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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 09:08 PM

Clyde's dancing stopped all at once as he turned to smile at the young woman. "Of course I do! What a silly question." Laughter made the world go round in his opinion. Life without a smile was dreary and cloudy. He spoke from having passed trough a brief phase of such a grey place, and even thinking of it made him shiver.

No wait, it was a scent floating trough the air making his beast want to rise. Quickly he began to hum softly to calm it down, finding peace in the sound. Even so, it was imperative to find out what this lingering danger could be. Without asking for permission, the werewolf grasped Abby's hand in a firm grip.

He started to run while dragging her along with him towards the park. Trough there was the way to pack territory. If anyone had an idea about what this thing was they would. Though apparently someone had already been sent to investigate.

Clyde veered away from the forest, slipping over the grass until he reached the other werewolf he'd scented. Eying her warily, he nodded in greeting. "I was wondering about that strange scent. I've come across it before, but never so strongly. It seems dangerous. Do you any more about it then I do?" e hovered in front of Abby protectively as he spoke to the dark haired woman. It wouldn't do to have dragged the strange girl along, straight into the unknown, and to leaver her unprotected. The thought was terrifying enough to make Clyde's hand tighten over Abby's.


Staria is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 09:35 PM

Abela Barret
So he was disturbed by the scent too it seemed, she observed absently as he tugged her along. She didn't say anything, she just let herself be led. They were heading towards pack territory. They could know something she supposed. Still, before she could muse why the scent was so important she picked up one that disturbed her more. A wolf who was not of Clyde's pack. She felt the feline beast within her rise slightly, a chill running down her spine. Her pupils became mere slits before expanding as the now cat like orbs searched the darkness. As always when running into an unknown werewolf she searched for the scar. No... No scar... and obviously female at that. Not the one who had almost killed her.

Still as Clyde acted so protective she instantly hid behind him, her free hand in her pocket to pet the tiny kitten and keep it calm. She said nothing to either of the wolves, her face expressionless. She looked like a statue and it was impossible to tell what she was thinking as she stared in that strange intense yet aloof way that only cats can. She never knew if she looked that way because of what she was or she was that way because she'd always had a little cat inside her. It just took a werewolf bite and a spell to bring it out.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 12:31 AM

Kaonashi paused when he stepped out onto the roof of the building. It was a peaceful night out, and he had seen many couples and people within the hotel enjoying themselves. A few had hit on him, but he was not interested in them at all. He moved forward towards one of the four stone gargoyles that sat along the edge of the room. He had always been fond of gargoyles, they were a clasic and very useful. He slid his hand up the back of one of the Gargoyle's back. It was cool to the touch and a small smile formed once more on his lips. He moves closer, and focused his energy into his hands. His nails began to glow red, sinking into the back of the Gargoyle between the wings like a hot knife in butter. A red glow began to appear, and a design spread out over its' shoulders. It burns the same red as his energy, then vanishes.

He steps back for a moment, as slowly the movements of stone is herd. He gargoyle begins to move, grabbing the edge of it's pedistal. It stands up on its' hind legs, shaking its' body like a dog might for a moment. It growls, spreading its' large wings, before turning to look at him. The eyes glowing red, and its' teeth bared. He steps forward, lightly lifting the stone beast's face with a smile. "Mmmm..feels good to be free dosn't it" the gargoyle seemed to purr lightly in responce, and leaned forward to nuzzle him. He moved slowly along the roof to the second, with the gargoyle following in tow along the edge of the roof. One by one the beasts were free, until all four stood at his command. He looks them over with a smirk. "You must be hungry now, there's a female in the ally...take her to the forest and do as you please" he says turning. The gargoyles roar, taking off into the air, then over the side of the building.

They shot down into the ally, grabbing the girl as commanded. They soared high into the air, moving above the cloud line. Kaonashi smiles, finding a night falling into place as always. He made his way back down the elevator to the lobby. A few kids were trying to get their parents attention, to tell them about the monsters who had carried the woman off. The parents brushed them off as if they were playing a game. Kaonashi knew better, and found the attention to his work quite ammusing. The kids looked at him as he passed, and he let his eyes for a moment flash red. The kids jumpped back, running back screaming to their parents. A laugh escaped from his lips, and he moved back out into the night. He might as well head home, he didn't want to run into any pests now that would ruin his mood.

It had gotten colder in the time he had been walking. Kohaku sighed, how could he be so stupid as to leave his book at the shop. He walked down the street, heading back towards the shop. He noticed not many were out now, and the few that were gave him the creeps. A few seemed to be watching him, and he hated that. A man who appeared to be drunk started following him, yelling sleezy comments at him, and asking him to come back to have some fun with him. He had been told he was handsome, a lot of the times the only thing that was stopping him from being in a relationship was his personality. He had no intention of losing himself to some drunk pig however. He sped up his walking.

