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Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 04:59 PM

Staring at him with wide eyes she could not beilive what she was seeing. He was chopping peoples heads off. Her hands went to her neck automatically and she gasped trying to catch her breath. What was wrong with this creature? She stood up and walked to Koto. "Lets get out of here" she said in a high pitched squeal of a voice. She turned and walked out of the throne room and away from the sound of the screams and chopping.

"Where is this market at and how will I buy stuff if I do not have any money?" she asked him as she walked hearing the screams get lower.

How could she be expected to marry this creature. He might kill her out of boredom one day.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 03:37 AM

The demonic lord couldn't help but laugh at his soon to be bride's reaction to his work. He did suppose that it would be rather shocking for her to witness such acts, but then again he figured she'd get use to it. Of course if she didn't and posed a real problem perhaps she would find what the other end was like instead. Naturally though he didn't wish for it to come to that...yet. With another laugh at the thought he returned his attention to the next sniveling mortal that was pushed before him.

Koto could easily tell the discontent that the woman felt seeing the Lord's actions. 'At least she came when it was mild' the demonic creature thought with a sigh. He could only imagine what her reaction would have been if she had witnessed some of the later tortures that fox was certain would occur. Shaking his furry head he turned his attention towards Lindia's question. "The market is actually on a sort of 'floating island' that's considered the lower district. There's a land bridge to it from the castle, though I think most just fly there. It's not too far of a walk though. There's a lot of demon merchants there that sell all sorts of stuff, clothes, jewelry, slaves, food, you name it more then likely it'll be there" the fox creature calmly explained as he lead the way with a clicking sound as the tips of his claws came in contact with the palace floor.

Leading the girl out the main gates and swiveling around to the right he lead her to the 'bridge' he had been talking about. It was clearly made of the very ground they walked on and had been formed naturally. It connected to a piece of land that was completely surrounded by lava. In the sky demons flew to and from it, going in various directions. As they reached about half way the fox demon decided to answer the rest of her question. "Well here the currency is a bit...different then in the human world...Young Master Aamon will potentially be paying for everything for the time being. I simply present the merchants with this card and they will later send a request to the Young Master, who will then give payment. There isn't really a limit of course, but we should try not to 'spend' too much" the fox replied as he closed his green eyes for a second, causing the green sphere around his neck to glow and summon a card that he quickly took into his mouth. As one of Aamon's protected demon types and technical personal servant, the fox had access to many things that belonged to the demonic prince that came in quite handy and that he was permitted to use. Of course he usually did his best to avoid using most things, such as the spending card that he had presented. After all the fox demon knew well what sort of currency the demonic merchants accepted, and he knew it would keep his Young Master relatively busy.

He offered the card up for Lindia to take. "Be sure to hold onto that tightly. Most demons don't have the luxury of someone else paying for them and so they wouldn't hesitate stealing it. You may also want to be sure to stay close to me. Humans aren't exactly normal customers here" the fox warned as the stepped from the bridge and onto the 'floating isle'. Stalls were set up everywhere with various demons trying to promote there goods. In some areas exotic foods hung from the tops of stalls, while other contained cages with a variety of creatures in them. Here and there others were trying to pawn off things like jewels and potions, clothing and pottery, and everything else under the sun. Loud noises sounded all around them, as some demons shouted at each other about prices, while other were simply talking loud to others to be heard.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 06:11 AM

Nodding at him she took the card and looked at it left and right before putting it in her pocket. She was surprised to know that during the time Koto was talking they had made it to the market. She was not sure what she expected but she was not prepared for the assortment of demons she saw at the market. She frowned as she walked sticking close to Koto for comfort.

The demons reaction to her was expected. They saw her and immediatly wanted her for dinner. Koto would have his work cut out for him.

They made it to the first stall which was selling gorgeous dresses. She saw one she absolutly had to have. She smiled at the vendor and motioned towards the dress. "May I have that one?"

Growling the demon laughed a bit at her. "I do not think a human like you can afford it although I might be willing to let it go for your human soul."

