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My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-22-2011, 10:19 PM

Sean caught up, and literally threw Jack in the car. Jumping in after him, Sean floored it and burned rubber away. He had to run over a few of 'them', which caused blood and gore to splash all over the windshield. "What the fuck's wrong with you?" he yelled, "You had a gun, you should've shot." He continued to drive, until they were safe.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-23-2011, 12:32 AM

Jack found himself practically thrown across the seat as the Humvee no sooner started up and hi-tailed away. It was the bumpiest ride Jack ever had the pleasure of experiencing anyway, as he was tossed side to side over the bumps of hitting zombie after zombie, having yet to put a seat-belt on. Pretty soon, even the windshield was splattered with blood, in which the windshield whispers had to do their job, smearing the thick blood around so that you could barely see out of the glass.

"The fuck's wrong with ME?" Jack questioned irritably as he found himself lying on his stomach across the middle console of the large vehicle, trying to keep from being tossed around like a rag doll. "The fuck's wrong with YOU?! Runnin' out there and shoutin' like you WANT em to kill you!" Talk about avoiding the question.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-23-2011, 12:52 AM

((oh yeah, I forgot to say, but thanks. glad I got a laugh outta you.))

Sean slammed on the brakes. The Humvee skidded for a while, due to the blood covering the tire, and he turned to glare at Jack. "You want to walk? Then get out." He leaned over and threw open Jack's door. "If not, curb your fucking attitude. We're in this together, even though I'd shoot you in a moment normally, so you better shape up, or we'll BOTH die. Is hat what you want dick?" He was dead serious, "Either you fight, or you die, and I'm not about to let a puck ass like you get me killed."

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-23-2011, 01:13 AM

"Hey, whoa, are you crazy?!" Jack quickly pulled the door closed again in a panic, obviously not 'wanting to walk' and in fear of zombies getting him, before looking to Sean, who was practically foaming at the mouth with rage. He would have complained that he'd stopped the truck and almost sent him through the windshield if he hadn't been practically ready to jump in the backseat out of fear to avoid the other's lecture and possible murderous attempt. Who knew this guy had such an epic (and scary) angry side!

"Jeez, don't get so bent outta shape over it..." Jack finally said, having calmed down but feeling very small now. Even regret began to set in. "What am I supposed to do? Change the way I am just 'cause the world's goin' to shit?" Well, maybe yes... but that was beside the point. He folded his arms across his chest with a pouting look, shifting his gaze out his door's window as he sat hunched in his seat. "Hmph. Maybe I FORGOT how to shoot, okay? That good enough for ya?"

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-23-2011, 01:41 AM

Sean didn't even bother replying. With today's games like call of duty, if he didn't know how to shoot, then he was clearly a retard... Sean grinned at that. Driving again, Sean looked for a nearby town. "Keep an eye out for gas stations dickhead." He told his partner, still pissed.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:12 PM

"Yeah whatever, assclown." Jack replied, continuing to look out the window with folded arms and a pouty look as the shotgun laid propped up on the floor. He wondered if Sean was serious when he said he'd shoot him normally. Maybe it was a mistake coming with this guy? If the zombies didn't get him, then he would!

As they went down the road, it was quiet, neither of them really having much to say. That is, until Jack saw something out the window. "Hey, what's that?" It was a woman just standing there by the edge of the road with a baby stroller, unmoving. "Ain't that a lady and a baby? Why're they just standin' around for!" It was kindda creepy, to be honest...

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:17 PM

Sean stopped the car in front of them, and they still didn't move. He honked the horn slightly, and the woman twitched a bit, but other than that... nothing. getting out, Sean said, "Wait here." And hopped out. He walked towards the woman carefully, and said gently, "Is everything alright ma'am? Are you in need of assistance?"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:30 PM

Jack watched as Sean got out of the Humvee. "Seriously?" He had to let out, a part of him not wanting for Sean to leave the vehicle. He had an eerily bad feeling about this. He found himself propped up in his seat, practically pressed against the windshield as Seth came up to the lady and the stroller.

