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FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-19-2011, 07:30 AM

Comfort chuckled as Seth pretended his bear had kissed her on the cheek. He was such an adorable little kid! Quickly she caught herself and remembered that he was fourteen, which still seemed very young. It would be interesting to see how the shy, timid Seth grew up within the year. He seemed like a bit of a momma’s boy so now that he was out on his own he would probably develop his personality a bit more and grow (hopefully a little taller) and mature. Comfort was pulled from her motherly thoughts as the small rabbit-guardian creature on Derrik’s shoulder started to speak again and then the blond went and fetched it some food. “Oh, so that li’le guy just eats veggies? He seem’d like the sort to like sugar or candy or somethin’.” She chuckled as she envisioned the small creature trying to eat one of those giant lollipops. That would certainly be a sight!

Next, the boy with glasses spoke, and left Comfort a bit confused. So, he wasn’t going to tell them what his power was? He was going to leave them hanging? Almost like a big brother keeping an important secret from his siblings. There was such an air of mystery about the boy, and the curious Comfort wanted to know what it was! “Uh, so you won’t-“but she was cut off when he stood up and, leaving his bags by the building, started off. “Oh, uh, hey!” She called after him as she looked to the other two boys with her to see if they were going to off as well. He was a strange cookie, but Comfort thought that they could probably be good friends. She was just about to drop her bag to the ground as well (no one would be dumb enough to steal from her, she could knock them into the next month if they tried it) when Seth jumped her in a hug.

“Aw, Hun, don’t worry ‘bout that! We’re friends, right? Then we’ll stick toge’er!” The girl returned the hug with another embrace before quickly pulling the little guy into a gentle headlock and ruffling his black hair. He was such a little cutie! Comfort pulled him back up to eye level and held him by the shoulders before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “We’ll stick toge’er through thick and thin.” She smiled, but that was before she noticed the large green lizard crawling along the ground. Was that a… crocodile? Was it carrying bags on its back? This school was full of strange things and she hoped that she would be able to get used to all its quirks before the year was up.

((I'm still thinking about adding a new character. But for now my friend DragonicKiss is here to help even it out... a little bit. XD ))

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 05:39 AM

Miki sensed other students arriving before Derrik did and picked up nothing unusual with the half-elf. However he took a strong notice of the crocodile glaring in Seth's direction. "Ki..." He tilted his head to the side and glared right back. Derrik immediately felt something going on with the rabbit. He picked Miki up and assessed the situation. The croc going towards the administrative building took the blonde aback for a second. 'Must be a shapeshifter...I'd only heard about them.' Derrik thought to himself. "Comfort, Seth, it looks like things are getting started." he said excitedly then closed and gathered his bags. "Let's go!" It didn't take him long to catch up with the others.

He fell in step next to Vik, "Hey, how are you feeling about things? I don't know about you but I'm excited." Derrik hoped he hadn't appeared rude before. He worried about these things. He was raised to be a gentleman and to treat everyone fairly. He did this to the best of his ability, even when it seemed like a casual situation. Miki raised an eyebrow at Vik...or at least the tuft of fur above his eye...this kid was hiding something. Whatever it was Miki immediately decided not to let it get near Derrik. He went back to a more relaxed state without so much as a squeak. He hoped he wouldn't have to go into guardian mode but kept an ear out just in case.

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 12:38 PM

((Hey, everyone. Just so you're aware I will be MIA for a few days as I am off on vacation from my vacation. Please feel free to post until I come back! : ) ))

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 06:48 PM

((Have fun! You will be missed. <3 ))

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 06:55 PM

((Ah leaving so soon! I'll wait till Smores to post before I do another one seeing as he was the only one I had a tiny bit of interaction with.))

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 01:21 AM

Viktor had given naught but a halfhearted wave with his back turned as he started off, despite the curly-haired girl's protests and demands for his attention. He had realized long ago that the more he hung around those wrought with curiosity, the more he would inch closer to revealing his powers, and thus, the closer he would get to alienation. He had decided he preferred not to be ostracized and, thus, when someone got too pushy or curious about him, Viktor would choose to simply leave them grasping for straws. Perhaps it was mean. Perhaps not. He could not care less, as it was simply 'for the best' as his daddy used to put it.

