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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 05-15-2015, 03:44 PM

((Since my HP rp will take an hour or two to post to, I'll just post to yours first))

Tony chucked at the comment about 'the life of the party' remark, he didn't respond on that part after climbing into bed throwing his shirt off with his socks, and shoes. He was quite worn out from staying up to begin with, but before that he had stayed up the night before his mind thinking constantly. Nothing simple like Melatonin would help him since he was immune to it along with most other medicines minus pain relievers it seemed. Then again he was a more advance human considering the brain unlike everyone else who was happy being their selves without trying to test their limits.

Closing his eyes waiting for Loki to speak again, however Tony had only drifted off after hearing Loki's last response assuming he already hit the dream mode in his mind. Tony stirred in his sleep as his mind began to play his worries through his dreams and they only began pleasant...

Tony stood at the party where he held the ballroom outside under the moon and the stars that shown their light down upon him. He could feel the cool gentle air circling him then pushing against him as if warning him to get away. He didn't understand why though, everyone was dancing, and there was no sign of S.H.I.E.L.D. either. So the danger wasn't no where near...his mind was interrupted as he glanced over at a slim figure in a nicely done suit dressed up came into view. His black hair sleeked back like when they first met and he noticed how well it shined knowing the other took great care in his appearance. His height proving to be taller than Tony and his body more lean than the others here. He stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd and moved with elegance in his steps as his black mask covered his face.

Tony smiled beginning to walk towards him until the wind picked up, people were screaming, and a storm felt like it was blowing it from everywhere. Then he realized S.H.I.E.L.D. was there in helicopters and rushing up with guns. Tony ran towards the figure he knew was very well familiar and his panic rose. He reached for his wrists, but there was nothing there. He always kept Jarvis close by to become Ironman at any time of the day or night in case of emergencies. Odd thing was, where were the Avengers? Out of everyone here and the trouble going on with the panic he expected someone to come in to intervene on either side. Finally feeling as if he reached the familiar figure which still showed no face to him as of yet, he could see S.H.I.E.L.D. raising their guns and hearing them firing them.

Tony jumped in the way of the firing metal hot bullets as if that would save the person behind him, but on the contrary it didn't save either of them. Tony felt pain all over his body and could feel the blood loss as he turned to look at who he defended. He finally saw Loki's face just like that day they apprehended him, but this time not saying If its alright with you, I'll take that drink now but the same kind, weak smile was on his face...he felt himself fall to the ground as his mind raced with panic and he shot up in a sitting position feeling as if he was going to scream out.

His body was covered in cold sweat as his hair clinged to his forehead, he hadn't had time to get it cut lately, and usually he let Jarvis do that. Bringing a hand to his face he shook his head thinking last night was a didn't feel like one, but at the same time it did. Why did he watch Loki, the demi god who tried to take over and destroy earth for power die with a kind sweet smile on his face and why did he try to protect him? Logic came back to Tony's brain remembering that bullets had no affect on Loki for the fact he was a god or demi god that is.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 05-15-2015, 11:39 PM

Loki did not sleep that night. Instead his mind was racing as he contemplated seeing Tony once again. Loki longed to be near him, a longing that he knew his older brother would resent, should he become aware of what was conspiring between himself and the egotistical inventor. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he felt a strange wave of negative emotions flow into him suddenly. He was tempted to use his magic to gaze into the mind of Stark as he slept, after all, Loki would not get to sleep any time soon, may as well use the time to see what Tony dreamed about when he got sleep.

As Loki paced in the small, average apartment room where he was currently "residing". He'd taken on the form of a man he'd seen in passing when he was previously in New York. A man whom he'd killed, one that Loki had hoped no one really noticed (honestly, who in New York actually remembers faces anyway?!) if he stole his face and masqueraded around the city with it. Loki had a lot of scheming to do and it would prove to be most difficult to scheme if he was so obvious. The apartment was small, not at all what he was used to compared to his expansive chambers on Asgard, but it would have to do for now, as all he needed was a place to hideaway and scheme.

No doubt, his love for Tony had changed him... But not enough to make him reconsider ruling Midgard one of these day- What? As Loki re-entered Tony's mind he could tell the inventor was... troubled. Had Tony been dreaming, or rather... had he just woken from a nightmare, perhaps? Loki felt uneasy and contemplated talking to Tony again... Maybe asking if all was alright with his beloved inventor? But no words left Loki's thoughts. Instead Loki just basked in the fear that Tony felt, and he hoped that he could radiate some of his own protective vibes into Tony's head.

He needed to see Tony at once. No... No, not yet. He would make Tony wait. With absence the heart grows fonder. And fondness was what Loki had craved from Tony. He hummed softly, allowing his hushed tones to reach Tony's ears, in an attempt to calm him down. Within minutes, after he was certain whatever the threat was that had caused the sharp peak in Tony's heartbeat had gone, he slowly slipped out of Tony's mind and allowed the inventor to rest once more.

Loki sat on the floor of the apartment, looking out of the window and staring at the Stark Tower in the distance. "Soon..." Loki sighed. "Soon."

