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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-19-2016, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
i'm fallin behind too, oof. x_x but hey, you made it almost 2 weeks without missing a day!
Yers, Howdy do good!

I started doin' this on a whim, but it's been pretty fun. And i'm sure i'll catch up.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-19-2016, 03:27 AM


Today's Prompts:
Happy Thoughts

This one is stumping me a bit. What does that say about me? I decided to peek into other people's jars for ideas, but i'm still pretty blank. Are these happy thoughts about myself? Thoughts that make me happy? In either case, i'm reaching into the well and not finding much. Maybe this should serve as a reminder to inject some positivity into my life, and not be so negative, especially about myself.

Oh shit, this post is threatening to make me all introspective.

But c'mon, what makes me happy?! Happy thoughts!

My cats make me happy. Hanging out with sister or my cousins makes me happy. Going out to eat makes me happy. Sleep makes me happy. ;P

But these are happy things I experience. Not thoughts.

Arrrgghh, I don't know!



Music makes me happy. Let's move on to that.

Music of the Day
Viva Voce ~ The Center of the Universe

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-20-2016, 03:12 AM

omg Clue is so good! one of my faves...

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-22-2016, 12:26 AM


Today's Prompt:

So uh... nothing immediately springs to mind when I think about bears. So let's fight our way through the cobwebs and search the vaults.

Um... okay. This guy.

Teddy Ruxpin. I had one of hims, thousands and thousands of years ago, long before any of you were swimmin' upstream.

Was he hours of entertainment? Who can recall. I do remember it was more fun to put music tapes in him, and I want to say that he sang along. But I think it was more that he mindlessly opened and closed his fuzzy maw. I liked to put my finger in his mouth while he was talking, so it was like he was chewing. It amused me.

My cousin had one too and years later transformed him into 'Scary Ruxpin', with black lipstick, spiked hair, safety pins and anarchy symbols.

My mom made beef soup today. She cut open a bell pepper and he was screaming. Crying out into the dark. Begging for his life to be spared.

His memory will live on.

Also, my aunt gave me a belated Christmas present. A t-shirt with this design...

It's Robert Smith, from the Cure, crossed with Nightcrawler from the X-Men. So cool. The artist goes by the name butcherbilly. If you've never seen any of his work, check out his tumblr. He's all kinds of amazing.

Music fo the Day
I guess now I have to add this.

The Cure ~ Friday I'm in Love

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-22-2016 at 12:35 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-22-2016, 01:45 AM


Today's Prompt:
Dat Merchandise

Again, really don't have too much to put here. Merchandise can be fun, but I usually don't have the FUNds. <--- See what I did there?

Back when I was really into anime, if I liked a series, I just wanted everything. So I probably have some crazy stuff packed away. Like this Kodomo no Omocha drumstick kit...

Did I ever actually play with it? Nope. ... I wonder where it is.

So tonight I watched a 'Let's Play' for a game called 'That Dragon, Cancer'.

This is something I had read about in Game Informer some time back. As I remembered it, it was about the developer's son's real life battle with cancer and journey his entire family goes on. Like said, this was a while back and wasn't aware how the story had continued.

Saw it up on Youtube and thought i'd like to give it a looksee. ... It's a lovely little game, but heartbreaking and emotionally draining. My eyes were totally red afterwards.

The 'Let's Play' I watched was done by Bowling Otter and Lissy Sandwich. Some days later (this is written after the fact) I saw Jacksepticeyes playthough. I usually watch both channels for their goofiness, but both were very respectful with the material.

If you can deal with the feels, here they are:

Music of the Day
After watching the playthrough, I couldn't but help think of this song.

Tori Amos ~ 1000 Oceans

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-23-2016, 03:16 AM


Today's Prompt:
"B" is for...


Here she is sitting on my chest in the middle of the night.

Binky is about five and a half years old. We've had her since she was a kitten. I love this little monkey. She is undoubtedly the weirdest and most neurotic cat i've ever owned. I always say that nature gave her the choice between brains or personality, and she chose the latter. I wouldn't want her any other way.

Music of the Day:
Cat Power ~ Moonshiner

See what I did there? :B

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-24-2016, 02:29 AM


Today's Prompy:
In My Desk

My desk isn't actually a proper desk. It's really a sort of cabinet that I use as one, so it puts me at an awkward angle. But i'm used to it.

I opened up the cabinet and found this little guy.

I haven't thought of him in a long time. I must have sewed him together more than ten years ago. He's made of scrap fabric, if I recall. I think he's a cross between a cat and a bear. A Care. ... Or a Bat.

If he has a name, i've long forgotten it.

