View Poll Results: Humans VS Zombies!!!
Humans for the win!! I DESTROY ALL ZOMBIES!!!! 5 71.43%
Zombies kick ass!! I EATZ UR BRAINZ!!!!! 2 28.57%
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TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:03 PM

Alyssa quickly looked away from the guy when she realized she had upset him, she bit her lip. Why did she do such stupid things? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" she cut herself off when she saw the guy turn up his volume. There was no point in trying to say anything, she knew he didn't want to hear it. She wondered why a guy like him was even in a church, but then again why was someone like her in this church? Maybe he was running from something to. She looked back at him again and then turned away, fighting the urge to say something to him. You can't trust anybody, no one. Got it? she said to herself as her hands turned to fists on her knees.

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:10 PM

Glad the girl wasn't involved in himself, Evan went back to the current dilemma- the multitude behind him that grew with growing interest in him. He couldn't hear him, not like he wanted to, but he could see behind himself without moving by looking at the spectacles of a man in front of him. The reflection showed their greedy faces inching just a bit closer, closer...

Evan was growing weary of this. His hands gently fingered the outlines of one revolver's handle, edging on the verge of throwing it out and bursting all of their heads in with those brazen bullets.

Would it have been simpler to just hand the tech over to the crowd and watch them drown in their violence? Yes. But Evan adored music, even loud nonsense such as the playlist he was listening to now.

They were now an aisle behind him. He had a tight grip on the golden laced gun...

Marlwulf is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:16 PM

Matthew's jaw dropped as he watched the man with the goggles walk into the church and take a seat. Was he oblivious to the suffering around him? Not just that, but he wasn't exactly trying to hide his weaponry; it was unsettling, to say the least.

Nevertheless, Matthew climbed the pulpit, hoping to get the already remiss service underway.

"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetuam luceat eis. Rest eternal grant them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them." The sanctuary quieted then. "All kinds are gathered here, but tonight we mourn a communal loss."

"Psst, Matthew," a voice from just off the pulpit called him. The door leading to the choir room stood ajar and his fellow priest Marccus Anthony beckoned from just within. The door opened just a bit wider and Matthew was shocked to see Brock Jakobs, the quarter's saint standing just behind him.

Matthew hesitated. He had already started the service; surely whatever it was could wait until afterwards. He tried to wave them away, but Marccus was insistent, beckoning yet again.

Matthew sighed, facing the gathered again. "I'm very sorry everyone, please lead yourselves in a silent prayer for those in your own life who have passed while I attend to a pressing matter quickly."

Matthew quickly turned and walked out of sight behind the door, hoping to resolve whatever this matter was very quickly.

Last edited by Marlwulf; 05-25-2011 at 10:18 PM..

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:25 PM

Alyssa had not realized but her back had become unusually straight and nearly every muscle in her body was tensed. She could not be sure if it was because the church she had chosen to hide in was having a service or because that service was a service for the lose of many livs who she did not know or that the fact that the man she was sitting near had a gun on his person. Her heart was racing, who was this guy? But more importantly why the hell was she here? To keep herself from freaking out she messed with a bible that was in a slot on the back of the pew in front of her. Suddenly it fell out of the slot and just as the congregation went into silent prayer their was a loud bang that echoed through the church. Almost instictively she rose to her feet but her foot got caught and she tripped and fell spilling all of the contents of her bag. She froze, not sure what else to do as she stared at all her belonging on the floor. Why me? she wondered.

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:34 PM

The group of said men paused when hearing the words of the priest. It almost seemed, for a moment, the man returned the mob to their senses, their humanity. But, Evan was wrong today. As soon as the Father was called off, they resumed their approach, until finally, they were at his side.

Evan honestly didn't like killing people. They were becoming extinct, humans. At least, their reasonings, anyway. Ah well, thought the gunslinger, a slight smirk on his lips. He wasn't human, so he didn't care.

"You got some nerve comin' here with all that on ya..." some man droned after one knocked down Evan's blaring headphones, his posture stoic still. "You got some nerve comin' here at all." The talking one had stubble along his chin and cheeks. He also reeked a bit. Evan merely looked forward and remained silent.

"You gonna!-" the man roared, about to draw a punch, but Evan's gun was already pointed down his forehead. The church suddenly became very, very quiet.

