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Iced-anime is offline
Old 12-12-2007, 07:26 PM

@Blacksheep- Actually, I liked both characters myself, so it is alright x]
If I had the death note, I'd kill bad people as well. Light really wasn't a bad guy at all :/ If only the cops wouldn't have interfered >.<

@Bunai- Lawl, that's the quote! I wanna read the manga too~ It's sure to be good.

@Majinkoz- I totally agree. I wish there were more anime like this one. I saw the ending coming too, but I suppose that that's really the only proper way to end it o.o Oh well ;p

@.Leianne- I <3 L. He looked awesome when he smiled x]
Almost like an innocent little child-esque smile.

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Old 12-13-2007, 02:52 AM

The anime really only kept my attention for about the first half. I really liked when the focus was all on the conflict between Light and L, but when they started bringing in the corporation thing I just got bored of it.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 12-13-2007, 11:10 PM

@_@;;; I haven't caught up on the Death Note anime in a while. Shame on me.

I heard that the way he dies is just...pitiful, though. By that, were they referring to his manga death or his anime death? Or are the two actually the same? As far as I've gotten up to on DN, it seems to follow the manga relatively well. ^^

And for that, I am grateful.

Iced-anime is offline
Old 12-14-2007, 04:48 AM

They should've been relatively the same in both the manga and the anime, though I can't be sure as I havn't read the manga yet. The ending itself wasn't pitiful, but his attempts sure were xD He thought he won, and when he lost he went psycho and made every last attempt he could just to win.

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:43 PM

I haven't been able to pick up the manga again since chapter 58. I have NOT dropped it...I'm just leaving it alone for a little while. Just because...I can't believe I would be hit so hard by something I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

I don't particularly like Light. :| I know his intentions were good...but so were Hitler's. >.>; The path to Hell is paved with good intentions. He had no right to kill all the people he killed; how does he know they weren't really innocent!? That's right, he doesn't!

I really tried not to get attached to L (read the spoilers)...but by chapter 15, he was my favorite character. D: I'm mad at myself for that.

And Misa scares me. o_o;;;

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 12-15-2007, 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Iced-anime
They should've been relatively the same in both the manga and the anime, though I can't be sure as I havn't read the manga yet. The ending itself wasn't pitiful, but his attempts sure were xD He thought he won, and when he lost he went psycho and made every last attempt he could just to win.
Ah, yes. The psycho bit. xD I saw him flipping out in an AMV on youtube. Quite....interesting, to say the least.

Misa is so coooool. *O*! [Ok, well not really, but her fashion sense sure is xD] I like her much better in the live-action movies, though. She gets on my nerve int he manga. =|

L is hotness in a bun <333

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girl_4327 is offline
Old 12-16-2007, 08:58 AM

Well, it's not really what I expected.

Iced-anime is offline
Old 12-17-2007, 08:12 AM

@girl- Well that's your personal opinion. To me, it's not really that boring at all. It's like one of those detective shows that interest people, like Numbers for instance. Some could say that show is boring as well, but that's just what they think. What's good about the anime is that it isn't having to deal with robots, swords, and magic. While all of that is fine in any other anime, the simplicity in this one is what makes it interesting. Yet even in its simplicity, interesting twists and cliffhangers are added, along with a pretty interesting character set. It's all personal opinion, I suppose.

Raining Skittles
Raining Skittles is offline
Old 12-18-2007, 03:37 AM

I really like the anime. I currently have the 4th manga, and How to read 13 (not part of the story, just reveals things, like L/Mello/Near/Matt/everyone's real name >:3). I have to say Mello is my favorite character, because he's a bomb with a short fuse, and he's simply amazing. Matt would be above him, but he only appears for...what? 10 panels, 12 seconds? I can't remember. All the Wammy kids (Linda, and L included) are the people I would love to hug, though I'd probably get punched for it...

The anime was awesome, it pretty much followed the manga 100%, except for the ending, but that was still incredibly awesome. I sometimes watch it on Adult Swim, to hear the characters voices, and so far, I don't like L's -tear tear- He is so adorable, with cake and tea, and everything -squee-!

Did anyone see the live action movies, Death Note, and Death Note the Last Name? Though they messed with the storyline, added a character, changed some of the things happening (and left out Mello and Near ;^; ) they're really good. The characters apparently are from famous movies (Light's played by the guy from Battle Royale) and L is eye candy +_+ -nod nod-

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 12-18-2007, 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by girl_4327
What's wrong with eveyone?
I've finished watching the anime,
and honestly, I think it sucks.
Really, it sucks.
Really boring.
Has not made me cry, laugh, or nervous.
It just doesn't have peaks.
I don't really hate it.
But it's not that I expected.
I really wonder why it has become that popular.
It's really boring.
really Boring.
Do not make me say another word.
Um. Wow. Just because we don't share the same opinion as you doesn't mean there's anything "wrong with us." :| Really now, that was just plain uncalled for.

