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Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-04-2014, 06:27 AM

"He'd come in handy with travel too, can't Charizard learn Fly these days?" Adrian was sure he'd read it somewhere but figured an actual trainer with a Charizard would know the answer. Looking around the town a look of awe washed over his face. Aquacorde was a beautiful town with it's own river, quaint little shops and at one of the little cafe's tables sat his friend and the professor.

Furrett looked down from the table at the barking Vulpix and greeted her with an utter of her own name. As her eyes drifted from the Vulpix to the group of people, she caught sight of Adrian and stood on her hind legs to wave with one of her front arms. Oseye on the other hand, looked to the watch around her wrist and then to her friend, she started to open her mouth to say something, but the professor beat her to it.

"If it isn't Sionnach, I haven't seen you in ages." The Professor stood, only to crouch down to pet the fox Pokemon and scratch behind her ears. "If you're here then that would no doubt mean your trainer is not far behind, hm?" Standing, he looked to the group and smiled as his gaze fell on Gemini. "Gemini, I hope you've been well?" His gaze then drifted to the two male members of the trio. "Now, which one of you is Todd?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-05-2014, 04:30 AM

Gemini smiled as they approached the table where the professor and his friend sat. "Quite well, thank you, professor. It's been a long time." She said kindly as Sionnach ran back and jumped up on her shoulder. "I happened to come across these two in Vaniville Town, and we decided to come here together."

Todd nodded. "Yes, that's true, though I haven't taught it to mine as of yet." He said. Turning to face the people at the table, Todd stepped forward. "That would be me. It's nice to finally meet you, sir. Professor Oak spoke highly of you." He said with a bow.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-06-2014, 04:44 AM

"Well it is always a pleasure to meet new trainers." The Professor smiled and watched the one called Todd step forward and introduce himself. "Not nearly as highly as he spoke of you." In turn, he too, bowed to the male before him.

Adrian approached the table and removed the shoulder bag from it's resting place over his left shoulder, before taking the seat beside Oseye, quietly apologising for being late as he did so. She did seem relieved to no longer have to listen to a Pokemon Professor telling her about his latest research finds. While Oseye watched the Professor and this Todd, Adrian motioned for Gemini to join them.

"We all know why you're here." Professor Sycamore turned and opened the briefcase resting on the table beside Furrett. "Now choose wisely as you can only have one. Chespin is a grass type, Fennekin is fire and Froakie is water." He side stepped to allow the male to examine the balls. "Take all the time you need."

Last edited by Sunday Roast; 02-06-2014 at 04:47 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-06-2014, 05:01 AM

Gemini, seeing Adrian motion to her, went and sat down with him and his friend. She nodded a greeting to the other woman, then turned her attention back to Todd and the professor. She was interested to see which starter the boy would choose.

Todd blushed slightly at the praise, and cleared his throat. Turning his attention to the Pokeballs before him, he thought carefully about his decision. He had always been partial to fire types, but he had seen pictures of Froakie and it was rather cute. Chespin seemed interesting, too. After a few minutes of careful deliberation, he reached forward and picked up a Pokeball. Holding it out, he called, "I choose you!" And from the little ball came a brand new Fennekin.

Gemini smiled. Fennekin was a good choice, she thought. It seemed to fit the boy rather well. "Congratulations, Todd. I'm sure you and Fennekin will be great friends." She said happily.

Todd nodded, bending down to introduce himself to his new partner. "Hello there, Fennekin. I'm Todd, and I'm going to be your new partner. I hope we can become great friends." He said. In reply, the little orange fox barked happily and sniffed at Todd, introducing itself. "Are you male, or female?" Todd asked, glancing up at Sycamore.

"Definitely male." Gemini said with certainty. At Todd's questioning glance, she shrugged. "I have a talent for knowing the gender of Pokemon. Plus, Sionnach here perked up as soon as she saw him. So your Fennekin is male, for certain." She clarified. As if to prove her right, the Fennekin jumped up and barked, letting out a tiny puff of smoke.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-06-2014, 06:41 AM

Fennekin? Oseye couldn't fault his choice, the fire starter was a beautiful creature. "I wonder if two fire foxes being within the same vicinity of one another will bring good luck or bad." She said as she reclined back in her seat, watching Todd with his new partner. Furret had moved to the edge of the table now to get a better look at the new Pokemon.

"Yes, he's male. All three are, actually." The Professor watched the two interact, confident and content that the two of them would get along well in the journey ahead. "Well it was nice meeting you two." He said looking between both males. "And of course, seeing you two again." He switched his gaze to the females of the group. "But I must return to my lab. Drop by if you're ever in Lumiose, I'd love to see how the two of you are getting on." The Professor smiled, closed his briefcase and then tucked it underneath his arm.

