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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 02:21 AM

Ionessa smiled lightly "Thanks!" She held the plate out to him "Fruit?"

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Old 08-16-2007, 02:26 AM

Aero smiled back and took a nectarine.

He takes a bite out of it while trying not to power crunch on it like he normally does.

"Ahh, I'm so tired after all of this swimming," Aero quietly said.

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 02:29 AM

Ionessa laughs lightly "You were in that pool for like 5 seconds before getting out. I'm the one tired from doing laps before you came." She takes another bite of strawberry before taking a big drink of her milk shake.

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Old 08-16-2007, 02:32 AM

"But I pretty much died shaking from that cold water...haha," Aero laughed.

"Ahh, I'm going to go wash up now," he said while walking to the washroom. "See you later!" he said as he smiled.

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 02:35 AM

"Later!" Ionessa ate a few more strawberries and finished her milk shake before getting her pjs ready. She walked into the women's washroom showered and walked back out about half an hour later fully clothed in silk pj pants and a spaghetti strap top.

Temmon is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 04:37 AM

Temmon blinked blearily as the sounds of techno emanating from the headphones on her ear woke her. She frowned, hit the next button, and turned down the volume. As she yawned and stretched her stomach rumbled, demanding food. In response to that urge, she climbed off of the couch she had been sleeping on and headed downstairs. Her size XXL t-shirt threatened to fall off of her shoulder so she irritatedly tugged it back up.

Once she had made it to the kitchen, she searched through the cupboards until she managed to find a bowl and grabbed a box of Rice Krispies. She poured a bowl and added milk and ample spoonfuls of sugar and sat down to happily munch on her cereal.

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 05:45 PM

Ionessa headed back to the couch she had taken a nap on. Soon after her head hit the arm of the couch she had fell asleep once again. She tossed and turned a bit during the night as she slept.

Ionessa slept quitely from midnight to morning with a very happy dream. She rolled onto her side and curled up agianst the back of the couch. She soon woke up with a yawn and a small smile.

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Mahinva is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 08:10 PM

It was behind the television. The remote control was, for some reason, stored in a niche behind the television; not hidden amongst pillows as Mahinva had deduced earlier. The search came to a successful close, signaled by the television's volume being lowered.

Mahinva sauntered out of the room, heading towards the kitchen. As she approached, she could hear the sound of boxes shuffling. Continuing, her eyes widened as she heard something familiar from her childhood. First came the noise of sugar hitting cereal, then the familiar popping sound... Mahinva raced through the door; her mind still fighting tiredness.

I remember those noises from breakfast time... every day...

There! There lay the sugar, milk, cereal bowl and box of Rice Krispies. Also, a young woman amidst the setup. Mahinva came to an abrupt stop, a few feet away.

"Oh, good er... morning. I think it's morning. You sounded like my childhood for a moment." The words sounded silly the moment they escaped Mahinva's lips, and she knew it. The ending of her sentence faltered and her cheeks reddened slightly.

"I er... Always used to add an excessive amount of sugar to my Rice Krispies. The sound of sugar hitting the cereal is rather distinct...." Mahinva let out a sign, "Okay, that sounds truly lame. Good morning to you."

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 08:27 PM

Ionessa slowly rolled back over to face an empty wall on the other side of the couch. She slowly sat up swinging her legs over the side of the couch. She streached her arms up with another big yawn as her back poped a bit. She heard faint chatter coming from the kitchen as she slowly lifted herself up off the couch. She walked over to her bag and pulled out some fluffy slippers.

Ionessa quickly put the slippers on before walking into the kitchen. "Good Morning! Oh, sorry for interrupting your conversation. I'm just going to fix myself something to eat and be out in a jiffy."

Ionessa walked over to a cupboard only to find the bowls. She pulled one of the bowls out and set it on the counter before looking through the cupboards again. She found the cupboard that contained the cereal then pulled out a box of Coco Rice Krispies.

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Mahinva is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 10:23 PM

Mahinva looked at the girl and smiled brightly.

"Oh, no worries at all. Good morning to you, too! I'm afraid I haven't caught your name... I am Mahinva. A pleasure to meet you!" The young woman's reply was painfully chipper; still trying to right herself from sounding like a buffoon.

"I was headed for some breakfast too, though I don't really have anything planned after that."

