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Kilia is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 01:33 AM

((Lol Jenn I am playing Jenn lol *finds it hilarious*))

“Sure I will sing until you find a replacement, and Honey, don‘t be sorry. I will get on the fliers fixed up; we will get a new drummer and a Singer. We will find out what happened to R-K, we will move into our dream house, and everything will be better again.” she said as she hugged him, she was trying to be positive for him, she smiled when he kissed her nose and mentioned the house that they were buying.

She let him go when he moved to the window and started to yell at Angel, her smile slipped form her face, this was starting to become a reoccurring thing and she didn’t like it.

“You want me to meet you at La Grenque‘s once I am done with the fliers, so we can eat together?” she asked Aoi a little to late, he had done left their place, she sighed heavily and pulled out the fliers that she had made after Blane had killed him self, she tossed them away and pulled out a new piece of paper.

She grabbed some pens, pencils, makers and began to make a new flier, she was also glad that she had a scanner to make more of them. She worked hard and long on the flier, throwing away the ones that were not good and starting over again, getting lost in her work.

It kept her mined off R-K’s death, it was the main thing that was on everyone’s mind, she had a strong feeling that she was killed, all because she wasn’t the type to commit suicide.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 01:42 AM

Aoi was drooling slightly as he stared into the dessert cabinet. However, he was brought back to reality when his phone started vibrating.

"Whoa!" He spun it out and, trying to act cool, he spoke in his suave voice. "Sup?" He glanced down at the name that appeared on his phone. "Oh hey there girl! Damn, I haven't talked to you in ages. What's new?" He grinned as he spoke into the phone. He, unlike the rest of the members, was definitely the sociable one. Aoi was also R-K's best male friend so he naturally knew Electrica.

"Let me guess, you're just calling in to say you know someone that might like to replace... Blane? Damn, I think her name was... okay, I remember it started with an S. Right?" Aoi laughed as he looked around at the sitting customers. "Hey, I'm at La Grenque's. Bring your friend and we can have lunch together. That is, if you're both interested. I'll pay." With that, he clicked the phone shut. He flashed a sheepish grin at the annoyed married couple. "Sorry," he bowed and got back in line.

While waiting to still be seated, Aoi's hair flopped down in front of his face. He looked a bit rough, but his sweet face made up for his emo/punk inspired clothing.

His pocket vibrated. It was a text from Jenn. "Hey there, here's design number one. Let me know how it looks. <3" Aoi smirked at the message. The picture message then popped up. Holding his breath, he clicked the open button.

"Holy shit," Aoi's jaw dropped. It was a sick poster and, forgetting about the food, he darted across the street to the print shop. "Thirty copies please!" Aoi was panting as he waited for the stack of fliers to arrive in his hands. "Thanks!" He tipped the store owner and ran back to the restaurant.

Moaning, he sighed and got back in line and as he stood in line he admired the posters. Jenny, you're amazing.

Last edited by Wavi; 04-13-2010 at 02:31 AM..

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 02:41 AM

Kat quickly took her shower and put her hair up in it's usual pony tail. She dressed in her work clothes, a white button up blouse with long sleaves and a red tie, and black slacks. She put her shiney black dress shoes in her heart back pack with the black bat wings with her wallet and her house keys. Sighing, she put her leather jacket on and loose leather pants that fit well over her slacks. She put on some hefty combat boots and grabbed her helmet as she went out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. Kat went down to her motorcycle and drove to the restaurant, parking it in the back like she always did. She stripped down to her work clothes and walked in through the back, and found her locker in the very back staff room and stuffed all her belongings in it. She traded her combat boots for her shiney black dress shoes, and closed her locker.

Sighing again, she fixed her tie and smoothed down her hair and tightened her pony tail. She checked in and started working, plastering a kind smile on her face as she seated a few people and took some orders, and gave them their food. A rather typical and boring morning. Until she suddenly saw someone that she recognised instantly! AOI, THE INSANELY HOT GUITARIST FROM E-MERGENCY!!! Kat nearly fell backwards in shock and happiness, however, she kept her cool, took in a couple deep breaths, and walked up to him, smiling a bit wider than usual. "Hello, and how many will be in your party today?" She asked, forcing her voice not to shake in her excitement upon meeting him.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 03:07 AM

Aoi gave her a devilish grin. "How much can I pay you to get a lunch date with you?" His red eyes seemed to be hiding something. "You are Kat, correct? And, well, you obviously know I'm Aoi from e-MERGEncy. Anyways, my friend Air said you might be interested in auditioning for lead singer. Care to sit and chat while my company arrives?"

