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InSaneWeTrust is offline
Old 08-19-2007, 01:09 AM

I like DGM : D
Though I haven't been reading it for a while...

My favorite characters are Rinali Lee and Tyki.

Though I'm not happy about how she has been lately D : SHe lost her coolness with her hair D':

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 08-31-2007, 02:51 AM


This isn't directed at anyone, but more a group of people.

I've noticed how many people seemed to just suddenly turn against Rinali because of the hair thing. Not all of them dislike her just because of the hair, but a lot of them do.

I it really that much of a difference? I've seen comments like

"Oh she was hot before but not anymore"
"she's butt ugly now"
"she's crap now"

...what, the short short SHORT pants aren't enough for you? It's not like anything really changed other than the hair. Or is it that short-haired girls are automatically deemed "un-hot"? Her facial structure has remained the same, everything else has remained the same. Are her abilities and courage located in her hair? I think not.

I admit, I do like long-haired Rinali better, but I still like her now. And I don't think her face looks any different, either.

Erck. Sorry for the rant--it's just been bugging me, because people are unbelievable rude about it -_-;;

...I have a bad feeling about Tyki right now. o_o Something tells me Cross is not going to go easy...

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 09-01-2007, 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by Rinali Lee
....>.> I want another season, but only if it won't be filler-filled, because I will be so upset if this ends without any mention of the Asia arc, or even the ark arc. Seriously. ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID FILLERS. >.< I never did understand why they do that. Can't they just put it on hiatus and keep up with the manga? But oh wait. Then viewers would complain...

It's hard enough to fit all 127 chapters (so far) of events into 52 episodes without the fillers; if they're going to continue on with the manga, it's probably going to take them a few seasons. x_X One reason I want a second season is because I HATE it when the anime ends on a completely different note than the manga, or when things are just so drastically different (i.e. Air Gear, Fruits Basket)

One thing I've been ep. 41, Krory uses his cloak/cape to deflect some of the Akuma's bullets. What makes his cape so special? o.O I'm pretty sure the others can't do it...

And as for the manga, I think we all forgot about Poor Miranda. ^^;
Oh As for some of the fillers, they come from the novel version of D.Gray-Man, called D.Gray-Man Reverse or something close to that.

That's true, about the hiatus. But they were on chaper 85 I believe or close to that when they started the series. But that's enough time to put in the 3 of the major arks in. Miranda, Crowley and Suman ark.

I know what you mean on the endings of animes compared to mangas, I've seen so many of them... Fruits Basket, Ouran High School, FMA, Inu-Yasha and others.

LMAO, It's a Superman cape. I dunno, mabye they wanted to give alyster some cool thing to go along with the vampire persona.
Well I think Miranda will be coming in very shortly. I believe it's getting close to the end of this ark.

If you have not read 129, here's spoilers*
lavi and choji fell, oh noes, lavi was smiling on the way down. But in the recent chapters before, you see Lavi's hammer was cracked abit. Like Lavi did not realize that his hammer was cracked... >___>
Anyways. Cross is awsome and the Earl has Finally showed up. Then the Manga is on Hiatus for about 5 weeks. which sucks..
* spoiler end.

What is it with people and not liking girls whith short hair. Her personality did not change and neither did her coolness. She just lost her innocence at the moment and is despritly trying to get it back.

Also I had short hair before and I did not change, but it was people with atittude that think that people change with different type of hair. And think that people with short hair, suck, and are not like the rest that are cool ~

@Rinali Lee: I agree with what you are saying on the rinali with short hair. She is still the same person she was.
I prefer short hair rinali compared to long hair. I was hoping throughout DMG, that Rinali would not be caught in a situation because of her hair, like some enemy grabbing it and then fling her somewhere far. o____.

>3< i'm

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 09-02-2007, 02:38 AM

Cross is the superman of the series. xD Albeit a slightly eviler one than Clark. >.> Poor, poor Allen...

Yea, I've always wondered about why the villains never take advantage of long hair xD I think it's one of those anime laws--you know, gravity and physics don't apply, wearing a bikini automatically renders you invincible, hair can only be cut with a sword, etc.

Nuuuu not another hiatus! D: *dies* Argh. Well, at least it'll give me time to catch up on my other series. xD

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 09-03-2007, 12:34 AM

Lol, true.

Cross is the superman XD

It would have been easier if they did take advantage of the hair. But I guess they never think of it when they fight >_____>

I know. I hate Hiatus. The anime is on episode 45 or 46 right now.
6 more episodes to go till the end.