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 05-16-2015, 12:22 AM

((Warning, I'm at m step dad's band practice, these might not be too long, hard to hear anything and mom is upstairs and I'm not even at my own house))

((Okay didn't go as planned))

Tony had gotten straight up taking a shower after that having Jarvis cut his hair as he then decided to go out and get some planning done. It was still early in the morning, but sleep wasn't something that Tony did so often lately. He was either working, drinking, inventing, or having nightmares or dreams that took up his energy half of the time. Starting to hope that last night, not the nightmare, wasn't a dream and that he was talking to the real deal. [Hey Reindeer Games, you there?] he thought to himself or more to anyone out there listening as he finished cleaning up and drinking his fourth cup of coffee. Not hearing anything back he figured he went out for the things he needed while asking Jarvis to clear his work for the day so he could spend all day out getting things done.

Last edited by Immy; 05-16-2015 at 02:40 AM..

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 05-17-2015, 05:05 AM

Loki didn't sleep last night, he wasn't sure if it was excitement or nerves. Certainly neither... Or maybe a mixture of both. He let out a long, heavy sigh as he paced in front of Stark Tower. His magical cloak of invisibility masking him from the eyesight of the busy pedestrians that walked passed him in a big hurry to go nowhere fast.

His bright, icy eyes looked up at the Tower in awe. He wasn't afraid for the party... Rather, he was just concerned. A mask would not hide his identity from the Avengers... Especially not from his brother, Thor. Thor could recognize Loki even through his magical guises. Loki felt something strange in the pit of his stomach... Perhaps this wasn't a smart idea. He started to walk away when he felt the urge to sink into Tony's mind again. Just to feel the intimate connection with his favorite inventor.

Hey Reindeer Games, you there? Ah, yes. The sounds of Tony's thought were quite comforting to Loki's ears and his tired mind. He smiled, well, gave his best attempt at a smile as he slowly walked away from Stark Tower.

"Surely, Stark..." Loki began. "You do not expect me to listen to your thoughts and speak to you all of the time? I do have responsibilities as well." Loki chuckled. "But, as it appears, my aura has been summoned, nonetheless."

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 11:17 PM

"Well I was wondering what you did during the day?" Tony had the idea that this wasn't going to turn out well, but he did know someone from awhile back before the Avengers were formed, someone that could help in keeping the peace while the dance was going on. He already sent them a message the way he was told to and it was untraceable even for S.H.I.E.L.D. However he didn't know if they would help or not, this would solely depend on the other person more than anything else. "Also, what about desserts? Anything you paricularly fancy? And I understand you have other important things to do." Tony smiled glad his appointments were cancelled for the day. Pepper didn't question him on anything assuming it was because she broke up with him just to be with his best friend.

Yea. Ouch. An old casual line that was a rumor until it was recently proven true and with Tony always keeping an eye on her, he already knew about it. He never cheated on her, but he knew one day it would be more than 'Just friends' sort of thing. That is why he got jealous when she was informal about her talking to others unless it was women. He already figured the others must have known before she told him, but the deal was, he should have been the first to know. Not the last to find out; in most cases he 'was' the first one, but didn't state it to anyone and told Jarvis to delete those files including any of her.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 08:46 PM

Loki thought about it for a moment... What did he do during the day? Well, certainly nothing that would interest Tony.

I spend most of my time making plans. Plans for world domination. Don't allow yourself to possibly think that I would want anything less simply because I tolerate you, Stark. Loki was too ashamed to tell Tony what he actually did during the day as he masqueraded around as a Midgardian. Truthfully, Loki spent most of his time looking for his scepter. He wasn't powerless without it, but it was certainly hard to threaten a realm that belonged to the Avengers without a formidable weapon to threaten with.

It was times like these when Loki really missed the power that the scepter gave him. He'd especially feel vulnerable should he run into Banner, or rather... the mindless beast that Banner becomes, at Tony's party. Loki had to admit, it did hurt quite a bit being beaten into the ground by that monster.

Loki continued to walk in the opposite direction of Stark Tower. He'd have to find that scepter soon. Loki's face wrinkled in disgust as Tony mention dessert. For this, Loki spoke aloud, "Dessert? You Midgardians are so strange. Why eat something sweet after a meal? Why ruin the taste of delicious food with sugary, sweetness?" Loki talked tough. But in reality, these last few weeks he's spent on earth have giving him a good chance to try out Midgardian cuisine. Loki quickly added, "... I may have a fondness for eclairs, however." Loki chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, then he added again, "And they'd better NOT be the cheap, poorly made kind that you find in your local market!"

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-31-2015, 11:06 PM

Tony found just the site that he was looking for. Skimming the words while keeping up his mental connection. He chuckled thinking "And why is that, would I not be able to keep you out? I'm sure if I wanted to I could think of something to do to keep you out." Tony was going to say that there could be a bit of a tie between the two of them for being the life of the party. His mind was a bit occupied when he started messaging the baker of the store. He explained he would need a few different desserts. Including the Eclairs in which he wanted made for the occasion.