It's not for everyone. I didn't find it boring at all, though I can see why some people would think that. I was fascinated by L and Light's relationship when Light had no memory of being Kira. It made me sad; they could have been great friends (emphasis on FRIENDS; I am not into them as a pairing or anything) if they weren't on opposing sides. And there is no good and no evil; everyone is following their own agenda and trying to help the world. That's the kind of thing that I find interesting. I don't expect everyone in the world to, though.

Just because I like it doesn't mean there's a damn thing wrong with me, and just because you don't doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. Seriously...grow up. >.>; There's nothing wrng with expressing your dislike of something...but asking what's "wrong with everyone" just because they like it and you don't? I wouldn't be surprised if you lied about your age to be on here.

Iced-anime is offline
Old 12-18-2007, 08:06 AM

Yeah, in the anime Matt was pretty much annihilated without much background information of him.

The voices on Adult Swim are okay, and I agree that L's voice pretty much sucks in the english version xD L gave off this slightly emo yet extremely intelligent persona in the japanese version, yet on Adult Swim the voice kind of takes away from his original personalily.

I saw trailers from the live death note movie. I don't have much of a personal opinion on that. Ryuk looks too wierd being computer generated xD I didn't know that they left out Mello and Near though. That's kind of upsetting ;-;
I wonder...Is this movie coming to America? I highly doubt it, but I'm just wondering.

SilentRedemption is offline
Old 12-19-2007, 07:14 AM

I just bought the first Manga... SO am I kinda not reading the posts because i don't want to be spoiled but i like it so far.

It seems to be a ying yang type of thing. L and Light have a lot of similarities as well as differences.

Edit: you guys know whats funny? the girl who asked whats wrong with everyone, i checked her past posts and she told another thread she was becoming addicted to Death note. So she must not find it THAT boring.

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 12-22-2007, 10:37 AM

  • death note i pretty good,but light is so slack...L is way better

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Solitare is offline
Old 12-25-2007, 08:20 PM

I love this series and have managed to get the books through number 12. I am hoping to get the last few now that Christmas shopping is over ;)

Okiama is offline
Old 01-02-2008, 10:19 PM

I lvoe Death Note so much! One of my most favorite! <3 I love L. He's my computer background and my sig on Gaia. Lol.

heartpoint is offline
Old 01-05-2008, 11:16 PM

I don't like the series. I just can't get into it.

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Old 01-06-2008, 03:51 AM

I like Death Note. It's pretty good. I've read it all and have watched just about all of it. I have three eps. left. It is definitely one of my favorites.

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Old 01-06-2008, 04:43 PM

The last episode to the anime still haunts me.
Ugh. Poor Light.

Rinali Lee
Rinali Lee is offline
Old 01-06-2008, 05:44 PM

I didn't want any of them to die. T_T

Ugh. But poor Matt. He shows up for like...thirty seconds, and then gets shot. D:

Zombie Zombie
Zombie Zombie is offline
Old 01-06-2008, 08:22 PM

I adore Death Note.
But here's something my friend noticed:;
Light's last name spelled backward is IAmGay.

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Old 01-11-2008, 03:20 AM

"Yagami= I am Gay" *scared*

I adore Death Note. I've only started reading the manga though. >W< But I do kind of know what happens later on thanks to my bestest friends who's obsessed with Death Note. As obsessed I mean on the first day back from winter break she had ...

1. A Mello haircut
2. A L necklace
3. A Death Note shirt
4. Death Note vol. 1-9 (that I'm reading)
5. Has a Death Note
6. Doing the gun thing with her hands and saying that I am Near (But I'm Matt!.../Near... XD) and will blow my head off.
7. Says she will bring chocolate where ever she goes.
8. An back to back 18 paged Death Note fanfic.

My friend calls Near a copycat and will kill/blow his head off. But I think he's awesome, in his kiddish (DICE CITY!) copycated way. XD
So I am Near! But I'm also Matt, 'cause I'm a video game addict, and I totally want to dye my hair red! But no smoking thank you very much. XD

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Mynx is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 03:38 AM

ahaha i told the the yagami thing to my friend and he was like "no, it spells i ma gay" haha, i didn't bother checking before XD
and about death note, loved it, one of my favorite animes. very clever, and i fell in love with L and Light :3

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Old 01-11-2008, 09:42 PM

I ma gay. XD
*nods* Death Note is awesome. My friend has a crush on L. I don't really like anyone. YET. X3

xXx Bloody Rose xXx
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Old 01-13-2008, 06:05 AM

I haven't watched the anime at all, but my friend has and she thinks its great.
I have only read volume 1 of the manga because my stupid library only has volumes 1 and 12 of Deathnote, which I think is pretty stupid, -.-.
So I haven't been able to continue it though I really want to because it's so good, I NEED to know what happens next, lol
And it's cool how Light is a bad guy/good guy at the same time, my friend just thinks he's bad though, -.-

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Old 01-13-2008, 08:18 AM

I read the Manga.


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