When asked if she was okay, the lady twitched some again. Her head was lowered, blond bangs with a hint of gray in them covering her eyes. Her skin was dry and bit pale, and there was a little blood trickling down her right arm and left leg. "My... my baby." She let out, swaying to the stroller almost drunkenly, which only had a blanket in it with something making a lump under it. "My poor... baby..."

Jack continued to watch from the car. "'Kay, this is gettin' weird..."

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:33 PM

Sean looked at the cradle and began, "Umm... ma'am..... are you okay?" She only repeated herself however, and Sean Drew his revolver, uneasy. "Ma'am, Could I ask you to step away from the carriage?" He was starting to freak out. This was something right out of a horror movie. He reached down, and slowly removed the blanket.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:50 PM

"NOO, DON'T LOOK AT MY BABY!!" The woman screamed, jumping on Sean's back fiercely, clawing and even trying to bite at him. The blanket having been pulled off, what lied in the carriage seemed nothing more than a lob of flesh. Yet it moved around as if it were alive. It's eyes were closed before opening with it's mother's screams, showing it's red eye color, and in the same instant of the mother pouncing, the 'baby' also lunched at Sean from the front.

Yet no sooner did a loud bang ensue, in which the small bag of flesh was hit in mid-air, and went flying to the ground, across the street. And there Jack stood, with the shotgun just a ways away, with nothing more but a disbelieving, dazed look as the insane woman still clawed at Sean hysterically.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 05:58 PM

Sean fell backwards, and tried to defend himself. If he had tried, he could have killed her in almost an instant, but he restrained himself. he didn't want to hurt an innocent. When the baby lunged, Sean almost had a heart attack. It just... exploded.... Then he looked over, and saw the still smoking shotgun in Jack's hands. Smiling to himself, despite being clawed at, Sean forced himself to stand up. Throwing to woman off, he got into the Humvee. Closing his door, he waited for Jack to get back in. "You did good." Sean said.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 06:12 PM

No sooner was Jack in the Humvee too, quickly slamming his door closed as the woman chased after the both of them. "J-just shut up and go!" He spat back, adrenaline racing and very much on-edge as the hysterical woman began to crawl on top of the hood now, screaming things about her baby, not seeming to like two of them one bit.

Last edited by Mayor Mayhem; 09-24-2011 at 06:20 PM..

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 06:36 PM

Sean floored it, and winced when he saw the woman fall. Soon, they were speeding away. "That was fucking creepy." Sean said shakily, "But you did good back there. Just remember how to do that more often eh?" He glanced over, and appraised the kid, maybe he wasn't so worthless after all.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 07:03 PM

Jack looked in the mirror on his side of the car, watching the woman grow smaller and smaller in the distance, until she was out of sight completely. Only then could he feel remotely safe, yet he was far from over the whole occurrence.

"D-did good?!" He stammered back, still holding onto the shotgun as if it were a comforting stuffed animal. "I just shot a baby with a fuckin' shotgun!" He twitched in his seat a bit, still spazzing out, having to wonder if that act alone sent him straight to hell or not.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 07:17 PM

Sighing, Sean said comfortingly, "It was us or it. and that wasn't a baby anymore. that was far closer to a demon than anything else." He was trying to reassure the kid, but Sean was still shaken up himself. That just.... wasn't natural. He glanced at the dash, and saw they were still mostly full. "You have any where in particular you want to get to?"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 07:23 PM

Jack continued to squirm in his seat. "I know I ain't no angel or anything, but I've never killed anyone in my life, demon baby or not! I've never even shot a gun before!" Now he was rambling on, lost in his own thoughts. When Sean asked him where he wanted to go, all he could think of was 'away'. "I dunno, man, just outta this crazy city! How much gas we got?"

