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Amane is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 03:21 PM

Hmmm…‽ How long ago were you last active on Neopets? The closest thing to that that I remember is that, when I was, there was a baby Neopet character named Boochi who'd go around turning one of your Neopets into a baby pet as a random event. Saves you buying the ing expensive paintbrush, but if you didn't want it, holy SNAP. Man, I was scared of that. It should've been one of the cool paintbrushes I wanted, which I can't remember the name of anymore… They were gorgeous, I know. If there was an Usuki Paintbrush, YEAH. Faerie Paintbrush? That would've been a TIGHT random event! I think rainbow was okay, too. /nostalgic ramble

Wow, that brings me back. "Something has happened!" Stupid Pant Devil… Bless the Safety Deposit Box.

The limited edition Neopets. Those made me really mad. SO PRETTY. But I couldn't have one‼

You know what I miss? The McDerples-themed games they had for a while. And FurReal-themed Hasee Bounce. Hassee? Hasee? Now I think I know why those didn't go to the game graveyard when they were retired. Legal sponsor stuff… ¬¬

I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
I have a baby sister who's pretty bad with tantrums too. She's a low functioning autistic though, so while she's in her early teens, she's pretty much akin to a roughly a 5 year old or so. She often also ignores us when we try to get her to do things. Ugh. I honestly blame my folks on this, as while my dad has tried to discipline her, my mom barely ever put that sort of effort in there. Then there's my dad's default position of yelling when she does something wrong. Authoritarians....
My daughter just happens to actually be almost 4 years old and is at that age where she throws tantrums, she's not autistic. Tantrums are just part of the deal with kids.

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
My daughter just happens to actually be almost 4 years old and is at that age where she throws tantrums, she's not autistic. Tantrums are just part of the deal with kids.
Indeed. It's just, ugh, sometimes I feel like there's better methods, but I'm often not allowed to intervene. I know I grew to resent my dad after years and years of being berated by him for the mistakes I made, even feeling like he looks for the pettiest of mistakes just to berate me over. That sort of thing is what I look to avoid.

I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
Indeed. It's just, ugh, sometimes I feel like there's better methods, but I'm often not allowed to intervene. I know I grew to resent my dad after years and years of being berated by him for the mistakes I made, even feeling like he looks for the pettiest of mistakes just to berate me over. That sort of thing is what I look to avoid.
Then stand up for yourself and your sister. You are an adult now, yeah? Let him know how you feel and you won't stand up for him treating you that way any longer. It is understandable that you resent him after the way that he's treated you, but maybe it's time to put your foot down and let him how how you truly feel? Just an idea. Better than not doing anything, at least to me. He shouldn't be allowed to treat you both that way. It isn't fair to either of you.

Amane is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:22 PM

The problem with drawing is that I get frustrated but can't stop until I succeed.

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
Then stand up for yourself and your sister. You are an adult now, yeah? Let him know how you feel and you won't stand up for him treating you that way any longer. It is understandable that you resent him after the way that he's treated you, but maybe it's time to put your foot down and let him how how you truly feel? Just an idea. Better than not doing anything, at least to me. He shouldn't be allowed to treat you both that way. It isn't fair to either of you.
I know I will be doing that once I have exactly the leverage I require to do so. You know that age-old authoritarian arguement of "When you have your own place, you can make your own rules"? You know how parents always say that under the assumption that you'll NEVER actually take that to heart. Well... the plan is simple. Turn said thing on its head. Pay him back 10,000 times what he did to me once he has to follow my own rules under his own logic. He'll prove he's a authoritarian then, since he'll immediately call it unfair.

Thing with authoritarians, as you should know, is that they are the ones with a problem with authority. They are only OK with it when it's their own.

Amane is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 05:51 PM

When your parents are contradictory about what they want from you.

I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
I know I will be doing that once I have exactly the leverage I require to do so. You know that age-old authoritarian arguement of "When you have your own place, you can make your own rules"? You know how parents always say that under the assumption that you'll NEVER actually take that to heart. Well... the plan is simple. Turn said thing on its head. Pay him back 10,000 times what he did to me once he has to follow my own rules under his own logic. He'll prove he's a authoritarian then, since he'll immediately call it unfair.

