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keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 08-17-2007, 07:08 PM

((Yeah I know what you mean, and they usually are the really annoying ones. All the really cool ones haven't been discoverd by most people yet. I sometimes just grab a random manga of the shelf and buy it. It's pretty funny xD that's how I got Bizengaust (sp?) and Princess Ai.))

It then donged on Jun, she vaguely remember reading about human like computers. What were they called again...

"I can stay for a bit. My father wasn't expecting me home for at least another week. He didn't trust the transport systems here. He said that
'the safest way to get from point A to point B was on the back of a panda' he'd always say. Besides I need to find my brother Ren."

"Pardon me if I'm being rude but what are you? Are you one of those human computer things?"

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 03:37 AM

[Well Inuyasha and Bleach are awesome! Now Naruto (english version) is another story..... Never heared of Bizengaust.... But Princess Ai is so great!! I mostly get into manga/anime for the artwork.]

::She looks at her excitedly "Really? You dont have to leave yet? That makes Chi happy!" she hugged her tightly then looked at her "Oh yeah, im called a Persicom. and where is Ren? Can Chi help?"::

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 01:05 PM

((Can I join please?? PM me and tell me. I would like some help on the charicter profile. I don't really understand what it is thet i'm suppose to do with it :oops: Thank you))

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 06:52 PM

((Inuyasha's first two seasons are ok after that it gets old. Never really liked bleach and I only tolerate Naruto's manga. Bizengaust is good if you like gothic, dark manga's (I love the art style).))

"Persicom, so that's what they are called." Jun smiled. "As for Ren, My gardian, Lee Bailong went out in search of him. I don't know of where he would be though.

"So, what exactly do Persicom's do?" Jun asked.

kioku is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 08:49 PM

color=blue]Im joining in!![/color]

Anime Character is from: Naruto
Character name:Hinata
Age:(wow I should know this.. :oops: )
Special Abilities:byakuugan
Character Personality:very shy and gets nervouse easily, but kind, and a strong person inside
Picture of Character:
Additional Characters we should know about:Naruto (Hinata likes him, if you don't know that) Kiba and Shino(the other 2 members of her ninja squad) kurenai (her squad leader)
More Pics

kioku is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 08:55 PM

((DARK!!!!! *squees like an obsessed fan-girl, wait I am an obsessed fan-girl!!!!!!!!* *glomps Dark* Looks at other characters, ooh cool Tao Jun!!! I cosplyed as her at the last con I went to, only a few people recognised me, but it was still awesome ^_^))

Hinata continued walking, she was on a mission, and was slightly nervouse. She was far away from her home land, and growing up in a small hidden village like Konoha the thought of being in a city was very strange for her. "Keep focussed, keep focussed, it will be fine" she though to herself pushing her two index fingers together out of anxiety. She was on her own for now, but was going to meet the rest of her squad soon, she didn't know where they were at the moment, but she knew they were some what close by, and was sure that both of them were in the city by now. Earlier that day all three of them has used teleportation jutsus to get to different locations slightly outside the city as to not scare those who have forgotten the ways of the ninja and the use of chakra. From there they had to walk, it was a long walk for most people, but not for a child rased in a ninja village who was much more used to harder physical training and actions, even so Hinata was begining to get slightly tired, mostely because of her anxiety, and she hoped to be able to reach her destination soon. After what seemed like a long time later she stopped and gasped seeing the city full of scy-scrapers, bright lights, bill boards, rushing cars, large crowds, and all the rest, she was over-whelmed.

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 09:09 PM

[Bleach is good, I love it!! <3 And yeah Inuyasha gets kinda boring but i keep glued to it cause I luff him.]

::I smile at her "well, were like a computer. Plus we can work, and run and travel with you at all times and speak! were better than real computers though. and we make good friends and conversationalists."::

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 09:12 PM

[Kioku, Hands off Dark, hes my kitten *licks him*]

:I see this odd ninja girl out of the corner of my eye and wave to her and smile. the wind blows and my hair blows along with it::

kioku is offline
Old 08-18-2007, 09:19 PM

((*whimpers* Dark!!! My Dark, I've even cosplayed as him. I WUV Dark, can't we both wuv him??? By the way I noticed someone saying New York.. I was pretty sure that the city Hideki lives in during Chobits is Tokyo...))