They have 6 noahs still and absolutely nothing and when will rinali's boots come in? She's supposed to get her new boots, that is according to the 4th ending...

I think there might be a second season. Because there is 6 noahs, we have no idea on the backgrounds of Kanda and Lavi. We have not entered the noah's ark. And have not found Cross. And in 6 episodes, there is no way that is going to be done in time.

Wow. The season finale going to be big if there is going to be another season.
Rinali is probably going to get her new boots and that's probably the ender untill season two, if there is one.

... Hopefully there will be, with no fillers.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 09-03-2007, 07:08 PM

*forgot to mention this in last post. >.>*

I heard about D. Gray-man Reverse; someone posted a summary on deviantArt, and I must say...I want to see a drunken Kanda 8DDD

I believe they showed a brief glimpse of Rinali's new boots in the opening, so there has to be a second season D: *desperately wishing* So long as they cut most of the fillers. Seriously--the fillers came in way too early for DGM. DX

Hm...if my calculations are close enough, then the finale will probably be around volume 6--Rinali on the boat with Anita and co., and Allen getting his arm ripped off. ._. What a way to end it.

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 02:05 AM

I heard that d.gray-man anime will end when they are on there way to edo.
I would so pay to see a drunken Kanda >3<
She has recently gotten her new boots. Episode 48 in which she gets them.
I would like to see Anita in the series and more of miranda also.
True the DGM fillers came out way to early, I mean they had so much to work
with. From the manga.
3 more weeks till the hiatus is done... >_______>
Hoshino please get better. Lets not be another HunterxHunter...

Raining Skittles
Raining Skittles is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 03:30 AM

I LOVE D. Gray Man! I just finished reading the recent chapters on MSN XD I have the first 6 mangas in my special box right now :3 They dun have more in english 3:< I'm on epiode 44, and I can't find the rest on the internet, but I guess I hvn't looked hard enough xD My favorite characters (in no particular order) are: Tykki, Komui, Rhode, Miranda, Lavi, Kanda, Aryster, Lenali, Lala(the doll >w<), Cross, Allen, Daiysa and the artist general person, he looks really cool :3

Mage is offline
Old 09-09-2007, 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by DeviChiyoko
Oh As for some of the fillers, they come from the novel version of D.Gray-Man, called D.Gray-Man Reverse or something close to that.
Oh man, srsly?! There's a novel version?!

Did anyone translate it? Where can I find it? :shock:

...hi, I'm kind of new to the DGM fandom... I managed to catch up with the anime in 3 days and manga in a week. x_x;; My favorite character is Lavi, 'cause his hammer is sexy. xD;

Btw, everyone... what's your favorite DGM pairing?

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 09-17-2007, 09:34 PM

Only half of book one has been translated, I can't remember the site I got it off of sorry.
After I read the manga over again, I think the new noah in the anime is not filler after all, but the episodes are of course, cause when you see them at the table I believe for the first time together(in the manga), it stops at her for a moment, but it's still her.
I am currently on chapter 129, and episode 50 :o only 2 more eps till this season is done!
Anyways, my fav parings are RinaleexKanda and RinaleexLavi.
It's obvious that Lavi likes her, there is so many signs, it's to bad that it will only be one sided. Like the times on the boat, also when she didn't come back from the boat, another time is when you see her in his dream sequence against road. There are others but im to lazy at the moment to write it down.
For the RinaleexKanda, I dunno they have a connection. She's the only one he won't yell at, also, he does not get mad at her when she hit him with the clipboard in the beginning. I believe kanda is the only one komui likes :P
I do not like the RinaleexAllen Pairing, I am not fond of parings between the ''main'' to characters. He is the male main and she is the female main character. Even though they look nice together they act more like brother and sister to me. They agree on everything, to a point it's a good thing but after awile, you would think it would get annoying, also he points out to her on occasions that she is older than he is.
I don't mind that she is older than him, but when he points it out, he must have a problem with it.
He probably sees her as a sibling or a good friend.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 09-19-2007, 08:17 PM

I'm never fond of main character/canon pairings, usually--except Vampire Princess Miyu, Rurouni Kenshin, and maybe a few other exceptions. xD Usually, I HATE the main character. I like Allen, but I don't like pairing Rinali with him. D:

8D Rinali Kandaaa. See? Even the name sounds nice. Or rather, it would be Kanda Rinali in Japanese. xDDD

Ahhh...ep. 48. I'm not there yet. ;_; *hurries up*

XD I never really understood how they mistranslated Tiedoll as "Theodore".