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:51 PM

When Alyssa had seen the men approch the guy she had jumped to her feet, prepared to run but then she realized that this guy could be in real danger. Leaving her stuff, and without really thinking at all, she came to the guy's side just as he drew the gun on the men. Again, she froze as everyone in the church became silent and were staring at them. Her heart was racing and her breath was quickened. What do I do? What do I do?she asked herself over and over again. Then she realized. This guy was an experiment! Were these men here for him?Against all her instincts were telling her to do, she stayed where she was next to this guy with his gun pointed at another's head. She was tired of people getting killed and she was tired of running, this time she was actually going to do something but she wasn't quite sure what yet.

kuroshinigami is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 12:37 AM

((Hey New, just a quick question, but how did you come to the conclusion that he was an experiment so quickly...?))

Loki stilled when the requiem started, but then the priest was called away. She shifted anxiously in her seat. What is this? She wondered, her hands brushing over the bandage around her wrist instinctively, making sure it was there. Part of her wanted to leave, but then it might be too suspicious if she did. Then, someone dropped a book and she jolted in her seat. More things fell to the ground, but her heart only fluttered this time. Judging from the congregation's lack of panic, nothing was wrong.
Until some assholes started causing trouble. Some hoodlums, it seemed, who wanted what was music man's. Typical. They were silent though, but the abruptness of it was unsettling. There had been no sound of flesh hitting flesh, nor sounds of pain, leading her to believe music man had pulled a weapon, and quickly.
More footsteps, then silence.
What's going on? God, I hate being blind! She thought, shifting in her seat uncomfortably. She grabbed her gain, clenching it tightly in her hands. She couldn't leave now, not when weapons were pulled. Since she wasn't the one under fire, it would be better to sit still and hope no one noticed her.

Another Mad Bloke
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Old 05-26-2011, 12:50 AM

Stubble had fallen to his knees, his eyes spaced and fearful. Typical, again. Evan could tell he had started to convulse, shiver. Perhaps he had pissed his pants, because something rank other than his usual scent permeated the air.

Evan only smirked, cocking the revolver's trigger back half way. "Do you fear death?" his voice called out, breaking away the silence that was only just recently broken by the metallic click of the cogs in his gun. When Stubble did not answer, Evan responded by pulling the trigger back all the way, which caused the man to nod furiously, as if begging for his life. Evan seemed surprised. "Huh. That's odd..."

"Cause I don't."


The man's kneel collapsed into the ground, now spewed with blood. Smoke still poured from the barrel as Evan rested the gun on his shoulder. He only waited for the screams.

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:05 AM

((should she not? Her mom was one, she kind of used deductive reasoning...also she is just paranoid.))
Alyssa didn't even jump, she was too shocked at the sight she saw. Blood had splattered all over her shirt and face. People all around her screamed and wailed at the scene that just took place before her. Once again she witnessed the life leave another man's eyes. Why couldn't she have stopped this? She was too weak. Anger raged through her as she wiped the blood from her face and she looked at the murderer straight in the eyes. "Why did you do that?!" she nearly screamed at this man that she did not know. It surprised her how none afraid she was of him. She stared down at the lifeless man for a few seconds and then back at him again. Her eyes turned almost pleading. "Haven't enough people died already?" Her whole body was shaking. "

((Frankly I am not sure what else to do...sorry if my character is confusing.))

kuroshinigami is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:32 AM

((Ah, okay, that makes more sense then. I thought it was a more 'I know everything' type deal, haha. ^^ NP, it's fine!!))

Loki's stomach churned as she heard the trigger pull, but still couldn't help but jump when the gunshot went off. She thought she felt some blood and other matter splatter on her, but she hoped she was wrong. Blood was hard to clean out. She clapped her hands over her ears when people started screaming and running for the doors. Loki could only sit in silence. If she tried to leave, she'd be trampled. It wasn't an experience she wanted. Soon the building was empty except for (by the sounds of breathing) herself and two others. And the corpse, of course.
She heard a female voice ask, "Haven't enough people died already?" She stiffened, wondering if the man had pulled a gun on her and she was now pleading for her life.
This didn't sit well with Loki. She had seen people beg not to be experimented on, not to be killed like trash, to be killed. Memories of years of hell flashed through her mind, and she rose from her seat, the staff resounding loudly on the church floor as she used it as a walking stick.
"What kind of asshole would kill someone after they beg for their life?" She snapped at him, not bothering to soften her words. For once, she probably should have, considering he was armed with guns. And she had a metal staff. "Let the kid go," she said firmly. A thought occurred to her: the Saints would come soon. It would be in their best interest to get the hell out of here.