Gasping she jumped back and looked at Koto.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 03:46 PM

Koto knew he needed to keep his eyes peeled in this crowd of demons. He let out a warning growl of any that dared to get a little too close to the human girl, and nipping at others. The fox demon would not allow Lindia to become a feast for any demons if he had any say about it, and of course if things got too rough he knew he could always summon Aamon...Of course that was a last resort. He knew well how dangerous it was to awaken his Young Master, given the form he was currently in. He had been a bit surprised that the curious human girl hadn't really asked too much about demons, but figured she was still trying to take it all in.

As they approached the first vendor, he wasn't surprised in the least at the merchant's reaction. "Her soul is not up for a payment option...Show him the card. They'll have no qualm in you getting that dress then" the fox calmly stated. She knew of course it had to be shocking to be asked your soul in exchange for a dress, but it was a rather natural occurrence there. It always depended on the demon type of the buyer what exactly they were paying with.

He knew of course when Aamon got ahold of the bill he would naturally try and haggle the price. Of course by then the human girl would already have the dress so it wouldn't matter. Eventually they would come to an understanding one way or another in terms of price. "Are you certain that's the one you want?" the fox asked to be sure that, that's what she'd really want. After all the last thing he wanted was for Aamon to pay for something she ended up not wanting.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 08:58 PM

She nodded happily and produced the card to the demon. "Its a gorgeous dress don't you think koto?" she asked him while the merchant inspected the card and then growling rung it up and handed it back to the girl.

"I would still rather her soul." he said in a dejected voice as he handed the dress over to her rather reluctantly.

"Thank you" she said cheerfully as she took the dress and took off to see other stalls. She paused at the next one and looked at the yummy food they had there. She picked out a few cakes she wished to try and paid for them with the card. She skipped down the path enjoying the looks she was getting from the different demons.

Stopping in front of a stall with a bunch of cute outfits she purchased a few of them and returned to skipping down the path. Finally stopping at the final vendor she picked out a piece of candy and added it to her things. She smiled at koto.

"Ok Lets go back now"

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 10:00 PM

Koto growled a quiet warning towards the demon merchant, just for good measure. He would not allow the demonic Lord's future bride's soul be taken just because a demon preferred it. The fox's green eyes kept careful watch as the demon accepted the card and handed over the dress. "Thank you for your business. The Young Master will ensure you get your payment" came the fox's calm yet firm voice.

The fox demon trotted beside the girl as closely as he could. He personally didn't like the looks the demon's were giving the girl, though looking up towards her she didn't appear to be having the same sort of feelings. He paused beside her at each stall, thanking the demonic merchants for their business each time and watching them carefully. He found it curious the items she picked out, though he figured they were ones that were at least similar to what she usually got back in the human realm.

He wondered at her skipping as they continued along. Most of the others walking on the path seemed a bit more...reserved. He figured her energy and the fact that she was human was what was drawing most of the attention towards her. He was a bit thankful that they hadn't stopped by any slave trader stalls, they always made him a bit edgy to be honest. As they stopped at the last stall, he took the time to carefully take the cakes and clothing from the girl and have them stored in the glowing orb around his neck. He figured it would be easier to transport them. As he finished he glanced up and noticed the last item was a piece of candy. "I see you too have an affinity for sweets if I may say so" he replied with a quiet laugh.

As she suggested they head back the fox demon nodded his head in agreement. Turning he walked beside her, dodging a few demons here and there that would otherwise step on him. They had just about made it to the bridge that would return them to the castle's grounds when a relatively large ogre-looking demon blocked there path. "What this? Human girl and her pet walking 'round demon realm? What a yummy surprise" the large demon said with a bellowing laughter.

The fox demon let out a growl, his ears going back in warning. He was well aware of this demon's voracious appetite and strength. It was a demon that ate anything it could, with its favorites being human and fox flesh, at least before the fox demons fell under the protection of Aamon. Fighting wise he also knew he was technically the weaker demon in strength, though in speed and intellect he held the advantage. Of course against such a big brute, and the fact that it wasn't just himself he was protecting but a human as well, he knew that the fight probably wouldn't fall in his favor. "Please step aside. We do not wish any trouble, merely to return back to the castle" the fox replied, still growling in warning and hoping the demon would be deterred.