The man soon fell behind, and went off somewhere, probrably for more alcohol. He smiles a bit as he looked up at the moon. He loved the night, he was more of a nocturnal guy himself. Writing was a lot easier and better at night, especially when he could be alone. He noticed a sound to his left, pausing at an ally way. He herd scuffling, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up on end. Something told him to get as far away from there as possible, and he was more then happy to ablige. He moved on quicker then before, wanting nothing more then to get to the shop and get his book, then get home to his safe warm bed.

He noticed some activity going on around the town, but he had no intrest in running into any more shady people, so he continued on his way. He finally made it to the shop, rubbing his hands together, he was cold now. He reached out to open the door when a familiar voice caught his ear. "Hey Haku." He turned to see an old friend named Rain . He had dropped out of school soon as it had begun, and was not seen much around town unless it was dark. Seemed Kohaku wasn't the only nocturnal one. He smiles "hey, long time no see." Rain smiled, moving over to him, he leaned on his arm casually close to Kohaku, blocking the door. "It has been, what are you doing out? What say you about a walk, instead of this stuffy old shop."

It couls have been his imagination, but Rain looked paler then usual, his red hair like fire now. He looked into his eyes, and a slight chill ran through him. "I left my book inside, I should really get it and get home" he says slipping past him. Rain slid his hands over Kohaku's hips with a slight playful pout. "Aw, that's no fun at all, come on where's that adventurous guy I knew" he smirks. Kohaku swallowed a bit as his old friend leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his neck. He nods a bit at him "ok ok, let me grab my book then we can hit the park." Rain smiles more and nods, "it will be good to hang out again, and boy do I have a lot to tell you..I have a feeling you of all people will be very interested." Kohaku nods, and the other male leans against the wall as he steps into the shop.


Staria is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 12:59 AM

Valencia Kaleo
Valia muttered a small thanks as the woman commented on her tea, noting the act but saying none of it. Meddling in the affairs of humans was not her nature... Not even as a kid. She had wanted to at one time she supposed but ultimately things had not turned out that way. Her unusual magical talents and connection to the elements didn't exactly earn friends. Even when she'd wished good things bad things seemed to happen until Barret taught her control. No, she was neither a part of the human world or the supernatural world and she never would be. Still, she didn't mind so much anymore as that served her purpose.

"You're welcome..." She said simply as the woman left and she turned to the vampire. She moved to the counter, waving her hand towards the cup of tea to indicate he could have one if he wished. She then reached for her own cup only to feel a wave of mystical energy. She glanced up, looking at the roof as if seeing something there. Of course she did not 'see' anything, not physically. In her minds eye she could see four new flares of magical energy but they were leaving the City so none of her concern.

She shrugged, though absently she was aware they felt similar to the demon but weren't demons. Familiars? Summons? Avatars? Who knew...? Still she didn't have too much time to think about it as a new flare of magic would sit nearly on her door. A vampire ... with the boy from earlier by the look of it. She gave the vampire within her shop a simple smile and then turned to take up the book from under the counter. She walked to him as he stepped inside the door, always seeming to get there faster then costumers expected when she wished... mainly to get a look at the vampire's aura. It seemed small, not necessarily weak but simply young. Unlikely to know the secrets of her shop or desire one of her trinkets famous around the supernatural world for their skill in protecting against the sun and sheer reliability. Not a costumer or likely to know about the wolf she sought.

"I believe you forgot this... You may want to be more careful at night." She said as she held it out. For a moment a bit of her old mischief, the self long buried in her focus on revenge, would glitter in her eyes. She knew very well he was out past curfew among other things and her eyes said it. It would seem almost like she knew everything somehow and would turn him in but it passed quickly as she had no idea who his parents were or any intent to turn him in if she had. The mischief left as she laughed softly and simply waited. For a moment she looked so much younger, like a girl. Still the kindly, knowledgeable, shop keeper mask returned quickly. Once he took it she would likely return to her tea. Humans were only under her protection in the shop, outside the creatures of the night could do as they pleased so as long as the young vampire did not come inside she had no need or desire to lift a finger.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 02:06 AM

Calli jerked around as another smell gained her attention. Looking up she saw a male werewolf and a woman that smelled of cats. Watching them warily, she shook her head. "No. I'm unfamiliar with this scent." Callisto glanced back down the path. "Too be honest it worries me. Do you have any inclination as to its nature?" She pulled her hair over her shoulder, the fact that she couldn't understand the mystery scent bothered the werewolf. Suddenly her eyes went wide and she looked back to the pair. "I'm Callisto Moore. Calli for short. And you both are?"

