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jupiter is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 07:43 AM

//starry eyes
Krissy, you're so sweet!

And I love your... boudoir.

Krissy is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 07:48 AM

Well, I felt it necessary to credit the people who inspire my avatars. Because sometimes, just being inspired by just plain old items doesn't do it for me. I need to see said item in action at times in order for me to go in awe over it. If that makes sense! ^^; I just wanted to give credit where credit was due.

Thank you! ^//^ I hope I can expand my outfits a bit more when I get the chance. *nod.*

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jupiter is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 01:26 AM

I think you do a wonderful job. I've nominated you enough times in User's Pick that I have a folder with your username on it.

Krissy is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 03:33 AM

Sad to say, I only have my recent avatars saved from that point. >_< I never really had note-worthy avatars until a few months ago.

Thank you, by the way. ^^ I'm honored that you find my avatars worth the nomination! Really, it does mean a lot.

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jupiter is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 05:15 AM

Aw, it's my pleasure, really.
I would love, love, adore more head flowers and blooms. And big geisha decorations.~

I would make crazy avatars all over the place with the ability to equip multiple blooms.

Krissy is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 04:59 PM

It would be nice to get more flower based items! ^_^ I do enjoy them so. For good reason; flower items are always so pretty. Underrated, but pretty.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 10:03 PM

Aw, I remember that Admin's Pick! You looked awesome in what was available back then. :)

Krissy is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 10:41 PM

Thank you! :3 That was the avatar I made so I could show off the crown I just got. Back then, 9k was hard to get. xD I've been thinking about remaking it.

Krissy is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 12:33 AM

Alert the press; I made an avatar with peach skin! Not base four or gimmick (zombie, corpse, gold, white etc etc) skin!

It's been about three years since I've used the peach skin bases and not tan... xD

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 10:19 AM

It feels great, doesn't it? A base can really change an avatar.
I love using the tan skin tones, even the darker ones. But now I'm really into the lighter and more fair tones with all the pinks and greens of summer.

I do just adore your outfit you have now, though. I caught only a glimpse of it in the User's Pick thread, but didn't really return to the thread to check out who it was. I recognized the lips and ears, funnily enough. It has such a sultry look to it.

Krissy is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 11:08 PM

It really can. This avatar just didn't look as pleasing tan. Which is odd, because I loooove the tan skin.

I notice that you really pull off the darker skin tones well! It's a really stunning contrast to the colors on the avatar. One would think it would make the skin overpower the items, but you make it work extremely well. This avatar is my favorite:

Thank you! I've been meaning to make a fondant/pink avatar for awhile. I actually originally had this avatar as a tan base, but it just seemed off. And once I discovered the lip glitch, I was like, "Ooooh, white lips! That'll work!" And I also love the chilly ears, too... So cute... <3333

I really love making animal avatars the most... > w<;;

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 11:14 PM

Aw, thank you! That avatar--if I'm not incorrect--was also featured as one of the avatars that uses the new collectible items when they announce the release. I was really pleased and still on my witchy kick.
And, you're completely right in my opinion. A base can really change the outcome of an avatar.
Plus, with the new feature for the dual hair colours, the possibilities of matching and contrasting are almost limitless. It's a shame that the new skins we get from items can't work with the eyes.

The lips are a great touch, and they match so well with the cute tail and ears and the bluish hue.
You were nominated for User's Pick, too, this week, right?

Krissy is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 11:48 PM

Oooh, right on! o: I can see why, though. I think the hair is just perfect for the theme, too! It fits really well. It's truly a simple but lovely avatar. You have the ability to make simple avatars look more than just that. I wish I could do that without piling on the items, haha.

Yeah, it's sad that you can't see the eyes behind the skin, but perhaps that will change in the future. I was thinking about posting about that in the Site Feedback, considering that if people do not want eyes for regular bases, they just toggle them away.

Thank you~ > w<

Yeah, by the lovely neller. I always surprised when I get nominated... xD It's very ego boosting, yet humbling at the same time.

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 07:08 AM

Really? I love it when you do! Because then I can vote, fufufufu.~
I think I only really feel guilty when I don't vote for the avatars I nominated. And I am so prideful when the avatars I nominate win. I get to gloat to myself for having such an eye.~

And, you have got to be kidding me! I was ready to make this post and tell you all the avatars from your closet that I absolutely adore (because I love them all) and I see your current avatar; Krissy it's gorgeous! I'm blown away by the smooth pink and that yellow! What a great combination!
I totally have it saved for the next round of nominations.


I totally love these colours. It's very cotton-candy.

I'm not always a fan of the monochrome avatars, so I think that the skin base you chose is what really makes me just love this one. I love the balance, the cute touch with the ear, all of it. Marvelous work! Even that tattoo and belts on the leg are cool; I can see this being drawn as a character.