The demon laughed at the fox's attempt at looking brave. He knew well that the fox wouldn't win in a fight and he was hungry. "Cute little foxy thinks I would let meal go? Foxy funny. Human girl and foxy make yummy meal in belly" the large demon said with another laugh, as his enormous hand rubbed his fat belly before attempting to reach out and grab Lindia first. Koto, seeing this, immediately launched himself at the large red hand, sinking his teeth into the flesh. The ogre demon cried out in both surprise and slight pain as he began flailing his hand around to get the fox off.

With a mighty shake he managed to get the fox off his hand, causing the furry demon to hit the ground on his feet. "Stay behind me. I won't let him get you" he called to the princess, growling at the large demon viciously, his fur standing up on end and poofing out. He could see the small teeth marks he had managed to put into the larger demon's hand, though thanks to the demon's thick skin they weren't very deep. The hand was cradled close to the ogre's body as he cried out a bit before glaring angrily at the fox. "Foxy hurt hand! Foxy die first!" the demon screamed out as he swung his enormous club, intending to crush the furry demon.

"I'll try to make an opening and you run for it alright?" he called towards the human girl, pushing her back a bit using his speed, so that neither of them would get crushed over the force and weight of the club. He then launched himself at the much larger demon, making it clear of the size difference between the two. As the two began fighting it seemed Koto would be the one to possibly come out on top, as he used his speed to avoid the larger demon's attacks and began tiring the ogre demon out. Things suddenly took a change as the ogre suddenly took a shot once more at Lindia, whether he meant to or not, causing the fox to quickly sweep in and take the blunt of the blow himself. With a yelp the fox demon slid across the ground, clearly injured.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 01:21 AM

Skipping along with Koto she was starting to think she was happy and enjoying life here. She got anything she wanted from this place. She licked on her lollipop enjoying the flavor as she walked alongside Koto. "Koto do you think that your lord likes me?" she asked as she kept feeling her mind drift to him and wondering if he will like her in her new dress. She continued to walk daydreaming about Aamon as she walked until a giant demon blocked her path. She growled at him not used to people blocking her from where she went.

"I demand you move immediatly" She said in a stern voice. When the demon mentioned eating them she jumped behind Koto expecting him to protect her. When he was felled by the demon she ran to him and hugged his limp body to her.

"I WANT TO GO HOME. I HATE THIS PLACE." she screamed at the top of her lungs. "SOMEONE HELP ME. HELP"

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 02:13 AM

Feeling light pressure on his harmed body, Koto couldn't help but let out a quiet whimper while the green orb around his neck began to glow a bright green. 'Young...Master...I need up...' the demonic fox called out in a weak mental voice as the large shadow of the demon ogre hung over him and the young girl he had failed to protect. " can..." came the weak voice, urging the girl to run away to safety. Drool spilled from the red ogre's mouth as the ground slightly rumbled under his weight as he approached the too.

"Yummy foods for my belly" the ogre said salivating at the thought as he reached out. Before his giant red hands could even touch a single strand of fur or hair on the demonic fox or human girl, they were suddenly forced away as a force slammed into the ogre's head causing it to fly and skid painfully across the ground. A foot bound in a leather boot hung in the air where the side of the big red head had been, and attached to it a sleepy though upset looking Aamon. "You know...your really don't have to screech like a banshee" the blond said as his hand came up to cover a yawn that escaped.

"Y-Young" the fox whimpered out, relieved to see the blond haired male, floating in the air. Aamon had retracted his foot and was now floating cross legged in the air. "Well...yeah you woke me up and summoned me, so obviously I was going to come. You know I didn't order an alarm clock" he said with a glare, that really held no real force behind it. The demonic fox couldn't help but weakly chuckle at his Prince's words. "My...apologies...Young Master..."

