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Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-25-2015, 10:50 PM

Kakashi sighed."I think its one of those thinsg where he knows,but doesnt want to y anything ,since he doesnt want her to et worried or fill guilty...",he said as they wnet along. She raised herself,all thease years,but Gaara had his siblings,as much as he tried to keep them away...",he frowned."If Miyu were to have any memoreis of what happene the night her parents dies,she could relate to Gaara"


Miyu had been dreaming,well more like looking back on a memory,it had been about a year after she had woken up in a room stained with blood and reaked with death...she was on her own since for some reason no one wanted her. To live she had to steal from the peopel,she hated it,but had no choice,one day a small group of sales men tried to chace her down to teach her a lesson."Im sorry i have no choice!",she yelled to them as she went threw the town that she knew like the back of her hand,dropping the food a long the way.She was then pulled into a alley by a young boy Gaara. The young Gaara,was at that time still smiling . He smiled at her and hadned her a small bag of food."your home in the rocks is just that way.go before they fin you,and don't tell anyone,if my papa finds out he'll be mad",Miyu stared at him,a blush on her cheeks,she then dug out a charm,similar the ones she had given him today."here,as my thanks ,the righting on it means happiness...may you always find happiness in your life",she bowed and ran off,knowing that she wanted to see that smile of his again some day.

Miyu blinked awake hearing Gaara and sat up."yeap im awake,what do you need?",she asked getting up and going over to him.

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Old 07-25-2015, 11:49 PM

(Sorry got another headache, probably due to allergies, took something though)

"Ah, sounds painful" Ahna said thinking it must be annoying having suppressed memories, but then again she knew what that was like. Though she never suppressed hers or forgotten. "Kashi, have you heard the latest talk around our village?" there were a couple that she caught up with that were facts, but this one caught her attention the most.


Gaara asked her "These are runes, they're ancient I can tell, but I don't read runes. Do we have any books on them? And I'm sorry if I woke you" Gaara spoke not saying or doing anything else other than talk to her and stare at the papers with the runes on it. Gaara showed her the runes he saw, but only some of them looked slightly able to read:

Without the Hokage of the leaf village or the Kazekage of the sand village knowing, Ahna had a book that would help with ancient letters, but Gaara wondered how he would decipher this. Gaara didn't like thinking about the past too often as it was too much of a bother. He would get depressed or upset if he remembered things that happened.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-25-2015, 11:59 PM

Yukina shrugged.She didn't sleep much anywayShe looked to the ketters."hmm ive seen writing like that beofre...",she said softly."yeah,in my old home it was all over the walls",she said blunly.Since she use to live in a hudge crevas in the rock walls that helped suround teh village."heh what do you know....",,she said mostly to hersel."but,i never learned what it said...",she said shruging.


Kakashi blinked a bit."no,what kind talk?",he said looking tp her."I didnt see you one who likes gossip Ahna",he said teasingly

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Old 07-26-2015, 12:06 AM

Gaara sighed he had spent thirty minutes before waking her studying the words and another thirty minutes before that before he got to the hidden language. A knock at the door and Gaara said "Come in" while one of their outside guards brought in their bento boxes setting them down on the desk. "Thank you" Gaara said as the guy left nodding "Welcome" and was back out the closed door once more. "Well, food is here, we should eat it sooner than later" he stacked the papers and placed them back in his drawer to put them away in case anything got spilled. He finished his cup of coffee and had switched back to the water.


"It's not gossip if its a fact" Ahna stated smirking a bit, but that itself was true. "Rock Lee asked Sakura out on a date yesturday and she actually said yes. So now they're going together" Rock Lee actually tried not to be too outspoken when he did it in front of everyone, but Sakura didn't care. "It was so cute, I was actually close by when it happened, but over heard an older lady talk about it" Ahna spoke thinking about something.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 12:23 AM

Kakashi stopped mid jump."wait what????? Sakura...and Lee? threes,well i believe you but",he suddenly sat trying to comprehend it all."i mean if things get serious, and they have pink haired bushy eye brow kids....the'll get teased more then Naruto",he said with a hopeless sigh and rested his head back a bit to look at the sky.