He tossed a poster her way, and, as he did so, another vibration came from his phone. "Hmmm, must be Jenn with another design."

He nodded. "Just as I guessed." He spun his phone around to show Kat.

"Anyways, do you have any interest?" He looked her up. "You're hot enough to be our lead. What do you say, can I get fifteen minutes with you? Or is that asking too much?"

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 03:37 AM

Kat's eyes widened. "A-Air told you about me?" She asked, shocked. She had only met him a couple times, and yet she aparently made a bit of an impression on him for him to mention her to Aoi! "Yeah, I know who you are." She said, her smile returning as she nodded. Kat was a bit surprised and caught the poster. She read it, then quickly folded it up and put it in her back pocket. She looked over her shoulder to see her manager giving her a stern look. She bit her lower lip and quickly looked back, smiling sheepishly at Aoi. She looked at his phone, seeing the other poster. "I'm definately interested, but I'll have to wait until my break, or until my manager isn't looking." Said Kat, blushing lightly when he called her hot. "Well, in the meantime, I'll get you the best seats in the house." She said, motioning for Aoi to follow her as she led him to a large table a little bit off to the side that was well lit. "If you want, I can talk to you while I pretend to take your order." She said, pulling out a seat for him and setting a menue on the table for him as she took out a note-pad and a pen, glancing over at her manager.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 08:53 AM

Shaylie gave her cousin a strange look as she whisked away her (granted, late) breakfast, which she'd barely been able to touch. Megan promptly proceeded to drape herself over her cousin's shoulders. "Love me, Shay-Shay, and go get dressed."

"Only if you stop calling me that. Where we goin'?" Shaylie asked, walking toward the room she and Meg were sharing. "Someplace nice? Can I wear the goggles?"

It's all right, and you wear those stupid things everywhere." She called down the hallway. "Anyway, that was Aoi I just called. He wants us to meet him down at this restaraunt called La Grenque's. See if you meet his standards for the new drummer."

Shaylie paused in the act of pulling her black and white t-shirt on. Aoi? As in, THE lead gutarist for e-MERGEncy? Shaylie quickly finished dressing, jumping on her cousin (good thing that Meggers was the atheletic one, or they both would've taken a tumble). "You're awesome, I love you." She informed the older girl before hopping off of her and practically bouncing toward the door. "Well, let's go! And these goggles will save my eyes when some crazy girl-scout leader threatens to pluck out my eyes to protect the milkman."

Megan rolled her eyes, vowing to take her cousin's PS2 away.

((All right, so the girls' embarrassing nicknames for each other are Shay-Shay and Meggers. If anyone else tries to call them by such, they will probably be killed. And bonus points to anyone who can figure out what game I referenced there.))

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 07:22 PM

Aoi smiled up at the girl. "Oh, aren't you just a bad girl." He winked at her. "Hmmmm, so I've been eying the dessert case. I think you should pick out whatever dessert you think looks best for me. Oh, and I'm meeting up with two or three other people. They are also possibly interested in joining the band.

"Anyways, how about some Dr. Pepper. And, so I get your back every so often, I'd like some tea, bread sticks, a salad, small soup, and save that cake for last. Make sure you bring everything out one at a time and don't forget to ask me 'how it tastes,' you know, to please your boss."

His black hair flopped back into his face. He was wicked pale, but it might have been the lighting. Aoi's eyes were rather flirtatious, but that too may have been the lighting. He laughed, but someone outside caught his eye. "Hey, you or your boss wouldn't happen to know about restraining orders, would you?"

His cold eyes fell on the girl (Angel) that was now looking at him from across the street. "I swear, I just can't shake her and it's really starting to piss me the hell off."

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 11:16 PM

Kat smirked at Aoi, and then quickly scribbled down his orders on her notepad, looking over her shoulder at her manager. He was speaking to the live classical string band that would be playing today. "So what do I have to do? Just read directions?" She asked, quickly looking back at Aoi and taking the flier out of her back pocket that he had given her. She glanced over her shoulder and quickly put the flier back in her pocket to see that her manager had finished talking with the band, and they were getting set up on the small stage nearby. "I'll be right back!"