Mahinva headed to the refrigerator as she spoke.

Ah, the fridge! It was truly a sight to behold; double doors, ice and water dispenser, sleek brushed steel finish and packed full of food. Mahinva began pulling out a full crate of eggs, butter, a gallon of milk and a loaf of Texas bread. She sat all of her ingredients on the counter's free space before hunting down a large bowl and an electric skillet. While rummaging through cupboards, she also discovered some ground cinnamon and nutmeg.

"I think this will make plenty of French Toast, for whomever would want some." Mahinva mused to herself, eyes glinting at the prospect of cooking in such a well equipped kitchen.

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Old 08-17-2007, 12:18 AM

Aero woke up because it was a little cold and reached for a blanket all around his blanket but couldn't find him...The floor his slightly long arms was rubbing against while looking for his blanket felt cold, as if someone has spilled a drink on the carpet.

Once he was too annoyed not opening his eyes to look for it, he then open his eyes and stood up.
"Really?" he questioned, "OMG. I've been sleeping in the hot tub this whole night!" he thought.

Aero had dried himself and wore on some clothes. His whole body was wrinkled and took quite awhile for it to not be noticable anymore.

Aero completely was awakened by this strange happening. After he had completely dried himself with his towel, he grabbed some of his clothes in his baggy again, and wore on tacky shorts and a white t-shirt.

He slowly walked over to the kitchen while thinking to himself how he could've fell asleep in the water and take that long to wake up. Once he had hit the kitchen, he looked for some chips and found a pack of Tostitos but checked if there was salsa first. Once he had found it in the refrigerator on the right side door, he grabbed the jar and walked to the living room and turned on MTV and started watching room raiders because there was nothing else wrong.

He opened the bag of tostitos and jar of salsa and starting munching like crazy since he hadn't been eating chips or anything other kind of junk food in general.

Lilim is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 03:18 AM

Lilim is bored of sitting in the house all day watching everyone have fun. So she walks into her bedroom to find her swim suit. She looks under her bed not there then in the closet not there either. At this point she starts to get a bit upset. "Grrr, where is it" ... "oOo" Her swim suit was laying on the floor beside the closet, she picks it up and hides in the closet to get dressed. "Humdeedum" Steps out of the closet dressed in a yellow bikini. Lilim walks down stairs and heads to the pool

Temmon is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 03:24 AM

"Rice Krispies with sugar are yummy," Temmon said, still munching on her cereal. "I'm Temmon," she said. "Who are you? And are you making french toast?" she asked, eying the ingredients that the other woman was setting out.

Lilim is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 04:03 AM

"You know I wanna grab a water before I go outside" Lilim walks to the kitchen with her towel around her waist. she hears Temmon talking to someone. Lilim smiles warmly as she walks into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. "Hello, Temmon. Did you sleep alright?" She ask as she opens her water and takes a sip

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 04:16 AM

"I'm Ionessa!" She said as she poured some cereal into her bowl before pouring some milk. She pulled a spoon out of the dish drainer then stuck it in her bowl. She smiled lightly as she looked over at each girl "Well, i'll be going now."

Ionessa walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room. She walks over to the couch that was her bed and lightly sits down with the bowl in her hands. She looks over at the painting on the other side since ther wasn't anything else to do.

Ionessa lifted the spoon up to her lips and took a bite before placing the spoon back into the bowl. She looked around the room a bit then noticed Aero "Hey there! Sleep well?"

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Old 08-17-2007, 06:30 AM

Aero looked over to see who had just talked to him and then replied, "Uhh...I don't want to tell anybody. You'd think I'm stupid," he laughed.

He turned off the t.v. and walked over to Ionessa, "Did you?" he asked.

Temmon is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 03:16 PM

"Hey Lilim," Temmon smiled back at Lilim. "I slept pretty well, I think. Did you?"

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Ionessa_devils is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 04:00 PM

Ionessa took another bite before covering her mouth to speak. "Why would I thing your stupid?" She asked before moving her hand back down to the spoon. She took a few more bite seeing nothing but milk left in the bowl.

Ionessa placed the edge of the bowl to her lips before taking a drink from the bowl. she brought the bowl down and looked over at him "Did you have fun where ever you were going last night? I kinda saw you sleep walking or something. I didn't actually see where you went but, I did see you walk towads the back where the pool is."