Thing with authoritarians, as you should know, is that they are the ones with a problem with authority. They are only OK with it when it's their own.
And when do you plan on doing that? I guess it's never something that I've had to deal with as my parents never treated me like that - plus I've not lived with them since I was 18 and moved out with my twin into our own place and then from there I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband).

I do wish you the best of luck and hope that it goes according to plan whenever you do decide to actually put your foot down, but I feel like it's gone on too long to actually do any good. But of course, I don't know the whole story, so I'm just going based off the tiny little bit that you have told me. Hope it goes well!

Amane is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 06:14 PM

*mistakes noise for a bug and leaps back and screams and dies*

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
And when do you plan on doing that? I guess it's never something that I've had to deal with as my parents never treated me like that - plus I've not lived with them since I was 18 and moved out with my twin into our own place and then from there I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband).

I do wish you the best of luck and hope that it goes according to plan whenever you do decide to actually put your foot down, but I feel like it's gone on too long to actually do any good. But of course, I don't know the whole story, so I'm just going based off the tiny little bit that you have told me. Hope it goes well!
It's all a matter of resources, really. All a matter of resources and leverage. And thanks for the well wishes. I know I've tried to get past my old lust for revenge that I had in my teen and early adult years, but there are some exceptions that can be made.

Having been a poor loner most of my life, let's just say I didn't exactly have peeps I could just fall back on at a moment's notice.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
Yeah. We do have a tiny little table on our front porch area - but it's not really big enough for a big planter. Hmmm!

Yeah, it's possible - I've done it before, but definitely a good way to exhaust yourself! :) It works for now, with just the girls - I know the hubs wants another kid, we're waiting a bit though for that. :P

It is hard to discipline, but it's needed for sure, to just let kids know their boundaries of what is and what isn't allowed. I hate having to discipline, it breaks my heart whenever my kids cry. D: With tantrums, Becca is the queen of them. We let her just cry her way through them, not acknoledging her, so she doesn't associate us giving her attention with her tantrums, but oh my goddess... it breaks my heart every time. D:

Oh gosh, that is a HUGE no to me - and letting them just get away with it... *sighs* Parenting fails there! D:

Yeah, the rules are pretty simple - it's good to just make sure that you're aware so that nothing bad happens.
When I have kids I'm a bit torn - I want them close in age to be able to grow up together like my brother and I did, but I also want them close enough in age so I can get all of the diapers and potty training done in one shot versus doing it over years xD; Yet at the same time I want to be able to enjoy each stage with them and not have to feel overwhelmed - so I haven't really figured out what kind of spacing I'll have with my kids - luckily I don't have to think about it quite yet!!

Oh my goodness I know what you mean on the tantrums - they're horrible! Especially when they reach such high octaves - such a killer on the ears! I don't know how they do it!! T_T;

I think a lot of it is not having the authority or mindset needed to take action when you need to, or when to let them figure out their own mistakes when you need to - just kind of doing nothing because you don't want to hurt them isn't necessarily failed parenting, but it's not the best action either - I think a lot of it can stem from your personality, but also how you were raised and what sort of parenting you received! You tend to lead by example, ya know? If your parents didn't really discipline, you most likely might not either. In the end though it's just hurting the kid, especially once they get into school. I mean, NO preschool or school is going to tolerate kicking and screaming like that - just won't happen! So being able to draw a clear line between right and wrong is so important in those early years!!

Agree 100% :3

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
I have a baby sister who's pretty bad with tantrums too. She's a low functioning autistic though, so while she's in her early teens, she's pretty much akin to a roughly a 5 year old or so. She often also ignores us when we try to get her to do things. Ugh. I honestly blame my folks on this, as while my dad has tried to discipline her, my mom barely ever put that sort of effort in there. Then there's my dad's default position of yelling when she does something wrong. Authoritarians....
Yelling is really never the answer, especially when the kids don't react well to it or don't understand yet what's wrong and what's right - I mean, when my cousin's daughter was a toddler they was told not to play with certain things or to stay out of certain rooms, and she understood when you told her, but an hour later she's completely forget and when you reminded her she'd be like "Oh yeah!" - depending on the age, or in your case comprehension level, you just have to have patience. :3

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Neopets does have awesome games. I haven't poked Neopets in years because it has changed way too much for my liking, but when I would come back, it was totally just for the games.