((Sorry short, trying to rp on phone))


Staria is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 02:31 AM

Abela Barrett

"It smells like death and my cat says it smells like something 'bad'...something wrong" The frail looking young woman spoke up suddenly. It was unlike her but apparently despite her aloof actions earlier she was far more interested in the scent then it seemed. Her father had always said there were 'bad things' out there that she had to watch out for. Things that were purely evil and from a realm not their own. She had thought he meant werewolves and vampires but she was starting to think there was something else out there.

Realizing she had spoken up suddenly she hid behind the male once more. She muttered something that was probably the word 'Abby' then said a little louder 'name's abby' before she returned to cowering. If this female was dominate and meant for Clyde to answer she'd have right to strike out at abby according to some packs. Not all packs were that brutal but enough were that it was something to fear. Hell, enough humans were that it was something to fear. Even if she had the strength to rip them apart the submissive creature feared herself too much to do so.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 02:52 AM

Calli nodded. "Death...that's exactly what it smells like." She looked at the woman, with a small smile. "Hello Abbey. You have a catwith you? That explains the feline scent about you." Her smile faded slightly. "You have nothing to fear from me. I gave up the dominating personality when I left my pack."

Callisto never bothered keeping her status a secret. She was happy as a lone wolf. It was lonely, but she answered to no one. She watched the male wolf carefully. Males of her species tend to dislike lone females. Calli fought her way out of enough packs trying to force her to join their ranks.

She hadn't noticed before, too busy with the evil scent, but there was an underlying smell of werewolves. The hair on the back of her neck rose with her unease.


Staria is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 03:06 AM

Abela Barrett
"i'mawerecat" She mumbled in response, correcting her without really being clear and still seeming terrified. She knew the spell had made her a werecat instead of a werewolf so she didn't know if werecat's even were suppose to exist really. She'd never met another... but for all she knew there was a whole bunch of different pride's of werecats in other cities, other places. Still, she was still the only spiritcat it seemed... not truly a were but one whose spirit animal was given dominance over them as an were's inner beast was over their mind. Worse of course, beneath the magical moon that made even wiccan's magic stronger. It was inevitable.

After a moment she bit her lip and finally stepped out into the open though her hand stayed tight on Clyde's. She wouldn't lose the comfort of the were she knew but this woman seemed...nice and to know what it was to be alone to. She seemed to like it though, unlike Abby. Then again Abby wasn't sure if she cared about being alone or with a group... she just wanted to be safe while keeping others safe from her and Clyde's pack had promised that. Some looked at her with such hunger she knew it was for either her submissive nature making their beast desire her or they thought they could use her power but some may have good intentions. She was a lost soul, even she knew, and some like Clyde could not help but want to help such a soul.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 03:27 AM

Kohaku looked at the woman. She was deffinetly strange. He reached forward to take the book from her, but for a moment something made him hesitart. He didn't know quite what it was, but something about this felt..odd. He shook his head, he was overthinking things. He took the book, opening it for a moment to see his writing, and smiles. His eyes passed over the scripted letters, but paused at the odd doodle in the corner. Had he drawn that? It was new to him, but he gave it little thought at the moment. He must have..right, after all it was in his book. He nodded to the woman and gave a small bow in respect. "Thank you, it's very important to me" he says with a smile. He turned to go, not wanting to keep his friend waiting.

Rain smiled as they stepped out, and the two headed towards the park. The two made their way to a bench by the park. "Look, your into the spiritual and odd right?" Rain opened by asking. Kohaku raised an eyebrow looking at his friend. "I guess I am, not that anyone would really call what I'm into normal." Rain smiled, chuckling under his breath. He glanced around them a bit every once in awhile. Kohaku wanted to ask why, but he thought it might sound a bit odd if he did. "That girl back there was right, it isn't safe for you to be out at night, and I would hate to see something bad happen to you" he looked Kohaku over a bit. His friend was deffinetly acting a bit on the strange side tonight.

He seemed on edge, like he was expecting someone to come out and get them at any second. "Are you alright?" Kohaku moved a hand over to his friends hand. His hand felt like ice under his. "Man your cold" Kohaku pulled off his coat, putting it around his friend who merely laughed a bit "yeah I have been for awhile now" he says. His expression turns a bit serious then as he looks Kohaku in the eyes. "Do you believe in the things your looking into..the things your writing about like in there" he nodded to the book Kohaku held in his lap. Kohaku glanced at the leather book. " mean?" he looked back up at Rain. "Vampires, werewolves and magic. Do you believe they are real?" he asked rather bluntly.