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Mahinva is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 09:02 PM

"I concur, Temmon. I am Mahinva, and yes, I am indeed making French Toast. I'll be making plenty - feel free to help yourself when I've finished a batch," came the cheerful reply.

Mahinva was about to start cracking some eggs when she noticed Lilim.

"Good morning!"

Eggs cracked and feel into two different bowls. Milk followed suit in no exact measurement. A few dashes of cinnamon and nutmeg were added into one of the dredge mixtures, and both portions were soon briskly whisked with a fork. Mahinva's left arm remained perfectly still, aside for her hand. She had learned ages ago to use only your hand and wrist; though she wasn't sure if it was the best method, she had stuck with it for years.

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Old 08-18-2007, 12:36 AM

Aero stared in shock wondering how Rave had seen him there..."Uhmm...I was just taking a walk for a breeze full of fresh air is all!" he said, sweating and blushing...

Aero went to the fridge to get a drink calming him down of the tense moment. While he was up, he had seen the whole gang up, Mahinva, Temmon, and Lilim.

"Hey, guys!" he said, while taking a sip of the apple juice he had grabbed.

Lilim is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 01:00 AM

She nods to Temmon "oOo yes! I alway sleep better when I'm snuggling with someone" Lilim winks as she giggles. "Off to the pool, I do hope you enjoy the party. If you need anything let me know" She says as she walks away heading to the pool

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Mahinva is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 01:12 AM

Mahinva greeted the young man who entered the kitchen with a wave; her hands momentarily free before she quickly tidied up. The scent of French Toast wafted into the air and slowly snaked its way through the house, beckoning those with an appetite.

The plates were heaping, and Mahinva had to carefully navigate through the kitching; assuring that nothing would topple and fall. The young woman sat down two plates on a table; one stacked of plain French Toast, the other cinnamon-nutmeg flavored. Mahinva worked her way through the cabinets until she found plates and utensils. She set everything on the table before getting a plate, fork and knife for herself.

"Everyone is welcomed to the food - I can make something else if anyone feels the need for something different," Mahinva spoke with a smile; contently filling up her plate with several slices of French Toast.

She realized that the table was devoid of maple syrup and so she proceeded to retrieve a bottle from the fridge.

Temmon is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 04:48 AM

Temmon blinked at what Lilim had said. She was pretty sure that she hadn't been snuggling anybody last night. Then she waved as Lilim walked towards the pool.

She tilted her bowl to her mouth and drank the sweet milk at the bottom of the bowl. She wavered a couple seconds, but was finally drawn to grab a plate and put a couple pieces of French Toast on it. She then covered them in the maple syrup that Mahinva had just gotten out. She took her first bite and munched on it. "Yummy," she said happily, continuing to eat.

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Old 08-18-2007, 07:14 AM

"Ahh, my dad had just called and said I have to go, sorry, guys," Aero said, while sweating. He walked to go grab his stuff and walked to the entrance door, "He's on his way now to pick me up, I hope I see you guys soon!"

While Aero waited for his dad, he explained to the gang why he was leaving, "I have to go to basketball camp now, and the bus leaves in two days and I have to pack, I'm really sorry, I hope I can come by some time and visit though, if you'd let me!" Aero smiled.

"Well, there's my dad's car. I'll be leaving now, bye everyone!" he said while he waved and walked into his dad's Lexus.

"Hope you have fun!" he yelled while the car was starting to move, "Bye!!"

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Mahinva is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 02:12 PM

"I'm glad you like it, Temmon!" Mahinva replied, amidst the silly noises being produced by the maple syrup bottle.

She took a seat and let out a small sigh, "Aero makes exists very quickly! I didn't much have the chance to wish him well. I'm sure he'll be fine though."

Mahinva looked around the expansive kitchen at the multitude of windows providing a serene view of trees swaying in the breeze and allowing a barrage of light to filter through. She felt very relaxed and content, eating her French Toast in this splendid house; there was a large sense of gratitude welling up in her heart.

"Ah, I forgot to get beverages! Temmon, is there anything you'd like to drink? I think I'm going to hold off on coffee and just make some chocolate milk," inquired Mahinva, looking over at Temmon with a smile.


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