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That D00D3
Hollowsan is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 08:27 PM

I read Soul Eater! I'm actually reading it right now. I've been trying to find a website to watch it on though. I just can't seem to find one!Who's your favorite character on Soul Eater anyway?

Evil is as Evil does, and Evil d...
Li_the_were_lion is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 09:26 PM

I've been watching Soul Eater, and i'm about halfway through the anime series. I don't have a lot of time to read the online manga, but once i'm done with the anime, i'll read it.
I love doing that so i can compare the two and try to spot differences. :)

That D00D3
Hollowsan is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 09:35 PM

How far are they in the anime?In the manga, they are past the Arachnaphobia Arc and is doing something completely different.

Evil is as Evil does, and Evil d...
Li_the_were_lion is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 09:45 PM

I've just gotten to Arachnaphobia, i think the last episode i watched was when Black Star fought Mifune (<-- Totally love him) for the second time.

That D00D3
Hollowsan is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 11:16 PM

I know what your talking about!I like Black Star and Kid.The chapter we are on in the manga is after-I don't wanna give away anything so I'll be quiet about it.

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 09-28-2009, 10:18 PM

My friend got me to read it. She does the best Kid impression. ^_^ She is going to dress up as Medusa at school on the 30th. I'm actually surprised people here have read it. I was starting to lose hope. I want the next chapter to be posted already!:squee: It's slowly killing me..I don't know where you can watch it. I want to watch it in English so I have to wait. T_T

That D00D3
Hollowsan is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 12:13 AM

The next chapter should be coming out sometime either this week or the next.I'm not exactly sure if they'll translated this month!

Sally Sinema
Sally Sinema is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 01:44 AM

Satsujin Higashi, I went ahead and merged this with the pre-existing Soul eater thread. Please do a search (top right of the forum page) before starting a new thread, especially in any of the media forums. ;)


Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 04:28 AM

Oh yay! more Soul Eater fans >D

Satsujin you friend rocks lol XD are you gonna dress up?
have you heard the the decisions for the English cast? I like most of them but some of the choices I'm not to sure about >_<

Hallowsan are you still looking for a site because I can un-earth where I was watching it (somewhere in my history)

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 05:54 PM

I want to dress up but I can't. I'm not that good at impersonating. I had to draw the snake and the dots on my friends arm. It was so awkward! Is there a site where I can watch Soul Eater in English? And no I haven't seen the cast.

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-01-2009, 06:34 AM

It's in the process of being dubbed right now by Funimation so you can't actually watch in English yet: the cast will either make it freaking fantastic or (there's a couple there) it might make it epic fail >_<

here's the funimation site- you can see their little preview and here Soul say like a sentence in the end lol (the cast list is on there too)

If you really want to you should try ^_^ As long as you try your best at the cos-play no one (who isn't a complete jacka**) will slight you. And it's fun!

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 10-01-2009, 05:38 PM

Well for the cosplay day at school I've already decided to be L from Death Note. Someone is going to be Stein and another person will be Medusa. It is going to be awesome!! >.<
I think I will check out that site. I don't really like watching it any other language because I'm more focused on the words and will miss something funny. Of and if I can go to the anime Convention in St. Louis then I'm going to be Motoko from Love Hina. (Sorry for the other anime titles and characters. I know they don't belong here.)

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-02-2009, 01:57 AM

It fine ^_^ Soul Eater is in there too lol

((oh and those are good cosplays >D not too hard, not to easy and great characters))

that's one thing about Soul Eater- most of the characters have pretty detialed outfits: or at least they are so different you'd have to make it for it to look good. (oh wait~- Liz and Patty aren't too bad)--- if i had unlimited resources and time I would totally do Blaire XDDD or one of the outfits Maka has in the art book (for the most part)

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 10-02-2009, 05:26 PM

Oh my God you would have to take pictures with Mizune(?) Is that the right character? The mouse girl woman person who was trying to fight Blair? That was so funny. Before I started reading I asked my friend if it was Ecchi and she said no. I started reading then looked at the geners it was listed as and told her It is too Ecchi! By that time I got to Blair and the mouse. ^^, I'm going to be the perfect Motoko. I don't like people that much. And definatly don't want them around my friends. I am very catious. And L is just....L. That's all there is to say about him.