After falling asleep at his computer he had gotten most of the plans down for what he needed for the party. Luckily Jarvis was able to help out with most of it once Tony had passed out for the night. He even ordered his suit with his mask a head of time. Hoping that even though the Avengers were going to be there along with others. That no one would recognize the god of mischief that brought hell the last time he was visiting.

Tony had a dream that night that startled him awake with fear as he sat straight up. Trying to calm his heart down remembering the details of it all. The Avengers found out that Loki was there at the dance as soon as Tony had walked over to him for them to dance. Halfway through the dance with the two of them laughing and talking. The Avengers attacked, Thor was first to go after his brother, and as quickly as the dance had begun. The party was over with Loki appearing dead at the end of Hulk's feat while the team glared at him. Tony had rushed over to check if Loki was alive, but he was too late. Even though it was just a dream it felt so vividly real to him. Jarvis didn't respond in any way this time as he was told to rest before Tony had passed out earlier.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-05-2015, 01:17 AM

Loki walked home that day feeling a sense of loss when Tony's voice was gone from his awareness. It was a lonely walk "home", but it wasn't that long of a walk, thankfully.

Once Loki reached the apartment in which he'd been using as a hideout until his plan was ready to unfurl, he flopped down onto the couch, face first, allowing his magical cloak of inisibility to drop. He took in a long, deep breath, staring at the blackness in front of him.

Within in seconds, he shot back up to a sitting position and stared out of the large window that looked out towards Stark Tower. It was tempting... So tempting to simply walk out of this building and wreak havoc. Nothing serious, just something to keep himself from being bored. Midgard was such a boring realm. Everyone was just bustling from place to place in a hurry to get from nothing to nowhere fast.

"A little fun never hurt anyone..." Loki said to himself. He certainly knew that Tony would not approve of his "fun", but Tony wasn't the judge of him. It wasn't like Tony was Odin. He could do whatever he wanted on this realm. Nothing was here to hold him back.... Ah, except the Avengers. But, hey, they can join in the fun too. Loki almost overwhelmed them once, he can certainly do it again and this time succeed.

Loki smirked. Yes, tonight, he'd do something reckless...

. . . .

Night came rather quickly, Loki still hadn't heard anything from Tony, despite spending many hours listening to Tony's thoughts, which were mostly made up of large, Midgardian technical terms that Loki didn't understand. So, Loki took to ignoring the feeling in his gut that told him that Tony would be horribly upset should he wake up tomorrow morning and find that Loki had done something terrible.

Loki didn't plan to kill anyone. Maybe just scare some people. After all, he was the God of Mischief, tricks and fear was what he lived for. He stood on top of a parked car in the darkness of the night. There weren't many people out, only a few that were off in the distance, walking in the opposite direction of Loki. Some audience...

Loki jumped down from where he was perched on top of the car. He had many possibilities for what he could do to evoke fear in the community... He wasn't much of a thief, stealing things didn't appeal to him. He was more of a fan of vandalism, and he assumed it wasn't too big of a crime in Midgard like it would be on Asgard. He reached under the car and began to lift it into the air, preparing to throw it into the glass window of a jeweler's, but a sharp, horrible pain in his head stopped him in his tracks, crippling him and making him drop the car to use both of his hands to cover both of his ears, his mouth open in a silent scream....

Something was wrong with Tony! Loki shook off the terrible pain for a moment long enough to look into Tony's mind. Oh, another nightmare. And about him, no less! It frightened Loki to feel the fear in Tony's body. Loki was in cold sweat and he looked down at his hand that was about to throw the car, then back at the car, which was now partially damaged from the fall. He couldn't betray Tony's trust like that...

Loki ran back into the shadows and headed towards his apartment. He felt bad, what was happening to Tony that was causing him to effect Loki so much?!

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-05-2015, 02:29 AM

Tony sat up feeling the fear run through his body. It confusing his mind into making him think that it was real, that it would be the end result if Loki stayed on earth. He could feel himself trembling as he sat in his darkened bedroom. Tony was glancing out of the window unable to mentally ask anything. He taken off guard by something that felt...he felt like he was holding a lifeless Loki. Could Loki get hurt like that or die? He knew for a fact that hulk took him (Loki) down before and that it hurt Loki. Although, anyone who got slammed into the ground like that would feel that way.

It still pained his heart to even have his mind imagine it. He wondered if something was wrong with Loki for such a nightmare to occur. He had to check, he had to clear his mind, and ask Loki if he was alright. Though when he tried memories rushed back to him. Flashbacks of the dream played in his mind blocking out his connection. Standing up he staggered over to the window, his body still in half asleep mode. He was getting frustrated with himself as he pulled his hand back to punch the wall only to fall to the floor. He clenched his throbbing and painful hand to his chest sighing as he looked up at his ceiling.

Just what on earth was he thinking, to be friend Loki. "The God Of Mischief" and believe that's all the half god wanted. There had to be a reason to why he was acting like this towards Tony. Did he believe everything would just fall into place like some sappy love story? The royal finds their one love to live in happiness forever. No that couldn't be it. There was no way he could believe Loki would fall in love with him. Not only was he a guy, an avenger, but he was also a mortal (Tony).