Kat went over and tended to a couple of her assigned guests, giving them their food and refilling their drinks, and went in back to grab Aoi his drink and the bread sticks. While waiting for someone to set up the breadsticks just perfectly in their fancy basket, one of Kat's co-workers came over looking extremely excited. "Oh my gosh, Kat! You're waiting on that guy from the band e-MERGEncy?! That's so cool!" Said Casey, brushing her long blonde bangs behind her ear. Kat smiled and rolled her eyes. "Yeah... And look what he gave me." She said, holding out the flier. Casey took it and read it, her eyes lighting up in excitement. "KATYOUHAVETODOTHISGORIGHTNOW!!!" She yelled extatically, putting the drink and the bread sticks on a tray and shoving them at Kat and in turn shoving her out the door and back towards Aoi's table.

"Hey!" She gasped, going towards Aoi's table, and setting his drink in front of him and the breadsticks in the middle of the table. "Sorry about the wait." She said, smiling sheepishly.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 12:25 AM

Megan rolled her eyes as she caught sight of Aoi in the restaurant. She politely waved the seater away, tugging Shaylie over to the guitarist's table. "You shameless flirt. I'm going to tell Jenn on you and then you'll be in trouble." She threatened. "But before that, Aoi, this is my cousin Shaylie. She's the drummer I was telling you and..." She stopped abruptly. She had been talking to Aoi and R-K about hiring Shaylie on. "Anyway, she's pretty good, though my opinion may be a bit biased. Shay, this is Aoi- why am I introducing you, you already know who he is."

Shaylie elbowed her cousin. "It's nice to meet you. I wish it could've been under better circumstances, though."

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 02:28 AM

The good looking male stuck his tongue out at Electrica. "Hey, we all know I'm a flirt. Jenn knows it too. Besides, any time now... I'm actually thinking at the gig, I was going to ask her to marry me. But yeah, we'll see."

He reached over and drank from his glass. "Ugh, I love this stuff." He winked over at Kat. "Ummm, Shay and Electrica, this is Kat. She'll be trying out for lead singer. If you're interested Shay, why not hook up with her. I think you two would have better odds is you worked together." He paused to drink again. "But that's just my opinion. I won't actually be the one voting. So I could just be talking shit."

Realizing his rude behavior, Aoi stood and shook hands with Shay. "Nick Hizunii, or as everyone calls me, Aoi at your service. I am forever indebted to all three of your wonderful chicks. Hell, you make my job eas... hey wait a minute. Why am I the recruiter?" His brows wrinkled some as he thought. "Oh yeah! Shawn is out of town. Wow, way to pick the worst time to fly over to Japan." He muttered something else, but finished her previous conversation, "So Shawn's trying to get us a tour in Japan. That would be pretty sick, right?"

Aoi nodded toward the bread sticks. "You ladies can help yourselves. This meal is on me. Ummm, but could we not tell Jenn. We wouldn't want to her to suspect me of... cheating." He snickered, but realized he was around foreign company. "I'm not a cheater. I'm a loyal wolf until the very end." He flashed the girls one of his dangerously charming smiles. He was, in simplest terms, fucking sexy.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 03:01 AM

((Oh no i lost my train of thought... Hold on let me get Cora up and then ill post for Air))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 03:06 AM

Megan grinned. "Do it, please. Maybe it'd change the news topic to something cheery. And thanks for lunch, in advance, but I'd watch out how much of that sex appeal you throw around. Shay's got issues." She warned him.

Shaylie rolled her eyes, shoving her cousin. "I don't have 'issues,' be quiet." Shaylie had gotten over whatever grudge she may have had against her former bandmates- especially since they'd taken a dive and broken up not even a year after she quit. She turned to the other girl that Aoi had indicated- Kat. "Hi, I'm Shay. So, you're a singer?"