Miyu frowned."sorry i coilnt be any help",sh said looking down."uless arn't I?",she said sighing looking liek a cloud had come and rained out her paraid of high spirits.Only to be a bit more serious when the food came,making sure it was safe then allowed Gaara to eat.She took her normal spot at the window seal eaiting quitely,staring down at her food.

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Old 07-26-2015, 01:34 AM

"Yep and when we left Naruto still didn't know about it. They're going out this evening on a picnic in the valley away from everyone and during the mid morning to afternoon. He really is trying to be sweet and romantic, it's totally cute" she heard more from Gai sensei about what Lee was doing. "Haha yea, but makes me wonder how far this will go?" Ahna spoke as they continued to run "Surprised you didn't it, especially considering I never thought she would give up on you know who" not saying his name to not give him that much respect. "I still gotta make a decision myself" she said out loud forgetting she wasn't thinking to herself


Gaara stood up leaving his foot still untouched as he walked over to the window seal next to Miyu "You're not useless" Gaara said taking her hand in his "You're always by my side and even take care of anyone who gets near me to harm, you're everything except useless in my eyes" Gaaara spoke reassuring her.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 01:47 AM

Kashi nodded then looked a bit said at the ,hint of Sauke.'i think,i will do her good,though i know her and Naruto have no intetion on giving up finding him...and bringing hime home",he then looked to her ."and your desision about what? you planning to head off as well?',he asked curious.


Miyu had been in mid bite of her food when she heard Gaara stand up.Her face was eatong up,though she coudlnt tell if it was from the spicey peice of food she just ate or from Gaara's acation.Her herd was yelling at her to tell him the truth,that she was doing this because she loved,and acred a lot about him.But her head was telling her to play it cool,and to get a grip,,he was teh Kage!it was his job to care about his people .... and he was kind to eveyone,even his fan club,who she loathed,He would,well,maybe,end up marrying in te future,to some,stunning girl in teh village...they were friends..and friends cared about each other.She smiled softly."thanks ",she said shyly,and before she did anything dumb she stood n dgently removing her hand grom his gentley shoved him back down into his seat."now eat up,we have a lot of work to do right?and our Kage needs to keep up his strength"

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:16 AM

"Nah, I thought about that before, but there wouldn't be much to do if I left. Besides be an assassin or a healer which I'm good at both to a point. Though I was recently asked out by someone and I haven't answered them just yet" actually she did, she turned them down, but she really wanted to know if Kakashi had any feelings for her. Though she didn't think that he did.


Gaara nodded going back to his food, though the one thing he never told anyone was that being the Kage was fine, the problem was stressful at times. He was the Kage, but that didn't mean he couldn't be like- oh wait it did. He wasn't like everyone else to begin with and now he felt even more distant from the people. "Miyu, your spirit shines more when you smile, and I like coming into work everyday just to see a smiling face staring back at me" he hinted, but didn't elaborate as he took a piece of a sushi role with soy sauce on it eating it.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 02:31 AM

Miyu was grtting ready to go back to teh window,once she was ure he had stared eating then froze blushing agin,this time she couldn't blame it on the food.She could hear the hint,but her brain wasn't quite registering that yet,min you her heart was do the biggest happy dance ever."Gaara ,why are you so kind to me? there are a lot of people here that think im a curse ,and are scared of me..granded they should be",she said looking thoughtful."and im one of the only peopel that work for you that you let them call you by your name,never Loard Gaara or Kage",she said softly.Witch was true,a lot of people here called him Kage or loard Gaara. But when she stared here she was automaticly calling him Gaara and had never been told by him to say other wise.She then thought of smothing that might make him smile."hey after we eat,want to take a break i want to show you somthing",she said sitting on part of his deck eating,Her face was still a bit red,but ,she didn't care.


Kakashi looked ot her."who asked you out?",he asi soudning kinda grumpy all of a sudden.

