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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-31-2014, 06:42 PM

The walk rip the office wad longer than she thought, but alkyl the coil paintings and redesigned animals made up for it. First day of schools SMS she already gaffe two best fronds. "once we get weights, do tout think they'll put us in classes or houses?" She couldn't wait to find out.
Bouncing dork the hall she held tight to her shortener. Maybe threes merry cute boots too.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-01-2014, 02:30 PM

((Yeah, I am only going to trod that gingerly.))

Kitalia looked at the two girls that she had come into the school with. They had accepted her so easily despite the fact that she was very brass and cold by nature. She couldn't help but like them, even though she would never admit it.

["once we get weights, do tout think they'll put us in classes or houses?"] Kitalia raised an eyebrow at the girl, these two girls where both very nutty. "I think Houses, but I am sure we won't go to them until after dinner" she raised an eyebrow at the girl and then after a moment could no longer contain herself, "Why pray tell are you carrying around three separate miss matched boots?"


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-27-2014, 01:01 PM

Suzuka tore her eyes away from the cluttered wall when Crystal asked about the what they would do after the weighing. She too wanted to know where they were likely to head next. "Oohh, dinner..." she sighed longingly. She had had a bite to eat on the train but that seemed such a long time ago. A snack would be nice... Pushing her hungry thoughts aside, Suzuka looked over at Crystal. That was a very good question. Crystal didn't seem to have a third leg that she could see, what was she going to do with three boots?

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 05-07-2014, 04:53 AM

Username: Mythos
Name: Kuma
Race: Apparently he is a pink panda bear

Powers/Abilities: Well Kuma is as strong as a bear which, technically counts as being superhuman, doesn't it? Kuma is very intelligent for a panda bear and generally just gestures in order to communicate with others instead of talking-- whether he can do that or not remains to be seen. He attends classes and for whatever reason the teachers don't seem to notice anything which makes him seem different than any other student.
Personality: Kuma can be pretty lazy when it comes to sports, is timid about swimming and does his best when it comes to school work. He can be the protective big brother or the wobbily eyed little brother depending on the situation but for the most part... expect a panda.
History: Kuma was captured by men who looked for special animals for the zoo and they brought him to the zoo in town but he escaped. Through spectacular means he managed to get accepted into the magical school but, on what should have been his first day in class, a sorcerer decided to cause some mayhem by making Kuma grow to an incredible size. We're talking 20 feet tall!

Kuma covered his eyes as the brilliant flash of the spell washed over him. He hadn't provoked the attack at all and yet here he was, the victim of some vicious spell! At first nothing seemed to happen and he dared peek at the gnarled old man but the second he did so Kuma started growing. Fast. In a matter of seconds his weight crushed the stone he had been standing on and before Kuma could blink he was starting to disrupt the tree which had been so far above him. It wasn't until the now massive bear had reached the height of a two story building that the spell seemed to finally let up and the old sorcerer, pleased with his trick, vanished into the panicking crowd.

Kuma, of course, was also panicking... he was suppose to attend class! He clapped a paw over his maw and waved the other one anxiously before him. His nervous dancing about shook the ground around the school violently.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-07-2014 at 11:47 AM..


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