Sighing he let go of his thoughts of his dream, the doubts he had, and tried to contact Loki again. Why was he willing to take such a risk? To feel loved again since Pepper left him for his best friend? To feel wanted or cared about since he had everything else in the world he ever wanted. He even got to become a hero...just sometimes he wished he could be more than a hero. Be like Thor and the others with powers. Even Banner was more of a hero than he was. The one time he was going to sacrifice himself and they were even going to close the portal on him. He had to try though [Loki?]

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-08-2015, 01:46 AM

It was rather cold in the darkest corner of the kitchen, where Loki was crouched with his knees to his chest on the floor. It was such a strange sensation, to suddenly become so rigid that he could not even commit crime on Midgard. What was happening?! So many thoughts spun around in Loki's head, too many thoughts to fully register what he was even thinking...

A voice made it's way through the madness of Loki's mind. Ah, it was Tony. Loki felt shaky, he wasn't sure how he should respond. With anger? With longing? He truly did miss Tony, but he wasn't sure if he liked the effect Tony was having on him. These nightmares had to come to an end. Still, Loki didn't like for anyone to see his vulnerability. He put up a front, like nothing was wrong.

Tony... He said, Isn't it rather late for you to be awake? Or, do you really miss me that much?

Loki knew he didn't sound convincing... Still, he wasn't going to outright tell Tony what the matter was. Tony was smart, anyway, he'd figure it out for himself soon enough. Tired as Loki was, he would put up a charade for as long as he possibly could, which, he knew, probably wouldn't be very long at all.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-08-2015, 02:00 AM

(Warning I have a bit of anxiety so either this post will be a minimum of 3 paragraphs or more if I can make it up to that much. I would wait to make a post until later, but I'm eager for this roleplay. So forgive me a head of time if this runs short or lack detail.)

Tony smiled in his mind a bit, but only a half smile indicating something was up with him. [Hey, are you uh safe? Alright I mean? Not physically hurt?] Tony asked taking note that he could feel something other than his own emotions flowing through him. Was it possible to feel what Loki was feeling or was this a sensation that Tony was just now realizing his body could feel or understand?

He didn't know which sort of worried not was more like uncertainty or something. [I had a nightmare and wanted to make sure you were safe. I'm sorry if I interupted you or if you were sleeping.] tony gave it more thought that if Loki was sleeping or busy that it would probably be best if he just let him go for now. [I can let you go if you want-] his thoughts cut short as he realized these new emotions and feeling were not his own. [Loki?] he waited for him to say something.

Tony closed his eyes to try and picture where Loki was, but even as smart as he was IQ wise. He didn't have the EQ as much as others did which made him (and banner) stand out from others. Thor focused more on half and half. Natasha was more about being in the middle as well as Steve. There were very few people out there that could read others based on science and that would be those who were 1.67 and above for the IQ levels.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-09-2015, 02:16 AM

(Your post is great! ^_^)

Loki didn't want to admit it to anyone, but he was a little scared. No one, not even Thor or Frigga had such an effect on him in the past. Was something going wrong with his magic? Again, too many thoughts were swimming in Loki's head.

I'm not hurt. Loki said, At least, not that I am aware of. What Loki really meant by that was that his pride was hurt. Loki was used to having his own way and doing whatever pleased him simply because he could, but to suddenly lose that ability to commit crime and wreak havoc in his own dime was something he'd not easily recover from.

You do not have to apologize, Stark. Loki sighed, I wasn't sleeping. Loki began to chew on his bottom lip, wrapping his arms around his knees and hugging them closer to his chest. This was all so strange, Loki hadn't felt such fear since he was a young child on Asgard. It puzzled him that he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

I trust you are not hurt either... Tony? Oh, please, you do not have to leave, I could actually use the company. Loki felt bad. He almost betrayed Tony's trust and Loki felt horrible about it. Another strange sensation... Guilt. Loki had hoped that perhaps talking to Tony might help him calm down and return to his usual, sly self. It wasn't fun feeling guilty.

(Sorry it's short!)

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-09-2015, 10:51 PM

(I hope this comes out alright, I'm not feeling my best, but I love our roleplay. I also needed some inspiration so check out the the pictures I seem to find interesting or like haha. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5)

Tony sighed in relief when Loki said that he wasn't hurt, he was glad, and knew it would take alot, not counting the Hulk to harm him. Tony wasn't used to all these nightmares he had been having since he had spoken to Loki to begin with some little time ago.

[I am glad that you are not hurt, I guess it was just what they call a 'vivid' nightmare instead of a dream] in other words it was so real to Tony it made him think the dance wasn't a good idea, but if they had it here in his home. Then at least he could protect Loki to his fullest. [Nah, just spooked a little, it was a crazy dream that I didn't like] even though he said dream, he really meant nightmare. [I wish I could see you right now, but at least tomorrow night is the night] Tony thought to Loki.