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:41 AM

Ahna thought that sounded odd considering it sounded like he didn't think anyone would ask her out. Now that was insulting, but maybe she was just over thinking things again. It wouldn't be the first time "Eh, Gai did, why?" She asked wanting to know more of the way he asked her.

"If you're a monster then so am I, so far this village has learned not all monsters are bad, and I do not see you as a monster" Gaara answered finishing a bite of his food. "People used to think I was a curse, they were so scared of me, some even tried to kill me alot of the time. But my spirit that resides in my protected me and others began to accept me." Gaara added listening to her continue "I would rather be called by my name than being called what I hear by everyone else every part of the day no matter where I go" minus Granny Chiyo, but she was the grandmother of him so it was normal for a grandmother not to be so formal. Gaara looked up curious to what she was going to show him "Alright, we can't do much until the leaf village gets here anyways" Gaara wondered how many people they were bringing out as he began to eat more of his food. Gaara finished his food and leaned back in the chair waiting for Miyu to finish hers.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 02:53 AM

Kakshi seemed to have growled."Gai.that old perverted fart! he does not deserve someone like you",he said as they stopped to take a small break."You deserve someone who knew you inside and out..."

Yukina resisted the erge to kiss his cheek in gratitude. But didn't want to push anything,just encase she was reading him wrong."great then its a dat-er plan,it sounds like a plan",she said slightly nervous and finished eating as fast as she could.She then wondered if the elders had told him about her ow beats,though he should know he was Kage."so,then did the elder tell you?",she asked softly as she got some things ready for where they were going.

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:03 AM

(Oh goddess wow, you really know how to bring the fangirl out in me don't you. I had to resist squealing since my younger brother is asleep on the living room floor with me in the same room XD )

Ahna stopped while leaning against a tree "Like who, you?" she asked now her attitude was kicking in and she was resisting the urge to say something else, though she wasn't upset with him about stating how he thought about that. "Oh screw this" Ahna said walking over to Kakashi with hair moving with her graceful steps, she pulled down his mask while her other hand went behind his head and she kissed him closing her eyes. For a moment she didn't move, but then she backed up not saying a word.

Gaara noticed the slip up, why did she change that so quickly he wondered. He never understood Tamari and Kankuro always said they would never understand girls at any age. "Tell me about what?" he did know about it, but he wasn't sure exactly to what she was referring to. "Where are we going?" he asked curiously like a child.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 03:13 AM

Miyu was blushing a bit.Then ha d a small look of worrie.Well if he didn;t know,he was about to.She looked away stuffing a pair of flashlights into a small bag."about my beats...",she said softly.Then blinked when he sounded like a kid.She perked up."It's a surprise you'll see when we get there,lets just say its a very special place to me.."

((ohhh you aint seen nothing yet*cue evil laughter*))

Kadashi,was taekn by surprise and he just stared at her,then grabbing her arms she pulled her to him,so thier faces were inches apart."duh",he said a in a low whisper ,but she could still feel the warmth of his braeth on her neck as he then kissed her back deeply,having wanted this as well for a long time..

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:19 AM

(You are wicked, you are totally effing wicked)

Gaara didn't confirm that he knew or didn't know as she said it was a special place so he would follow. Though he decided to get rid of the white robe he had to wear as Kage in order to blend in more as well as the hat. "Then let's go if you're ready" he stood up waiting to follow her.

Ahna returned the kiss fully wrapping both of her arms around his neck, only after a few moments did she break the kiss tightly hugging him glad she wasn't much taller, they were both the perfect height. "If you felt this way, why didn't you say anything? And I guess you got your second part of your present early" she whispered the last part, but knew he could hear her.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 03:27 AM

((hey i am good at why i do))

Miyu sighed when he didnt say anything."this way",she brushed it off and stared walking out and the two were in town,she stuck close to Gaara keeping her guard up but was able to relax once she got to familiar teritory. They came to a part of the village that wsnt used much,mainly because it had been abandoned when people found out what Miyu was.She stopped at a crach in a large stone/rock formaition and handed him a flash light."after you",she said softly though part of her frowned at an old pait job,from many years ago,with a picture on Miyu and the work monster writen on abbadoned home.