Kohaku paused for a moment, then laughed. "It would be cool if they were, but it is just myths and stories. Things to scare children get them to behave and things that go bump in the night" he couldn't believe Rain was asking him this. It was funny to hear it from him. Rain smirked a bit, and leaned in so close that a light blush formed on Kohaku's cheeks. "What if I told you your stories were true..that they were right under your nose and you could be a part of it" he says moving a bit closer. Kohaku stood, moving back from his friend feeling slightly uncomfortable. "You's be talking crazy, they are not real, and if people hear you talking like that they would most likely lock you up or call you a me..." He sighed and looked down a bit.

Rain stood, moving over to him. He lifts Kohaku's face, he looks into his friends eyes. "Think about it forever...staying young..not worrying about things" he smiled. "Getting fried by the sun, a steak through your heart or having to drink blood all the time" Kohaku raised an eyebrow. Rain chuckled a bit, and leaned in more "you always did have a cute sense of humor." Kohaku turned a bit more red, backing up against a tree. Rain moved with him, not letting him escape this time. He leans in gently pressing his mouth against Kohaku's in a kiss. A red blushed spreads over his cheeks, but after a moment his eyes closed.

The kiss was odd, it was cold, taking Kohaku's breath away. Rain move'd closer, and the chill got stronger. Kohaku's mind dulled for a moment, and he could feel Rain's hands on his hips once more. The other male leans down to his ear for a moment. "If I told you it was real, and anything you wanted could be yours...would you take it?" he whispered, before trailing his mouth down to place a soft kiss on Kohaku's neck. Kohaku shuddered, his heart had begun to race, and his mind had gone completely blank. He swallowed, not sure what to say at the moment, his eyes closed. Part of him wanted to push Rain away, and say he was crazy, but the part of him that wanted anything but to be ordinary screamed out for him to say yes.

Rain chuckeled once more, and took a step back "mm...I would love to stay and...catch up" ,he says with his eyes running over Kohaku's body, "but I have to go see a few people. We will deffinetly have to continue this soon though." He turned to walk away, pausing for a moment before turning back. "Oh yeah, take this" he tossed something Kohaku's way. He caught it, opening his hand to look at what it was. It was an odd little charm, but it looked like the design in his book. He smiled, lightly running a finger over the cool metal like surface. "What is it?" he asked curious. "It's for protection, keep it with you at all times, especially at seem to keep attracting odd people" Rain laughed, and with a wave he was gone.

Kohaku still had the blush on his face, standing there now alone. Protection...odd people...wait, what was Rain getting at. This whole night was just getting stranger and stranger. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to process what was going on. He shakes his head, and slowly made his way towards his home once more. Rain was strange, but he made Kohaku think. He had a feeling he would be seeing his friend again, but when he did, what then. A soft sigh escapes from his lips as he sneaks back in through his window. He tosses the book on the desk, and the charm on top of it. He was exhausted. He slips into bed, pulling the covers up over his head as thoughts of the night swirled around in his head. It was awhile, but he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 06:28 AM

When he was certain the woman was alright and the shop keeper had brought the tea, Virsat moved away from the woman. He moved closer to the counter, closer to the tray of tea. Absently noting how many cups had been fixed and vaguely wondering if one had been for him. That suspicion was confirmed when the shop keeper nodded towards it, offering it to him. He reached out and grasped the cup gently, as if it were delicate glass, in both hands. Virsat held it with his arms close to his chest, but the cup up to his face so he need only tilt his head down the slightest bit to inhale deeply of the lovely scent. He loved the scent of tea. He missed it's taste, but at least he could still enjoy it's scent.

The boy had returned, but only long enough to pick up his book. Virsat paid him no mind, and if he had noticed any of the odd magical things happening around the city the way the shop keeper had noticed, he made no indication of such. Honestly, he didn't pick up on things like that. He felt another vampire near, but Virsat was almost certain vampires always knew when others were close. Still, such a thing didn't matter to him, as long as the other vampire didn't try to start something. He looked towards the door once the boy had left the shop again, it was empty now. Just him and the shop keeper.

His crimson eyes turned to her and he inhaled deeply of the scent wafting from his tea. He hoped she wouldn't be offended by him not drinking it, he didn't want to be rude, and he would have been drinking it if he could. He licked his lips slightly, resisting the urge to bring that cup to them before he spoke softly. "It has been told that you have items, items that can protect a creature of the night from the sunlight. So that I, even as unworthy as I am of it, can bask in the sun's warm rays again." There was a bit of longing in his eyes, he missed the sunlight more than he missed the taste of tea, well, more than he had ever missed anything really.