Hinata notices a strange girl with downward-cat ears waving at her, nervousely she waves back slightly than looks the other way peering towards the ground, her face was slightly red out of embarassment/nervousness, and she was trying not to atract any attention.

(speeking of embarassment, I'm embarassed talking when my avi doesn't have clothes... SO SORRY, I just joined yesterday. :oops:)

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 02:47 AM

((Jun PWNS all xD her and Haruko (FLCL). You two can fight over Dark, I'll keep Krad and Satoshi to myself :P . I personally love Kai Hiwatari better. it's ok I don't have much on either I joined recently too xD, just keep RPing and you'll get alot of gold))

Jun was shocked. So they WERE human computers, that seem so.. barbaric.. but this girl didn't seem barbaric at all. Maybe this new fangled world isn't so bad.

Jun then notices the shy girl. She smiles at her. "Hey would you like to join us." She called out to her.

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 04:20 AM

[Dark is mine chick, i have drawings of us together, just not colored in XD NO SHARING! and this RP takes place in NY cause its just easier to work with. well just say Hideki is in Upstate NY in school. yes yes im kinda new too, no need to worry ^.^ Rping gets u gold! and gold = clothes=no nakked!]

::Chi looks to Jun "Wanna get her to join us, then go back to the park to look at the birds? the park is Chii's home, since Hideki is in school now..."::

KameOolong is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 04:54 AM

Anime Character is from: Cromartie High School
Character name: Hayashida
Age: About 18
Special Abilities: Can remove purple mohawk wig piece at any given time.
Character Personality: Self proclaimed bad ass, He aspires to become a baseball player, Can be considered streetwise, he is dumber than the gorilla and doesn't even understand basic math. Goes to a Remedial Highschool and thinks his life is extremely boring at times.
Picture of Character

KameOolong is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 04:58 AM

::Sitting on a park bench outside a ramen shop Hayashida picks his nose. Having retrieved a rather large mucus sliver from his own nostril Hayashida slowly places his finger under the bench to ditch the snot. ::

KameOolong is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 05:04 AM

::Suddenly a rabid squirrel approaches Hayashida in his idle booger picking state. Hearing the most outrageous jabbering sound from this disturbed rodent Hayashida enters defense mode, his mohawk blows back and forth threw the mighty summer winds. The squirrel bolts towards Hayashida and leaps towards his neck to gnaw away at his jugular. Quickly Hayashida uses some kind of Judo/ David Lee Roth high kick move he must have learned from playing Tekken or something. The drooling squirrel that once spat yellow foam now spat a crimson red blood. Still conscience the squirrel retreats to a tree. Thinking it's over Hayashida briskly walks to another park bench::

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 05:25 AM

[KAME OOLONG!!! FROM FLICKR?! Meeep!!!! I knows you! *hug*]

::Chi notices this odd behavoir from this character across the street and i tug on Juns arm "that huy is creepy and was just beat by a squirrel..." i sigh and look to the clouds for answers, still waiting for Hinata to join us in the walk to Central Park again.::

kioku is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 04:15 PM

(Not nice, Dark-Sama doesn't belong to anyone, and he would agree with that, while at the same time being flattered that you said he was yours and like him so much and by the fact that we are fighting over him, lol. Now for the sake of arguing, I have lots of drawings of Dark, and the majority of the pictures on my cell-phone are of him. And while I've never been able to meet his Japanese voice actor I've met his American voice acter Vic Mignogna several times, am in Vic's fan-club, have many pictures of me hugging Vic, have drawn fan-art for him, and have e-mailed him several times. ^_^ *but still, glomps fellow Dark fan* I would have posted my rp reply before but my mom needed the computer all last nigh, and I would post now but I need to go somewhere and my dad is screaming at me to get off the computer :oops:)

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 07:37 PM

Jun was horrified at this behavior. No one back where she lived would ever do such a thing. Along with adorable persicoms and shy ninja girl there are wierd men.