By now the ogre had managed to wobble his way to a swaying standing position. "Oooouchy...Why I go flying?" came the disgruntled groan of the red creature as it rubbed the side of its head. The ogre's words had suddenly snapped Aamon's attention towards it. "And you! How dare you bring cause to interrupt my sleeping time! I'm going to make you so black and blue..." the blond demon began to mumble, popping his knuckles as he moved to stand on the ground and stalk towards the dazed ogre that clearly towered over him. Simply by looks it seemed more likely that the ogre would be the one carrying out the threats.

Suddenly a few of Koto's tails came up to try and shield Lindia's eyes from the violence he knew his Master was about to enact on the ogre demon. "The...Young Master may...not be in his...Wrath...form...but...he can this...form..." came the fox's explanation as a painful cough escaped from his furry lips.

After some time, and quite a bit of ogre pained screams and angry curses in a mixture of human and demonic language, the young blond stalked back over towards the young human girl and fox demon, leaving a heaped ogre covered in cuts, bruises, and in need of a lot of band aids. He was still muttering curses under his breath and shaking his head angrily at being woken up because some idiot was hungry and going after a demon under his protection. "He's lucky father didn't give me my key for this..." he muttered to himself, his tone clearly of annoyance as he gestured unconsciously towards the gold lock around his neck. Coming up beside the fallen fox, whose body was being hugged by his father's future bride, he squatted down and poked the creature's nose. "Hey...You still alive there Koto?" he asked the fox, poking the creature's nose again and causing the fox to let out a painful sneeze. Satisfied that the fox was at least still alive, his blue gaze went and quickly scanned over Lindia. "Well you seem to be in one piece...and I guess that's a good thing" he said with a shrug.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 03:11 PM

Staring up at the demon with wide eyes she closed her eyes and prepared herself for the worst. She had failed to call someone to help them. Now she was going to get eaten.

Suddenly like an angel out of the sky came her soon to be husbands son Aamon. She stared up at him and he looked like a hero to her. Her body quivered with delight knowing he was here to save them. She took a deep breath and watched as he threatened the demon. Then suddenly she felt a tail block her vision and heard the noises of fighting not to far off. When the tail moved she could see the demon had been beaten.

When Aamon landed on the ground next to them she jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a big kiss on the lips. "You saved us."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 02:01 AM

Aamon was relatively surprised as the girl jumped up, wrapping her arms around him, and planted a kiss on his lips. Immediately he pushed her away staring at her as if she had grown more then five heads. "If you value your life you'll avoid doing that again, especially at this point in time" the blond growled out, narrowing his eyes into a dead set glare. After sticking her with a glare for a few more moments he turned his attention back towards the fox demon on the ground. With a sigh and shake of his head he scooped the creature carefully into his arms.

"Honestly...humans are useless...Can't even defend yourselves and do nothing but scream for a 'hero' to come save your sorry hides..." he mumbled, sticking the girl with another glare. He could feel the fox's internal damage with his fingers, ribs shattered in some places, and he had no doubt that there was at least some for of internal bleeding. The furry creature would survive though after a bit of energy treatment. Gently and with a surprising about of care he forced the furry demon into the girl's arms before simply picking her up himself. He felt it would simply be faster to carry them both himself since he knew he could levitate, or 'fly', them faster to the castle then the girl could possibly walk. With a sigh he launched all three of them into the air and headed towards the castle.

"By the way let's get something straight. I didn't come to save you I came to save him. He was the one that summoned me. You just happened to be in the same predicament, that's all" he stated flatly as he carefully though quickly maneuvered them back to the castle. Feeling it better to avoid passing by the throne room, and possibly encountering his slaughter happy father, he directed his flight towards one of the many castle windows. Flying through carefully, they ended up in the hallway they had walked down earlier that day to lead towards Aamon's and now Lindia's, as well for the time being, room.

Once at the door he easily forced it open and deposited both the blue haired girl and the cream colored fox onto the bed unceremoniously. "Lay him down and stay" he said sternly before turning and quickly heading out of the room.