[Then I won't leave, I would love to have more of your company] Tony smiled in his mind wondering if Loki did sleep or not. Usually he contacted Loki and it would be when the god would be awake. He had an idea wondering if [Hey Loki, I know you've been on earth before, but have you ever seen fireworks?] he knew he could do that from his rooftop where anyone could see.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-14-2015, 11:17 PM

(So sorry it took me 5ever to respond! x.x Life just got really busy for me!
Oh, and btw, those pictures are too hot for words! )

Loki slowly unfurled himself from... well, himself. It was strangely comfortable to hear Tony's voice, even though Tony wasn't there in person. There was some solace in knowing he wasn't alone. Loki allowed his eyes to close a little as he leaned back and rested his head against the walls of the corner.

"Fireworks...?" Loki wondered aloud. He hadn't heard of fireworks before, and quite frankly, it sounded rather dangerous.

I can't say I have heard of fireworks, let alone seen them. Loki didn't want to disappoint Tony, however. But I am always curious to learn about Midgard's customs. Loki felt nice about passing the time with Tony. It was better than passing the time by himself. He'd grown lonely over the years, the only person really caring about him other than Frigga was Thor and even that was a slippery slope.

Loki slowly got to his feet and began to slowly saunter over to the large window that gazed out at the Stark Tower. He found himself missing Tony something awful and he certainly hoped that the masquerade would approach sooner than later.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-16-2015, 11:04 PM

(Guess who is replying to this one, let's see what I can do when I put my mind to it)

(Looking up inspirations on youtube X)

Tony sat awake now in his bed, all he had to do was finish the preparations for tomorrow evening just to make sure everything was perfect and he would be free to see Loki without a care in the world. Well more like he would just be happy to see him, he would have to keep his guard up in order to watch the others. Tony wondered about how it would go and was almost afraid if it went bad.

Well then, if you will allow me to show you. Just go to the top of your roof or look out of your window and you'll see what I will see. Not through my eyes but out in the open in the sky. Tony thought to Loki as he got up throwing on a t-shirt since he normally just slept in pajama pants. Going to another room where he kept things for parties and events or holidays. He then headed upstairs to his roof "Jarvis, ignore all phone calls even from shield for the rest of the night." "As you wish, sir."

Tony stood on his roof without shoes on since he had forgotten about them while carrying up a heavy box of various fireworks. He set the getting ready to lit them for everyone to see Get ready Lokes, I'm going to show you something awesome besides me that is. he watched as the fuse burned rather quickly shooting off rockets of different sizes into the sky exploding with loud noises and various colors. Red, yellow, white, blue, green, and even a few rainbow ones that combined on impact. Looking like stars, flowers, planets, and so much more.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-19-2015, 03:22 AM

(I love Ironfrost so much, it's awesome to see where you get your inspiration!)

Loki snorted at first, I must warn you, Stark, I am not easily amused. Loki stared out of the window, waiting patiently at first for something amazing to happen and slowly felt himself disappoint as nothing changed in the night sky right away. A few seconds later, when the first firework set off it startled Loki a little, but he didn't show it.

The explosions reminded him of the battle here, in New York when he first led his 'army' to attack Midgard. They were both beautiful and horsing to Loki, remembering the screams and the smell of smoke, the heat of fire and the destruction... such destruction like he'd never been before, never knew he was capable of creating.

Loki stared with his mouth slightly open in awe of the beautifully tragic memories that flashed before his eyes with each explosion of the fireworks. The colors were a pleasant change from the typical fiery blasts of weapons. Loki found it hard to not feel slightly entertained. At least these explosions were pretty, on Asgard explosions were terrible.

I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this before on any realm. Loki was being honest, but he was still unsure of how the fireworks made him feel. Good? Bad? Indifferent? There were too many thoughts flying through his head to decipher how he was feeling. The only thing for certain was that he was missing Tony and he'd much rather be with Stark at the Tower, teasing the scientist playfully about his height or simply being close to Tony.

The separation was eating away at him something awful and Loki grew more anxious with every passing moment, he had to keep reminding himself it wouldn't be like this for very much longer... He contemplated the party. How would be avoid the Avengers? Should he transform into Lady Loki? Would they recognize him then!? Thor probably would... He could see through all of Loki's tricks. Maybe he should just arrive with his hands in the air and try to convince everyone that he's changed his ways? Maybe he should just arrive invisible?

Too many possibilities. Loki wasn't feeling like himself anymore. He wanted to do some damage, make trouble just to annoy Thor and defy Odin. That was his sole purpose in life, after all, but something about tony was stopping him from being evil. Or, at least stopping him from creating trouble. Loki let out a shaky breath that he didn't know he was holding in,

They're beautiful... Anthony,

(Woah this got longer than I planned)

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-27-2015, 05:38 AM

(I did start this before, but my reply ended almost before two paragraphs were done. So at least I'm going to give you three minimum here or more, I just got off work, but I wanted to do something involving FrostIron <3)

Tony almost thought he could feel the disappoint that Loki displayed probably without realizing he did even when it changed to amazement. Though he smiled watching the fireworks glad to be able to make them both smile at the same beautiful sight that could be seen from all over. [Really? They haven't mastered colorful explosions like this? I'm surprised, guess earth is just as unique and surprising as anyone would think.] tony thought to Loki. [Just one more, after tonight we'll be able to meet again in person. This time on better terms.] Tony thought again still wondering why he felt so trusting towards Loki after all that has happened.