Kakashi gently stroked her cheek."i wanted to be sure you felt the same way, i dodnt want to ...tell you naything,until...i was sure...",he said trying to think of teh right way to rord it."i didn't want you to feel like i could only be the oen,not that i would be,lot's of guys wanted to ask you out"

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:37 AM

"I flirted with you everyday, I always get you special copies of Icha Icha Paradise early before they're released, and I'm always hanging around you. Doesn't that sound like someone who likes another more than just friends?" Ahna did alot for Kakashi, whatever she could, whenever she could. If he was upset, sad, or down in the dumps she would do something to make him smile or distract him. One time over a few months back she saw him get drunk and carried him all the way to her house since he passed out. He really did drink alot that night and she stayed with him until the next day including staying up all night to watch over him. "Yes they did, but everytime I turned them, I even turned Gai down, which wasn't a surprise really to him. I think he already knew I had my eyes on you" and she did.

Gaara followed her staying close to her as she did with him and along the way he said "Yes, I know about your inner spirit" he spoke nto saying beast or monster. Gaara was confused but took the flashlight "Thanks" he said in a whisper while he walked through the rock hole, but taking her hand so he would know where he was going, shining the light as he walked wondering what she was showing him or trying to.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 03:53 AM

Miyu was at ease haering him>'good",she then she was goig to wait for him to be in but he had taken her hand again.She was not use to the whole contact thing yet,but stpping though she smiled at the coolness from the hudge cave."this is where i grew up",she said softly."its how i trained my chakra to keep me cool hen im out in the sun all day....",she then lead him over to a spot where a bed was.A table......and some old art supplies long dried up.That was it."this was my house".,she said softly,cearly having no reca kection of her old home with her parents.On one of the far walls was her art work she had painted ....of a forest she had seen in a book,the sand village at sunser...of a desert flower.Then tere ws a raelly well detailded one of a young boy who looked a lot like Gaara holding out a oeice of fruit."and someone who saved life when i was growing up here",she said blushing a bit knowing full well who it was."But my favorite part ...",she took the flashlight from Gaara getly and went to a small latern she had made ,so the light would only shine in on directuon.She lit a match.when i was younger i was scared to leave the cave and be out in the village after dark,but always wanted to see the stars like i one of my books...i had",she then shut off the flash light and lit the latters,the light from the flame hit a peace of glass witche shot up to the sealing and suddenly the hole roof of the cave was glittering ,the graphite(?)sparkeled like a million stars i the night sky."so this was the closest thing i could get"

Kakashi smiled and kissed her forhead."i know,and i had the feeling but still you had lots of options",he said softly then blinked as they both could sware they could hear thier Kage yelling at them,'finally you too, this is sweet and all,but uh,did you both FORGET YOU HAVE AN IMPORTMANT MISSION TO GET ON!!!!!

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:59 AM

Gaara was silent "Is this where you stay now?" he asked then took something out of his pocked as he glanced around, though it wasn't bad for the graphite since it sparkled in the light. However she stayed along after all this time, making him wonder why did she live like this, and why did he live in more luxury than her. "Remember this?" Gaara asked taking the hand he had held before placing the same small object from when he thanked her for the food before in the past when they were kids in the alley way.

"I don't want options, I want you, now come on before we get yelled at big time" Ahna spoke taking his hand to run again with him. "Oh and even though you got your gift early, you better not die on my on this mission" she warned him, not because of her power, but because they still had to go on a date and would be together starting now.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 04:07 AM

Miuy smiled some."nope,now i stay on your roof"Okay so it wasnt ...well..okay it wanst as good as the cave since there was 0 shelter there,but if it ment Gaara's saftey the so be it.She then blinked as he place somthing in her hand and stared down at it.She blushed deeply."yeah i do",she then blinked a bit more. ...3..2....1'WAIT YOU KNEW!!!!!!",she snapped at himthen slugged him in the arm,playfully mind you,if she had ment to hit him har there would have been a new sky light in the cave."All this time you knew and you didnt sta too words to em!!!",she looked reaaalllyyy mad.Then again ...she wasss the only persin in the samd willage with natally white hair,well,that wasnt old that is.