However, he was surprised when the padding of footsteps caught up to him and the blonde-haired boy he had been ogling earlier fell in line next to him. Blinking rapidly at the sudden question, he was unsure of how to answer, and so he was silent for a few moments before he replied; "It's kind of hard to get excited when I'll only be here for a year or so, and half of that time not even taking classes. But..." He paused again, and gave a slight shrug. "I'm kind of nervous, if that's what you mean. I've heard both good and bad things about the level of education in this academy and I've gotta be getting the best if I want to be following in my parents footsteps, you know?" He hadn't meant to ramble, but when probed with questions not relating to his powers, he tended to speak whatever was on his mind. Which was often quite a lot.

Vik noticed the bunny-thingy giving him the evil eyebrow, and within moments, Viktor found himself locking gazes with the rabbit in an instinct-fueled battle of wills. The rabbit's goals were clear; the protection of his 'master' or whatever the hell Derrik was to the ball of fluff. Viktor, on the other hand, kept his objectives figuratively pressed to his chest, and refused to reveal his cards. But, just for an instant, there was something more behind those hazel eyes than a boy with powers. 'Evil' might be the wrong word, but whatever it was had a very clear, self-serving goal, and every movement that Viktor made and every word he said was engineered for that goal. Then, Viktor broke the gaze first and shook his head. He muttered to himself in confusion -- "Did I just try to stare down a talking rabbit?" He blinked and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. This year was going to be interesting...

Smores is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 03:04 AM

Comfort seemed to enjoys Seth's eccentric acts, and probably his small grasp of sanity. He was a weird kid, that was very obvious. Though, that was seemingly appreciated by the people here. Even the boys who had just showed up attempted to make Seth feel a little safer. One of them admitting their nervousness and what not to make Seth feel more in place with his feelings, of course the act was appreciated. Seth smiled at him for him raising his arm,showing Seth he was not alone. Of course as things became less nerve wracking, the small guardian bunny like creature ran over to Seth with a small bag of veggies. He couldn't very well just leave him hanging at his feet, so Seth decided he would take but one veggie stick.

Seth leaned over and grabbed one small veggie stick, the smallest one he could possibly grab as to leave the bunny creature with as much food as possible. Seth patted him on the head hesitantly before nibbling away at his miniature veggie stick. "Thanks little guy." Seth was nervous and still timid, but Comfort was close by - and the rabbit creature seemed to prefer veggies to human flesh. That was a nice reassurance. But Seth definitely agreed with Comfort, Seth expected the energetic rabbit to be something of a sugar fiend.

The boys talked about their powers casually, especially the one with the glasses whom gave very little detail into what he could do. Seth felt more secure in not talking about all of his powers, of course he would confide in Comfort. Just in case anything where to ever happen, it would probably be beneficial for someone to know everything. Still he felt separated from Comfort with all these people around. Maybe he was a bad sharer? He was an only child. Yes, that seemed a suitable excuse.

Comfort took very well to Seth's sudden neediness, and made him feel better about being a team for all the time to come. "We can be like super heroes Comfort!" Seth threw his right arm up in the air, Ronan dangling atop. "Ronan can be our mascot, and I can be your sidekick!" Seth pointed at himself with his left hand, dropping his right arm to his side. "You can be the main hero! You have super strength!" Seth punched lightly ahead of himself. Great form, but it probably could not harm the most fragile of bugs.

There was a sudden entrance by some creature, a shape shifter Seth assumed. How many thirty foot reptiles where there? None. It must have been a student. And a cranky one by that, Seth got nothing short of a dirty look from the filthy reptile. He quickly made his way to Comfort's side. Grabbing her arm and pointing at the large creature. "I dont think it likes me..." Seth whispered quietly. Wait. It was probably carnivorous with those teeth...what tried to eat him? Seth swallowed the lump in his throat, time to read up on the biology of large reptiles.