My "tricks" tend to be what keeps everyone else awake. Reading is supposed to work, but it doesn't work for me because I'm not one to put a book down before it's done. Screens make me sleepy, which is the opposite of what the professionals say should happen. When my head is full of thoughts, or I'm trying to figure something out, I fall asleep on it. I'm fairly accustomed to noise and can fall asleep as long as it's not scaring me. *ahem storms ¬¬*

On the topic of messing with people, nonsensical conversation is THE BEST. If someone's getting hurt, nah, don't play with 'em, but if they're playing along, let the good times roll.
Haha I literally just play Pyramids on it when I'm bored! I don't do any of the forums or anything like that - never really did when I was active though either - I was mainly on it for the games lol! I just keep my account for the games when I'm on breaks - they're pretty fun to pass the time!

I've never heard of screens keeping people awake lol! I mean, the harsh light over a long period of time does a number on the eyes and makes them tired - I can't imagine being kept awake from it!!

I think the only thing you have to be careful of is the spamming rules - if it's not engaging in the conversation or it's just randomly posted and no one's responding to it, then it will most likely get flagged for spam - just need to be mindful of that! :)

Amane is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 07:40 PM

In truth, I didn't know Neopets had forums until not too long ago. I didn't talk to anybody on there except my older sister.

They say screens keep you awake because your body mistakes it for natural light, which means you should be awake.

I used to worry about random posts. I would ask before posting something off-topic. I've seen a lot of things that look spammy get by up to now, so I've gained the confidence to post whatever I feel like posting. It's part of my reputation. It entertains people, and sometimes I do start a conversation. Part of why I'm sitting on 112.5k right now.

A post that's just keyboard smash gibberish or "bump" or the same post over and over… yeah, that's spamming in my book. I don't do that. If this forum weren't for open conversation, I'd do my best to stay relevant.

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 11:41 PM

Only thing I can say about Neopets is that Chias suck. End of story. That's why the devs had to make a powder that turned other people's pets into them. Because one of the creators loved Chias, and of course, he was not happy that Chias ranked fairly low on the favorite pet list.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-01-2015, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
In truth, I didn't know Neopets had forums until not too long ago. I didn't talk to anybody on there except my older sister.

They say screens keep you awake because your body mistakes it for natural light, which means you should be awake.

I used to worry about random posts. I would ask before posting something off-topic. I've seen a lot of things that look spammy get by up to now, so I've gained the confidence to post whatever I feel like posting. It's part of my reputation. It entertains people, and sometimes I do start a conversation. Part of why I'm sitting on 112.5k right now.

A post that's just keyboard smash gibberish or "bump" or the same post over and over… yeah, that's spamming in my book. I don't do that. If this forum weren't for open conversation, I'd do my best to stay relevant.
Oh funny - yeah they've had them for ages - the only time I used to use them was during events to go find where stuff was hidden when I didn't know what the clues meant xD; Other than that I never went into them!

Ohhh - that makes sense I guess - I've never had that reaction though so I can't overly relate - but I can see how that could be I guess. :3 Definitely an interesting theory that's for sure! Would be curious to know the data behind it - I've honestly never heard of someone being kept awake from a screen - I've always heard/seen the opposite!

Amane is offline
Old 06-01-2015, 02:01 PM

Man, Neopets conversations are such a nostalgia wave.

I always figured it was because I've been using computers all day since a very early age. They also say older people could develop thumb problems by typing on their phone, but younger people have adapted and could never have such a thing happen.

bluerockman is offline
Old 06-01-2015, 02:15 PM

You'd think those of us who frequently computer labs in our youth would also be immune.

Amane is offline
Old 06-01-2015, 02:20 PM

I never liked typing the "home row" way.
/two fingers
/and I'm so fast I get stares in public

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Man, Neopets conversations are such a nostalgia wave.

I always figured it was because I've been using computers all day since a very early age. They also say older people could develop thumb problems by typing on their phone, but younger people have adapted and could never have such a thing happen.
Haha I agree!

