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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 03:38 AM

I might be interested in a Yu Yu Hakusho RP depending on what you had in mind.

I usually take gifted to mean that they have supernatural abilities myself...

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 03:54 AM

Well I've had an idea running about my mind for YYH about a branch of demons who take charge from a man/woman (who takes orders from Koenma) and sort of supervise the Spirit World. Somewhat like the police. One of the squads however, were investigating a bunch of weird mass murders that were happening and stumbled across evidence that a powerful gang lord was in charge of the whole thing. Before they could dig any deeper they suddenly disappeared. That was about eight years ago and they were thought to be dead. However, one day their boss gets a video message from one of the squad members saying where they were. Of course this member is dragged off screen before they can say WHO it is that's gotten them, but regardless Koenma watches the video and immediately sends out people to help them. Then there's the whole rescue mission and yadda yadda and whatnot and more plot ideas, haha.

It's really made for a group role play, but I doubt people will want to join it D; I'm not sure whether you prefer all characters to be OC or if you like having series characters played by the other person (me). It's kind of a wonky idea...

And thank god you only meant supernatural powers. I'm getting annoyed with everyone wanting to do school RP's that have Vampires and Werewolves and sparkles and whatnot and... blargh... I'd be happy to do a supernatural power RP! :D

It's up to you which one you'd like to do though.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 04:09 AM

I think I might be too tired. I... didn't understand any of that. T_ T Why are demons supervising the Spirit World? Where is the mass murder occurring? Who's playing who? I'm so confused. >.>

I don't mind doing supernatural power RPs but I can never seem to think of good plots to keep them going...

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 04:21 AM

lol, it makes sense in my head, but that's probably because I have characters to fill in the blanks. Sorry, never mind that D;

Why not do a plot similar to Harry Potter? Villian is after one of the characters and while they go to school and be trained, they make friends, learn some stuff, all the while trying to stay hidden and protected from whatever bad guy is after them... or something...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 04:29 AM

Oh, okay. ^^; Sorry, it's getting kinda late here so my brain isn't functioning at full power it seems.

Yay for stealing plot ideas, LOL! I really don't mind it though, I often reuse other ideas when I'm at a loss. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. How many characters do you think we would need? It might be interesting if we played a pair of twins as the ones being sought after that would keep both of our characters in the limelight but then we'd have to have the villain as well and at least another character or two to fill out the student body. And then there's always the question of teachers... V_V

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:09 AM

Ooo! Twins! Great idea! :D
As for the class members, I was thinking we could think up a handful (personalties and such in an OOC thread or something) and both play all of them, or divide them and play them only when they come into view. But the twins will be the ones we ALWAYS play. Same with teachers.

As for the villian... hm... Maybe the same as the classmates and teachers? Or what if there's two of them, like a twisted couple who thinks if they kill the twins--because they have some special abilities that are odd or something--they can take their bodies and use them. That's how the couple continues to live. They kill people who are near the same age, siblings or lovers, and enter their bodies so they can live together.
Crazy people, I love 'em.

I'm just throwing ideas out, lol.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:30 AM

I'm glad you like the twins Idea! I like your idea of making a playable cast too, that sounds kinda fun. Maybe we could make a certain number of students and teachers each and then play them as needed. We wouldn't necessarily have to play the ones we made either, it could be fun to share some of the characters.

As for the villain, your idea of the old couple sounds interesting but I'll think on it. It may be easier to flesh out more about the villain once we decide more about the main characters' abilities, etc.

I've stalked your profile and found a few of your roleplays for samples. I really like your first post with the character Eugene Donner. ^^;

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:41 AM

Agreed on the villians, teachers and characters idea! :D I think the twins should have something similar in powers. Like, it's as if they have one single power combined, but because they were born as two it was split in half. They're not powerful separated, so they always stay together when using their abilities. Or something, lol.