The boys then ran off once more, leaving Comfort and Seth alone again. Seth glanced back at Comfort whom had put down all of the things she was carrying and awaited for her instruction of where they were going. Seth was a lost puppy once again. Seth placed his right hand on his cheek, where Comfort had given him a small kiss. What would Comfort do... Seth interpreted that small kiss as something as motivation. Passing on her fearlessness! Seth grabbed his smallest bag and crammed Ronan inside, slinging the bag over his back.

Derrik had last talked to both Comfort and himself, telling them things were getting started. Seth knew how he could help Comfort. He could find the dorms! With that, Seth sprinted off in the direction of the two boys. Derrik and Vik might be able to help, besides, Derrik and Vik were both boys. They could help Seth find the boys dorms too! "Derrik?" Seth followed his general direction, his legs carrying him quite quickly too. "Oh," Seth pointed down at the two boys talking, "There you too are." Seth caught his breathe quickly, he was fit enough for that. He did run everyone back at home. He then noticed the embarrassed look on Vik's face, and Seth pointed at the lower part of his face with his left hand's index finger. "Am I interrupting something?" Seth blinked slowly, like a small confused child.

Why were older kids so confusing? Running off with one another at random moments.... it seemed so weird. "I get it!" Seth threw both his arms up in the air in excitement, "You two are in love!" Seth let a large,glowing smile cover his face. Love was such a fun idea, the poems, the hugs, the walks on the beach. What was not to like? Although it did get complicated sometimes....the comas and car accidents and what not. Or maybe that only happened on television?

It must be hard being a big kid.

((My apologies for my late post. Exams start in two days and I am kinda panicked, and when Im raelly nervous I dont feel so up to the task of writing. So my apologies again for the quality. I will try my best to remain active, as exams are only the next 6ish days. And Ill miss you Faerie! But have fun!))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 04:33 AM

Still heading towards the dorms, Asher caught side of something huge that was moving off to the side of him. As he looked over he was stunned. "Was that a thirty-something foot reptile I just saw walking along the courtyard? ... Goodness, this is going to be one interesting academy..." He shook his head and began walking again.

It wasn't too long till he saw a group of guys speaking to eachother by a few buidlings. Asher made a bee-line towards the students thinking that atleast ONE person over there could help him find his room... And where the rest of the buildings he would need to visit, such as the Administration Office, are located on the campus for that matter. Walking briskly he began to see the three boys a little bit more clearly. Yes... two of them were older, obivously, by the way they carried themselves as well as the way they towered over an obviously younger male. The little one could not have been older than twelve it seemed, but of course the kid would have to be in order to attend the academy.

His things bumbling behind him, Asher called out to the group, "Hello! ....Uh... Hi! Yes... Um.... I'm new here, as you can probably see... Heh heh... Yeah.... Oh! By the way my name is Asher. Or you can call me Ash if you wanted! Or anything really. I don't care WHAT you call me... but anyway... Uhm....Yes. I was wondering, perhaps, if you could possibly, maybe show me where the dorm rooms are? And where my specific room in the building is? And also where the administration building is too! You know what.... OH NO.... Asher was rambling and he knew it. "Actually... You know what... Just point me to where the dorms are please...."

Asher looked at his feet in humiliation. "WHY is it so hard for me to meet and talk to new people?!"

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 05:51 AM

Honey tried to ignore the lost group, but now there was a guy practically announcing to the whole school that he was lost. She would have to step in and help or they would annoy her to death. With a large growl Honey shook her bags right off her back and she transformed into her human self. The petite girl got up off the ground and shook her silver hair. The sunlight reflected off of it showing everyone around her that she took very good care of it.