Adrian was amazed at the sight of the Fennekin. It was a fire fox just like Sionnoch and yet they were both completely different. Pulling out his Pokedex he pointed it at Todds new partner and listened to the information the gadget gave him. "Watching him grow will be interesting, that's for sure. Are you going to name him?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-06-2014, 06:57 AM

After interacting with Fennekin for a moment, Todd stood up and bade the professor goodbye, promising to come visit sometime. Next, he pulled out his Pokedex and gathered the information on Fennekin. He then turned to Adrian and shook his head. "No, I think I'll leave him be. I like Fennekin." He said. "Plus, I'm no good at names." He added with a chuckle. Seeing Fennekin yawn, he smiled and called it back to it's Pokeball. "I'll let him rest a while."

Gemini waved goodbye to the professor, then turned to see Sionnach sitting in front of the Furrett, seeming to be having a conversation with it. She chuckled and stretched. "Well, it looks like Todd here has just started his journey. I'd say this calls for celebration. And since we're here, why not have some lunch?" She said amiably. Sionnach, at the mention of food, perked up and made a longing sound, causing Gemini to laugh

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-07-2014, 04:52 PM

Fennekin was a good name and it would allow them to get used to these new names as he grew. Adrian waved the professor off and let his gaze wonder back to the group he'd promised lunch to. "A celebratory lunch does sound like a good idea. Oseye, are you going to stay and join us?" He asked his friend whilst watching the two Pokemon on the table converse then one barked her approval of food.

Furret seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the conversation with this new girls Vulpix, her little front arms were waving and occasionally, the tip of her long tail would flick. "Well, seeing as we were supposed to be travelling together, it would be rude of me to just up and leave without you, wouldn't it?" Oseye replied to which Adrian just laughed.

"I suppose you're right. Anyway. do we go inside to order or does someone come out?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 04:14 AM

Finding herself a chair, Gemini sat down with a happy sigh. "Most of the cafes like this have someone come out to serve you." She said helpfully.

Todd pulled up a chair as well and listened intently. "What kinds of foods can you get at these cafes?" He asked. There hadn't been any cafes back in Kanto.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-09-2014, 06:03 AM

As if on cue, a teenage girl came out with a couple of menu's in her hand and handed them all one each.

"Cafe's over here tend to cater towards lunch and pastries." Oseye said after thanking the girl and casting an eye over the menu. "You'll find larger towns have restaurants that serve cooked dishes." Closing her menu she looked to the waitress. "I'll have the salad wrap and another glass of juice. Also a bowl of Cheri berries for Furret." Hearing both her name and the berries, the Pokemon perked up and happily squeaked her name.

Lunch would hit the spot. Adrian looked over the menu for a long minute, unable to decide on just what he wanted as everything sounded delicious. "Okay, I think I'll go for the cheese and ham baguette with a coffee." He said, closing the menu and looking to the waitress who scribbled down his order, then looked to the remaining two.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-10-2014, 05:00 AM

Looking over the menu, Gemini hummed slightly and made her choice. "I'll have the turkey sandwich and a glass of Pecha juice, and a Pecha berry sandwich for Sionnach." She said. Sionnach, at the name of her favorite berries, squeaked her name in happiness.

Todd had to take a moment to figure out what he wanted. There were so many delicious looking foods there. "I think I'll have a three egg omelet, and a glass of milk please." He said politely. "Oh, and a bowl of Oran berries for my Fennekin." He added, deciding that eating lunch with his new partner was a good way to bond.

((Wolfie actually had to look up french cafe menu items...she had no clue whatsoever what she should put. ))

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 05:04 PM

The waitress scribbled down the rest of the orders as well as the number of the table they were sat at, before telling them it wouldn't be long, excusing herself and disappearing back inside the cafe.

So three out of four of them had ordered berries for their Pokemon, Oseye looked to the only one at the table that hadn't. "Have you decided what you're going to do with your Pokemon?" She asked as Furret finally moved from the table and settled in her trainers lap.

Adrian looked to his friend and shook his head. "I don't know. I suppose if I'm going to travel around this region it would make sense to start a new team with these new Pokemon, but I still can't bring myself to leave the others behind."

(( Really? =o Don't you have cafes in your corner of the world? Food in the Pokemon world always confused me. We know where they get their milk, but where do their eggs come from? ))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 04:18 AM

((Not really, no. We have coffee houses, but not cafes. Wolfie lives in the coffee-and-donut-loving America, so not many awesome foods.))