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 08:01 PM

Glancing down at the dash again, Sean replied, "About a full tank. And I know yer not an Angle. If you were, you'd be dead right now. there are no angles left." After a pause, "might as well put that thing down. you reload it after you fired?"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 08:26 PM

A full tank sounded like heaven. At least that was one good thing going for them. Jack gave a nervous laugh at Sean's remark about all the angels being dead. "Hah... yeah, go figure, right?" Well, at least he was among fellow hell-goers then. He looked to the gun when Sean then mentioned reloading it. "Hell no I didn't reload it." He answered, looking at it as if it were a foreign object. "All I got outta your lesson a while back was 'point and pull the trigger'. I'm surprised I even hit that thing!" Calling it a 'baby' just put a bad taste in his mouth.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 09:07 PM

Grinning a bit. Sean pulled over, and showed him how to reload, and explained: "Every chance you have, make sure it's loaded. That way, you're always loaded. Don't worry about it though, I'll teach you what i can while we're still alive." Then, driving again, he said, "We should keep an eye out for houses. We need to stop son. It's getting late, and i have a feeling that those things'll like the dark"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 10:32 PM

Jack listened to the explanation. So it was a pump shotgun and you had to cock it back to kick out the shell every time, huh? That seemed kind of difficult. But at least he could do it 8 times before he'd have to reload. He was secretly grateful for the explanation, but his ego kept him from voicing his feelings.

When they continued to drive, his gun now loaded and ready to go, Jack looked out the window as Sean spoke. "Aww man..." It WAS getting dark. Just wonderful. And Sean's idea that the zombies like the dark didn't help his already growing paranoia. "So what? We just gonna bunk in some random jackoff's house tonight?" It was the safest way, and he knew it, but a part of him also just wanted to stay in the Humvee for the rest of eternity.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 12:06 AM

"yep... and we'll break in if we have to," he said, as he parked in a nearby drive way. "I'd stay in the car, but i don't know if they'd be able to flip it or not." Getting out, he loaded his rifle fresh, and walked up to the house. turning to jack, he asked, "you comin' or not?"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 12:24 AM

With the car parked and turned off in a driveway, Jack remained seated, watching as Sean got out. "Breaking in, huh..." He said, muddling the thought over. That wasn't unfamiliar territory for him at all. Zombies flipping over the Humvee? That was definitely a spookier concept to grasp. He might of actually stayed in the car if it wasn't for that fact alone.

"Yeah, yeah, hold your horses." Jack finally grabbed the shotgun, opened the door, and exited the safe vehicle to make his way towards Sean. He went up to the front door and jerked on the handle. Nothing. "Fantastic." He said, turning back to Sean. "It's freakin' locked." But could they really just break a window like he was used to doing? Wouldn't that make a lot a noise for those rotten sacks of flesh to hear? He looked back to the door. "We're gonna need a crowbar."

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 01:58 AM

Cocking an eye at Jack, Sean walked over to the Humvee and grabbed a crow bar. He handed it to Jack with a confused look, "Here, but i don't know how it will help."

((sorry about it being short))

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 03:08 AM

(( Np at all. And sorry mine's kind of long sometimes. n_n; ))

"Of course it'll help." Jack said, taking the crowbar and propping it on the inside edge of the front door. It wasn't like a heavily bolted and secured door in the main city; it was a wooden house door, and wouldn't be too hard to pry open with the kinds of hinges it had. With the crowbar in its precise place, he pulled it back with a grunt, using it as a lever.

"We can't... break any windows... 'cause it'll make too much noise." He explained as he put all his weight behind the crowbar, struggling a bit with the forceful job. Finally, the wooden door gave a snapping sound from the splintering of the pine jamb as the door slowly creaked open.

"All about the leverage." Jack said, wiping the sweat from his brow. He handed the 'Jemmy' back to Sean. "Dad taught me that."

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 05:12 AM

Sighing, Sean said, "Great father son time I guess..." before leading the way. It was an older house, and the entrance seemed to be nothing ore than a little space that people could get in and out, there was dried blood on the floor, and that made Fenris gulped a bit but other despite that the house was silent. Standing in the doorway, he beckoned Jake in, and said, "It SEEMS clear here, get in so we can lock up."


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