Staria is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 06:24 PM

Valencia Kaleo
So respectful but still ignoring curfew... She wondered at that as she watched him leave with the vampire. She didn't think that the vampire would hurt the young man. They seemed friends and the vampire felt too young to fool her, even older ones had difficulty but she knew one or two she could not figure out. They were ancient enough that even her craft had been young when they were old so had tricks younger vampires did not. Still, part of the agreement of the vampires to stay out of her way was she stayed out of theirs unless they came to her or tried to do something foolish in her shop so it really didn't matter what he did. Despite this arrangement it happened now and then that she was forced to show a bit more of her hand then she wished.

A youngling would decide that their elders were foolish to fear a simple wiccan and would attack her to try to make a point about human wiccans despite any punishments they may have received from their elders....had they lived long enough. Her shop was her domain and she had the right to protect it and herself without waiting for some vampire savior. It was a right she quite enjoyed exercising. These thoughts were pushed away, however, as the vampire spoke.

"Yes... but they are not free. What do you have to trade? I accept money, information, services rendered, and just about anything worth my while." She said simply, the kindly shop keeper act dropping. She was now cold as ice and watching him. It was funny... but with vampires and things like that which hunted others in the night she could be more herself then any human. Well more the self she'd become, a woman with a good heart but a mind slightly twisted and chilled with revenge. A woman driven with a purpose contrary to all the good she'd ever been taught. Then again, so had the cold blooded murder of her teacher...who thought werewolves were not the threat vampires were and not at all dangerous to man.

He had been foolish, naive. Only his daughter Abela had been more so. Even his wife often commented on how the two had their heads in the clouds. Yet still she had loved that foolish man nearly twice her age with all her heart, maybe she still did. She felt so little now adays it was sometimes hard to tell..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 06:32 PM

The werewolf listened intently as the two women conversed, though in truth he was distracted by his thoughts. This being that no one could give a name to ... It seemed ominous to him, and for once he agreed with his beast's need to hunt, if not its decided prey. They needed more information. There was no use leaping into actions without it.

"I'm Clyde, affiliated with a nearby pack." He was considered one of the weaker wolves, somehow having managed to tame his beast to such a degree that when the full moon came around he remained human, but it wasn't quite so. Sometimes, it happened rarely, the two sides of himself communicated quite consciously and when they agreed things nearly always went his way.

Sending Abby a smile, he went on. " Do either of you know anyone who might have more information then we do? It might be a good idea to go and talk to them." The blue eyed man glanced at Abby again with another lift of his lips. It was nice to see her out in the open with someone else. In a way he could see why she'd feel comfortable with the lone wolf, if only for the fact that they were both women.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 01:45 AM

Calli perked a little. "A were-cat. Now thats interesting." She smiled. "But like I said, you have nothing to fear from me." she lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. The smell kept the wolf inside on edge, but Callisto was calm.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Clyde. I'm afraid I wasn't aware of a pack in this area. I apologize if I've been passing on pack territory." She tilted her head, just enough to show respect for the other Wolf-breed, but not enough to display submission.

Shifting her body to see down the path, her eyes narrowed. "I've heard rumors of a woman that owns a shop in town. Apparently she's quite knowledgeable about otherworldly things."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 02:00 AM

He smile and shook his head kindly. "Territories merge in the city. It's a melting pot of every kind of being. It causes a lot of conflict, but the pack tends not to want to make any trouble unless they're provoked." Izzy, the only Alpha in the pack, hated having to deal with anything that didn't involve serious offenses so she let trespass slide. She let Clye do pretty much what he wanted, and that's what he liked about having an Alpha like her around.

The redhead pursed his lips at the mention of the shop owner. "Not sure where that is .. But let's find out." It'd be easy enough with the internet.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 02:17 AM

Charlotte pushed through the revolving glass doors of the tall hotel into the lobby. A group of people with small crying children made her take the long way around the sitting area and head towards the stairs. She was never a fan of small crying children. As she reached the door to the stairwell, she hesitated, thinking she'd heard one of the children crying about gargoyles on the rooftop coming to life.

She shrugged it off. Sure, she was much more inclined to believe stuff like that nowadays, but it was late. The children probably just saw shadows on the building and were frightened. She'd never heard of statues being brought to life. It sounded silly. But then, four months ago, so had vampires.

The heavy door closed behind her and she realized just how creepy the stairwell was. Why had she decided to take the stairs? Right, the crazy family at the elevators. She sighed and headed up the stairs. At least they weren't too dark. Two sides of the stair walls were complete glass. As she made her ascent to the 23rd floor, she would be able to watch the sparkling city lights, too.

At floor eleven Charlotte pressed her back against one of the glass walls. She was breathing heavily and her legs burned. She'd never been very athletic and now she cursed herself for choosing the workout over the crying children. Well, they probably smelled bad too, and had gross things in their pockets. The stairs weren't so bad.