Tony shook his head, he must be losing it or something. Maybe Loki found a way to use magic against him, to control him on some level, and if that was the case, it was working. That's it. It must be magic making him feel so trusting towards the trickster god. Why else would someone of such a high status in any case feel the need to contact him. Iron Man who was actually the head of the Avengers. Though sometimes he thought it was a tie with Captain America and himself.

At first Tony wondered why Loki hadn't responded until he finally did [You know at times it feels like you're right next to me even though you're just in my head] though he didn't mean that in a mentally wrong way or anything even though it probably sounded like it. [I bet we're both ready for tomorrow night, don't worry about the others, and even if SHIELD or Fury shows up. It won't matter, I found a way to keep you cloaked in my own home. If anything Jarvis will do as you ask as well as myself.] meaning Jarvis would listen to Loki.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-29-2015, 01:39 AM

On Asgard, colorful explosions usually translate to Asgard being under attack. Loki thought. It's pleasant to see that explosions are not always tragic. Loki liked the thought of meeting Tony again on better terms... However, his true nature was nagging at him. He desperately wanted to be on good terms with Tony, but his love for mischief, he feared, might ruin his already poor standing with the other Avengers. Loki couldn't help it, he loved being the center of attention. He loved being the diva.

He cursed himself, certainly he could control himself this one time. He knew how much it would mean to Tony to meet and have no drama... But Loki's heart longed to play tricks on someone, anyone. He'd been on Midgard for far too long without any funny business... and a party would be the perfect stage for this prima dona. It was an internal struggle for him, to trick, not to trick. To relive the glory days, not to. To prove himself worthy to Thor, to prove himself worthy to Tony... Too many options with not many choices.

Loki's interest piqued when Tony mentioned Jarvis. Who was Jarvis? Still, he didn't ask, from what Tony said he could safely assume Jarvis was a servant, or maybe one of the robots he'd built to tend to his every whim. Having a Jarvis around would be a lot like how it felt to live back on Asgard, in the palace with Odin, Frigga and Thor. Speaking of Thor...

Thor would be furious to see me here, back on Midgard... and at your party, nonetheless. Loki chuckled. I am not excited to see the green one. It came out sounding like a joke, but Loki didn't mean it that way at all, he was serious, he didn't want to see Banner. He hoped Tony understood that. Banner made him feel uncomfortable... Even more so now that the memory of being smashed into the cement floor was sneaking back into his mind. He shuddered.

However, I would gladly see Banner from a safe distance, mind you, if it should mean that I will be with you, Stark. And Loki smiled, knowing that was probably the closest he'd gotten to telling Tony how he truly felt about the inventor.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 10-06-2015, 03:25 PM

(Got my pumpkin pie creamer coffee with whip cream and pumpkin pie spice topping. Let's see how this goes lol)

Coffee and FrostIron

Don't worry I won't let anyone get near you, including banner. It's a masquerade, but if they ruin my party I will not hesitate to kick them out. Tony thought as the fireworks slowly faded, he had shown enough to last for about fifteen minute, but if he did anymore than he already had. Well he would be getting a call from Fury wondering what the hell he was up to this late at night. So tomorrow night is the night, are you ready for it? Tony asked him sitting down in a chair he kept on the top of the building since it was his place after all.

He stared up at the stars looking at the constellations when Loki's face appeared in his mind and he quickly blinked it away. He was talking to Loki now, wow, now that was a thought he kept really quiet. Of all people for him to talk to...of all people to get along with and befriend. Not to mention this was the longest he had been sober in quite some time, only a few days or so, but longest he had chosen to go without it.

Then he remembered why he did it, he drinked when he was upset or depressed usually. It was better than hurting himself or others, so why not wallow in the deep thoughts of depression and pain. Tony waited to hear what Loki would say and could imagine him in his outfit. Either his entire Misgard appearance or would he wear an actual suit like that one night. He remembered seeing Loki on the video cameras and...well Tony did have a penchant for suits.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-11-2015, 02:14 AM

Perhaps I should let you go, then, lest you get too giddy waiting for my arrival. Loki chuckled. He lowered himself to sit in front of the window, then he laid down in front of it, still looking out towards the sky, almost hoping to see Tony's face in the stars.

I promise, Stark, I will not disappoint. He thought to Tony. All the while, hoping that Tony would make the same promise. Loki soon found himself wanting to succumb to sleep, after all, he had a rather scary, eventful night and it was really draining him using all of this magic to communicate with Tony. As delightful as it was, it still took energy. And unlike Stark's shiny tower, Loki couldn't thrive on his own energy forever.