Todd smiled sadly. "I know exactly how you feel. It was so hard to leave my other Pokemon behind...the only thing that kept me going was the idea that all I have to do is call Professor Oak and he'll send them over. I'm already missing my Charizard more than I would miss a limb." He said, letting Fennekin back out of it's Pokeball.

Gemini tilted her head and hummed slightly. "I can't imagine leaving my team behind. It must have taken some real guts to do just that, and travel halfway around the world in addition." She said thoughtfully. Meanwhile, Sionnach was busy acquainting herself with Todd's Fennekin, having an animated conversation.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 06:51 AM

((Well that sucks D: But I suppose it is a more European thing. Tea and crumpets, baguettes and all that jazz))

Adrian sympathized with the other male, unsure whether he could truly leave his beloved team behind and start fresh. But Todd was right, if he left his Pokemon with Professor Rowan then he could easily get them back whenever he wanted. "It is a difficult choice, though my Pokemon and I have been through a lot, perhaps resting them with Professor Rowan would be a good idea."

"You don't have to leave all of your Pokemon behind, why not keep one with you?" Oseye suggested as she started scratching her Pokemon behind the ears. "It would be a waste to travel a new region without catching a few of the native Pokemon."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-13-2014, 05:09 AM

((Wolfie's always wanted to go there and try the foods, and see the sights and learn the culture. It just seems so fun. And all the books she's read, all the descriptions, make it sound so beautiful.))

Gemini nodded. "That's true. If I were to travel to another region, I would want to catch some of the Pokemon there. I would bring Sionnach with me, of course." She said, watching the Pokemon interact. "It wouldn't be the same without her. Well, I wish you luck with whatever you choose, Adrian."

"I know I'll be catching as many of the Kalos Pokemon as I can. From what I've heard, they're just too interesting not to. Besides, I've always liked making friends with new Pokemon." Todd said with a smile. Still, as he thought about it, he decided that he would definitely have his Charizard brought over. He just didn't feel right without his partner.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-13-2014, 06:59 AM

((Then you should definitely visit one day =) There's nothing stopping you trying your own hand at making the foods, that's always fun =) ))

Having listened to what each of the other three had to say, Adrian finally felt able to make a decision. "Well, it's decided then. The next Pokemon center I come across I'm going to send all but one of my Pokemon to Professor Rowan." Though which would he keep with him? The obvious would be to keep his starter with him.. yes, that's what he'd do. Travelling with Infernape around Kalos was going to be fun.

Oseye watched the two fire type foxes interact while listening to her friend as he finally made a decision he'd been agonising over since he first decided to come to Kalos. "Infernape, I assume?" She asked as her gaze lifted to watch him nod. "Well Kalos is split into three, so you're going to be spoilt for choice." As she spoke the waitress wheeled over a little trolley with their food. One by one she set the drinks in front of the people that ordered them, then the food and finally the berries.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-14-2014, 04:55 AM

((Ah, that's true. Unfortunately for Wolfie, she is terrible in the kitchen. She once managed to screw up boiling water. (In her defense, the burner was broken and no one told her, so she just stood there waiting for it to boil like an idiot, until her sister came along and told her...)))

Gemini perked up. "An Infernape, huh? I've always wanted to see one. Kalos has many Pokemon from other regions, but strangely no starters of other regions." She said, thanking the waitress as their food and drinks were put down. Sionnach dove right in to her bowl of berries.

Todd smiled. "It seems like Kalos is a pretty big place, to be divided into three parts. I can't wait to see all the kinds of Pokemon in each part. When we're done here, we should have all of our Pokemon meet each other." He said, also thanking the waitress and taking a sip of his milk while Fennekin nibbled on his berries.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-14-2014, 06:40 AM

(( Start off simple then? You don't need to bake anything from scratch, just buy the ready made and bung it in the oven to finish it off. o.0 Well that wasn't your fault, your family just didn't want you to boil water.))

"It is strange, but I suppose when a trainer comes to start fresh in a new region, they receive one of that regions starters and leave the other with the Professor." Adrian said as he too thanked the waitress and eyed his food with delight. It looked so delicious! "That sounds like a plan. When we've finished eating I'll introduce you to Infernape."

"It's the largest of the regions." Oseye replied as her food was placed in front of her. "Central Kalos is where we are now. Coastal Kalos is over to the left and Mountain Kalos is over to the right." She thanked the waitress along with her Furret who waited for her trainer to start picking at her baguette before she started eating her berries. Todd really didn't know what he was getting himself into, did he? All of their Pokemon meeting one another? The current Pokemon out may be behaved, but Oseye had a few trouble makers hidden away.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-15-2014, 05:24 AM

((lol clearly. They like to laugh at Wolfie.))