Kilia is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 03:08 AM

((so um my mind is blank and i don't know what to post so um.....Jenn is just doing what she normal does when Aoi is taking care of other things))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 03:26 AM

Cora walked out of the house. She needed the walk to the french restuarant where she would usually go for a french. She started to head out to the cafe where she would eat only to think about what she had seen that night on the television. Her favorite singer gone. It wasnt like the band was going to hold any try outs. That would be like trying to say that R-K meant nothing to them which wasnt true. They needed some grieving time like she did at the moment. Besides, who would pick her up to sing anyways? She always thought she had a lousy voice.

When Cora walked into the restuarant she was supprised at what she saw. Aoi was there. The man who everyone liked so much was there now, with what looked like flyers. She walked over to wards them with interest and a little shyness. "Um... Excuse me? Are you Aoi from e-MERGEncy? I just love your band... Sorry if i sound like a fan girl." She looked down at the fliers and picked one up. "Your auditioning for a singer? I can... sing.." She spaced the words getting a little more shy. "Can i take this?"

Last edited by Daeman35; 04-14-2010 at 02:15 PM..

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 04:26 AM

((It's not a cafe. It's a French restaurant. *sigh* I'll be posting tomorrow. Too tired. XP))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 02:16 PM

((Sorry... Edited))

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 03:27 PM

Kat listened, keeping an eye out for her manager. Luckily, Casey was distracting him for her. The red-head smiled to her self, making a mental note to thank her a bunch later. She looked back at the others at the table, when she was mentioned and nodded to Shay. "Yeah. I guess you can say so..." She said, smiling sheepishly. Hearing a bit of a ruckus, Kat turned around to see one of the other waitresses trying to stop a girl with short hair to come over. "Excuse me! You have to wait to be seated!" Said the waitress, looking nervous, knowing that the manager was very strict and could fire her. Kat looked at the girl in surprise as she spoke to Aoi and took a flier, saying that she could sing. The girl was shy, but at the same time seemed a bit... pushy?

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 04:06 PM

Aoi was grinning. "You girls are all too damn cute!" His cheeks were a bit pink this time he spoke, but it was also getting rather hot in the restaurant. After all, he was in the window seat soaking up the sun.

Aoi's attention quickly drifted over to the new female who was being pulled away. "Ha ha, yes. Yes I am Aoi." His charming smile swept over his slender face. "You can take one sweetheart. Just be sure to show up to the auditions on time. I can't stand late participants."

The male seemed slightly annoyed now. His eyes meet some of the eyes that were gawking at him from outside. He exhaled and looked up at Kat. "And people wonder why I hate being out in the public without Jenn. Sheez, it's bad enough that I'm a fli-" he paused to cock his head. "Wow, now I'm getting flashed." Looking away, the black haired male massaged his temples. "Ugh, how I hate being cursed with good looks and fame."

His phone vibrated and caused his drink to shake around some. Moaning, he reached for the cellphone that was near his drink. He flipped it open, read the text, and replied back with "Jennnnnnnnnnnnnn, where are you! Come save me!" He forced a smile on his face. "Would it be alright if I closed the shades?"

"You really should fix this fangirl problem you have." The black haired girl leaned in close to Aoi. She was almost close enough to kiss him. Sitting on his lap, she ruffled his hair. "Listen, I know you hate me, but I tihnk I have some dirt on your friend's suicide. R-K was right handed, right?"

Her eyes were surprisingly sweet and loving as she spoke kindly to the male. Before he was allowed to answer, Angel continued. "So, R-K's gun was in her left hand. You don't flip hands to shoot yourself in the head. Moreover, I overheard Todd, the detective. He said he found what appeared to be a French fry on the floor. But, it wasn't a stale fry. No, he said it was the stuffing from a pillow."

Angel paused to shove a bread stick in her mouth. Woofing it down, she added, "Meaning, someone was trying to silence their gun. Trust me, I do the sam... anyways, this proves it was murder."

The slender female stood up, applied some gloss to her lips, and then made a kissing sound toward Aoi. "Good luck. From here on out, I cannot assist you. Just... just don't get yourself killed."

Her boots clicked as she gracefully walked out of the place. Once outside, Angel got on in a black convertible. A white haired guy, Zeke, was driving and once Angel was in the car, he drove them away.

"Well, that was odd. But it confirmed my initial thoughts. I figured R-K.... no, I knew R-K was murdered." Aoi eyes were somewhat cold as he glared at his Dr. Pepper. "I guess I should thank Angel later on for confirming her alleged suicide was, in fact, murder."