Koto couldn't help but whimper faintly during the trip, even though he knew his young master was doing the best he could to make the trip as smooth and gentle as he could. His side that received the ogre's club ached painfully, though he tried his best not to focus on it. Instead he figured he would attempt to distract himself a bit. "To...answer your question...I believe the Young a...bit more fond of you...then he shows..." he said with a faint laugh.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 03:42 PM

Gasping as she was pushed away from him she took a deep breath and calmed herself before she did something rash like yell at him. "Where I come from a kiss from a princess is considered a treasure and treat" She said in a harsh tone.

Growling a bit as the fox was placed in her arms. She let out a yell of fright when she was lifted up and he started to fly back to the palace. She ignored his comment about her screaming and coming to rescue Koto and not her. "You know last I checked you were assigned to protect me. If you did not rescue me your father would be very mad at you." She said in a teasing voice. She could not help it. She just wanted to tease him so badly.

She snuggled Koto tight to her the whole trip whispering into his ear "Please survive Koto please survive" As soon as she was laid on the bed she quickly put Koto gently down on the bed. She sat there petting him as she waited for him to return.

"What makes you think that Koto?" she asked in responce to his question as she lay there petting him hoping he would survive.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 02:38 AM

Koto carefully shifted on the bed, making himself a little more comfortable and take as much pressure off of his injured side as possible. The move was a bit painful, but he noticed that it at least helped him breath a bit better. As Lindia asked what it was that made the fox demon say what he had, a small smile appeared on his furry face. "Well...when you...kissed him...he didn't feed on...your life force...or the...erm...'special' sort that it...created...any other he would...have jumped and...possibly fed off of...Especially since he...hasn't nourished...himself in about...three months... he incubus...type demon...after all..." the fox demon said, laying his head gently down on a few pillows that were laying on the bed.

His ears suddenly perked up as a loud yell sounded from somewhere in the castle. He could tell from the deepness of the voice it didn't belong to Aamon, but his father. 'Must have told the Master what happened...' the fox thought with a grimace. He knew relatively well just how his young master's father was when it came to his future brides. Jealousy was a thing that burned deeply within the demonic king, especially when his son was involved. After all he had to admit that between the two Aamon was certainly the more attractive male and was a bit more appealing.

After a few moments he could hear slightly hurried foot steps coming from the hall. He figured it was Aamon returning as quickly as possible to both treat him and to get out of his father's targeting range.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 03:00 AM

Smiling at the fox demon she nodded her head at him. Suddenly she heard the yell and jumped up from the bed. She looked at Koto "What was that?" she asked. She looked around afraid of the sounds she heard around her. What could have happened. She went and hid behind the bed hoping someone was not angry at her. She peeped out from the other side of the bed.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-29-2013, 05:16 AM

Koto's head popped up momentarily as Lindia jumped at the sound of the shout. His green gaze followed her as she hid behind the bed, causing him to tilt his head to the side in slight confusion before gently setting it back down, with his chin resting on the pillows so he could keep her in his visual sight. "More then likely the Young Master has told the Master about you kissing him. He's...not exactly the understanding type. You see while kissing may perhaps mean something in your realm it means something a little different here. By touching your lips to Young Master Aamon's...well it my be best not to get into that now...either way the Young Master will eventually get it cleared up. For now though it may be best to avoid the Master for awhile" the fox replied with a shrug as if the shouting was a usual thing.

His ears perked as the footsteps now sounded outside of the door, that was opened only a few moments after. Unconsciously the fox demon's tails began wagging happily as the young blond demon returned. From the look on the young male's face, Koto could easily tell he had been in the room when the demonic king began his shouting, that still seemed to continue despite Aamon's absence from the room the king was in. "He'll be a ball of fury for awhile. I'm going to be trusting you Koto to make sure she doesn't anger him more..." Aamon said with a quiet sigh as it took him a moment to locate the girl with his blue gaze. An eyebrow rose in curiosity at seeing her behind the plush bed, rather then on it and beside the fox, but he figured at least she would be temporarily out of the way.