Kakashi nodded.Then ran along."oh i wont but the same goes for you",he orderd

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Old 07-26-2015, 04:40 PM

"Don't worry, Kashi. I am not that easy to kill" Ahna smiled ready to get to this mission, but couldn't wait until they could rest for the night. During the days they would run, but during the night they would have to sleep sometime.

Gaara wasn't happy about where she decided to stay and figured she was only up there for a short time then went home. But now it made him change a few of this thoughts. Gaara chuckled at her reaction "Why would I say anything, seeing your reaction now was a lot cuter than I could have imagined" Gaara laughed a little, but not being rude.

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Old 07-26-2015, 10:21 PM

Miyu was blushing a bit more at his reaction and was gld to hear him laugh a little. She smiled some and."wjat's with the compliments today Gaara ,it's not liek you",she grinned,yep,now it was her turn to tease him a bit.Seh then smiled softly ."we should head back soon,everyone is goung to wonder where you ran of too"

Kakashi blinked."its been a while since you've just called me Kashi",he aid giving her hand a gentle sqweeze

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Old 07-26-2015, 11:08 PM

"Yes, well at first I thought you and Anko were going out, she did ask you out, but I never found out if you refused her or not. So I quit with the pet names" she wasn't one to fight over a boy or a man, but if she had to she would have won him back over. "Besides, I like calling you Kashi" she said cutely.

"Would you rather I be moody and grumpy while around you? I can do that if you want, but I'm not sure how it would be taken" Gaara teased back, though he knew he had to return. "True, they'd probably think I was kidnapped, we did leave without notice again" Gaara shook his head, he was going to sound like a bad Kage, if he kept this up. "Hopefully three days will go quickly, would prefer to have the leaf village here, who did they send over?" starting to walk back, but this time not yet holding her hand.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 07-26-2015, 11:18 PM

Miyu follwed beside him,kinda frowning when he didn't take her ahd agin,so insaed put them behinde her back."nah i like it when you smile and laugh...its rare ,from what i've heard so i take seeing this side of you a great honnor" she smiled softly and started to watch the sky as they headed back for his office.:Kakashi and a girk named Ahna",she said softly.

Kakashi blinked and smiled."i had eyes for you so i didnt want to say yes to nayone can call me that,but you and only you....nd nor infront of the oters"

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Old 07-26-2015, 11:35 PM

"Oh not in front of others, why not?" Ahna asked in a teasing voice though it must have been one of the few reason she could think of. One if someone though they cared for each other, that could put each other in danger letting the enemies know their weakness. Two, it would be too distracting while on a mission (lesser of each), and three it was embarrassing enough that he didn't want to be known by it.

Gaara smiled a little bit, though when they came around people he decided not to smile too much, unless it was to the children not yet sick. However, they made it back to the office and he sat back down, he really needed to put more focus into this illness that was going around. "Ah, yes I've heard of her, but not much. She'll be interesting to learn about since her file doesn't say much about her, though she learned from Kakashi himself, and trained with Gai in different areas." that was all he knew about the girl, that was all the current leaf village ninja knew about her.

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Old 07-26-2015, 11:51 PM

Miyu frowned when Gaara stopped smiling but the realized they were with other people and put her guard up..She was mentally scolding herself for thinong that.Once back in his office Miyu nodded."that's all i know too",she said softly taking some of his work load ansd was looking it over,then was starting to notice a pattern.Setting the papers down she stood and went to one of the book shelfs and pulled out a book on plants and started to go though it.

Kakashi blinked."i don't care if people know about us,the nick name though,that,that is one thing we should keep between us"


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