" That is just disgusting..." This was coming from a girl with a reanimated corspe as her gardian and :coughcoughboyfriendccoughcough:.

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 09:47 PM

[No response to you Kioku....]
::Chi just cocked her heas to the side and watched the mysterious character::

KameOolong is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 11:43 PM

[SonicSweeti? You know me from flickr? Oh no.. That's not good. I am really crappy at RP'ing if you couldn't tell. XD]

::As Hayashida walked towards another bench to resume his nose tunneling adventures he noticed an odd looking thing in the distance.. He was unsure of what it was.. He thought to himself.. "Is it a little girl? Or is it some kind of koala bear dog monster?". Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Hayashida slowly walked towards the freaking looking being. Tapping Chi's shoulder Hayashida while scratching his head asks "Uh, excuse me miss... What's up with your ears? Are you a dog? Do you have super strong smelling too? What did I have for lunch?".. Hayashida burps.. The android just blankly stared at Hayashida and then, out of no where, let out a "CHIIIIIIIIIIIII!" The sound blasted Hayashida and he was slammed into a tree. "Awww man, What's with that freak? She must go to elementary school or something.." Then, from the branch above there was the bloody squirrel.. But this time.. Hayashida didn't stand a chance. It dove down at incredible speeds from the branch and bit Hayashida's head. "Waaaah! Somebody get it off! Hurry! It's rabid! Aaaaah!" Hayashida screamed as he ran back and forth with the demon attached to his head. Everyone in the park stared in amusement.::

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 12:24 AM

[why is that not good?? -.-' no big deal about rping, everyone starts somewhere ^.^]

::chi looks at him running back and fourth and looks to Jun "What should we do? he looks like he's in pain....::

KameOolong is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 12:32 AM

[I am only joking, It's great to see another flickr user here.. You had that Gaia photo group right?]

::Hayashida begins to run in little circles trying to whip the squirrel of his head. "Weee! This is fun... Oh wait, I'm supposed to be in pain! Aaagah!" Hayashida exclaimed. Tourist began to video tape Hayashida, thinking he was a street performer::

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 01:29 AM

[Yeah but i deleted it because of some person taking my art from there -.-']

:: I back up from this rapidly moving character and sigh "he must me a klutz...."::

kioku is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 02:12 AM

(why no reply... ? I can give you the web-adress of Vic's fanclub's website if your not already a member, and if you don't know it I can give you his website, which has his e-mail adress on it ^_^ I didn't mean to upset you, I like meeting fellow fans ^_^) Hinata was slightly startled by the strange man, and the random comotion, but noticed he was in pain and felt bad for him. She ran over and very quickly threw 2 kunaii at the squirle, than grabbed both of the ninja weapons as fast as possible, hoping no one had seen them. She saw the squirle fall of (hope that's not God Modinging, no one's playing the squirle, and you can always make it come back) but did not know whether or not it was ok, she didn't want the creature to atack again, but she didn't really want to kill it either. For now she turned to the man, "ano.... a... ano... I.... I was... well... I was just... w... wondering.. i... if.. you... ano... if you were ok." ((I'm sure you all know this, but if not ano = Japanese for um))

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SonicSweeti is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 02:31 AM

[Okay ^.^ web address sounds good. I dont know many people who like dark much and Im very very over protective of my Dark -.-]

::i watched closely at this girl who had saved this mans life from the scarey squirrel.::

keokotheshadowfang is offline
Old 08-20-2007, 02:59 AM

Jun just stood confused. The man seemed to be in pain, she felt sorry for the man, but it was only because he had hurt himself over something so pitiful.

She then looked to the crowd, she saw Lee Bailong coming back. She smiled at him and then noticed that Ren was not with him.

"Where is Ren," She asked her gardian.

"I couldn't find her, I'm sorry mistress Jun."

"Oh he'll turn up eventually." She smiled again at him.


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