Gemini smiled, happy that they were getting along and getting acquainted. "Personally, my favorite part of Kalos is mountain. There are so many beautiful towns that way, and interesting Pokemon. Plus, that is the part I come from." She said, enjoying her turkey sandwich.

Todd grinned happily. "Great. I can't wait to meet everyone. Well, we've already met Gemini's Pokemon- the ones she has with her, at least- but I still can't wait to meet the others." He said, tucking in to his omelet. He was also excited to see the different parts of Kalos, and challenge the gyms there.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 02:15 AM

(( that's not nice :( ))

Adrian did like the sound of a mountain area more than the coastal, he just wasn't a big fan of beaches and baking in the sun. While listening to the others he tucked into his sandwich to appease his empty stomach. "I can't wait to see some of the other towns now, I plan on keeping a detailed journal of my travels. I've even brought my camera to make sure I miss nothing."

Oseye picked at her baguette and ate it piece by piece, listening to the others as she did so. "You'll love visiting some of our heritage sites then." she looked to Todd as she finished another piece of baguette. "Who was on your team back in Kanto?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 04:39 AM

((Nah, it's just teasing. Wolfie's family is really tight-knit, and they tease each other constantly.))

Gemini looked up, interested. "Oh, are you a photographer, Adrian?" She asked. She herself liked to draw, and her favorite subject was Pokemon.

Todd smiled wistfully, remembering his team. "Ah, we were the best. I had Charizard, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Raichu, Gyarados and Arcanine. I had plenty of others, too, but that was my main team. Those six and I beat the Pokemon League together."

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 04:55 PM

((oh, that must be nice then :) Todd has four out of six of my red team xD almost five, I chose Beedrill over Butterfree. ))

"I wish. I'm an enthusiastic amateur at best." Adrian chuckled and looked to Gemini. "I just thought that this time around I'd make a grand effort to record as much of my journey as possible."

Oseye was familiar with all of those Pokemon and if they were used to defeat the Elite Four then they must have been trained especially well. "you don't get many men using butterfree these days. The elite four must have been a breeze for you."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-17-2014, 03:59 AM

((Haha, Wolfie just chose randomly, really. She used her starter, and then built around it for an ideal, well-rounded team.))

Gemini smiled. "Well, that's a noble pursuit. The most anyone can ever do is their best, after all. Personally, I like to draw. I don't get much time for it, though." She said.

Todd chuckled. "Caterpie was the first Pokemon I ever caught on my journey. I couldn't bear to leave him off my team, even when he evolved. And no, the League was the toughest challenge I ever faced. I had to try three times before I beat them, and them only because my Pokemon were so dedicated." He said proudly.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-17-2014, 05:54 AM

((its an almost perfect team :D ))

"that is true. One day I hope that to be able to pass my journal onto my children and encourage them to start their own adventure." Adrian finished his sandwich and washed it down with a mouthful of his drink. "you like to draw? I bet you get plenty inspiration from the gym battles."

"I can understand that, Furret was the first Pokemon I caught too." Well she was a Sentret at the time and Oseye had adored her ever since. "only three attempts? That still makes it a very admirable achievement for you and your Pokemon." she said as she ignored the rest of her baguette in favor of her juice.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 02-18-2014, 04:26 AM

Gemini smiled brightly and nodded. "Absolutely! All those different trainers, with so many different Pokemon and move's just a bounty of artistic inspiration! I can't tell you how many unique and beautiful moves I've seen..." She gushed, just itching to get her hands on her sketch pad right then.

Todd blushed a little bit. "I owe it all to my team. They're the ones that do the real work, after all. As trainers, it's our job to direct the Pokemon and come up with strategies, but the Pokemon are the ones who make it happen." He said humbly, finishing off his lunch just as Fennekin did the same.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 02-18-2014, 04:57 PM

"You sound like a true artist." Adrian would love to see each and every Pokemon move in action, Gemini was lucky she got to see them every day as part of her job. "I can't wait to see some of the new fairy moves in action. Maybe I'll take a few photo's of those too, it'll be interesting to show Professor Rowan back home."

"You and you're Pokemon are a team, you put in just as much effort as they did. Without you they would have not only not stood a chance of winning, but also wouldn't have been there in the first place." Oseye replied, lazily scratching Furret behind her ears once she'd finished eating her berries.


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