"Listen up Newbies." She shouted to the group of people that were now headed off in a confused direction. "Check in is in the North side of school! Go AROUND the building to the front! Believe it or not your in the back!" She sighed and then kept on with her information. "Once you get to them they are going to print off a sheet that will tell you your classes, your dorm room location, and some other random stuff no one really reads. The Girls dorms are on the far west side of campus PAST the Volleyball courts. You can't miss them, they're huge white towers and lots of girls! The boys dorms are on the complete opposite side of the campus and its made of black bricks and stained glass!" Honey shook her head at them and made a very angry face. "And while your at it try and not to be so annoying to everyone around you. If you just go with the flow you'll make it there eventually."

Honey turned around after her speech and went back to her bags which she put back on her back with a huge effort. Then she turned back into her 30 foot reptile and started to saunter off to the front of the school. She really hoped that the group of people wouldn't try to annoy her by asking her more questions. Did they not know that it was the job of the people at the front desk to help them? She really hoped that was the case.

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 08:46 AM

Derrik nodded in understanding of Vik's sentiment. Suddenly Seth bounded up with the assumption that he was in love with Vik. Before he could object--as politely as possible, of course--not only did the half-elf Asher introduce himself, but the shape shifter turned into a really cute girl, whipped around, and told them all off. Miki puffed up and hissed at her abrasive response. He really took a distaste to this girl. Derrik shook his head in disapproval. "Hey now! Don't be rude Miki. She just told us where to find the dorms and such. Take it with a grain of salt as they say..." Even though her manners seemed to be lacking at the moment, Honey was still a young lady and was to be treated as such."Thank you for the assistance, it won't be taken lightly." Derrik replied courteously and bowed as he did when introducing himself.

"Ki mi kiki miki ki ki...Miki mi mi mi-i ki!!!" Miki crossed his little arms and glared at Honey. It was Derrik's turn to raise an eyebrow at the rabbit. "No, I'm not going to translate that Miki. Leave her be." He adjusted the bags in his hands and sighed. Miki's comment had been witty but would have just escalated the situation unecessarily. "Alright then gents. Shall we continue chatting on the way to check in? Hopefully I have classes with you...and Comfort..." he added quietly with a blush. He really liked her. In fact, if it had been elementary shool Derrik would have said he 'like-like'd her. Derrik decided he'd tell her after they got to know each other better. For right now he wanted to socialize while on the way to the guys' dorms. As soon as he got nestled in he was going to sleep for a while. Maybe he'd draw a picture of the forest for Comfort. Yeah, he'd do that...Derrik smiled at the thought.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 09:14 PM

Stunned at the hostility and viciousness of the shape-shifters remark, Asher furrowed his brows and looked toward the buildings up ahead. "Who does she think she is, talking to everyone like they're little more than scum on the bottom of her shoe. None of us had done a single thing to her. Did she expect that everyone who walked on campus would instantly become an expert of the entire grounds as they passed through the gates? The audacity...." And obviously Asher wasn't alone in his opinion, the small rabbit seemed to think the same thing based on his squeeks. Asher liked this creature, even more than usual (for Asher had a very close connection with all creatures and he liked them all). Hopefully the rabbit, named something along the lines of "Miki" and him would become close.

Asher then realized that the rabbit did belong to someone and corrected his thoughts, that he would not only try and meet Miki, but also his owner, as it would only be polite. Looking back to the group of faces around him Asher spoke in a grim tone, "Well it seems we better get going to this "Check-In" deal and find our rooms before that wonderfully kind oversized-lizard comes back to shower us with some more compliments on our intelligence and sense of direction."

Walking around the group of boys Asher began to head towards the North side of the grounds muttering something about how pleasant it was that the male and female dorms were on the opposite sides of the campus.

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 09:47 PM

Viktor stopped dead in his tracks when he was accused of 'being in love' with Derrik. Backpedaling as fast as possible, he shook his head and vehemently denied it; "No, no no no, that's not it at all, you've got it all wrong, and, well, came in at a bad time is all." It was around this time that the new student, 'Asher', introduced himself and started rapid-fire questioning the three boys. Viktor was about to respond to the new arrival [also cute; there were a lot of attractive people at this school, Viktor had realized] when a crocodile [!] transformed into a petite yet arrogant young girl, who proceeded to 'instruct' them on how to get to check in and not be annoying. Viktor felt a bit overwhelmed by the increasing rapidity of events, but cooled his head enough to shout a 'Thank you! We owe you one!' to the girl who had assisted them.