A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. She could still take the elevator, what were the odds she'd get stuck in one with crying children, or a pervert, or a vampire in a power outage? The stairs were fine. Only twelve flights to go. Charlotte put her game face on and headed up the stairs. After one flight she was grumbling again. Damn kids. Damn vampires. Damn this sorry life.


Staria is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 02:31 AM

Abela Barret
Abela bit her lip as it was called interesting, uncertain. She started to say something when she felt something stir in her blood and smelled something far too familiar. She slowly pulled the kitten from her pocket and put it at Clyde's feet with the soft word of 'stay. Before either Clyde or the female werewolf could react, however, she was already shifting. She was a large panther within seconds and running, running towards the smell. She would soon find herself in an alleyway where a werewolf with a familiar scar stood. He held the head of a woman in one hand and the body of the woman in the other. He had fallen into insanity in the last ten years and any traces of humanity were gone.

Instantly Abby leaped forward, not even noticing if the other two had followed. She threw herself at the werewolf. It dropped the head and pulled the spine from the woman's body before the head even hit the ground. It then shoved the pointed edge of the spine forward as it dropped the body and soon the bones, still connected by muscle and sinew, acted as a sword. They went straight through Abby's heart and her body began to resume human form. Her hands went to the beasts wrist and she could only stare as she chocked on her own blood.

For a moment the two seemed almost suspended in time as they gazed at eachother. The wolf then roared and ripped her head from her body before tossing it to the side. It dropped the spine, Abby's headless body falling to the ground with a loud thud. She hadn't stood a chance. Something had strengthened the werewolf, perhaps her father's own spell. He was faster then could be seen, faster then any normal werewolf, and so strong that bones were like playdoh. He had no sympathy, no sense of caring, no sense of danger. Only a hunger that could never be fulfilled.

((soulless werewolf for everyone to fight *grin* have fun))

Dahlia Dunstan
Dark blue eyes watched as a familiar figure approached with hair as white as her own. She would hold her plush toy to her chest tighter, smiling to herself as she waited for him to get near her hiding space. She always visited him when in the area… She pushed her parasol into a slot across her back between her dress and her pack designed to hold it before she gripped the plush by its arm.

”Uncle Koa-na-shi <3” She would yell as she nearly threw herself at him and hugged the demon tightly. She always drew out his name like that, a habit of hers. She often drew out the name of people she liked, no one really knew why. She often gave them family based titles as well, as always behind the mask of a child. What lay behind that mask… only the dead knew and they would tell no one. Lia likely made sure they couldn’t.

Last edited by Staria; 09-19-2012 at 02:50 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 03:07 AM

Kaonashi gave a slight scowl as the arms wrapped around him. He sighed a bit as the thought 'not her again' fluttered over his mind. He looked down at the female, placing a hand slightly on her sleeve, before peeling her off like a piece of garbage. He looks at her for a moment collecting his thoughts. "Ah, Dahlia...what brings you here?" he asked, curious to why the old bat would come see him. She might have looked innocent to others, but the demon knew better. A slight sigh escaped from his lips, as he passed her. "How long do you plan to stay this time?" he asked, as he walked to the edge of the forest. He placed a hand on one of the trees, and the echoed groan once more ran through the forest. He didn't wait for her, stepping into the tree line, he headed back towards the mansion.


Staria is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 03:25 AM

Dahlia Dunstan
"I don't know, really. The spirits keep talking about a bad poppet coming and the old meanies at court want me to stay until the poppet shows itself to punish it. Can I stay with you Uncle, pleeease? The hotels all seems to be missing their gargoyles. I don't feel safe without a good gargoyle..." Lia said innocently without batting an eyelash as he pushed her off, making it sound like a misbehaving child was going to be here and she was going to give in a time out. He likely knew her well enough to know the court only asked her favor if it was something of particular power or danger to the balance of things...and something the court wanted dead. For her to agree was even more rare, unless her 'father' asked her himself but this time had been different.

For her own reasons when they had asked she had simply said, 'yes'. It was almost as if she knew the request was coming and had a good reason to accept it. She was more focused on him, however, as she followed him absently. Once they were alone in the mansion she'd likely drop the act a little bit.... even if she would stay insufferably cheerful and as always say nothing about herself or what she intended. Few liked her, far fewer understood her, but those in the magical world most knew to respect her. She would stay silent as they walked to the mansion, holding her stuffed toy to her chest.

It was a strange thing. She was rich and powerful, her clothing always spotless, every hair in place... but that doll looked almost as old as she was. It was made of old-fashioned cloth, hand spun. It had been repaired with newer patches here and there but all were hand woven, likely by Dahlia herself. One eye was missing, the one eye there a rather old fashioned brass button. The pale gray thing, which had likely once been white, was also spattered with old dried blood.