It's those eyes. I really love that combination; it doesn't make them look startled, but actually very mysterious and it adds to that entire woodland/nymph/spirit guide theme that I get from it.

Now that I'm done fawning over your avatars again.~

Last edited by jupiter; 08-07-2011 at 07:11 AM..

Krissy is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 07:23 AM

Well, I've been here since 2007. And the Users' Pick has been around 2008. I've only recently been nominated; February of this year, in fact. To be fair, I was away from Mene quite often... xD So it's very nice to get so many compliments about my avatars. It really does mean a lot. <3

Really? Thank you! I was playing around with making this avatar for awhile; and I just purchased my Bee Slippers and Headphones back today! o: I sold them when I came back recently for some extra meso at the time, but... I missed them so I bought them back. *nod.*

I'm having issues deciding which hold item to keep. The umbrella or the star catcher...

And again, thank you for your kinds words! It encourages me to know that you think so highly of my avatars. ^__^ The ones you posted are actually a few of my favorites. ^_^ I do notice though, that 99% of the time, I have either white, black or both shades on my avatar. Haha, I suppose they are my favorite "colors". :3

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 08:38 AM

I'm a personal fan of the one with the star catcher.

I think I use quite a bit of teal and atlantis with brown. And I love to use the pink, too. I recently re-organized my inventory so that those colours--as it's how my inventory is organized--were in the very first page or two so that they're easy to access. Then it's white, because I just adore all the white fluff. Then I think it's gold, and from then on a medley of other colours. I used to use only strictly white and gold items, then expanded to blue and silver, but now I like to use browns.~

I take long absences, too. When I first joined, one of the only users I ever spoke with was named Lilithia. It was when she was having her wedding, I think.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 10:31 AM

Great avatars Krissy. I like remaking/evolving avatars too. I like how you start somewhere then polish it.

Krissy is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
I'm a personal fan of the one with the star catcher.

I think I use quite a bit of teal and atlantis with brown. And I love to use the pink, too. I recently re-organized my inventory so that those colours--as it's how my inventory is organized--were in the very first page or two so that they're easy to access. Then it's white, because I just adore all the white fluff. Then I think it's gold, and from then on a medley of other colours. I used to use only strictly white and gold items, then expanded to blue and silver, but now I like to use browns.~

I take long absences, too. When I first joined, one of the only users I ever spoke with was named Lilithia. It was when she was having her wedding, I think.
Hm, yeah... I think that I need some kind of gold in my hand to balance it out.

I do adore the teal colors with pink! They contrast each other very well. :] But, I'm glad you're using brown. I think it's such an underrated color to be honest. xD It's all the primaries combined, yet doesn't get the attention it deserves like black or white.

I've been slowly expanding my common inventory. Which is a good thing. In fact, my nature avatar is what made me break and try yellow. It's something I've neglected for years.

I think I remember her. o: I mainly hung out in the Exchange; not a lot of people are still here that I talk to, though. Some were banned, most left in general. Though I see a few coming back lately, so that really makes me happy. ^^ I... found it rather uneasy to try to make friends again. xD;; Because there were so many faces I didn't know...

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Great avatars Krissy. I like remaking/evolving avatars too. I like how you start somewhere then polish it.
Thank you very much! I really can tweak my avatars like crazy until I finally get an end result I'm happy with, so I figured why not show the process of that? The two up right now are avatars that I tweaked that I happened to have saved, but now I'm going to be sure to save the tweaks when I get the chance. *nod.*

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 12:17 AM

Yup, that's how I feel too. It's neat to watch the artistic process that goes on behind making an avatar.

Krissy is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 09:38 AM

Ah, it's a good thing I reserved all of the front page. I keep thinking of posts to add. xD;;

Nephila: I agree! It's good to see the start and finished project. It's like a painting that is missing just a few details (probably only noticeable to the artist at the time) and then once the final details are added, it is then complete.

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 09:39 AM

I do it all the time. n____n
I have a few basic avatars, and when new items are released that fit the same colour theme, then I'll add them on.

Krissy is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
I do it all the time. n____n
I have a few basic avatars, and when new items are released that fit the same colour theme, then I'll add them on.
Yeah, it's nice to be able to update an avatar once new items come out! I think I squeed with joy when I saw the new commons in the Special Event store. xD;

I'm just going to leave this here.

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jupiter is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 09:57 AM

Aw, I remember that one! teehee
Oh goodness, it took me forever to settle on the hair I wanted to keep. n_____n;;

Krissy is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 10:12 AM

Hair is one of the things that can make or break an avatar. So it makes sense why one would spend so much time on it. I find that the highlight color can be a tad bit picky at times when it comes to me wanting a specific color.. xD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 11:28 PM

Yeah I like playing around wit it and try different colours. Imagine if we dyed our hair different for every outfit in real life. XD


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