will try again right away, so just in case, here is a second dice roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 7


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 03:23 PM

Possibly due to his excitement, Zebulon's first attempt at the spell produced an ear-shattering wail that pierced through the quiet evening. He banished it quickly, slightly embarrassed by the rookie mistake, and cast it again immediately, perhaps hoping everyone would think the first try had just been a test of the alarm. This time, the spell worked beautifully-- in fact, it was the most perfect Alarm he had ever cast. It came together so well and so strongly that he was positive it would remain in place until he banished it, even if that was a year from now.

Now, of course, the problem was that the farmhands had boiled out of the house and were running toward the orchard thinking someone must be in trouble to make that awful wailing sound. Better stop them before they cross the perimeter and set the Alarm off!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 12-20-2013, 03:29 PM

Alexis, having observed the scene, was determined to stay in the parameter for the night. She replayed the rules of the alarm a few times in her head so that she might remember the rules, maybe. However as the Farm hands ran towards the orchard she let out a high pitch squawk in panic and then yelled out for them to not enter the orchard.

Roll to stop the farm hands: The 20-sided dice lands on 17


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 03:39 PM

The oncoming group stopped short and milled about for a moment until a middle-aged man whose hooked nose proclaimed him to be Widow Harper's son took charge. "Is everything alright, then? Only we heard the most godsawful racket..."


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 04:17 PM

"No worries mister, we were just practicing for our new band" Aneja called out from amongst the trees foliage, she was trying very hard not to split her sides with laughter, "look we even have a geetar" She hadn't failed to notice the orcs instrument, and was curious about it. Before zebulons failed attempt she had luckily enough, after climbing up, she had tied herself to the tree, as the noise had startled her so much she would have fallen out. She was quite amused with the scene. She sat back down on the limb, ensured the grappling hook, and rope were hooked securely onto a thick branch, so the line was clear all the way down to the ground, and resumed sharpening her knives, keeping herself busy, she was a patient person, all the practicing art with her father, and then the experiences with her mentor would help with that.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 08:52 PM

[Daily spells: Detect evil x2, Create Water x3, Bless, Cure light wounds x3]

Having slept most of the afternoon on the orchard's ground, she had planned on getting up as the air cooled around her. However that ear splitting noise certainly woke her up! Draza's bloodshot eyes glared at the farm hands, whom she assumed had set off the alarm.
"What Squishy set off noise? I will eat squishy. Bones and all." She said as she stood up, still staring down the oncoming farm workers.

Roll for intimidate: The 20-sided dice lands on 18 +2 (str)


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-20-2013, 11:56 PM

Suddenly wary, the farm hands backed a step away. They weren' running yet, but they were all poised for instant flight. "We didn't do nothin'. We was eatin' dinner and came ta see what the noise was."

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 02:43 AM

Distracted, Phaelan did not quite putting together that geetar was supposed to indicate his guitar. He chose that moment, having kept the pretty silly notion of the Firebird to himself for the most of the afternoon, to try to remember the words and tune. After putting the feather safely away in his bag, he picked up his guitar.

He slowly strummed his guitar with his thumb, and decided that it was in tune enough to attempt to sing a few bars.

Roll for remembering the words. Roll: The 20-sided dice lands on 3

Originally Posted by Firebird Suite by Polonsky
And in my dreams I see myself on a wolf's back
Riding along a forest path
To do battle with a sorcerer-tsar
In that land where a princess sits under lock and key
Pining behind massive walls.
There gardens surround a palace all of glass.
There Firebirds sing day and night
And peck at golden fruit.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 04:24 AM

Rave had to grit her teeth when Widow Harper snapped at her so sharply so... ill-informed. It took her some time to calm down and in-so doing investigated of the grounds without further direct questions. The others, varied as the were, were doing a fine job collecting data for her-- and if that meant she didn't have to talk to Widow Harper directly then they were useful. When the orc produced the feather she studied it from a short distance away, keeping to her business but within easy earshot. It didn't seem that anyone knew exactly where it had come from (beyond the now fallen branch, that is) whether they be local or otherwise but Rave could declare definitively that it wasn't something from the city. Not that she would.

With the blazing sun dropping lower and lower into the sky the constable grew frustrated with her findings. Would she head back to her cozy bed or remain here for the sting? Who was she kidding? Silkears would foam at the mouth if she missed the chance to nab this perp. Rave watched the mage cast the alarm spell, flinching at the wailing 'test', and watched as the hands ran to their aid. She had just determined her 'spot' for the stake out with plans on remaining awake the whole night through

It wasn't until the most reptilian of their company snarled death threats that the persnickity, rules-loving side overcame her natural standoffishness and approached Draza, clearing her throat to sound more official "I'm going to have to ask you to not threaten these men. They are in their legal right to investigate an alarm on the property of their employer."

Roll for perception (investigating grounds): The 20-sided dice lands on 2
Roll for recognition (of feather): The 20-sided dice lands on 14


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 05:28 AM

Phaelan's music rippled softly through the air, throwing even more confusion into the farmhands. First horrible noises, then terrifying lizard women, now a musical orc... They slowly backed further away, trying to make the action seem casual until they were out of sight.

Despite the clues in Phaelan's song, Rave's study of the feather only gained her the knowledge that it probably wasn't from a chicken, her investigation of the grounds proved much more useful, and helped her decide exactly where she was going to watch for the night. One corner of the netting was disarranged, as if it had been lifted and replaced. It was obviously the way the thief had entered the protected part of the orchard.

Night falls fully, and the moon rises. It's a half-moon, so there's some light but unless you have low-light vision of some sort vision rolls will be penalized.

Rolling time! Everyone needs to make 3 rolls-- just copy/paste the form below and post it after your post.
HTML Code:
Roll to remain awake:[dice]20[/dice]
Roll to resist a spell:[dice]20[/dice]
Roll to listen:[dice]20[/dice]

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 08:44 AM

Zebulon winced inwardly at the klaxon wailing of his failed spell, which he dismissed immediately. That was his second failed spell of the day, and after so many years of study, it was mortifying to fumble such a simple one, and in such mixed company! He flushed deeply, but couldn't bear to say anything about it, so when everyone seemed to think it was a test, he went along with that assumption and said nothing.

Dark was well upon them now, so he settled down next the tree where he had laid his pack. Riffling through it, he pulled out his lantern, lit it, and set it on the ground nearby. Many a time he had stayed up through the night pouring over his studies, and he planned to stay up this whole night. He pulled out some dark bread, hard cheese, and dried fruit for his dinner, and settled in for a long night of watchfulness, pacing, and thinking.

Roll to remain awake:The 20-sided dice lands on 9
Roll to resist a spell:The 20-sided dice lands on 20
Roll to listen:The 20-sided dice lands on 15


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