Music of the Day
Something else I seem to forget about. I'll go long stretches without hearing this song, and when I do, I remember how much I love it. :D

Smashing Pumpkins ~ Muzzle

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-24-2016, 03:17 AM


Today's Prompt:
I'm Up!

Now i'm not exactly sure how i'm supposed to interpret this prompt. It's instantly brings three things to mind.
1. The movie Up.
2. Struggling to get up out of bed.
3. Some guy trying to get it up on the set of a porno.

Just bein' honest.

1. Up was a good watch. I've seen it once. I remember how everyone said that the beginning of the movie was devastatingly sad and how they cried their eyes out. So I prepared myself... and it wasn't that bad. It was sad, and you definitely feel bad for the charaters, but I didn't feel my heart ripped asunder.

2. Sleep is so wonderful and beds are sooo comfy. I never want to get up. If there's a sleep institute out there paying people to stay in bed all day, i'm your man. -- It's funny how you spend your childhood not wanting to go to bed, and the rest of your life aching for it. Every time little Billy or Susie complains about having to go to sleep, i'd be like, "Bitch, I wish I could put my PJs on now!"

3. How awkward it must be to be a male on a porno set, waiting to get hard. Is that too graphic? I don't think so. We're all adults here. ... At least I am. ... But I would suppose that if you're willing to get naked in front of others and do the ol' rumpy pumpy on camera, awkwardness wouldn't be such a problem for you. But as they say, time is money. People got work to do, and they're all there waiting for your soldier to stand at attention. That's got to be a lot of pressure. -- But I also suppose that drugs like Viagra and Cialis and other kinds of erectile... supporters? stimulants? papa's little helper? ... have been a boon to the industry. But is your flag still flyin' an hour later when you're at the grocery store, trying to buy Fruit Loops? ... These are the hard hitting questions. ... ... Forgive the pun.

Music of the Day
Buzzcocks ~ Orgasm Addict

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-24-2016 at 03:20 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-02-2016, 07:46 PM

solid music choices in here, Howdy! as always.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 02-06-2016, 11:12 PM

Thanks. ;D

I'm so behind on this. I wasn't feelin' very well and was out of commission for a week. D:

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 02-06-2016, 11:48 PM


Today's Prompt:
Random Act

Random act of kindness? Random act of violence? Random act of neutrality?

Random acts of kindness are a good thing. I guess that goes without saying. We could all do with a little more, whether receiving or performing. Sometimes I make breakfast for my sister before she goes to work. It's not a big thing, but it always surprises her and makes 'er happy.

The world could definitely do with s'more generosity.

Today is my grandmother's birthday. It's strange to think she's been gone for almost four years. My cousin, grandfather and I went to the cemetery to visit her. I uh... Hmmm. Bittersweet isn't the right word. I mean, it's sad that she not here anymore. But there's a comfort in visiting her grave. ... I know what's there is now only a shell, but it makes me feel like i'm saying to her, 'I'm not forgetting you." Even though I could tell her that anywhere. I dunno. :B


Afterward we went to a Mexican grocery store and I spotted a Donald Trump pinata. So you know I wanted to whack that fucker with a stick.

Music of the Day
Dedicated to my grama. :)

Patsy Cline ~ I Fall to Pieces

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 02-07-2016 at 06:36 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 02-07-2016, 06:33 AM


Today's Prompt:
My Shirt Is

The shirt i'm wearing right now is black and has a Nightmare Before Christmas design on the front. It looks like this... :D

It was originally a gift and I believe i've had it for a couple of years. It cool, man.

I can't believe the Nightmare Before Christmas is as old as it is. I remember seeing it in the theater when it first came out... kinda. Geez, that makes me feel old too. But I love that movie, and i've loved it since the beginning. Once, when I was a much younger Howdy, I went with my cousin to the mall and we saw this really neat TNBC ad display poster at... some store. I don't remember. But I swiped it and still have it to this day.

Music of the Day
The Nightmare Before Christmas OST ~ This is Halloween

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 02-09-2016, 10:28 AM


Today's Prompt:

The key to happiness? The key to my heart?
I'm never happy and I have no heart. So there!
You like that? What I did there? So angsty. Yeah!

I was a latchkey kid for some time, so all through middle school I wore my house key around my neck, on a simple ball clasp chain. And then for quite a while after that I had a ridiculous amount of key chains. I seriously had so many, it was difficult to spot the actual keys. It was a clusterfuck.

Nowadays I only use two. A Dracula key chain I was given a thousand years ago, and a souvenir key chain from a 2008 Cure concert. Here they is...

Dracula's a bit beat up, but he's kinda noir and I like that. ;D

Music of the Day
The Dingees ~ Latch Key Kids


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