In one hand he held a bottle of swirling and glowing blue liquid of some sorts. Walking towards the bed he unscrewed the cap before suddenly downing the contents himself. After a few moments a faint blue aura began to appear around his body as he carefully sat down beside the fox demon and gently laid a hand on the furry head. "Alright fox, absorb what you need" the blond said with a sigh.

Koto seemed to just stare at the demonic prince for a moment, a frown on his face. "Master....I can't possibly absorb your energy now. You haven't nourished yourself in so long...You'll be practically drained..." the fox replied in a concerned voice. He knew well what the demon was intending. Since his kind was under the protection of the young blond they held the ability to feed off of his energy to heal and protect himself. Of course the fox also knew it wasn't just his type that was under the prince's protection and thus the only ones feeding off of Aamon's energy. He was also aware that the drain was usually compensated whenever Aamon fed off the more sexual energies of women and their life force, however he knew that the incubus hadn't done so since the leaving of his father's last wife. Worry was clearly written in the green gaze of the demonic fox as it clashed with Aamon's blue tired one. "Don't argue with me, I'm not in the mood" Aamon replied in a flat and even tone. After a few more moments of hesitation, and a hard stare from the blond demon, the fox finally began to comply as the light blue aura began wafting towards and around him.

It didn't take long really for Koto to absorb enough energy to heal himself, and the effects were soon noticeable. His breathing soon returned completely to normal, and his quiet pained whimpers soon stopped. As the healing was completed it was clear just how tired it ended up leaving Aamon as exhaustion was clearly written on his face. Instead of sleeping though he simply turned his gaze now towards the hiding human girl. "What are you doing?" he asked in a slightly irritated though tired tone as he attempted a glare in her direction.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 07:10 PM

Watching silently while the yelling echoed in her ears she cried miserably huddled in the corner. Tears streamed down her face and she tried to gather her wits about her as much as possible while she heard the enraged noises from outside the room happening.

"N.....N...not..hing" she said in a small voice when asked what she was doing. Then it struck her. Why would he care what she was doing? He didn't care about her or so he pretended so why would he even speak to her? He must like her as at least a friend for this to happen.

"I am sorry. Perhaps I should go to your father and apologize" she suggested while she cowered down in fear as more shouting errupted from the hallway. Perhaps it would be best to apologize and explain herself. She did not like the sound of his yelling and it was bringing tears to her eyes thats how bad it was to her.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 07:48 PM

Aamon's eyes rolled as he saw the tears in her eyes. He couldn't understand humans in the least. His father was only yelling after all, it wasn't as if he was running around with his axe chopping everything up in sight, although he was relatively close to it. His father hadn't been in the least bit pleased when he had to reveal Lindia had kissed him. He had no interest really in taking his father's bride from him, but he knew how his taller father's mind worked. In his eyes Aamon had become a temporary threat and believed, since he was currently in a form that channeled his incubus powers the most, that it was of his wanting.

Closing his eyes he quietly listened as she stated she was doing nothing. He frowned at that thought though. Why was he listening? His blue eyes flashed open though as she said she should go an apologize to his father. "I wouldn't advise that. He'll eventually calm down since it wasn't like I ravished you or anything. Just leave him be and let him vent...And dry your tears already. It's not like he's here yelling at you" he stated in a huff before closing his eyes again.

Koto had been relatively alarmed at the girl's idea of going to the enraged demon king. He had just been about to voice his concern when Aamon suddenly beat him to it. A small smile suddenly appeared on the fox demon's face as his Young Master showed a rise of a reaction. His green gaze sought out the girl as he gave a small wink. "Told you" he whispered with a chuckle.

He then stood up carefully from his sitting position on the bed and hopped down, going to Lindia's curled position and lightly wrapped his tails around her in comfort. "Now, now Young Master. It's not like Miss Lindia is as use to the Master's yelling as you are and I'm sure it's frightening to her" he carefully chided the tired blond. A sigh of slight irritation came from Aamon as he knew the fox was probably right.