Last edited by Staria; 09-19-2012 at 03:27 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 03:47 AM

He sighed a little, a slight migraine threatening his head. He turns to glance at the facade of a child following him, with that ragged doll of hers. He never quite understood why she insisted on acting like a child. People were always to soft with her, letting their guard down, and letting her get close enough to kill. He was smarter then that, he rarely let anyone close other then for his own reasons. People would have laughed if they saw the two, a vampire and a demon, walking together. Slowly he sighed, and nods, "stay out of my way, and do not bring others onto my land..they are not welcome, food or otherwise." She was one of the few who had ever been on his land and was still living.

He could have done away with her ages ago, and the little voice in the back of his head often questioned why. She was a bit of an annoyance, but he knew there was more behind that pretty little face, then she let on. He himself was actually quite similar, a facade, a mask..something he was not. It was odd for him to let another close to him like this. He wasn't to much of a people person. He could tollerate them when needed, but he wasn't one to have roomates or anything. He was a lone demon, and for years he had been. A slight sigh escaped him, as he continued on his way towards his home.

The building was big, the oldest in the city. It would have been gone long ago, but the demon kept it up. He hadd specific tastes. The architect was similar to a victorian style, gothic in the way it was pieced together. The gargoyles came rompping out of the forest, the stone of their mouths a deep red with the shadow of their current meal. He lowered a hand to stroke one on the head, and it rubbed against him, like an affectionate cat or pet might. He looked back at the female, before moving to step inside. "Take off your shoes" he says back to her, before waling deeper into the bowels of his home. He headed towards what was used as a makeshift throne room.


Staria is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 04:02 AM

Dahlia Dunstan
"Bringing food home is too messy, I wouldn't mess up uncle's house. I promise to be a good girl, cross my heart and hope to die" She responded with a mischievous laugh that held just a touch of darkness as she made a cross symbol over her heart. She then looped her arms over the ragged doll again and simply smiled up at him. She skipped slightly, her gait graceful and more deer-like then childlike for a moment. She was a wild, unpredictable thing and an eternal contradiction. Most thought it was just her nature and she was a little crazy from what she had seen happen to her little sister but no one really knew.

As she followed him in she would perch on a convenient place, light as air, so she could remove her shoes and place them by the door. Her feet were like the rest of her, deceptively dainty and frail looking. Still they were the feet of a woman and not a girl, one of the few things that no amount of binding or cloth could hide. She did have a tattoo on her left ankle, a red rose with a fine wrapped around the ankle.

"What room can i have?" She asked with a warm smile as she turned ehr attention back to him and leaped back to the ground. She never let go of the doll, not even when removing her shoes. As she had done so she had held the ear by her teeth as her hands unlaced them, but she had never let go. Many said she even fought holding the doll but this was unlikely being it was the one time she became serious.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 04:21 AM

He gave a wave of his hand towards the left wing. "Any, there is more then enough, and I do not really care which you choose." He opened the doos of the large room under the staircase that made a large half circle like loop around the main hall. He walked across the crimson rug with gold trim, towards the dark wooden throne like chair at the end. Besides the marbel colloms, and the doors leading off to the sides, allong with the large windows and curtains behind the chair, nothing else was in the room. He made his way to it, slowly lowering himself to sit. He rested his elbow on the arm, and his fingertips held up his head by way of the side and his fingertips.

He didn't pay any mind to if she followed him in, or not. He had something on his mind. He wondered what was going on, something had to be if the court were sending her this way, and in a way to him. Why did they insist on bothering him with their trival conflicts and problems. He had no intrest in getting in the middle of it, they could all die for all he cared. He wouldn't mind if it was by his hand, but then again was a nightwalker really worth dirtying his hands. He probrably guessed that was why they kept doing this. He had no intrest in this fight, so he would not lift a hand in it. As long as she didn't bring him trouble, and stayed out of his way, he didn't care if she stayed or not. His plans were his own.


Staria is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 04:40 AM

Dahlia Dunstan
Lia nodded and skipped into the wing until she found a room she liked and put her bag on the bed. She rarely unpacked her things and instead simply drew her umbrella. It and the doll were her ever present company and according to some her only real friends. Even the vampire who turned her did not really understand her. Her father... she had surpassed his strength quickly and cut off her mind from him. She, unlike most, was completely free of her maker and her own line though she had yet to turn anyone. Still she had fond feelings for the man and treated him like her biological father... even if he too only was given the child like mask. Once she was ready she would skip to the room he was in.