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 09-28-2007, 03:36 AM

D.Gray-Man manga chapter should be coming out soon! Yay! I can't wait to see how Hoshino continues with the story.
And yes, the Anime is done with fillers!
Yay! Anita-sama has now joined the anime and next episode should be the start of the suman ark, I am so glad they are going along with the manga again.
I was not a big fan of the fillers.
The little girl to me just got annoying. (episode 47-49)
I was not really a big fan of her.
I know Kanda Rinali sounds so cute :3
lol, I call him both just because. :p
Ya, and back to what you said about main character parings, I really don't like them. Because then the anime/manga starts to revolve around those two characters and the other characters are getting little to none character development.
D.Gray-man is revolving to much of Allen and Rinali, even though he is the main character, other characters should have more Char.Deve. Like Rabi, Kanda, komoui and others. But that will probably never happen, because of whats been going on in the manga lately.
Let rabi Live Hoshino! D:

Medley is offline
Old 09-29-2007, 07:06 AM

Ahh, I just recently became obsessed with this series. *is a total Lenalee fangirl* x3 Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 10-02-2007, 08:23 PM

@Medley: *points at username* XD You were saying?

Wheeee 130's out~ Now I just have to catch it. -runs for it-

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 10-05-2007, 10:08 PM

131 is out, go check it out now! :D
And same with episode 52. also, there is a new beginning and ending! also i has shots of the ark. :P
@ Medley: No you are not the only one who is obessed xD
I so want a lavi bag D:

\ (•◡•) /
Taviren is offline
Old 10-08-2007, 10:20 AM

D. GrayMan is my current anime/manga obsession. It's a wonderful series. ^^

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 10-08-2007, 07:44 PM

Whoo~~ New opening! xD I'm loving Kanda's new outfit even more every time I see it. And Rinali's upgraded boots. OH MY GOD. I would die of pleasure if that became an item on Menewsha: RINALI BOOTS. xD!!!

I didn't like the shot of the Earl though; that pose/position seems too overused, to me.

-paper-tree- is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 02:54 AM

I love the D. Gray-man anime. ^-^ I've yet
to read the manga though. My favorite
character is Rhode. <3

SerenityLives is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 03:03 AM

I LOVE D.GrayMan!!! =D

I've seen aup to epidsode 44 in the anime, but the filler's suck eggs so I prefer the manga- for those who are behind it gets REALLY good later n____n Way better than the anime- but Allen-kun's voice is so adorable <3 Thats what has me hooked =3

I'm up to the lastets D. Gray Man chapter- 131!! >=D I can't wait for the new one- found this lovely website with all kind of cool manga on it to read in my free time, but you can read it on MSN groups to xD

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 05:29 PM

Oh. My. God. Recent chapters of D. Gray-Man = ABSOLUTE LOVE. I just want my Kanda-pon back. D:

SerenityLives is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Rinali Lee
Oh. My. God. Recent chapters of D. Gray-Man = ABSOLUTE LOVE. I just want my Kanda-pon back. D:

And Lavi to <333 I luffed him Dx

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 08:32 PM

:D The new chapter 132 is love love :D
Spoiler*Lavi is alive and so are the others :D
well we just don't know about crowley yet though.., also Rhode is alive, I knew she couldn't die that easily, she's just to important of a noah to die.
also, the one that was in the anime lulabell, she was also in last weeks chapter. :p
*Spoiler end
The anime is at episode 53 and 54 come out today : D
D.Gray-man = Love :D

SerenityLives is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 01:54 AM

Originally Posted by DeviChiyoko
:D The new chapter 132 is love love :D
Spoiler*Lavi is alive and so are the others :D
well we just don't know about crowley yet though.., also Rhode is alive, I knew she couldn't die that easily, she's just to important of a noah to die.
also, the one that was in the anime lulabell, she was also in last weeks chapter. :p
*Spoiler end
The anime is at episode 53 and 54 come out today : D
D.Gray-man = Love :D
Yesh I know it was brilliant!! x3
Waaahh 53 & 54 are out already? DDDD:
*still on 45* I couldn't go on any longer...the fillers were killing me!!! DX

\ (•◡•) /
Taviren is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 08:08 AM

Gah! Don't quote the spoiler! >.< That makes it readable! Course, I already figured that was the case, but I didn't know.

DeviChiyoko is offline
Old 10-20-2007, 12:07 AM

Chater 133 is up : D
And I love it.
They all meet up again, lol, kanda is last as usual. xD
Anyways, I'm so glad that they are alive. :3

End Spoiler*
D.Gray-man rocks this week as usual :D


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