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 04:30 PM

Core found out that she had caused quite a commotion in the french restaurant. It was just hard to believe that Aoi was sitting right there. She was pushed away from the man and put outside again only to see a girl walk into the restaurant and sit with Aoi. She had just walked in like Core had and she wasnt dragged out. What was the difference between the two of them? Nothing. She was just a girl, Core was just a girl. There was no point in them dragging her out and not the other girl. She looked at the door and sighed. She had to go to work anyways. This time without food in her stomach. She started to think of what she had done and froze for a second. Was she a little pushy? This made her a little nervous. Oh no what if she was too pushy. She wanted to be part of the group. Oh well. It was time for her to go to school anyways. Her friends wouldnt believe what she had done and would probably yell at her for it at the same time as squeel about auditioning but what could she do?

Air was just walking around town. He needed the fresh air from what he had seen the night before. R-K wouldnt jsut murder herself. No. It had to be his step sister, Princess, who hired a hitman or something. It wasnt like R-K to do something like that. This just made him a little depressed. He walked around until he saw Aoi in a french restuarant and a girl who had just been pushed out of it. No doubt the girl probably tried to get his autograph or something getting a little too excited and barged right up to him. He walked inside and looked at the waitress. "Its ok sweety, I dont need a table. Im just going to see an old friend." He smiled at the girl and she just nodded in amazement. He walked over to Aoi and stood there. "Its good to see you again Aoi. Im so sorry about your loss. She was such a great person." He said almost anonymously before Aoi could look up. "do you mind if i sit down?" He asked sweetly.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 07:16 PM

"I would be offended if you didn't sit with me." He grinned up at his friend. "But I'm not sure if you should stay too long. We wouldn't want Princess to get all pissed and kill you off too."

He was speaking in a serious tone too, but that quickly changed when he recalled his guests. "Air, these are Shay and Electrica. I'm not sure if you ever met them, but they are pals of R-K." Aoi looked down at the fork before him. "Dammit, I miss her. Why did she have to get murdered?"

"Aoi, can I talk to you. I need a statement from you. I need to cross you off of the suspect list." He gave Aoi a reassuring smile. "I know it wasn't you, but I need to do it for the report."

Aoi cocked a brow at the male. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I'm detective Todd Kenneth Montemorano. I'm Kitty's partner." He stuck out his hand to shake with Aoi.

"Ah, Nick Hizunii. It's a pleasure to met you." Smiling, Aoi shook the officer's hand. "Anyways, I was with my girl Jenn. My neighbors can confirm that. We were... well, trying something new." He winked at the male before him.

"Ha ha. A little to rough on her?" He wasn't expecting a response so he moved onto his next question. "How would you describe R-K's latest behavior? Did she seem stressed? Worried? ...suicidal?"

"Typical R-K style. A little out of it, but only because she's been working on some new songs. But other than that, same old same old." Aoi paused for a second. "Wait a minute." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an unopened envelope. "R-K told me to open this if anything happened to her."

"May I?" Asked Todd. He saw Aoi nod, so he took the white envelope in his own hands, which he gloved first. Getting out a letter opener, he sliced it open and a scrap of paper fluttered out. Catching it on its way down, Todd turned it over.

"is next." Todd flipped it over. "What's is next? What's this mean?"

Aoi shrugged, but a thought hit him. "Maybe it isn't a what, but a... a...."

"A who! Shit. I wish R-K could have given us a name!" Grabbing his police phone, he spoke into it. "R-K was a 30. I repeat, it was Henry. It looks like there might be another DB coming up too. I found something from a band mate. We have a serial killer on the loose! Alert the media!"

Todd looked over at Aoi. "You need to get an escort on you until we nail this bastard. Until then, keep me posted. Here's my card."

With that, Todd ran outside and got into his police vehicle and drove off.

"Escort my ass. I am not being monitored." Aoi looked around at the audience he had gathered. "Okay, I guess its time I leave. Sorry ladies and Air, but I can't stand how this is going down. If you need me, text it."

Standing, Aoi took off in a dead sprint back to his place. "Jenn? Jenn! JENN!" Aoi was panicking now. What if it was Jenn they were after next. Freaking out, Aoi screamed out again. "JENNNNNNNNNNNN!"