And thanks! That's probably my favourite RP I'm in right now, lol. Louis is awesome, she's a great RP partner.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:48 AM

The power being split in half is a neat idea. I was originally wondering if they should have opposite powers but yours sounds cool too. If you have any specific ideas let me know. I think I'm going to head off to bed now, I'll post again in the morning if I think of something.

I didn't read much into the story of it, I just really like the style and wording. It might be interesting to read through though. I'm such a stalker. ^^;

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 06:03 AM

Sleep, got'cha! I should do that too, haha. Nighty-night!

I actually took the idea from a set of characters I have for a story, lol. The family was of a water controlling bloodline, and the older brother was born with only the ability to move and change water, but the younger brother--who ended up being born blind--could freeze the water into ice. Everyone else in the family could do both. Because they had split powers, and were born together, the two of them could connect their energy wavelengths and merge their powers into the oldest sibling's body while the younger sibling became a weight that kept them from going completely insane. Both of them went into traces and the older sibling's powers were so powerful it was crazy.

I can't think of anything specific, other than the above, for any abilities the twins should have. Is water good enough?

Lol stalking is fun though! And it's just a typical high school story the two of us are doing, it doesn't get super-duper exciting aside from complications between my asshole character and her quirky one, lol.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 06:17 AM

Actually befire reading your message I came up with the idea of regeneration kinda like Wolverine. Whenever one Of the twins gets hurt, the other feels it and whenever either of them is hurt they can heal slightly faster than normal when alone but incredibly fast when together. That kind of power would be very desirable to a villain, almost like invincibility. I really like this idea but its not a very actionesque power so they could have something on top of that if you want like the water/ice ability. Let me know.

I know I said I was going to bed but I got all excited about that idea and wwnted to get it down becore bed so I posted this with my iPod. Hopefully thete aren't too many typeos...

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 06:26 AM

OMGYESWOLVERINEILOVEIT! Yay for Marvel. I have like 3 Wolverine posters in my room, lolI'msuchaloser.

Having regeneration AND water/ice is a little too much in my mind. Just being able to heal should be why they enrolled into the school though, to be taught how to defend themselves. That way they're not abnormally powerful right off the bat, and instead need to work on it, y'know?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 06:33 AM

The only thing is that I was viewing that power as a passive one really, as it happening without them really having to do anything to make it happen. Should it be more of an effort on their part then? Or could they consciously use their powers to heal others as well?

So with a power like that the would need classes on healing, self defense, and what else...?

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 06:46 AM

I thought the same as you, they healed themselves without any effort. Like Wolverine. Maybe through classes they find out they can actually heal others too though? Like they can channel it by learning to meditate and focus their abilities through their hands or something.

I'd think self defence would be broken into a few classes. Strategies, Physical training, Hand-to-hand combat training, Weapon training, Reflex training, etc.
There should be academic classes too. Don't want the kids to be dumb or anything, lol. Stuff like math and sciences that are actually important, not like the crap that's taught in public schools.
They should also pick classes they want. Electives of some kind. Gym, Meditation (to help control the abilities), Psychic classes (reading the stars, palm readings, etc. for the kids with the "third eye")... Stuff that suits their abilities or hobbies.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 07:00 AM

Yeah, sounds good. You have a lot better class ideas than I do. ^_^ Those all sound pretty neat. How many do you think they should take in a semester? I think when I was in school it was usually around 5... Gar! It feels like we still have so many preparations to make... Profiles to make, extras to hatch out, schedules to decide on and the villain to flesh out entirely.

If you already have ideas for your stuff feel free to start working on them. The number of teachers will be bassed on the classes but how many extras do you think we should make each? Two, three, more? Also if you decide on an animd picture you'd like to use please send it to me so I can try to find one to match. I'll be playing a girl but you can play either gender, just let me know.

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed for real this time, it's three am here. >.>

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 07:26 AM

We take 4 classes per semester here. I think 5 would be good. Two classes, then lunch, then three more. Oh and there should also be after school stuff they can do like sports or book clubs or whatever.