Okay I just saw a preview for Soul Eater and it is awesome! >_< They sound much better than how I imagined them to be.

Last edited by Satsujin Higashi; 10-11-2009 at 07:25 PM..

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 08:02 PM

(sry I take so long between posts)

Yeah, I'd only seen the anime and then my friend was reading next to me in the computer lab and she like jumped to cover her screen XD I was like O_O "wtf?" she showed them- and in the manga it's definitely ecchi with costumes XD;; But Blaire has a another outfit somewhere in there where it's not as skimpy lol and that's what I would want to do.
Oh! and I thought about it I also would do Marie- she cracks me up.

Yeah they do sound promising- I like to think that the whole dub experience is getting better with English (now that anime is so huge)

Yosuke Hanamura
The Crimson Alchemist
Yosuke Hanamura is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:01 PM

Yay! Maka is going to be played by Laura Bailey (she usually does a pretty good job with her roles so I'm happy) and Soul is being voiced by a newcomer (and sounds kinda like Johnny Yong Bosch actually). But Troy Baker's voicing Excalibur (there's a clip on YouTube of him singing his song). But for some reason I had a feeling he was going to be casted as him. XD

Also, I've been meaning to cosplay someone from Soul Eater (mainly Kid) but I think I'll cosplay Chrona/Crona in the future.

Last edited by Yosuke Hanamura; 10-11-2009 at 10:03 PM..

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:26 PM

I like Laura Bailey, I'm just not quite sure about her as Maka. But i'll definitely watch though to see how she does.

do you have a link for that video? I tired looking but I haven't seen it.

Oh those would be fun cosplays! So where do you stand- is Crona a boy or girl?

Yosuke Hanamura
The Crimson Alchemist
Yosuke Hanamura is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 11:28 PM

Funimation posted a preview clip for the dub on their youtube account and I'm actually liking what I'm hearing so far. And here's the clip with Troy singing Excalibur's song.

And I'm still on the side that thinks Crona is a girl. XD

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 11:31 PM

Omg.... that was sexy @_@;; He might actually convince me to like Excalibur XD;;

Right?! I will never understand the debate the other way, but hey fanfic-ers minds scare me in general lol

new chapter this week- excited? ^______^

Yosuke Hanamura
The Crimson Alchemist
Yosuke Hanamura is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 06:02 PM

Honestly, I'm so behind in the manga but I'll pick it back up when I'm not busy with other things. :x But isn't Yen Press releasing the first volume in English this month? I'll probably pick that up if I go to Border's sometime.

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 12:06 AM

I'm behind too >_>;; But i read someone's summaries on LJ sometimes (they are hilarious)

Yes the first issue is released Oct 27th in stores, but I was looking on Borders online and its says you can buy online now .... hmmm. (weird i know lol)

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 05:32 PM

I think Chrona is a girl but she says the same things that a boy would. I mean she uses the boy version of saying something. Then again he/she could be a boy because of Medusa? I don't think a boy would do the same as Chrona did.

Tsubasa Rose
Tsubasa Rose is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 10:24 PM

@ Satsujin: it certainly is something to think about. She does use masculine speech, but it's hard (for me) to see her as a guy.
I know this sounds a little sexist/stereotypical but I can't help thinking her personality can only be pulled off by a girl, because of the shyness, timidness, and passivity. (I should mention that I am a girl irl so don't attack me too much lol). Not saying that guys can't be this way, but it would less understandable and more of a character draw back in my opinion.

Satsujin Higashi
Satsujin Higashi is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 02:51 AM

One of my friends is even wondering if Soul Eater will ever tell us if she is a girl or a boy. The messed up on the translation on the site I read it at. Medusa says that Chrona is her daughter and my friend said that in the original version it just said child. Another thing. Chrona wears a dress so unless Chrona is a crossdresser which I doubt it's like that I think Medusa would have wanted a girl and would just dress him up as one. And another thing is who in their right mind would willingly knockup Medusa. My friend being as weird as she is says Blair is the father. ^_^, But if Chrona was conceved normally I think the father is dead..or hiding. Medusa would have killed him or something.

spookie ghostie
Tsukipon is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 01:55 AM

I read the first manga volume and it was pretty cool but I never followed through. I might get in the anime and save come time


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