Loki hummed a random, Asgardian melody he'd heard as a child and hoped that Tony would hear it too. He slowly drifted off, the melody still hanging in the air as he allowed himself to become completely relaxed, his body going slack as he started to fade off. Tomorrow would be a magnificent day... He wanted to stay as awake as ever for it.

Loki wasn't disappointed in himself for needing sleep. He didn't sleep often, or for very long, something he probably shared in common with Tony, but he certainly still needed to recharge after using up so much magic. Loki's song finally trailed off and soon he found he was swimming in darkness.

(Sorry it's so short! I had a little bit of a block and I didn't want to skip time!)

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 10-22-2015, 04:15 PM

(sorry been sick, allergies drive me nuts, very little sleep with lots of work, chores, and babysitting my little brother. Now I'm halfway to losing my voice and the more you strain it the more tired you are. So yea...been a bit out of it lately, wanting to post, but my mind is refusing to agree with me on this one.)

[Trust me, I never dissapoint. At least not from what I'm told.] Tony thought winking in his mind not sure if Loki would catch that or not. Sure the last few days Stark had been softer than usual, but during the night or not around others. He was like a totally different person at times. Tony had thought [Good Night, Lokes] out of random habit of giving nicknames to others he knew and fell asleep in his bed once he got back to the room. He was quite enthusiastic that he slept through the night.

Tonight was not a night to dream anymore than he already did, he got to talk to Loki, and was happy enough to fall into a deep sleep till morning. The shadows around Tony, engulfed him in an endless sleep, that is until the sun rose shining light through his window. Sitting up as excitement filled his body, Tony jumped out of bed going to the shower to clean up, and then get dressed heading out the door. He picked up coffee at Starbucks drive thru and headed his way to finish all the arrangements making calls everywhere he could. Caterers, decorators, invitations to be sent out, things that needed to be done, everything.

Jarvis was back online fully aware that Fury wanted to speak with Tony, but currently there was no actual way to contact his creator (Tony). Tony went into a store leaving his phone and things behind minus his Iron Man suit cuff that hid under his suit sleeve. Tony spent hours throughout the day not speaking to Loki just to finish the preparations for this evening to make everything look as grande as it could and more in the 1940s style. It would be a good way to distract Steve and the others if Tony threw a party based on Steve's time era he was from. Steve had moved on and apparently was already going out with someone. Though he had refused to say who, though Tony already had his guesses. There was only one male and one female that could ever hold onto Steve's hand in any way.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-24-2015, 07:01 PM

((No need to apologize, I understand how it is! :) ))

Loki slowly came back into the room, just before the break of dawn. It was still early, but there was so much that needed to done. Though really, Loki's main task was to show up to Tony's party. He rose to his feet, turning around to go to the bathroom... But before he completed the turn he looked out the large window that looked out over the Stark Tower. A rather beautiful sight it was, actually.

Loki didn't dawdle any longer, he made his way to the bathroom and began to run the water in the sink. He still wasn't used to Midgardian technology, so he never tried to figure out how the shower or the bathtub worked. After all, he preferred the luxurious baths they had on Asgard compared to this sorry excuse of ceramic that the Midgardians called a "tub". He splashed some water onto his face just to refresh himself a little, then patted his face dry on a towel hanging over the shower rack.

With a sigh he headed towards the door of the apartment, allowing his magic to change his appearance to that of the man who's previously owned this apartment. Opening the door, he immediately used his magic to talk to Tony again...

Your big day has finally arrived, Stark. He chuckled. You'd better have those eclairs I asked for.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-05-2015, 02:33 AM

(time to get this party started lol, well more like me writing than story wise)

Tony had turned Stark Tower into an amazing party site. He planned for fireworks at the end to create amazing affects more elaborate than last night's basic ones. He also set up something within the tower shutting Jarvis down JUST in case while setting up a surprise to keep the others at bay for awhile in case he had to run off with Loki elsewhere. He knew that if SHIELD found Loki they would probably try to destroy, capture, or even experiment on.

Tony was more excited about seeing Loki than he cared for the preparations of the large ballroom he had created merging rooms together over the past week. In fact he would have to start holding balls or dances or parties more often now that there was a room made for it. What else would he use such a large room for? Knowing how intelligent he was on most subjects it was surprising if he didn't even have an idea yet.

Tony took a breath of relief, soon in a few short hours he would get to see Loki, and the party would start. Tony had a mask for himself, though he almost decided to go against the mask idea since he was, the famous Tony Stark aka IronMan. He felt no reason to hide such good looks from anyone, but it would help blend in to talk to you know who longer.

The ballroom was white with gold tableclothes and party favors. The drapes were red while mixed with green even though it wasn't yet christmas time. It was only the end of summer, not yet beginning of autumn. While fixing himself up, Tony glanced at his shirtless bare form in the half fogged up mirror hearing Loki in his thoughts. [Oh you better believe it, don't worry I got the sweets and the eclairs. See you soon] he smirked in his mind's eye finishing up what he was doing. Some time later he was dressed in a really nice suit with a simple elegant mask that would appear like everyone else's.