"Good night uncle" She said simply as she skipped over and kissed his cheek before skipping out again. She was already heading towards her room, her mind elsewhere. She hummed lightly to herself, a nursery rhyme more than likely. It had that kind of sing song melody. She would only pause once she reached her room where she would stare out the window for some time before she headed to the bed to fall into 'sleep'. As always she would have a spirit that sat on the end of her bed as she slept, another little girl by the look of her. She dressed in a similar fashion but was only about 12 or 13.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 04:44 PM

((We'll push for day soon, but I don't want to turn it without Kry getting a post in. I hope he's okay, MIA as he is... :ninja: I always knew he was a secret ninja, assassin for the gumbment.))

Charlotte unlocked her hotel room door and pushed inside. The door clicked closed behind her and she tossed her bag onto the floor. Directly across from her was a window the size of the room. It overlooked the downtown area of the city. In the evening it gave her the perfect view of the sunset, which she had missed tonight while at the Candlelight shop. What a waste of her time that had been. She really should just listen to her boss, but it mildly bugged her that he never told her anything.

Still, he was the one who paid to fly her around and put her up in nice hotels while they followed leads. It was better than staying in that house her and Hud had bought together right after they married. She couldn't bring herself to stand in the kitchen, much less the bedroom, or the living room, or the back yard...

Her heart was still thumping hard in her chest. Her legs were tired, but although she wasn't the sporitest girl, she didn't really mind it. She had a hard time feeling anything these days and the pain reminded her that she wasn't quite dead yet. Not quite.

A short time later she'd mulled over the options in the room service menu, decided not to eat, again, and was relaxing in a hot bath. Lights on, minimal bubbles, no candles, just a good ol' bath to get her muscles relaxed. Besides, she didn't have the energy these days to make things romantic for no one but herself. It was such a painful thing to do.

After a good bit of feeling sorry for herself, she toweled off and drained the tub. She threw on a pair of plaid flannel pajama pants and tank top, threw her hair into a messy bun and climbed into bed. She left the bedside lamp on. She couldn't sleep in total darkness, not since Hudson died, and especially not since she'd started this job. She watched the chain on the lamp swing back and forth, hypnotizing her into a deep sleep.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 06:49 PM

Terrence sipped the dark red liquid in her water bottle and burped impolitely as she walked the city streets. Her senses were spread wide as she searched for any sign of something amiss. A finger lifted to poke at her eyepatch. It wasn't just a fashion statement, it also hid the scar left behind by a fellow vampire, a fellow monster.

A flash of battlelust entered her eye as she scented something more then ordinary. She veered away from the park and towards a shop nestled between others. Without knocking, and without any show of manners, the vampire stepped inside. It was a pretty place, but it reeked of the supernatural.

Terrence wrinkled her nose and adjusted her boyish clothing as she stepped inside out of the imaginary cold. She said not a word, but simply stared with her piercing gaze at the two people within. One was another like her, and the woman ... Well she certainly dabbled in the supernatural for having a store such as this.

The sight of Abby's transformation perplexed Clyde just long enough that she was able to disappear. With a sigh the werewolf bent down to nestle the kitten into one of the many pockets of his coat before setting off at a quick run. Even so, he wasn't able to transform and had a hard time following Abby's scent.

She'd moved so quickly! He wondered what could have caused such a drastic change in her. All too soon the answer came. It was horrifying, and blood chilling. A whimper left Clyde's lips at the sight of all the blood and death surrounding on of his own kind. Then his blue eyes fell upon what remained of Abby, and he lost it.

What the moon could not let loose, Clyde's rage did. All the same, he bundled up Abby's kitten in his coat before running into the alley with a growl. Bone lengthened and stretched with creaking and snapping sounds until the once happy young man was replaced with his rust colored wolf alter-ego.

The four-legged beast leaped forth with a gnashing and clashing of it's teeth. It wanted to taste this creature's blood to join that of it's prey. The other wolf had harmed the one he'd so wanted to protect, and now his own beast was loose in a way it hadn't been since he'd nearly killed three boys in a hotel room. Being pent up for so long made it all the more ferocious in it's sudden attack.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 08:46 PM

Virsat hadn't expected to get anything for free, this was a shop after all and people bought things from shops. Though he did raise a brow, information and services rendered? It made him wonder what kind of things this woman was truly interested in, though he was certain he had no information that would be of value to her. Virsat heard rumors sometimes, but for the most part he tried to stay out of vampire circles and he certainly kept away from vampire politics. She had piqued his curiosity though. "...What kind of services?" He spoke the question hesitantly, a little uncertain.

Then the door opened and another vampire entered. Virsat was a little glad it was a vampire, he didn't need to conduct his business in front of humans, even if that business was just buying a trinket. He glanced at the vampire and offered a polite smile and a slight nod of acknowledgement. His attention on the other vampire lasted only seconds and then that attention had returned to the shop keeper.


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