TheNewCSLewis is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:43 AM

((oh no I hate that!))
Alyssa looked to the girl that she had noticed earlier when she spoke and she seemed to think that the guy was about to kill her too. Of course, he might after the way she had just spoken to her, she wasn't worried though. She just wanted to stop him for sheading anymore blood. Then she saw that the girl was blind when she pulled out the walking stick type staff. "I-I'm not begging for my life," she responded to the blind girl without thinking. "Though I think the man who's life was just taking was about to..."Everything was getting a little clearing, and Alyssa had gain some of her composer but she still stood her ground. No more running, no more death.

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 02:05 AM

Evan couldn't help but sigh. Again. Christ, if they would just stop their bloody screaming for two bloody seconds, they would find that it wasn't so much of a bloody mess.

Beneath his feet, the supposedly dead man stirred, a feral noise resonating from his gurgling mouth. A clean cut hole, well, it wasn't really clean, spurted blood out from his cheek. He was still convulsing, still shivering madly, and probably pissing himself, too. Evan wouldn't be surprised if he had knocked the stubble of the injured man. Though, who was he to care?

A glare sent the man crawling, sprawling away from his own filth, some of the remaining men helping his pace.

Silence once more, except the music, now blaring "Ain't No Rest forthe Wicked."

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:47 AM

Bloodii seemed to pout at the answer she had gotten, but made no attempt to further interogate the woman anymore. Instead, she followed her, her pink and blue hair flowing behind her. She seemed to stop at the front of the church, complating whether or not to step inside, and instead, chose to stand outside at the doors throughout the service. But when the priest left, was when it got pretty entertaining. At the firs spray of blood, Bloodii couldn't help but laugh, just laugh her ass off like some insane person.

"Seriously!? Shooting someone in the 'holy' freaking Church!? You should think pretty low of the Saints to do something so horribly hilarious." Her laughter seemed to echo, though not as loud as the blaring music, but still loud. As she walked inside, she saw the blind woman again,"Ah! I know you!" And yet, the sick, twisted smile never left her face. It was almost as if it were plastered in her face.

Nodding, she looked at the bloody man, seemingly wounded badly,"Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked, bending down to reach his level,"Oh yes! I took money from you earlier!" She grinned, and yet, her innocent looked seemed to creep out the remaining people in the church. She lifted her foot, revealing the spikes, and the man looked at her in fear. And yet, his friends didn't seem to understand the situation, so one went, and grabbed her by the shirt, practically lifting her off the ground.

"Do you have some sort of problem!? Who do you think you are!?" The response the poor friend of the shot man got his response loud and clear, a good old kick to the balls, with her snowshoes of course.

"Well, I am a bit insane, but I don't need some sick, overly-religious people like you reminding me." Shrugging, she faced the man wiu many revolvers,"Something so bad about this man that made you want to shoot his sorry ass with a gun like that?" She shook her head,"I mean, it's a good gun, but why waste your bullets?"

Marlwulf is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 04:22 AM

It took the men in the choir room a second to recognize the sound; a moment more to organize to action. They burst back out into the front of the sanctuary and Matthew could hardly believe his eyes. Blood in the sanctuary? No corpses, yet, but the saint was sizing up the situation as well.

"Father Antony," the man quickly called. "Go get the rest of my men. Father Maxwell," he had to shake Matthew's shoulder to get his attention. "You'd best go tend to your flock."

"I'll go out the back," Matthew said. He and Marccus retreated the way they had came.

((The saint is all yours now; do with him what you will.))

\ (•◡•) /
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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 04:57 AM

Setsurou and Akira had entered the small town with a name that was unknown to them. Their main concern was if any of the towns people would discover their secret and massacre them. They made their way to the church even though they couldn't stand those religious freaks. Setsurou suggested sitting in on the service to see what they had to say. Would there be anything against their kind or would it strictly be the preaching of the bible?