The party had begun at least while he finished getting ready thinking it was better to make a fashionably late entrance. His suite looked really good on him, showed his body off rather well, and played the portrait of 'Life of the party' to those who noticed him entering. His brown eyes looking like a dark chocolate with caramel swirl made him stand out grabbing the attention of the ladies. All who he ignored looking for just that one person on his mind at that very moment and all week long. It's odd for the two of them, who were enemies talking so casually, and so close as if they were best friends for life or more.

Tony no longer had to worry about Pepper as he searched the crowd for the green god, well half god. The tables were set with food of all types, eclairs were on a table of their own and as fresh as Tony could get them to be. Though he had something special prepared for later which involved going outside on top of the building, but only when he could get the two of them alone. There was chatter everywhere as the lights were dimmed to not be so bright and a sparkling shine shown across the entire room to make it feel more...enchanting.

Standing at the top of the stairs for a moment longer he noticed the avengers were there. Natasha was obviously in her all black strapless dress with a slit down the side. Banner had his arm around her waist keeping her close and Tony didn't think that was something he saw every day. Steve was looking as bland as usual until he noticed that a cleaned up guy with long brown hair was next to him holding his hand. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a metal hand. 'Well damn steve, guess you do have it in you' Tony chuckled in his mind, but not allowing a smile to creep upon his face. He walked down the steps towards the group watching Clint standing next to a young man looking quite dashing with his super light almost white...maybe it was white, hair. It was short, but long enough to make Tony's look shorter.

The silver hair man had his arm around his shoulder as well as next to a girl in a lovely crimson dress with thin straps and a shawl over her shoulders. Everyone in here had someone, even Pepper who stood next to his best friend, so close that he knew who she had chosen him over. That friendship was over, well that depended on if he could forget her and who she was with. He would need a huge distraction, which he hadn't caught a glimpse of yet.

(Too long?)

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 01:56 AM

Loki could see the lights and hear the people from miles away. He always enjoyed crashing parties, but for once, this would be the first party he'd actually been invited to in a long time. Being the slave for mischief that he was, he would loved to have seen some drama at the party, but he knew better than to go causing trouble. After all the work Tony out into the party, he least he could do was conduct himself occordingly. Besides, he was glad to have such intimate alone time with Tony.

Loki approached Stark Tower with his cloak of invisibility. No one saw him, and truthfully, he saw no one of interest... Yet. When he entered the ballroom he found it to be a little loud for his tastes, the noise reminded him of the feats on Asgard. (And how out of place he felt there too.) Loki wandered the room quietly, being on high alert to make sure no one touched him while he was invisible.

Then the man who became a mindless beast had come into view. Loki quickly averted his gaze and walked in the other direction. Banner was the last person he wanted to see. The woman at his side also gave him painful memories... Yes, Natasha Romanoff. He remembered her clear as day. He'd have to make sure to be careful around her, invisible or not.

Loki felt awkward standing alone in a big crowd of people. He'd be sure to lift his invisibility as soon as-

Oh, there he was! Tony Stark finally came into view at the bottom of the staircase. Loki was eager to run to the stairs and meet him at the bottom, but he knew better than to run and show Tony exactly how eager he was. Instead, he'd be an elegant beauty and find Tony in a romantic and mysterious way. He smirked when he looked down at Tony again. That man was so pleasing to the eye. Loki walked so tall it felt as though he floated down the stairs to meet Tony. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs near To he couldn't help but run his fingers seductively across the scientist's shoulders, leaning in to whisper in Tony's ear.

"The party has arrived, Mr. Stark."

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 03:40 AM

You know you want to click

Tony felt his heart jump to his throat as he heard Loki's voice while trying not to jump at the sudden words of the trickster god. 'Loki? Where are you?' Tony asked mentally as he didn't move noticing that there was no sign of Fury, though he would be there soon. When did Tony have parties out of no where and the man not show up? The feeling of Loki's fingers on his shoulder sent chills up him and he smirked a bit. 'Maybe we should go elsewhere to talk, otherwise the life of the party unmoved will look odd standing still.' tony thought to him.

Tony wasn't happy that Loki was invisible, this meant Loki could see him, but he couldn't be seen. Tony wanted so badly to see the asgardian god so he sighed mentally taking Loki's hand within his own which felt warmer than he expected. Knowing what he already knew about Loki and his other half side of his blood from his 'real' family. 'Follow me and stay quiet' obviously, Tony added to the thoughts.

Tony led him throughout the crowd keeping his hand closer to him to make it look less suspicious as if talking to someone not there. Tony didn't get the chance to talk to the others just yet, but he knew he would have to later. They would just assume he ran off with some girl knowing now that he wasn't with Pepper. Tony led him to the very rooftop of the building where he had a romantic set up waiting for them. A single table with blue moon roses in the middle of it, two chairs, a silver cart with food on it for in case they were hungry. And wine. An old and rare wine to get that he said he would never open under any circumstance. He figured now he would just keep the bottle. There were small lights around the rooftop floating in the air (lanterns) that glowed with pride and power of light.
"Too much?" tony asked as the music below couldn't be heard, but the silence of it all was better than loud music.


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