Same! I've been using a computer since I was really little - we had some of the first ones :3 We also had some of the first laptops! My family has been very high-tech when it comes to that lol My earliest memories of the computer are Reader Rabbit and Putt-Putt though - such awesome games!! <3

Oh funny! I can't say I'm surprised they're adapting like that though - it's either adapt or develop arthritis/carpal tunnel so it's only natural we start to evolve into a more technologically adaptable society :3

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
You'd think those of us who frequently computer labs in our youth would also be immune.

You would think right?? My brother and I have been using computers since we were really little, and cellphones since we were in our mid-teens, so you would think we wouldn't have problems but we both do lol My brother is also a majorrr gamer. He has severe carpal tunnel developing and I have really shaky hands - it's so weird!

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
I never liked typing the "home row" way.
/two fingers
/and I'm so fast I get stares in public
LOL! That would be a sight!

I use home row as a base or resting spot on the keyboard, but my fingers don't stay at home road and move across the keyboard - I always got in trouble when I was in computer class, but eventually she just gave up because either way I still out-typed the entire class xD;

I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 01:23 AM

Sorry I kind of disappeared - life got insane there.

Emma: I'm from a family with a small gap between me and my older brother (Carlie doesn't count, he's my twin. :P) and then a large gap between my sister and myself. So I know both. Both are alright, I did love that I got a little sister - I was 7 when she was born - my oldest brother was 9. Both of ours are close in age - Becca is almost 4, and Sophia just turned 1, but it's a good age gap. I don't mind it. :]

They really are horrible! Plus when Becca starts to scream and reach those higher levels, Sophia usually starts screaming as well. And I want to bang my head into a wall.

I totally do agree with you there, hon. It's knowing when you need to step in, and when they need to find out on their own, with you there to step in if needed. And that is so true - it is such a careful balance that most people don't have. Sure I know I have failed at some of that, especially with Becca as we were just learning what works and what doesn't. It really is just a matter of figuring out what works and what doesn't. It really is so so so important to find a way to teach them that right from wrong, so true! It's a matter of figuring out what works for you and your child as it may be different than how another parent has to go about it for their child. There are times that I wish that kids came with a manual, but kids don't. It's a matter of trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't.

Amane is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 03:17 PM

We all had computers from an early age, too. Everybody had at least one of their own at any given time. My daddy built his own computers. When the Internet was a new thing, we had it. I must've been too young to remember dial-up, 'cause apparently that was a 90s kid horror, but the noises don't ring a bell to me. Maybe I'm repressing them.
Speaking of dial-up, there was this great joke I heard one time… "You call it dubstep; I call it connecting to the Internet." Best outlook ever.

I remember those games and others. I also played Barbie games, Tycoon games, and The Sims. I have three CD cases in all of my games. Also another just for The Sims—1, 3, and 4—since that series has 58257 CDs. I still quite actively Sim and sometimes play whatever old game I've been thinking about. Further yet, there's a tall stack of individual cases and loose CDs on my desktop's speaker. I need to do something about that stack. Since bugs love to torment me and my things… ¬¬

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 09:33 PM

Sorry guys! Totally thought I had responded here!

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
Sorry I kind of disappeared - life got insane there.

Emma: I'm from a family with a small gap between me and my older brother (Carlie doesn't count, he's my twin. :P) and then a large gap between my sister and myself. So I know both. Both are alright, I did love that I got a little sister - I was 7 when she was born - my oldest brother was 9. Both of ours are close in age - Becca is almost 4, and Sophia just turned 1, but it's a good age gap. I don't mind it. :]

They really are horrible! Plus when Becca starts to scream and reach those higher levels, Sophia usually starts screaming as well. And I want to bang my head into a wall.

I totally do agree with you there, hon. It's knowing when you need to step in, and when they need to find out on their own, with you there to step in if needed. And that is so true - it is such a careful balance that most people don't have. Sure I know I have failed at some of that, especially with Becca as we were just learning what works and what doesn't. It really is just a matter of figuring out what works and what doesn't. It really is so so so important to find a way to teach them that right from wrong, so true! It's a matter of figuring out what works for you and your child as it may be different than how another parent has to go about it for their child. There are times that I wish that kids came with a manual, but kids don't. It's a matter of trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't.
I agree - 3 years isn't a bad gap at all! My brother and I are roughly 2 1/2 years apart so I know how that gap is :3

Oh my yes! Maison and Amelia are the same way! If Amelia starts crying, Maison thinks it's hilarious to try and scream over her, and if Maison starts crying Amelia just starts crying because of the crying already taking place. I've also had Mais scream in my ear too - let me tell you my ears were RINGING lol! I think the screaming when one screams is just a phase they go through when they're siblings - or at leas I hope it's a phase!