Akira opened the door and walked in first. It wasn't even a minute later when a gun was fired. The girl unsheathed her katana and held it in both hands before her. Setsurou grabbed one of the benches, but didn't lift it just yet. He didn't want to alert the pro-religious to them if he didn't need to. There was too many people in the way to do anything.

kuroshinigami is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 07:12 AM

Loki's eye twitched, though the gesture was unseen. She was a bit embarrassed for stepping in, now that she knew the man wasn't dead and the girl hadn't been in danger. More chaos ensued after the shooting, however. She recognized the girl's voice from before and listened as a small scuffle ensued with her and another man. She seemingly won.
Things got worse all around when a Saint (judging by the way he spoke to the priests) came into the room and sent the priests out. Should've never come here... She thought with a scowl. From behind her, two more people came in. From the sounds of it, one of them had a sword, the other she wasn't sure. Friends or foe, she couldn't really tell. Granted, I'm not sure about any of these people right about now, she thought grimly, tightly gripping the metal staff in her hands as reassurance. She couldn't leave now, obviously. Misunderstanding or not, she had gotten herself involved in one hell of a mess.

((You don't want to continue with him, Marl?))

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:10 PM

Such activity Evan was used to. The screams, the shouts, the confusion...but he was surprised, however, to see the priest give him only but a second glance. Only but.

To him, that was like saying he wasn't worthy in god's eyes.

He flinched, then froze, the gun gripped tightly in his hands, still. But...he had had enough. The headphones were shoved on his ears, a deathly glare offered to anyone who dared look upon him again.

A large enough bounty was already on his head. He didn't need anything more. Of course, everything always seemed to catch up to him, irritably. Like Karma really did love him enough to never abandon his side. The only thing that never did, really. Except his shadow, but that didn't count.

A gleam in the light caught his eye, causing him to look in said direction to find a brilliant katana blade...he grinned. He had always wished to learn the ways of a sword, but, his eyesight restricted so...however, she didn't look like she wished to train him.

A single bullet was loaded into the empty chamber that he had just fired. Saints would be here anyway, he mused, as he walked past the two...

Marlwulf is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:13 PM

((Not my priest, just the saint here. The scene is getting a little silly, which is why I removed my character, but Maxwell will probably come back at some point.))

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 01:27 PM

((silly? I beg to differ, no wait, it is xD I was hoping for something bloody, looks like I came to the right role-play :3))

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 06:02 PM

( I supposed to do something? ^^?)

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 06:19 PM

[Yes, my character asked you a question~]

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 08:06 PM

(Ah, okay...but...his headphones are on, so...>.>)

kuroshinigami is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 08:37 PM

((Heh, silly's a good word for it! Bloody too~~ Ahaha looks like we're moving on...))

Loki heard someone walk for the door, and judging by the way the muffled music was moving with the steps, she assumed it was the music man. She sighed with relief and irritation and wondered if she should follow his example. Then again, there was at least one armed person at the door. I'm never going to church again, she thought, scowling at no one in particular. Before she could make up her mind what to do, the Saint stepped in.
"Where do you think you're going? He snapped, waking briskly down the aisle towards the music man. "You just fired a gun inside of a church! Do you think you can walk away from this? Listen to me!" He bellowed, irate that he wasn't being obeyed instantly.
Loki made a face and melted from his path, hoping he would focus all his attention on the music man.

Another Mad Bloke
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Another Mad Bloke is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 09:35 PM

For some reason, this man seemed more irritating than the one he just shot. Evan sighed heavily, pausing in front of the supposedly holy man. He couldn't hear a word the other was saying, and he had no desire to listen to his rant. Only the most mentally blind person would.

Evan, however, smartass he was, decided he would have some fun. He offered a small smirk to his lips, then cupped his hand to his ear, the headphones still attached and blaring to his head.

This would prove quite amusing, especially since he had a high tolerance for loud music.

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 11:57 PM

Bloodii, hating to be ignored, kept down her temper as she followed the man with her eyes. They narrowed when a saint entered, all mad and ready to blow his top like a whale. She chuckled at her own joke, this was, as irritating as the music man was with 20 guns on his chest, turned out to be one of the most entertaining days of her life, and there were very few entertaining days, if at all. With an eyebrow raised, she leaned on the nearest pew, a sadistic smirk evident on her face.


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