Viktor nodded his head at Derrik's assumption and once again started off in the lead to get to the Check-In. Viktor unconsciously took the lead in most things due to his carefree, risk-taker personality. That and he was getting flustered, being around so many 'cuties' as his mother would put it, and taking a leading position helped alleviate that. He clicked his tongue as he realized he hadn't even introduced himself to Asher; he waved a hand with his back turned, as was his custom. "Hey, Asher. I'm Viktor. Call me Vik. Nice to meet you." He was quite curt, as expected; though he internally agreed with Asher's sarcasm when dealing with the alligator-girl, he felt repulsed at the boy's need to verbalize it.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 12:20 AM

Vik's waving hand broke Asher's concentration on angrily walking away from the spot where he had been accused of being an annoying newb and made him begin to focus on the young man in front of him. After the greeting, Asher had realized that Vik was actually the only person so far to introduce himself to him, and took that oppourtunity to get to know him. Heck, if he was the first person to reply then obivously he saw Asher in a better light than the gator-girl did, and that meant a lot to Asher, being in a completely new place knowing no one else. "Oh, Hey, Vik. Nice to meet you too."

Asher wanted to explain his irrational mouth to Vik and the others in a brief manner becasue he didn't want to seem like he was rambling again, so he began with a bit of a softer tone, "You know... I don't usually let my mouth get away from me. I just get nervous around new people. I'm also not usually that rude, so please don't judge me based on that, but her comments were just uncalled for." Asher stopped himself after that, he had made his point and didn't want to over do it. Keeping pace with everyone, he began to take in the campus scenery again.

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 12:57 AM

Derrik chuckled, "Miki and I agree." He gave a friendly smile to Asher and introduced himself. "My name's Derrik and this little guy on my shoulder is Miki. Nice to meet you. He wanted me to say 'Thank you for your help. May our feet be as quick as your mouth.'" Derrik shook his head. Honey probably would have tried to eat them for that. He tried to handle situations like that with as much diplomacy as possible. "I don't blame your sentiment but let's not give her words more power than they're worth. How are you faring Seth? I hope she didn't scare you." He felt it his duty to look after Seth while Comfort was gone. He liked the kid and began to see him as a little brother. Derrik took in the scenery as well. Tall lush trees surrounded the campus, a light fog seeped out from between the trunks giving a surreal feel to the whole place.

They walked on and Derrik began to feel more at home. He was glad he'd transferred here. Everyone...well...almost everyone was really nice and he looked forward to getting to know them better. Miki purred his approval of the group but still kept an eye on Vik. He yawned the snuggled into Derrik's shoulder to snooze. He wasn't really needed at that point but he was getting sleepy anyways. He dreamt Derrik and Seth fed him carrots while Asher and Comfort pet him. He purred loudly as he slept. The dorms weren't too far now. Derrik smiled warmly at his sleeping friend as they continued on. He wondered who'd he be roomed with. He wouldn't mind being roomies with any of the group really. Hopefully whomever Seth got roomed with would treat him really well.

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 05:22 AM

Being spoken to startled Asher and his focus was brought to another young man of the group, Derrik, as well as his pet, Miki. "YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! YUSYUSYUSYUSYUS! S.U.C.C.E.S.S!" Asher thought to himself. He didn't even have to try and he met the rabbit... and the owner too, of course. Thank goodness he didn't have to because that just would have given himself another chance to embarrass himself.

He was beginning to feel more welcome and comfortable now as he met the other students who also could possibly be his roommates. Venturing further into the grounds made him see that this place could be and incredible home and learning environment if he let it be.

Looking to Derrik, Asher responded, "Yeah.... That makes sense. I'll take that into consideration next time we meet with her, 'cause I'm quite sure that wasn't our last encounter."

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 07:03 AM

[I was trying to wait a bit for Smores to post but if we're moving on, then...]