He sat there for a few moments more, closing his blue eyes, before finally it seemed his irritation reached a peak. With another sigh he jerked himself up from the bed. "Fine then I'll go shut him up to shut her up" he growled before moodily making his way towards the door and exiting through it. The fox's grin increased as the demonic prince didn't simply slam the door closed behind him, and instead gently shut it. "I think you've gotten 'under his skin' without him knowing" he said with a chuckle.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 08:19 PM

Watching him take off to go shut his father up she smiled. "At least now I will be able to hear myself think. Now I can start working on my escape plan. Koto will you help me get out of this place?" she asked him staring deep into his eyes with a pained look on her face. "I need to go home. That is where I belong." She smiled again as the tears that were trailing down her face dried up and she stared at Koto eagerly wanting his help.

She knew she could not do it on her own. She would need help if she were to get out of this place and the best place to find the help was with someone she could rely on like Koto. She knew these feelings she was getting for Aamon were growing stronger and she really needed to find a way out of here soon otherwise she might want to stay and that would be dreadful.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 09:27 PM

Koto's ears slightly deflated at her words as his head tilted slightly to the side. Escape?...but she was to become the new bride of the demonic King...or possibly even his Young Master if he could get the blond to realize his growing feelings for the girl. Still though he could see the pain in her eyes and he couldn't help but sympathize for her. "I...can try...however the Master wouldn't be pleased if you left...Is being here so bad?" he asked quietly, hoping perhaps he could thwart the idea of escape from the girl early on. It wasn't that he was as concerned for his own well being as it was for Aamon's. He knew that in order for her to escape they would need the young prince's assistance and thus all blame would be placed on his shoulders.

He hesitated for a moment, knowing he would have to reveal that they would need Aamon if she truly wanted to escape. "There's only two beings that are able to open portals to other realms...The Master is the first and I doubt he would allow it since he's the one determined to have you as his bride. The other...would be the Young Master...He'd probably be the better choice but..." the fox began hesitantly. Suddenly the shouting and yelling subsided, followed by the sound of a large explosion that rocked the castle, causing the fox demon to yelp.

Green eyes worriedly glanced towards the door as his ears perked, trying to pick up any sound of movement. His worry continued to increase as silence greeted him for the longest time. His worry abated slightly as he heard the sound of slow footsteps in the hallway and paused in front of the door. Slowly the door knob turned and the door opened to once more reveal the blond. A red substance was now splashed across his features and light colored skin, and he looked far more tired then when he had left. His blue gaze drifted tiredly towards the bed, before switching towards the much closer small couch. With a sigh and small exertion of his will power he began moving towards the smaller couch. With a tired sigh he plopped down and instantly curled on himself. "Any further them to Koto for now" the male stated before his blue eyes closed.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 10:00 PM

Gasping when she heard the sound of the explosion she looked towards the door to see if Aamon was ok. She was worried about him now. Had she sent him to his death? What did she do now?

She nodded at the fox demon in reply to his words. She smiled when she saw Aamon show up and crash on the couch. She looked at Koto. "He looks really tired. Can we go exploring the castle?" she asked eagerly.

She was dying to see more of the castle on her own knowing that she had not been shown everything and there had to be something for her to play with out there somewhere.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 10:15 PM

Koto watched as the young prince began falling into a deep sleep, that he knew the blond desperately needed. He had managed to heal the fox and then had to deal with is enraged father. He also knew that eventually his young master would need to nourish himself if he truly wished to recover the energy he lost, plus he would need it to pay off the shopping they had done earlier. Suddenly remembering that the things they had bought were still stored in his orb. Closing his green eyes he concentrated and had the items appear on the bed.