And we do have a lot to work out D; I've got a few ideas for some classmates, and a couple teachers though. We should probably have about three extra teachers aside from the classes they take. The principal, supervisors, dorm people, councelors, etc. I'll work on the characters I've thought up then send you my ideas when I finish.

I like playing a boy, so I'll be the male twin. I've already got a picture ready;
Do you mind if he's the older twin? I've gotten his character down as a bit cocky and arrogant, which would suit him better if he was older.

lol it's only midnight here. You definitely need to sleep! Go to bed! xD Nighty-night!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 02:37 PM

Yay, I was kinda hoping you'd be a guy but I wasn't going to force you. I really like that picture. Here's mine: I also like that you want to be the older twin too. I might have my character be a bit timid to balance out his personality.

I'm glad you have so many ideas already! I was thinking that some of the teachers could probably do multiple classes that are kind of similar so we wouldn't have to have quite so many but we'll see. For example one of the staff members I thought up is the nurse, who could also teach healing classes. I just don't want us to bite off more than we can chew since we'll be doing more like a group RP entirely to ourselves.

I'm going to start working out some stuff on my end and I'll give you what I come up with as I go. You mentioned an OOC thread before, I think it might be a good idea to take our ideas there so I'm going to make one. Here's the link: I've put some profile skeletons up there if you wanna check them out when you get a chance.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 09-05-2010 at 03:41 PM..

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:13 PM

Posted in our one on one. I would have posted sooner but I was rocking my niece to sleep.
And yeah, I'm taking a class in German right now. I can speak it a little bit, I can hold a basic simple conversation. I know all the swear words and insults, of course. When I get really frustrated I start cursing in German.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:17 PM

Oh, I thought you'd be gone much longer. I'm happy you're back. ^_^

That's probably all about I remember of German as well. I don't know a lot of the cursing though. It's kinda annoying that that's what everyone says when they're learning a new language. I've been learning French for 8 years now and I'm happy to say I don't know all that many curses. >.>

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:27 PM

Lol we left early in the morning (I was not a happy camper) and we drove about an hour, then went to Mcdonald's for 2-3 hours, then headed back up here. I played with my niece, ate dinner, rocked her to sleep, etc. Her name is Brylee :D
Haha I know what you mean. I did learn the basics first before I learned the cursing. But I'm really into it. Congratulations to you! -hands gigantic lollipop-

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BCNSDJ is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:28 PM

OOC thread, got'cha! I'll move my ideas into there from now on.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:32 PM

@Musik: How old is she? You might have said already but I forgot. T_ T

LOL, thanks for the congrats. I just get annoyed because it seems like cursing is the only thing people care about sometimes. There are plenty of other more interesting words to learn. ^^;

I really like how the RP is going so far. I'm trying to post but the TV is really loud and it's distracting me a lot. Dinner will be ready soon too so I'm not sure if I'll finish my post before I have to go for a bit but I'll do my best.

@ BC: Yeah, I figured it would be easier to keep track of things if all the info was together in an OOC. ^^;

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:39 PM

She is almost 9 months. :) She's so adorable.
You're welcome, but I do know what you mean. And there really are. I think it's better to know how to have an actual conversation than be able to cuss at someone. Seriously.
I like it to. I really really really do :D Haha it's cool, I know what you mean. I have to get on and off to do things, i.e take care of my niece, do stuff for my mom, get my caffeine fix, etc. Haha :)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:45 PM

My mom is taking care of a two year old now. You won't think she's quite so cute when she gets to that age... >.<

Aw... Hopefully you'll get the chance to post again tonight. Sounds like things are pretty busy there at the moment though.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:54 PM

Haha I know right? I'm afraid!!! -cries and rolls on floor-
I should be able to post again tonight. Well I should be able to post a lot the rest of the night actually. I type really fast and currently everyone but my dad is asleep. So yesh :3 Tell me when you have posted, I'm excited XD Ha. That sounds wrong.


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