Viktor waved a dismissive hand when Asher started explaining about his actions and words. "It's fine, it's fine." His usual expression for letting somebody know when he didn't really care about something -- in this case, it was Asher's vocalization of hostility towards the alligator girl thingy. "Yeah, it was a bit rude to say that, but it's fine. We were all thinking the same thing, or at least, I was." He paused for a second to observe the scenery. "I mean, tact is the key. If you see someone that's morbidly obese, you might think 'he's fat', but you wouldn't outright say it, right? Some things just go unspoken. But I'm sure you knew that already."

There he went again, 'older brother lecture mode' as his old friend Jeremy used to call it. He didn't mean to get this way sometimes, but inevitably he did. "Besides. She's probably just having a bad day. Or a bad week. Maybe something happened to her to make her annoyed towards other people. I can't really judge her based on one comment. Just like how I can't judge you either for your comment." He continued to walk ahead of the rest of the boys, arms behind his head, black blazer occasionally blowing a little bit with the wind. Under it, his white-and-wrinkled dress-shirt revealed just how informal he was. He had no reservations about being himself...or what he thought was himself, anyways.

Vik blinked rapidly and yawned as it dawned on him; it was only natural for him to take the leading role and the 'lecturer guardian guy' role. He was the oldest, and often found himself trying to act like such -- even if he wasn't the oldest. By the time Viktor had finished with his lecture and internal thought process, they had almost reached the front of the building -- he could see a lot more students walking around, now. Some were talking with eachother like old friends having a reunion, some were wandering around lost [in which case Viktor kindly pointed them in the right direction with a 'Hey! Check-in's over there, guy!']. He couldn't help but marvel at all the different people there were. There was a girl with the top half of a woman and the bottom half of a snake. There was a guy with very long, sentient hair that he was using as a chair. There was even a harpy-girl-thing...

'At least I won't be bored.'

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 05:50 PM

(OOC: Sorry 'bout that. I'll wait :) )

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 08:01 PM

The alligator finally found her way to the Desks with staff behind them ready to operate the computers. Honey noticed that some of the students left because they were frightened, but the majority of them stayed because they knew that she had to be a student because why else would there be an alligator waiting in line! Honey couldn't talk in her reptilian form so she was forced to change back into her tiny girl form. She went up to the desk, stated her name, and they easily printed up her sheet and school ID.

The School ID was important on Campus and everyone was forced to carry it wherever they went. It told your name, age, grade, and level of powers. Honey hated her ID because it told everyone around her that she actually wasn't that powerful. Fire breathing Alligators are just really really scary, especially if you didn't know it was a person.

Honey noticed that there was a small trolley/wagon thing and decided to push all her stuff in those instead of on her back. She couldn't fit through some of the hallways of the school anyway. She got her stuff and headed off to the Girls Dorms. She started to really like the trolley thing, it was easy to push and turn and sometimes it would actually walk up the stairs by itself.

The girl noticed a lot of friends getting back together and talking rather than getting sorted out. Honey had a tinge of envy surge through her. She had been going to this school for two years and she still had not made a single friend. She told herself that this was not a problem and it wasn't going to make her sad. She was here to learn, not to make friends. It was so much easier to study when you didn't have friends to bother you every two seconds. Plus she wasn't going to get rid of her Bisnatchy front, in order to make friends with everyone. She needed to be mean and abrasive to everyone she met. In the back of Honey's mind tho, she wasn't so sure why she had to do this.

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 03:56 AM

[I don't think Smores will post any time soon, what with finals tomorrow and such, so we can either move on [but not too far] or hold up for him. I vote for the former.]

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 04:36 AM

((I don't know if I should have much of an opinion seeing as I'm not really interacting with characters as much))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 11:33 AM

((Back!! The beach was awesome, and I have a battle wound from a fight I got in with a jellyfish. Good times! And wow! You guys wrote a lot!))