"Of course we can. And yes the Young Master is rather exhausted right now, after all I did disturb his previous nap..." the fox said standing and sending her a smile. He figured it wouldn't harm anything to explore the castle more, after all the chances of running into any danger like they had in the market place was slim. Standing he began trotting towards the door. "There's a room full of feathers that's relatively fun" he said with a laugh.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 11:33 PM

Staring at him she jumped up and down and squealed with joy. "Sounds like fun." She shouted when she suddenly remembered Aamon sleeping in the room. She looked down. "Sorry Koto." She opened the door and took off out of the room. She took off running down the halls as fast as she could laughing with pleasure as she ran. "Can't catch me Koto"

She took off a full speed through the palace not paying attention to where she was going and bumping into random demons.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 12:02 AM

Koto couldn't help but chuckle as she first shouted and then apologized for it. Glancing back towards the sleeping blond it was clear that the shout hadn't disturbed him. "Do not worry. The Young Master is in a deep sleep right now, he won't hear us" he said assuring the young human that it was alright. He could understand she was excited at being able to explore the castle. He laughed as she ran down the hallway at full speed, claiming he wouldn't be able to catch her.

He allowed her a good couple seconds head start before he slipped through the door and bounded down after her. He allowed her to take the lead for a while before speeding up. Each time she bumped into a demon he couldn't help but wince a little. Angry looks were shot towards them both as she continued bumping into others. Looking ahead he noticed she began heading towards a giant blob looking demon. "Look out!" he shouted knowing it was dangerous to run into such a demon.

The blob demon didn't seem to notice the blue haired female that was hurtling towards it. Of course if it had noticed her the fox demon knew it would try and block her path so she would run into it. He knew that particular type of demon used its body to trap its prey and slowly digest it. It's body was thin enough to allow whatever it ran into it in, but would then thicken up to prevent escape. If the demon caught Lindia he knew he would probably have to again wake Aamon.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 12:11 AM

Hearing the shout she stopped right as she was about to run into the demon. She looked over her shoulder at Koto. "Sorry Koto. I was just so excited to be out of that room and free. Show me to the feather room" She said in a rather strong voice as she waited for Koto to take the lead. Lindia was used to getting her own way and when she wanted something she was used to ordering people to do it without taking into consideration there feelings towards it. She did not mean to upset the fox by ordering it around she just was so used to it that it happened naturally.

She looked up at the huge blob of a demon. "What kind of demon is that Koto?" she asked her eyes opening wide as she stared at it. She took a finger and poked it causing it to wiggle and she let out a squeal of laughter poking it over and over again.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 12:49 AM

Koto sighed in relief as Lindia managed to avoid running into the demon. "It's fine, we just have to be more careful is all. We may be in the palace but even here it can be dangerous" he calmly explained as he quickly caught up to her. Relief soon turned to worry though as suddenly the human girl began poking the blob demon. The demon seemed to 'turn' and he knew then that the creature knew that the blue haired girl was there. Worry soon turned to panic as the girl continued poking it.

"That is a carnivorous blob demon. They're actually quite dangerous when hungry or provoked. They generally trap their prey within their bodies where they dissolve slowly over the course of a few weeks, all the while keeping it alive. It's actually quite a painful way to go from what I've heard" he replied, keeping a careful watch on the demon. At first he though perhaps it wasn't going to do anything, but as she continued poking the demon the fox could see it was starting to grow a bit larger, as if adjusting itself to ingest something her size.

"Uh may want to step away Lindia...right now" the fox said, his eyes growing larger as the creature let out a strange gurgling roar. Koto quickly let out a warning growl to the demon as he quickly separated the girl from the blob demon by placing himself in between the two. He would not allow the girl to become food for this creature, after all he had promised Aamon he would keep her safe and he rather liked the girl's company, even though it seemed trouble followed in her wake.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 01:05 AM

(she is a trouble maker lol)

Running away from the blob demon Lindia paused behind Koto. "but it was fun to poke it." she said in a sad tone. She just wanted to have some fun. She stood behind Koto and waited to see what would happen. "Koto I am sorry I seem to be causing to much trouble for you." She sat down on the ground and started crying. "Why do I keep causing so much trouble for you Koto?" Suddenly she stood up and took off running down the hall away from the blob and Koto. She ran around opening doors and peering inside for a moment until she found a room she liked. It was almost perfect for her. It was pink and had pink everything everywhere. She loved it.


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