Exactly - I'm definitely grateful that I can experience these young ages with the growing of my cousins' children because when I met Lily she was about 2 or 3 and she's now 6, and when I met Maison she was about 15 months? And I've known Amelia since she was like, 2 weeks old. So being able to grow with them through these stages has definitely taught me more patience and already given me trial and error (within reason) experience with different ages so hopefully when I have my own kids (and can step in without overstepping boundaries), I will have different ways of approaching it since I have a little experience already. :3

I think the first kid is always the hardest because you don't know what works and you're not really experienced with the new developments, so it's harder to know where that balance lies and when you need to step in. With the second kid and on it's a little easier in the sense that you already know what obstacles you have to overcome, but because they're different identities it's not exactly the same, but you're at leat better prepared than you were the first time. :3

Two things I don't think I'll ever get used to though are the high octave screaming and the diaper changing. xD; If it's pee I can deal with the diapers and have no problem changing them, but when it's number two, GO SEE YOUR MOMMY OR DADDY! XD; My one cousin (Lily's mom) made me do it a few times though when she found out I'd never changed a diaper before - it was a nightmare lol Not looking forward to it!! That's why I want my kids close together so we can get potty training done and get out of diaper-mode asap! ;P

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
We all had computers from an early age, too. Everybody had at least one of their own at any given time. My daddy built his own computers. When the Internet was a new thing, we had it. I must've been too young to remember dial-up, 'cause apparently that was a 90s kid horror, but the noises don't ring a bell to me. Maybe I'm repressing them.
Speaking of dial-up, there was this great joke I heard one time… "You call it dubstep; I call it connecting to the Internet." Best outlook ever.

I remember those games and others. I also played Barbie games, Tycoon games, and The Sims. I have three CD cases in all of my games. Also another just for The Sims—1, 3, and 4—since that series has 58257 CDs. I still quite actively Sim and sometimes play whatever old game I've been thinking about. Further yet, there's a tall stack of individual cases and loose CDs on my desktop's speaker. I need to do something about that stack. Since bugs love to torment me and my things… ¬¬
Omg.... You're totally repressing it lol Dial-up was SO HORRIBLE! It's literally a 90s Kid Horror that no one today understands unless you lived through it. I still cringe when I think back to it... T_T;

LOL! Omg - I've never heard that before - that is awesome!!

Ooh! I know those games! Didn't get into the Barbie ones, but my brother and I loved the Tycoon games as well - also a huge Sims family haha We have every version! Not all of the expansions, but a good portion. Definitely a fun game! Especially when you go from older to newer - the evolution is just insane lol

Isn't that the worst?? I ended up going through all of mine and packing all of my older games and CDs away and they're currently in boxes in storage - I only kept the newer games out that I might have time to play - not enough time while the college semesters are in session so I don't play them often - so instead of having them all over the place I chose to just pack it all up and keep out some "essentials" lol!

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
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Old 06-07-2015, 10:22 PM

*dances into the thread*

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 10:32 PM

Hiya Diamond! How are you? :)

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 10:41 PM

I'm good!! I had a very productive day XD I just got done cleaning the house top to bottom (minus the bedroom-- that's an entire day project). So I'm pretty tired. I went out and ran a lot of errands today with my boyfriend, too!

Now I'm waiting for the laundry and cooking dinner. We're having crab

How are you?? ^^

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 11:08 PM

Feeling... so unproductive in comparison.... XD;

I've been having really bad insomnia lately, but haven't been feeling well either, so last night I spent the night catching up on my DVR and didn't get to bed until really early this morning - so I just got up a few hours ago and I haven't really accomplished much other than have breakfast! XD;

I feel like I need to get busy now - I hate feeling so unproductive! Normally I'm on the go non-stop lol


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