Comfort watched as Seth hurried over to play with the big boys while holding his bag with his stuffed bear inside. She felt a strange mixture of emotions as he scurried away, like would he be safe? Would he remember to be friendly to the other boys? Would he remember to was behind his ears? The brunette felt like she was a mother bird watching her littlest hatchling fly away from the nest, which was strange because they hadn’t known each other for long at all. Maybe it was because she felt that Seth was her superhero sidekick, heck, when they finished up their schooling they could go out and fight crime as a daring duo, but whatever it was, Comfort was sad to watch him leave. She picked up the remaining of his luggage and hurried over to the other boys and set them on the ground. “Well, looks like yer in good hands, Seth. Here’s yer stuff, we should meet for supper. All of us,” Comfort motioned to the other boys too, but mostly Derrik. It seemed she was on her own on finding the girls dormitory.

As she turned to walk away, holding her single suitcase over her shoulder, another boy approached them and began quickly talking, and then the giant lizard that was nearby turned into a short girl and shouted at them for being ignorant and blah, blah, blah. But, at least Comfort knew where to go for the girls rooms. “Someone needs to beat the holy love of God into that one,” she muttered as she took off after the girl, who turned back into her scaly form, towards the Administration Office. Comfort pulled her earphones out of her bag again and turned up her music. “Out in the back woods, out in the holler, out in the back woods, workin’ hard for a dollah!” she swayed her hips and jumped around until she arrived at the office and stood in line, and even still she swung her hips back and forth as she waited.

They were to be assigned student ID cards that they were to keep with them at all times. Comfort stared down at the card that had a picture of her curly locks and freckled cheeks that told her name, her age, grade, and then four stars at the bottom. Comfort looked up at the woman behind the desk who had given her the card after she had filled out the paperwork. “’Sxcuse meh, ma’am.” She said as she leaned over the counter. “Whattda these stars mean?” The woman looked over the card before responding.

“That’s your level of power, dear,” she started tolerantly. “The school in essence rates the power of the students and classifies them based on the star system; it’s a way that helps them work out which classes to put you in. Oh, and it’s out of five stars.” The woman looked Comfort’s card over again before adding, “Four stars isn’t that rare here, especially for your age. In fact, most of the students are threes and fours, five stars on the particularly powerful, which would be most of the Senior class, while ones and twos are children with the strange powers such as ‘the ability to eat more than the average person without gaining weight’.” The woman behind the desk chuckled as she recalled a student they had years earlier with the same power. “Anyways, off to your dorm room, it says on your papers that Honey will be your roommate.” She gave Comfort a kind smile before handing her the packet of information and her ID card and sending her on her way.

Comfort stared at the piece of plastic, and then to her packet for information on her roommate for the next nine months. It said that she was going to be staying with a girl named Honey Croat and they would be on the second floor of the girls’ dorm in room 246.

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 06:19 PM

Honey was already in her dorm room getting stuff ready. It was really big, a little too big for only two people. Then again if she didn't get along with her roommate (Which she most likely wouldn't) She would have the ability to be as far as possible from her. Honey started to fill her own personal closet with her clothes, which was quite a lot, and then moved in to the bathroom to put all her stuff away. There was only one bathroom, but there were two sinks. Honey started to lay out her toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup of all colors, hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, hair ties, hair bows, head bands, and just a million other things.

It looked like a lot, but it was organized and it only took up her half of the sink. She really hoped the next girl would be as kind as to use only her side of the sink for her things.

Honey decided to look at the paper with the information on it. Her roommate was going to be a girl named Comfort? "Comfort?" She said to herself. "Who in the world names their kid Comfort?" Honey began to think of the names in the room. Honey and Comfort. Their names made them sound like a bunch of nit-wits. The girl sighed and layed down on her fluffy bed.

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 11:09 PM

((I want to wait on Smores too. I know what finals are like. XD I can wait another day if need be.))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 11:25 PM

((Agreed! Smores is a member of our family! : } ))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 03:55 AM

((I think the guys will wait on Smores if that's okay. He's an integral part of the group and I want to here Seth's view on all this. :DDD ))


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