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 07:34 PM

((You totally stole that 'french fry' thing from CSI: NY, right? I love that show~))

"Oh man, this is sick." Megan muttered. "Someone's actually trying to kill of the band? It's gotta be Princess or Candi behind this, crazy bitches. Sorry, Air." She added as an afterthought- after all, he was Princess's step-brother. "I'm not really sure if I should feel better or worse, knowing for sure that it was murder... Shay, maybe trying out it a bad idea. It this creep's coming after e-MERGEncy..."

"No way, E." Shay said. "My dad's a cop, remember? I can defend myself, or at least know enough to stay safe for a while. Besides, the creep's only going after band members, as far as we know, so unless I make it in, I'll be fine."

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 07:51 PM

((Shhhhhhh, no one else needs to know that. :P))

Kilia is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 07:52 PM

“Oof!” Jenn said as she fell on her butt when Aoi ran into her. She gave a soft smile when she looked up and saw who it was; she stood up and dusted her self off.

“Hey, Aoi, I was just about to go to the restaurant. I take it all the girls were trying to steal you from me again?” she said playfully after she picked her purse up and made sure that everything was still in it.

She then wrapped her arms around Aoi, hugging him close to her; she kissed him lightly on the lips before she pulled back and took in the look on his face. Something was wrong, she only knew this because it took a lot to get Aoi worked up to this point, and she brushed some of his hair out of his face.

“What is wrong, Honey?” she asked him, her brow creased with worried, she bite her lip lightly as she normally did when she was becoming very emotional.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 09:19 PM

Air sat down, but just as he did so and was introduced to the three people there a reporter came over and talked with Aoi. Aoi was right though. He couldnt stay long or Princess would make him the next target. No he needed to say what he wanted and leave, but this didnt seem to bother him at all. Princess wouldnt kill him. He was her step brother and an important part of her band. When Aoi pulled out a letter that was from R-K he eyed it suspiciously. Oh no thats not good. It read 'is next'. He knew immediately it meant '____ is next' This wasnt good. Before he could say anything the reporter walked out and Aoi started freaking out about Jen, his girlfriend. He was going to calm him down but then his friend just left, sprinting out the door to get to his girl. Air sighed and looked at the two ladies sitting at the table. He sighed from the comments they were making about Candi and Princess. "Its fine. but i would rather not talk about anyone killing off band members for now.... So shall i buy you two drinks and some food. Its all on me if you wouldnt mind."

Last edited by Daeman35; 04-14-2010 at 09:21 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 06:07 PM

"Jenn, I think... I think there is an anti-e-MERGEncy killer out there."

Aoi jumped when a knock came to their door. Somewhat petrified, the male slowly crept over to it. "W-w-who is it?"

"Todd, the detective from earlier."

Aoi sighed and let the male in. "Jenn, this is detective Todd. Todd, this is my girlfriend Jenn." Aoi beckoned for the two to join him at the table. "So what brings you here?"

"It looks like my evidence... disappeared." His eyes saddened. "I'm back to square one. DAMMIT! Just when I had proof that it was murder too!" The attractive male grabbed at his emo-like reddish hair. "Damn, I'm sorry I can't be of much use. Hell, I can't even get someone to watch you guys now."

Aoi's face mimicked Todd's. "FUCK!" He said slamming his fists on the table. "Who's the rat bastard that's covering everything up? Who doesn't want the public to know R-K was murdered! It must... it has to be Princess!"

"Princess has an alibi." Todd sighed. "I just keep hitting dead ends. Do you two know anyone else that might want to kill R-K? Or maybe even Blane?"

Aoi shook his head. "Nah, I haven't a clue. Maybe I'll call Air and those girls over from the restaurant. Maybe between us all we can figure some stuff out." With that, Aoi dialed Air.

"Hey bud, sorry for taking off like that. Yeah, Jenn's okay. Anyways, would you mind stopping over? We need to... well, someone stole our evidence. Could you bring the girls too? Maybe we can use them as undercover spies?"

Todd was nodding along as Aoi spoke. He was still thinking hard about everything that had happened. Was it really possible that someone at the station was stealing and destroying evidence? Todd shook his head. He was not ready to think such thoughts yet. Trying to reassure himself he thought, it must have just been misplaced; ahh, yes, misplaced.


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